public function actionEdit($moduleComponentId) { global $sourceFolder; global $templateFolder; global $urlRequestRoot; global $uploadFolder; require_once "{$sourceFolder}/upload.lib.php"; $arr = getUploadedFiles($moduleComponentId, 'gallery'); if (isset($_POST['btnDeleteImage']) && isset($_POST['imagename']) && $_POST['imagename'] != '') { deleteFile($moduleComponentId, 'gallery', $_POST['imagename']); $gallQuery = "DELETE FROM `gallery_pics` WHERE `upload_filename`='" . escape($_POST['imagename']) . "'"; $gallResult = mysql_query($gallQuery); } else { if (isset($_POST['btnEditComment']) && isset($_POST['imagename']) && $_POST['imagename'] != '') { $imageName = escape($_POST['imagename']); $comment = escape($_POST['desc']); $gallQuery = "UPDATE `gallery_pics` SET `gallery_filecomment`=\"{$comment}\" WHERE `upload_filename`=\"{$imageName}\""; $gallResult = mysql_query($gallQuery); } } if (isset($_POST['btnEditGallname']) && isset($_POST['gallName']) && isset($_POST['gallDesc']) && $_POST['gallName'] != '' && $_POST['gallDesc'] != '') { if (is_numeric($_POST['imagesPerPage'])) { $perPage = (int) escape($_POST['imagesPerPage']); } $viewCount = $_POST['allowViews'] ? 1 : 0; $ratingCount = $_POST['allowRatings'] ? 1 : 0; $gallQuery = "UPDATE `gallery_name` SET `gallery_name`='" . escape($_POST['gallName']) . "',`gallery_desc`='" . escape($_POST['gallDesc']) . "', `imagesPerPage`='" . $perPage . "',`allowViews`='" . $viewCount . "',`allowRatings`='" . $ratingCount . "' WHERE `page_modulecomponentid`='{$moduleComponentId}'"; $gallResult = mysql_query($gallQuery); } $content2 = getFileUploadForm($this->moduleComponentId, "gallery", './+edit', 10000000, 5); $allowableTypes = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'); $uploadSuccess = submitFileUploadForm($this->moduleComponentId, "gallery", $this->userId, false, $allowableTypes); if (is_array($uploadSuccess) && isset($uploadSuccess[0])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($uploadSuccess); $i++) { $gallQuery3 = "INSERT INTO `gallery_pics` (`upload_filename`, `page_modulecomponentid`, `gallery_filecomment`) VALUES('{$uploadSuccess[$i]}', '{$this->moduleComponentId}', 'No Comment')"; $gallResult3 = mysql_query($gallQuery3); } } $arr = getUploadedFiles($this->moduleComponentId, 'gallery'); global $ICONS; $content2 = "<fieldset><legend>{$ICONS['Gallery Edit']['small']}Edit Gallery</legend>" . $content2; $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gallery_name` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}'")); if ($result) { $checkViews = $result['allowViews'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''; $checkRatings = $result['allowRatings'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked" ' : ''; } $content2 .= <<<GALFORM \t\t\t\t\t<br /><br /> \t\t\t\t\t<script type="text/javascript"> \t\t\t\t\t\t<!-- \t\t\t\t\t\tfunction validate() { \t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar strValidChars = "0123456789.-"; \t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar strString = document.getElementById('perPage').value; \t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (strString.length == 0) \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\talert("Empty Images Per Page will be taken as default value(10)."); \t\t\t\t\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < strString.length; i++) { \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (strValidChars.indexOf(strString.charAt(i)) == -1) { \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\talert("The value in the Images Per Page field doesn't seems to be valid number. An invalid number will be replaced by default value(10)."); \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\t--> \t\t\t\t\t</script> \t\t\t\t\t<form name="edit" method="POST" action="./+edit"> \t\t\t\t\t<table> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr><th colspan=2>Edit gallery name and description</th></tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>New Gallery Name</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type='text' name="gallName" value='{$result['gallery_name']}'></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>New Gallery Description</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type='text' name="gallDesc" value='{$result['gallery_desc']}'></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>Show Gallery views ?</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="allowViews" {$checkViews}></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>Show Gallery rating ?</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="allowRatings" {$checkRatings}></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>Images Per Page</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id=perPage name="imagesPerPage" value='{$result['imagesPerPage']}'></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="submit" name="btnEditGallname" value="Save Settings"></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t</table> \t\t\t\t\t</form> \t\t\t\t\t<br /><br /> GALFORM; $gallQuery2 = "SELECT * FROM `gallery_pics` where `page_modulecomponentid`= '{$this->moduleComponentId}'"; $gallResult2 = mysql_query($gallQuery2); $fileArray = array(); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($gallResult2)) { $fileArray[] = $row2; } if ($fileArray) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($fileArray); $i++) { $galleryFilename = $fileArray[$i]['upload_filename']; $galleryComment = $fileArray[$i]['gallery_filecomment']; $galleryComment = $galleryComment != "" ? $galleryComment : "< No Comments >"; $content2 .= "<div class='galleryimagebox'><form name=\"edit\" method=\"POST\" action=\"./+edit\">"; $content2 .= <<<IMGFORM \t\t\t\t<span style="float:left"> \t\t\t\t\t<center> \t\t\t\t\t\t<img src="thumb_{$galleryFilename}" alt="{$galleryFilename}" title="Click on the image to delete it"/> \t\t\t\t\t</center> \t\t\t\t\t<div class="highslide-caption" id="caption{$i}">{$galleryComment}</div> \t\t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="imagename" value="{$galleryFilename}" /> \t\t\t\t\t<input type="text" name="desc"> \t\t\t\t\t<br/><input type="submit" name="btnEditComment" value="Update comment"> \t\t\t\t\t<input type="submit" name="btnDeleteImage" value="Delete" /> \t\t\t\t</span> IMGFORM; $content2 .= "</form></div>"; } } return $content2 . "</fieldset>"; }
public function actionFaculty() { if (isset($_POST["updateDetail"]) && isset($_POST["facultyId"]) && $_POST["updateDetail"] != "" && $_POST["facultyId"] != "") { $facultyId = intval($_POST["facultyId"]); if (!is_int($facultyId)) { return; } $facultyDetail = addslashes($_POST["updateDetail"]); $facultyId = addslashes($facultyId); $updateFacultyDataQuery = "UPDATE `faculty_data` SET `faculty_data`='{$facultyDetail}' WHERE `faculty_dataId`={$facultyId} AND "; $upDateFacultyDataQuery .= "`page_moduleComponentId`={$this->moduleComponentId}"; $updateFacultyDataData = mysql_query($updateFacultyDataQuery); } if (isset($_POST["updateSectionDetail"]) && isset($_POST["SectionDetail"])) { if ($_POST["updateSectionDetail"] != "" && $_POST["SectionDetail"] != "") { $facultyId = intval($_POST["SectionDetail"]); if (!is_int($facultyId)) { return; } $facultyDetail = addslashes($_POST["SectionDetail"]); $facultyId = addslashes($facultyId); $updateFacultyDataQuery = "UPDATE `faculty_template` SET `template_sectionName`='{$facultyDetail}' WHERE "; $updateFacultyDataQuery .= "`template_sectionId`={$facultyId} AND `page_moduleComponentId`={$this->moduleComponentId}"; $updateFacultyDataData = mysql_query($updateFacultyDataQuery); } } if (isset($_POST["addFacultyData"]) && $_POST["addFacultyData"] != "" && isset($_POST["sectionId"]) && $_POST["sectionId"] != "") { $sectionId = intval($_POST["sectionId"]); if (!is_int($sectionId)) { return; } $addDetail = addslashes($_POST["addFacultyData"]); $sectionId = addslashes($sectionId); $checkMaxValReached = "SELECT * FROM `faculty_template` WHERE `template_sectionId`={$sectionId}"; $checkMaxValReachedQuery = mysql_query($checkMaxValReached); $maxSectionLimit = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkMaxValReachedQuery); $maxSection = "SELECT * FROM `faculty_data` WHERE `faculty_sectionId`={$sectionId} AND "; $maxSection .= "`page_moduleComponentId`={$this->moduleComponentId}"; $maxSectionQuery = mysql_query($maxSection); if (mysql_num_rows($maxSectionQuery) < intval($maxSectionLimit['template_sectionLimit'])) { $addFacultyDetail = "INSERT INTO `faculty_data` (`faculty_sectionId`,`faculty_data`,`page_moduleComponentId`) VALUES "; $addFacultyDetail .= "({$sectionId},'{$addDetail}',{$this->moduleComponentId})"; $addFacultyDetailQuery = mysql_query($addFacultyDetail); } else { echo "Limit Exceeded"; exit; } } if (isset($_POST["DeleteFacultyId"]) && $_POST["DeleteFacultyId"] != "") { $facultyId = intval($_POST["DeleteFacultyId"]); $facultyId = addslashes($facultyId); $deleteData = "DELETE FROM `faculty_data` WHERE `page_moduleComponentId`={$this->moduleComponentId} AND `faculty_dataId`={$facultyId}"; $deleteQuery = mysql_query($deleteData); } if (isset($_POST["facultyName"]) && isset($_POST["facultyEmail"])) { if ($_POST["facultyName"] != "") { $facultyName = addslashes($_POST["facultyName"]); $updateFacultyNameQuery = "UPDATE `" . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "pages` SET `page_title`='{$facultyName}' WHERE "; $updateFacultyNameQuery .= "`page_modulecomponentid`={$this->moduleComponentId} AND `page_module`='faculty'"; $updateFacultyNameData = mysql_query($updateFacultyNameQuery); } if ($_POST["facultyEmail"] != "") { $facultyEmail = addslashes($_POST["facultyEmail"]); $updateFacultyEmailQuery = "UPDATE `faculty_module` SET `email`='{$facultyEmail}' WHERE "; $updateFacultyEmailQuery .= "`page_moduleComponentId`={$this->moduleComponentId}"; $updateFacultyEmailData = mysql_query($updateFacultyEmailQuery) or displayerror(mysql_error()); } } global $urlRequestRoot, $sourceFolder, $cmsFolder, $templateFolder, $moduleFolder, $urlRequestRoot; require_once "{$sourceFolder}/{$moduleFolder}/faculty/template_edit.php"; require_once $sourceFolder . "/upload.lib.php"; $facultyDetail = ""; $getImage = "SELECT * FROM `faculty_module` WHERE `page_moduleComponentId`={$this->moduleComponentId}"; $getImageQuery = mysql_query($getImage); $isExistPh = mysql_fetch_assoc($getImageQuery); $facultyDetail .= <<<IMG \t\t<img src="{$isExistPh['photo']}" /> IMG; $facultyDetail .= '<br />Upload files : <br />'; $facultyDetail .= getFileUploadForm($this->moduleComponentId, "faculty", './+faculty', UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT, 1, "facultyProfilePic") . '</fieldset>'; if (isset($_FILES["facultyProfilePic"])) { $checkImageExist = "SELECT * FROM `faculty_module` WHERE `page_moduleComponentId`={$this->moduleComponentId}"; $checkImageExistQuery = mysql_query($checkImageExist); $isExistPh = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkImageExistQuery); if ($isExistPh["photo"] != NULL) { if (!deleteFile($this->moduleComponentId, 'faculty', $isExistPh["photo"])) { displayerror("Unable to Update"); return false; } } $allowableTypes = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'); $fileUpload = submitFileUploadForm($this->moduleComponentId, "faculty", $this->userId, UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT, $allowableTypes, 'facultyProfilePic'); $updatePhoto = "UPDATE `faculty_module` SET `photo`='{$fileUpload[0]}' WHERE `page_moduleComponentId`={$this->moduleComponentId}"; $updatePhotoQuery = mysql_query($updatePhoto) or displayerror(mysql_error()); } $pageName = getPageTitle(getPageIdFromModuleComponentId("faculty", $this->moduleComponentId)); $emailId = getEmailForFaculty($this->moduleComponentId); $facultyDetail .= <<<ChangeName \t <form action="./+faculty" method="POST"> \t <table border="1"> \t <tr> \t <td>Faculty Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="facultyName" value="{$pageName}"/></td> \t </tr> \t <tr> \t <td>Email:</td><td> <input type="text" name="facultyEmail" value="{$emailId}"/></td> \t </tr> \t <tr> \t <td colspan="2"><input type="submit"/></td> \t </tr> </table> \t </form> ChangeName; $folder = "{$urlRequestRoot}/{$cmsFolder}/{$moduleFolder}/faculty/main.js"; $facultyDetail .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$folder}'></script>"; $templateId = getTemplateId($this->moduleComponentId); $sectionDetail = getTemplateDataFromModuleComponentId($this->moduleComponentId); while ($sectionDetailArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($sectionDetail)) { $sectionId = $sectionDetailArray['template_sectionId']; $facultyDetail .= <<<facultyName \t <h2>{$sectionDetailArray['template_sectionName']} facultyName; $facultyDetail .= "</h2><hr/>"; $facultyDetail .= printFacultyDataWithLiFaculty($sectionId, $this->moduleComponentId, 0); $sectionChildNode1DetailQuery = "SELECT * FROM `faculty_template` WHERE `template_id`={$templateId} AND "; $sectionChildNode1DetailQuery .= "`template_sectionParentId`={$sectionDetailArray['template_sectionId']}"; $sectionChildNode1DetailResult = mysql_query($sectionChildNode1DetailQuery); while ($sectionChildNode1DetailArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($sectionChildNode1DetailResult)) { $facultyDetail .= printFacultyDataWithLiFaculty($sectionChildNode1DetailArray['template_sectionId'], $this->moduleComponentId, 1); $sectionChildNode2DetailQuery = "SELECT * FROM `faculty_template` WHERE `template_id`={$templateId} AND "; $sectionChildNode2DetailQuery .= "`template_sectionParentId`={$sectionChildNode1DetailArray['template_sectionId']}"; $sectionChildNode2DetailResult = mysql_query($sectionChildNode2DetailQuery); while ($sectionChildNode2DetailArray = mysql_fetch_assoc($sectionChildNode2DetailResult)) { $facultyDataChild = printFacultyDataWithLi($sectionChildNode2DetailArray['template_sectionId'], $this->moduleComponentId, 1); $facultyDetail .= <<<facultyName \t <h4>{$facultyDataChild}</h4> facultyName; } } } return $facultyDetail; }
function profile($userId, $forEditRegistrant = false) { global $sourceFolder, $moduleFolder; if (isset($_POST['profileimgaction']) && $_POST['profileimgaction'] == 'uploadnew') { require_once "{$sourceFolder}/upload.lib.php"; //Upload profile image $allowableTypes = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'); $fakeModuleComponentId = $userId; $uploadSuccess = submitFileUploadForm($fakeModuleComponentId, "profile", $userId, 512 * 1024, $allowableTypes, 'profileimage'); if (!is_array($uploadSuccess) && $uploadSuccess === false) { displayerror("Profile image could not be uploaded. Maximum size should be 512 KB."); } else { if (is_array($uploadSuccess)) { //Deleting old profile image $profileimgnames = getUploadedFiles($fakeModuleComponentId, 'profile'); foreach ($profileimgnames as $img) { if ($img['upload_filename'] != $uploadSuccess[0]) { deleteFile($fakeModuleComponentId, 'profile', $img['upload_filename']); } } } } } else { if (isset($_POST['profileimgaction']) && $_POST['profileimgaction'] == 'noimage') { require_once "{$sourceFolder}/upload.lib.php"; $fakeModuleComponentId = $userId; $profileimgnames = getUploadedFiles($fakeModuleComponentId, 'profile'); foreach ($profileimgnames as $img) { deleteFile($fakeModuleComponentId, 'profile', $img['upload_filename']); } } } /// Retrieve existing information $profileQuery = 'SELECT `user_name`, `user_fullname`, `user_password` FROM `' . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . 'users` WHERE `user_id` = \'' . $userId . "'"; $profileResult = mysql_query($profileQuery); if (!$profileResult) { displayerror('An error occurred while trying to process your request.<br />' . mysql_error() . '<br />' . $profileQuery); return ''; } $profileRow = mysql_fetch_row($profileResult); $newUserName = $userName = $profileRow[0]; $newUserFullname = $userFullname = $profileRow[1]; $userPassword = $profileRow[2]; require_once "{$sourceFolder}/{$moduleFolder}/form/registrationformsubmit.php"; require_once "{$sourceFolder}/{$moduleFolder}/form/registrationformgenerate.php"; /// Check if the user is trying to see the profile form, or has already submitted it if (isset($_POST['btnSubmitProfile'])) { if ($forEditRegistrant || !isProfileFormCaptchaEnabled() || submitCaptcha()) { if (!$forEditRegistrant) { $passwordValidated = false; if (isset($_POST['user_password']) && $_POST['user_password'] != '' && md5($_POST['user_password']) == $userPassword) { $passwordValidated = true; } } $updates = array(); if (isset($_POST['user_name']) && $_POST['user_name'] != '' && $_POST['user_name'] != $userName) { $updates[] = "`user_name` = '" . escape($_POST['user_name']) . "'"; $newUserName = escape($_POST['user_name']); } if (isset($_POST['user_fullname']) && $_POST['user_fullname'] != '' && $_POST['user_fullname'] != $userFullname) { $updates[] = "`user_fullname` = '" . escape($_POST['user_fullname']) . "'"; $newUserFullname = escape($_POST['user_fullname']); } $errors = true; if (!$forEditRegistrant && $_POST['user_newpassword'] != '') { if (!$passwordValidated) { displayerror('Error! The current password you entered was incorrect.'); } elseif ($_POST['user_newpassword'] != $_POST['user_newrepassword']) { displayerror('Error! The New Password you entered does not match the password you typed in the Confirmation Box.'); } elseif ($_POST['user_newpassword'] == $_POST['user_password']) { displayerror('Error! The old and new passwords are the same.'); } else { $updates[] = "`user_password` = MD5('" . escape($_POST['user_newpassword']) . "')"; $errors = false; } } else { $errors = false; } if (count($updates) > 0) { $profileQuery = 'UPDATE `' . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . 'users` SET ' . join($updates, ', ') . " WHERE `user_id` = '{$userId}'"; $profileResult = mysql_query($profileQuery); if (!$profileResult) { displayerror('An error was encountered while attempting to process your request.'); $errors = true; } $userName = $newUserName; $userFullname = $newUserFullname; if (!$forEditRegistrant) { setAuth($userId); } } $errors = !submitRegistrationForm(0, $userId, true, true) || $errors; if (!$errors) { displayinfo('All fields updated successfully!<br />' . '<input type="button" onclick="history.go(-2)" value="Go back" />'); } } } return getProfileForm($userId, $userName, $userFullname, $forEditRegistrant); }
/** * Function handleIconManagement * @description Returns the Icon Admin page html and handles AJAX requests for page /+admin$subaction=i * * @return HTML of the FORM */ function handleIconManagement() { /* * Upload a new icon */ if (isset($_POST['FileUploadForm'])) { global $userId, $sourceFolder; require_once "{$sourceFolder}/upload.lib.php"; $allowableTypes = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'); $result = submitFileUploadForm($userId, 'iconman', $userId, false, $allowableTypes, 'iconUpload'); } /** * If user is setting an icon to a page, then generate an ajax response */ if (isset($_GET['iconURL'])) { $rootUri = hostURL(); global $cmsFolder, $templateFolder; if (isset($_GET["iconURL"]) && isset($_GET['targetId'])) { ///Security checks $iconURL = $_GET["iconURL"]; $iconURL = str_replace($rootUri, "", $iconURL); $parse = strstr($iconURL, "{$cmsFolder}/{$templateFolder}/common/icons/"); if ($parse == "") { $parse = strstr($iconURL, "{$cmsFolder}/uploads/iconman/"); } $iconURL = $parse; $iconURL = escape($iconURL); $target = escape($_GET["targetId"]); /** * Save the Icon in Database - The following entries are saved * icon URL - path relative to the website installation folder on the server */ mysql_query("UPDATE `" . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "pages` SET `page_image`='{$iconURL}' WHERE `page_id`='{$target}'"); $pageDetails = getPageInfo($target); if ($pageDetails['page_image'] != NULL) { echo "<img src=\"{$rootUri}/{$cmsFolder}/{$templateFolder}/common/icons/16x16/status/weather-clear.png\" /> "; } else { echo "<img src=\"{$rootUri}/{$cmsFolder}/{$templateFolder}/common/icons/16x16/status/dialog-error.png\" width=12 height=12/> "; } echo $pageDetails["page_name"]; } else { if (isset($_GET['iconAction'])) { $action = $_GET['iconAction']; } else { die("Restricted access"); } } exit(0); } /** * @description Icon Management Form Generation Code Starts here */ $iconForm = ""; $iconForm .= <<<ICONFORM \t\t<style type="text/css"> \t\t.myIconForm div { \t\t\tpadding: 5px; \t\t} \t\t.myIconForm div a{ \t\t\ttext-decoration: none!important; \t\t}\t \t\t</style> \t\t ICONFORM; global $cmsFolder; global $sourceFolder; global $templateFolder; global $userId; $myhostURL = hostURL(); ///Ajax handler functions, drag and drop handlers defined in icon.event.handler.js $iconForm .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$myhostURL}/{$cmsFolder}/{$templateFolder}/common/scripts/icon.event.handler.js\"></script>"; $iconForm .= <<<STYLES \t\t<style type="text/css"> \t\t.myIconForm { \t\t\tmargin:0; \t\t\tpadding:0; \t\t} \t\t#iconTreeMenu { \t\t\tposition:relative; \t\t} \t\t.myIconForm ul { \t\t\tmargin: 5px; \t\t\twidth: 100%; \t\t\tmargin-left: 10px; \t\t\tpadding: 0; \t\t\tborder-left: solid 1px #333; \t\t} \t\t.myFormIcon ul li a { \t\t\tpadding: 5px; \t\t} \t\t.myIconList { \t\t\theight:500px; \t\t\toverflow:scroll; \t\t\tmax-width:100%; \t\t} \t\t</style> STYLES; ///This contains file upload functions of CMS. Look into upload.lib.php documentation for more require_once "{$sourceFolder}/upload.lib.php"; ///Just a duplicate copy for sending it to the upload functions. $fakeid = $userId; ///get the html for upload - input tag $imageUploadField = getMultipleFileUploadField('iconUpload', 'iconman', 512 * 1024); //$iconForm .= $imageUploadField; $uploadForm = <<<FORM \t<form method="POST" action="./+admin&subaction=icon" enctype="multipart/form-data"> \t{$imageUploadField} \t<input type="submit" /> \t</form> \t FORM; ///Display Icons $iconForm .= "<table class=\"myIconForm\"><tr><td id=\"iconTreeMenu\">"; ///Fetch the site's complete tree structure of pages. ///The elements here are the ones on which icons are dropped. $iconForm .= getTreeView(0, -1, $myhostURL, $userId, 1); $iconForm .= "</td>"; $iconForm .= "<td>"; ///Fetch Icon file list and get as html $selectionList = getIconList(); ///Gather the html and append the iconform html $iconForm .= <<<SELECTION \t\t<div class="selection" id="targetIcon"> \t\t\t<h3>Upload new icons</h3> \t\t\t\t<p align="left"> \t\t\t\t\t{$uploadForm}<br/> \t\t\t\t\t- Select Multiple files \t\t\t\t</p> \t\t\t<h3>List of available icons</h3> \t\t\t<p align="left"> \t\t\t\tUsage : <br /> \t\t\t\t- Drag and drop<br /> \t\t\t\t- Select an icon and then choose the target. \t\t\t\t</p> \t\t\t<div class="selectlist"> \t\t\t\t{$selectionList} \t\t\t</div> \t\t</div> SELECTION; $iconForm .= "</td>"; $iconForm .= "</tr></table>"; return $iconForm; }
public function actionEdit() { global $sourceFolder, $ICONS; //require_once("$sourceFolder/diff.lib.php"); require_once $sourceFolder . "/upload.lib.php"; if (isset($_GET['deldraft'])) { $dno = escape($_GET['dno']); $query = "DELETE FROM `article_draft` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid`='" . $this->moduleComponentId . "' AND `draft_number`=" . $dno; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); } global $ICONS; $header = <<<HEADER \t\t<fieldset><legend><a name='topquicklinks'>Quicklinks</a></legend> \t\t<table class='iconspanel'> \t\t<tr> \t\t<td><a href='#editor'><div>{$ICONS['Edit Page']['large']}<br/>Edit Page</div></a></td> \t\t<td><a href='#files'><div>{$ICONS['Uploaded Files']['large']}<br/>Manage Uploaded Files</div></a></td> \t\t<td><a href='#drafts'><div>{$ICONS['Drafts']['large']}<br/>Saved Drafts</div></a></td> \t\t<td><a href='#revisions'><div>{$ICONS['Page Revisions']['large']}<br/>Page Revisions</div></a></td> \t\t<td><a href='#comments'><div>{$ICONS['Page Comments']['large']}<br/>Page Comments</div></a></td> \t\t</tr> \t\t</table> \t \t\t</fieldset><br/><br/> HEADER; submitFileUploadForm($this->moduleComponentId, "article", $this->userId, UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT); if (isset($_GET['delComment']) && $this->userId == 1) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM `article_comments` WHERE `comment_id` = '" . escape($_GET['delComment']) . "'"); if (mysql_affected_rows()) { displayinfo("Comment deleted!"); } else { displayerror("Error in deleting comment"); } } if (isset($_GET['preview']) && isset($_POST['CKEditor1'])) { return "<div id=\"preview\" class=\"warning\"><a name=\"preview\">Preview</a></div>" . $this->actionView(stripslashes($_POST[CKEditor1])) . $this->getCkBody(stripslashes($_POST[CKEditor1])); } if (isset($_GET['version'])) { $revision = $this->getRevision($_GET['version']); return "<div id=\"preview\" class=\"warning\"><a name=\"preview\">Previewing Revision Number " . $_GET['version'] . "</a></div>" . $this->actionView($revision) . $this->getCkBody($revision); } if (isset($_GET['dversion'])) { $draft = $this->getDraft($_GET['dversion']); displayinfo("Viewing Draft number " . $_GET['dversion']); return $header . $this->getCkBody($draft); } if (isset($_POST['CKEditor1'])) { /*Save the diff :-*/ $query = "SELECT article_content FROM article_content WHERE page_modulecomponentid='" . $this->moduleComponentId . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $diff = mysql_escape_string($this->diff($_POST['CKEditor1'], $row['article_content'])); $query = "SELECT MAX(article_revision) AS MAX FROM `article_contentbak` WHERE page_modulecomponentid ='" . $this->moduleComponentId . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { displayerror(mysql_error() . "article.lib L:44"); return; } if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $revId = $row['MAX'] + 1; } else { $revId = 1; } $query = "INSERT INTO `article_contentbak` (`page_modulecomponentid` ,`article_revision` ,`article_diff`,`user_id`)\nVALUES ('{$this->moduleComponentId}', '{$revId}','{$diff}','{$this->userId}')"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { displayerror(mysql_error() . "article.lib L:44"); return; } /*Save the diff end.*/ $query = "UPDATE `article_content` SET `article_content` = '" . escape($_POST["CKEditor1"]) . "' WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` ='{$this->moduleComponentId}' "; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_affected_rows() < 0) { displayerror("Unable to update the article content"); } else { /* Index the page by sphider */ $page = replaceAction(selfURI(), "edit", "view"); global $sourceFolder, $moduleFolder; require_once "{$sourceFolder}/{$moduleFolder}/search/admin/spider.php"; index_url($page, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 1); } /* Update the choice of editor*/ if (isset($_POST['editor'])) { $editor = escape($_POST['editor']); $query = "UPDATE `article_content` SET `default_editor` = '" . $editor . "' WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` ='{$this->moduleComponentId}' "; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_affected_rows() < 0) { displayerror("Unable to update the article Editor"); } } return $this->actionView(); } $fulleditpage = $this->getCkBody(); $commentsedit = "<fieldset><legend><a name='comments'>{$ICONS['Page Comments']['small']}Comments</a></legend>"; if ($this->isCommentsEnabled()) { $comments = mysql_query("SELECT `comment_id`,`user`,`timestamp`,`comment` FROM `article_comments` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' ORDER BY `timestamp`"); if (mysql_num_rows($comments) == 0) { $commentsedit .= "No comments have been posted !"; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($comments)) { $commentsedit .= $this->renderComment($row['comment_id'], $row['user'], $row['timestamp'], $row['comment'], 1); } } else { $commentsedit .= "Comments are disabled for this page! You can allow comments from <a href='./+settings'>pagesettings</a>."; } $commentsedit .= "</fieldset>"; $top = "<a href='#topquicklinks'>Top</a>"; $fulleditpage .= $commentsedit . $top; return $header . $fulleditpage; }
/** * function actionEdit: * Edit interface for all safedit module instances * will be called from $this->getHtml function */ public function actionEdit() { $ret = <<<RET <style type="text/css"> textarea { \tfont-size: 130%; \tbackground: white; } </style> RET; global $sourceFolder, $ICONS; require_once $sourceFolder . "/upload.lib.php"; submitFileUploadForm($this->moduleComponentId, "safedit", $this->userId, UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT); $end = "<fieldset id='uploadFile'><legend>{$ICONS['Uploaded Files']['small']}File Upload</legend>Upload files : <br />" . getFileUploadForm($this->moduleComponentId, "safedit", './+edit', UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT, 5) . getUploadedFilePreviewDeleteForm($this->moduleComponentId, "safedit", './+edit') . '</fieldset>'; $val = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `page_title` FROM `" . MYSQL_DATABASE_PREFIX . "pages` WHERE `page_module` = 'safedit' AND `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}'")); $ret .= "<h1>Editing '" . $val['page_title'] . "' page</h1>"; if (isset($_GET['subaction'])) { if ($_GET['subaction'] == "addSection") { $show = isset($_POST['sectionShow']); $heading = escape($_POST['heading']); $result = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(`section_id`)+1 as `section_id` FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $sectionId = $row[0]; $result = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(`section_priority`)+1 as `section_priority` FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}'"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $priority = $row[0]; $query = "INSERT INTO `safedit_sections`(`page_modulecomponentid`,`section_id`,`section_heading`,`section_type`,`section_show`,`section_priority`) VALUES ('{$this->moduleComponentId}','{$sectionId}','{$heading}','" . escape($_POST['type']) . "','{$show}','{$priority}')"; mysql_query($query) or die($query . "<br>" . mysql_error()); if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { displayinfo("Section: {$heading}, created"); } else { displayerror("Couldn't create section"); } } else { if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'deleteSection') { $sectionId = escape($_GET['sectionId']); $query = "DELETE FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_id` = '{$sectionId}'"; mysql_query($query) or die($query . "<br>" . mysql_error()); if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { displayinfo("Section deleted succesfully"); } else { displayerror("Couldn't delete section"); } } else { if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'saveSection') { $sectionId = escape($_POST['sectionId']); $heading = escape($_POST['heading']); $typeUpdate = isset($_POST['type']) ? ", `section_type` = '{$_POST['type']}'" : ''; $show = ", `section_show` = '" . isset($_POST['sectionShow']) . "'"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT `section_type` FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_id` = '{$sectionId}'"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $type = $row[0]; if ($type == "para" || $type == "ulist" || $type == "olist") { $sectionContent = escape($this->processSave($_POST['content'])); } else { if ($type == "picture") { $sectionContent = escape($_POST['selectFile']); } } $query = "UPDATE `safedit_sections` SET `section_heading` = '{$heading}', `section_content` = '{$sectionContent}'{$typeUpdate}{$show} WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_id` = '{$sectionId}'"; mysql_query($query) or die($query . "<br>" . mysql_error()); if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { displayinfo("Section saved successfully"); } } else { if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'moveUp' || $_GET['subaction'] == 'moveDown') { $compare = $_GET['subaction'] == 'moveUp' ? '<=' : '>='; $arrange = $_GET['subaction'] == 'moveUp' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; $sectionId = escape($_GET['sectionId']); $query = "SELECT `section_id`,`section_priority` FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_priority` '{$compare}' (SELECT `section_priority` FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_id` = '{$sectionId}') ORDER BY `section_priority` '{$arrange}' LIMIT 2"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $sid = $row[0]; $spr = $row[1]; if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { mysql_query("UPDATE `safedit_sections` SET `section_priority` = '{$spr}' WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_id` = '{$row[0]}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE `safedit_sections` SET `section_priority` = '{$row[1]}' WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_id` = '{$sid}'"); } } else { if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'moveTop' || $_GET['subaction'] == 'moveBottom') { $sectionId = escape($_GET['sectionId']); $cpri = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT `section_priority` FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_id` = '{$sectionId}'")) or die(mysql_error()); if ($_GET['subaction'] == 'moveTop') { $sign = '+'; $cmpr = '<'; $set = '0'; } else { $sign = '-'; $cmpr = '>'; $set = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT MAX(`section_priority`) FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}'")) or die(mysql_error()); $set = isset($set[0]) ? $set[0] : ''; } $cmpr = $_GET['subaction'] == 'moveTop' ? '<' : '>'; $query = "UPDATE `safedit_sections` SET `section_priority` = `section_priority`{$sign}1 WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_priority` {$cmpr} '{$cpri[0]}'"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query("UPDATE `safedit_sections` SET `section_priority` = '{$set}' WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' AND `section_id` = '{$sectionId}'") or die(mysql_error()); } } } } } } $result = mysql_query("SELECT `section_id`,`section_heading`,`section_type`,`section_content`,`section_show` FROM `safedit_sections` WHERE `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$this->moduleComponentId}' ORDER BY `section_priority`"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $show = $row['section_show'] ? 'checked ' : ''; $type = $row['section_type']; $help = $type != "picture" ? " <a href='#help' title='Only Plain text allowed, Click to know more'>{$ICONS['Help']['small']}</a>" : ''; $ret .= <<<RET <form action='./+edit&subaction=saveSection' method=POST><input type=hidden value='{$row['section_id']}' name='sectionId' /><fieldset><legend><input type=checkbox name='sectionShow' {$show}/><input type=text name=heading value='{$row['section_heading']}' style='border:0;background:none;' /> <a href='./+edit&subaction=moveUp§ionId={$row['section_id']}' title='Move one level Up'>{$ICONS['Up']['small']}</a> <a href='./+edit&subaction=moveDown§ionId={$row['section_id']}' title='Move one level Down'>{$ICONS['Down']['small']}</a> <a href='./+edit&subaction=moveTop§ionId={$row['section_id']}' title='Move to Top'>{$ICONS['Top']['small']}</a> <a href='./+edit&subaction=moveBottom§ionId={$row['section_id']}' title='Move to Bottom'>{$ICONS['Bottom']['small']}</a> <a href='./+edit&subaction=deleteSection§ionId={$row['section_id']}' title='Delete Section'>{$ICONS['Delete Section']['small']}</a>{$help}</legend><div class='safedit_section'> RET; $safeContent = safe_html($row['section_content']); if ($type == "ulist" || $type == "olist" || $type == "para") { $usel = $type == "ulist" ? ' selected' : ''; $osel = $type == "olist" ? ' selected' : ''; $psel = $type == "para" ? ' selected' : ''; $ret .= <<<PARA <textarea name=content rows=7 style="width:100%">{$safeContent}</textarea> <select name=type> <option value="para"{$psel}>Paragraph</option> <option value="ulist"{$usel}>List</option> <option value="olist"{$osel}>Numbered List</option> </select> PARA; } else { if ($type == "picture") { $files = getUploadedFiles($this->moduleComponentId, "safedit"); $ret .= "<a href='#uploadFile'>Upload File</a><br /><select name=selectFile><option value=''>No picture</option>"; foreach ($files as $currFile) { $select = $row['section_content'] == $currFile['upload_filename'] ? ' selected' : ''; $ret .= "<option value='{$currFile['upload_filename']}'{$select}>{$currFile['upload_filename']}</option>"; } $ret .= "</select>"; } } $ret .= <<<SUBMIT <input type=submit value='Save section' /></div></fieldset></form> SUBMIT; } $ret .= <<<RET <fieldset> <legend>{$ICONS['Add']['small']}Create New Section</legend> <form action="./+edit&subaction=addSection" method=POST> <select name='type'> <option value="para">Paragraph</option> <option value="ulist">List</option> <option value="olist">Numbered List</option> <option value="picture">Picture</option> </select> <input type=text name="heading" /> <input type=checkbox name="sectionShow" checked /> <input type=submit value="Add section" name="btnAddSection" /> </form> </fieldset> RET; $ret .= $end; $ret .= <<<RET <small id="help"><ul><li>You can display only Plain text, any custom formatting will be prevented.<br />To make a link, enclose the text with '{' and '}' and add the target to the end of the line after '|'<br />For eg:<br />{This is a link}, and this is not a link|<br />The above line will make a link to</li><li>Leave section heading text box blank(without even spaces) to avoid displaying Heading</li></ul></small> RET; return $ret; }
function submitRegistrationFormFile($moduleCompId, $elementId, $userId, $postVarName, $elementName, $elementSize, $elementTypeOptions, $elementMoreThan, $elementLessThan, $elementCheckInt, $elementIsRequired) { if ($elementIsRequired && !isset($_FILES[$postVarName])) { displayerror('Required file ' . $elementName . ' not uploaded.'); return false; } $existsQuery = "SELECT `form_elementdata` from `form_elementdata` WHERE `user_id` = {$userId} AND " . "`page_modulecomponentid` = '{$moduleCompId}' AND `form_elementid` = '{$elementId}'"; $existsResult = mysql_query($existsQuery); global $sourceFolder; require_once "{$sourceFolder}/upload.lib.php"; /// if the user is uploading a file with any name again, delete existing file if ($_FILES[$postVarName]['error'][0] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { if (mysql_num_rows($existsResult) > 0) { $existsRow = mysql_fetch_array($existsResult); if (deleteFile($moduleCompId, 'form', $existsRow[0])) { $deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM `form_elementdata` WHERE `form_elementid` = '{$elementId}' AND `page_modulecomponentid` = '{$moduleCompId}'"; mysql_query($deleteQuery); } } } $maxFileSizeInBytes = $elementLessThan; if ($maxFileSizeInBytes == NULL || $maxFileSizeInBytes == "" || $maxFileSizeInBytes == 0) { $maxFileSizeInBytes = 2 * 1024 * 1024; } if (trim($elementTypeOptions) == "") { $uploadableFileTypes = false; } else { $uploadableFileTypes = explode("|", $elementTypeOptions); if (count($uploadableFileTypes) == 0) { $uploadableFileTypes = false; } } $uploadFileName = submitFileUploadForm($moduleCompId, "form", $userId, $maxFileSizeInBytes, $uploadableFileTypes, $postVarName); if (!isset($uploadFileName[0])) { return !$elementIsRequired; } $uploadFileName = $uploadFileName[0]; $submitQuery = 'INSERT INTO `form_elementdata`(`user_id`, `page_modulecomponentid`, `form_elementid`, `form_elementdata`) ' . "VALUES('{$userId}', '{$moduleCompId}', '{$elementId}', '{$uploadFileName}')"; if (!mysql_query($submitQuery) || mysql_affected_rows() != 1) { displayerror('Error updating information in the database.'); return false; } return true; }