function overview()
    global $uid;
    $sth = mysql_query("select b.prod_id,b.count,b.side,,p.typ,b.initiative,b.agility,b.hull,b.weaponpower,b.shield,b.ecm,b.target1,b.sensor,b.weaponskill,b.special,b.armor,b.num_attacks,s.initiative,s.agility,s.hull,s.weaponpower,s.shield,s.ecm,s.target1,s.sensor,s.weaponskill,s.special,s.armor,s.num_attacks from battle_" . $uid . " b, production p, shipvalues s where b.prod_id=p.prod_id and b.prod_id=s.prod_id order by side");
    echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\" method=\"POST\">";
    table_start("center", "700");
    table_head_text(array("Battlesimulator"), 20);
    if (!$sth || mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) {
        table_text(array("No ships"), "", "", "", "text");
    } else {
        table_head_text(array("Side", "Name", "Type", "count", "initiative", "agility", "hull", "power", "shield", "ecm", "target1", "sensors", "skill", "special", "armor", "num_attacks", "mail"));
        while (list($prod_id, $count, $side, $name, $typ, $cur_ini, $cur_agi, $cur_hull, $cur_pow, $cur_shield, $cur_ecm, $cur_tar1, $cur_sen, $cur_skill, $cur_spec, $cur_arm, $cur_num, $ini, $agi, $hull, $pow, $shield, $ecm, $tar1, $sen, $skill, $spec, $arm, $num) = mysql_fetch_row($sth)) {
            table_text(array($side, $name, $typ, "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][count]\" size=\"4\" value=\"" . $count . "\">", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][initiative]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_ini . "\"> (" . $ini . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][agility]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_agi . "\"> (" . $agi . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][hull]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_hull . "\"> (" . $hull . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][weaponpower]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_pow . "\"> (" . $pow . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][shield]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_shield . "\"> (" . $shield . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][ecm]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_ecm . "\"> (" . $ecm . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][target1]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_tar1 . "\"> (" . $tar1 . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][sensor]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_sen . "\"> (" . $sen . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][weaponskill]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_skill . "\"> (" . $skill . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][special]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_spec . "\"> (" . $spec . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][armor]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_arm . "\"> (" . $arm . ")", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"battle[" . $side . "][" . $prod_id . "][num_attacks]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $cur_num . "\"> (" . $num . ")", "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?act=suggest&side=" . $side . "&prod_id=" . $prod_id . "\">suggest change</a>"), "", "", "", "text");
    table_form_submit("Change", "proc_change_values");
    echo "</form>";
    $sth = mysql_query("select prod_id,name from production where typ in ('L','M','H','I') \norder by name");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("database failersdfiosd");
        return false;
    echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\" method=\"POST\">";
    table_start("center", "500");
    table_head_text(array("Add ships"), "2");
    while (list($prod_id, $name) = mysql_fetch_row($sth)) {
        $select[$name] = $prod_id;
    table_form_select("Ship", "prod_id", $select, "2", "text", "text");
    table_form_select("Side", "side", array(1 => 1, 2 => 2), "2", "text", "text");
    table_form_text("Count", "count");
    table_form_submit("Add ships", "proc_add_ships");
    echo "</form>";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\" method=\"POST\">";
    table_start("center", "500");
    table_head_text(array("Config"), "2");
    table_form_select("Combat rounds", "rounds", array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 10 => 10), "1", "text", "text");
    table_form_select("Fraction limit", "fraction", array(100 => 100, 250 => 250, 500 => 500, 1000 => 1000, 2000 => 2000, "no limit" => 0), "250", "text", "text");
    table_form_select("Orbital Dig-In factor (Side 1)", "digino", array("no dig-in" => 0, 20 => 20, 40 => 40, 60 => 60, 65 => 65, 70 => 70, 75 => 75, 80 => 80, 85 => 85, 90 => 90, 95 => 95, 99 => 99), "0", "text", "text");
    table_form_select("Orbital Dig-In bonus (Side 1)", "diginob", array("no bonus" => 0, 5 => 5, 10 => 10, 15 => 15, 20 => 20, 25 => 25, 30 => 30, 35 => 35, 40 => 40, 45 => 45, 50 => 50, 55 => 55), "0", "text", "text");
    table_form_select("Planetary Dig-In factor (Side 1)", "diginp", array("no dig-in" => 0, 20 => 20, 40 => 40, 60 => 60, 65 => 65, 70 => 70, 75 => 75, 80 => 80, 85 => 85, 90 => 90, 95 => 95, 99 => 99), "70", "text", "text");
    table_form_select("Planetary Dig-In bonus (Side 1)", "diginpb", array("no bonus" => 0, 5 => 5, 10 => 10, 15 => 15, 20 => 20, 25 => 25, 30 => 30, 35 => 35, 40 => 40, 45 => 45, 50 => 50, 55 => 55), "20", "text", "text");
    table_form_select("Overall combat boost", "boost", array("no boost" => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 5 => 5), "1", "text", "text");
    table_form_select("Verbosity", "verbosity", array("Results only" => 0, "Overview" => 1, "Full details" => 2), "1", "text", "text");
    table_form_submit("Execute battle", "execute_battle");
    echo "</form>";
    //print "<a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?act=execute_battle\">Execute battle</a>";
function alliance_findform()
    global $uid;
    global $PHP_SELF;
    $sth = mysql_query("select * from alliance");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("Database failure!");
        return 0;
    echo "<br><br>\n";
    table_start("center", "500");
    table_head_text(array("Find Alliance"), "2");
    table_text(array("&nbsp;", "&nbsp;"), "", "", "", "head");
    echo "<form method=post action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\">\n";
    table_form_text("Alliance", "name", "" . $name . "", "20", "20", "text");
    table_form_submit("Find", "find_alliance", "0");
    echo "</form><br><br>\n";
function act_code()
    global $PHP_SELF;
    global $name;
    global $act_code;
    global $password;
    if ($act_code != "") {
        $sth = mysql_query("select ac.code from users as u,activationcodes as ac where and'{$name}'");
        $code = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
        if ($code["code"] == $act_code) {
            mysql_query("update users set active=1 where name='{$name}'");
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;
    } else {
        echo "<body bgcolor=\"black\"><center><font color=\"white\">";
        echo "<form action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=post>";
        echo "<p>Please enter your Activation Code</p>";
        table_form_text("", "act_code", "");
        form_hidden("name", $name);
        form_hidden("password", $password);
        echo "</form></center></font>";
        echo "</body>";
        return 0;
function reply()
    global $PHP_SELF;
    global $uid;
    global $id;
    $sth = mysql_query("select * from mail where id='{$id}'");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("Database failure!");
        return 0;
    $mail = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
    if ($mail["uid"] != $uid) {
        show_error("I'm not stupid guy! :)");
        return 0;
    if (!(substr($mail["subject"], 0, 4) == "RE: ")) {
        $subject = "RE: " . $mail["subject"];
    } else {
        $subject = $mail["subject"];
    $sth = mysql_query("select name from users where id='" . $mail["fuid"] . "'");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("Database failure!");
        return 0;
    $user = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
    echo "<form action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=post>\n";
    table_border_start("Send new message");
    table_form_text("Send to", "name", $user["name"]);
    table_form_text("Subject", "subject", $subject);
    table_form_textarea("Message", "text", $mail["text"]);
    table_form_submit("Send message", "send");
    echo "</form>";
function broadcast_msg()
    global $uid;
    global $PHP_SELF;
    // check ob im parlament
    $sth = mysql_query("select 1 from alliance where leader = {$uid} or devminister = {$uid} or forminister = {$uid} or milminister = {$uid}");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("ERR::BROADCAST MSG");
        return false;
    if (mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) {
        show_message("You can't broadcast, since you're not in the parliament.");
        return false;
    } else {
        table_start("center", "500");
        table_text(array("Broadcast"), "left", "", "2", "smallhead");
        echo "<form action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=post>";
        table_form_text("Message (max 255)", "message", "", "50", "255", "text");
        table_form_submit("Broadcast", "proc_broadcast", "0");
        echo "</form><br><br>";
function fleet($sth)
    global $uid;
    global $PHP_SELF;
    global $pid;
    if (mysql_num_rows($sth) > 0) {
        echo "<form action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=post>";
        table_head_text(array("Ships currently in production"), "8");
        table_text(array("&nbsp;", "Shipname", "Count", "Ressources per week", "Priority", "ETC", "&nbsp;", "Count"), "center", "", 1, "head");
        while ($fleet = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth)) {
            table_text_open("text", "center");
            table_text_design("<a href='" . $fleet["manual"] . "' target=\"_blank\"><img src='arts/" . $fleet["pic"] . "' border='0' title='" . $fleet["description"] . "' align='center'></a><br><a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?act=print_ship_info&prod_id=" . $fleet["prod_id"] . "\">Info</a>", "80", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design($fleet["name"], "300", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design($fleet["count"], "100", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design(ressources_html(get_ressources_per_week($fleet)), "100", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design("ETC :" . ($fleet["com_time"] - $fleet["time"]), "", "", "", "text");
            $higher = false;
            $lower = false;
            switch ($fleet["priority"]) {
                case 2:
                    $text = "<span style=\"color: red\">High</span>";
                    $lower = true;
                case 1:
                    $text = "<span style=\"color: white\">Normal</span>";
                    $lower = true;
                    $higher = true;
                case 0:
                    $text = "<span style=\"color: green\">Low</span>";
                    $higher = true;
            $base_prio = "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?act=fprio&prod_id=" . $fleet["prod_id"] . "&pid=" . $fleet["planet_id"] . "&time=" . $fleet["time"] . "&change=%d\">%s</a>";
            $priority = "";
            if ($lower) {
                $priority .= sprintf($base_prio, -1, "-") . "<br>";
            $priority .= $text;
            if ($higher) {
                $priority .= "<br>" . sprintf($base_prio, 1, "+");
            table_text_design($priority, "", "center", "", "text");
            table_text_design("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"prod_id[" . $fleet["prod_id"] . "]\" value=\"Y\">", "", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"time[" . $fleet["prod_id"] . "]\" value=\"" . $fleet["time"] . "\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"count[" . $fleet["prod_id"] . "]\" size=\"3\" value=\"" . $fleet["count"] . "\">", "", "", "", "text");
        table_text(array("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pid\" value=\"" . $pid . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"fscrap\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Scrap\"></form>"), "right", "", "8");
    } else {
        table_text(array("Your Fleet Production is IDLE"));
    echo "<br>\n";
    $sth = mysql_query("select ifnull(sum(p.tonnage),0) from production_slots p,constructions c where" . $pid . " and c.prod_id=p.prod_id and p.types='L,M,H'");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("ERR::GET PRODUCTION SLOTS");
        return false;
    list($avail_tonnage) = mysql_fetch_row($sth);
    $sth = mysql_query("select ifnull(sum(f.count*s.tonnage),0) from s_production f,shipvalues s where f.planet_id=" . $pid . " and s.prod_id=f.prod_id");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("ERR::GET USED PRODUCTION SLOTS");
        return false;
    list($used_tonnage) = mysql_fetch_row($sth);
    table_start("center", "500");
    table_head_text(array("Production slots"), "3");
    table_text_design("&nbsp;", "", "center", "3", "text");
    table_text(array("Used Tonnage", "Maximum Tonnage", "Remaining Tonnage"), "center", "", 1, "head");
    table_text(array($used_tonnage, $avail_tonnage, $avail_tonnage - $used_tonnage), "center", "", 1, "text");
    echo "<br><br>";
    table_start("center", "500");
    table_head_text(array("Shipconstruction"), "5");
    table_text_design("&nbsp;", "", "center", "5", "text");
    table_text(array("Shipname", "Ressources", "Tonnage", "Time", "&nbsp;"), "center", "", 1, "head");
    echo "<form action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=post>";
    $sth = mysql_query("select p.*,s.tonnage from production as p,shipvalues s,research as r where (p.typ='L' or p.typ='M' or p.typ='H') and r.uid='{$uid}' and and s.prod_id=p.prod_id");
    while ($fleet = mysql_fetch_array($sth)) {
        $darf_bauen = false;
        if ($fleet["p_depend"] == NULL) {
            $darf_bauen = true;
        } else {
            $darf_bauen = construction_exists($fleet["p_depend"], $pid);
        if ($darf_bauen) {
            $ress = "";
            if ($fleet["metal"] != 0) {
                $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/metal.jpg\" title=\"Metal\" alt=\"Metal\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["metal"] . " ";
            if ($fleet["energy"] != 0) {
                $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/energy.jpg\" title=\"Energy\" alt=\"Energy\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["energy"] . " ";
            if ($fleet["mopgas"] != 0) {
                $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/mopgas.jpg\" title=\"Mopgas\" alt=\"Mopgas\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["mopgas"] . " ";
            if ($fleet["erkunum"] != 0) {
                $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/erkunum.jpg\" title=\"erkunum\" alt=\"erkunum\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["erkunum"] . " ";
            if ($fleet["gortium"] != 0) {
                $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/gortium.jpg\" title=\"Gortium\" alt=\"Gortium\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["gortium"] . " ";
            if ($fleet["susebloom"] != 0) {
                $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/susebloom.jpg\" title=\"Susebloom\" alt=\"Susebloom\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["susebloom"] . " ";
            if ($fleet["colonists"] != 0) {
                $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/colonists.png\" title=\"Colonists\" alt=\"Colonists\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["colonists"] . " ";
            table_text_design("<a href='" . $fleet["manual"] . "' target=\"_blank\">" . $fleet["name"] . "</a><br><a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?act=print_ship_info&prod_id=" . $fleet["prod_id"] . "\">Info</a>", "250", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design($ress, "125", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design($fleet["tonnage"], "50", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design("ETA: " . $fleet["com_time"], "50", "", "", "text");
            table_text_design("<input size='5' maxlength='6' name=\"fleet[" . $fleet["prod_id"] . "]\"><input type=image src='skins/" . $skin . "_production.jpg' width='25' height='25' alt='begin construction' border='0'>", "80", "", "", "text");
    echo "<input type=hidden name=\"pid\" value=\"{$pid}\">";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=\"act\" value=\"fproduction\">";
    echo "</form>";
    return 0;
    echo "<form action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=post>";
    table_head_text(array("Pic", "Name", "Time", "Ressources", "Count"));
    $sth = mysql_query("select p.* from production as p,research as r where (p.typ='L' or p.typ='M' or p.typ='H') and r.uid='{$uid}' and");
    while ($fleet = mysql_fetch_array($sth)) {
        $ress = "";
        if ($fleet["metal"] != 0) {
            $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/metal.jpg\" title=\"Metal\" alt=\"Metal\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["metal"] . " ";
        if ($fleet["energy"] != 0) {
            $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/energy.jpg\" title=\"Energy\" alt=\"Energy\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["energy"] . " ";
        if ($fleet["mopgas"] != 0) {
            $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/mopgas.jpg\" title=\"Mopgas\" alt=\"Mopgas\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["mopgas"] . " ";
        if ($fleet["erkunum"] != 0) {
            $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/erkunum.jpg\" title=\"erkunum\" alt=\"erkunum\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["erkunum"] . " ";
        if ($fleet["gortium"] != 0) {
            $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/gortium.jpg\" title=\"Gortium\" alt=\"Gortium\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["gortium"] . " ";
        if ($fleet["susebloom"] != 0) {
            $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/susebloom.jpg\" title=\"Susebloom\" alt=\"Susebloom\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["susebloom"] . " ";
        if ($fleet["colonists"] != 0) {
            $ress = $ress . "<img src=\"arts/colonists.png\" title=\"Colonists\" alt=\"Colonists\" border=\"0\">" . $fleet["colonists"] . " ";
        table_form_text(array("<img src=\"arts/" . $fleet["pic"] . "\" border=\"0\" width=\"25\" height=\"25\" alt=\"" . $fleet["description"] . "\">", $fleet["name"], $fleet["com_time"], $ress), "fleet[" . $fleet["prod_id"] . "]");
    echo "<input type=hidden name=\"pid\" value=\"{$pid}\">";
    table_form_submit("Start", "fproduction", "4");
    echo "</form>";
function browse_fleets()
    global $uid;
    $tables = "fleet_info fi, fleet f, production p,systems s left join planets pl on left join planets pl2 on left join systems s2 on left join admirals a on fi.fid=a.fid";
    $order = "fi.fid,";
    $fields = array();
    $setact = "browse_fleets";
    $instance = "fleetbrowser";
    $prikey = "fi.fid";
    $form[] = array("type" => "text", "text" => "Fleetname", "varname" => "fleet_name", "size" => "40");
    $where[] = array("where" => " like '%{fleet_name}%'");
    $form[] = array("type" => "text", "text" => "Planet", "varname" => "planet_name", "size" => "40");
    $where[] = array("where" => " like '%{planet_name}%'");
    $form[] = array("type" => "text", "text" => "System", "varname" => "system_name", "size" => "40");
    $where[] = array("where" => " like '%{system_name}%'");
    echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\" method=\"POST\">\n";
    $search = new searchform("fleet_search", $setact, "Search", $form, $where);
    $search->do_output = false;
    table_start("center", "500", 2);
    table_head_text(array("Search"), 2);
    table_form_text("Fleet", "fleet_name", $_POST["fleet_name"]);
    table_form_text("Planet", "planet_name", $_POST["planet_name"]);
    table_form_text("System", "system_name", $_POST["system_name"]);
    table_form_submit("Search", $setact);
    $where_addon = $search->print_searchform();
    echo "</form>\n";
    if (!$where_addon) {
        $where_addon = "where";
    } else {
        $where_addon .= " and";
    $where = $where_addon . " fi.uid=" . $uid . " and fi.fid=f.fid and f.prod_id=p.prod_id and";
    $browser = new dbbrowser($tables, $order, $fields, $setact, $instance, $prikey, $GLOBALS["db"]);
    $browser->tabellenkopftext = "Fleet Management";
    $browser->zeilenfarbe = "text";
    $browser->zeilenfarbe2 = "text";
    $browser->fastpagefarbe = "head";
    $browser->navigationfarbe = "head";
    $browser->gruppenfarbe = "head";
    $browser->tablehead_bgcolor = "head";
    $browser->showgroup = 1;
    $browser->fixed_grouper = "fi.fid";
    $browser->fixed_groupshow = "concat('<span style=\"color: lime\"><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?act=show_admiral&fid=',fi.fid,'\">',ifnull(concat(,'(',if(a.value=0,0,floor((log10(value/1000)/log10(2))+1)),')'),'Noone'),'</a></span> " . "commanding fleet <span style=\"color: cyan\"><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?act=rename&fid=',fi.fid,'\">',,'</a></span><br><span style=\"color: yellow\">',sum(count),'</span> " . "ships at <span style=\"color: pink\">',ifnull(concat(,' (',,')'),concat('System ',,'</span> " . "targeting <span style=\"color: orange\">',ifnull(ifnull(concat(,' (',,')'),concat('System ',,'No target'),'</span>'" . ",' (<span style=\"color: magenta\">',elt(fi.mission+1,if(tsid=0,'Defend','Moving'),'Invade','Bomb','','Colonize'),'</span>)')";
    // missionsausgabe
    $browser->gruppenkopf = "<table><tr><td>{klappe} <input type='checkbox' name=\"fleet[{key}]\" value=\"Y\"></td><td>{gname}: <b><a href=\"{PHP_SELF}?act={setact}&{rname}={rwert}\">{gwert}</a></b> Shiptypes: <b>{ganzahl}</b></td></tr></table>";
    $browser->navigation = "<div align=\"center\">\n\t\t[ <a href=\"{PHP_SELF}?act={setact}&page={last_page}\">&lt;&lt; back</a> ]\n\t\t&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t\t &nbsp;|&nbsp; <b>{max_entrys}</b> Entries on <b>{max_pages}</b> pages &nbsp;|&nbsp; Page: <b>{page}</b> &nbsp;|&nbsp;\n\t\t&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t\t[ <a href=\"{PHP_SELF}?act={setact}&page={next_page}\">forward &gt;&gt;</a> ]\n\t\t</div>";
    $browser->zusatz_head = array("Shipname", "Shipcount", "Reload");
    $browser->zusatz_body = array("{}", "<table><tr><td width=\"60\">{f.count}</td><td><input name=\"fleet_{fi.fid}[{f.prod_id}]\" value=\"0\" size=\"7\"></td></tr></table>", "{f.reload}");
    $browser->extra_fields = array("", "f.count", "f.reload", "f.prod_id");
    $browser->browser_footer = "<span style=\"text-align: right\"><input type='submit' name='act' value='Join'><input type='submit' name='act' value='Transfer'><input type='submit' name='act' value='Create new fleet'></span>";
    $browser->group_output = 1;
    echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\" method=\"POST\">";
    echo "</form>";