function __ti($text)
    $sanitize_text = tie_sanitize_title(htmlspecialchars($text));
    if (tie_get_option($sanitize_text)) {
        return htmlspecialchars_decode(tie_get_option($sanitize_text));
    } else {
        return __($text, 'tie');
function tie_panel_options()
    $categories_obj = get_categories('hide_empty=0');
    $categories = array();
    foreach ($categories_obj as $pn_cat) {
        $categories[$pn_cat->cat_ID] = $pn_cat->cat_name;
    $checked = 'checked="checked"';
    $save = '
	<div class="mpanel-submit">
		<input type="hidden" name="action" value="test_theme_data_save" />
        <input type="hidden" name="security" value="' . wp_create_nonce("test-theme-data") . '" />
		<input name="save" class="mpanel-save button button-primary button-large" type="submit" value="' . __("Save Changes", 'tie') . '" />    
<div id="save-alert"></div>

<div class="mo-panel">

	<div class="mo-panel-tabs">
		<a href="#" target="_blank" class="tie-logo"></a>
			<li class="tie-tabs general"><a href="#tab1"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-admin-settings tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('General Settings', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs header"><a href="#tab9"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-schedule tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Header Settings', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs archives"><a href="#tab12"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-exerpt-view tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Archives Settings', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs article"><a href="#tab6"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-media-text tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Posts Settings', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs sidebars"><a href="#tab11"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-slides tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Sidebars', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs footer"><a href="#tab7"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-editor-insertmore tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Footer Settings', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs banners"><a href="#tab8"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-megaphone tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Ads Settings', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs styling"><a href="#tab13"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-admin-appearance tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Styling', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs typography"><a href="#tab14"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-editor-italic tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Typography', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs translations"><a href="#tab20"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-editor-textcolor tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Translations', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs Social"><a href="#tab4"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-networking tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Social Networking', 'tie');
			<li class="tie-tabs advanced"><a href="#tab10"><span class="dashicons-before dashicons-admin-tools tie-icon-menu"></span><?php 
    _e('Advanced', 'tie');
		<div class="clear"></div>
	</div> <!-- .mo-panel-tabs -->
	<div class="mo-panel-content">
	<form action="/" name="tie_form" id="tie_form">
		<div id="tab1" class="tabs-wrap">
    _e('General Settings', 'tie');
</h2> <?php 
    echo $save;
    if (class_exists('bbPress')) {
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
        _e('bbPress Settings', 'tie');
        tie_options(array("name" => __('bbPress Full width', 'tie'), "id" => "bbpress_full", "type" => "checkbox"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Theme Layout', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
    $tie_theme_layout = tie_get_option('theme_layout');
					<ul id="tie_theme_layout" class="tie-options">
							<input id="tie_theme_layout" name="tie_options[theme_layout]" type="radio" value="boxed" <?php 
    if ($tie_theme_layout == 'boxed' || !$tie_theme_layout) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/boxed.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_layout" name="tie_options[theme_layout]" type="radio" value="boxed-all" <?php 
    if ($tie_theme_layout == 'boxed-all') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/boxed-all.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_layout" name="tie_options[theme_layout]" type="radio" value="full" <?php 
    if ($tie_theme_layout == 'full') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/full.png" /></a>
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom Favicon', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Favicon', 'tie'), "id" => "favicon", "type" => "upload"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom Gravatar', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Gravatar', 'tie'), "id" => "gravatar", "type" => "upload"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Apple Icons', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Apple iPhone Icon', 'tie'), "id" => "apple_iphone", "type" => "upload", "extra_text" => __('Icon for Apple iPhone (57px x 57px)', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Apple iPhone Retina Icon', 'tie'), "id" => "apple_iphone_retina", "type" => "upload", "extra_text" => __('Icon for Apple iPhone Retina Version (120px x 120px)', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Apple iPad Icon', 'tie'), "id" => "apple_iPad", "type" => "upload", "extra_text" => __('Icon for Apple iPhone (72px x 72px)', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Apple iPad Retina Icon', 'tie'), "id" => "apple_iPad_retina", "type" => "upload", "extra_text" => __('Icon for Apple iPad Retina Version (144px x 144px)', 'tie')));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Time format', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Time format for blog posts', 'tie'), "id" => "time_format", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("traditional" => __('Traditional', 'tie'), "modern" => __('Time Ago Format', 'tie'), "none" => __('Disable all', 'tie'))));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Lightbox Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Enable Lightbox Automatically', 'tie'), "extra_text" => __('Enable Lightbox automatically for all images linked to an image file in the post content area', 'tie'), "id" => "lightbox_all", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Enable Lightbox for WordPress Galleries', 'tie'), "extra_text" => __('Enable Lightbox automatically for all images added via [gallery] shortcode in the content area', 'tie'), "id" => "lightbox_gallery", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Lightbox Skin', 'tie'), "id" => "lightbox_skin", "type" => "select", "options" => array('dark' => 'dark', 'light' => 'light', 'smooth' => 'smooth', 'metro-black' => 'metro-black', 'metro-white' => 'metro-white', 'mac' => 'mac')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Lightbox Thumbnail Position', 'tie'), "id" => "lightbox_thumbs", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("vertical" => __('Vertical', 'tie'), "horizontal" => __('Horizontal', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Show Lightbox Arrows', 'tie'), "id" => "lightbox_arrows", "type" => "checkbox"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Breadcrumbs Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Breadcrumbs', 'tie'), "id" => "breadcrumbs", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Breadcrumbs Delimiter', 'tie'), "id" => "breadcrumbs_delimiter", "type" => "short-text"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Header Code', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
    _e('The following code will add to the &lt;head&gt; tag. Useful if you need to add additional codes such as CSS or JS.', 'tie');
					<textarea id="header_code" name="tie_options[header_code]" style="width:100%" rows="7"><?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars_decode(tie_get_option('header_code'));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Footer Code', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
    _e('The following code will add to the footer before the closing  &lt;/body&gt; tag. Useful if you need to add Javascript or tracking code.', 'tie');
					<textarea id="footer_code" name="tie_options[footer_code]" style="width:100%" rows="7"><?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars_decode(tie_get_option('footer_code'));
		<div id="tab9" class="tabs-wrap">
    _e('Header Settings', 'tie');
</h2> <?php 
    echo $save;
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Logo', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Logo Settings', 'tie'), "id" => "logo_setting", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("logo" => __('Custom Image Logo', 'tie'), "title" => __('Display Site Title', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Logo Image', 'tie'), "id" => "logo", "help" => __('Upload a logo image, or enter URL to an image if it is already uploaded. the theme default logo gets applied if the input field is left blank.', 'tie'), "type" => "upload", "extra_text" => __('Recommended size (MAX) : 190px x 60px', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Logo Image (Retina Version @2x)', 'tie'), "id" => "logo_retina", "type" => "upload", "extra_text" => __('Please choose an image file for the retina version of the logo. It should be 2x the size of main logo.', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Standard Logo Width for Retina Logo', 'tie'), "id" => "logo_retina_width", "type" => "short-text", "extra_text" => __('If retina logo is uploaded, please enter the standard logo (1x) version width, do not enter the retina logo width.', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Standard Logo Height for Retina Logo', 'tie'), "id" => "logo_retina_height", "type" => "short-text", "extra_text" => __('If retina logo is uploaded, please enter the standard logo (1x) version height, do not enter the retina logo height.', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Logo Margin Top', 'tie'), "id" => "logo_margin", "type" => "slider", "help" => __('Input number to set the top space of the logo.', 'tie'), "unit" => "px", "max" => 100, "min" => 0));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Logo Margin Bottom', 'tie'), "id" => "logo_margin_bottom", "type" => "slider", "help" => __('Input number to set the bottom space of the logo.', 'tie'), "unit" => "px", "max" => 100, "min" => 0));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Full Width Logo', 'tie'), "id" => "full_logo", "type" => "checkbox", "extra_text" => __('Recommended logo width : 1045px', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Center the Logo', 'tie'), "id" => "center_logo", "type" => "checkbox"));


			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Header Top area Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Top menu', 'tie'), "id" => "top_menu", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __("Today's Date", 'tie'), "id" => "top_date", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __("Today's Date Format", 'tie'), "id" => "todaydate_format", "type" => "text", "extra_text" => '<a target="_blank" href="">' . __('Documentation on date and time formatting', 'tie') . '</a>'));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Search', 'tie'), "id" => "top_search", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Live Search', 'tie'), "id" => "live_search", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Social Icons', 'tie'), "id" => "top_social", "type" => "checkbox"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Main Nav Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Main Nav', 'tie'), "id" => "main_nav", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Random Article Button', 'tie'), "id" => "random_article", "type" => "checkbox"));
    if (class_exists('Woocommerce')) {
        tie_options(array("name" => __('Shopping Cart', 'tie'), "id" => "shopping_cart", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Stick The Navigation menu', 'tie'), "id" => "stick_nav", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Logo in the sticky Navigation menu', 'tie'), "id" => "nav_logo", "type" => "upload"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Responsive Mobile Menu Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Enable the Mobile Menu', 'tie'), "id" => "mobile_menu_active", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Search', 'tie'), "id" => "mobile_menu_search", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Social Icons', 'tie'), "id" => "mobile_menu_social", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Show the Top Menu items in the Mobile Menu below the Main Menu items ?', 'tie'), "id" => "mobile_menu_top", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Enable Mobile Menu Items Icons', 'tie'), "id" => "mobile_menu_hide_icons", "type" => "checkbox"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Breaking News', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Enable', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_news", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Show in Homepage Only', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_home", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Animation Effect', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_effect", "type" => "select", "options" => array('fade' => __('Fade', 'tie'), 'slide' => __('Slide', 'tie'), 'ticker' => __('Ticker', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Animation Speed', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_speed", "type" => "slider", "unit" => "ms", "max" => 40000, "min" => 100));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Time between the fades', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_time", "type" => "slider", "unit" => "ms", "max" => 40000, "min" => 100));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Breaking News Query Type', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_type", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("category" => __('Categories', 'tie'), "tag" => __('Tags', 'tie'), "custom" => __('Custom Text', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Number of posts to show', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_number", "type" => "short-text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Breaking News Tags', 'tie'), "help" => __('Enter a tag name, or names separated by comma.', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_tag", "type" => "text"));

					<div class="option-item" id="breaking_cat-item">
						<span class="label"><?php 
    _e('Breaking News Categories', 'tie');
						<br /><small><?php 
    _e('Hold CTRL while selecting to select multiple categories.', 'tie');
							<select multiple="multiple" name="tie_options[breaking_cat][]" id="tie_breaking_cat">
    foreach ($categories as $key => $option) {
								<option value="<?php 
        echo $key;
" <?php 
        if (@in_array($key, tie_get_option('breaking_cat'))) {
            echo ' selected="selected"';
        echo $option;
			<div class="tiepanel-item" id="breaking_custom-item">
    _e('Breaking News Custom Text', 'tie');
					<div class="option-item" >
						<span class="label" style="width:40px"><?php 
    _e('Text', 'tie');
						<input id="custom_text" type="text" size="56" style="direction:ltr; text-laign:left; width:200px; float:left" name="custom_text" value="" />
						<span class="label" style="width:40px; margin-left:10px;"><?php 
    _e('Link', 'tie');
						<input id="custom_link" type="text" size="56" style="direction:ltr; text-laign:left; width:200px; float:left" name="custom_link" value="" />
						<input id="TextAdd"  class="button" type="button" value="Add" />
						<ul id="customList" style="margin-top:15px;">
    $breaking_custom = tie_get_option('breaking_custom');
    $custom_count = 0;
    if ($breaking_custom) {
        foreach ($breaking_custom as $custom_text) {
								<div class="widget-head">
									<a href="<?php 
            echo $custom_text['link'];
" target="_blank"><?php 
            echo $custom_text['text'];
									<input name="tie_options[breaking_custom][<?php 
            echo $custom_count;
][link]" type="hidden" value="<?php 
            echo $custom_text['link'];
" />
									<input name="tie_options[breaking_custom][<?php 
            echo $custom_count;
][text]" type="hidden" value="<?php 
            echo $custom_text['text'];
" />
									<a class="del-custom-text"></a></div>
							var customnext = <?php 
    echo $custom_count + 1;
		</div> <!-- Header Settings -->
		<div id="tab4" class="tabs-wrap">
    _e('Social Networking', 'tie');
</h2> <?php 
    echo $save;

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom Feed URL', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('RSS Icon', 'tie'), "id" => "rss_icon", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Feed URL', 'tie'), "id" => "rss_url", "help" => "e.g.", "type" => "text"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Social Networking', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Facebook URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "facebook", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Twitter URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "twitter", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Google+ URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "google_plus", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Dribbble URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "dribbble", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('LinkedIn URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "linkedin", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Evernote URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "evernote", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Dropbox URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "dropbox", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Flickr URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "flickr", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Picasa Web URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "picasa", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('DeviantArt URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "deviantart", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('YouTube URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "youtube", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Grooveshark URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "grooveshark", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Vimeo URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "vimeo", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('ShareThis URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "sharethis", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('500px URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "px500", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Skype URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "skype", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Digg URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "digg", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Reddit URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "reddit", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Delicious URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "delicious", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('StumbleUpon  URL', 'tie'), "key" => "stumbleupon", "id" => "social", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Tumblr URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "tumblr", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Blogger URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "blogger", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('WordPress URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "wordpress", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Yelp URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "yelp", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __(' URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "lastfm", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Apple URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "apple", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('FourSquare URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "foursquare", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Github URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "github", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('SoundCloud URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "soundcloud", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('XING URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "xing", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Google Play URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "google_play", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Pinterest URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "Pinterest", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Instagram URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "instagram", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Spotify URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "spotify", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('PayPal URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "paypal", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Forrst URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "forrst", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Behance URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "behance", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Viadeo URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "viadeo", "type" => "arrayText"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __(' URL', 'tie'), "id" => "social", "key" => "vk", "type" => "arrayText"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom Social Network', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Title', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_title_1", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Icon (use full Font Awesome name)', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_icon_1", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('URL', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_url_1", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Color', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_color_1", "type" => "color"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom Social Network', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Title', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_title_2", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Icon (use full Font Awesome name)', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_icon_2", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('URL', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_url_2", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Color', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_color_2", "type" => "color"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom Social Network', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Title', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_title_3", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Icon (use full Font Awesome name)', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_icon_3", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('URL', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_url_3", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Color', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_color_3", "type" => "color"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom Social Network', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Title', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_title_4", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Icon (use full Font Awesome name)', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_icon_4", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('URL', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_url_4", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Color', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_color_4", "type" => "color"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom Social Network', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Title', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_title_5", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Icon (use full Font Awesome name)', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_icon_5", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('URL', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_url_5", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Color', 'tie'), "id" => "custom_social_color_5", "type" => "color"));
		</div><!-- Social Networking -->
		<div id="tab6" class="tab_content tabs-wrap">
    _e('Posts Settings', 'tie');
</h2> <?php 
    echo $save;
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Posts Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Show Featured Image By Default', 'tie'), "id" => "post_featured", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Author Box', 'tie'), "id" => "post_authorbio", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Next/Prev Articles', 'tie'), "id" => "post_nav", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('OG Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "post_og_cards", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Reading Position Indicator', 'tie'), "id" => "reading_indicator", "type" => "checkbox"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">

    _e('Post Meta Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "post_meta", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Author Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "post_author", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Date Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "post_date", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Categories Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "post_cats", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Comments Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "post_comments", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Tags Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "post_tags", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Views Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "post_views", "type" => "checkbox"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">

    _e('Share Post Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Bottom Share Post Buttons', 'tie'), "id" => "share_post", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Top Share Post Buttons', 'tie'), "id" => "share_post_top", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Share Buttons for Pages', 'tie'), "id" => "share_buttons_pages", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Share Buttons type', 'tie'), "id" => "share_post_type", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("counters" => __('Buttons with counters', 'tie'), "flat" => __('Flat Buttons', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __("Use the post's Short Link", 'tie'), "id" => "share_shortlink", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Tweet Button', 'tie'), "id" => "share_tweet", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Twitter Username <small>(optional)</small>', 'tie'), "id" => "share_twitter_username", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Facebook Like Button', 'tie'), "id" => "share_facebook", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Google+ Button', 'tie'), "id" => "share_google", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('LinkedIn Button', 'tie'), "id" => "share_linkdin", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('StumbleUpon Button', 'tie'), "id" => "share_stumble", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Pinterest Button', 'tie'), "id" => "share_pinterest", "type" => "checkbox"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">

    _e('Related Posts Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Related Posts', 'tie'), "id" => "related", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Related Posts Position', 'tie'), "id" => "related_position", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("in" => __('In the post content area', 'tie'), "below" => __('Below the post area', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Number of posts to show', 'tie'), "id" => "related_number", "type" => "short-text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Number of posts to show in Full width pages', 'tie'), "id" => "related_number_full", "type" => "short-text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Query Type', 'tie'), "id" => "related_query", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("category" => __('Posts in the same Categories', 'tie'), "tag" => __('Posts in the same Tags', 'tie'), "author" => __('Posts by the same Author', 'tie'))));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">

    _e('Fly Check Also Box', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Check Also Box', 'tie'), "id" => "check_also", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Check Also Box Position', 'tie'), "id" => "check_also_position", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("right" => __('Right', 'tie'), "left" => __('Left', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Number of posts to show', 'tie'), "id" => "check_also_number", "type" => "short-text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Query Type', 'tie'), "id" => "check_also_query", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("category" => __('Posts in the same Categories', 'tie'), "tag" => __('Posts in the same Tags', 'tie'), "author" => __('Posts by the same Author', 'tie'))));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">

    _e('jQuery Comments Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Adding Comment Validation', 'tie'), "id" => "comment_validation", "type" => "checkbox"));
		</div> <!-- Article Settings -->
		<div id="tab7" class="tabs-wrap">
    _e('Footer Settings', 'tie');
</h2> <?php 
    echo $save;

			<div class="tiepanel-item">

    _e('Footer Elements', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Go To Top Button', 'tie'), "id" => "footer_top", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Social Icons', 'tie'), "id" => "footer_social", "type" => "checkbox"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Footer Widgets layout', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Footer Widgets', 'tie'), "id" => "footer_widgets_enable", "type" => "checkbox"));
					<div class="option-item">
    $tie_footer_widgets = tie_get_option('footer_widgets');
					<ul id="footer-widgets-options" class="tie-options">
							<input id="tie_footer_widgets"  name="tie_options[footer_widgets]" type="radio" value="footer-1c" <?php 
    if ($tie_footer_widgets == 'footer-1c') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/footer-1c.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_footer_widgets"  name="tie_options[footer_widgets]" type="radio" value="footer-2c" <?php 
    if ($tie_footer_widgets == 'footer-2c') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/footer-2c.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_footer_widgets"  name="tie_options[footer_widgets]" type="radio" value="narrow-wide-2c" <?php 
    if ($tie_footer_widgets == 'narrow-wide-2c') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/footer-2c-narrow-wide.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_footer_widgets"  name="tie_options[footer_widgets]" type="radio" value="wide-narrow-2c" <?php 
    if ($tie_footer_widgets == 'wide-narrow-2c') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/footer-2c-wide-narrow.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_footer_widgets"  name="tie_options[footer_widgets]" type="radio" value="footer-3c" <?php 
    if ($tie_footer_widgets == 'footer-3c' || !$tie_footer_widgets) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/footer-3c.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_footer_widgets"  name="tie_options[footer_widgets]" type="radio" value="wide-left-3c" <?php 
    if ($tie_footer_widgets == 'wide-left-3c') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/footer-3c-wide-left.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_footer_widgets"  name="tie_options[footer_widgets]" type="radio" value="wide-right-3c" <?php 
    if ($tie_footer_widgets == 'wide-right-3c') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/footer-3c-wide-right.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_footer_widgets"  name="tie_options[footer_widgets]" type="radio" value="footer-4c" <?php 
    if ($tie_footer_widgets == 'footer-4c') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/footer-4c.png" /></a>
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Footer Text One', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
					<textarea id="tie_footer_one" name="tie_options[footer_one]" style="width:100%" rows="4"><?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars_decode(tie_get_option('footer_one'));
					<span style="padding:0" class="extra-text"><strong style="font-size: 12px;"><?php 
    _e('Variables', 'tie');
    _e('These tags can be included in the textarea above and will be replaced when a page is displayed.', 'tie');
						<br />
						<strong>%year%</strong> : <em><?php 
    _e('Replaced with the current year.', 'tie');
</em><br />
						<strong>%site%</strong> : <em><?php 
    _e("Replaced with The site's name.", 'tie');
</em><br />
						<strong>%url%</strong>  : <em><?php 
    _e("Replaced with The site's URL.", 'tie');
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Footer Text Two', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
					<textarea id="tie_footer_two" name="tie_options[footer_two]" style="width:100%" rows="4"><?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars_decode(tie_get_option('footer_two'));
					<span style="padding:0" class="extra-text"><strong style="font-size: 12px;"><?php 
    _e('Variables', 'tie');
    _e('These tags can be included in the textarea above and will be replaced when a page is displayed.', 'tie');
						<br />
						<strong>%year%</strong> : <em><?php 
    _e('Replaced with the current year.', 'tie');
</em><br />
						<strong>%site%</strong> : <em><?php 
    _e("Replaced with The site's name.", 'tie');
</em><br />
						<strong>%url%</strong>  : <em><?php 
    _e("Replaced with The site's URL.", 'tie');

		</div><!-- Footer Settings -->

		<div id="tab8" class="tab_content tabs-wrap">
    _e('Banners Settings', 'tie');
</h2> <?php 
    echo $save;
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Background Image ADS', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Enable Background Image ADS', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bg", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Background Image ADS Link', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bg_url", "type" => "text"));
				<p class="tie_message_hint">
    _e('Go to Styling tab and set Background Type to Custom Background then upload your custom image and enable Full Screen Background option.', 'tie');
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Top Banner Area', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Top Banner', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top", "type" => "checkbox"));
				<div class="tie-accordion">
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Image Ad', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Top Banner Image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_img", "type" => "upload"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Top Banner Link', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_url", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Alternative Text For The image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_alt", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Open The Link In a new Tab', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_tab", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Nofollow', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_nofollow", "type" => "checkbox"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Responsive Google AdSense', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Publisher ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_publisher", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('728x90 (Leaderboard) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_728", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('468x60 (Banner) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_468", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('300x250 (Medium Rectangle) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_300", "type" => "text"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Custom Code', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Ad Code', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_top_adsense", "extra_text" => __('Supports: Text, HTML and Shortcodes.', 'tie'), "type" => "textarea"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Bottom Banner Area', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Bottom Banner', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom", "type" => "checkbox"));
				<div class="tie-accordion">
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Image Ad', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Bottom Banner Image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_img", "type" => "upload"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Bottom Banner Link', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_url", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Alternative Text For The image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_alt", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Open The Link In a new Tab', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_tab", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Nofollow', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_nofollow", "type" => "checkbox"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Responsive Google AdSense', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Publisher ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_publisher", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('728x90 (Leaderboard) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_728", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('468x60 (Banner) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_468", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('300x250 (Medium Rectangle) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_300", "type" => "text"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Custom Code', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Ad Code', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_bottom_adsense", "extra_text" => __('Supports: Text, HTML and Shortcodes.', 'tie'), "type" => "textarea"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Below Header Banner Area', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Below Header Banner', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header", "type" => "checkbox"));
				<div class="tie-accordion">
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Image Ad', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Bottom Banner Image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_img", "type" => "upload"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Bottom Banner Link', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_url", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Alternative Text For The image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_alt", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Open The Link In a new Tab', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_tab", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Nofollow', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_nofollow", "type" => "checkbox"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Responsive Google AdSense', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Publisher ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_publisher", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('728x90 (Leaderboard) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_728", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('468x60 (Banner) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_468", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('300x250 (Medium Rectangle) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_300", "type" => "text"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Custom Code', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Ad Code', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_header_adsense", "extra_text" => __('Supports: Text, HTML and Shortcodes.', 'tie'), "type" => "textarea"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Above Article Banner Area', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Above Article Banner', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above", "type" => "checkbox"));
				<div class="tie-accordion">
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Image Ad', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Above Article Banner Image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_img", "type" => "upload"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Above Article Banner Link', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_url", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Alternative Text For The image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_alt", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Open The Link In a new Tab', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_tab", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Nofollow', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_nofollow", "type" => "checkbox"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Responsive Google AdSense', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Publisher ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_publisher", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('468x60 (Banner) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_468", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('300x250 (Medium Rectangle) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_300", "type" => "text"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Custom Code', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Ad Code', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_above_adsense", "extra_text" => __('Supports: Text, HTML and Shortcodes.', 'tie'), "type" => "textarea"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Below Article Banner Area', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Below Article Banner', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below", "type" => "checkbox"));
				<div class="tie-accordion">
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Image Ad', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Below Article Banner Image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_img", "type" => "upload"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Below Article Banner Link', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_url", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Alternative Text For The image', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_alt", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Open The Link In a new Tab', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_tab", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Nofollow', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_nofollow", "type" => "checkbox"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Responsive Google AdSense', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Publisher ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_publisher", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('468x60 (Banner) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_468", "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('300x250 (Medium Rectangle) - ad ID', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_300", "type" => "text"));
					<h4 class="accordion-head"><a href=""><?php 
    _e('Custom Code', 'tie');
					<div class="tie-accordion-contnet">
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Ad Code', 'tie'), "id" => "banner_below_adsense", "extra_text" => __('Supports: Text, HTML and Shortcodes.', 'tie'), "type" => "textarea"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Shortcode ADS', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('[ads1] Shortcode Banner', 'tie'), "id" => "ads1_shortcode", "type" => "textarea"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('[ads2] Shortcode Banner', 'tie'), "id" => "ads2_shortcode", "type" => "textarea"));
		</div> <!-- Banners Settings -->

		<div id="tab11" class="tab_content tabs-wrap">
    _e('Sidebars', 'tie');
</h2>	<?php 
    echo $save;
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Default Sidebar Position', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
    $tie_sidebar_pos = tie_get_option('sidebar_pos');
					<ul id="sidebar-position-options" class="tie-options">
							<input name="tie_options[sidebar_pos]" type="radio" value="right" <?php 
    if ($tie_sidebar_pos == 'right' || !$tie_sidebar_pos) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/sidebar-right.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[sidebar_pos]" type="radio" value="left" <?php 
    if ($tie_sidebar_pos == 'left') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/sidebar-left.png" /></a>
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Sticky Sidebars', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Sticky Sidebar', 'tie'), "id" => "sticky_sidebar", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Disable on the homepage', 'tie'), "id" => "sticky_sidebar_disable_homepage", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Disable on category pages', 'tie'), "id" => "sticky_sidebar_disable_cat", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Disable on tag pages', 'tie'), "id" => "sticky_sidebar_disable_tag", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Disable on pages', 'tie'), "id" => "sticky_sidebar_disable_pages", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Disable on posts', 'tie'), "id" => "sticky_sidebar_disable_posts", "type" => "checkbox"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Add Sidebar', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
					<span class="label"><?php 
    _e('Sidebar Name', 'tie');
					<input id="sidebarName" type="text" size="56" style="direction:ltr; text-laign:left" name="sidebarName" value="" />
					<input id="sidebarAdd"  class="button" type="button" value="<?php 
    _e('Add', 'tie');
" />
					<ul id="sidebarsList">
    $sidebars = tie_get_option('sidebars');
    if ($sidebars) {
        foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) {
							<div class="widget-head"><?php 
            echo $sidebar;
  <input id="tie_sidebars" name="tie_options[sidebars][]" type="hidden" value="<?php 
            echo $sidebar;
" /><a class="del-sidebar"></a></div>

			<div class="tiepanel-item" id="custom-sidebars">
    _e('Custom Sidebars', 'tie');
    $new_sidebars = array('' => __('Default', 'tie'));
    if (class_exists('Woocommerce')) {
        $new_sidebars['shop-widget-area'] = __('Shop - For WooCommerce Pages', 'tie');
    if ($sidebars) {
        foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) {
            $new_sidebars[$sidebar] = $sidebar;
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Home Sidebar', 'tie'), "id" => "sidebar_home", "type" => "select", "options" => $new_sidebars));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Single Page Sidebar', 'tie'), "id" => "sidebar_page", "type" => "select", "options" => $new_sidebars));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Single Article Sidebar', 'tie'), "id" => "sidebar_post", "type" => "select", "options" => $new_sidebars));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Archives Sidebar', 'tie'), "id" => "sidebar_archive", "type" => "select", "options" => $new_sidebars));
    if (class_exists('bbPress')) {
        tie_options(array("name" => __('bbPress Sidebar', 'tie'), "id" => "sidebar_bbpress", "type" => "select", "options" => $new_sidebars));
		</div> <!-- Sidebars -->
		<div id="tab12" class="tab_content tabs-wrap">
    _e('Archives Settings', 'tie');
</h2>	<?php 
    echo $save;
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('General Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Show Social Buttons', 'tie'), "id" => "archives_socail", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Excerpt Length', 'tie'), "id" => "exc_length", "type" => "short-text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Review Score', 'tie'), "id" => "arc_meta_score", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Author Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "arc_meta_author", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Date Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "arc_meta_date", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Categories Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "arc_meta_cats", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Comments Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "arc_meta_comments", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Views Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "arc_meta_views", "type" => "checkbox"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Default layout settings', 'tie');
    $tie_blog_display = tie_get_option('blog_display');
				<div class="option-item">
					<span class="label"><?php 
    _e('Choose the default layout', 'tie');
					<ul id="tie_blog_display" class="tie-options tie-archives-options">
							<input name="tie_options[blog_display]" type="radio" value="excerpt" <?php 
    if ($tie_blog_display == 'excerpt' || !$tie_blog_display) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-1.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[blog_display]" type="radio" value="full_thumb" <?php 
    if ($tie_blog_display == 'full_thumb') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-2.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[blog_display]" type="radio" value="content" <?php 
    if ($tie_blog_display == 'content') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-3.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[blog_display]" type="radio" value="masonry" <?php 
    if ($tie_blog_display == 'masonry') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-4.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[blog_display]" type="radio" value="timeline" <?php 
    if ($tie_blog_display == 'timeline') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-6.png" /></a>
					<p class="tie_message_hint"><?php 
    _e('These settings will applies on all pages with blog List template.', 'tie');

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Category Page Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Category Description', 'tie'), "id" => "category_desc", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('RSS Icon', 'tie'), "id" => "category_rss", "type" => "checkbox"));
    $tie_category_layout = tie_get_option('category_layout');
				<div class="option-item">
					<span class="label"><?php 
    _e('Choose Default Categories page layout', 'tie');
					<ul id="tie_category_layout" class="tie-options tie-archives-options">
							<input name="tie_options[category_layout]" type="radio" value="excerpt" <?php 
    if ($tie_category_layout == 'excerpt' || !$tie_category_layout) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-1.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[category_layout]" type="radio" value="full_thumb" <?php 
    if ($tie_category_layout == 'full_thumb') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-2.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[category_layout]" type="radio" value="content" <?php 
    if ($tie_category_layout == 'content') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-3.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[category_layout]" type="radio" value="masonry" <?php 
    if ($tie_category_layout == 'masonry') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-4.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[category_layout]" type="radio" value="timeline" <?php 
    if ($tie_category_layout == 'timeline') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-6.png" /></a>

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Tag Page Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Tag Description', 'tie'), "id" => "tag_desc", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('RSS Icon', 'tie'), "id" => "tag_rss", "type" => "checkbox"));
    $tie_tag_layout = tie_get_option('tag_layout');
				<div class="option-item">
					<span class="label"><?php 
    _e('Choose Tags page layout', 'tie');
					<ul id="tie_tag_layout" class="tie-options tie-archives-options">
							<input name="tie_options[tag_layout]" type="radio" value="excerpt" <?php 
    if ($tie_tag_layout == 'excerpt' || !$tie_tag_layout) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-1.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[tag_layout]" type="radio" value="full_thumb" <?php 
    if ($tie_tag_layout == 'full_thumb') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-2.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[tag_layout]" type="radio" value="content" <?php 
    if ($tie_tag_layout == 'content') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-3.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[tag_layout]" type="radio" value="masonry" <?php 
    if ($tie_tag_layout == 'masonry') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-4.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[tag_layout]" type="radio" value="timeline" <?php 
    if ($tie_tag_layout == 'timeline') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-6.png" /></a>
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Author Page Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Author Bio', 'tie'), "id" => "author_bio", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('RSS Icon', 'tie'), "id" => "author_rss", "type" => "checkbox"));
    $tie_author_layout = tie_get_option('author_layout');
				<div class="option-item">
					<span class="label"><?php 
    _e('Choose Author page layout', 'tie');
					<ul id="tie_author_layout" class="tie-options tie-archives-options">
							<input name="tie_options[author_layout]" type="radio" value="excerpt" <?php 
    if ($tie_author_layout == 'excerpt' || !$tie_author_layout) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-1.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[author_layout]" type="radio" value="full_thumb" <?php 
    if ($tie_author_layout == 'full_thumb') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-2.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[author_layout]" type="radio" value="content" <?php 
    if ($tie_author_layout == 'content') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-3.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[author_layout]" type="radio" value="masonry" <?php 
    if ($tie_author_layout == 'masonry') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-4.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[author_layout]" type="radio" value="timeline" <?php 
    if ($tie_author_layout == 'timeline') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-6.png" /></a>
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Search Page Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Search in Category IDs', 'tie'), "id" => "search_cats", "help" => __('Use minus sign (-) to exclude categories. Example: (1,4,-7) = search only in Category 1 & 4, and exclude Category 7.', 'tie'), "type" => "text"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Exclude Pages in results', 'tie'), "id" => "search_exclude_pages", "type" => "checkbox"));
    $tie_search_layout = tie_get_option('search_layout');
				<div class="option-item">
					<span class="label"><?php 
    _e('Choose Search results page layout', 'tie');
					<ul id="tie_search_layout" class="tie-options tie-archives-options">
							<input name="tie_options[search_layout]" type="radio" value="excerpt" <?php 
    if ($tie_search_layout == 'excerpt' || !$tie_search_layout) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-1.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[search_layout]" type="radio" value="full_thumb" <?php 
    if ($tie_search_layout == 'full_thumb') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-2.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[search_layout]" type="radio" value="content" <?php 
    if ($tie_search_layout == 'content') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-3.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[search_layout]" type="radio" value="masonry" <?php 
    if ($tie_search_layout == 'masonry') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-4.png" /></a>
							<input name="tie_options[search_layout]" type="radio" value="timeline" <?php 
    if ($tie_search_layout == 'timeline') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/arc-6.png" /></a>
		</div> <!-- Archives -->
		<div id="tab13" class="tab_content tabs-wrap">
    _e('Styling', 'tie');
</h2>	<?php 
    echo $save;
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Theme Color and Settings', 'tie');

				<div class="option-item">
					<span class="label"><?php 
    _e('Choose Theme Color', 'tie');
    $theme_color = tie_get_option('theme_skin');
					<ul style="clear:both" id="theme-skins" class="tie-options">
							<input id="tie_theme_skin"  name="tie_options[theme_skin]" type="radio" value="0" <?php 
    if (!$theme_color) {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/skin-none.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_skin"  name="tie_options[theme_skin]" type="radio" value="#ef3636" <?php 
    if ($theme_color == '#ef3636') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/skin-red.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_skin"  name="tie_options[theme_skin]" type="radio" value="#37b8eb" <?php 
    if ($theme_color == '#37b8eb') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/skin-blue.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_skin"  name="tie_options[theme_skin]" type="radio" value="#81bd00" <?php 
    if ($theme_color == '#81bd00') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/skin-green.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_skin"  name="tie_options[theme_skin]" type="radio" value="#e95ca2" <?php 
    if ($theme_color == '#e95ca2') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/skin-pink.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_skin"  name="tie_options[theme_skin]" type="radio" value="#000" <?php 
    if ($theme_color == '#000') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/skin-black.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_skin"  name="tie_options[theme_skin]" type="radio" value="#ffbb01" <?php 
    if ($theme_color == '#ffbb01') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/skin-yellow.png" /></a>
							<input id="tie_theme_skin"  name="tie_options[theme_skin]" type="radio" value="#7b77ff" <?php 
    if ($theme_color == '#7b77ff') {
        echo $checked;
							<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
    echo get_template_directory_uri();
/framework/admin/images/skin-purple.png" /></a>

    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Theme Color', 'tie'), "id" => "global_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Dark Skin', 'tie'), "id" => "dark_skin", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Modern Colored Scrollbar', 'tie'), "id" => "modern_scrollbar", "type" => "checkbox", "extra_text" => __('For Chrome and Safari only.', 'tie')));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Apply Categories Colors on News blocks', 'tie'), "id" => "homepage_cats_colors", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Lazy Load For Images', 'tie'), "id" => "lazy_load", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Smoth Scroll', 'tie'), "id" => "smoth_scroll", "type" => "checkbox"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">

    _e('Background Type', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Background Type', 'tie'), "id" => "background_type", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("pattern" => __('Pattern', 'tie'), "custom" => __('Custom Background', 'tie'))));

			<div class="tiepanel-item" id="pattern-settings">
    _e('Choose Pattern', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Background Color', 'tie'), "id" => "background_pattern_color", "type" => "color"));
    $theme_pattern = tie_get_option('background_pattern');
				<ul id="theme-pattern" class="tie-options">
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 46; $i++) {
        $pattern = 'body-bg' . $i;
						<input id="tie_background_pattern"  name="tie_options[background_pattern]" type="radio" value="<?php 
        echo $pattern;
" <?php 
        if ($theme_pattern == $pattern) {
            echo $checked;
						<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php 
        echo get_template_directory_uri();
        echo $i;
.png" /></a>

			<div class="tiepanel-item" id="bg_image_settings">
    _e('Custom Background', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Custom Background', 'tie'), "id" => "background", "type" => "background"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Full Screen Background', 'tie'), "id" => "background_full", "type" => "checkbox"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Body Styling', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Highlighted Text Color', 'tie'), "id" => "highlighted_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Color', 'tie'), "id" => "links_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Decoration', 'tie'), "id" => "links_decoration", "type" => "select", "options" => array("" => __('Default', 'tie'), "none" => __('none', 'tie'), "underline" => __('underline', 'tie'), "overline" => __('overline', 'tie'), "line-through" => __('line-through', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Color on mouse over', 'tie'), "id" => "links_color_hover", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Decoration on mouse over', 'tie'), "id" => "links_decoration_hover", "type" => "select", "options" => array("" => __('Default', 'tie'), "none" => __('none', 'tie'), "underline" => __('underline', 'tie'), "overline" => __('overline', 'tie'), "line-through" => __('line-through', 'tie'))));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Top Navigation Styling', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Background', 'tie'), "id" => "topbar_background", "type" => "background"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Color', 'tie'), "id" => "topbar_links_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Color on mouse over', 'tie'), "id" => "topbar_links_color_hover", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __("Today's Date text color", "tie"), "id" => "todaydate_color", "type" => "color"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Header Background', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Background', 'tie'), "id" => "header_background", "type" => "background"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Main Navigation Styling', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Main Navigation Background', 'tie'), "id" => "main_nav_background", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Main Navigation inner bottom border color', 'tie'), "id" => "main_nav_border", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Sub Menu Background', 'tie'), "id" => "sub_nav_background", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Color', 'tie'), "id" => "nav_links_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Color on mouse over', 'tie'), "id" => "nav_links_color_hover", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Current Item Link Color', 'tie'), "id" => "nav_current_links_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Separator Line1 color', 'tie'), "id" => "nav_sep1", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Separator Line2 color', 'tie'), "id" => "nav_sep2", "type" => "color"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Breaking News Styling', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Breaking News Text Background', 'tie'), "id" => "breaking_title_bg", "type" => "color"));

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Content Styling', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Main Content Background', 'tie'), "id" => "main_content_bg", "type" => "background"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Blocks / Widgets Background', 'tie'), "id" => "boxes_bg", "type" => "background"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Post Styling', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Links Color', 'tie'), "id" => "post_links_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Links Decoration', 'tie'), "id" => "post_links_decoration", "type" => "select", "options" => array("" => __('Default', 'tie'), "none" => __('none', 'tie'), "underline" => __('underline', 'tie'), "overline" => __('overline', 'tie'), "line-through" => __('line-through', 'tie'))));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Links Color on mouse over', 'tie'), "id" => "post_links_color_hover", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Links Decoration on mouse over', 'tie'), "id" => "post_links_decoration_hover", "type" => "select", "options" => array("" => __('Default', 'tie'), "none" => __('none', 'tie'), "underline" => __('underline', 'tie'), "overline" => __('overline', 'tie'), "line-through" => __('line-through', 'tie'))));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Footer Background', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Background', 'tie'), "id" => "footer_background", "type" => "background"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Footer Widget Title color', 'tie'), "id" => "footer_title_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Color', 'tie'), "id" => "footer_links_color", "type" => "color"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Links Color on mouse over', 'tie'), "id" => "footer_links_color_hover", "type" => "color"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Custom CSS', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
    _e('Global CSS :', 'tie');
					<textarea id="tie_css" name="tie_options[css]" class="code tie-css" style="width:100%" rows="7"><?php 
    echo tie_get_option('css');
				<div class="option-item">
    _e('Tablets:', 'tie');
    _e('768 - 985px', 'tie');
					<textarea id="tie_css_tablets" name="tie_options[css_tablets]" class="code tie-css"  style="width:100%" rows="7"><?php 
    echo tie_get_option('css_tablets');
				<div class="option-item">
    _e('Wide Phones:', 'tie');
    _e('480 - 767px', 'tie');
					<textarea id="tie_css_wphones" name="tie_options[css_wide_phones]" class="code tie-css"  style="width:100%" rows="7"><?php 
    echo tie_get_option('css_wide_phones');
				<div class="option-item">
    _e('Phones:', 'tie');
    _e('320 - 479px', 'tie');
					<textarea id="tie_css_phones" name="tie_options[css_phones]" class="code tie-css"  style="width:100%" rows="7"><?php 
    echo tie_get_option('css_phones');

		</div> <!-- Styling -->

		<div id="tab14" class="tab_content tabs-wrap">
    _e('Typography', 'tie');
</h2>	<?php 
    echo $save;
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Character sets', 'tie');
				<p class="tie_message_hint"><strong><?php 
    _e('Tip:', 'tie');
    _e("If you choose only the languages that you need, you'll help prevent slowness on your webpage.", 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Latin Extended', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_latin_extended", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Cyrillic', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_cyrillic", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Cyrillic Extended', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_cyrillic_extended", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Greek', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_greek", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Greek Extended', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_greek_extended", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Khmer', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_khmer", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Vietnamese', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_vietnamese", "type" => "checkbox"));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Live typography preview', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => "", "id" => "typography_test", "type" => "typography"));
				<div id="font-preview" class="option-item"><?php 
    _e('Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.', 'tie');

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Main Typography', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('General Typography', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_general", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Site Title In Header', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_site_title", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Tagline In Header', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_tagline", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Top Menu', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_top_menu", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Main Navigation', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_main_nav", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Slider Post Title', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_slider_title", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Page Title', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_page_title", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Single Post Title', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_post_title", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Title in Homepage Blocks and Post Titles in Blog Layout', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_post_title_boxes", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Small Post Title in Homepage Blocks', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_post_title2_boxes", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Meta', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_post_meta", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Post Entry', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_post_entry", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Blockquotes', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_blockquotes", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Blocks Titles', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_boxes_title", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Widgets Titles', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_widgets_title", "type" => "typography"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Footer Widgets Titles', 'tie'), "id" => "typography_footer_widgets_title", "type" => "typography"));
		</div> <!-- Typography -->
		<div id="tab20" class="tab_content tabs-wrap">
    _e('Translations', 'tie');
</h2>	<?php 
    echo $save;
    global $tie_default_texts;
    foreach ($tie_default_texts as $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
					</div> <!--tie-panel-item -->
					<div class="tiepanel-item">
            echo $value['text'];
        } else {
            $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
            tie_options(array("id" => tie_sanitize_title($value), "name" => $value, "type" => "text"));
			</div> <!--tie-panel-item -->
		</div> <!-- Translations -->
		<div id="tab10" class="tab_content tabs-wrap">
    _e('Advanced Settings', 'tie');
</h2>	<?php 
    echo $save;

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Advanced Settings', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Disable Arqam Lite', 'tie'), "id" => "disable_arqam_lite", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Notify on theme updates', 'tie'), "id" => "notify_theme", "type" => "checkbox"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('Disable the Responsiveness', 'tie'), "id" => "disable_responsive", "type" => "checkbox"));
				<p class="tie_message_hint"><?php 
    _e('This option works only on Tablets and Phones .. to disable the responsiveness action on the desktop .. edit style.css file and remove all Media Queries from the end of the file .', 'tie');

			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('WordPress Login page Logo', 'tie');
    tie_options(array("name" => __('WordPress Login page Logo', 'tie'), "id" => "dashboard_logo", "type" => "upload"));
    tie_options(array("name" => __('WordPress Login page Logo URL', 'tie'), "id" => "dashboard_logo_url", "type" => "text"));
    global $array_options;
    $current_options = array();
    foreach ($array_options as $option) {
        if (get_option($option)) {
            $current_options[$option] = get_option($option);
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Export', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
					<textarea style="width:100%" rows="7"><?php 
    echo $currentsettings = base64_encode(serialize($current_options));
			<div class="tiepanel-item">
    _e('Import', 'tie');
				<div class="option-item">
					<textarea id="tie_import" name="tie_import" style="width:100%" rows="7"></textarea>

		</div> <!-- Advanced -->
		<div class="mo-footer">
    echo $save;

			<form method="post">
				<div class="mpanel-reset">
					<input type="hidden" name="resetnonce" value="<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('reset-action-code');
" />
					<input name="reset" class="mpanel-reset-button button button-primary button-large" type="submit" onClick="if(confirm('<?php 
    _e('All settings will be rest .. Are you sure ?', 'tie');
')) return true ; else return false; " value="<?php 
    _e('Reset All Settings', 'tie');
" />
					<input type="hidden" name="action" value="reset" />

	</div><!-- .mo-panel-content -->
	<div class="clear"></div>
</div><!-- .mo-panel -->
     $theme_options['mobile_menu_search'] = true;
     $theme_options['mobile_menu_social'] = true;
     $theme_options['share_buttons_pages'] = true;
     update_option('tie_options', $theme_options);
     update_option('tie_active', '5.1.0');
     echo '<script>location.reload();</script>';
 } elseif (get_option('tie_active') < '5.2.0') {
     //Update Theme options
     global $tie_default_texts;
     $theme_options = get_option('tie_options');
     $theme_options['reading_indicator'] = true;
     foreach ($tie_default_texts as $value) {
         if (!is_array($value)) {
             $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
             $tie_sanitize_title = tie_sanitize_title($value);
             $sanitize_title = sanitize_title($value);
             if ($tie_sanitize_title != $sanitize_title) {
                 $theme_options[$tie_sanitize_title] = $theme_options[$sanitize_title];
     update_option('tie_options', $theme_options);
     //Update Categories custom options
     $tie_cats_options = '';
     $categories_obj = get_categories();
     foreach ($categories_obj as $pn_cat) {
         $category_id = $pn_cat->cat_ID;
         $old_cat_options = get_option("tie_cat_{$category_id}");
         if ($old_cat_options) {
             $tie_cats_options[$category_id] = $old_cat_options;