public function init() { Loader::helper('admin:global'); $list = template_list(1); $big_menu = big_menu('?app=template&controller=style&action=import', 'import', L('import_style'), 500, 250); include $this->view('style_list'); }
public function edit() { $siteid = isset($_GET['siteid']) && intval($_GET['siteid']) ? intval($_GET['siteid']) : $this->error(L('illegal_parameters')); if ($site = $this->db->where(array('id' => $siteid))->find()) { if (IS_POST) { $this->checkToken(); $data = $_POST['info']; $data['setting'] = array2string($_POST['setting']); if ($this->db->where(array('id' => $siteid))->save($data) !== false) { $this->db->set_cache(); $this->success(L('setting_succ')); } else { $this->error(L('operation_failure')); } } else { $template_list = template_list(); $setting = string2array($site['setting']); $setting['watermark_img'] = str_replace('statics/images/water/', '', $setting['watermark_img']); $this->assign('template_list', $template_list); $this->assign('setting', $setting); $this->assign('data', $site); $this->display(); } } else { $this->error(L('notfound')); } }
/** * 修改公告 */ public function edit() { $_GET['aid'] = intval($_GET['aid']); if (!$_GET['aid']) { showmessage(L('illegal_operation')); } if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $_POST['announce'] = $this->check($_POST['announce'], 'edit'); if ($this->db->update($_POST['announce'], array('aid' => $_GET['aid']))) { showmessage(L('announced_a'), HTTP_REFERER, '', 'edit'); } } else { $where = array('aid' => $_GET['aid']); $an_info = $this->db->get_one($where); pc_base::load_sys_class('form', '', 0); //获取站点模板信息 pc_base::load_app_func('global', 'admin'); $template_list = template_list($this->siteid, 0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } $show_header = $show_validator = $show_scroll = 1; include $this->admin_tpl('announce_edit'); } }
public function init() { pc_base::load_app_func('global', 'admin'); $list = template_list('', 1); $big_menu = array('{id:\'import\',iframe:\'?m=template&c=style&a=import\', title:\'' . L('import_style') . '\', width:\'500\', height:\'250\', lock:true}, function(){var d ={id:\'import\'}).data.iframe;var form = d.document.getElementById(\'dosubmit\');;return false;}, function(){{id:\'import\'}).close()});void(0);', L('import_style')); include $this->admin_tpl('style_list'); }
function pages_homepage() { $page = new Template(); $page->c('<h1 class="ten columns">' . 'Welcome to FreshNetworks Reporting' . '</h1>'); $page->c('<p>' . 'Click on the client name below to run queries on the correct database.'); $sites = exec_hook('register_sites'); foreach ($sites as &$site) { $site = l($site['name'], '/' . $site['path']); } $page->c(template_list($sites)); return $page->render(); }
/** * 批量修改 */ public function batch_edit() { $categorys = getcache('category_content_' . $this->siteid, 'commons'); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { pc_base::load_sys_func('iconv'); $catid = intval($_POST['catid']); $post_setting = $_POST['setting']; //栏目生成静态配置 $infos = $info = array(); $infos = $_POST['info']; if (empty($infos)) { showmessage(L('operation_success')); } $this->attachment_db = pc_base::load_model('attachment_model'); foreach ($infos as $catid => $info) { $setting = string2array($categorys[$catid]['setting']); if ($_POST['type'] != 2) { if ($post_setting[$catid]['ishtml']) { $setting['category_ruleid'] = $_POST['category_html_ruleid'][$catid]; } else { $setting['category_ruleid'] = $_POST['category_php_ruleid'][$catid]; $info['url'] = ''; } } foreach ($post_setting[$catid] as $_k => $_setting) { $setting[$_k] = $_setting; } //内容生成静态配置 if ($post_setting[$catid]['content_ishtml']) { $setting['show_ruleid'] = $_POST['show_html_ruleid'][$catid]; } else { $setting['show_ruleid'] = $_POST['show_php_ruleid'][$catid]; } if ($setting['repeatchargedays'] < 1) { $setting['repeatchargedays'] = 1; } $info['sethtml'] = $post_setting[$catid]['create_to_html_root']; $info['setting'] = array2string($setting); $info['module'] = 'content'; $catname = CHARSET == 'gbk' ? $info['catname'] : iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $info['catname']); $letters = gbk_to_pinyin($catname); $info['letter'] = strtolower(implode('', $letters)); $this->db->update($info, array('catid' => $catid, 'siteid' => $this->siteid)); //更新附件状态 if ($info['image'] && pc_base::load_config('system', 'attachment_stat')) { $this->attachment_db->api_update($info['image'], 'catid-' . $catid, 1); } } $this->public_cache(); showmessage(L('operation_success'), '?m=admin&c=category&a=init&module=admin&menuid=43'); } else { if (isset($_POST['catids'])) { //获取站点模板信息 pc_base::load_app_func('global'); $template_list = template_list($this->siteid, 0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } $show_validator = $show_header = ''; $catid = intval($_GET['catid']); $type = $_POST['type'] ? intval($_POST['type']) : 0; pc_base::load_sys_class('form', '', 0); if (empty($_POST['catids'])) { showmessage(L('illegal_parameters')); } $batch_array = $workflows = array(); foreach ($categorys as $catid => $cat) { if ($cat['type'] == $type && in_array($catid, $_POST['catids'])) { $batch_array[$catid] = $cat; } } if (empty($batch_array)) { showmessage(L('please_select_category')); } $workflows = getcache('workflow_' . $this->siteid, 'commons'); if ($workflows) { $workflows_datas = array(); foreach ($workflows as $_k => $_v) { $workflows_datas[$_v['workflowid']] = $_v['workname']; } } if ($type == 1) { include $this->admin_tpl('category_batch_edit_page'); } else { include $this->admin_tpl('category_batch_edit'); } } else { $type = isset($_GET['select_type']) ? intval($_GET['select_type']) : 0; $tree = pc_base::load_sys_class('tree'); $tree->icon = array(' │ ', ' ├─ ', ' └─ '); $tree->nbsp = ' '; $category = array(); foreach ($categorys as $catid => $r) { if ($this->siteid != $r['siteid'] || $r['type'] == 2 && $r['child'] == 0) { continue; } $category[$catid] = $r; } $str = "<option value='\$catid' \$selected>\$spacer \$catname</option>"; $tree->init($category); $string .= $tree->get_tree(0, $str); include $this->admin_tpl('category_batch_select'); } } }
/** * 信息修改 */ public function edit() { $_GET['specialid'] = intval($_GET['specialid']); $_GET['id'] = intval($_GET['id']); if (!$_GET['specialid'] || !$_GET['id']) { showmessage(L('illegal_action'), HTTP_REFERER); } if (isset($_POST['dosubmit']) || isset($_POST['dosubmit_continue'])) { $info = $this->check($_POST['info'], 'info', 'edit', $_POST['data']['content']); //验证数据的合法性 //处理外部链接更换情况 $r = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $_GET['id'], 'specialid' => $_GET['specialid'])); if ($r['islink'] != $info['islink']) { //当外部链接和原来差别时进行操作 // 向数据统计表添加数据 $count = pc_base::load_model('hits_model'); $hitsid = 'special-c-' . $_GET['specialid'] . '-' . $_GET['id']; $count->delete(array('hitsid' => $hitsid)); $this->data_db->delete(array('id' => $_GET['id'])); if ($info['islink']) { $info['url'] = $_POST['linkurl']; $info['isdata'] = 0; } else { $data = $this->check($_POST['data'], 'data'); $data['id'] = $_GET['id']; $this->data_db->insert($data); $count->insert(array('hitsid' => $hitsid)); } } //处理外部链接情况 if ($info['islink']) { $info['url'] = $_POST['linkurl']; $info['isdata'] = 0; } else { $info['isdata'] = 1; } $html = pc_base::load_app_class('html', 'special'); if ($info['isdata']) { $data = $this->check($_POST['data'], 'data'); $this->data_db->update($data, array('id' => $_GET['id'])); $url = $html->_create_content($_GET['id']); if ($url[0]) { $info['url'] = $url[0]; $searchid = $this->search_api($_GET['id'], $data, $info['title'], 'update', $info['inputtime']); $this->db->update(array('url' => $url[0], 'searchid' => $searchid), array('id' => $_GET['id'], 'specialid' => $_GET['specialid'])); } } else { $this->db->update(array('url' => $info['url']), array('id' => $_GET['id'], 'specialid' => $_GET['specialid'])); } $this->db->update($info, array('id' => $_GET['id'], 'specialid' => $_GET['specialid'])); //更新附件状态 if (pc_base::load_config('system', 'attachment_stat')) { $this->attachment_db = pc_base::load_model('attachment_model'); if ($info['thumb']) { $this->attachment_db->api_update($info['thumb'], 'special-c-' . $_GET['id'], 1); } $this->attachment_db->api_update(stripslashes($data['content']), 'special-c-' . $_GET['id']); } $html->_index($_GET['specialid'], 20, 5); $html->_list($info['typeid'], 20, 5); showmessage(L('content_edit_success'), HTTP_REFERER, '', '', 'setTimeout("window.close()", 2000)'); } else { $info = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $_GET['id'], 'specialid' => $_GET['specialid'])); if ($info['isdata']) { $data = $this->data_db->get_one(array('id' => $_GET['id'])); } $rs = $this->type_db->select(array('parentid' => $_GET['specialid'], 'siteid' => $this->get_siteid()), 'typeid, name'); $types = array(); foreach ($rs as $r) { $types[$r['typeid']] = $r['name']; } //获取站点模板信息 pc_base::load_app_func('global', 'admin'); $template_list = template_list($this->siteid, 0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } $special_db = pc_base::load_model('special_model'); $s_info = $special_db->get_one(array('id' => $_GET['specialid'])); @extract($s_info); include $this->admin_tpl('content_edit'); } }
/** * 导入模型 */ function import() { if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $info = array(); $info['name'] = $_POST['info']['modelname']; //主表表名 $basic_table = $info['tablename'] = $_POST['info']['tablename']; //从表表名 $table_data = $basic_table . '_data'; $info['description'] = $_POST['info']['description']; $info['type'] = 0; $info['siteid'] = $this->siteid; $info['default_style'] = $_POST['default_style']; $info['category_template'] = $_POST['setting']['category_template']; $info['list_template'] = $_POST['setting']['list_template']; $info['show_template'] = $_POST['setting']['show_template']; if (!empty($_FILES['model_import']['tmp_name'])) { $model_import = @file_get_contents($_FILES['model_import']['tmp_name']); if (!empty($model_import)) { $model_import_data = string2array($model_import); } } $is_exists = $this->db->table_exists($basic_table); if ($is_exists) { showmessage(L('operation_failure'), '?m=content&c=sitemodel&a=init'); } $modelid = $this->db->insert($info, 1); if ($modelid) { $tablepre = $this->db->db_tablepre; //建立数据表 $model_sql = file_get_contents(MODEL_PATH . 'model.sql'); $model_sql = str_replace('$basic_table', $tablepre . $basic_table, $model_sql); $model_sql = str_replace('$table_data', $tablepre . $table_data, $model_sql); $model_sql = str_replace('$table_model_field', $tablepre . 'model_field', $model_sql); $model_sql = str_replace('$modelid', $modelid, $model_sql); $model_sql = str_replace('$siteid', $this->siteid, $model_sql); $this->db->sql_execute($model_sql); if (!empty($model_import_data)) { $this->sitemodel_field_db = pc_base::load_model('sitemodel_field_model'); $system_field = array('title', 'style', 'catid', 'url', 'listorder', 'status', 'userid', 'username', 'inputtime', 'updatetime', 'pages', 'readpoint', 'template', 'groupids_view', 'posids', 'content', 'keywords', 'description', 'thumb', 'typeid', 'relation', 'islink', 'allow_comment'); foreach ($model_import_data as $v) { $field = $v['field']; if (in_array($field, $system_field)) { $v['siteid'] = $this->siteid; unset($v['fieldid'], $v['modelid'], $v['field']); $v = new_addslashes($v); $v['setting'] = array2string($v['setting']); $this->sitemodel_field_db->update($v, array('modelid' => $modelid, 'field' => $field)); } else { $tablename = $v['issystem'] ? $tablepre . $basic_table : $tablepre . $table_data; //重组模型表字段属性 $minlength = $v['minlength'] ? $v['minlength'] : 0; $maxlength = $v['maxlength'] ? $v['maxlength'] : 0; $field_type = $v['formtype']; require MODEL_PATH . $field_type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; if (isset($v['setting']['fieldtype'])) { $field_type = $v['setting']['fieldtype']; } require MODEL_PATH . 'add.sql.php'; $v['tips'] = addslashes($v['tips']); $v['setting'] = array2string($v['setting']); $v['modelid'] = $modelid; $v['siteid'] = $this->siteid; unset($v['fieldid']); $this->sitemodel_field_db->insert($v); } } } $this->public_cache(); showmessage(L('operation_success'), '?m=content&c=sitemodel&a=init'); } } else { pc_base::load_sys_class('form', '', 0); $show_validator = ''; $style_list = template_list($this->siteid, 0); foreach ($style_list as $k => $v) { $style_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($style_list[$k]); } $big_menu = array('{id:\'add\',iframe:\'?m=content&c=sitemodel&a=add\', title:\'' . L('add_model') . '\', width:\'580\', height:\'400\', lock:true}, function(){var d ={id:\'add\'}).data.iframe;var form = d.document.getElementById(\'dosubmit\');;return false;}, function(){{id:\'add\'}).close()});void(0);', L('add_model')); include $this->admin_tpl('sitemodel_import'); } }
/** * 编辑站点 */ public function edit() { $siteid = isset($_GET['siteid']) && intval($_GET['siteid']) ? intval($_GET['siteid']) : $this->error('参数异常'); if ($site = $this->db->where(array('id' => $siteid))->find()) { if (IS_POST) { $this->checkToken(); $data = $_POST['info']; $data['setting'] = array2string($_POST['setting']); if ($this->db->where(array('id' => $siteid))->save($data) !== false) { logic('site')->setCache(); $this->success('操作成功'); } else { $this->error('操作失败'); } } else { $template_list = template_list(); $setting = string2array($site['setting']); $setting['watermark_img'] = str_replace('statics/images/water/', '', $setting['watermark_img']); $this->assign('template_list', $template_list); $this->assign('setting', $setting); $this->assign('data', $site); $this->display(); } } else { $this->error('站点不存在!'); } }
public function edit() { $siteid = isset($_GET['siteid']) && intval($_GET['siteid']) ? intval($_GET['siteid']) : showmessage(L('illegal_parameters'), HTTP_REFERER); if ($data = $this->db->get_one(array('siteid'=>$siteid))) { if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $name = isset($_POST['name']) && trim($_POST['name']) ? trim($_POST['name']) : showmessage(L('site_name').L('empty')); $dirname = isset($_POST['dirname']) && trim($_POST['dirname']) ? strtolower(trim($_POST['dirname'])) : ($siteid == 1 ? '' :showmessage(L('site_dirname').L('empty'))); $domain = isset($_POST['domain']) && trim($_POST['domain']) ? trim($_POST['domain']) : ''; $site_title = isset($_POST['site_title']) && trim($_POST['site_title']) ? trim($_POST['site_title']) : ''; $keywords = isset($_POST['keywords']) && trim($_POST['keywords']) ? trim($_POST['keywords']) : ''; $description = isset($_POST['description']) && trim($_POST['description']) ? trim($_POST['description']) : ''; $release_point = isset($_POST['release_point']) ? $_POST['release_point'] : ''; $template = isset($_POST['template']) && !empty($_POST['template']) ? $_POST['template'] : showmessage(L('please_select_a_style')); $default_style = isset($_POST['default_style']) && !empty($_POST['default_style']) ? $_POST['default_style'] : showmessage(L('please_choose_the_default_style')); if ($data['name'] != $name && $this->db->get_one(array('name'=>$name), 'siteid')) { showmessage(L('site_name').L('exists')); } if ($siteid != 1) { if (!preg_match('/^\\w+$/i', $dirname)) { showmessage(L('site_dirname').L('site_dirname_err_msg')); } if ($data['dirname'] != $dirname && $this->db->get_one(array('dirname'=>$dirname), 'siteid')) { showmessage(L('site_dirname').L('exists')); } } if (!empty($domain) && !preg_match('/http:\/\/(.+)\/$/i', $domain)) { showmessage(L('site_domain').L('site_domain_ex2')); } if (!empty($domain) && $data['domain'] != $domain && $this->db->get_one(array('domain'=>$domain), 'siteid')) { showmessage(L('site_domain').L('exists')); } if (!empty($release_point) && is_array($release_point)) { if (count($release_point) > 4) { showmessage(L('release_point_configuration').L('most_choose_four')); } $s = ''; foreach ($release_point as $key=>$val) { if($val) $s.= $s ? ",$val" : $val; } $release_point = $s; unset($s); } else { $release_point = ''; } if (!empty($template) && is_array($template)) { $template = implode(',', $template); } else { $template = ''; } $_POST['setting']['watermark_img'] = 'statics/images/water/'.$_POST['setting']['watermark_img']; $setting = trim(array2string($_POST['setting'])); $sql = array('name'=>$name,'dirname'=>$dirname, 'domain'=>$domain, 'site_title'=>$site_title, 'keywords'=>$keywords, 'description'=>$description, 'release_point'=>$release_point, 'template'=>$template, 'setting'=>$setting, 'default_style'=>$default_style); if ($siteid == 1) unset($sql['dirname']); if ($this->db->update($sql, array('siteid'=>$siteid))) { $class_site = pc_base::load_app_class('sites'); $class_site->set_cache(); showmessage(L('operation_success'), '', '', 'edit'); } else { showmessage(L('operation_failure')); } } else { $show_validator = true; $show_header = true; $show_scroll = true; $template_list = template_list(); $setting = string2array($data['setting']); $setting['watermark_img'] = str_replace('statics/images/water/','',$setting['watermark_img']); $release_point_db = pc_base::load_model('release_point_model'); $release_point_list = $release_point_db->select('', 'id, name'); include $this->admin_tpl('site_edit'); } } else { showmessage(L('notfound'), HTTP_REFERER); } }
/** * 投票模块配置 */ public function setting() { // 读取配置文件 $data = array(); // 更新模型数据库,重设setting 数据. $m_db = Loader::model('application_model'); $now_seting = $m_db->get_setting('vote'); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { S('common/vote', $_POST['setting']); $m_db->set_setting('vote', $_POST['setting']); showmessage(L('setting_updates_successful'), U('vote/vote/init')); } else { @extract($now_seting); // 模版 $template_list = template_list(0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } include $this->view('setting'); } }
/** * 导入模型 */ public function import() { if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $info = array(); $info['name'] = $_POST['info']['modelname']; // 主表表名 $basic_table = $info['tablename'] = $_POST['info']['tablename']; // 从表表名 $table_data = $basic_table . '_data'; $info['description'] = $_POST['info']['description']; $info['type'] = 0; $info['default_style'] = $_POST['default_style']; $info['category_template'] = $_POST['setting']['category_template']; $info['list_template'] = $_POST['setting']['list_template']; $info['show_template'] = $_POST['setting']['show_template']; if (!empty($_FILES['model_import']['tmp_name'])) { $model_import = @file_get_contents($_FILES['model_import']['tmp_name']); if (!empty($model_import)) { $model_import_data = string2array($model_import); } } $is_exists = $this->db->table_exists($basic_table); if ($is_exists) { showmessage(L('operation_failure'), U('content/model/init')); } $modelid = $this->db->add($info, 1); if ($modelid) { $tablepre = $this->db->get_prefix(); // 建立数据表 $model_sql = file_get_contents(MODEL_PATH . 'model.sql'); $model_sql = str_replace('$basic_table', $tablepre . $basic_table, $model_sql); $model_sql = str_replace('$table_data', $tablepre . $table_data, $model_sql); $model_sql = str_replace('$table_model_field', $tablepre . 'model_field', $model_sql); $model_sql = str_replace('$modelid', $modelid, $model_sql); $this->db->sql_execute($model_sql); if (!empty($model_import_data)) { $this->model_field_db = Loader::model('model_field_model'); $system_field = array('title', 'style', 'catid', 'url', 'listorder', 'status', 'userid', 'username', 'inputtime', 'updatetime', 'pages', 'readpoint', 'template', 'groupids_view', 'posids', 'content', 'keywords', 'description', 'thumb', 'typeid', 'relation', 'islink', 'allow_comment'); foreach ($model_import_data as $v) { $field = $v['field']; if (in_array($field, $system_field)) { unset($v['fieldid'], $v['modelid'], $v['field']); $v = String::addslashes($v); $v['setting'] = serialize($v['setting']); $this->model_field_db->where(array('modelid' => $modelid, 'field' => $field))->update($v); } else { $tablename = $v['issystem'] ? $tablepre . $basic_table : $tablepre . $table_data; // 重组模型表字段属性 $minlength = $v['minlength'] ? $v['minlength'] : 0; $maxlength = $v['maxlength'] ? $v['maxlength'] : 0; $field_type = $v['formtype']; require MODEL_PATH . $field_type . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; if (isset($v['setting']['fieldtype'])) { $field_type = $v['setting']['fieldtype']; } require MODEL_PATH . 'add.sql.php'; $v['tips'] = addslashes($v['tips']); $v['setting'] = serialize($v['setting']); $v['modelid'] = $modelid; unset($v['fieldid']); $this->model_field_db->insert($v); } } } $this->public_cache(); showmessage(L('operation_success'), U('content/model/init')); } } else { $show_validator = ''; $style_list = template_list(0); foreach ($style_list as $k => $v) { $style_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($style_list[$k]); } $big_menu = big_menu(U('content/model/add'), 'add', L('add_model'), 580, 400); include $this->view('model_import'); } }
sub_from_file($step++, "// Remove our padding from the string..\n\t\$text = substr(\$text, 1);", "include_once('" . GWBB_ROOT . "gwbbcode/functions_gw.php');", INCL_ROOT . 'includes/bbcode.php'); sub_from_file($step++, "'T_SPAN_CLASS3' => \$theme['span_class3'],", " 'GWBBCODE_HEAD' => file_get_contents('" . GWBB_ROOT . "gwbbcode/overall_header.tpl'),", INCL_ROOT . 'includes/page_header.php'); if (file_exists(OLD_PICKUP_PATH)) { $pickup = eval('return ' . file_get_contents(OLD_PICKUP_PATH) . ';'); if (save(PICKUP_PATH, $pickup)) { echo 'Transfering ' . OLD_PICKUP_PATH . ' to ' . PICKUP_PATH . ': ' . success('done', true); rm(OLD_PICKUP_PATH, false); } } //Installing echo "\nHooking phpBB2...\n"; add_to_file($step++, "'T_SPAN_CLASS3' => \$theme['span_class3'],", " 'GWBBCODE_HEAD' => include('" . GWBB_ROOT . "gwbbcode/header.php'),", INCL_ROOT . 'includes/page_header.php'); add_to_file($step++, "'T_SPAN_CLASS3' => \$theme['span_class3'],", " 'GWBBCODE_BODY' => include('" . GWBB_ROOT . "gwbbcode/body.php'),", INCL_ROOT . 'includes/page_header.php'); add_to_file($step++, "// Remove our padding from the string..\n\t\$text = substr(\$text, 1);", "include('" . GWBB_ROOT . "gwbbcode/gwbbcode.php');", INCL_ROOT . 'includes/bbcode.php'); //Hook all templates $templates = defined('IS_NUKE') ? template_list('../../themes') : template_list('templates'); $templatepath = defined('IS_NUKE') ? '/forums' : ''; foreach ($templates as $template) { if (in_array($template, $not_to_hook) || !is_dir($template . $templatepath)) { continue; } echo "\nProcessing template " . basename($template) . "...\n"; sub_from_file($step++, '@<head[^>]*>@Uis', '{GWBBCODE_HEAD}', $template . $templatepath . '/overall_header.tpl', true); add_to_file($step++, '</title>', '{GWBBCODE_HEAD}', $template . $templatepath . '/overall_header.tpl'); add_to_file($step++, '@<body[^>]*>@Uis', '{GWBBCODE_BODY}', $template . $templatepath . '/overall_header.tpl', true); } echo "\nIf you add templates, please rerun install.php to hook gwbbcode on them"; //Recreate and fill the skills table if (GWBBCODE_SQL) { echo "\n\nPreparing the MySQL skill table...\n"; add_skills_to_sql();
/** * 批量修改 */ public function batch_edit() { $categorys = S('common/category_content'); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $catid = intval($_POST['catid']); $post_setting = $_POST['setting']; // 栏目生成静态配置 $infos = $info = array(); $infos = $_POST['info']; if (empty($infos)) { showmessage(L('operation_success')); } $this->attachment_db = Loader::model('attachment_model'); foreach ($infos as $catid => $info) { $setting = string2array($categorys[$catid]['setting']); if ($_POST['type'] != 2) { if ($post_setting[$catid]['ishtml']) { $setting['category_ruleid'] = $_POST['category_html_ruleid'][$catid]; } else { $setting['category_ruleid'] = $_POST['category_php_ruleid'][$catid]; $info['url'] = ''; } } foreach ($post_setting[$catid] as $_k => $_setting) { $setting[$_k] = $_setting; } // 内容生成静态配置 if ($post_setting[$catid]['content_ishtml']) { $setting['show_ruleid'] = $_POST['show_html_ruleid'][$catid]; } else { $setting['show_ruleid'] = $_POST['show_php_ruleid'][$catid]; } if ($setting['repeatchargedays'] < 1) { $setting['repeatchargedays'] = 1; } $info['sethtml'] = isset($post_setting[$catid]['create_to_html_root']) && !empty($post_setting[$catid]['create_to_html_root']) ? $post_setting[$catid]['create_to_html_root'] : 0; $info['setting'] = array2string($setting); $info['application'] = 'content'; $info['letter'] = strtolower(string_to_pinyin($info['catname'])); $this->db->where(array('catid' => $catid))->update($info); // 更新附件状态 if ($info['image'] && C('attachment', 'stat')) { $this->attachment_db->api_update($info['image'], 'catid-' . $catid, 1); } } $this->public_cache(); showmessage(L('operation_success'), U('admin/category/init')); } else { if (isset($_POST['catids'])) { $template_list = template_list(0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } $show_validator = ''; $catid = intval($_GET['catid']); $type = isset($_POST['type']) ? intval($_POST['type']) : 0; if (empty($_POST['catids'])) { showmessage(L('illegal_parameters')); } $batch_array = $workflows = array(); foreach ($categorys as $catid => $cat) { if ($cat['type'] == $type && in_array($catid, $_POST['catids'])) { $batch_array[$catid] = $cat; } } if (empty($batch_array)) { showmessage(L('please_select_category')); } $workflows = S('common/workflow'); if ($workflows) { $workflows_datas = array(); foreach ($workflows as $_k => $_v) { $workflows_datas[$_v['workflowid']] = $_v['workname']; } } $show_header = true; if ($type == 1) { include $this->view('category_batch_edit_page'); } else { include $this->view('category_batch_edit'); } } else { $type = isset($_GET['select_type']) ? intval($_GET['select_type']) : 0; $tree = Loader::lib('Tree'); $tree->icon = array(' │ ', ' ├─ ', ' └─ '); $tree->nbsp = ' '; $category = array(); foreach ($categorys as $catid => $r) { if ($r['type'] == 2 && $r['child'] == 0) { continue; } $category[$catid] = $r; } $str = "<option value='\$catid' \$selected>\$spacer \$catname</option>"; $tree->init($category); $string .= $tree->get_tree(0, $str); include $this->view('category_batch_select'); } } }
/** * 修改公告 */ public function edit() { $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : showmessage(L('illegal_operation')); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $info = $this->check($_POST['announce'], 'edit'); if ($this->db->where(array('id' => $id))->update($info)) { showmessage(L('announced_a'), HTTP_REFERER, '', 'edit'); } else { showmessage(L('operation_failure'), HTTP_REFERER, '', 'edit'); } } else { $where = array('id' => $id); $an_info = $this->db->where($where)->find(); Loader::helper('admin:global'); // 获取站点模板信息 $template_list = template_list(0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } $show_header = $show_validator = $show_scroll = 1; include $this->view('announce_edit'); } }
private function render_nav($nav) { global $system_routes; $menu = array(); $n = 0; if (true) { $menu['divider' . $n] = array('text' => '', 'class' => 'divider-vertical'); } foreach ($system_routes as $module) { foreach ($module as $path => $item) { if (array_key_exists('nav', $item) && array_search($nav, $item['nav']) !== false) { $display = true; if (array_key_exists('menu_callback', $item)) { $display = call_user_func_array($item['menu_callback'], array($path)); } if ($display) { if ($item['menu_title']) { $title = $item['menu_title']; } else { $title = $path; } $icon = ''; if (isset($item['menu_icon'])) { $icon = '<i class="' . $item['menu_icon'] . ' icon-white"></i> '; } if ($nav == 'phone') { $title = '<i class="' . $item['menu_icon'] . ' icon-white"></i> '; } else { $title = $icon . $title; } $t = l($title, '/' . $path, '', false, $item['menu_title']); $menu[$path] = array('text' => $t); if ($nav == 'phone') { $n++; $menu['divider' . $n] = array('text' => '', 'class' => 'divider-vertical'); } } } } } return template_list($menu, 'nav'); }
/** * 编辑表单向导 */ public function edit() { if (!isset($_GET['formid']) || empty($_GET['formid'])) { showmessage(L('illegal_operation'), HTTP_REFERER); } $formid = intval($_GET['formid']); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { if ($_POST['setting']['starttime']) { $_POST['setting']['starttime'] = strtotime($_POST['setting']['starttime']); } if ($_POST['setting']['endtime']) { $_POST['setting']['endtime'] = strtotime($_POST['setting']['endtime']); } $_POST['info'] = $this->check_info($_POST['info'], $formid); $_POST['info']['setting'] = array2string($_POST['setting']); $_POST['info']['js_template'] = $_POST['info']['show_js_template']; unset($_POST['info']['show_js_template']); $this->db->where(array('modelid' => $formid))->update($_POST['info']); showmessage(L('update_success'), U('formguide/formguide/edit', array('formid' => $formid)), '', 'edit'); } else { $template_list = template_list(0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } $data = $this->db->getby_modelid($formid); $data['setting'] = string2array($data['setting']); $show_header = $show_validator = $show_scroll = 1; include $this->view('formguide_edit'); } }
/** * 专题修改 */ public function edit() { if (!isset($_GET['specialid']) || empty($_GET['specialid'])) { showmessage(L('illegal_action'), HTTP_REFERER); } $_GET['specialid'] = intval($_GET['specialid']); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit']) && !empty($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $special = $this->check($_POST['special'], 'edit'); if ($special['ishtml'] && $special['filename']) { $special['url'] = SITE_URL . substr(C('system', 'html_root'), 1) . '/special/' . $special['filename'] . '/'; } elseif ($special['ishtml'] == '0') { $special['url'] = SITE_URL . 'index.php?app=special&controller=index&specialid=' . $_GET['specialid']; } $this->db->update($special, array('id' => $_GET['specialid'])); $this->special_api->_update_type($_GET['specialid'], $_POST['type'], 'edit'); // 调用生成静态类 if ($special['ishtml']) { $html = Loader::lib('special:html'); $html->_index($_GET['specialid'], 20, 5); } // 更新附件状态 if (C('attachment', 'stat')) { $this->attachment_db = Loader::model('attachment_model'); $this->attachment_db->api_update(array($special['thumb'], $special['banner']), 'special-' . $_GET['specialid'], 1); } $this->special_cache(); showmessage(L('edit_special_success'), HTTP_REFERER); } else { $info = $this->db->getby_id(intval($_GET['specialid'])); $template_list = template_list(0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } if ($info['pics']) { $pics = explode('|', $info['pics']); } if ($info['voteid']) { $vote_info = explode('|', $info['voteid']); } $type_db = Loader::model('type_model'); $types = $type_db->where(array('application' => 'special', 'parentid' => $_GET['specialid']))->field('typeid, name, listorder,typedir')->order('listorder ASC, typeid ASC')->select(); include $this->view('special_edit'); } }
//Admin? echo '<html><head></head><body><pre>'; install_header(); if ($userdata['user_level'] != ADMIN) { failure("\nYou need admin rights to be allowed to uninstall gwBBCode."); die; } echo "\nUnhooking phpBB...\n"; sub_from_file($step++, "// Remove our padding from the string..\n\t\$text = substr(\$text, 1);", "include_once('gwbbcode/functions_gw.php');", GWBBCODE_ROOT . '/../includes/bbcode.php'); sub_from_file($step++, "'T_SPAN_CLASS3' => \$theme['span_class3'],", " 'GWBBCODE_HEAD' => file_get_contents('gwbbcode/overall_header.tpl'),", GWBBCODE_ROOT . '/../includes/page_header.php'); sub_from_file($step++, "'T_SPAN_CLASS3' => \$theme['span_class3'],", " 'GWBBCODE_BODY' => include('gwbbcode/body.php'),", GWBBCODE_ROOT . '/../includes/page_header.php'); //TODO merge in one line? sub_from_file($step++, "'T_SPAN_CLASS3' => \$theme['span_class3'],", " 'GWBBCODE_HEAD' => include('gwbbcode/header.php'),", GWBBCODE_ROOT . '/../includes/page_header.php'); sub_from_file($step++, "// Remove our padding from the string..\n\t\$text = substr(\$text, 1);", "include('gwbbcode/gwbbcode.php');", GWBBCODE_ROOT . '/../includes/bbcode.php'); //Clean all templates $templates = template_list('templates'); foreach ($templates as $template) { echo "\nProcessing template " . basename($template) . "...\n"; sub_from_file($step++, '@<body[^>]*>@Uis', '{GWBBCODE_BODY}', $template . '/overall_header.tpl', true); sub_from_file($step++, '@<head[^>]*>@i', '{GWBBCODE_HEAD}', $template . '/overall_header.tpl', true); sub_from_file($step++, '</title>', '{GWBBCODE_HEAD}', $template . '/overall_header.tpl'); } //Remove the sql skill table if (GWBBCODE_SQL) { echo "\n\nMySQL skill table status: "; if (mysql_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS skills;')) { success('removed'); } else { failure('couldn\'t be removed'); } }
/** * 投票模块配置 */ public function setting() { //读取配置文件 $data = array(); $siteid = $this->get_siteid(); //当前站点 //更新模型数据库,重设setting 数据. $m_db = pc_base::load_model('module_model'); $data = $m_db->select(array('module' => 'vote')); $setting = string2array($data[0]['setting']); $now_seting = $setting[$siteid]; if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { //多站点存储配置文件 $siteid = $this->get_siteid(); //当前站点 $setting[$siteid] = $_POST['setting']; setcache('vote', $setting, 'commons'); //更新模型数据库,重设setting 数据. $set = array2string($setting); $m_db->update(array('setting' => $set), array('module' => ROUTE_M)); showmessage(L('setting_updates_successful'), '?m=vote&c=vote&a=init'); } else { @extract($now_seting); pc_base::load_sys_class('form', '', 0); //模版 pc_base::load_app_func('global', 'admin'); $siteid = $this->get_siteid(); $template_list = template_list($siteid, 0); $site = pc_base::load_app_class('sites', 'admin'); $info = $site->get_by_id($siteid); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } include $this->admin_tpl('setting'); } }
/** * 编辑表单向导 */ public function edit() { if (!isset($_GET['formid']) || empty($_GET['formid'])) { showmessage(L('illegal_operation'), HTTP_REFERER); } $formid = intval($_GET['formid']); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { if ($_POST['setting']['starttime']) { $_POST['setting']['starttime'] = strtotime($_POST['setting']['starttime']); } if ($_POST['setting']['endtime']) { $_POST['setting']['endtime'] = strtotime($_POST['setting']['endtime']); } $_POST['info'] = $this->check_info($_POST['info'], $formid); $_POST['info']['setting'] = array2string($_POST['setting']); $_POST['info']['js_template'] = $_POST['info']['show_js_template']; unset($_POST['info']['show_js_template']); $this->db->update($_POST['info'], array('modelid'=>$formid)); showmessage(L('update_success'), '?m=formguide&c=formguide&a=init&formid='.$formid, '', 'edit'); } else { $siteid = $this->get_siteid(); $template_list = template_list($siteid, 0); $site = pc_base::load_app_class('sites','zl_admin'); $info = $site->get_by_id($siteid); foreach ($template_list as $k=>$v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } $data = $this->db->get_one(array('modelid'=>$formid)); $data['setting'] = string2array($data['setting']); pc_base::load_sys_class('form', '', false); $show_header = $show_validator = $show_scroll = 1; include $this->admin_tpl('formguide_edit'); } }
function user_login_block() { $user = new User(); $links = array(); $links['d0'] = array('text' => '', 'class' => 'divider-vertical'); if ($user->uid) { $links['your-account'] = l('Your Account', '/user'); $links['d1'] = array('text' => '', 'class' => 'divider-vertical'); $links['logout'] = l('Logout', '/logout') . '</li>'; } else { $links['login'] = l('Login', '/login', 'button'); $links['register'] = l('Register', '/register', 'button'); } return template_list($links, 'nav'); }
</div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">关闭原因</label> <div class="col-sm-4"> <textarea name="form[close_reason]" class="form-control" cols="60" rows="3"><?php echo output($setting, 'close_reason'); ?> </textarea> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">默认模板</label> <div class="col-sm-4"> <?php echo WUZHI_form::select(template_list(), TPLID, 'name="form[default_template]" class="form-control"'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2 control-label"></label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input class="btn btn-info" type="submit" name="submit" value="提交"> </div> </div> </form> </div> </section> </div> </div> <!-- page end-->
/** * 专题修改 */ public function edit() { if (!isset($_GET['specialid']) || empty($_GET['specialid'])) { showmessage(L('illegal_action'), HTTP_REFERER); } $_GET['specialid'] = intval($_GET['specialid']); if (isset($_POST['dosubmit']) && !empty($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $special = $this->check($_POST['special'], 'edit'); $siteid = get_siteid(); $site = pc_base::load_app_class('sites', 'admin'); $site_info = $site->get_by_id($siteid); if ($special['ishtml'] && $special['filename']) { if ($siteid > 1) { $special['url'] = $site_info['domain'] . 'special/' . $special['filename'] . '/'; } else { $special['url'] = APP_PATH . substr(pc_base::load_config('system', 'html_root'), 1) . '/special/' . $special['filename'] . '/'; } } elseif ($special['ishtml'] == '0') { if ($siteid > 1) { $special['url'] = $site_info['domain'] . 'index.php?m=special&c=index&specialid=' . $_GET['specialid']; } else { $special['url'] = APP_PATH . 'index.php?m=special&c=index&specialid=' . $_GET['specialid']; } } $this->db->update($special, array('id' => $_GET['specialid'], 'siteid' => $this->get_siteid())); $this->special_api->_update_type($_GET['specialid'], $_POST['type'], 'edit'); //调用生成静态类 if ($special['ishtml']) { $html = pc_base::load_app_class('html', 'special'); $html->_index($_GET['specialid'], 20, 5); } //更新附件状态 if (pc_base::load_config('system', 'attachment_stat')) { $this->attachment_db = pc_base::load_model('attachment_model'); $this->attachment_db->api_update(array($special['thumb'], $special['banner']), 'special-' . $_GET['specialid'], 1); } $this->special_cache(); showmessage(L('edit_special_success'), HTTP_REFERER); } else { $info = $this->db->get_one(array('id' => $_GET['specialid'], 'siteid' => $this->get_siteid())); //获取站点模板信息 pc_base::load_app_func('global', 'admin'); $template_list = template_list($this->siteid, 0); foreach ($template_list as $k => $v) { $template_list[$v['dirname']] = $v['name'] ? $v['name'] : $v['dirname']; unset($template_list[$k]); } if ($info['pics']) { $pics = explode('|', $info['pics']); } if ($info['voteid']) { $vote_info = explode('|', $info['voteid']); } $type_db = pc_base::load_model('type_model'); $types = $type_db->select(array('module' => 'special', 'parentid' => $_GET['specialid'], 'siteid' => $this->get_siteid()), '`typeid`, `name`, `listorder`, `typedir`', '', '`listorder` ASC, `typeid` ASC'); include $this->admin_tpl('special_edit'); } }