} else {
        $msgcom = 'Comment Posted, Awaiting admin approval.';
        $visible = '0';
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO fas_blogcomments SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\tblogentryid='{$entryid}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommenttitle='{$commenttitle}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommentbody='{$commentbody}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommenter='{$commenter}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommenterid='{$commenterid}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommenterurl='{$commenterurl}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvisible='{$visible}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommentdate='{$commentdate}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tipaddress='{$ipaddress}'");
    echo '<div class=\'msg\'>' . $msgcom . '</div><br />';
$entryid = clean($_GET['entryid']);
if (!isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
    $cmd = '1';
} else {
    $cmd = clean($_GET['cmd']);
switch ($cmd) {
    case 'submitcomment':
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
    $show = '1';
} else {
    $show = clean($_GET['page']);
$entryid = clean($_GET['entryid']);
$r3 = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_blogentries WHERE entryid=\'%u\'', $entryid));
$r4 = $db->fetch_row($r3);
$pagetitle = 'Blog Entry ' . $r4['entrydate'] . ': ' . $r4['title'] . ' - Page ' . $show;
$metatags = $r4['tags'];
function writebody()
    global $db, $suserid, $entryid, $domain, $sitename, $cachelife, $template, $gamesfolder, $thumbsfolder, $limitboxgames, $seo_on, $blogentriesshown, $enabledcode_on, $comments_on, $directorypath, $autoapprovecomments, $gamesonpage, $abovegames, $belowgames, $showwebsitelimit, $supportemail, $showblog, $blogentriesshown, $blogcharactersshown, $blogcommentpermissions, $blogcommentsshown, $blogfollowtags, $blogcharactersrss, $usrdata, $userid;
    function show()
        global $domain, $db, $seo_on, $usrdata, $entryid, $suserid;
        // $r3 = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_blogentries WHERE entryid=\'%u\'', $entryid));
        // $r4 = $db->fetch_row($r3);
        $r3 = "SELECT * FROM fas_blogentries WHERE entryid='{$entryid}'";
        $sqltitle = "blogenrty-" . $entryid;
        $r1 = sqlcache($sqltitle, $cachelife, $r3);
        foreach ($r1 as $r4) {
            $title = $r4['title'];
            $body = $r4['body'];
            $author = $r4['author'];
            $entrydate = $r4['entrydate'];
            $displaydate = date('d-m-Y', $entrydate);
            $visible = $r4['visible'];
            $category = $r4['category'];
            $tags = $r4['tags'];
        $chr_limit = 120;
        $add = '...';
        $bodystring = preg_replace("!(http:/{2}[\\w\\.]{2,}[/\\w\\-\\.\\?\\&\\=\\#]*)!e", "'<a href=\"\\1\" title=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">'.(strlen('\\1')>={$chr_limit} ? substr('\\1',0,{$chr_limit}).'{$add}':'\\1').'</a>'", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("[urlhead]", "<a href='http://", $body);
        $bodystring = str_replace("[urlmid]", "'>", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("[urlend]", "</a>", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("[imghead]", "<img src='http://", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("[imgend]", "'>", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("[bhead]", "<b>", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("[bend]", "</b>", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("[p]", "<p>", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("\n\n", "<p>", $bodystring);
        $bodystring = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $bodystring);
        $body = str_replace("[br]", "<br>", $bodystring);
        echo '<table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' align=\'center\'>
		<td colspan=\'2\' class=\'header\'>' . $title . ' - ' . $entrydate . '</td>
		<td colspan=\'2\' class=\'content\'>' . $body . '</td>
		<td colspan=\'2\' class=\'content\'>Posted By: ' . $author . '</td>
		<td colspan=\'2\' class=\'content\'>Tags: ' . $tags . '</td>
        echo "</table>";
        echo '<table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' align=\'center\'>
		<td colspan=\'2\' class=\'header\'>Submit Comment</td>
		<td colspan=\'2\' class=\'content\'>';
        if (!isset($suserid)) {
            echo 'You must be logged in to submit a comment</td></tr>';
        } else {
            if ($seo_on == 1) {
                $sublink = '' . $domain . '/blogentry/submitcomment/';
            } else {
                $sublink = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=blogentry&cmd=submitcomment';
            echo '     Comment Title:<br>
				<form action=\'' . $sublink . '\' method=\'POST\'>
                        <input type=\'hidden\' name=\'entryid\' value=\'' . $entryid . '\'>
                        <input type=\'text\' size=\'40\' name=\'commenttitle\'><p>Body of Comment:<br>
                        <small>(HTML and BBCode do not work.)</small><br>
				<textarea cols=\'35\' rows=\'5\' name=\'commentbody\'></textarea>
				<input type=\'submit\' name=\'commentsubmit\' value=\'Add Comment\'>

        echo "</table>";
    function listcomments()
        global $domain, $db, $seo_on, $usrdata, $entryid, $blogcommentsshown, $i, $blogfollowtags;
        $blogentryid = $entryid;
        $max = $blogcommentsshown;
        $show = clean($_GET['page']);
        $show = abs((int) $show);
        if (empty($show)) {
            $show = 1;
        $limits = ($show - 1) * $max;
        $r5 = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_blogcomments WHERE blogentryid=\'%u\' and visible=\'1\' order by commentid desc LIMIT ' . $limits . ',' . $max . ' ', $entryid));
        $totalres = mysql_result($db->query("SELECT COUNT(blogentryid) AS total FROM fas_blogcomments WHERE blogentryid='{$entryid}' AND visible='1' "), 0);
        $totalpages = ceil($totalres / $max);
        echo '<table width=\'100%\' border=\'0\' align=\'center\'>
		<td colspan=\'2\' class=\'header\'>Comments - Total(' . $totalres . ')</td>
        if ($roralres == '0') {
            echo '	<tr>
		<td colspan=\'2\' class=\'content\'>There currently are no comments.</td>
        while ($rc6 = $db->fetch_row($r5)) {
            $commenter = $rc6['commenter'];
            $commenterurl = $rc6['commenterurl'];
            $bodystringc = $rc6['commentbody'];
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[urlhead]", "<a href='http://", $bodystringc);
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[urlmid]", "'>", $bodystringc);
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[urlend]", "</a>", $bodystringc);
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[imghead]", "<img src='http://", $bodystringc);
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[imgend]", "'>", $bodystringc);
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[bhead]", "<b>", $bodystringc);
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[bend]", "</b>", $bodystringc);
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[p]", "<p>", $bodystringc);
            $bodystringc = str_replace("[br]", "<br>", $bodystringc);
            if (!$commenterurl) {
                $displaycommenter = $commenter;
            } else {
                $displaycommenter = '<a href=\'http://' . $commenterurl . '\' rel=\'' . $blogfollowtags . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $commenter . '</a>';
            echo '<tr><td class=\'content\' width=\'15%\'>Posted By: ' . $displaycommenter . '<p>Posted On: ' . date('d-m-Y', $rc6['commentdate']) . '
          <td class=\'content\'>' . $rc6['commenttitle'] . '<p>' . $bodystringc . '</td></tr>';
        echo "</table>";
        echo 'Pages: ';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalpages; $i++) {
            if ($seo_on == 1) {
                $urk = '' . $domain . '/blogentry/entryid/' . $entryid . '/' . $i . '.html';
            } else {
                $urk = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=blogentry&entryid=' . $entryid . '&page=' . $i . '';
            echo '<a href=\'' . $urk . '\' class=\'pagenat\'>' . $i . '</a>&nbsp; ';
        echo '<br /><br />';
    function submitcomment()
        global $domain, $db, $seo_on, $suserid, $entryid, $blogentriesshown, $usrdata, $commenterurl, $commenter, $blogcommentpermissions;
        $commenttitle = clean($_POST['commenttitle']);
        $commentbody = clean($_POST['commentbody']);
        $entryid = clean($_POST['entryid']);
        $commentdate = time();
        $commenterurl = $usrdata['website'];
        $commenter = $usrdata['username'];
        $commenterid = $usrdata['userid'];
        $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        if ($blogcommentpermissions == 1) {
            $msgcom = 'Comment Posted.';
            $visible = '1';
        } else {
            $msgcom = 'Comment Posted, Awaiting admin approval.';
            $visible = '0';
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO fas_blogcomments SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\tblogentryid='{$entryid}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommenttitle='{$commenttitle}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommentbody='{$commentbody}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommenter='{$commenter}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommenterid='{$commenterid}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommenterurl='{$commenterurl}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvisible='{$visible}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcommentdate='{$commentdate}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tipaddress='{$ipaddress}'");
        echo '<div class=\'msg\'>' . $msgcom . '</div><br />';
    $entryid = clean($_GET['entryid']);
    if (!$_GET['cmd']) {
        $cmd = "";
    } else {
        $cmd = $_GET['cmd'];
    switch ($_GET['cmd']) {
        case 'submitcomment':