echo $this->events->apply_filters('gui_page_title', $page_header);
// echo	notice( 'parse' );
*	Details 	: Output content before cols
*	Usage 		: set 'after_cols' key with GUI::config()
echo $this->events->apply_filters('gui_before_cols', '');
    <div class="content">
// display notice
echo $this->notice->output_notice();
if (function_exists('validation_errors')) {
    // validation errors
    echo validation_errors() != '' ? tendoo_error(strip_tags(validation_errors())) : '';
// Aauth Errors
echo fetch_notice_from_url();
    <div class="row">
foreach (force_array($this->gui->get_cols()) as $col_id => $col_data) {
        <div class="col-lg-<?php 
    echo riake('width', $col_data, 1) * 3;
  * Displays Error on Dashboard Page
 function displays_dashboard_errors()
     $errors = $this->users->auth->get_errors_array();
     if ($errors) {
         foreach ($errors as $error) {
             echo tendoo_error($error);

 * 	File Name 	: 	output-not-found.php
 *	Description :	Displays dashboard internal 404 page error
 *	Since		:	1.5
$this->gui->col_width(1, 4);
// creating unique meta
$this->gui->add_meta(array('namespace' => 'error-body', 'type' => 'box', 'col_id' => 1));
// creating meta item
$this->gui->add_item(array('type' => 'dom', 'content' => tendoo_error('This page has no output content. You may consider using GUI::page_content in order to create content. Please refer to Tendoo API.')), 'error-body', 1);
$lang['aauth_error_no_user'] = __('User does not exist');
$lang['aauth_error_account_not_verified'] = __('Your account has not been verified. Please check your e-mail and verify your account.');
$lang['aauth_error_no_group'] = __('Group does not exist');
$lang['aauth_error_self_pm'] = __('It is not possible to send a Message to yourself.');
$lang['aauth_error_no_pm'] = __('Private Message not found');
/* Info messages */
$lang['aauth_info_already_member'] = __('User is already member of group');
$lang['aauth_info_group_exists'] = __('Group name already exists');
$lang['aauth_info_perm_exists'] = __('Permission name already exists');
$lang['group-updated'] = tendoo_success(__('The group has been updated'));
$lang['fetch-error-from-auth'] = function () {
    $errors_array = get_instance()->users->auth->get_errors_array();
    $notice_array = get_instance()->users->auth->get_infos_array();
    foreach ($errors_array as $_error) {
        echo tendoo_error($_error);
    foreach ($notice_array as $notice) {
        echo tendoo_error($notice);
// User Edition
$lang['user-updated'] = tendoo_success(__('User settings\'s has been updated.'));
$lang['user-deleted'] = tendoo_success(__('The user has been deleted.'));
$lang['pass-change-error'] = tendoo_error(__('The new password cannot match the old one, please use another password.'));
$lang['old-pass-incorrect'] = tendoo_error(__('Your old password is not correct.'));
// Group
$lang['group-already-exists'] = tendoo_error(__('A group with this name already exists. Please choose another name.'));
$lang['group-created'] = tendoo_success(__('Group has been created.'));
$lang['group-not-found'] = tendoo_error(__('This group does\'nt exists or has been deleted.'));
$lang['unknow-group'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow group.'));
$lang['updated'] = tendoo_success(__('Group has been updated.'));
  * Module List and management controller
  * @access       public
  * @author       Blair Jersyer
  * @copyright    name date
  * @param        string $page
  * @param		  string $arg2
  * @since        3.0.1
 function modules($page = 'list', $arg2 = null)
     if ($page === 'list') {
         $this->events->add_filter('gui_page_title', function ($title) {
             return '<section class="content-header"><h1>' . strip_tags($title) . ' <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm pull-right" href="' . site_url(array('dashboard', 'modules', 'install_zip')) . '">' . __('Upload a zip file') . '</a></h1></section>';
         $this->events->add_action('displays_dashboard_errors', function () {
             if (isset($_GET['extra'])) {
                 echo tendoo_error(__('An error occured during module installation. There was a file conflict during module installation process.<br>This file seems to be already installed : ' . $_GET['extra']));
         $this->gui->set_title(sprintf(__('Module List &mdash; %s'), get('core_signature')));
     } else {
         if ($page === 'install_zip') {
             $this->events->add_filter('gui_page_title', function ($title) {
                 return '<section class="content-header"><h1>' . strip_tags($title) . ' <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm pull-right" href="' . site_url(array('dashboard', 'modules')) . '">' . __('Back to modules list') . '</a></h1></section>';
             if (isset($_FILES['extension_zip'])) {
                 $notice = Modules::install('extension_zip');
                 // it means that module has been installed
                 if (is_array($notice)) {
                     // redirecting
                     redirect(array('dashboard', 'modules', 'list?highlight=' . $notice['namespace'] . '&notice=' . $notice['msg'] . (isset($notice['extra']) ? '&extra=' . $notice['extra'] : '') . '#module-' . $notice['namespace']));
                 } else {
             $this->gui->set_title(sprintf(__('Add a new extension &mdash; %s'), get('core_signature')));
         } else {
             if ($page === 'enable') {
                  * Module should be enabled before trigger this action
                 // Enabling recently active module
                 Modules::init('unique', $arg2);
                 // Run the action
                 $this->events->do_action('do_enable_module', $arg2);
                 redirect(array('dashboard', 'modules?notice=' . $this->events->apply_filters('module_activation_status', 'module-enabled')));
             } else {
                 if ($page === 'disable') {
                     $this->events->add_action('do_disable_module', function ($arg2) {
                     $this->events->do_action('do_disable_module', $arg2);
                     redirect(array('dashboard', 'modules?notice=' . $this->events->apply_filters('module_disabling_status', 'module-disabled')));
                 } else {
                     if ($page === 'remove') {
                         $this->events->add_action('do_remove_module', function ($arg2) {
                             redirect(array('dashboard', 'modules?notice=module-removed'));
                         $this->events->do_action('do_remove_module', $arg2);
                     } else {
                         if ($page === 'extract') {
                             $this->events->add_action('do_extract_module', function ($arg2) {
                             $this->events->do_action('do_extract_module', $arg2);
$lang['email-used'] = tendoo_error(__('This email is already used.'));
$lang['email-already-taken'] = tendoo_error(__('This email seems to be already taken.'));
$lang['username-already-taken'] = tendoo_error(__('This username seems to be already taken.'));
$lang['user-created'] = tendoo_success(__('The user has been successfully created.'));
$lang['account-activated'] = tendoo_success(__('Your Account has been activated. Please Sign-up'));
// Recovery
$lang['unknow-email'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow email address'));
$lang['recovery-email-send'] = tendoo_success(__('The recovery email has been send. Please check your email, open the recovery email and follow the instructions.'));
// Logout
$lang['logout-required'] = tendoo_info(__('You must logout first to access that page.'));
// General
$lang['new-password-created'] = tendoo_success(__('A new password has been created for your account. Check your email to get it.'));
$lang['module-enabled'] = tendoo_success(__('The module has been enabled.'));
$lang['module-disabled'] = tendoo_success(__('The module has been disabled.'));
$lang['module-removed'] = tendoo_success(__('The module has been removed.'));
$lang['module-extracted'] = tendoo_success(__('The module has been extracted.'));
$lang['module-updated'] = tendoo_success(__('The module has been updated.'));
$lang['old-version-cannot-be-installed'] = tendoo_error(__('The version installed is already up to date.'));
$lang['unable-to-update'] = tendoo_error(__('An error occured during update.'));
$lang['config-file-not-found'] = tendoo_error(__('Config file hasn\'t been found. This file is not a valid module. Installation aborded !!!'));
// Extension
$lang['fetch-from-upload'] = function () {
    $error = array('error' => get_instance()->upload->display_errors());
    foreach ($error as $type => $_error) {
        if ($type == 'error') {
            echo tendoo_error(strip_tags($_error));
        } else {
            echo tendoo_info(strip_tags($_error));
 public function controllers($e = '', $f = '')
     current_user()->cannot('system@manage_controllers') ? $this->url->redirect(array('admin', 'index?notice=accessDenied')) : false;
     if ($e == '') {
         if (isset($_POST['controller'])) {
             $result = $this->tendoo_admin->createControllers($_POST['controller']);
             if ($result) {
                 $ttError = 0;
                 foreach ($result as $r) {
                     if ($r != "controler_created") {
                 if ($ttError > 0) {
                     notice('push', tendoo_error($ttError . ' ' . translate('errors founded, some controllers has been dismissed')));
                 notice('push', fetch_notice_output('controllers_updated'));
         // ControllersSripts
         // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
         set_core_vars('get_pages', $this->controller->get());
         set_core_vars('get_mod', $modules = get_modules('filter_active_unapp'));
         // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
         set_page('title', translate('Manage controllers - Tendoo'));
         // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
         set_core_vars('body', $this->load->view('admin/pages/body', $this->data, true, false), 'ready_only');
         // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
         $this->load->view('admin/header', $this->data, null, false);
         $this->load->view('admin/global_body', $this->data, false, false);

/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------///
$or['categoryCreated'] = tendoo_success('La cat&eacute;gorie &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; correctement cr&eacute;e');
$or['categoryAldreadyCreated'] = tendoo_error('Cette cat&eacute;gorie existe d&eacute;j&agrave;');
$or['unknowCat'] = $or['unknowCategory'] = tendoo_error('Cette cat&eacute;gorie est inexistante');
$or['unknowKeyWord'] = tendoo_error('Mot-clé introuvable.');
$or['categoryUpdated'] = tendoo_success('La mise &agrave; jour &agrave; r&eacute;ussie');
$or['categoryDeleted'] = tendoo_success('La cat&eacute;gorie &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; supprim&eacute; avec succ&egrave;s');
$or['artCreated'] = tendoo_success('L\'article à correctement été crée.');
$or['categoryNotEmpty'] = tendoo_error('Cette cat&eacute;gorie ne peut pas &ecirc;tre supprim&eacute;e, car il existe des publications qui y sont rattach&eacute;es. Changez la cat&eacute;gorie de ces publications avant de supprimer cette cat&eacute;gorie.');
$or['unknowArticle'] = tendoo_error('Article introuvable');
$or['noCategoryCreated'] = tendoo_error(' Avant de publier un article, vous devez cr&eacute;er une cat&eacute;gorie.');
$or['connectToComment'] = tendoo_error(' Vous devez &ecirc;tre connect&eacute; pour commenter.');
$or['unknowComments'] = tendoo_error(' Commentaire introuvable.');
$or['commentDeleted'] = tendoo_success('<i class="icon-checkmark"></i> Commentaire supprim&eacute;.');
$or['submitedForApproval'] = tendoo_success('<i class="icon-checkmark"></i> Votre commentaire &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; soumis pour une examination.');
foreach ($or as $key => $notice_text) {
    declare_notice($key, $notice_text);
if (class_exists('tendoo_admin')) {
    class blogster_library extends Libraries
        private $data;
        public function __construct()
            // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
            // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
            $this->module = get_modules('filter_namespace', 'blogster');
  * default_notices
  * Register default tendoo warning
  * @access private
  * @return void
 private function default_notices()
     $__['config-file-founded'] = tendoo_info(__('A config file already exists. If you save new data the older will be overwritten'));
     $__['accessDenied'] = $__['access-denied'] = tendoo_warning(__('Access denied. Your access is not granted to this page'));
     $__['installation-failed'] = tendoo_warning(__('Error occured during installation. Please remove tendoo and install it again'));
     $__['no-theme-installed'] = tendoo_warning(__('Error occured. It seems that there isn\'t any theme installed'));
     $__['role-required'] = tendoo_warning(__('Role must be set first before creating user.'));
     $__['controler_created'] = tendoo_success(' Le contr&ocirc;leur &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; correctement cr&eacute;e.');
     $__['c_name_already_found'] = tendoo_warning('Une autre page poss&egrave;de d&eacute;j&agrave; ce nom comme contr&ocirc;leur, veuillez choisir un autre nom.');
     $__['name_already_found'] = tendoo_warning('Une autre page poss&egrave;de d&eacute;j&agrave; ce nom, veuillez choisir un autre nom.');
     $__['controler_deleted'] = tendoo_success(' Le contr&ocirc;leur &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; correctement supprim&eacute;.');
     $__['controllers_updated'] = tendoo_success('Les contr&ocirc;leurs ont été correctement mis à jour.');
     $__['incorrectSuperAdminPassword'] = tendoo_warning('Le mot de passe administrateur est incorrect');
     $__['cantHeritFromItSelf'] = tendoo_warning('Ce contr&ocirc;leur ne peut pas &ecirc;tre un sous menu de lui m&ecirc;me. La modification de l\'emplacement &agrave; &eacute;chou&eacute;.');
     $__['cantSendMsgToYou'] = tendoo_warning('Une erreur s\'est produite, vous ne pouvez pas vous envoyer un message.');
     $__['curl_is_not_set'] = tendoo_warning('CURL n\'est pas disponible sur ce site.');
     $__['unkConSpeAsParent'] = tendoo_warning('Le contr&ocirc;leur (Menu), d&eacute;finie comme parent est introuvable. La modification du contr&ocirc;leur &agrave; &eacute;chou&eacute;.');
     $__['module_success_enabled'] = tendoo_success('Le module à correctement été activé.');
     $__['module_success_disabled'] = tendoo_success('Le module à correctement été désactivé.');
     $__['addingActionFailure'] = tendoo_warning('La cr&eacute;ation d\'action pour ce module &agrave; &eacute;chou&eacute;.');
     $__['subMenuLevelReach'] = tendoo_warning('Impossible de cr&eacute;er ou de modifier ce contr&ocirc;leur, la limitation en terme de sous menu &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; atteinte. Veuillez choisir un autre menu ou en cr&eacute;er un nouveau.');
     $__['cantUserReservedCNames'] = tendoo_warning('Ce code du contr&ocirc;leur est un code reserv&eacute;, vous ne pouvez pas l\'utiliser.');
     $__['unknowProfil'] = tendoo_warning('Le profil que vous souhaitez visiter est introuvable. Il est en outre probable que cet utilisateur n\'existe pas ou que son compte &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; supprim&eacute;.');
     $__['upload_invalid_filesize'] = tendoo_warning('La taille du fichier est supérieur à celle autorisée.');
     $__['cant_delete_mainpage'] = tendoo_warning(' La page principale ne peut pas &ecirc;tre supprim&eacute;.');
     $__['controler_edited'] = tendoo_success(' Le contr&ocirc;leur &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; correctement modifi&eacute;.');
     $__['db_unable_to_connect'] = tendoo_warning('Il est impossible de se connecter &agrave; la base de donn&eacute;es avec les informations fournies.');
     $__['db_unable_to_select'] = tendoo_warning('La connexion &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; &eacute;tablie, cependant il est impossible d\'acc&eacute;der &agrave; la base de donn&eacute;e.');
     $__['error-occured'] = tendoo_warning(translate('A error occured during this operation.'));
     $__['adminDeleted'] = tendoo_success(' L\'utilisateur &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; correctement supprim&eacute;.');
     $__['controller_not_found'] = tendoo_warning(' Ce contr&ocirc;leur est introuvable.');
     $__['no_main_controller_created'] = tendoo_warning(' Aucun contr&ocirc;leur d&eacute;finit comme principale n\'a &eacute;t&eacute; retrouv&eacute;, le nouveau contr&ocirc;leur &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; d&eacute;finit comme contr&ocirc;leur par d&eacute;faut.');
     $__['no_main_page_set'] = tendoo_info(' Aucun contr&ocirc;leur n\'est d&eacute;finie par d&eacute;faut.');
     $__['no_priv_created'] = tendoo_info(' Aucun privil&egrave;ge n\'a &eacute;t&eacute; cr&eacute;e, Pour administrer les actions, il est indispensable de cr&eacute;er un privil&egrave;ge au moins.');
     $__['InvalidModule'] = tendoo_warning('Ce module est invalide ou incompatible.');
     $__['CantDeleteDir'] = tendoo_warning('Une erreur s\'est produite durant la suppr&eacute;ssion d\'un dossier.');
     $__['module_corrupted'] = tendoo_warning('Ce module ne peut pas &ecirc;tre install&eacute;. Il est corrompu ou incompatible.');
     $__['errorInstallModuleFirst'] = tendoo_warning('Vous devez installer les tables avant d\'installer le module');
     $__['module-has-been-installed'] = tendoo_success(translate('The module has been sucessfully installed.'));
     $__['module-already-exists'] = tendoo_warning(translate('A module with the same namespace already exists.'));
     $__['unactive-or-unknow-module'] = tendoo_warning(__('This module is not found or has been disabled.'));
     // Translated
     $__['module-has-been-installed'] = tendoo_success('Le module &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; d&eacute;sinstall&eacute;.');
     $__['InvalidPage'] = tendoo_warning('Cette page n\'a pas pu &ecirc;tre charg&eacute; car le contr&ocirc;leur correspondant &agrave; cette adresse est introuvable ou indisponible.');
     // Deprecated ?
     $__['noControllerDefined'] = tendoo_warning('Impossible d\'acc&eacute;der &agrave; cet &eacute;lement, Il ne dispose pas d\'interface embarqu&eacute;.');
     $__['cantSetChildAsMain'] = tendoo_warning('Un sous menu ne peut pas &ecirc;tre d&eacute;finie comme page principale. La modification de la priorit&eacute; &agrave; &eacute;chou&eacute;e.');
     $__['noFileUpdated'] = tendoo_warning('Aucun fichier n\'a &eacute;t&eacute; re&ccedil;u.');
     $__['done'] = tendoo_success('L\'op&eacute;ration s\'est d&eacute;roul&eacute;e avec succ&egrave;s.');
     $__['accessForbiden'] = tendoo_warning('Vous ne faites pas partie du privil&egrave;s qui peut acc&eacute;der &agrave; cette page.');
     $__['userCreated'] = tendoo_success('L\'utilisateur a &eacute;t&eacute; cr&eacute;e.');
     $__['userNotFoundOrWrongPass'] = tendoo_warning('Utilisateur introuvable ou mot de passe incorrect.');
     $__['notForYourPriv'] = tendoo_warning('Acc&eacute;der &agrave; cet &eacute;l&eacute;ment ne fait pas partie de vos actions.');
     $__['unknowAdmin'] = tendoo_warning('Administrateur introuvable.');
     $__['moduleBug'] = tendoo_warning('Une erreur s\'est produite. Le module attach&eacute; &agrave; ce contr&ocirc;leur est introuvable ou d&eacute;sactiv&eacute;.');
     $__['page-404-or-module-bug'] = tendoo_warning(__('Error occured. Page not found or bound module is not well defined.'));
     $__['notAllowed'] = tendoo_warning('Il ne vous est pas permis d\'effctuer cette op&eacute;ration. Soit compte tenu de votre privil&egrave;ge actuel, soit compte tenu de l\'indisponibilit&eacute; du service.');
     $__['theme_alreadyExist'] = tendoo_info('Ce th&egrave;me avait d&eacute;j&agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; install&eacute;.');
     $__['NoCompatibleTheme'] = tendoo_warning('Ce th&egrave;me n\'est pas compatible avec la version actuelle d\'tendoo.');
     $__['NoCompatibleModule'] = tendoo_warning(translate('module_compatibility_issues'));
     $__['module_updated'] = tendoo_success(translate('module_updated'));
     $__['SystemDirNameUsed'] = tendoo_warning('Ce th&egrave;me ne peut pas s\'installer car il &agrave; tenter d\'utiliser des ressources syst&egrave;me.');
     $__['theme_installed'] = tendoo_success('Le th&egrave;me a &eacute;t&eacute; install&eacute; correctement.');
     $__['no_theme_selected'] = tendoo_warning('Aucun th&egrave;me n\'a &eacute;t&eacute; choisi comme th&egrave;me par d&eacute;faut.');
     $__['defaultThemeSet'] = tendoo_success('Le th&egrave;me &agrave; &eacute;t&eacute; correctement choisi come th&egrave;me par d&eacute;faut.');
     $__['theme-not-found'] = tendoo_warning('Th&egrave;me inconnu ou introuvable.');
     $__['missingArg'] = tendoo_warning('Une erreur s\'est produite. Certains &eacute;l&eacute;ment, qui permettent le traitement de votre demande, sont manquant ou incorrect.');
     $__['page-404'] = tendoo_warning('Cette page est introuvable ou indisponible. Veuillez re-&eacute;ssayer.');
     // $__['restoringDone']				=	tendoo_success('La restauration s\'est correctement d&eacute;roul&eacute;.');
     // $__['cmsRestored']				=	tendoo_success('La restauration s\'est correctement d&eacute;roul&eacute;.');
     $__['creatingHiddenControllerFailure'] = tendoo_warning('La cr&eacute;ation du contr&ocirc;leur invisible &agrave; &eacute;chou&eacute;');
     $__['installFailed'] = tendoo_warning('Une erreur s\'est produite durant l\'installtion certaines composantes n\'ont pas &eacute;t&eacute; correctement install&eacute;es');
     $__['db_connect_error'] = tendoo_warning('Connexion impossible,int&eacute;rrompu ou le nombre limit de connexion accord&eacute; &agrave; l\'utilisateur de la base de donn&eacute; est atteinte. Veuillez re-&eacute;ssayer.');
     $__['themeCrashed'] = tendoo_warning('Une erreur s\'est produite avec le th&egrave;me. Ce th&egrave;me ne fonctionne pas correctement.');
     $__['noMainPage'] = tendoo_warning('Impossible d\'acc&eacute;der &agrave; la page principale du site. Aucun contr&ocirc;leur n\'a &eacute;t&eacute; d&eacute;finit comme principal');
     $__['admin-auth-failed'] = tendoo_warning(__('Incorrect password or user not found'));
     $__['super-admin-creation-failed'] = tendoo_warning(__('Super administrator creation failed. Check if, for this website, there are not yet a super administrator.'));
     $__['user-has-been-created'] = tendoo_success(__('User has been successfully created.'));
     $__['no-controller-set'] = tendoo_warning(__('There is no controller available'));
     $__['role-not-found'] = tendoo_warning(__('Role not found'));
     $__['invalid-app'] = tendoo_warning(__('This app is not a valid Tendoo App. Installation has failed.'));
     $__['users-creation-failed'] = tendoo_warning(__('User creation failed, check if this pseudo is not already taken.'));
     $__['table-creation-failed'] = tendoo_warning(__('Error occured. Tables wasn\'t installed. Check your provided database login data'));
     $__['upload-invalid-file-type'] = tendoo_warning(__('This file type is not allowed'));
     $__['controller-not-properly'] = tendoo_warning(__('Controller interface is not well defined'));
     // $__['themeControlerNoFound']		=	tendoo_warning('Ce th&egrave;me ne dispose pas d\'interface embarqu&eacute;..'); // Deprecated ?
     $__['pseudo-already-in-use'] = tendoo_warning(__('This pseudo is already used. Please choose another one'));
     $__['email-already-used'] = tendoo_warning(__('This email is already used, please choose another one or try to restore your account.'));
     $__['unallowed-role'] = tendoo_warning(__('This role is not allowed.'));
     $__['unactive-account'] = tendoo_warning(__('This account is not yet active. Please, check the inbox associated to this email address. If there is no activation mail, you can try to receive it again, with the activation wizard.'));
     $__['already-active'] = tendoo_warning(__('Activation mail could not been send. This account seems to be already active.'));
     $__['action-prohibited'] = tendoo_warning(__('You are not granted to do this.'));
     $__['unknow-email'] = tendoo_warning(__('There is no account associated to this email address'));
     $__['activation-mail-send'] = tendoo_success(__('An activation mail has been send.'));
     $__['registration-not-allowed'] = $__['registration-disabled'] = tendoo_warning(__('Registration and associated services are disabled in this website.'));
     $__['new-link-send'] = tendoo_success(__('A new link has been send to your email address.'));
     $__['expiration-time-reached'] = tendoo_warning(__('This link is no more valid.'));
     $__['activation-failed'] = tendoo_warning(__('This activation link is no more valid.'));
     $__['account-activation-done'] = tendoo_success(__('This account is now active'));
     $__['account-activation-failed'] = tendoo_warning(__('The account activation failed.'));
     $__['password-matches-error'] = tendoo_warning(__('The new password should not match the old one.'));
     $__['password-has-changed'] = tendoo_success(__('The password has been changed.'));
     $__['upload-file-no-available'] = tendoo_warning(__('Select a file first.'));
     $__['cannot-delete-active-role'] = tendoo_warning(__('A role in use can\'t be deleted.'));
     $__['profile-updated'] = tendoo_success(__('Profile has been updated.'));
     $__['role-permissions-saved'] = tendoo_success(__('Role permissions has been saved.'));
     $__['unsupported-by-current-theme'] = tendoo_warning(__('Active theme does\'nt support this module'));
     $__['user-meta-has-been-reset'] = tendoo_success(__('Your account settings has been reset'));
     // Tendoo 1.4
     $__['web-app-mode-enabled'] = tendoo_warning(__('While "WebApp" Mode is enabled, frontend is disabled. Check your settings to define tendoo mode on Website setings tab.'));
     $__['form-expired'] = tendoo_warning(__('Current form data has expired. Please try to submit it again'));
     // CustomQuery Notices
     $__['incorrect-given-meta'] = tendoo_warning(__('Incorrect meta data. This meta doesn\'t seems to be approuved for the custom query.'));
     $__['incorrect-key-given'] = tendoo_warning(__('Incorrect key given.'));
     $__['unknow-taxonomy-given'] = tendoo_warning(__('Unknow taxonomy given.'));
     $__['error-occured-while-checking-query-title'] = tendoo_warning(__('Error occured while checking title.'));
     $__['custom-query-saved'] = tendoo_success(__('Custom Query has been saved.'));
     $__['unknow-key-for-custom-query'] = tendoo_warning(__('Unknow key for custom query.'));
     $__['unknow-custom-query'] = tendoo_warning(__('Unknow custom query.'));
     $__['unknow-taxonomy-to-set-as-parent'] = tendoo_warning(__('Unknow taxonomy to set as parent.'));
     $__['taxonomy-set'] = tendoo_success(__('Taxonomy has been set.'));
     $__['taxonomy-already-exists'] = tendoo_warning(__('Taxonomy already exists. Please choose another name.'));
     $__['unknow-taxonomy'] = tendoo_warning(__('Unknow taxonomy.'));
     $__['taxonomy-cant-be-his-own-parent'] = tendoo_warning(__('Taxonomy cant be his own parent.'));
     $__['taxonomy-deleted'] = tendoo_success(__('Taxonomy has been deleted.'));
     $__['cant-delete-the-latest-taxonomy'] = tendoo_warning(__('The latest taxonomy can\'t be deleted.'));
     $__['taxonomy-not-found-or-bound'] = tendoo_warning(__('The concerned taxonomy is not found or is already bound.'));
     $__['dooooooooo'] = tendoo_warning(__('dooooooooooo'));
     $__['incorrect-query-parent'] = tendoo_error(__('Incorrect parent has been given. Make sure that the parent id doesn\'t match the current query id.'));
     $__['unknow-post'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow post. provided id may be incorrect, or post not found.'));
     $__['unknow-user'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow user, or this user may no exists.'));
     $__['comment-submitted'] = tendoo_success(__('Your comment has been successfully posted.'));
     $__['comment-deleted'] = tendoo_error(__('The comment has been deleted.'));
     $__['unknow-status'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow status.'));
     $__['comment-edited'] = tendoo_success(__('Comment edited'));
     set_core_vars('default_notices', $__);

// Blog Lang
$lang['unknow-taxonomy-given'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow taxonomy given.'));
$lang['incorrect-query-parent'] = tendoo_error(__('Incorrect Query parent given.'));
$lang['incorrect-given-meta'] = tendoo_error(__('Incorrect meta given.'));
$lang['error-occured-while-checking-query-title'] = tendoo_error(__('An error occured during title parsing.'));
$lang['unknow-custom-query'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow custom query.'));
$lang['custom-query-saved'] = tendoo_success(__('Custom query saved.'));
$lang['unknow-key-for-custom-query'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow key for custom query.'));
$lang['custom-query-deleted'] = tendoo_error(__('Custom Query deleted'));
$lang['unknow-custom-query'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow custom query.'));
$lang['unknow-taxonomy-to-set-as-parent'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow taxonomy to set as parent.'));
$lang['taxonomy-set'] = tendoo_success(__('taxonomy has been set.'));
$lang['taxonomy-already-exists'] = tendoo_error(__('Taxonmy already exists.'));
$lang['unknow-taxonomy'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow taxonomy.'));
$lang['taxonomy-cant-be-his-own-parent'] = tendoo_error(__('Taxonomy can\'t be his own parent.'));
$lang['taxonomy-deleted'] = tendoo_error(__('Taxonomy has been deleted.'));
$lang['cant-delete-the-latest-taxonomy'] = tendoo_error(__('Can\'t delete the latest taxonomy.'));
$lang['taxonomy-not-found-or-bound'] = tendoo_error(__('Taxonomy not found or bound.'));
$lang['comment-submitted'] = tendoo_success(__('Comment submited.'));
$lang['unknow-post'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow custom taxonomy.'));
$lang['comment-deleted'] = tendoo_error(__('Comment has been deleted.'));
$lang['unknow-status'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow status.'));
$lang['comment-edited'] = tendoo_error(__('Comment edited.'));
$lang['unknow-comment'] = tendoo_error(__('Unknow comment.'));