define("txpinterface", "admin");
$thisversion = '4.1.0';
$txp_using_svn = true;
// set false for releases
ob_start(NULL, 2048);
if (!@(include './config.php')) {
    include txpath . '/setup/index.php';
} else {
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if (isset($_POST['form_preview'])) {
    include txpath . '/publish.php';
@ini_set("display_errors", "1");
include_once txpath . '/lib/constants.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/mdb.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/txplib_db.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/txplib_prefs.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/txplib_forms.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/txplib_html.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/txplib_misc.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/txplib_element.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/txplib_class.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/admin_config.php';
include_once txpath . '/lib/txplib_controller.php';
 function _textpattern()
     global $plugins_ver, $pretext, $prefs, $plugin_callback;
     $this->debug('Plugin: ' . $this->plugin_name . ' - ' . $plugins_ver[$this->plugin_name]);
     $this->debug('Function: ' . __FUNCTION__ . '()');
     // URI
     $req = $pretext['req'];
     $req = preg_replace('%\\?[^\\/]+$%', '', $req);
     $this->debug('Request URI: ' . $req);
     $uri = explode('/', trim($req, '/'));
     // The number of components comes in useful when determining the best partial match.
     $uri_component_count = count($uri);
     // Permanent links
     $permlinks = $this->get_all_permlinks(1);
     // Force Textpattern and tags to use messy URLs - these are easier to
     // find in regex
     if (count($permlinks)) {
         // We also want to match the front page of the site (for page numbers / feeds etc..).
         // Add a permlinks rule which will do that.
         $permlinks['default'] = array('components' => array(), 'settings' => array('pl_name' => 'gbp_permanent_links_default', 'pl_precedence' => '', 'pl_preview' => '/', 'con_section' => '', 'con_category' => '', 'des_section' => '', 'des_category' => '', 'des_permlink' => '', 'des_feed' => '', 'des_location' => '', 'des_page' => ''));
         // Extend the pretext_replacement scope outside the foreach permlink loop
         $pretext_replacement = NULL;
         foreach ($permlinks as $id => $pl) {
             // Extract the permlink settings
             $pl_settings = $pl['settings'];
             $this->debug('Permlink name: ' . $pl_name);
             $this->debug('Permlink id: ' . $id);
             $this->debug('Preview: ' . $pl_preview);
             $pl_components = $pl['components'];
             // URI components
             $uri_components = $uri;
             $this->debug('PL component count: ' . count($pl_components));
             $this->debug('URL component count: ' . count($uri_components));
             $date = false;
             $title_page_feed = false;
             foreach ($pl_components as $pl_c) {
                 // Are we expecting a date component? If so the number of pl and uri components won't match
                 if ($pl_c['type'] == 'date') {
                     $date = true;
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($pl_c['type'], array('title', 'page', 'feed'))) {
                         $title_page_feed = true;
             if (!$title_page_feed) {
                 // If there isn't a title, page or feed component then append a special type for cleaver partial matching
                 $pl_components[] = array('type' => 'title_page_feed', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'regex' => '', 'text' => '');
             // Exit early if there are more URL components than PL components,
             // taking into account whether there is a data component
             if (!$uri_components[0] || count($uri_components) > count($pl_components) + ($date ? 2 : 0)) {
                 $this->debug('More URL components than PL components');
             // Reset pretext_replacement as we are about to start another comparison
             $pretext_replacement = array('permlink_id' => $id);
             // Reset the article context string
             $context = array();
             if (!empty($des_section)) {
                 $context[] = "`Section` = '{$des_section}'";
             if (!empty($des_category)) {
                 $context[] = "(`Category1` = '{$des_category}' OR `Category2` = '{$des_category}')";
             $context_str = count($context) > 0 ? 'and ' . join(' and ', $context) : '';
             // Assume there is no match
             $partial_match = false;
             $cleaver_partial_match = false;
             // Loop through the permlink components
             foreach ($pl_components as $pl_c_index => $pl_c) {
                 // Assume there is no match
                 $match = false;
                 // Check to see if there are still URI components to be checked.
                 if (count($uri_components)) {
                     // Get the next component.
                     $uri_c = array_shift($uri_components);
                 } else {
                     if (!$title_page_feed && count($pl_components) - 1 == $uri_component_count) {
                         // If we appended a title_page_feed component earlier and permlink and URI components
                         // counts are equal, we must of finished checking this permlink, and it matches so break.
                         $match = true;
                     } else {
                         // If there are no more URI components then we have a partial match.
                         // Store the partial match data unless there has been a preceding permlink with the
                         // same number of components, as permlink have already been sorted by precedence.
                         if (!array_key_exists($uri_component_count, $this->partial_matches)) {
                             $this->partial_matches[$uri_component_count] = $pretext_replacement;
                         // Unset pretext_replacement as changes could of been made in a preceding component
                         // Break early form the foreach permlink components loop.
                         $partial_match = true;
                 // Extract the permlink components.
                 // If it's a date, grab and combine the next two URI components.
                 if ($type == 'date') {
                     $uri_c .= '/' . array_shift($uri_components) . '/' . array_shift($uri_components);
                 // Decode the URL
                 $uri_c = urldecode($uri_c);
                 // Always check the type unless the prefix or suffix aren't there
                 $check_type = true;
                 // Check prefix
                 if ($prefix && $this->pref('show_prefix')) {
                     $sanitized_prefix = urldecode($this->encode_url($prefix));
                     if (($pos = strpos($uri_c, $sanitized_prefix)) === false || $pos != 0) {
                         $check_type = false;
                         $this->debug('Can\'t find prefix: ' . $prefix);
                     } else {
                         // Check passed, remove prefix ready for the next check
                         $uri_c = substr_replace($uri_c, '', 0, strlen($sanitized_prefix));
                 // Check suffix
                 if ($check_type && $suffix && $this->pref('show_suffix')) {
                     $sanitized_suffix = urldecode($this->encode_url($suffix));
                     if (($pos = strrpos($uri_c, $sanitized_suffix)) === false) {
                         $check_type = false;
                         $this->debug('Can\'t find suffix: ' . $suffix);
                     } else {
                         // Check passed, remove suffix ready for the next check
                         $uri_c = substr_replace($uri_c, '', $pos, strlen($sanitized_suffix));
                 // Both the prefix and suffix settings have passed
                 if ($check_type) {
                     $this->debug('Checking if "' . $uri_c . '" is of type "' . $type . '"');
                     $uri_c = doSlash($uri_c);
                     if ($prefs['permalink_title_format']) {
                         $mt_search = array('/_/', '/\\.html$/');
                         $mt_replace = array('-', '');
                     } else {
                         $mt_search = array('/(?:^|_)(.)/e', '/\\.html$/');
                         $mt_replace = array("strtoupper('\\1')", '');
                     $mt_uri_c = $this->pref('redirect_mt_style_links') ? preg_replace($mt_search, $mt_replace, $uri_c) : '';
                     // Compare based on type
                     switch ($type) {
                         case 'section':
                             if ($rs = safe_row('name', 'txp_section', "(`name` like '{$uri_c}' or `name` like '{$mt_uri_c}') limit 1")) {
                                 $this->debug('Section name: ' . $rs['name']);
                                 $pretext_replacement['s'] = $rs['name'];
                                 $context[] = "`Section` = '{$rs['name']}'";
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'category':
                             if ($rs = safe_row('name', 'txp_category', "(`name` like '{$uri_c}' or `name` like '{$mt_uri_c}') and `type` = 'article' limit 1")) {
                                 $this->debug('Category name: ' . $rs['name']);
                                 $pretext_replacement['c'] = $rs['name'];
                                 $context[] = "(`Category1` = '{$rs['name']}' OR `Category2` = '{$uri_c}')";
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'title':
                             if ($rs = safe_row('url_title', 'textpattern', "(`url_title` like '{$uri_c}' or `url_title` like '{$mt_uri_c}') {$context_str} and `Status` >= 4 limit 1")) {
                                 $this->debug('URL Title: ' . $rs['url_title']);
                                 $mt_redirect = $uri_c != $mt_uri_c;
                                 $pretext_replacement['url_title'] = $rs['url_title'];
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'id':
                             if ($rs = safe_row('ID, Posted', 'textpattern', "`ID` = '{$uri_c}' {$context_str} and `Status` >= 4 limit 1")) {
                                 $pretext_replacement['id'] = $rs['ID'];
                                 $pretext_replacement['Posted'] = $rs['Posted'];
                                 $pretext['numPages'] = 1;
                                 $pretext['is_article_list'] = false;
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'author':
                             if ($author = safe_field('name', 'txp_users', "RealName like '{$uri_c}' limit 1")) {
                                 $pretext_replacement['author'] = $author;
                                 $context[] = "`AuthorID` = '{$author}'";
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'login':
                             if ($author = safe_field('name', 'txp_users', "name like '{$uri_c}' limit 1")) {
                                 $pretext_replacement['author'] = $author;
                                 $context[] = "`AuthorID` = '{$author}'";
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'custom':
                             $custom_options = array_values(array_map(array($this, "encode_url"), safe_column("custom_{$custom}", 'textpattern', "custom_{$custom} != ''")));
                             if ($this->pref('force_lowercase_urls')) {
                                 $custom_options = array_map("strtolower", $custom_options);
                             if (in_array($uri_c, $custom_options)) {
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'date':
                             if (preg_match('/^\\d{4}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{2}$/', $uri_c)) {
                                 $pretext_replacement['date'] = str_replace('/', '-', $uri_c);
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'year':
                             if (preg_match('/^\\d{4}$/', $uri_c)) {
                                 $pretext_replacement['year'] = $uri_c;
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'month':
                         case 'day':
                             if (preg_match('/^\\d{2}$/', $uri_c)) {
                                 $pretext_replacement[$type] = $uri_c;
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'page':
                             if (is_numeric($uri_c)) {
                                 $pretext_replacement['pg'] = $uri_c;
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'feed':
                             if (in_array($uri_c, array('rss', 'atom'))) {
                                 $pretext_replacement[$uri_c] = 1;
                                 $match = true;
                         case 'search':
                             $pretext_replacement['q'] = $uri_c;
                             $match = true;
                         case 'text':
                             if ($this->encode_url($text) == $uri_c) {
                                 $match = true;
                                 $pretext_replacement["permlink_text_{$name}"] = $uri_c;
                         case 'regex':
                             // Check to see if regex is valid without outputting error messages.
                             preg_match($regex, $uri_c, $regex_matches);
                             $is_valid_regex = !ob_get_clean();
                             if ($is_valid_regex && @$regex_matches[0]) {
                                 $match = true;
                                 $pretext_replacement["permlink_regex_{$name}"] = $regex_matches[0];
                     // switch type end
                     // Update the article context string
                     $context_str = count($context) > 0 ? 'and ' . join(' and ', $context) : '';
                     $this->debug($match == true ? 'YES' : 'NO');
                     if (!$match && !$cleaver_partial_match && $this->pref('use_cleaver_partial_matches')) {
                         // There hasn't been a match or a complete cleaver partial match. Lets try to be cleaver and
                         // check to see if this component is either a title, page or a feed. This makes it more probable
                         // a successful match for a given permlink rule occurs.
                         $this->debug('Checking if "' . $uri_c . '" is of type "title_page_feed"');
                         if ($type != 'title' && ($url_title = safe_field('url_title', 'textpattern', "`url_title` like '{$uri_c}' {$context_str} and `Status` >= 4 limit 1"))) {
                             $pretext_replacement['url_title'] = $url_title;
                             $pretext['numPages'] = 1;
                             $pretext['is_article_list'] = false;
                             $cleaver_partial_match = true;
                         } else {
                             if ($this->pref('clean_page_archive_links') && $type != 'page' && is_numeric($uri_c)) {
                                 $pretext_replacement['pg'] = $uri_c;
                                 $cleaver_partial_match = true;
                             } else {
                                 if ($type != 'feed' && in_array($uri_c, array('rss', 'atom'))) {
                                     $pretext_replacement[$uri_c] = 1;
                                     $cleaver_partial_match = true;
                         $this->debug($cleaver_partial_match == true ? 'YES' : 'NO');
                         if ($cleaver_partial_match) {
                             $this->cleaver_partial_match = $pretext_replacement;
                             // Unset pretext_replacement as changes could of been made in a preceding component
                             $cleaver_partial_match = true;
                             continue 2;
                 // check type end
                 // Break early if the component doesn't match, as there is no point continuing
                 if ($match == false) {
                     // Unset pretext_replacement as changes could of been made in a preceding component
             // foreach permlink component end
             if (!isset($pretext_replacement['id'])) {
                 if (isset($pretext_replacement['url_title'])) {
                     if (isset($pretext_replacement['date'])) {
                         $date_val = $pretext_replacement['date'];
                     } else {
                         if (isset($pretext_replacement['year'])) {
                             $date_val = $pretext_replacement['year'];
                             if (isset($pretext_replacement['month'])) {
                                 $date_val .= '-' . $pretext_replacement['month'];
                                 if (isset($pretext_replacement['day'])) {
                                     $date_val .= '-' . $pretext_replacement['day'];
                     if (isset($date_val)) {
                         $context_str .= " and `Posted` like '{$date_val}%'";
                     if ($rs = safe_row('ID, Posted', 'textpattern', "`url_title` like '{$pretext_replacement['url_title']}' {$context_str} and `Status` >= 4 order by `Posted` desc limit 1")) {
                         if (isset($date_val)) {
                             $this->debug('Found date and title-based match.');
                         } else {
                             $this->debug('Found title-based match.');
                         $pretext_replacement['id'] = $rs['ID'];
                         $pretext_replacement['Posted'] = $rs['Posted'];
                         $pretext['numPages'] = 1;
                         $pretext['is_article_list'] = false;
                     } else {
                         $match = false;
             if ($match || $partial_match || $cleaver_partial_match) {
                 // Extract the settings for this permlink
                 // Check the permlink section and category conditions
                 if (!empty($con_section) && $con_section != @$pretext_replacement['s'] || !empty($con_category) && $con_category != @$pretext_replacement['c']) {
                     $this->debug('Permlink conditions failed');
                     if (@$con_section) {
                         $this->debug('con_section = ' . $con_section);
                     if (@$con_category) {
                         $this->debug('con_category = ' . $con_category);
                 } else {
                     if ($match && isset($pretext_replacement)) {
                         $this->debug('We have a match!');
                     } else {
                         if ($partial_match && count($this->partial_matches)) {
                             $this->debug('We have a \'partial match\'');
                         } else {
                             if ($cleaver_partial_match && isset($cleaver_partial_match)) {
                                 $this->debug('We have a \'cleaver partial match\'');
                             } else {
                                 $this->debug('Error: Can\'t determine the correct type match');
                                 // This permlink has failed, continue execution of the foreach permlinks loop
             // We have a match
             if (@$pretext_replacement) {
         // foreach permlinks end
         // If there is no match restore the most likely partial match. Sorted by number of components and then precedence
         if (!@$pretext_replacement && count($this->partial_matches)) {
             $pt_slice = array_slice($this->partial_matches, -1);
             $pretext_replacement = array_shift($pt_slice);
         // Restore the cleaver_partial_match if there is no other matches
         if (!@$pretext_replacement && $this->cleaver_partial_match) {
             $pretext_replacement = $this->cleaver_partial_match;
         // Extract the settings for this permlink
         // If pretext_replacement is still set here then we have a match
         if (@$pretext_replacement) {
             $this->debug('Pretext Replacement ' . print_r($pretext_replacement, 1));
             if (!empty($des_section)) {
                 $pretext_replacement['s'] = $des_section;
             if (!empty($des_category)) {
                 $pretext_replacement['c'] = $des_category;
             if (!empty($des_feed)) {
                 $pretext_replacement[$des_feed] = 1;
             if (@$pretext_replacement['id'] && @$pretext_replacement['Posted']) {
                 if ($np = getNextPrev($pretext_replacement['id'], $pretext_replacement['Posted'], @$pretext_replacement['s'])) {
                     $pretext_replacement = array_merge($pretext_replacement, $np);
             // If there is a match then we most set the http status correctly as txp's pretext might set it to 404
             $pretext_replacement['status'] = '200';
             // Store the orginial HTTP status code
             // We might need to log the page hit if it equals 404
             $orginial_status = $pretext['status'];
             // Txp only looks at the month, but due to how we phase the month we can manipulate the sql to our needs
             if (array_key_exists('date', $pretext_replacement)) {
                 $pretext_replacement['month'] = $pretext_replacement['date'];
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists('year', $pretext_replacement) || array_key_exists('month', $pretext_replacement) || array_key_exists('day', $pretext_replacement)) {
                     $month = '';
                     $month .= array_key_exists('year', $pretext_replacement) ? $pretext_replacement['year'] . '-' : '____-';
                     $month .= array_key_exists('month', $pretext_replacement) ? $pretext_replacement['month'] . '-' : '__-';
                     $month .= array_key_exists('day', $pretext_replacement) ? $pretext_replacement['day'] . ' ' : '__ ';
                     $pretext_replacement['month'] = $month;
             // Section needs to be defined so we can always get a page template.
             if (!array_key_exists('s', $pretext_replacement)) {
                 if (!@$pretext_replacement['id']) {
                     $pretext_replacement['s'] = 'default';
                 } else {
                     $pretext_replacement['s'] = safe_field('Section', 'textpattern', 'ID = ' . $pretext_replacement['id']);
             // Set the css and page template, otherwise we get an unknown section
             $section_settings = safe_row('css, page', 'txp_section', "name = '{$pretext_replacement['s']}' limit 1");
             $pretext_replacement['page'] = @$des_page ? $des_page : $section_settings['page'];
             $pretext_replacement['css'] = $section_settings['css'];
             $this->matched_permlink = $pretext_replacement;
             global $permlink_mode;
             if (in_array($prefs['permlink_mode'], array('id_title', 'section_id_title')) && @$pretext_replacement['pg'] && !@$pretext_replacement['id']) {
                 $pretext_replacement['id'] = '';
                 $pretext_replacement['is_article_list'] = true;
             // Merge pretext_replacement with pretext
             $pretext = array_merge($pretext, $pretext_replacement);
             if (is_numeric(@$pretext['id'])) {
                 $a = safe_row('*, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod', 'textpattern', 'ID=' . intval($pretext['id']) . ' and Status >= 4');
             // Export required values to the global namespace
             foreach (array('id', 's', 'c', 'pg', 'is_article_list', 'prev_id', 'prev_title', 'next_id', 'next_title', 'css') as $key) {
                 if (array_key_exists($key, $pretext)) {
                     $GLOBALS[$key] = $pretext[$key];
             if (count($this->matched_permlink) || @$mt_redirect) {
                 $pl_index = $pretext['permlink_id'];
                 if (!@$mt_redirect || !$this->pref('redirect_mt_style_links')) {
                     $pl = $this->get_permlink($pretext['permlink_id']);
                     $pl_index = @$pl['settings']['des_permlink'];
                 if (@$pretext['id'] && $pl_index) {
                     if (count($this->get_permlink($pl_index)) > 0) {
                         global $siteurl;
                         $rs = safe_row('*, ID as thisid, unix_timestamp(Posted) as posted', 'textpattern', "ID = '{$pretext['id']}'");
                         $host = rtrim(str_replace(rtrim(doStrip($pretext['subpath']), '/'), '', hu), '/');
                         $this->redirect($host . $this->_permlinkurl($rs, PERMLINKURL, $pl_index), $this->pref('permlink_redirect_http_status'));
                 } else {
                     if ($url = @$pl['settings']['des_location']) {
                         $this->redirect($url, $this->pref('url_redirect_http_status'));
             if (@$pretext['rss']) {
                 if (@$pretext['s']) {
                     $_POST['section'] = $pretext['s'];
                 if (@$pretext['c']) {
                     $_POST['category'] = $pretext['c'];
                 include txpath . '/publish/rss.php';
             if (@$pretext['atom']) {
                 if (@$pretext['s']) {
                     $_POST['section'] = $pretext['s'];
                 if (@$pretext['c']) {
                     $_POST['category'] = $pretext['c'];
                 include txpath . '/publish/atom.php';
             $this->debug('Pretext ' . print_r($pretext, 1));
         } else {
             $this->debug('NO CHANGES MADE');
         // Log this page hit
         if (@$orginial_status == 404) {
         // Start output buffering and pseudo callback to textpattern_end
         ob_start(array(&$this, '_textpattern_end_callback'));
         // TxP 4.0.5 (r2436) introduced the textpattern_end callback making the following redundant
         $version = array_sum(array_map(create_function('$line', 'if (preg_match(\'/^\\$' . 'LastChangedRevision: (\\w+) \\$/\', $line, $match)) return $match[1];'), @file(txpath . '/publish.php')));
         if ($version >= '2436') {
         // Remove the plugin callbacks which have already been called
         function filter_callbacks($c)
             if ($c['event'] != 'textpattern') {
                 return true;
             if (@$c['function'][0]->plugin_name == 'gbp_permanent_links' && @$c['function'][1] == '_textpattern') {
                 $GLOBALS['gbp_found_self'] = true;
                 return false;
             return @$GLOBALS['gbp_found_self'];
         $plugin_callback = array_filter($plugin_callback, 'filter_callbacks');
         // Re-call textpattern
         // Call custom textpattern_end callback
         // textpattern() has run, kill the connection