list($name, $link) = explode(TAB, $v); $apps[$link] = intl_get($name); unset($apps[$k]); if ($c == 0) { $short = array_shift(explode('-', $link)); $first_icon = array('href' => site_prefix() . '/index/' . $link, 'src' => site_prefix() . '/inc/app/' . $short . '/pix/icon.gif', 'alt' => intl_get($name)); if (!@file_exists('inc/app/' . $short . '/pix/icon.gif')) { $first_icon['src'] = site_prefix() . '/inc/app/cms/pix/default_icon.gif'; } } elseif ($c == 1) { $short = array_shift(explode('-', $link)); $second_icon = array('href' => site_prefix() . '/index/' . $link, 'src' => site_prefix() . '/inc/app/' . $short . '/pix/icon.gif', 'alt' => intl_get($name)); if (!@file_exists('inc/app/' . $short . '/pix/icon.gif')) { $second_icon['src'] = site_prefix() . '/inc/app/cms/pix/default_icon.gif'; } } $c++; } //$apps = array_merge (array ('' => '- ' . intl_get ('Choose') . ' -'), $apps); $split = ceil(count($apps) / 2); $one = array_slice($apps, 0, $split); $two = array_slice($apps, $split); $data['app_panel'] = array('name' => 'app', 'caption' => intl_get('Tools'), 'action' => '', 'method' => 'get', 'select' => 'list', 'selected' => '', 'select-extra' => 'onchange="this.form.action = \'' . site_prefix() . '/index/\' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; this.form.submit ()"', 'options' => array($one, $two), 'icons' => array($first_icon, $second_icon, array('href' => site_prefix() . '/index/cms-admintools-icons-action', 'src' => site_prefix() . '/inc/app/cms/pix/icons/more.gif', 'alt' => intl_get('More')))); if (!appconf('panels_show_disabled') && count($apps) < 2) { array_pop($data['app_panel']['icons']); } //loader_import ('saf.HTML'); page_add_script(site_prefix() . '/js/dropmenu.js'); template_bind('/html/body', template_simple('layout/panels.spt', $data)); echo '<br clear="both" /> <p style="padding-bottom: 60px"> </p>';
/** * Adds a link tag to the global template. * * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string * @param string */ function addLink($rel, $type, $href, $charset = false, $hreflang = false, $name = false) { $link = '<link rel="' . $rel . '" type="' . $type . '" href="' . $href . '"'; if ($charset) { $link .= ' charset="' . $charset . '"'; } if ($hreflang) { $link .= ' hreflang="' . $hreflang . '"'; } if ($name) { $link .= ' title="' . $name . '"'; } $link .= ' />' . NEWLINE; template_bind('/html/head', $link); }
function display($generate_html = 0) { parent::display($generate_html); global $intl, $simple, $cgi; // needs browser check to display textarea as alternative $this->initial_value = $this->formatValue($this->data_value); $this->scroller_data = $this->formatValue($this->scroller_data); if ($this->reference !== false) { if (empty($this->reference)) { $this->reference = '<br />'; } $this->reference = $this->formatValue($this->reference); } loader_import('ext.phpsniff'); $ua = new phpSniff(); if ($ua->property('browser') == 'ie' && $ua->property('platform') == 'win' && $ua->property('version') >= '5.5' || $ua->property('browser') == 'mz' && $ua->property('version') >= '1.3' || $ua->property('browser') == 'ns' && $ua->property('version') >= '5.0' || $ua->property('browser') == 'fb' && $ua->property('version') >= '0.7' || $ua->property('browser') == 'ca' && $ua->property('version') >= '1.0' || $ua->property('browser') == 'sf' && $ua->property('version') >= '522' || strpos($ua->property('ua'), 'adobeair')) { // go xed if ($ua->property('browser') == 'ie') { $this->msie = true; if ($ua->property('version') >= '7.0') { $this->msie7 = 'true'; } } if ($ua->property('browser') == 'sf') { $this->safari = 'true'; } elseif (strpos($ua->property('ua'), 'adobeair')) { $this->safari = 'true'; $this->adobeair = 'true'; } if (@file_exists('inc/html/' . conf('Server', 'default_template_set') . '/images.php')) { if ($cgi->_collection) { $collection = $cgi->_collection; } elseif ($cgi->collection) { $collection = $cgi->collection; } else { $collection = false; } if ($collection) { $images = ini_parse('inc/html/' . conf('Server', 'default_template_set') . '/images.php'); if (isset($images[$collection])) { $this->max_height = $images[$collection]['max_height']; $this->max_width = $images[$collection]['max_width']; if ($images[$collection]['popup']) { $this->img_popup = 'true'; } else { $this->img_popup = 'false'; } } else { $this->max_height = 'false'; $this->max_width = 'false'; $this->img_popup = 'false'; } } else { $this->max_height = 'false'; $this->max_width = 'false'; $this->img_popup = 'false'; } } else { $this->max_height = 'false'; $this->max_width = 'false'; $this->img_popup = 'false'; } // initialize modal dialog event handlers page_onload('xed_init (\'' . $this->name . '\')'); page_onclick('checkModal ()'); page_onfocus('return checkModal ()'); template_bind('/html/body', ' <form style="display: inline" id="xed-' . $this->name . '-fsform" method="post" action="' . site_prefix() . '/index/xed-fullscreen-form" target="xedFullscreenWindow"> <input type="hidden" name="ifname" value="' . $this->name . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="xeditor" value="" /> </form>'); $this->templates = db_fetch_array('select * from xed_templates'); foreach ($this->templates as $k => $t) { $this->templates[$k]->body = $this->formatValue($t->body); } $this->source_height = $this->height + 2; loader_import('saf.GUI.Prompt'); $template = join('', file('inc/app/xed/html/xed.spt')); return template_simple($template, $this); } else { // return a textarea return '<tr><td class="field" colspan="2"><textarea name="' . $this->name . '" cols="50" rows="10">' . htmlentities_compat($this->data_value, ENT_COMPAT, $intl->charset) . '</textarea></td></tr>'; } }