
use UFOException\FacadeException;
use UFOException\Interfaces\TypesExceptionHandlers;
require_once '/vendor/autoload.php';
function testException($q = 1)
    if ($q == 1) {
        throw new Exception('My exception message');
    echo $q;
$myException = new FacadeException();
$myException->config->setTypeHandler(TypesExceptionHandlers::E_TYPE_WRITE | TypesExceptionHandlers::E_TYPE_LOG)->setLogFileName("tmp/qwe/asd/logfile.log");
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo PHP_EOL . " The script continues to run " . PHP_EOL;
throw new Exception('My exception message2');
    $tokens->extract(1, 3);
    test($tokens->key(), 1, 'extract multiple over position');
    // insert()
    $tokens = clone $tokenStream;
    $tokens->insert(1, array('(', ')'));
    test($tokens->key(), 4, 'insert before position');
    $tokens->insert(1, array('(', ')', array('(', ')')));
    test($tokens->key(), 8, 'insert recursive before position');
group('interface ArrayAccess', function () use($tokenStream) {
    $tokenStream = clone $tokenStream;
    test($tokenStream[0]->content, "<?php\n", 'get offset');
    $tokenStream[0] = new Token(T_OPEN_TAG, "<?\n", 1);
    test($tokenStream[0]->content, "<?\n", 'set offset');
    $tokenStream[] = new Token(T_CLOSE_TAG, '?>', 2);
    test($tokenStream[5]->content, '?>', 'append');
    test(isset($tokenStream[6]), false, 'isset');
    // pass if no error
    test(isset($tokenStream[0]), true, 'unset moves tokens down');
    testException(function () use($tokenStream) {
    }, 'OutOfBoundsException', 'getting non existing offset');
    testException(function () use($tokenStream) {
    }, 'OutOfBoundsException', 'unsetting non existing offset');
    testException(function () use($tokenStream) {
        $tokenStream[] = 0;
    }, 'InvalidArgumentException', 'setting to non-token');
    }, 'InvalidArgumentException', 'getting undefined property');
    test($token->type, T_OPEN_ROUND, 'getting property: type');
    test($token->content, '(', 'getting property: content');
    test($token->line, 0, 'getting property: line');
    test($token->id, 1, 'getting property: id');
    test($token->name, "'('", 'getting property: name (char token)');
    test($funcToken->name, 'T_FUNCTION', 'getting property: name ("real" token)');
    test((string) $token, '(', '(string) $token');
group('magic setters', function () use($token, $funcToken) {
    testException(function () use($token) {
        $token->undefined = 'a';
    }, 'InvalidArgumentException', 'setting undefined property');
    testException(function () use($token) {
        $token->id = 1;
    }, 'InvalidArgumentException', 'setting id not allowed');
    testException(function () use($token) {
        $token->name = 1;
    }, 'InvalidArgumentException', 'setting name not allowed');
    $token = clone $token;
    $token->type = T_FUNCTION;
    $token->content = 'function';
    $token->line = 1;
    test(tokenEqual($token, $funcToken), true, 'setting properties');
group('Token->is()', function () use($token) {
    test($token->is(T_OPEN_ROUND), true, 'is(token)');
    test($token->is(array(T_CLOSE_ROUND, T_OPEN_ROUND)), true, 'is(array(token, token))');
    test($token->is(T_CLOSE_ROUND, T_OPEN_ROUND), true, 'is(token, token)');
  * An exception should still be recorded.
  * @test
 public function testException()
     eval('function testException($foo) { throw new \\Exception(); }');
     $spy = new Spy(__NAMESPACE__, "testException");
     try {
         $this->fail("Expected exception");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $invocation = $spy->getInvocations()[0];
         $this->assertEquals(["foo"], $invocation->getArguments());
         $this->assertEquals($e, $invocation->getException());
    test($tokenStream->findEOS(6), 12, 'find eos tag');
    test($tokenStream->find(0, T_OPEN_TAG), false, 'find from already matchind token');
    test($tokenStream->find($max, T_EXIT, true), 2, 'find token backwards');
    test($tokenStream->find(0, T_OPEN_TAG, true), false, 'find from first index backwards');
    test($tokenStream->findEOS($max, true), 6, 'find eos semicolon');
    //                         0     123       4567890
    $hacker = new TokenStream('<?php A(function(){;});');
    test($hacker->findEOS(2), 10, 'find EOS skipping lambda');
    test($hacker->findEOS(9, true), 0, 'find EOS skipping lambda backwards');
    //                         0     123
    $hacker = new TokenStream('<?php {} ');
    test($hacker->findEOS(3, true), 2, 'find closing bracket as EOS backwards');
group('skip', function () use($tokenStream, $max) {
    test($tokenStream->skip(0, T_WHITESPACE), 2, 'skip token');
    test($tokenStream->skip(0, array(T_WHITESPACE, T_EXIT)), 3, 'skip tokens');
    test($tokenStream->skip($max, array(T_WHITESPACE, T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), true), 8, 'skip tokens backwards');
    test($tokenStream->skipWhitespace(0), 2, 'skip whitespace');
//                              0     12 34 5678901 234 56 789
$tokenStream = new TokenStream('<?php (hi,hi,(),((hi),hi)) (()');
group('complementaryBracket', function () use($tokenStream) {
    test($tokenStream->complementaryBracket(1), 16, 'find forward');
    test($tokenStream->complementaryBracket(15), 9, 'find backwards');
    testException(function () use($tokenStream) {
    }, 'TokenException', 'brackets not matching');
    testException(function () use($tokenStream) {
    }, 'TokenException', 'not a bracket');