?> document.getElementById('<?php echo "flight" . $i; ?> ').innerHTML = butCount.<?php echo "flight" . $i; ?> ; <?php } ?> // document.getElementById('summary').innerHTML = butSummary; } </script> <?php echo "<p><strong>Table Location:</strong> " . table_location($row_tables_edit['id'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "default") . "</p>"; ?> <p onload="updateButCount(event);">Based upon your <a href="<?php echo $base_url; ?> index.php?section=admin&go=judging_preferences">competition organization preferences</a>, <?php if ($flight_count == 1) { echo " this table only requires one flight."; } else { echo " this table can be divided into " . readable_number($flight_count) . " flights. For each entry below, designate the flight in which it will be judged."; } ?> </p> <form name="flights" method="post" action="<?php echo $base_url; ?>
$judge_info = explode("^", brewer_info($row_assignments['bid'])); $table_info = explode("^", get_table_info("none", "basic", $row_assignments['assignTable'], $dbTable, "default")); $location_info = explode("^", get_table_info($row_assignments['assignLocation'], "location", "1", $dbTable, "default")); $judge_ranks = str_replace(",", ", ", $judge_info['3']); ?> <tr> <td class="bdr1B_gray"><?php echo ucfirst(strtolower($judge_info['1'])) . ", " . ucfirst(strtolower($judge_info['0'])); ?> </td> <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php echo $judge_ranks; ?> </td> <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php echo table_location($row_assignments['assignTable'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "default"); ?> </td> <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php echo $table_info['0']; ?> </td> <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php echo $table_info['1']; ?> </td> <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php echo $row_assignments['assignRound']; ?> </td> <?php
echo $scored; ?> </td> <td class="data" width="8%"><?php echo $assigned_judges; ?> </td> <td class="data" width="8%"><?php echo $assigned_stewards; ?> </td> <?php if ($totalRows_judging > 1 && $dbTable == "default") { ?> <td class="data"><?php echo table_location($row_tables['id'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "default"); ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($action != "print" && $dbTable == "default") { ?> <td class="data" width="5%" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="icon"><a href="<?php echo $base_url; ?> index.php?section=admin&go=<?php echo $go; ?> &action=edit&id=<?php
?> document.getElementById('<?php echo "flight" . $i; ?> ').innerHTML = butCount.<?php echo "flight" . $i; ?> ; <?php } ?> // document.getElementById('summary').innerHTML = butSummary; } </script> <?php echo "<p><span class='dataLabel'>Table Location:</span>" . table_location($row_tables_edit['id'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "default") . "</p>"; ?> <p onload="updateButCount(event);">Based upon your <a href="<?php echo $base_url; ?> index.php?section=admin&go=judging_preferences">competition organization preferences</a>, this table can be divided into <?php echo readable_number($flight_count); ?> flights. For each entry below, designate the flight in which it will be judged.</p> <form name="flights" method="post" action="<?php echo $base_url; ?> includes/process.inc.php?action=<?php echo $action; ?> &dbTable=<?php