if (file_exists($my_jail['jailpath'] . "etc/make.conf")) { exec("mv " . $my_jail['jailpath'] . "etc/make.conf " . $my_jail['jailpath'] . "etc/make.conf.bak"); } // Move the non-standard make file exec("cp " . $brig_root . "conf/make.conf " . $my_jail['jailpath'] . "etc/"); } // end of "found a match within the checkbox list" } // end of else } // end of foreach jail } // end of "clicked submit" if (isset($pconfig['port_op']) && $pconfig['port_op']) { // We want to fetch AND extract the tree for the first time $response = thebrig_portsnap($brig_root . "conf/ports", $brig_port_db, $brig_root . "conf/portsnap.conf", $pconfig['port_op']); if ($response == 1) { $input_errors[] = "Something bad happened while attempting to prep for the update operation"; } elseif ($response == 2) { $input_errors[] = "Something bad happened while attempting to return Nas4Free to its previous state"; } } // There are no input errors detected. if (!$input_errors) { // We have specified a new location for thebrig's installation, and it's valid, and we don't already have if ($config_changed) { write_config(); write_rcconflocal(); } // Whatever we did, we did it successfully $retval = 0;
#!/usr/local/bin/php-cgi -f <?php /* */ require_once "/etc/inc/config.inc"; $brig_root = $config['thebrig']['rootfolder']; require_once "/usr/local/www/ext/thebrig/functions.inc"; $brig_port_db = $brig_root . "conf/db/ports/"; sleep(rand(0, 3600)); $brig_update_ready = thebrig_update_prep(); if ($brig_update_ready == 0) { $response = thebrig_portsnap($brig_root . "conf/ports", $brig_root . "conf/db/ports", $brig_root . "conf/portsnap.conf", "Fetch"); }