function master_sites_callback() { $sites = get_option(SITE_OPT); $i = 0; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function remove_site(button) { var row = jQuery(button).parent().parent(); row.find("input[type=text]").val(""); row.hide(); } </script> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="column" class="manage-column check-column"></th> <th scope="column" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Address'); ?> </th> <th scope="column" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Username'); ?> </th> <th scope="column" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Password'); ?> </th> <th scope="column" class="manage-column"><?php _e('Status'); ?> </th> <th scope="column" class="manage-column"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($sites as $site) { ?> <?php $input_name = SITE_OPT . "[{$i}]"; ?> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="<?php _e($input_name . "[enabled]"); ?> " value="1" <?php checked(1, isset($site['enabled']) ? 1 : 0); ?> /></td> <td><input type="text" name="<?php _e($input_name . "[name]"); ?> " value="<?php echo $site['name']; ?> " ></td> <td><input type="text" name="<?php _e($input_name . "[username]"); ?> " value="<?php echo $site['username']; ?> " ></td> <td><input type="text" name="<?php _e($input_name . "[password]"); ?> " value="<?php echo $site['password']; ?> " ></td> <td><label><?php echo test_connection($site); ?> </label></td> <td><a class="delete-button" href="#" onclick="remove_site(this)">Elimina</a></td> </tr> <?php $i++; ?> <?php } ?> <?php $input_name = SITE_OPT . "[{$i}]"; ?> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="<?php _e($input_name . "[enabled]"); ?> " value="1" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="<?php _e($input_name . "[name]"); ?> " ></td> <td><input type="text" name="<?php _e($input_name . "[username]"); ?> " ></td> <td><input type="text" name="<?php _e($input_name . "[password]"); ?> " ></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php }
function current_step($mn) { $step = $_SESSION['step']; $menu = bal("p", $step . '. ' . $mn[$step]); $connect = test_connection(); $c = "okay"; switch ($mn[$step]) { case "directories": $l = list_of_dirs(); foreach ($l as $k => $v) { if (!is_dir($v)) { $no = "ok"; } } if ($no) { $ret = instlink('make_dirs', '='); } else { $ret = $c; } break; //instlink('make_dirs','remove'); //instlink('make_dirs','remove'); case "phpini": $ret = 'php version: ' . $_SESSION['phpv'] . br(); if ($_SESSION['phpv'] >= 5.3) { if (!is_file('.user.ini')) { w_ini(); $ret .= 'php>5.3 : phpini a été installé, pour voir les erreurs'; } else { $ret = $c; } } else { $ret .= 'php<5.3 : phpini n\'a pas besoin d\'être installé'; } break; case "connexion": if ($connect == 'pas de connexion') { $ret = instlink('connexion', '='); } else { $ret = $c; } break; case "databases": if ($connect != "pas de connexion") { if (!mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SHOW TABLES'))) { $ret = instlink('install_databases', '='); } else { $ret = $c; } } w_master_p(); break; case "program": $nbp = count($_SESSION['progam']); $_SESSION['progam'] = ''; if (count(dl_dirs()) == $nbp) { $ret = $c; } else { $ret = dl_prog(); } break; case "htaccess": if (!is_file('.htaccess')) { $ret = instlink('htacc', '='); } else { $ret = $c; } break; case "usefull": $ret = instlink('usefull', '='); break; case "philum": $ret = instlink('philum', '='); break; case "fin": $ret = 'Si ' . lien('/', 'tout va bien') . ', ' . lien('?fin==', 'auto-supprimer') . ' ce fichier'; break; } return $menu . $ret; }
include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; if (isset($_GET["popup"])) { popup(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["wizard"])) { wizard(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["test_connection"])) { test_connection(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["murder-link"])) { murder_link(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["EnableImapMurderedFrontEnd"])) { EnableImapMurderedFrontEnd(); exit; } js(); function js() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates();
$adj_sectors[] = 2; } $Tester = (double) (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()); if ($Tester < 0.95 && sizeof($adj_sectors) > 0) { shuffle($adj_sectors); $direction = $adj_sectors[0]; $cutter_data[$i]['Direction'] = $direction; } else { $direction = (int) (4 * mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()); $cutter_data[$i]['Direction'] = $direction; } // Update Position $cutter_data[$i]['Xpos'] = $Xpos; $cutter_data[$i]['Ypos'] = $Ypos; } } while ($uncut_sectors > 0 && !test_connection($cutter_c)); $Xpos = 0; $Ypos = 0; for ($curr_sector = $start_sector + 1; $curr_sector <= $start_sector + $curr_size * $curr_size; $curr_sector++) { // specifiy the line number in the current 'block' $line = floor(($curr_sector - $start_sector - 1) / $curr_size) + 1; // sector numbers on the most left, right, up and down $right_border = $line * $curr_size + $start_sector; $left_border = $right_border - $curr_size + 1; $up_border = $curr_sector - $curr_size * ($line - 1); $down_border = $curr_sector + $curr_size * ($curr_size - $line); $left = $curr_sector - 1; if ($left < $left_border) { $left = $right_border; } $right = $curr_sector + 1;
//$exit_status = 2; //display_command_output("who am I ?",$exit_status,$output,$command,"error"); //$command = "cp /tmp/$identity_name-id /tmp/jb-id"; //exec($command,$output,$exit_status); //$exit_status = 2; //display_command_output("Copy $identity_name-id to /tmp/jb-id",$exit_status,$output,$command,"error"); //$command = "ls -lrt /tmp"; //exec($command,$output,$exit_status); //$exit_status = 2; //display_command_output("liste /tmp",$exit_status,$output,$command,"error"); //$command = "cat /tmp/jb-id"; //exec($command,$output,$exit_status); //$exit_status = 2; //display_command_output("cat /tmp/jb-id",$exit_status,$output,$command,"error"); // ------------------- DEPLOYEMENT ---------------------- if (test_connection($hostname, $identity_name, $account_name) == 0) { // --------------- checking user account if (user_exists($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname) != 0) { create_user_account($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, $account_UID, $account_GID, $account_homedir, $GIDname, $id, $GECOS); } // --------------- getting homedir of current user $homedir = get_homedir($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname); if ($homedir != "user not found") { // --------------- checking ssh directory if (user_ssh_dir_exists($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, $homedir) != 0) { create_user_ssh_dir($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, $homedir); chperm_user_ssh_dir($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, $homedir); } // --------------- Testing presence of file if (authorized_key_exist($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, "{$homedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys") == 0) { archive_authorized_key_file($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, "{$homedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys");
function deploy_globalfile($id_file, $id_host) { $hostname = get_host_name($id_host); $hostip = get_host_ip($id_host); $gfiles = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `globalfiles` WHERE `id` = '{$id_file}'") or die(mysql_error() . "<br>Couldn't execute query: {$query}"); $nr_gbfiles = mysql_num_rows($gfiles); if (!empty($nr_gbfiles)) { // Preparing file,path, etc... $gfilerow = mysql_fetch_array($gfiles); $path = $gfilerow['path']; $name = $gfilerow['name']; //$filecontents=$gfilerow['text']; $localfile = $gfilerow['localfile']; $now = date("Ymd-His"); // Testing connectivity... if (test_connection($hostname) != "OK") { $message .= "<img src='images/error.gif'>Connection failed. Please see output below.<br>\n"; return $message; } else { $message .= "<img src='images/ok.gif'>SSH connection is OK.<br>\n"; } // Testing presence of file if (test_presence($hostname, $path / $name) == 1) { $message .= "<img src='images/warning.gif'>{$path}/{$name} was not found...<br>\n"; } else { // File is present, we try to back it up // Archiving current file $output = shell_exec("ssh " . $GLOBALS['sudousr'] . "@{$hostname} cp {$path}/{$name} {$path}/{$name}.{$now} 2>&1"); if (empty($output)) { // Archiving is OK $message .= "<img src='images/ok.gif'>{$path}/{$name} has been backup successfully.<br>\n"; } else { $message .= "<img src='images/error.gif'>{$path}/{$name} could not be backed up.<br>\n"; return $message; } } // Deploying $output = shell_exec("scp {$localfile} " . $GLOBALS['sudousr'] . "@{$hostname}:{$path}/{$name} 2>&1"); if (empty($output)) { // File was correctly transfered $message .= "<img src='images/ok.gif'>{$path}/{$name} was correctly updated.<br>\n"; $output = shell_exec("ssh " . $GLOBALS['sudousr'] . "@{$hostname} chmod 440 {$path}/{$name} 2>&1"); if (empty($output)) { $message .= "<img src='images/ok.gif'>Permission changed successfully to 440 for file {$path}/{$name}.<br>\n"; } else { $message .= "<img src='images/error.gif'>Could not change permission to 440 for file {$path}/{$name}.<br>\n"; } } else { $message .= "<img src='images/error.gif'>An error occured during the update.<br>\n"; } } else { $message .= "<img src='images/error.gif'>No global file found with id {$id}<br>\n"; } return $message; }