public function assignment($id) { if (empty($id)) { redirect(site_url($this->urlList)); exit; } if ($_POST) { $this->_saveAssignment(); echo swalc("บันทึกเรียบร้อยแล้ว", "", "success"); //exit(); } $queryEmpShiftwork = $this->empshiftwork->getList($id); $queryEmp = $this->employees->getList(); $data = array(); $data["dataEmpList"] = $queryEmp->result_array(); $data["dataEmpShiftworkList"] = $queryEmpShiftwork->result_array(); $data["valueId"] = $id; parent::setHeaderAdmin("เวลาเข้า-ออก"); $this->load->view("admin/Shiftwork/Shiftwork_assignment", $data); parent::setFooterAdmin(); }
public function save_edit() { if ($_POST) { $post = $this->input->post(); $department_id = $post['hd_department_id']; $institution_id = $post['input_institution_id']; $department_name = $post['input_department_name']; $department_desc = $post['input_department_desc']; $where = array('DID' => $department_id); $data = array('D_INSID' => $institution_id, 'DName' => $department_name, 'DDesc' => $department_desc); $this->department->update($data, $where); log_admin('insert', $department_id, 'department', 'edit department [name] ' . $department_name, $this->user_id); echo swalc('บันทึกเรียบร้อยแล้ว', '', 'success', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('admin/Department/') . '"'); } }
private function _save($type_save = "") { $post = $this->input->post(null, true); if ($type_save === "userinfo") { $new_password = $post['input_new_password']; $data = array('Password' => $new_password); $where = array('UserID' => $this->user_id); $this->user->edit($data, $where); echo swalc('บันทึกข้อมูลเรียบร้อยแล้ว', '', 'success', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('Userprofile/userinfo') . '"'); } elseif ($type_save === "profileinfo") { # ให้ HR เป็นคนแก้ } elseif ($type_save === "addressinfo") { } elseif ($type_save === "othercontactinfo") { } return false; }
public function signin() { if ($_POST) { $this->redirect_url = $this->input->post("hd_redirect_url"); if ($this->_check_login()) { if (!empty($this->redirect_url)) { redirect(site_url($this->redirect_url)); exit; } else { redirect("home"); exit; } } else { echo swalc($this->lang->line("error"), $this->lang->line("alert_cant_login"), "error"); } } //set data $data = array(); $data["title"] = $this->lang->line("title_login_page"); $data["redirect_url"] = $this->redirect_url; //load view $this->load->view("login", $data); }
public function detail() { //form validation $rules = array(array("field" => "inputName", "label" => "ชื่อบริษัท", "rules" => "trim|required")); $this->form_validation->set_rules($rules); if ($this->form_validation->run() === true) { $this->_edit(); echo swalc("บันทึกเรียบร้อยแล้ว", "", "success", "window.location.href = '" . site_url($this->redirectUrl) . "'"); //redirect($this->redirectUrl); exit; } else { $query = $this->company->getDetail(); $query = $query->row_array(); $data = array(); $data["query"] = $query; $data["queryProvince"] = $this->province->getListForDropDown(); $data["queryAmphur"] = $this->amphur->getListForDropDown($query["C_ProvinceID"]); $data["queryDistrict"] = $this->district->getListForDropDown($query["C_ProvinceID"], $query["C_AmphurID"]); $data["queryZipcode"] = $this->zipcode->getListForDropDown($query["C_ProvinceID"], $query["C_AmphurID"], $query["C_DistrictID"]); parent::setHeaderAdmin("ข้อมูลบริษัท"); $this->load->view("admin/company/company_add", $data); parent::setFooterAdmin(); } }
public function save_edit_ot_condition() { if ($_POST) { $post = $this->input->post(); $ot_condition_id = $post['hd_ot_condition_id']; //for update and get old data for log $ot_hour = $post['input_ot_hour']; $money = $post['input_money']; $leave = $post['input_leave']; //old data for insert log $old_data = $this->otconditions->get_detail_by_id($ot_condition_id); $old_data = $old_data->row_array(); //old data detail $old_ot_hour = $old_data['wotcond_ot_hour']; $old_money = $old_data['wotcond_money']; $old_leave = $old_data['wotcond_leave']; $data = array(); $data['wotcond_ot_hour'] = $ot_hour; $data['wotcond_money'] = $money; $data['wotcond_leave'] = $leave; $data['wotcond_update_by'] = $this->user_id; $data['wotcond_update_date'] = getDateTimeNow(); $where = array('wotcond_id' => $ot_condition_id); $new_id = $this->otconditions->update($data, $where); //insert log ot about update insert_log_ot_conditions($ot_condition_id, 'update ot condition', 'HR แก้ไขเงื่อนไขการแลกค่าทำงาน OT จาก OT ' . $old_ot_hour . ' ชั่วโมง แลกเป็นเงินได้ ' . $old_money . ' บาท หรือ แลกเป็นวันหยุดได้ ' . $old_leave . ' วัน ' . 'เป็น OT ' . $ot_hour . ' ชั่วโมง แลกเป็นเงินได้ ' . $money . ' บาท หรือ แลกเป็นวันหยุดได้ ' . $leave . ' วัน', $this->user_id); echo swalc('บันทึกเรียบร้อยแล้ว', '', 'success', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('admin/Worktime') . '"'); } }
public function save_user_permissions() { if ($_POST) { $this->load->model('User_permissions_model', 'userpermissions'); $post = $this->input->post(); $user_id = $post['hd_user_id']; foreach ($post as $k => $perm_value) { if (substr($k, 0, 5) == "perm_") { $perm_id = str_replace("perm_", "", $k); if ($perm_value == 'x') { $this->userpermissions->delete_from_permission($perm_id, $user_id); } else { $this->userpermissions->replace_into_permission($perm_id, $perm_value, $user_id); } } } echo swalc('บันทึกเรียบร้อย', '', 'success', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('hr/Employees/userroles/' . $user_id) . '"'); } }
public function save_exchange_ot() { if ($_POST) { $this->load->model('Worktime_ot_model', 'ot'); $this->load->model('Worktime_ot_exchange_model', 'otexchange'); $this->load->model('Worktime_ot_exchange_detail_model', 'otexchangedetail'); $post = $this->input->post(); $input_ot = $post['input_ot']; //array $exchange_type = $post['input_exchange_type']; //money or leave $exchange_type_thai = ''; $exchange_value = 0; $exchange_value_type = ''; $exchange_date = ''; $money = 0; $leave = 0; $cond_id = ''; $new_otx_id = 0; //sum ot hour $sum_ot_hour = 0; foreach ($input_ot as $id) { $query = $this->ot->get_detail_by_id($id); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $query = $query->row_array(); $sum_ot_hour = $sum_ot_hour + intval($query['wot_request_hour']); $exchange_date .= dateThaiFormatFromDB($query['wot_date']) . ' , '; } } $exchange_date = substr($exchange_date, 0, -1); //remove last character //use sum ot hour for can use? $spliter = $this->calculate_exchange_ot_condition($sum_ot_hour, false); $spliter = explode('//--//', $spliter); if ($exchange_type === 'money') { $money = $spliter[0]; $exchange_type_thai = 'เงิน'; $exchange_value = $money; $exchange_value_type = 'บาท'; } else { if ($exchange_type === 'leave') { $leave = $spliter[1]; $exchange_type_thai = 'วันหยุด'; $exchange_value = $leave; $exchange_value_type = 'วัน'; } } $cond_id = substr($spliter[2], 0, -1); //in last character have comma(,) remove it. $cond_id = explode(',', $cond_id); //split to array //insert to t_worktime_ot_exchange $data = array(); $data['otx_hour'] = $sum_ot_hour; $data['otx_type'] = $exchange_type; $data['otx_money'] = $money; $data['otx_leave'] = $leave; $data['otx_by'] = $this->user_id; $data['otx_date'] = getDateTimeNow(); $new_otx_id = $this->otexchange->insert($data); //update id to t_worktime_ot foreach ($input_ot as $id) { $data = array(); $data['wot_otx_id'] = $new_otx_id; $where = array('wot_id' => $id); $this->ot->update($data, $where); } //insert detail to t_worktime_ot_exchange_detail foreach ($cond_id as $id) { $query = $this->otconditions->get_detail_by_id($id); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $query = $query->row_array(); $cond_hour = $query['wotcond_ot_hour']; $cond_money = $query['wotcond_money']; $cond_leave = $query['wotcond_leave']; $data = array(); $data['otxd_otx_id'] = $new_otx_id; $data['otxd_cond_id'] = $id; $data['otxd_money'] = $cond_money; $data['otxd_leave'] = $cond_leave; $this->otexchangedetail->insert($data); } } //insert log about ot exchange process $log_type = 'user exchange ot for ' . $exchange_type; $log_detail = $this->emp_id . ' ทำการขอแลกจำนวนชั่วโมงทำ OT จำนวน ' . $sum_ot_hour . ' ชั่วโมง เป็น ' . $exchange_type_thai . ' จำนวน ' . $exchange_value . ' ' . $exchange_value_type . ' โดยใช้วันทำ OT วันที่ ' . $exchange_date; insert_log_ot_exchange($new_otx_id, $log_type, $log_detail, $this->user_id); echo swalc('บันทึกเรียบร้อยแล้ว', '', 'success', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('Overtime') . '"'); } }
/** * [instant_hr_approve_disapprove_from_email description] รวมจาก approve_from_email , disapprove_from_email * @param string $type [approve/disapprove] * @param int $hr_userid encrypt hr user id * @param int $headman_userid encrypt headman user id * @param int $leave_id encrypt leave id */ public function instant_hr_approve_disapprove_from_email($type, $hr_userid, $headman_userid, $leave_id) { $hr_userid = floatval(encrypt_decrypt('decrypt', $hr_userid)); $headman_userid = floatval(encrypt_decrypt('decrypt', $headman_userid)); $leave_id = encrypt_decrypt('decrypt', $leave_id); $workflow_id = 0; $log_type = ''; $log_detail = ''; $alert_success = ''; if ($type == 'approve') { $log_type = 'hr_approve_from_email'; $log_detail = 'อนุมัติใบลาโดย HR ผ่านอีเมล์'; $workflow_id = 4; $alert_success = 'อนุมัติใบลาเรียบร้อยแล้ว'; } else { if ($type == 'disapprove') { $log_type = 'hr_disapprove_from_email'; $log_detail = 'ไม่อนุมัติใบลาโดย HR ผ่านอีเมล์'; $workflow_id = 5; $alert_success = 'ไม่อนุมัติใบลาเรียบร้อยแล้ว'; } } if ($headman_userid > 0) { $query = $this->leave->getDetailForVerify($leave_id, $headman_id); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $query = $query->result_array(); $query = $query[0]; if ($query["L_WFID"] > 3) { echo swalc("ไม่สามารถทำคำสั่งได้", "เนื่องจากมีการอนุมัติ/ไม่อนุมัติไปแล้ว", "error"); } else { $where = array(); $where["LID"] = $leave_id; $data = array(); $data["L_WFID"] = $workflow_id; $this->leave->update($data, $where); log_leave($log_type, $leave_id, $log_detail, $hr_userid); echo swalc("สำเร็จ", $alert_success, "success"); } } } else { echo swalc("ผิดพลาด", "ไม่สามารถทำรายการใบลาได้", "error"); } }
public function save_edit() { if ($_POST) { $post = $this->input->post(); $position_id = $post['hd_position_id']; $department_id = $post['select_department_id']; $position_name = $post['input_position_name']; $position_desc = $post['input_position_desc']; $headman_position_id = $post['select_headman_position_id']; $query = $this->position->get_detail_by_id($position_id); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $query = $query->row_array(); $old_position_name = $query['PName']; $where = array('PID' => $position_id); $data = array(); $data['P_DID'] = $department_id; $data['PName'] = $position_name; $data['PDesc'] = $position_desc; $data['Headman_PID'] = $headman_position_id; $data['PLatestUpdate'] = getDateTimeNow(); $this->position->update($data, $where); log_admin('insert', $position_id, 'position', 'edit position name ' . $old_position_name, $this->user_id); echo swalc('บันทึกเรียบร้อย', '', 'success', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('admin/Position') . '"'); } else { redirect(site_url('admin/Position')); } } }
private function _instant_approve_disapprove_ot_by_headman($type, $headman_user_id, $ot_id, $remark = "") { $headman_level = 0; $checker = FALSE; list($checker, $headman_level) = is_your_ot_headman($headman_user_id, $ot_id); if ($checker === TRUE) { //check headman user id is sure for headman owner request ot //get ot request detail for get owner user id $query = $this->ot->get_detail_by_id($ot_id); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $query = $query->row_array(); $user_id = $query["wot_request_by"]; $workflow_id = $query["wot_workflow_id"]; $query2 = $this->empheadman->get_list_by_user_id($user_id)->result_array(); if (count($query2) > 0) { foreach ($query2 as $qu) { if (intval($qu["eh_headman_user_id"]) === intval($headman_user_id)) { $headman_level = $qu["eh_headman_level"]; break; } } $query2 = $this->workflow->get_detail($workflow_id); $query2 = $query2->row_array(); if (count($query2) > 0) { $workflow_name = $query2["WFName"]; if (strpos(strtolower($workflow_name), 'level ' . $headman_level) !== FALSE) { $this->load->library("WorkflowSystem"); $this->workflowsystem->set_require_data($ot_id, "overtime", $type, $remark); // leave_id,leave,approve/disapprove $process = $this->workflowsystem->run(); //echo $this->workflowsystem->get_data("next_step_name"); echo swalc("สำเร็จ", "การอนุมัติใบลาเรียบร้อยแล้ว", "success"); } else { echo swalc("ผิดพลาด", "ไม่สามารถทำการอนุมัติการทำงานล่วงเวลาได้", "error"); } } } } } }
public function save_edit() { if ($_POST) { $post = $this->input->post(); $bank_id = $post['hd_bank_id']; $bank_name = $post['input_bank_name']; $bank_desc = $post['input_bank_desc']; $query = $this->bank->get_detail_by_id($bank_id); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $query = $query->row_array(); $old_bank_name = $query['BName']; $data = array(); $data['BName'] = $bank_name; $data['BDesc'] = $bank_desc; $data['BLatestUpdate'] = getDateTimeNow(); $where = array('BID' => $bank_id); $this->bank->update($data, $where); log_admin('insert', $bank_id, 'bank', 'edit bank name ' . $old_bank_name, $this->user_id); echo swalc('บันทึกเรียบร้อย', '', 'success', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('admin/Bank/') . '" '); } else { redirect(site_url('admin/Bank/')); } } }
/** * ส่งอีเมล์เพื่อให้พิจารณาอนุมัติ/ไม่อนุมัติใบลางาน * @param [int] $leave_id * @param [int] $workflow_id * @return [type] [description] */ public function send_mail_to_leave_headman($leave_id, $workflow_id = 1, $type = 'add', $leave_detail = array()) { //load model needed $this->load->model('Leavetimedetail_model', 'leavetime'); //get leave detail $query = $this->leave->getDetailByLeaveID($leave_id); $data = $query->row_array(); $leave_type = $data['LTName']; $leave_because = $data['LBecause']; $leave_start_date = $data['LStartDate'] . ' ' . $data['LStartTime']; $leave_end_date = $data['LEndDate'] . ' ' . $data['LEndTime']; $leave_attach_file = $data['LAttachFile']; //get leave time detail $query_time = $this->leavetime->getDetailByLeaveID($leave_id); $query_time = $query_time->result_array(); $leave_sum = sum_show_leave_time($query_time); //get owner leave detail $emp_detail = getEmployeeDetailByUserID($data["L_UserID"]); $owner_emp_id = $emp_detail['EmpID']; $owner_firstname = $emp_detail['EmpFirstnameThai']; $owner_fullname = $emp_detail["EmpNameTitleThai"] . $emp_detail["EmpFirstnameThai"] . " " . $emp_detail["EmpLastnameThai"]; $owner_email = $emp_detail['EmpEmail']; //get headman detail $headman_user_id = $emp_detail["EmpHeadman_UserID"]; $headman_detail = getEmployeeDetailByUserID($headman_user_id); $headman_email = $headman_detail['EmpEmail']; $headman_fullname = $headman_detail['EmpFullnameThai']; //get workflow process $query = $this->workflow->get_detail($workflow_id); $query = $query->row_array(); $workflow_name = $query['WFName']; $subject = ''; $template_email_path = ''; switch ($workflow_id) { case '1': //ขออนุญาตลา //การส่งอนุมัติทันทีหรือไม่อนุมัติทันทีจะมีการแนบ UserID ของ headman คนนั้นไปด้วย แต่ //เพื่อความปลอดภัยเลยเลือกใช้การ encode รหัสไว้ แล้วก็ ส่ง leave id ไป if ($type == 'add') { $subject = 'ลูกทีม ' . $owner_firstname . ' ขออนุญาต ' . $leave_type; $body = file_get_contents(APPPATH . 'views/Email/ask_approve_to_headman.html'); $search = array('{{headman_fullname}}', '{{leave_type}}', '{{owner_emp_id}}', '{{owner_fullname}}', '{{leave_because}}', '{{leave_start_date}}', '{{leave_end_date}}', '{{leave_sum}}', '{{siteurl}}', '{{headmanid}}', '{{leaveid}}'); $replace = array($headman_fullname, $leave_type, $owner_emp_id, $owner_fullname, $leave_because, $leave_start_date, $leave_end_date, $leave_sum, site_url(), encrypt_decrypt('encrypt', $headman_user_id), encrypt_decrypt('encrypt', $leave_id)); } else { if ($type == 'edit') { $subject = '[มีการแก้ไขใบลา] ลูกทีม ' . $owner_firstname . ' ขออนุญาต ' . $leave_type; $body = file_get_contents(APPPATH . 'views/Email/edit_ask_approve_to_headman.html'); $search = array('{{headman_fullname}}', '{{leave_type}}', '{{owner_emp_id}}', '{{owner_fullname}}', '{{leave_because}}', '{{leave_start_date}}', '{{leave_end_date}}', '{{leave_old_start_date}}', '{{leave_old_end_date}}', '{{leave_sum}}', '{{siteurl}}', '{{headmanid}}', '{{leaveid}}'); $replace = array($headman_fullname, $leave_type, $owner_emp_id, $owner_fullname, $leave_because, $leave_start_date, $leave_end_date, $leave_detail['LStartDate'] . ' ' . $leave_detail['LStartTime'], $leave_detail['LEndDate'] . ' ' . $leave_detail['LEndTime'], $leave_sum, site_url(), encrypt_decrypt('encrypt', $headman_user_id), encrypt_decrypt('encrypt', $leave_id)); } } $body = str_replace($search, $replace, $body); break; case '4': $subject = '[อนุมัติใบลา] ลูกทีม ' . $owner_firstname . ' โดยฝ่ายบุคคล'; break; case '5': $subject = '[ไม่อนุมัติใบลา] ลูกทีม ' . $owner_firstname . ' โดยฝ่ายบุคคล'; $body = file_get_contents(APPPATH . 'views/Email/result_leave_disapprove_from_hr_to_headman.html'); $search = array('{{headman_fullname}}', '{{hr_result}}', '{{hr_remark}}', '{{leave_type}}', '{{owner_emp_id}}', '{{owner_fullname}}', '{{leave_because}}', '{{leave_start_date}}', '{{leave_end_date}}', '{{leave_sum}}', '{{siteurl}}', '{{leaveid}}'); $replace = array($headman_fullname, $leave_detail['result'], $leave_detail['remark'], $leave_type, $owner_emp_id, $owner_fullname, $leave_because, $leave_start_date, $leave_end_date, $leave_sum, site_url(), $leave_id); $body = str_replace($search, $replace, $body); break; } //send mail library //non config because default set in phpmailer class $this->load->library('phpmailer'); $this->phpmailer->ClearAllRecipients(); $this->phpmailer->IsSMTP(); $this->phpmailer->Subject = $subject; if ($leave_attach_file != "") { $this->phpmailer->AddAttachment($leave_attach_file); } $this->phpmailer->Body = $body; //ส่วนนี้รายละเอียดสามารถส่งเป็นรูปแบบ HTML ได้ $this->phpmailer->AddAddress($headman_email, $headman_fullname); if (!$this->phpmailer->Send()) { //return $this->phpmailer->ErrorInfo; echo swalc('ผิดพลาด!!', 'ระบบบันทึกการลาของคุณแล้ว แต่ไม่สามารถส่งอีเมล์ถึงหัวหน้าของคุณได้<br/>' + $this->phpmailer->ErrorInfo, 'error', "window.location.href = '" . site_url("Leave") . "'"); } else { return 'success'; //echo swalc('สำเร็จ!!','บันทึกการลาของคุณพร้อมส่งอีเมล์ให้หัวหน้าเรียบร้อยแล้ว','success',"window.location.href = '".site_url("Leave")."'"); } }
private function _instant_headman_approve_disapprove($type, $headman_user_id, $leave_id) { $this->load->model("Emp_headman_model", "empheadman"); $headman_level = 0; $remark = "ทำรายการผ่านหน้ารายการ"; //check you is a headman this owner request list($checker, $headman_level) = is_your_leave_headman($headman_user_id, $leave_id); if ($checker === TRUE) { //เช็คว่าหัวหน้าที่จะทำการอนุมัตินี้ เป็นหัวหน้าระดับที่เท่าไหร่ แล้วตรงกันกับระดับของ Workflow มั้ย $query = $this->leave->getDetailByLeaveID($leave_id)->row_array(); if (count($query) > 0) { $user_id = $query["L_UserID"]; $workflow_id = $query["L_WFID"]; $query2 = $this->empheadman->get_list_by_user_id($user_id)->result_array(); if (count($query2) > 0) { foreach ($query2 as $qu) { if (intval($qu["eh_headman_user_id"]) === intval($headman_user_id)) { $headman_level = $qu["eh_headman_level"]; break; } } //หลังจากได้เลเวลของ headman ของตัวเองมาแล้วก็เอาไปเทียบกับ Workflow ตอนนี้ $query2 = $this->workflow->get_detail($workflow_id); $query2 = $query2->row_array(); if (count($query2) > 0) { $workflow_name = $query2["WFName"]; if (strpos(strtolower($workflow_name), 'level ' . $headman_level) !== FALSE) { $this->load->library("WorkflowSystem"); $this->workflowsystem->set_require_data($leave_id, "leave", $type, $remark); // leave_id,leave,approve/disapprove $process = $this->workflowsystem->run(); echo $this->workflowsystem->get_data("next_step_name"); } else { echo swalc("ผิดพลาด", "ไม่สามารถทำการอนุมัติใบลาได้", "error"); } } } } } }
public function save() { print_r($_POST); if ($_POST) { $post = $this->input->post(NULL, TRUE); $ot_request_by = $post['input_team']; $ot_date = $post['input_ot_date']; $ot_time_from = $post['input_ot_time_from']; $ot_time_to = $post['input_ot_time_to']; $ot_remark = $post['input_ot_remark']; $data = array(); $data['wot_date'] = dbDateFormatFromThai($ot_date); $data['wot_time_from'] = $ot_time_from; $data['wot_time_to'] = $ot_time_to; $data['wot_request_hour'] = timeDiff($ot_time_from, $ot_time_to); $data['wot_request_by'] = $ot_request_by; $data['wot_request_date'] = getDateTimeNow(); $data['wot_workflow_id'] = 10; $data['wot_status_id'] = 1; $data['wot_headman_user_id_send_instead'] = $this->user_id; $new_id = $this->ot->insert($data); insert_log_ot($new_id, 'headman send instead', 'หัวหน้าส่งใบคำขอทำงานล่วงเวลาแทน'); //send email to hr $send = $this->_send_email_ot_to_hr($new_id); // if($send == 'success') // { // insert_log_ot($new_id,$log_type_send_mail_headman_success,'ส่งอีเมล์ใบคำขอทำงานล่วงเวลาหาหัวหน้าสำเร็จ'); // } // else // { // insert_log_ot($new_id,$log_type_send_mail_headman_error,'ส่งอีเมล์ใบคำขอทำงานล่วงเวลาหาหัวหน้า ผิดพลาด '.$send); // } //alert after all process if ($new_id > 0 && $send == 'success') { echo swalc("ส่งใบขอทำงานล่วงเวลาเรียบร้อยแล้ว", '', 'success', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('headman/Sendotinsteadteam') . '"'); } else { if ($new_id > 0 && $send != 'success') { echo swalc("ส่งใบขอทำงานล่วงเวลาเรียบร้อยแล้ว แต่ไม่สามารถส่งอีเมล์หา HR ได้", '', 'warning', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('headman/Sendotinsteadteam') . '"'); } else { echo swalc("ผิดพลาด!! ไม่สามารถบันทึกใบคำขอทำงานล่วงเวลาได้ กรุณาลองใหม่ภายหลัง", '', 'error', 'window.location.href = "' . site_url('headman/Sendotinsteadteam') . '"'); } } } else { redirect(site_url("headman/Sendotinsteadteam")); } }