if ($_POST['submit_event']) { $event_start = (int) $_POST['fyear'] . '-' . (int) $_POST['fmonth'] . '-' . (int) $_POST['fday'] . ' ' . (int) $_POST['fhour'] . ':' . (int) $_POST['fminute'] . ':00'; $event_stop = (int) $_POST['end_fyear'] . '-' . (int) $_POST['end_fmonth'] . '-' . (int) $_POST['end_fday'] . ' ' . (int) $_POST['end_fhour'] . ':' . (int) $_POST['end_fminute'] . ':00'; $id = agenda_add_item($_POST['title'], $_POST['content'], $event_start, $event_stop); display_agenda_items(); } else { show_add_form(); } break; case "edit": if (!(api_is_course_coach() && !api_is_element_in_the_session(TOOL_AGENDA, intval($_REQUEST['id'])))) { // a coach can only delete an element belonging to his session if ($_POST['submit_event']) { $my_id_attach = (int) $_REQUEST['id_attach']; $my_file_comment = Database::escape_string($_REQUEST['file_comment']); store_edited_agenda_item($my_id_attach, $my_file_comment); display_agenda_items(); } else { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; show_add_form($id); } } else { display_agenda_items(); } break; case "delete": $id = (int) $_GET['id']; if (!(api_is_course_coach() && !api_is_element_in_the_session(TOOL_AGENDA, $id))) { // a coach can only delete an element belonging to his session if (api_is_allowed_to_edit() && !api_is_anonymous()) { if (!empty($id)) {
if (!$is_ical) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('IsNotiCalFormatFile')); display_ical_import_form(); break; } else { Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('AddSuccess')); echo $agenda_result; } } else { display_ical_import_form(); } break; case 'edit': // a coach can only delete an element belonging to his session if ($_POST['submit_event']) { store_edited_agenda_item($event_id, $_REQUEST['id_attach'], $_REQUEST['file_comment']); $action = 'view'; } else { show_add_form($event_id, $event_type); } break; case "delete": if (!(api_is_course_coach() && !api_is_element_in_the_session(TOOL_AGENDA, $event_id))) { // a coach can only delete an element belonging to his session delete_agenda_item($event_id); $action = 'view'; } break; case "showhide": if (!(api_is_course_coach() && !api_is_element_in_the_session(TOOL_AGENDA, $event_id))) { // a coach can only delete an element belonging to his session