     * Constructor
     * @param Blog can pass NULL if $p is passed
     * @param string
     * @param array
     * @param
     * @param string Order ("ASC"/"DESC")
     * @param string List of fields to order by (separated by " ")
     * @param integer Limit
    function CommentList($Blog, $comment_types = "'comment'", $show_statuses = array('published'), $p = '', $author = '', $order = 'DESC', $orderby = '', $limit = '')
        global $DB;
        global $cache_categories;
        global $pagenow;
        // Bleh !
        // Call parent constructor:
        parent::DataObjectList('T_comments', 'comment_', 'comment_ID', 'Item', NULL, $limit);
        $this->sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT T_comments.*
									FROM T_comments INNER JOIN T_items__item ON comment_post_ID = post_ID ';
        if (!empty($p)) {
            // Restrict to comments on selected post
            $this->sql .= 'WHERE comment_post_ID = ' . $p;
        } else {
            $this->sql .= 'INNER JOIN T_postcats ON post_ID = postcat_post_ID
										INNER JOIN T_categories othercats ON postcat_cat_ID = othercats.cat_ID ';
            $aggregate_coll_IDs = $Blog->get_setting('aggregate_coll_IDs');
            if (empty($aggregate_coll_IDs)) {
                // We only want posts from the current blog:
                $this->sql .= 'WHERE othercats.cat_blog_ID = ' . $Blog->ID;
            } else {
                // We are aggregating posts from several blogs:
                $this->sql .= 'WHERE othercats.cat_blog_ID IN (' . $aggregate_coll_IDs . ')';
        $this->sql .= ' AND comment_type IN (' . $comment_types . ') ';
         * ----------------------------------------------------
         *  Restrict to the statuses we want to show:
         * ----------------------------------------------------
        if (!empty($show_statuses)) {
            $this->sql .= ' AND comment_status IN (\'' . implode("', '", $show_statuses) . '\')';
        // This one restricts to post statuses, but it doesn't work completely right:
        // TODO: handle status dependencies with post
        $this->sql .= ' AND ' . statuses_where_clause();
        // order by stuff
        if (!empty($order) && !in_array(strtoupper($order), array('ASC', 'DESC', 'RANDOM'))) {
            $order = 'DESC';
        if (empty($orderby)) {
            $orderby = 'comment_date ' . $order . ', comment_ID ' . $order;
        } else {
            $orderby_array = explode(' ', $orderby);
            $orderby = $orderby_array[0] . ' ' . $order;
            if (count($orderby_array) > 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i < count($orderby_array); $i++) {
                    $orderby .= ', comment_' . $orderby_array[$i] . ' ' . $order;
        if ($order == 'RANDOM') {
            $orderby = 'RAND()';
        $this->sql .= "ORDER BY {$orderby}";
        if (!empty($this->limit)) {
            $this->sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $this->limit;
        // echo $this->sql;
        $this->rows = $DB->get_results($this->sql, ARRAY_A);
        // Prebuild and cache objects:
        if ($this->result_num_rows = $DB->num_rows) {
            // fplanque>> why this test??
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($this->rows as $row) {
                // Prebuild object:
                $this->Obj[$i] = new Comment($row);
                // COPY (function)
                // To avoid potential future waste, cache this object:
                // $this->DataObjectCache->add( $this->Obj[$i] );
  * Restrict to the visibility/sharing statuses we want to show
  * @param array Restrict to these statuses
  * @param string What blogs should be used to check the status permissions:
  *               - Empty string to use current blog setting
  *               - A list separated by ','
  *               - Value '*' to use all blogs
  *               - Value '-' to use only current blog without aggregated blog
 function where_visibility($show_statuses, $aggregate_coll_IDs = NULL)
     $this->show_statuses = $show_statuses;
     if (!isset($this->blog)) {
         debug_die('Status restriction requires to work with a specific blog first.');
     if (empty($aggregate_coll_IDs) && !empty($this->blog)) {
         // Blog IDs are not defined, Use them depending on current collection setting
         // NOTE! collection can be 0, for example, on disp=usercomments|useritems where we display data from all collections
         $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
         $Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($this->blog);
         $aggregate_coll_IDs = $Blog->get_setting('aggregate_coll_IDs');
     $blog_IDs = array();
     if (empty($aggregate_coll_IDs) || $aggregate_coll_IDs == '-') {
         // Get status restriction only for current blog
         $this->WHERE_and(statuses_where_clause($show_statuses, $this->dbprefix, $this->blog, 'blog_post!', true, $this->author));
         // Exit here, because we don't need to check the permissions for multiple blogs
     // Check status permission for multiple blogs
     if ($aggregate_coll_IDs == '*') {
         // Get the status restrictions for all blogs
         global $DB;
         $blog_IDs = $DB->get_col('SELECT blog_ID FROM T_blogs ORDER BY blog_ID');
     } else {
         // Get the status restrictions for several blogs
         $blog_IDs = explode(',', $aggregate_coll_IDs);
     $status_restrictions = array();
     foreach ($blog_IDs as $blog_ID) {
         // Check status permission for each blog separately
         $status_restrictions[] = 'cat_blog_ID=' . $blog_ID . ' AND ' . statuses_where_clause($show_statuses, $this->dbprefix, $blog_ID, 'blog_post!', true, $this->author);
     $this->WHERE_and('( ' . implode(' ) OR ( ', $status_restrictions) . ' )');
 * Get # of comments for each category in a blog
 * @param integer Category ID
 * @param integer Blog ID
function get_commentcount_in_category($cat_ID, $blog_ID = NULL)
    if (is_null($blog_ID)) {
        global $blog;
        $blog_ID = $blog;
    global $DB, $number_of_comments_in_cat;
    if (!isset($number_of_comments_in_cat[(string) $blog_ID])) {
        global $posttypes_specialtypes;
        $SQL = new SQL();
        $SQL->SELECT('cat_ID, COUNT( comment_ID ) c');
        $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_postcats ON comment_item_ID = postcat_post_ID');
        $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_id');
        $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_items__item ON comment_item_ID = post_id');
        $SQL->WHERE('cat_blog_ID = ' . $DB->quote($blog_ID));
        $SQL->WHERE_and('comment_type IN ( "comment", "trackback", "pingback" )');
        $SQL->WHERE_and(statuses_where_clause(get_inskin_statuses($blog_ID, 'comment'), 'comment_', $blog_ID, 'blog_comment!', true));
        // add where condition to show only those posts commetns which are visible for the current User
        $SQL->WHERE_and(statuses_where_clause(get_inskin_statuses($blog_ID, 'post'), 'post_', $blog_ID, 'blog_post!', true));
        if (!empty($posttypes_specialtypes)) {
            // Get content post types, Exclide pages, intros, sidebar links and ads
            $SQL->WHERE_and('post_ityp_ID NOT IN( ' . $DB->quote($posttypes_specialtypes) . ' )');
        $number_of_comments_in_cat[(string) $blog_ID] = $DB->get_assoc($SQL->get());
    return isset($number_of_comments_in_cat[(string) $blog_ID][$cat_ID]) ? (int) $number_of_comments_in_cat[(string) $blog_ID][$cat_ID] : 0;
 * Construct the where clause to limit retrieved posts/comment on their status
 * TODO: asimo> would be good to move this function to an items and comments common file
 * @param Array statuses of posts/comments we want to get
 * @param string post/comment table db prefix
 * @param integer blog ID
 * @param string permission prefix: 'blog_post!' or 'blog_comment!'
 * @param boolean filter statuses by the current user perm and current page, by default is true. It should be false only e.g. when we have to count comments awaiting moderation.
 * @return string statuses where condition
function statuses_where_clause($show_statuses = NULL, $dbprefix = 'post_', $req_blog = NULL, $perm_prefix = 'blog_post!', $filter_by_perm = true, $author_filter = NULL)
    global $current_User, $blog, $DB;
    if (is_null($req_blog)) {
        // try to init request blog if it was not set
        global $blog;
        $req_blog = $blog;
    if (empty($show_statuses)) {
        // use in-skin statuses if show_statuses is empty
        $show_statuses = get_inskin_statuses();
    // init where clauses array
    $where = array();
    // Check modules item statuses where condition but only in case of the items, and don't need to check in case of comments
    if ($req_blog && $perm_prefix == 'blog_post!') {
        // If requested blog is set, then set additional "where" clauses from modules method, before we would manipulate the $show_statuses array
        $modules_condition = modules_call_method('get_item_statuses_where_clause', array('blog_ID' => $req_blog, 'statuses' => $show_statuses));
        if (!empty($modules_condition)) {
            foreach ($modules_condition as $condition) {
                if (!empty($condition)) {
                    // condition is not empty
                    $where[] = $condition;
    if (is_logged_in(false)) {
        // User is logged in and the account was activated
        if ($current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'editall', false)) {
            // User has permission to all blogs posts and comments, we don't have to check blog specific permissions.
            $allowed_statuses_cond = get_allowed_statuses_condition($show_statuses, $dbprefix, NULL, $perm_prefix);
            if (!empty($allowed_statuses_cond)) {
                // condition is not empty
                $where[] = $allowed_statuses_cond;
            $filter_by_perm = false;
            $show_statuses = NULL;
        } elseif (!empty($author_filter) && $author_filter != $current_User->ID) {
            // Author filter is set, but current_User is not the filtered user, then these statuses are not visible for sure
            $show_statuses = array_diff($show_statuses, array('private', 'draft'));
    if ($req_blog == 0 && $filter_by_perm) {
        // This is a very special case when we must check visibility statuses from each blog separately
        // Note: This case should not be called frequently, it may be really slow!!
        $where_condition = '';
        $condition = '';
        if (in_array('published', $show_statuses)) {
            // 'published' status is always allowed in case of all blogs, handle this condition separately
            $where_condition = '( ' . $dbprefix . 'status = "published" )';
            $condition = ' OR ';
        if (!is_logged_in(false)) {
            // When user is not logged in only the 'published' status is allowed, don't check more
            return $where_condition;
        if (in_array('community', $show_statuses)) {
            // 'community' status is always allowed in case of all blogs when a user is logged in, handle this condition separately
            $where_condition .= $condition . '( ' . $dbprefix . 'status = "community" )';
            $condition = ' OR ';
        // Remove 'published' and 'community' statuses because those were already handled
        $show_statuses = array_diff($show_statuses, array('published', 'community'));
        if (empty($show_statuses)) {
            // return if there are no other status
            return $where_condition;
        // Select each blog
        $blog_ids = $DB->get_col('SELECT blog_ID FROM T_blogs');
        $sub_condition = '';
        foreach ($blog_ids as $blog_id) {
            // create statuses where clause condition for each blog separately
            $status_perm = statuses_where_clause($show_statuses, $dbprefix, $blog_id, $perm_prefix, $filter_by_perm, $author_filter);
            if ($status_perm) {
                // User has permission to view some statuses on this blog
                $sub_condition .= '( ( cat_blog_ID = ' . $blog_id . ' ) AND' . $status_perm . ' ) OR ';
        if ($dbprefix == 'post_') {
            // Item query condition
            $from_table = 'FROM T_items__item';
            $reference_column = 'post_ID';
        } else {
            // Comment query condition
            $from_table = 'FROM T_comments';
            $reference_column = 'comment_post_ID';
        // Select each object ID which corresponds to the statuses condition.
        // Note: This is a very slow query when there is many post/comments. This case should not be used frequently.
        $sub_query = 'SELECT ' . $dbprefix . 'ID ' . $from_table . '
						INNER JOIN T_postcats ON ' . $reference_column . ' = postcat_post_ID
						INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID
						WHERE (' . substr($sub_condition, 0, strlen($sub_condition) - 3) . ')';
        $object_ids = implode(',', $DB->get_col($sub_query));
        if ($object_ids) {
            // If thre is at least one post or comment
            $where_condition .= $condition . '( ' . $dbprefix . 'ID IN (' . $object_ids . ') )';
        return $where_condition;
    if ($filter_by_perm) {
        // filter allowed statuses by the current User perms and by the current page ( front or back office )
        $allowed_statuses_cond = get_allowed_statuses_condition($show_statuses, $dbprefix, $req_blog, $perm_prefix);
        if (!empty($allowed_statuses_cond)) {
            // condition is not empty
            $where[] = $allowed_statuses_cond;
    } elseif (count($show_statuses)) {
        // we are not filtering so all status are allowed, add allowed statuses condition
        $where[] = $dbprefix . 'status IN ( \'' . implode('\',\'', $show_statuses) . '\' )';
    $where = count($where) > 0 ? ' ( ' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ' ) ' : '';
    // echo $where;
    return $where;
  * Restrict to specific statuses
  * @param string List of statuses to restrict to (must have been previously validated)
  * @param boolean Filter by user permission. Set to false to select each comment with the correspondong visibily statuses even if current User has no permission to view them.
 function where_statuses($show_statuses, $filter_by_perm = true)
     global $DB;
     if (empty($show_statuses)) {
         // initialize if emty
         $show_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('trash', 'redirected'));
     $this->show_statuses = $show_statuses;
     if ($filter_by_perm) {
         // show not published comments corresponding to the given blog perms
         // When Blog is empty we must set blog param to 0, this way we will check all blogs
         $blog = empty($this->Blog) ? 0 : $this->Blog->ID;
         $this->WHERE_and(statuses_where_clause($this->show_statuses, $this->dbprefix, $blog, 'blog_comment!', true, $this->author));
     } else {
         $list = '';
         $sep = '';
         foreach ($show_statuses as $status) {
             $list .= $sep . $DB->quote($status);
             $sep = ',';
         $this->WHERE_and($this->dbprefix . 'status IN (' . $list . ')');
 * Generic comments/trackbacks/pingbacks counting
 * @todo check this in a multiblog page...
 * @todo This should support visibility: at least in the default front office (_feedback.php), there should only the number of visible comments/trackbacks get used ({@link Item::feedback_link()}).
 * @param integer
 * @param string what to count
 * @param mixed string or array to count comments with this/these status(es)
 * @param boolean set true to count expired comments, leave on false otherwise
function generic_ctp_number($post_id, $mode = 'comments', $status = 'published', $count_expired = false, $filter_by_perm = true)
    global $DB, $debug, $postdata, $cache_ctp_number, $preview, $servertimenow, $blog;
    if ($preview) {
        // we are in preview mode, no comments yet!
        return 0;
    $show_statuses = is_admin_page() ? get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('trash', 'redirected')) : get_inskin_statuses();
    $filter_index = $filter_by_perm ? 0 : 1;
    if (!isset($cache_ctp_number) || !isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id])) {
        // we need a query to count comments
        $count_SQL = new SQL();
        $count_SQL->SELECT('comment_post_ID, comment_type, comment_status, COUNT(*) AS type_count');
        $count_SQL->GROUP_BY('comment_post_ID, comment_type, comment_status');
        if (!empty($blog)) {
            $count_SQL->WHERE(statuses_where_clause($show_statuses, 'comment_', $blog, 'blog_comment!', $filter_by_perm));
        if (!$count_expired) {
            $count_SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_items__item_settings as expiry_setting ON comment_post_ID = iset_item_ID AND iset_name = "post_expiry_delay"');
            $count_SQL->WHERE_and('expiry_setting.iset_value IS NULL OR expiry_setting.iset_value = "" OR TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, comment_date, ' . $DB->quote(date2mysql($servertimenow)) . ') < expiry_setting.iset_value');
    // init statuses count array
    $statuses_array = array('published' => 0, 'community' => 0, 'protected' => 0, 'private' => 0, 'review' => 0, 'draft' => 0, 'deprecated' => 0, 'trash' => 0, 'total' => 0);
     * Make sure cache is loaded for current display list:
    if (!isset($cache_ctp_number) || !isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index])) {
        global $postIDlist, $postIDarray;
        // if( $debug ) echo "LOADING generic_ctp_number CACHE for posts: $postIDlist<br />";
        if (!empty($postIDlist)) {
            foreach ($postIDarray as $tmp_post_id) {
                // Initializes each post to nocount!
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$tmp_post_id] = array('comments' => $statuses_array, 'trackbacks' => $statuses_array, 'pingbacks' => $statuses_array, 'feedbacks' => $statuses_array);
            $countall_SQL = $count_SQL;
            $countall_SQL->WHERE_and('comment_post_ID IN (' . $postIDlist . ')');
            foreach ($DB->get_results($countall_SQL->get()) as $row) {
                // detail by status, tyep and post:
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID][$row->comment_type . 's'][$row->comment_status] = $row->type_count;
                // Total for type on post:
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID][$row->comment_type . 's']['total'] += $row->type_count;
                // Total for status on post:
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID]['feedbacks'][$row->comment_status] += $row->type_count;
                // Total for post:
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID]['feedbacks']['total'] += $row->type_count;
    /*	else
    		echo "cache set";
    if (!isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id])) {
        // this should be extremely rare...
        // echo "CACHE not set for $post_id";
        // Initializes post to nocount!
        $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][intval($post_id)] = array('comments' => $statuses_array, 'trackbacks' => $statuses_array, 'pingbacks' => $statuses_array, 'feedbacks' => $statuses_array);
        $count_SQL->WHERE_and('comment_post_ID = ' . intval($post_id));
        foreach ($DB->get_results($count_SQL->get()) as $row) {
            // detail by status, type and post:
            $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID][$row->comment_type . 's'][$row->comment_status] = $row->type_count;
            // Total for type on post:
            $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID][$row->comment_type . 's']['total'] += $row->type_count;
            // Total for status on post:
            $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID]['feedbacks'][$row->comment_status] += $row->type_count;
            // Total for post:
            $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID]['feedbacks']['total'] += $row->type_count;
    if ($mode != 'comments' && $mode != 'trackbacks' && $mode != 'pingbacks') {
        $mode = 'feedbacks';
    if (is_array($status)) {
        // $status is an array and probably contains more then one visibility status
        $result = 0;
        foreach ($status as $one_status) {
            if (isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode][$one_status])) {
                $result = $result + $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode][$one_status];
    } elseif (isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode][$status])) {
        // $status is a string with one visibility status
        $result = $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode][$status];
    } else {
        // $status is not recognized return total feedback number
        $result = $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode]['total'];
    // pre_dump( $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id] );
    return $result;
  * Restrict to the visibility/sharing statuses we want to show
  * @param array Restrict to these statuses
 function where_visibility($show_statuses)
     $this->show_statuses = $show_statuses;
     if (!isset($this->blog)) {
         debug_die('Status restriction requires to work with aspecific blog first.');
     $this->WHERE_and(statuses_where_clause($show_statuses, $this->dbprefix, $this->blog));
 * Get comments awaiting moderation number
 * @param integer blog ID
 * @return integer
function get_comments_awaiting_moderation_number($blog_ID)
    global $DB;
    $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
    $Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog_ID, false, false);
    $moderation_statuses = $Blog->get_setting('moderation_statuses');
    $moderation_statuses_condition = '\'' . str_replace(',', '\',\'', $moderation_statuses) . '\'';
    $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(comment_ID))
				FROM T_comments
					INNER JOIN T_items__item ON comment_post_ID = post_ID ';
    $sql .= 'INNER JOIN T_postcats ON post_ID = postcat_post_ID
				INNER JOIN T_categories othercats ON postcat_cat_ID = othercats.cat_ID ';
    $sql .= 'WHERE ' . $Blog->get_sql_where_aggregate_coll_IDs('othercats.cat_blog_ID');
    $sql .= ' AND comment_type IN (\'comment\',\'trackback\',\'pingback\') ';
    $sql .= ' AND comment_status IN ( ' . $moderation_statuses_condition . ' )';
    $sql .= ' AND ' . statuses_where_clause();
    return $DB->get_var($sql);
 * Get # of comments for each category in a blog
 * @param integer Category ID
 * @param integer Blog ID
function get_commentcount_in_category($cat_ID, $blog_ID = NULL)
    if (is_null($blog_ID)) {
        global $blog;
        $blog_ID = $blog;
    global $DB, $number_of_comments_in_cat;
    if (!isset($number_of_comments_in_cat[(string) $blog_ID])) {
        $SQL = new SQL();
        $SQL->SELECT('cat_ID, COUNT( comment_ID ) c');
        $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_postcats ON comment_post_ID = postcat_post_ID');
        $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_id');
        $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_items__item ON comment_post_ID = post_id');
        $SQL->WHERE('cat_blog_ID = ' . $DB->quote($blog_ID));
        $SQL->WHERE_and(statuses_where_clause(get_inskin_statuses(), 'comment_', $blog_ID, 'blog_comment!', true));
        // add where condition to show only those posts commetns which are visible for the current User
        $SQL->WHERE_and(statuses_where_clause(get_inskin_statuses(), 'post_', $blog_ID, 'blog_post!', true));
        $number_of_comments_in_cat[(string) $blog_ID] = $DB->get_assoc($SQL->get());
    return isset($number_of_comments_in_cat[(string) $blog_ID][$cat_ID]) ? (int) $number_of_comments_in_cat[(string) $blog_ID][$cat_ID] : 0;