function plgexample_update_host_status () { global $config; // Return if we aren't set to notify $deadnotify = (read_config_option('alert_deadnotify') == 'on'); if (!$deadnotify) return 0; include_once($config['base_path'] . '/plugins/thold/thold_functions.php'); $alert_email = read_config_option('alert_email'); $ping_failure_count = read_config_option('ping_failure_count'); // Lets find hosts that were down, but are now back up $failed = read_config_option('thold_failed_hosts', true); $failed = explode(',', $failed); if (!empty($failed)) { foreach($failed as $id) { if ($id != '') { $host = db_fetch_row('SELECT id, status, description, hostname FROM host WHERE id = ' . $id); if ($host['status'] == HOST_UP) { $subject = 'Host Notice : ' . $host['description'] . ' (' . $host['hostname'] . ') returned from DOWN state'; $msg = $subject; if ($alert_email == '') { cacti_log('THOLD: Can not send Host Recovering email since the \'Alert e-mail\' setting is not set!', true, 'POLLER'); } else { thold_mail($alert_email, '', $subject, $msg, ''); } } } } } // Lets find hosts that are down $hosts = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT id, description, hostname, status_last_error FROM host WHERE disabled="" AND status=' . HOST_DOWN . ' AND status_event_count=' . $ping_failure_count); $total_hosts = sizeof($hosts); if (count($hosts)) { foreach($hosts as $host) { $subject = 'Host Error : ' . $host['description'] . ' (' . $host['hostname'] . ') is DOWN'; $msg = 'Host Error : ' . $host['description'] . ' (' . $host['hostname'] . ') is DOWN<br>Message : ' . $host['status_last_error']; if ($alert_email == '') { cacti_log('THOLD: Can not send Host Down email since the \'Alert e-mail\' setting is not set!', true, 'POLLER'); } else { thold_mail($alert_email, '', $subject, $msg, ''); } } } // Now lets record all failed hosts $hosts = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT id FROM host WHERE status != ' . HOST_UP); $failed = array(); if (!empty($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { $failed[] = $host['id']; } } $failed = implode(',', $failed); db_execute("REPLACE INTO settings (name, value) VALUES ('thold_failed_hosts', '$failed')"); return $total_hosts; }
function thold_update_host_status () { global $config; // Return if we aren't set to notify $deadnotify = (read_config_option('alert_deadnotify') == 'on'); if (!$deadnotify) return 0; include_once($config['base_path'] . '/plugins/thold/thold_functions.php'); if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint')) { include_once($config["base_path"] . '/plugins/maint/functions.php'); } $alert_email = read_config_option('alert_email'); $ping_failure_count = read_config_option('ping_failure_count'); // Lets find hosts that were down, but are now back up $failed = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM plugin_thold_host_failed"); if (sizeof($failed)) { foreach($failed as $fh) { if (!empty($fh['host_id'])) { if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint')) { if (plugin_maint_check_cacti_host ($fh['host_id'])) { continue; } } $host = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM host WHERE id = ' . $fh['host_id']); if ($host['status'] == HOST_UP) { $snmp_system = ''; $snmp_hostname = ''; $snmp_location = ''; $snmp_contact = ''; $snmp_uptime = ''; $uptimelong = ''; $downtimemsg = ''; if (($host["snmp_community"] == "" && $host["snmp_username"] == "") || $host["snmp_version"] == 0) { // SNMP not in use $snmp_system = 'SNMP not in use'; } else { $snmp_system = cacti_snmp_get($host["hostname"], $host["snmp_community"], ".", $host["snmp_version"], $host["snmp_username"], $host["snmp_password"], $host["snmp_auth_protocol"], $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"], $host["snmp_priv_protocol"], $host["snmp_context"], $host["snmp_port"], $host["snmp_timeout"], read_config_option("snmp_retries"), SNMP_WEBUI); if (substr_count($snmp_system, "00:")) { $snmp_system = str_replace("00:", "", $snmp_system); $snmp_system = str_replace(":", " ", $snmp_system); } if ($snmp_system != "") { $snmp_uptime = cacti_snmp_get($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], ".", $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option("snmp_retries"), SNMP_WEBUI); $snmp_hostname = cacti_snmp_get($host["hostname"], $host["snmp_community"], ".", $host["snmp_version"], $host["snmp_username"], $host["snmp_password"], $host["snmp_auth_protocol"], $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"], $host["snmp_priv_protocol"], $host["snmp_context"], $host["snmp_port"], $host["snmp_timeout"], read_config_option("snmp_retries"), SNMP_WEBUI); $snmp_location = cacti_snmp_get($host["hostname"], $host["snmp_community"], ".", $host["snmp_version"], $host["snmp_username"], $host["snmp_password"], $host["snmp_auth_protocol"], $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"], $host["snmp_priv_protocol"], $host["snmp_context"], $host["snmp_port"], $host["snmp_timeout"], read_config_option("snmp_retries"), SNMP_WEBUI); $snmp_contact = cacti_snmp_get($host["hostname"], $host["snmp_community"], ".", $host["snmp_version"], $host["snmp_username"], $host["snmp_password"], $host["snmp_auth_protocol"], $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"], $host["snmp_priv_protocol"], $host["snmp_context"], $host["snmp_port"], $host["snmp_timeout"], read_config_option("snmp_retries"), SNMP_WEBUI); $days = intval($snmp_uptime / (60*60*24*100)); $remainder = $snmp_uptime % (60*60*24*100); $hours = intval($remainder / (60*60*100)); $remainder = $remainder % (60*60*100); $minutes = intval($remainder / (60*100)); $uptimelong = $days . "d " . $hours . "h " . $minutes . "m"; } $downtime = time() - strtotime($host['status_fail_date']); $downtime_days = floor($downtime/86400); $downtime_hours = floor(($downtime - ($downtime_days * 86400))/3600); $downtime_minutes = floor(($downtime - ($downtime_days * 86400) - ($downtime_hours * 3600))/60); $downtime_seconds = $downtime - ($downtime_days * 86400) - ($downtime_hours * 3600) - ($downtime_minutes * 60); if ($downtime_days > 0 ) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_days . "d " . $downtime_hours . "h " . $downtime_minutes . "m " . $downtime_seconds . "s "; } elseif ($downtime_hours > 0 ) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_hours . "h " . $downtime_minutes . "m " . $downtime_seconds . "s"; } elseif ($downtime_minutes > 0 ) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_minutes . "m " . $downtime_seconds . "s"; } else { $downtimemsg = $downtime_seconds . "s "; } } $subject = read_config_option('thold_up_subject'); if ($subject == '') { $subject = 'Host Notice: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) returned from DOWN state'; } $subject = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', !$snmp_hostname ? $host['hostname'] : $snmp_hostname, $subject); $subject = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $host['description'], $subject); $subject = str_replace('<DOWN/UP>', 'UP', $subject); $subject = strip_tags($subject); $msg = read_config_option('thold_up_text'); if ($msg == '') { $msg = '<br>System <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) status: <DOWN/UP><br><br>Current ping response: <CUR_TIME> ms<br>Average system response : <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked UP: <LAST_FAIL><br>Host Previously DOWN for: <DOWNTIME><br><br>Snmp Info:<br>Name - <SNMP_HOSTNAME><br>Location - <SNMP_LOCATION><br>Uptime - <UPTIMETEXT> (<UPTIME> ms)<br>System - <SNMP_SYSTEM><br><br>NOTE: <NOTES>'; } $msg = str_replace('<SUBJECT>', $subject, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $host['hostname'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $host['description'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<UPTIME>', $snmp_uptime, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<UPTIMETEXT>', $uptimelong, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DOWNTIME>', $downtimemsg, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<MESSAGE>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DOWN/UP>', 'UP', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_HOSTNAME>', $snmp_hostname, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_LOCATION>', $snmp_location, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_CONTACT>', $snmp_contact, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_SYSTEM>', html_split_string($snmp_system), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<LAST_FAIL>', $host["status_fail_date"], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<AVAILABILITY>', round(($host["availability"]), 2) . ' %', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<TOT_POLL>', $host["total_polls"], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<FAIL_POLL>', $host["failed_polls"], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<CUR_TIME>', round(($host["cur_time"]), 2), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<AVG_TIME>', round(($host["avg_time"]), 2), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<NOTES>', $host["notes"], $msg); $msg = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $msg); switch($host['thold_send_email']) { case '0': // Disabled $alert_email = ''; break; case '1': // Global List break; case '2': // Host List Only $alert_email = get_thold_notification_emails($host['thold_host_email']); break; case '3': // Global and Host List $alert_email = $alert_email . ',' . get_thold_notification_emails($host['thold_host_email']); break; } if ($alert_email == '' && $host['thold_send_email'] > 0) { cacti_log('THOLD: Can not send a Host Recovering Email since the \'Alert Email\' setting is not set !', true, 'POLLER'); } elseif ($host['thold_send_email'] == '0') { cacti_log('THOLD: Did not send a Host Recovering Email, disabled per host setting : ' . $host['description'] . ' !', true, 'POLLER'); } elseif ($alert_email != '') { thold_mail($alert_email, '', $subject, $msg, ''); } thold_log(array( "type" => 3, "time" => time(), "host_id" => $host['id'], "graph_id" => 0, "threshold_id" => 0, "threshold_value" => 'Up/Down', "current" => 'Up', "status" => 5, "description" => 'Host Notice: '.$host['hostname'].' returned from DOWN state', "emails" => $alert_email ) ); } } } } // Lets find hosts that are down $hosts = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT * FROM host WHERE disabled="" AND status=' . HOST_DOWN . ' AND status_event_count=' . $ping_failure_count); $total_hosts = sizeof($hosts); if (count($hosts)) { foreach($hosts as $host) { if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint')) { if (plugin_maint_check_cacti_host ($host['id'])) { continue; } } $downtime = time() - strtotime($host['status_rec_date']); $downtime_days = floor($downtime/86400); $downtime_hours = floor(($downtime - ($downtime_days * 86400))/3600); $downtime_minutes = floor(($downtime - ($downtime_days * 86400) - ($downtime_hours * 3600))/60); $downtime_seconds = $downtime - ($downtime_days * 86400) - ($downtime_hours * 3600) - ($downtime_minutes * 60); if ($downtime_days > 0 ) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_days . "d " . $downtime_hours . "h " . $downtime_minutes . "m " . $downtime_seconds . "s "; } elseif ($downtime_hours > 0 ) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_hours . "h " . $downtime_minutes . "m " . $downtime_seconds . "s"; } elseif ($downtime_minutes > 0 ) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_minutes . "m " . $downtime_seconds . "s"; } else { $downtimemsg = $downtime_seconds . "s "; } /*$subject = read_config_option('thold_down_subject'); if ($subject == '') { $subject = 'Host Error: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is DOWN'; } $subject = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $host['hostname'], $subject); */ $subject = read_config_option('thold_down_subject'); if ($subject == '') { $subject = 'Host Error: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is DOWN'; } $snmpsys = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT snmp_sysName, snmp_sysLocation, snmp_sysDescr FROM mac_track_devices WHERE hostname = \''.$host['hostname'].'\''); $subject = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', !$snmpsys ? $host['hostname'] : $snmpsys[0]['snmp_sysName'], $subject); $subject = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $host['description'], $subject); $subject = str_replace('<DOWN/UP>', 'DOWN', $subject); $subject = strip_tags($subject); $msg = read_config_option('thold_down_text'); if ($msg == '') { $msg = 'System Error : <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is <DOWN/UP><br>Reason: <MESSAGE><SNMP_HOSTNAME><SNMP_LOCATION><SNMP_SYSTEM><br><br>Average system response : <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked DOWN : <LAST_FAIL><br>Host Previously UP for: <DOWNTIME><br>NOTE: <NOTES>'; } $msg = str_replace('<SUBJECT>', $subject, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $host['hostname'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $host['description'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<UPTIME>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DOWNTIME>', $downtimemsg, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<MESSAGE>', $host['status_last_error'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DOWN/UP>', 'DOWN', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_HOSTNAME>', !$snmpsys ? '' : '<br><br>Device name: '.$snmpsys[0]['snmp_sysName'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_LOCATION>', !$snmpsys ? '' : '<br>Location: '.$snmpsys[0]['snmp_sysLocation'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_CONTACT>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_SYSTEM>', !$snmpsys ? '' : '<br>Description: '.$snmpsys[0]['snmp_sysDescr'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<LAST_FAIL>', $host["status_fail_date"], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<AVAILABILITY>', round(($host["availability"]), 2) . ' %', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<CUR_TIME>', round(($host["cur_time"]), 2), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<TOT_POLL>', $host["total_polls"], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<FAIL_POLL>', $host["failed_polls"], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<AVG_TIME>', round(($host["avg_time"]), 2), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<NOTES>', $host["notes"], $msg); $msg = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $msg); switch($host['thold_send_email']) { case '0': // Disabled $alert_email = ''; break; case '1': // Global List break; case '2': // Host List Only $alert_email = get_thold_notification_emails($host['thold_host_email']); break; case '3': // Global and Host List $alert_email = $alert_email . ',' . get_thold_notification_emails($host['thold_host_email']); break; } if ($alert_email == '' && $host['thold_send_email'] > 0) { cacti_log('THOLD: Can not send a Host Down Email since the \'Alert Email\' setting is not set !', true, 'POLLER'); } elseif ($host['thold_send_email'] == '0') { cacti_log('THOLD: Did not send a Host Down Email, disabled per host setting : ' . $host['description'] . ' !', true, 'POLLER'); } elseif ($alert_email != '') { thold_mail($alert_email, '', $subject, $msg, ''); } thold_log(array( "type" => 3, "time" => time(), "host_id" => $host['id'], "graph_id" => 0, "threshold_id" => 0, "threshold_value" => 'Up/Down', "current" => 'Down', "status" => 4, "description" => 'Host Error: '.$host['hostname'].' is DOWN', "emails" => $alert_email ) ); } } // Now lets record all failed hosts db_execute("TRUNCATE TABLE plugin_thold_host_failed"); $hosts = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT id FROM host WHERE disabled="" AND status!=' . HOST_UP); $failed = ''; if (sizeof($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint')) { if (plugin_maint_check_cacti_host ($host['id'])) { continue; } } $failed .= (strlen($failed) ? "), (":"(") . $host['id']; } $failed .= ")"; db_execute("INSERT INTO plugin_thold_host_failed (host_id) VALUES $failed"); } return $total_hosts; }
function thold_update_host_status() { global $config; // Return if we aren't set to notify $deadnotify = read_config_option('alert_deadnotify') == 'on'; if (!$deadnotify) { return 0; } include_once $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/thold/thold_functions.php'; if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint')) { include_once $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/maint/functions.php'; } $alert_email = read_config_option('alert_email'); $ping_failure_count = read_config_option('ping_failure_count'); // Lets find hosts that were down, but are now back up $failed = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT * FROM plugin_thold_host_failed'); if (sizeof($failed)) { foreach ($failed as $fh) { if (!empty($fh['host_id'])) { if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint')) { if (plugin_maint_check_cacti_host($fh['host_id'])) { continue; } } $host = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM host WHERE id = ' . $fh['host_id']); if (isset($host['status']) && $host['status'] == HOST_UP) { $snmp_system = ''; $snmp_hostname = ''; $snmp_location = ''; $snmp_contact = ''; $snmp_uptime = ''; $uptimelong = ''; $downtimemsg = ''; if ($host['snmp_community'] == '' && $host['snmp_username'] == '' || $host['snmp_version'] == 0) { // SNMP not in use $snmp_system = 'SNMP not in use'; } else { $snmp_system = cacti_snmp_get($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], '.', $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), SNMP_WEBUI); if (substr_count($snmp_system, '00:')) { $snmp_system = str_replace('00:', '', $snmp_system); $snmp_system = str_replace(':', ' ', $snmp_system); } if ($snmp_system != '') { $snmp_uptime = cacti_snmp_get($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], '.', $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), SNMP_WEBUI); $snmp_hostname = cacti_snmp_get($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], '.', $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), SNMP_WEBUI); $snmp_location = cacti_snmp_get($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], '.', $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), SNMP_WEBUI); $snmp_contact = cacti_snmp_get($host['hostname'], $host['snmp_community'], '.', $host['snmp_version'], $host['snmp_username'], $host['snmp_password'], $host['snmp_auth_protocol'], $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'], $host['snmp_priv_protocol'], $host['snmp_context'], $host['snmp_port'], $host['snmp_timeout'], read_config_option('snmp_retries'), SNMP_WEBUI); $days = intval($snmp_uptime / (60 * 60 * 24 * 100)); $remainder = $snmp_uptime % (60 * 60 * 24 * 100); $hours = intval($remainder / (60 * 60 * 100)); $remainder = $remainder % (60 * 60 * 100); $minutes = intval($remainder / (60 * 100)); $uptimelong = $days . 'd ' . $hours . 'h ' . $minutes . 'm'; } $downtime = time() - strtotime($host['status_fail_date']); $downtime_days = floor($downtime / 86400); $downtime_hours = floor(($downtime - $downtime_days * 86400) / 3600); $downtime_minutes = floor(($downtime - $downtime_days * 86400 - $downtime_hours * 3600) / 60); $downtime_seconds = $downtime - $downtime_days * 86400 - $downtime_hours * 3600 - $downtime_minutes * 60; if ($downtime_days > 0) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_days . 'd ' . $downtime_hours . 'h ' . $downtime_minutes . 'm ' . $downtime_seconds . 's '; } elseif ($downtime_hours > 0) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_hours . 'h ' . $downtime_minutes . 'm ' . $downtime_seconds . 's'; } elseif ($downtime_minutes > 0) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_minutes . 'm ' . $downtime_seconds . 's'; } else { $downtimemsg = $downtime_seconds . 's '; } } $subject = read_config_option('thold_up_subject'); if ($subject == '') { $subject = 'Devices Notice: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) returned from DOWN state'; } $subject = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $host['hostname'], $subject); $subject = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $host['description'], $subject); $subject = str_replace('<DOWN/UP>', 'UP', $subject); $subject = strip_tags($subject); $msg = read_config_option('thold_up_text'); if ($msg == '') { $msg = __('<br>System <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) status: <DOWN/UP><br><br>Current ping response: <CUR_TIME> ms<br>Average system response : <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked UP: <LAST_FAIL><br>Devices Previously DOWN for: <DOWNTIME><br><br>Snmp Info:<br>Name - <SNMP_HOSTNAME><br>Location - <SNMP_LOCATION><br>Uptime - <UPTIMETEXT> (<UPTIME> ms)<br>System - <SNMP_SYSTEM><br><br>NOTE: <NOTES>'); } $msg = str_replace('<SUBJECT>', $subject, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $host['hostname'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $host['description'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<UPTIME>', $snmp_uptime, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<UPTIMETEXT>', $uptimelong, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DOWNTIME>', $downtimemsg, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<MESSAGE>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DOWN/UP>', 'UP', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_HOSTNAME>', $snmp_hostname, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_LOCATION>', $snmp_location, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_CONTACT>', $snmp_contact, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_SYSTEM>', html_split_string($snmp_system), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<LAST_FAIL>', $host['status_fail_date'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<AVAILABILITY>', round($host['availability'], 2) . ' %', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<TOT_POLL>', $host['total_polls'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<FAIL_POLL>', $host['failed_polls'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<CUR_TIME>', round($host['cur_time'], 2), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<AVG_TIME>', round($host['avg_time'], 2), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<NOTES>', $host['notes'], $msg); $msg = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $msg); switch ($host['thold_send_email']) { case '0': // Disabled $alert_email = ''; break; case '1': // Global List break; case '2': // Devices List Only $alert_email = get_thold_notification_emails($host['thold_host_email']); break; case '3': // Global and Devices List $alert_email = $alert_email . ',' . get_thold_notification_emails($host['thold_host_email']); break; } if ($alert_email == '' && $host['thold_send_email'] > 0) { cacti_log('Host[' . $host['id'] . '] Hostname[' . $host['hostname'] . '] WARNING: Can not send a Device recovering email for \'' . $host['description'] . '\' since the \'Alert Email\' setting is not set for Device!', true, 'THOLD'); } elseif ($host['thold_send_email'] == '0') { cacti_log('Host[' . $host['id'] . '] Hostname[' . $host['hostname'] . '] NOTE: Did not send a Device recovering email for \'' . $host['description'] . '\', disabled per Device setting!', true, 'THOLD'); } elseif ($alert_email != '') { thold_mail($alert_email, '', $subject, $msg, ''); } } } } } // Lets find hosts that are down $hosts = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT * FROM host WHERE disabled="" AND status = ? AND status_event_count = ?', array(HOST_DOWN, $ping_failure_count)); $total_hosts = sizeof($hosts); if (count($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint')) { if (plugin_maint_check_cacti_host($host['id'])) { continue; } } $downtime = time() - strtotime($host['status_rec_date']); $downtime_days = floor($downtime / 86400); $downtime_hours = floor(($downtime - $downtime_days * 86400) / 3600); $downtime_minutes = floor(($downtime - $downtime_days * 86400 - $downtime_hours * 3600) / 60); $downtime_seconds = $downtime - $downtime_days * 86400 - $downtime_hours * 3600 - $downtime_minutes * 60; if ($downtime_days > 0) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_days . 'd ' . $downtime_hours . 'h ' . $downtime_minutes . 'm ' . $downtime_seconds . 's '; } elseif ($downtime_hours > 0) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_hours . 'h ' . $downtime_minutes . 'm ' . $downtime_seconds . 's'; } elseif ($downtime_minutes > 0) { $downtimemsg = $downtime_minutes . 'm ' . $downtime_seconds . 's'; } else { $downtimemsg = $downtime_seconds . 's '; } $subject = read_config_option('thold_down_subject'); if ($subject == '') { $subject = __('Devices Error: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is DOWN'); } $subject = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $host['hostname'], $subject); $subject = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $host['description'], $subject); $subject = str_replace('<DOWN/UP>', 'DOWN', $subject); $subject = strip_tags($subject); $msg = read_config_option('thold_down_text'); if ($msg == '') { $msg = __('System Error : <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is <DOWN/UP><br>Reason: <MESSAGE><br><br>Average system response : <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked DOWN : <LAST_FAIL><br>Devices Previously UP for: <DOWNTIME><br>NOTE: <NOTES>'); } $msg = str_replace('<SUBJECT>', $subject, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $host['hostname'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $host['description'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<UPTIME>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DOWNTIME>', $downtimemsg, $msg); $msg = str_replace('<MESSAGE>', $host['status_last_error'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<DOWN/UP>', 'DOWN', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_HOSTNAME>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_LOCATION>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_CONTACT>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<SNMP_SYSTEM>', '', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<LAST_FAIL>', $host['status_fail_date'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<AVAILABILITY>', round($host['availability'], 2) . ' %', $msg); $msg = str_replace('<CUR_TIME>', round($host['cur_time'], 2), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<TOT_POLL>', $host['total_polls'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<FAIL_POLL>', $host['failed_polls'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('<AVG_TIME>', round($host['avg_time'], 2), $msg); $msg = str_replace('<NOTES>', $host['notes'], $msg); $msg = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $msg); switch ($host['thold_send_email']) { case '0': // Disabled $alert_email = ''; break; case '1': // Global List break; case '2': // Devices List Only $alert_email = get_thold_notification_emails($host['thold_host_email']); break; case '3': // Global and Devices List $alert_email = $alert_email . ',' . get_thold_notification_emails($host['thold_host_email']); break; } if ($alert_email == '' && $host['thold_send_email'] > 0) { cacti_log('Host[' . $host['id'] . '] Hostname[' . $host['hostname'] . '] WARNING: Can not send a Device down email for \'' . $host['description'] . '\' since the \'Alert Email\' setting is not set for Device!', true, 'THOLD'); } elseif ($host['thold_send_email'] == '0') { cacti_log('Host[' . $host['id'] . '] Hostname[' . $host['hostname'] . '] NOTE: Did not send a Device down email for \'' . $host['description'] . '\', disabled per Device setting!', true, 'THOLD'); } elseif ($alert_email != '') { thold_mail($alert_email, '', $subject, $msg, ''); } } } // Now lets record all failed hosts db_execute('TRUNCATE TABLE plugin_thold_host_failed'); $hosts = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT id FROM host WHERE disabled = "" AND status != ' . HOST_UP); $failed = ''; if (sizeof($hosts)) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint')) { if (plugin_maint_check_cacti_host($host['id'])) { continue; } } $failed .= (strlen($failed) ? '), (' : '(') . $host['id']; } $failed .= ')'; db_execute("INSERT INTO plugin_thold_host_failed (host_id) VALUES {$failed}"); } return $total_hosts; }
function thold_check_threshold($rra_id, $data_id, $name, $currentval, $cdef) { global $config, $plugins, $debug; thold_debug("Checking Threshold: DS:{$name} RRA_ID:{$rra_id} DATA_ID:{$data_id} VALUE:{$currentval}"); $debug = false; // Do not proceed if we have chosen to globally disable all alerts if (read_config_option('thold_disable_all') == 'on') { thold_debug('Threshold checking is disabled globally'); return; } $alert_exempt = read_config_option('alert_exempt'); /* check for exemptions */ $weekday = date('l'); if (($weekday == 'Saturday' || $weekday == 'Sunday') && $alert_exempt == 'on') { thold_debug('Threshold checking is disabled by global weekend exemption'); return; } /* Get all the info about the item from the database */ $item = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM thold_data WHERE thold_enabled='on' AND data_id=" . $data_id); /* return if the item doesn't exist, which means its disabled */ if (!isset($item[0])) { thold_debug('Threshold is disabled'); return; } $item = $item[0]; /* check for the weekend exemption on the threshold level */ if (($weekday == 'Saturday' || $weekday == 'Sunday') && $item['exempt'] == 'on') { thold_debug('Threshold checking is disabled by global weekend exemption'); return; } /* don't alert for this host if it's selected for maintenance */ if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint') || in_array('maint', $plugins)) { include_once $config["base_path"] . '/plugins/maint/functions.php'; if (plugin_maint_check_cacti_host($item['host_id'])) { thold_debug('Threshold checking is disabled by maintenance schedule'); return; } } $graph_id = $item['graph_id']; /* only alert if Host is in UP mode (not down, unknown, or recovering) */ $h = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM host WHERE id=' . $item['host_id']); if ($h['status'] != 3) { thold_debug('Threshold checking halted by Host Status (' . $h['status'] . ')'); return; } /* pull the cached name, if not present, it means that the graph hasn't polled yet */ $t = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT id, name, name_cache FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ' . $rra_id . ' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1'); /* pull a few default settings */ $global_alert_address = read_config_option('alert_email'); $global_notify_enabled = read_config_option('alert_notify_default') == 'on'; $logset = read_config_option('alert_syslog') == 'on'; $deadnotify = read_config_option('alert_deadnotify') == 'on'; $realert = read_config_option('alert_repeat'); $alert_trigger = read_config_option('alert_trigger'); $alert_bl_trigger = read_config_option('alert_bl_trigger'); $httpurl = read_config_option('alert_base_url'); $thold_show_datasource = read_config_option('thold_show_datasource'); $thold_send_text_only = read_config_option('thold_send_text_only'); $thold_alert_text = read_config_option('thold_alert_text'); $thold_warning_text = read_config_option('thold_warning_text'); /* remove this after adding an option for it */ $thold_show_datasource = true; $trigger = $item['thold_fail_trigger'] == '' ? $alert_trigger : $item['thold_fail_trigger']; $warning_trigger = $item['thold_warning_fail_trigger'] == '' ? $alert_trigger : $item['thold_warning_fail_trigger']; $alertstat = $item['thold_alert']; /* make sure the alert text has been set */ if (!isset($thold_alert_text) || $thold_alert_text == '') { $thold_alert_text = "<html><body>An alert has been issued that requires your attention.<br><br><strong>Host</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH></body></html>"; } /* make sure the warning text has been set */ if (!isset($thold_warning_text) || $thold_warning_text == '') { $thold_warning_text = "<html><body>A warning has been issued that requires your attention.<br><br><strong>Host</strong>: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>)<br><strong>URL</strong>: <URL><br><strong>Message</strong>: <SUBJECT><br><br><GRAPH></body></html>"; } $hostname = db_fetch_row('SELECT description, hostname from host WHERE id = ' . $item['host_id']); $rows = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT FROM plugin_thold_contacts, plugin_thold_threshold_contact WHERE AND plugin_thold_threshold_contact.thold_id = ' . $item['id']); $alert_emails = ''; if (read_config_option('thold_disable_legacy') != 'on') { $alert_emails = array(); if (count($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $alert_emails[] = $row['data']; } } $alert_emails = implode(',', $alert_emails); if ($alert_emails != '') { $alert_emails .= ',' . $item['notify_extra']; } else { $alert_emails = $item['notify_extra']; } } $alert_emails .= (strlen($alert_emails) ? "," : "") . get_thold_notification_emails($item['notify_alert']); $alert_phones = ''; if (read_config_option('thold_disable_legacy') != 'on') { // $alert_phones = array(); // if (count($rows)) { // foreach ($rows as $row) { // $alert_phones[] = $row['data']; // } // } // $alert_phones = implode(',', $alert_phones); if ($alert_phones != '') { $alert_phones .= ',' . $thold['alert_phones_extra']; } else { $alert_phones = $item['alert_phones_extra']; } } $alert_phones .= (strlen($alert_phones) ? "," : "") . get_thold_notification_phones($item['notify_alert']); $warning_emails = ''; if (read_config_option('thold_disable_legacy') != 'on') { $warning_emails = $item['notify_warning_extra']; } $warning_emails .= (strlen($warning_emails) ? "," : "") . get_thold_notification_emails($item['notify_warning']); $warning_phones = ''; if (read_config_option('thold_disable_legacy') != 'on') { $warning_phones = $item['warning_phones_extra']; } $alert_command = ''; $alert_command = $item['alert_command']; thold_debug('Alert Command: ' . $alert_command); $warning_command = $item['warning_command']; $types = array('High/Low', 'Baseline Deviation', 'Time Based'); // Do some replacement of variables $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $hostname['description'], $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $hostname['hostname'], $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<TIME>', time(), $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<GRAPHID>', $graph_id, $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<URL>', "<a href='{$httpurl}/graph.php?local_graph_id={$graph_id}&rra_id=1'>{$httpurl}/graph.php?local_graph_id={$graph_id}&rra_id=1</a>", $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<CURRENTVALUE>', $currentval, $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<THRESHOLDNAME>', $item['name'], $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<DSNAME>', $name, $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<THOLDTYPE>', $types[$item['thold_type']], $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<HI>', $item['thold_type'] == 0 ? $item['thold_hi'] : ($item['thold_type'] == 2 ? $item['time_hi'] : ''), $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<LOW>', $item['thold_type'] == 0 ? $item['thold_low'] : ($item['thold_type'] == 2 ? $item['time_low'] : ''), $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<TRIGGER>', $item['thold_type'] == 0 ? $item['thold_fail_trigger'] : ($item['thold_type'] == 2 ? $item['time_fail_trigger'] : ''), $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<DURATION>', $item['thold_type'] == 2 ? plugin_thold_duration_convert($item['rra_id'], $item['time_fail_length'], 'time') : '', $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<DATE_RFC822>', date(DATE_RFC822), $thold_alert_text); $thold_alert_text = str_replace('<DEVICENOTE>', $h['notes'], $thold_alert_text); // Do some replacement of variables $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<DESCRIPTION>', $hostname['description'], $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<HOSTNAME>', $hostname['hostname'], $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<TIME>', time(), $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<GRAPHID>', $graph_id, $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<URL>', "<a href='{$httpurl}/graph.php?local_graph_id={$graph_id}&rra_id=1'>{$httpurl}/graph.php?local_graph_id={$graph_id}&rra_id=1</a>", $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<CURRENTVALUE>', $currentval, $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<THRESHOLDNAME>', $item['name'], $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<DSNAME>', $name, $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<THOLDTYPE>', $types[$item['thold_type']], $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<HI>', $item['thold_type'] == 0 ? $item['thold_hi'] : ($item['thold_type'] == 2 ? $item['time_warning_hi'] : ''), $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<LOW>', $item['thold_type'] == 0 ? $item['thold_low'] : ($item['thold_type'] == 2 ? $item['time_warning_low'] : ''), $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<TRIGGER>', $item['thold_type'] == 0 ? $item['thold_warning_fail_trigger'] : ($item['thold_type'] == 2 ? $item['time_warning_fail_trigger'] : ''), $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<DURATION>', $item['thold_type'] == 2 ? plugin_thold_duration_convert($item['rra_id'], $item['time_warning_fail_length'], 'time') : '', $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<DATE_RFC822>', date(DATE_RFC822), $thold_warning_text); $thold_warning_text = str_replace('<DEVICENOTE>', $h['notes'], $thold_warning_text); $msg = $thold_alert_text; $warn_msg = $thold_warning_text; if ($thold_send_text_only == 'on') { $file_array = ''; } else { $file_array = array(0 => array('local_graph_id' => $graph_id, 'rra_id' => 0, 'file' => "{$httpurl}/graph_image.php?local_graph_id={$graph_id}&rra_id=0&view_type=tree", 'mimetype' => 'image/png', 'filename' => $graph_id)); } $url = $httpurl . "/graph.php?local_graph_id=" . $graph_id . "&rra_id=all"; switch ($item['thold_type']) { case 0: /* hi/low */ if ($currentval != '') { $breach_up = $item['thold_hi'] != '' && $currentval > $item['thold_hi']; $breach_down = $item['thold_low'] != '' && $currentval < $item['thold_low']; $warning_breach_up = $item['thold_warning_hi'] != '' && $currentval > $item['thold_warning_hi']; $warning_breach_down = $item['thold_warning_low'] != '' && $currentval < $item['thold_warning_low']; } else { $breach_up = $breach_down = $warning_breach_up = $warning_breach_down = false; } /* is in alert status */ if ($breach_up || $breach_down) { $notify = false; thold_debug('Threshold HI / Low check breached HI:' . $item['thold_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $item['thold_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $currentval); $item['thold_fail_count']++; $item['thold_alert'] = $breach_up ? STAT_HI : STAT_LO; /* Re-Alert? */ $ra = $item['thold_fail_count'] > $trigger && $item['repeat_alert'] != 0 && $item['thold_fail_count'] % $item['repeat_alert'] == 0; if ($item['thold_fail_count'] == $trigger || $ra) { $notify = true; } $subject = "ALERT: " . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($ra ? 'is still ' : 'went') . ' ' . ($breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' threshold of ' . ($breach_up ? $item['thold_hi'] : $item['thold_low']) . " with {$currentval}"; if ($notify) { thold_debug('Alerting is necessary'); if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], $ra ? 'realert' : 'alert', $breach_up ? $item['thold_hi'] : $item['thold_low'], $currentval, $trigger, $item['thold_fail_count'], $url); } if ($alert_command != '') { exec_script($alert_command); } if (trim($alert_phones) != '') { thold_sms($alert_phones, $subject); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $msg, $file_array); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $item['thold_hi'] : $item['thold_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => $ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYAL, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones, 'command' => $alert_command)); } db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\r\n\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=" . $item['thold_alert'] . ",\r\n\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count=" . $item['thold_fail_count'] . ",\r\n\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count=0\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE rra_id={$rra_id} AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); } elseif ($warning_breach_up || $warning_breach_down) { $notify = false; thold_debug('Threshold HI / Low Warning check breached HI:' . $item['thold_warning_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $item['thold_warning_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $currentval); $item['thold_warning_fail_count']++; $item['thold_alert'] = $warning_breach_up ? STAT_HI : STAT_LO; /* re-alert? */ $ra = $item['thold_warning_fail_count'] > $warning_trigger && $item['repeat_alert'] != 0 && $item['thold_warning_fail_count'] % $item['repeat_alert'] == 0; if ($item['thold_warning_fail_count'] == $warning_trigger || $ra) { $notify = true; } $subject = ($notify ? "WARNING: " : "TRIGGER: ") . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($ra ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($warning_breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' threshold of ' . ($warning_breach_up ? $item['thold_warning_hi'] : $item['thold_warning_low']) . " with {$currentval}"; if ($notify) { thold_debug('Alerting is necessary'); if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], $ra ? 'rewarning' : 'warning', $warning_breach_up ? $item['thold_warning_hi'] : $item['thold_warning_low'], $currentval, $warning_trigger, $item['thold_warning_fail_count'], $url); } if ($warning_command != '') { exec_script($warning_command); } if (trim($warning_phones) != '') { thold_sms($warning_phones, $subject); } if (trim($warning_emails) != '') { thold_mail($warning_emails, '', $subject, $warn_msg, $file_array); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $warning_breach_up ? $item['thold_warning_hi'] : $item['thold_warning_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => $ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYWA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $warning_phones, 'command' => $warning_command)); } elseif ($item['thold_warning_fail_count'] >= $warning_trigger && $item['thold_fail_count'] >= $trigger) { $subject = "ALERT -> WARNING: " . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . " Changed to Warning Threshold with Value {$currentval}"; if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $warn_msg, $file_array); } if (trim($alert_phones) != '') { thold_sms($alert_phones, $subject); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $warning_breach_up ? $item['thold_warning_hi'] : $item['thold_warning_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_NOTIFYAW, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones)); } db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\r\n\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=" . $item['thold_alert'] . ",\r\n\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count=" . $item['thold_warning_fail_count'] . ",\r\n\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count=0\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE rra_id={$rra_id} AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); } else { thold_debug('Threshold HI / Low check is normal HI:' . $item['thold_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $item['thold_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $currentval); /* if we were at an alert status before */ if ($alertstat != 0) { $subject = "NORMAL: " . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . " Restored to Normal Threshold with Value {$currentval}"; db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=0, thold_fail_count=0, thold_warning_fail_count=0\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE rra_id={$rra_id} AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); if ($item['thold_warning_fail_count'] >= $warning_trigger && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], 'ok', 0, $currentval, $warning_trigger, $item['thold_warning_fail_count'], $url); } if (trim($warning_emails) != '' && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_mail($warning_emails, '', $subject, $warn_msg, $file_array); } if (trim($warning_phones) != '' && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_sms($warning_phones, $subject); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRS, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $warning_emails, 'phones' => $warning_phones)); } elseif ($item['thold_fail_count'] >= $trigger && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], 'ok', 0, $currentval, $trigger, $item['thold_fail_count'], $url); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '' && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $msg, $file_array); } if (trim($alert_phones) != '' && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_sms($alert_phones, $subject); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRS, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones)); } } } break; case 1: /* baseline */ $bl_alert_prev = $item['bl_alert']; $bl_count_prev = $item['bl_fail_count']; $bl_fail_trigger = $item['bl_fail_trigger'] == '' ? $alert_bl_trigger : $item['bl_fail_trigger']; $item['bl_alert'] = thold_check_baseline($rra_id, $name, $currentval, $item); switch ($item['bl_alert']) { case -2: /* exception is active, Future Release 'todo' */ break; case -1: /* reference value not available, Future Release 'todo' */ break; case 0: /* all clear */ /* if we were at an alert status before */ if ($alertstat != 0) { thold_debug('Threshold Baseline check is normal'); if ($item['bl_fail_count'] >= $bl_fail_trigger && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_debug('Threshold Baseline check returned to normal'); if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], 'ok', 0, $currentval, $item['bl_fail_trigger'], $item['bl_fail_count'], $url); } $subject = "NORMAL: " . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . " restored to normal threshold with value {$currentval}"; if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $msg, $file_array); } if (trim($alert_phones) != '') { thold_sms($alert_phones, $subject); } thold_log(array('type' => 1, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones)); } } $item['bl_fail_count'] = 0; break; case 1: /* value is below calculated threshold */ /* value is below calculated threshold */ case 2: /* value is above calculated threshold */ $item['bl_fail_count']++; $breach_up = $item['bl_alert'] == STAT_HI; $breach_down = $item['bl_alert'] == STAT_LO; thold_debug('Threshold Baseline check breached'); /* re-alert? */ $ra = $item['bl_fail_count'] > $bl_fail_trigger && $item['bl_fail_count'] % ($item['repeat_alert'] == '' ? $realert : $item['repeat_alert']) == 0; if ($item['bl_fail_count'] == $bl_fail_trigger || $ra) { thold_debug('Alerting is necessary'); $subject = "ALERT: " . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($ra ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . " calculated baseline threshold " . ($breach_up ? $item['thold_hi'] : $item['thold_low']) . " with {$currentval}"; if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], $ra ? 'realert' : 'alert', $breach_up ? $item['thold_hi'] : $item['thold_low'], $currentval, $item['bl_fail_trigger'], $item['bl_fail_count'], $url); } if ($alert_command != '') { exec_script($alert_command); } if (trim($alert_phones) != '') { thold_sms($alert_phones, $subject); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $msg, $file_array); } thold_log(array('type' => 1, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $item['thold_hi'] : $item['thold_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => $ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYAL, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones, 'command' => $alert_command)); } else { thold_log(array('type' => 1, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $item['thold_hi'] : $item['thold_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_TRIGGERA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones)); } break; } db_execute("UPDATE thold_data SET thold_alert=0, thold_fail_count=0,\r\n\t\t\tbl_alert='" . $item['bl_alert'] . "',\r\n\t\t\tbl_fail_count='" . $item['bl_fail_count'] . "',\r\n\t\t\tthold_low='" . $item['thold_low'] . "',\r\n\t\t\tthold_hi='" . $item['thold_hi'] . "',\r\n\t\t\tbl_thold_valid='" . $item['bl_thold_valid'] . "'\r\n\t\t\tWHERE rra_id='{$rra_id}' AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); break; case 2: /* time based */ if ($currentval != '') { $breach_up = $item['time_hi'] != '' && $currentval > $item['time_hi']; $breach_down = $item['time_low'] != '' && $currentval < $item['time_low']; $warning_breach_up = $item['time_warning_hi'] != '' && $currentval > $item['time_warning_hi']; $warning_breach_down = $item['time_warning_low'] != '' && $currentval < $item['time_warning_low']; } else { $breach_up = $breach_down = $warning_breach_up = $warning_breach_down = false; } $step = db_fetch_cell('SELECT rrd_step FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ' . $rra_id, FALSE); /* alerts */ $trigger = $item['time_fail_trigger']; $time = time() - $item['time_fail_length'] * $step; $failures = db_fetch_cell("SELECT count(id) FROM plugin_thold_log WHERE threshold_id=" . $item['id'] . " AND status IN (" . ST_TRIGGERA . "," . ST_NOTIFYRA . "," . ST_NOTIFYAL . ") AND time>" . $time); /* warnings */ $warning_trigger = $item['time_warning_fail_trigger']; $warning_time = time() - $item['time_warning_fail_length'] * $step; $warning_failures = db_fetch_cell("SELECT count(id) FROM plugin_thold_log WHERE threshold_id=" . $item['id'] . " AND status IN (" . ST_NOTIFYWA . "," . ST_TRIGGERW . ") AND time>" . $warning_time) + $failures; if ($breach_up || $breach_down) { $notify = false; thold_debug('Threshold Time Based check breached HI:' . $item['time_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $item['time_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $currentval); $item['thold_alert'] = $breach_up ? STAT_HI : STAT_LO; $item['thold_fail_count'] = $failures; /* we should only re-alert X minutes after last email, not every 5 pollings, etc... re-alert? */ $realerttime = ($item['repeat_alert'] - 1) * $step; $lastemailtime = db_fetch_cell("SELECT time\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM plugin_thold_log\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE threshold_id=" . $item['id'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\tAND status IN (" . ST_NOTIFYRA . "," . ST_NOTIFYAL . ")\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY time DESC\r\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", FALSE); $ra = $failures > $trigger && $item['repeat_alert'] && !empty($lastemailtime) && $lastemailtime + $realerttime <= time(); $failures++; thold_debug("Alert Time:'{$time}', Alert Trigger:'{$trigger}', Alert Failures:'{$failures}', RealertTime:'{$realerttime}', LastTime:'{$lastemailtime}', RA:'{$ra}', Diff:'" . ($realerttime + $lastemailtime) . "'<'" . time() . "'"); if ($failures == $trigger || $ra) { $notify = true; } $subject = ($notify ? "ALERT: " : "TRIGGER: ") . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($failures > $trigger ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' threshold of ' . ($breach_up ? $item['time_hi'] : $item['time_low']) . " with {$currentval}"; if ($notify) { thold_debug('Alerting is necessary'); if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], $failures > $trigger ? 'realert' : 'alert', $breach_up ? $item['time_hi'] : $item['time_low'], $currentval, $trigger, $failures, $url); } if ($alert_command != '') { exec_script($alert_command); } if (trim($alert_phones) != '') { thold_sms($alert_phones, $subject); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $msg, $file_array); } thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $item['time_hi'] : $item['time_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => $failures > $trigger ? ST_NOTIFYAL : ST_NOTIFYRA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones, 'command' => $alert_command)); } else { thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $item['time_hi'] : $item['time_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_TRIGGERA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones)); } db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\r\n\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=" . $item['thold_alert'] . ",\r\n\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count={$failures}\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE rra_id={$rra_id} AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); } elseif ($warning_breach_up || $warning_breach_down) { $notify = false; $item['thold_alert'] = $warning_breach_up ? STAT_HI : STAT_LO; $item['thold_warning_fail_count'] = $warning_failures; /* we should only re-alert X minutes after last email, not every 5 pollings, etc... re-alert? */ $realerttime = ($item['time_warning_fail_length'] - 1) * $step; $lastemailtime = db_fetch_cell("SELECT time\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM plugin_thold_log\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE threshold_id=" . $item['id'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\tAND status IN (" . ST_NOTIFYRA . "," . ST_NOTIFYWA . ")\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY time DESC\r\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", FALSE); $ra = $warning_failures > $warning_trigger && $item['time_warning_fail_length'] && !empty($lastemailtime) && $lastemailtime + $realerttime <= time(); $warning_failures++; thold_debug("Warn Time:'{$warning_time}', Warn Trigger:'{$warning_trigger}', Warn Failures:'{$warning_failures}', RealertTime:'{$realerttime}', LastTime:'{$lastemailtime}', RA:'{$ra}', Diff:'" . ($realerttime + $lastemailtime) . "'<'" . time() . "'"); if ($warning_failures == $warning_trigger || $ra) { $notify = true; } $subject = ($notify ? "WARNING: " : "TRIGGER: ") . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($warning_failures > $warning_trigger ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($warning_breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' threshold of ' . ($warning_breach_up ? $item['time_warning_hi'] : $item['time_warning_low']) . " with {$currentval}"; if ($notify) { if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], $warning_failures > $warning_trigger ? 'rewarning' : 'warning', $warning_breach_up ? $item['time_warning_hi'] : $item['time_warning_low'], $currentval, $warning_trigger, $warning_failures, $url); } if ($warning_command != '') { exec_script($warning_command); } if (trim($warning_phones) != '') { thold_sms($warning_phones, $subject); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($warning_emails, '', $subject, $warn_msg, $file_array); } thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $item['time_hi'] : $item['time_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => $warning_failures > $warning_trigger ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYWA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $warning_phones, 'command' => $warning_command)); } elseif ($alertstat != 0 && $warning_failures < $warning_trigger && $failures < $trigger) { $subject = "ALERT -> WARNING: " . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . " restored to warning threshold with value {$currentval}"; thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $warning_breach_up ? $item['time_hi'] : $item['time_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_NOTIFYAW, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $warning_phones)); } else { thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => $warning_breach_up ? $item['time_hi'] : $item['time_low'], 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_TRIGGERW, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $warning_emails, 'phones' => $warning_phones)); } db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\r\n\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=" . $item['thold_alert'] . ",\r\n\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count={$warning_failures},\r\n\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count={$failures}\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE rra_id={$rra_id} AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); } else { thold_debug('Threshold Time Based check is normal HI:' . $item['time_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $item['time_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $currentval); if ($alertstat != 0 && $warning_failures < $warning_trigger && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], 'ok', 0, $currentval, $warning_trigger, $item['thold_warning_fail_count'], $url); } $subject = "NORMAL: " . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . " restored to normal threshold with value {$currentval}"; if (trim($warning_emails) != '' && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_mail($warning_emails, '', $subject, $msg, $file_array); } if (trim($warning_phones) != '' && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_sms($warning_phones, $subject); } thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRS, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $warning_emails, 'phones' => $warning_phones)); db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=0, thold_warning_fail_count={$warning_failures}, thold_fail_count={$failures}\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE rra_id={$rra_id} AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); } elseif ($alertstat != 0 && $failures < $trigger && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { if ($logset == 1) { logger($item['name'], 'ok', 0, $currentval, $trigger, $item['thold_fail_count'], $url); } $subject = "NORMAL: " . $item['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . " restored to warning threshold with value {$currentval}"; if (trim($alert_emails) != '' && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $msg, $file_array); } if (trim($alert_phones) != '' && $item['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_sms($alert_phones, $subject); } thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $item['host_id'], 'graph_id' => $graph_id, 'threshold_id' => $item['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $currentval, 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRS, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails, 'phones' => $alert_phones)); db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=0, thold_warning_fail_count={$warning_failures}, thold_fail_count={$failures}\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE rra_id={$rra_id} AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); } else { db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\r\n\t\t\t\t\tSET thold_fail_count={$failures},\r\n\t\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count={$warning_failures}\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE rra_id={$rra_id} AND data_id=" . $item['data_id']); } } break; } }
function thold_check_threshold(&$thold_data) { global $config, $plugins, $debug, $thold_types; $name = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT data_source_name FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id = ?', array($thold_data['data_template_rrd_id'])); thold_debug('Checking Threshold:' . ' Name: ' . $name . ', local_data_id: ' . $thold_data['local_data_id'] . ', data_template_rrd_id: ' . $thold_data['data_template_rrd_id'] . ', value: ' . $thold_data['lastread']); $debug = false; // Do not proceed if we have chosen to globally disable all alerts if (read_config_option('thold_disable_all') == 'on') { thold_debug('Threshold checking is disabled globally'); return; } $alert_exempt = read_config_option('alert_exempt'); /* check for exemptions */ $weekday = date('l'); if (($weekday == 'Saturday' || $weekday == 'Sunday') && $alert_exempt == 'on') { thold_debug('Threshold checking is disabled by global weekend exemption'); return; } /* check for the weekend exemption on the threshold level */ if (($weekday == 'Saturday' || $weekday == 'Sunday') && $thold_data['exempt'] == 'on') { thold_debug('Threshold checking is disabled by global weekend exemption'); return; } /* don't alert for this host if it's selected for maintenance */ if (api_plugin_is_enabled('maint') || in_array('maint', $plugins)) { include_once $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/maint/functions.php'; if (plugin_maint_check_cacti_host($thold_data['host_id'])) { thold_debug('Threshold checking is disabled by maintenance schedule'); return; } } $local_graph_id = $thold_data['local_graph_id']; /* only alert if Device is in UP mode (not down, unknown, or recovering) */ $h = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM host WHERE id=' . $thold_data['host_id']); if (sizeof($h) && $h['status'] != 3) { thold_debug('Threshold checking halted by Device Status (' . $h['status'] . ')'); return; } /* pull the cached name, if not present, it means that the graph hasn't polled yet */ $t = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT id, name, name_cache FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ' . $thold_data['local_data_id'] . ' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1'); /* pull a few default settings */ $global_alert_address = read_config_option('alert_email'); $global_notify_enabled = read_config_option('alert_notify_default') == 'on'; $logset = read_config_option('alert_syslog') == 'on'; $deadnotify = read_config_option('alert_deadnotify') == 'on'; $realert = read_config_option('alert_repeat'); $alert_trigger = read_config_option('alert_trigger'); $alert_bl_trigger = read_config_option('alert_bl_trigger'); $httpurl = read_config_option('base_url'); $thold_send_text_only = read_config_option('thold_send_text_only'); $thold_snmp_traps = read_config_option('thold_alert_snmp') == 'on'; $thold_snmp_warning_traps = read_config_option('thold_alert_snmp_warning') != 'on'; $thold_snmp_normal_traps = read_config_option('thold_alert_snmp_normal') != 'on'; $cacti_polling_interval = read_config_option('poller_interval'); /* remove this after adding an option for it */ $thold_show_datasource = thold_datasource_required($thold_data['name'], $name); $trigger = $thold_data['thold_fail_trigger'] == '' ? $alert_trigger : $thold_data['thold_fail_trigger']; $warning_trigger = $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_trigger'] == '' ? $alert_trigger : $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_trigger']; $alertstat = $thold_data['thold_alert']; $alert_emails = get_thold_alert_emails($thold_data); $warning_emails = get_thold_warning_emails($thold_data); $alert_msg = get_thold_alert_text($name, $thold_data, $h, $thold_data['lastread'], $thold_data['local_graph_id']); $warn_msg = get_thold_warning_text($name, $thold_data, $h, $thold_data['lastread'], $thold_data['local_graph_id']); $thold_snmp_data = get_thold_snmp_data($name, $thold_data, $h, $thold_data['lastread']); $file_array = ''; if ($thold_send_text_only != 'on') { if (!empty($thold_data['local_graph_id'])) { $file_array[] = array('local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'local_data_id' => $thold_data['local_data_id'], 'rra_id' => 0, 'file' => "{$httpurl}/graph_image.php?local_graph_id=" . $thold_data['local_graph_id'] . '&rra_id=0&view_type=tree', 'mimetype' => 'image/png', 'filename' => clean_up_name($thold_data['name'])); } } $url = $httpurl . '/graph.php?local_graph_id=' . $thold_data['local_graph_id'] . '&rra_id=all'; switch ($thold_data['thold_type']) { case 0: /* hi/low */ if ($thold_data['lastread'] != '') { $breach_up = $thold_data['thold_hi'] != '' && $thold_data['lastread'] > $thold_data['thold_hi']; $breach_down = $thold_data['thold_low'] != '' && $thold_data['lastread'] < $thold_data['thold_low']; $warning_breach_up = $thold_data['thold_warning_hi'] != '' && $thold_data['lastread'] > $thold_data['thold_warning_hi']; $warning_breach_down = $thold_data['thold_warning_low'] != '' && $thold_data['lastread'] < $thold_data['thold_warning_low']; } else { $breach_up = $breach_down = $warning_breach_up = $warning_breach_down = false; } /* is in alert status */ if ($breach_up || $breach_down) { $notify = false; thold_debug('Threshold HI / Low check breached HI:' . $thold_data['thold_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $thold_data['thold_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $thold_data['lastread']); $thold_data['thold_fail_count']++; $thold_data['thold_alert'] = $breach_up ? STAT_HI : STAT_LO; /* Re-Alert? */ $ra = $thold_data['thold_fail_count'] > $trigger && $thold_data['repeat_alert'] != 0 && $thold_data['thold_fail_count'] % $thold_data['repeat_alert'] == 0; if ($thold_data['thold_fail_count'] == $trigger || $ra) { $notify = true; } $subject = 'ALERT: ' . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($ra ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' threshold of ' . ($breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_low']) . ' with ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if ($notify) { thold_debug('Alerting is necessary'); if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], $ra ? 'realert' : 'alert', $breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_low'], $thold_data['lastread'], $trigger, $thold_data['thold_fail_count'], $url); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $alert_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 3; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = $thold_data['snmp_event_severity']; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = $thold_data['thold_alert'] + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventRealertStatus'] = $ra ? $breach_up ? 3 : 2 : 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ($ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYAL) + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'] = $thold_data['thold_fail_count']; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDuration'] = $thold_data['thold_fail_count'] * $cacti_polling_interval; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDurationTrigger'] = $trigger * $cacti_polling_interval; $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription'] = str_replace(array('<FAIL_COUNT>', '<FAIL_DURATION>'), array($thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'], $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDuration']), $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription']); thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => $ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYAL, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } db_execute('UPDATE thold_data SET thold_alert=' . $thold_data['thold_alert'] . ', thold_fail_count=' . $thold_data['thold_fail_count'] . ",\n\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count=0\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id=" . $thold_data['id']); } elseif ($warning_breach_up || $warning_breach_down) { $notify = false; thold_debug('Threshold HI / Low Warning check breached HI:' . $thold_data['thold_warning_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $thold_data['thold_warning_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $thold_data['lastread']); $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count']++; $thold_data['thold_alert'] = $warning_breach_up ? STAT_HI : STAT_LO; /* re-alert? */ $ra = $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] > $warning_trigger && $thold_data['repeat_alert'] != 0 && $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] % $thold_data['repeat_alert'] == 0; if ($thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] == $warning_trigger || $ra) { $notify = true; } $subject = ($notify ? 'WARNING: ' : 'TRIGGER: ') . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($ra ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($warning_breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' threshold of ' . ($warning_breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_warning_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_warning_low']) . ' with ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if ($notify) { thold_debug('Alerting is necessary'); if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], $ra ? 'rewarning' : 'warning', $warning_breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_warning_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_warning_low'], $thold_data['lastread'], $warning_trigger, $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'], $url); } if (trim($warning_emails) != '') { thold_mail($warning_emails, '', $subject, $warn_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps && $thold_snmp_warning_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 2; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = $thold_data['snmp_event_warning_severity']; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = $thold_data['thold_alert'] + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventRealertStatus'] = $ra ? $warning_breach_up ? 3 : 2 : 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ($ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYWA) + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'] = $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count']; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDuration'] = $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] * $cacti_polling_interval; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDurationTrigger'] = $warning_trigger * $cacti_polling_interval; $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription'] = str_replace(array('<FAIL_COUNT>', '<FAIL_DURATION>'), array($thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'], $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDuration']), $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription']); thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $warning_breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_warning_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_warning_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => $ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYWA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } elseif ($thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] >= $warning_trigger && $thold_data['thold_fail_count'] >= $trigger) { $subject = 'ALERT -> WARNING: ' . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' Changed to Warning Threshold with Value ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $warn_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps && $thold_snmp_warning_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 2; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = $thold_data['snmp_event_warning_severity']; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = $thold_data['thold_alert'] + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ST_NOTIFYAW + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'] = $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count']; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDuration'] = $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] * $cacti_polling_interval; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDurationTrigger'] = $trigger * $cacti_polling_interval; $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription'] = str_replace(array('<FAIL_COUNT>', '<FAIL_DURATION>'), array($thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'], $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDuration']), $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription']); thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $warning_breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_warning_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_warning_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_NOTIFYAW, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } db_execute('UPDATE thold_data SET thold_alert=' . $thold_data['thold_alert'] . ', thold_warning_fail_count=' . $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] . ', thold_fail_count=0 WHERE id=' . $thold_data['id']); } else { thold_debug('Threshold HI / Low check is normal HI:' . $thold_data['thold_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $thold_data['thold_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $thold_data['lastread']); /* if we were at an alert status before */ if ($alertstat != 0) { $subject = 'NORMAL: ' . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' Restored to Normal Threshold with Value ' . $thold_data['lastread']; db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\n\t\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=0, \n\t\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count=0, \n\t\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count=0\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id=" . $thold_data['id']); if ($thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] >= $warning_trigger && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], 'ok', 0, $thold_data['lastread'], $warning_trigger, $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'], $url); } if (trim($warning_emails) != '' && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_mail($warning_emails, '', $subject, $warn_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps && $thold_snmp_normal_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ST_NOTIFYRS + 1; thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRS, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $warning_emails)); } elseif ($thold_data['thold_fail_count'] >= $trigger && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], 'ok', 0, $thold_data['lastread'], $trigger, $thold_data['thold_fail_count'], $url); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '' && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $alert_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps && $thold_snmp_normal_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ST_NOTIFYRS + 1; thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRS, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } } } break; case 1: /* baseline */ $bl_alert_prev = $thold_data['bl_alert']; $bl_count_prev = $thold_data['bl_fail_count']; $bl_fail_trigger = $thold_data['bl_fail_trigger'] == '' ? $alert_bl_trigger : $thold_data['bl_fail_trigger']; $thold_data['bl_alert'] = thold_check_baseline($local_data_id, $name, $thold_data['lastread'], $thold_data); switch ($thold_data['bl_alert']) { case -2: /* exception is active, Future Release 'todo' */ break; case -1: /* reference value not available, Future Release 'todo' */ break; case 0: /* all clear */ /* if we were at an alert status before */ if ($alertstat != 0) { thold_debug('Threshold Baseline check is normal'); if ($thold_data['bl_fail_count'] >= $bl_fail_trigger && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_debug('Threshold Baseline check returned to normal'); if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], 'ok', 0, $thold_data['lastread'], $thold_data['bl_fail_trigger'], $thold_data['bl_fail_count'], $url); } $subject = 'NORMAL: ' . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' restored to normal threshold with value ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $alert_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps && $thold_snmp_normal_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 1; $hold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ST_NOTIFYRS + 1; thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 1, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } } $thold_data['bl_fail_count'] = 0; break; case 1: /* value is below calculated threshold */ /* value is below calculated threshold */ case 2: /* value is above calculated threshold */ $thold_data['bl_fail_count']++; $breach_up = $thold_data['bl_alert'] == STAT_HI; $breach_down = $thold_data['bl_alert'] == STAT_LO; thold_debug('Threshold Baseline check breached'); /* re-alert? */ $ra = $thold_data['bl_fail_count'] > $bl_fail_trigger && $thold_data['bl_fail_count'] % ($thold_data['repeat_alert'] == '' ? $realert : $thold_data['repeat_alert']) == 0; if ($thold_data['bl_fail_count'] == $bl_fail_trigger || $ra) { thold_debug('Alerting is necessary'); $subject = 'ALERT: ' . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($ra ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' calculated baseline threshold ' . ($breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_low']) . ' with ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], $ra ? 'realert' : 'alert', $breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_low'], $thold_data['lastread'], $thold_data['bl_fail_trigger'], $thold_data['bl_fail_count'], $url); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $alert_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 3; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = $thold_data['snmp_event_severity']; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = $thold_data['bl_alert'] + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventRealertStatus'] = $ra ? $breach_up ? 3 : 2 : 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ($ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYAL) + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'] = $thold_data['bl_fail_count']; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDuration'] = $thold_data['bl_fail_count'] * $cacti_polling_interval; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCountTrigger'] = $bl_fail_trigger; $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription'] = str_replace(array('<FAIL_COUNT>', '<FAIL_DURATION>'), array($thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'], $thold_snmp_data['eventFailDuration']), $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription']); thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 1, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => $ra ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYAL, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } else { thold_log(array('type' => 1, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $thold_data['thold_hi'] : $thold_data['thold_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_TRIGGERA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } break; } db_execute("UPDATE thold_data \n\t\t\tSET thold_alert=0, \n\t\t\tthold_fail_count=0,\n\t\t\tbl_alert='" . $thold_data['bl_alert'] . "',\n\t\t\tbl_fail_count='" . $thold_data['bl_fail_count'] . "',\n\t\t\tthold_low='" . $thold_data['thold_low'] . "',\n\t\t\tthold_hi='" . $thold_data['thold_hi'] . "',\n\t\t\tbl_thold_valid='" . $thold_data['bl_thold_valid'] . "'\n\t\t\tWHERE id=" . $thold_data['id']); break; case 2: /* time based */ if ($thold_data['lastread'] != '') { $breach_up = $thold_data['time_hi'] != '' && $thold_data['lastread'] > $thold_data['time_hi']; $breach_down = $thold_data['time_low'] != '' && $thold_data['lastread'] < $thold_data['time_low']; $warning_breach_up = $thold_data['time_warning_hi'] != '' && $thold_data['lastread'] > $thold_data['time_warning_hi']; $warning_breach_down = $thold_data['time_warning_low'] != '' && $thold_data['lastread'] < $thold_data['time_warning_low']; } else { $breach_up = $breach_down = $warning_breach_up = $warning_breach_down = false; } $step = db_fetch_cell('SELECT rrd_step FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ' . $local_data_id, FALSE); /* alerts */ $trigger = $thold_data['time_fail_trigger']; $time = time() - $thold_data['time_fail_length'] * $step; $failures = db_fetch_cell('SELECT count(id) FROM plugin_thold_log WHERE threshold_id=' . $thold_data['id'] . ' AND status IN (' . ST_TRIGGERA . ',' . ST_NOTIFYRA . ',' . ST_NOTIFYAL . ') AND time>' . $time); /* warnings */ $warning_trigger = $thold_data['time_warning_fail_trigger']; $warning_time = time() - $thold_data['time_warning_fail_length'] * $step; $warning_failures = db_fetch_cell('SELECT count(id) FROM plugin_thold_log WHERE threshold_id=' . $thold_data['id'] . ' AND status IN (' . ST_NOTIFYWA . ',' . ST_TRIGGERW . ') AND time>' . $warning_time) + $failures; if ($breach_up || $breach_down) { $notify = false; thold_debug('Threshold Time Based check breached HI:' . $thold_data['time_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $thold_data['time_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $thold_data['lastread']); $thold_data['thold_alert'] = $breach_up ? STAT_HI : STAT_LO; $thold_data['thold_fail_count'] = $failures; /* we should only re-alert X minutes after last email, not every 5 pollings, etc... re-alert? */ $realerttime = ($thold_data['repeat_alert'] - 1) * $step; $lastemailtime = db_fetch_cell('SELECT time FROM plugin_thold_log WHERE threshold_id=' . $thold_data['id'] . ' AND status IN (' . ST_NOTIFYRA . ',' . ST_NOTIFYAL . ') ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1', FALSE); $ra = $failures > $trigger && $thold_data['repeat_alert'] && !empty($lastemailtime) && $lastemailtime + $realerttime <= time(); $failures++; thold_debug("Alert Time:'{$time}', Alert Trigger:'{$trigger}', Alert Failures:'{$failures}', RealertTime:'{$realerttime}', LastTime:'{$lastemailtime}', RA:'{$ra}', Diff:'" . ($realerttime + $lastemailtime) . "'<'" . time() . "'"); if ($failures == $trigger || $ra) { $notify = true; } $subject = ($notify ? 'ALERT: ' : 'TRIGGER: ') . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($failures > $trigger ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' threshold of ' . ($breach_up ? $thold_data['time_hi'] : $thold_data['time_low']) . ' with ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if ($notify) { thold_debug('Alerting is necessary'); if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], $failures > $trigger ? 'realert' : 'alert', $breach_up ? $thold_data['time_hi'] : $thold_data['time_low'], $thold_data['lastread'], $trigger, $failures, $url); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $alert_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 3; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = $thold_data['snmp_event_severity']; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = $thold_data['thold_alert'] + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventRealertStatus'] = $ra ? $breach_up ? 3 : 2 : 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ($failures > $trigger ? ST_NOTIFYAL : ST_NOTIFYRA) + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'] = $failures; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCountTrigger'] = $trigger; $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription'] = str_replace('<FAIL_COUNT>', $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'], $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription']); thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $thold_data['time_hi'] : $thold_data['time_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => $failures > $trigger ? ST_NOTIFYAL : ST_NOTIFYRA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } else { thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $thold_data['time_hi'] : $thold_data['time_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_TRIGGERA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } db_execute('UPDATE thold_data SET thold_alert=' . $thold_data['thold_alert'] . ",\n\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count={$failures}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id=" . $thold_data['id']); } elseif ($warning_breach_up || $warning_breach_down) { $notify = false; $thold_data['thold_alert'] = $warning_breach_up ? STAT_HI : STAT_LO; $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'] = $warning_failures; /* we should only re-alert X minutes after last email, not every 5 pollings, etc... re-alert? */ $realerttime = ($thold_data['time_warning_fail_length'] - 1) * $step; $lastemailtime = db_fetch_cell('SELECT time FROM plugin_thold_log WHERE threshold_id=' . $thold_data['id'] . ' AND status IN (' . ST_NOTIFYRA . ',' . ST_NOTIFYWA . ') ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1', FALSE); $ra = $warning_failures > $warning_trigger && $thold_data['time_warning_fail_length'] && !empty($lastemailtime) && $lastemailtime + $realerttime <= time(); $warning_failures++; thold_debug("Warn Time:'{$warning_time}', Warn Trigger:'{$warning_trigger}', Warn Failures:'{$warning_failures}', RealertTime:'{$realerttime}', LastTime:'{$lastemailtime}', RA:'{$ra}', Diff:'" . ($realerttime + $lastemailtime) . "'<'" . time() . "'"); if ($warning_failures == $warning_trigger || $ra) { $notify = true; } $subject = ($notify ? 'WARNING: ' : 'TRIGGER: ') . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' ' . ($warning_failures > $warning_trigger ? 'is still' : 'went') . ' ' . ($warning_breach_up ? 'above' : 'below') . ' threshold of ' . ($warning_breach_up ? $thold_data['time_warning_hi'] : $thold_data['time_warning_low']) . ' with ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if ($notify) { if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], $warning_failures > $warning_trigger ? 'rewarning' : 'warning', $warning_breach_up ? $thold_data['time_warning_hi'] : $thold_data['time_warning_low'], $thold_data['lastread'], $warning_trigger, $warning_failures, $url); } if (trim($alert_emails) != '') { thold_mail($warning_emails, '', $subject, $warn_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps && $thold_snmp_warning_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 2; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = $thold_data['snmp_event_warning_severity']; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = $thold_data['thold_alert'] + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventRealertStatus'] = $ra ? $warning_breach_up ? 3 : 2 : 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ($warning_failures > $warning_trigger ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYWA) + 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'] = $warning_failures; $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCountTrigger'] = $warning_trigger; $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription'] = str_replace('<FAIL_COUNT>', $thold_snmp_data['eventFailCount'], $thold_snmp_data['eventDescription']); thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $breach_up ? $thold_data['time_hi'] : $thold_data['time_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => $warning_failures > $warning_trigger ? ST_NOTIFYRA : ST_NOTIFYWA, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } elseif ($alertstat != 0 && $warning_failures < $warning_trigger && $failures < $trigger) { $subject = 'ALERT -> WARNING: ' . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' restored to warning threshold with value ' . $thold_data['lastread']; thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $warning_breach_up ? $thold_data['time_hi'] : $thold_data['time_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_NOTIFYAW, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); } else { thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => $warning_breach_up ? $thold_data['time_hi'] : $thold_data['time_low'], 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_TRIGGERW, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $warning_emails)); } db_execute('UPDATE thold_data SET thold_alert=' . $thold_data['thold_alert'] . ",\n\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count={$warning_failures},\n\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count={$failures}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id=" . $thold_data['id']); } else { thold_debug('Threshold Time Based check is normal HI:' . $thold_data['time_hi'] . ' LOW:' . $thold_data['time_low'] . ' VALUE:' . $thold_data['lastread']); if ($alertstat != 0 && $warning_failures < $warning_trigger && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], 'ok', 0, $thold_data['lastread'], $warning_trigger, $thold_data['thold_warning_fail_count'], $url); } $subject = 'NORMAL: ' . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' restored to normal threshold with value ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if (trim($warning_emails) != '' && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_mail($warning_emails, '', $subject, $alert_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps && $thold_snmp_normal_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ST_NOTIFYRS + 1; thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRS, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $warning_emails)); db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\n\t\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=0, \n\t\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count={$warning_failures}, \n\t\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count={$failures}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id=" . $thold_data['id']); } elseif ($alertstat != 0 && $failures < $trigger && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { if ($logset == 1) { logger($thold_data['name'], 'ok', 0, $thold_data['lastread'], $trigger, $thold_data['thold_fail_count'], $url); } $subject = 'NORMAL: ' . $thold_data['name'] . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [{$name}]" : '') . ' restored to warning threshold with value ' . $thold_data['lastread']; if (trim($alert_emails) != '' && $thold_data['restored_alert'] != 'on') { thold_mail($alert_emails, '', $subject, $alert_msg, $file_array); } if ($thold_snmp_traps && $thold_snmp_normal_traps) { $thold_snmp_data['eventClass'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventSeverity'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventStatus'] = 1; $thold_snmp_data['eventNotificationType'] = ST_NOTIFYRS + 1; thold_snmptrap($thold_snmp_data); } thold_log(array('type' => 2, 'time' => time(), 'host_id' => $thold_data['host_id'], 'local_graph_id' => $thold_data['local_graph_id'], 'threshold_id' => $thold_data['id'], 'threshold_value' => '', 'current' => $thold_data['lastread'], 'status' => ST_NOTIFYRS, 'description' => $subject, 'emails' => $alert_emails)); db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\n\t\t\t\t\tSET thold_alert=0, \n\t\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count={$warning_failures}, \n\t\t\t\t\tthold_fail_count={$failures}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id=" . $thold_data['id']); } else { db_execute("UPDATE thold_data\n\t\t\t\t\tSET thold_fail_count={$failures},\n\t\t\t\t\tthold_warning_fail_count={$warning_failures}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id=" . $thold_data['id']); } } break; } }