  * Set the max cache size to the number of mailboxes to avoid cache cleanups
  * when searching all mailboxes
 $aConfig['max_cache_size'] = count($mboxes_mailbox) + 1;
  * until there is no per mailbox option screen to set prefs we override
  * the mailboxprefs by the default ones
 $aMailboxPref[MBX_PREF_LIMIT] = (int) $show_num;
 $aMailboxPref[MBX_PREF_AUTO_EXPUNGE] = (bool) $auto_expunge;
 $aMailboxPref[MBX_PREF_INTERNALDATE] = (bool) getPref($data_dir, $username, 'internal_date_sort');
 $aConfig['search'] = $search['search'];
 $aConfig['charset'] = $search['charset'];
 $aConfig['setindex'] = 1;
 // $what $where = 'search'
 $aMailbox = sqm_api_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mbx, $aConfig, $aMailboxPref);
  * Handle form actions like flag / unflag, seen / unseen, delete
 if (sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $postMailbox, SQ_POST)) {
     if ($postMailbox === $mbx) {
         handleMessageListForm($imapConnection, $aMailbox);
 if (fetchMessageHeaders($imapConnection, $aMailbox)) {
     $msgsfound = true;
     echo '<br />';
     asearch_print_mailbox_msgs($imapConnection, $aMailbox, $color);
 /* add the mailbox to the cache */
sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE);
sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION);
sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION);
sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox_cache', $mailbox_cache, SQ_SESSION);
sqgetGlobalVar('messages', $messages, SQ_SESSION);
sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $mailbox, SQ_GET);
sqgetGlobalVar('ent_id', $ent_id, SQ_GET);
sqgetGlobalVar('absolute_dl', $absolute_dl, SQ_GET);
if (sqgetGlobalVar('passed_id', $temp, SQ_GET)) {
    $passed_id = (int) $temp;
global $default_charset;
/* end globals */
$imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
$aMailbox = sqm_api_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox, array(), array());
if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$passed_id]['MESSAGE_OBJECT']) && is_object($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$passed_id]['MESSAGE_OBJECT'])) {
    $message = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$passed_id]['MESSAGE_OBJECT'];
} else {
    $message = sqimap_get_message($imapConnection, $passed_id, $mailbox);
    $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$passed_id]['MESSAGE_OBJECT'] = $message;
//$mbx_response =  sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox);
//$message = &$messages[$mbx_response['UIDVALIDITY']]["$passed_id"];
//if (!is_object($message)) {
//    $message = sqimap_get_message($imapConnection,$passed_id, $mailbox);
$subject = $message->rfc822_header->subject;
if ($ent_id) {
    $message =& $message->getEntity($ent_id);
    $header = $message->header;
 * Process messages list form and handle the cache gracefully. If $sButton and
 * $aUid are provided as argument then you can fake a message list submit and
 * use it i.e. in read_body.php for del move next and update the cache
 * @param  resource $imapConnection imap connection
 * @param  array    $aMailbox       (reference) cached mailbox
 * @param  string   $sButton        fake a submit button
 * @param  array    $aUid           fake the $msg array
 * @param  string   $targetMailbox  fake the target mailbox for move operations
 * @param  boolean  $bypass_trash   fake the bypass trash checkbox for delete operations
 * @return string $sError error string in case of an error
 * @since 1.5.1
 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
function handleMessageListForm($imapConnection, &$aMailbox, $sButton = '', $aUid = array(), $targetMailbox = '', $bypass_trash = NULL)
    /* incoming formdata */
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('moveButton', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'move' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('copyButton', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'copy' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('expungeButton', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'expunge' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('forward', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'forward' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('delete', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'setDeleted' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('undeleteButton', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'unsetDeleted' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('markRead', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'setSeen' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('markUnread', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'unsetSeen' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('markFlagged', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'setFlagged' : $sButton;
    $sButton = sqgetGlobalVar('markUnflagged', $sTmp, SQ_FORM) ? 'unsetFlagged' : $sButton;
    if (empty($targetMailbox)) {
        sqgetGlobalVar('targetMailbox', $targetMailbox, SQ_FORM);
    if (is_null($bypass_trash)) {
        sqgetGlobalVar('bypass_trash', $bypass_trash, SQ_FORM);
    sqgetGlobalVar('msg', $msg, SQ_FORM);
    if (sqgetGlobalVar('account', $iAccount, SQ_FORM) === false) {
        $iAccount = 0;
    $sError = '';
    $mailbox = $aMailbox['NAME'];
    /* retrieve the check boxes */
    $aUid = isset($msg) && is_array($msg) ? array_values($msg) : $aUid;
    if (count($aUid) && $sButton != 'expunge') {
        // don't do anything to any messages until we have done security check
        // FIXME: not sure this code really belongs here, but there's nowhere else to put it with this architecture
        sqgetGlobalVar('smtoken', $submitted_token, SQ_FORM, '');
        sm_validate_security_token($submitted_token, -1, TRUE);
        // make sure message UIDs are sanitized (BIGINT)
        foreach ($aUid as $i => $uid) {
            $aUid[$i] = preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $uid) ? $uid : '0';
        $aUpdatedMsgs = false;
        $bExpunge = false;
        switch ($sButton) {
            case 'setDeleted':
                // check if id exists in case we come from read_body
                if (count($aUid) == 1 && is_array($aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']]) && !in_array($aUid[0], $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']])) {
                $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_msgs_list_delete($imapConnection, $mailbox, $aUid, $bypass_trash);
                $bExpunge = true;
            case 'unsetDeleted':
            case 'setSeen':
            case 'unsetSeen':
            case 'setFlagged':
            case 'unsetFlagged':
                // get flag
                $sFlag = substr($sButton, 0, 3) == 'set' ? '\\' . substr($sButton, 3) : '\\' . substr($sButton, 5);
                $bSet = substr($sButton, 0, 3) == 'set' ? true : false;
                $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_toggle_flag($imapConnection, $aUid, $sFlag, $bSet, true);
            case 'move':
                $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_msgs_list_move($imapConnection, $aUid, $targetMailbox, true, $mailbox);
                sqsession_register($targetMailbox, 'lastTargetMailbox');
                $bExpunge = true;
            case 'copy':
                // sqimap_msgs_list_copy returns true or false.
                // If error happens - fourth argument handles it inside function.
                sqimap_msgs_list_copy($imapConnection, $aUid, $targetMailbox, true);
                sqsession_register($targetMailbox, 'lastTargetMailbox');
            case 'forward':
                $aMsgHeaders = array();
                foreach ($aUid as $iUid) {
                    $aMsgHeaders[$iUid] = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid];
                if (count($aMsgHeaders)) {
                    $composesession = attachSelectedMessages($imapConnection, $aMsgHeaders);
                    // dirty hack, add info to $aMailbox
                    $aMailbox['FORWARD_SESSION']['SESSION_NUMBER'] = $composesession;
                    $aMailbox['FORWARD_SESSION']['UIDS'] = $aUid;
                // Hook for plugin buttons
                $temp = array(&$sButton, &$aMailbox, $iAccount, $aMailbox['NAME'], &$aUid);
                do_hook('mailbox_display_button_action', $temp);
         * $aUpdatedMsgs is an array containing the result of the untagged
         * fetch responses send by the imap server due to a flag change. That
         * response is parsed in an array with msg arrays by the parseFetch function
        if ($aUpdatedMsgs) {
            // Update the message headers cache
            $aDeleted = array();
            foreach ($aUpdatedMsgs as $iUid => $aMsg) {
                if (isset($aMsg['FLAGS'])) {
                     * Only update the cached headers if the header is
                     * cached.
                    if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid])) {
                        $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['FLAGS'] = $aMsg['FLAGS'];
                     * Also update flags in message object
                    //FIXME: WHY are we keeping flags in TWO places?!?  This is error-prone and some core code uses the is_xxxx message object values while other code uses the flags array above.  That's a mess.
                    if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['MESSAGE_OBJECT'])) {
                        $message = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['MESSAGE_OBJECT'];
                        $message->is_seen = false;
                        $message->is_answered = false;
                        $message->is_forwarded = false;
                        $message->is_deleted = false;
                        $message->is_flagged = false;
                        $message->is_mdnsent = false;
                        foreach ($aMsg['FLAGS'] as $flag => $value) {
                            if (strtolower($flag) == '\\seen' && $value) {
                                $message->is_seen = true;
                            } else {
                                if (strtolower($flag) == '\\answered' && $value) {
                                    $message->is_answered = true;
                                } else {
                                    if (strtolower($flag) == '$forwarded' && $value) {
                                        $message->is_forwarded = true;
                                    } else {
                                        if (strtolower($flag) == '\\deleted' && $value) {
                                            $message->is_deleted = true;
                                        } else {
                                            if (strtolower($flag) == '\\flagged' && $value) {
                                                $message->is_flagged = true;
                                            } else {
                                                if (strtolower($flag) == '$mdnsent' && $value) {
                                                    $message->is_mdnsent = true;
                        $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['MESSAGE_OBJECT'] = $message;
                     * Count the messages with the \Delete flag set so we can determine
                     * if the number of expunged messages equals the number of flagged
                     * messages for deletion.
                    if (isset($aMsg['FLAGS']['\\deleted']) && $aMsg['FLAGS']['\\deleted']) {
                        $aDeleted[] = $iUid;
            if ($bExpunge && $aMailbox['AUTO_EXPUNGE'] && ($iExpungedMessages = sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $aMailbox['NAME'], true))) {
                if (count($aDeleted) != $iExpungedMessages) {
                    // there are more messages deleted permanently then we expected
                    // invalidate the cache
                    $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] = false;
                    $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'] = false;
                } else {
                    // remove expunged messages from cache
                    $aUidSet = $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']];
                    if (is_array($aUidSet)) {
                        // create a UID => array index temp array
                        $aUidSetDummy = array_flip($aUidSet);
                        foreach ($aDeleted as $iUid) {
                            // get the id as well in case of SQM_SORT_NONE
                            if ($aMailbox['SORT'] == SQSORT_NONE) {
                                $aMailbox['ID'] = false;
                                //$iId = $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$iUid]['ID'];
                            // unset the UID and message header
                        $aMailbox['UIDSET'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] = array_keys($aUidSetDummy);
                // update EXISTS info
                if ($iExpungedMessages) {
                    $aMailbox['EXISTS'] -= (int) $iExpungedMessages;
                    $aMailbox['TOTAL'][$aMailbox['SETINDEX']] -= (int) $iExpungedMessages;
                if ($aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - 1 >= $aMailbox['EXISTS']) {
                    $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] > $aMailbox['LIMIT'] ? $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - $aMailbox['LIMIT'] : 1;
                    $aMailbox['OFFSET'] = $aMailbox['PAGEOFFSET'] - 1;
    } else {
        if ($sButton == 'expunge') {
             * on expunge we do not know which messages will be deleted
             * so it's useless to try to sync the cache
             * Close the mailbox so we do not need to parse the untagged expunge
             * responses which do not contain uid info.
             * NB: Closing a mailbox is faster then expunge because the imap
             * server does not need to generate the untagged expunge responses
            sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, 'CLOSE', false, $result, $message);
            $aMailbox = sqm_api_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $iAccount, $aMailbox['NAME'], array(), array());
        } else {
            // this is the same hook as above, but here it is called in the
            // context of not having had any messages selected and if any
            // plugin handles the situation, it should return TRUE so we
            // know this was not an erroneous user action
            global $null;
            $temp = array(&$sButton, &$aMailbox, $iAccount, $aMailbox['NAME'], $null);
            if (!boolean_hook_function('mailbox_display_button_action', $temp, 1) && $sButton) {
                $sError = _("No messages were selected.");
    return $sError;
 * temporary function to make use of the deliver class.
 * In the future the responsible backend should be automaticly loaded
 * and conf.pl should show a list of available backends.
 * The message also should be constructed by the message class.
 * @param object $composeMessage The message being sent.  Please note
 *                               that it is passed by reference and
 *                               will be returned modified, with additional
 *                               headers, such as Message-ID, Date, In-Reply-To,
 *                               References, and so forth.
 * @return boolean FALSE if delivery failed, or some non-FALSE value
 *                 upon success.
function deliverMessage(&$composeMessage, $draft = false)
    global $send_to, $send_to_cc, $send_to_bcc, $mailprio, $subject, $body, $username, $identity, $idents, $data_dir, $request_mdn, $request_dr, $default_charset, $useSendmail, $domain, $action, $default_move_to_sent, $move_to_sent, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $imap_stream_options, $sent_folder, $key;
    $rfc822_header = $composeMessage->rfc822_header;
    $abook = addressbook_init(false, true);
    $rfc822_header->to = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($send_to, true, array(), '', $domain, array(&$abook, 'lookup'));
    $rfc822_header->cc = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($send_to_cc, true, array(), '', $domain, array(&$abook, 'lookup'));
    $rfc822_header->bcc = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($send_to_bcc, true, array(), '', $domain, array(&$abook, 'lookup'));
    $rfc822_header->priority = $mailprio;
    $rfc822_header->subject = $subject;
    $special_encoding = '';
    if (strtolower($default_charset) == 'iso-2022-jp') {
        if (mb_detect_encoding($body) == 'ASCII') {
            $special_encoding = '8bit';
        } else {
            $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'JIS');
            $special_encoding = '7bit';
    $reply_to = '';
    $reply_to = $idents[$identity]['reply_to'];
    if ($reply_to && strpos($reply_to, '@') === FALSE) {
        $reply_to .= '@' . $domain;
    $from_addr = build_from_header($identity);
    $rfc822_header->from = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($from_addr, true);
    if ($reply_to) {
        $rfc822_header->reply_to = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($reply_to, true);
    /* Receipt: On Read */
    if (isset($request_mdn) && $request_mdn) {
        $rfc822_header->dnt = $rfc822_header->parseAddress($from_addr, true);
    } elseif (isset($rfc822_header->dnt)) {
    /* Receipt: On Delivery */
    if (!empty($request_dr)) {
        //FIXME: it would be better to fiddle with headers inside of the message object or possibly when delivering the message to its destination; is this possible?
        $rfc822_header->more_headers['Return-Receipt-To'] = $from_addr;
    } elseif (isset($rfc822_header->more_headers['Return-Receipt-To'])) {
    /* multipart messages */
    if (count($composeMessage->entities)) {
        $message_body = new Message();
        $message_body->body_part = $composeMessage->body_part;
        $composeMessage->body_part = '';
        $mime_header = new MessageHeader();
        $mime_header->type0 = 'text';
        $mime_header->type1 = 'plain';
        if ($special_encoding) {
            $mime_header->encoding = $special_encoding;
        } else {
            $mime_header->encoding = '8bit';
        if ($default_charset) {
            $mime_header->parameters['charset'] = $default_charset;
        $message_body->mime_header = $mime_header;
        array_unshift($composeMessage->entities, $message_body);
        $content_type = new ContentType('multipart/mixed');
    } else {
        $content_type = new ContentType('text/plain');
        if ($special_encoding) {
            $rfc822_header->encoding = $special_encoding;
        } else {
            $rfc822_header->encoding = '8bit';
        if ($default_charset) {
            $content_type->properties['charset'] = $default_charset;
    $rfc822_header->content_type = $content_type;
    $composeMessage->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header;
    if ($action == 'reply' || $action == 'reply_all') {
        global $passed_id, $passed_ent_id;
        $reply_id = $passed_id;
        $reply_ent_id = $passed_ent_id;
    } else {
        $reply_id = '';
        $reply_ent_id = '';
    /* Here you can modify the message structure just before we hand
       it over to deliver; plugin authors note that $composeMessage
       is sent and modified by reference since 1.5.2 */
    do_hook('compose_send', $composeMessage);
    if (!$useSendmail && !$draft) {
        require_once SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_SMTP.class.php';
        $deliver = new Deliver_SMTP();
        global $smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort, $smtp_stream_options, $pop_before_smtp, $pop_before_smtp_host;
        $authPop = isset($pop_before_smtp) && $pop_before_smtp ? true : false;
        if (empty($pop_before_smtp_host)) {
            $pop_before_smtp_host = $smtpServerAddress;
        get_smtp_user($user, $pass);
        $stream = $deliver->initStream($composeMessage, $domain, 0, $smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort, $user, $pass, $authPop, $pop_before_smtp_host, $smtp_stream_options);
    } elseif (!$draft) {
        require_once SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_SendMail.class.php';
        global $sendmail_path, $sendmail_args;
        // Check for outdated configuration
        if (!isset($sendmail_args)) {
            if ($sendmail_path == '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject') {
                $sendmail_args = '';
            } else {
                $sendmail_args = '-i -t';
        $deliver = new Deliver_SendMail(array('sendmail_args' => $sendmail_args));
        $stream = $deliver->initStream($composeMessage, $sendmail_path);
    } elseif ($draft) {
        global $draft_folder;
        $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, false, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0, $imap_stream_options);
        if (sqimap_mailbox_exists($imap_stream, $draft_folder)) {
            require_once SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_IMAP.class.php';
            $imap_deliver = new Deliver_IMAP();
            $success = $imap_deliver->mail($composeMessage, $imap_stream, $reply_id, $reply_ent_id, $imap_stream, $draft_folder);
            return $success;
        } else {
            $msg = '<br />' . sprintf(_("Error: Draft folder %s does not exist."), sm_encode_html_special_chars($draft_folder));
            return false;
    $success = false;
    if ($stream) {
        $deliver->mail($composeMessage, $stream, $reply_id, $reply_ent_id);
        $success = $deliver->finalizeStream($stream);
    if (!$success) {
        // $deliver->dlv_server_msg is not always server's reply
        $msg = _("Message not sent.") . "<br />\n" . (isset($deliver->dlv_msg) ? $deliver->dlv_msg : '');
        if (!empty($deliver->dlv_server_msg)) {
            // add 'server replied' part only when it is not empty.
            // Delivery error can be generated by delivery class itself
            $msg .= '<br />' . _("Server replied:") . ' ' . (isset($deliver->dlv_ret_nr) ? $deliver->dlv_ret_nr . ' ' : '') . nl2br(sm_encode_html_special_chars($deliver->dlv_server_msg));
    } else {
        $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, false, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0, $imap_stream_options);
        // mark as replied or forwarded if applicable
        global $what, $iAccount, $startMessage, $passed_id, $fwduid, $mailbox;
        if ($action == 'reply' || $action == 'reply_all' || $action == 'forward' || $action == 'forward_as_attachment') {
            require SM_PATH . 'functions/mailbox_display.php';
            $aMailbox = sqm_api_mailbox_select($imap_stream, $iAccount, $mailbox, array('setindex' => $what, 'offset' => $startMessage), array());
            switch ($action) {
                case 'reply':
                case 'reply_all':
                    // check if we are allowed to set the \\Answered flag
                    if (in_array('\\answered', $aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true)) {
                        $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_toggle_flag($imap_stream, array($passed_id), '\\Answered', true, false);
                        if (isset($aUpdatedMsgs[$passed_id]['FLAGS'])) {
                             * Only update the cached headers if the header is
                             * cached.
                            if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$passed_id])) {
                                $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$passed_id]['FLAGS'] = $aMsg['FLAGS'];
                case 'forward':
                case 'forward_as_attachment':
                    // check if we are allowed to set the $Forwarded flag (RFC 4550 paragraph 2.8)
                    if (in_array('$forwarded', $aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'], true) || in_array('\\*', $aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'])) {
                        // when forwarding as an attachment from the message
                        // list, passed_id is not used, need to get UID(s)
                        // from the query string
                        if (empty($passed_id) && !empty($fwduid)) {
                            $ids = explode('_', $fwduid);
                        } else {
                            $ids = array($passed_id);
                        $aUpdatedMsgs = sqimap_toggle_flag($imap_stream, $ids, '$Forwarded', true, false);
                        foreach ($ids as $id) {
                            if (isset($aUpdatedMsgs[$id]['FLAGS'])) {
                                if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$id])) {
                                    $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$id]['FLAGS'] = $aMsg['FLAGS'];
             * Write mailbox with updated seen flag information back to cache.
            if (isset($aUpdatedMsgs[$passed_id])) {
                $mailbox_cache[$iAccount . '_' . $aMailbox['NAME']] = $aMailbox;
                sqsession_register($mailbox_cache, 'mailbox_cache');
        // move to sent folder
        $move_to_sent = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'move_to_sent');
        if (isset($default_move_to_sent) && $default_move_to_sent != 0) {
            $svr_allow_sent = true;
        } else {
            $svr_allow_sent = false;
        if (isset($sent_folder) && ($sent_folder != '' || $sent_folder != 'none') && sqimap_mailbox_exists($imap_stream, $sent_folder)) {
            $fld_sent = true;
        } else {
            $fld_sent = false;
        if (isset($move_to_sent) && $move_to_sent != 0 || !isset($move_to_sent)) {
            $lcl_allow_sent = true;
        } else {
            $lcl_allow_sent = false;
        if ($fld_sent && $svr_allow_sent && !$lcl_allow_sent || $fld_sent && $lcl_allow_sent) {
            if ($action == 'reply' || $action == 'reply_all') {
                $save_reply_with_orig = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'save_reply_with_orig');
                if ($save_reply_with_orig) {
                    $sent_folder = $mailbox;
            require_once SM_PATH . 'class/deliver/Deliver_IMAP.class.php';
            $imap_deliver = new Deliver_IMAP();
            $imap_deliver->mail($composeMessage, $imap_stream, $reply_id, $reply_ent_id, $imap_stream, $sent_folder);
        // final cleanup
    return $success;
if (sqgetGlobalVar('view_unsafe_images', $temp)) {
    $view_unsafe_images = (int) $temp;
    if ($view_unsafe_images == 1) {
        $show_html_default = 1;
} else {
    $view_unsafe_images = 0;
 * Retrieve mailbox cache
sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox_cache', $mailbox_cache, SQ_SESSION);
/* end of get globals */
$imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, false, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
$aMailbox = sqm_api_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $iAccount, $mailbox, array('setindex' => $what, 'offset' => $startMessage), array());
 Start code to set the columns to fetch in case of hitting the next/prev link
 The reason for this is the fact that the cache can be invalidated which means that the headers
 to fetch aren't there anymore. Before they got calculated when the messagelist was shown.

 Todo, better central handling of setting the mailbox options so we do not need to do the stuff below
 * Replace From => To  in case it concerns a draft or sent folder
$aColumns = array();
if (($mailbox == $sent_folder || $mailbox == $draft_folder) && !in_array(SQM_COL_TO, $index_order)) {
    $aNewOrder = array();
    // nice var name ;)
    foreach ($index_order as $iCol) {
if (sqgetGlobalVar('sort', $temp)) {
    $sort = (int) $temp;
if (sqgetGlobalVar('startMessage', $temp)) {
    $startMessage = (int) $temp;
} else {
    $startMessage = 1;
 * Retrieve mailbox cache
sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox_cache', $mailbox_cache, SQ_SESSION);
/* end of get globals */
global $sqimap_capabilities, $lastTargetMailbox;
$imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
$aMailbox = sqm_api_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox, array('setindex' => $what), array());
 * Update the seen state
 * and ignore in_array('\\seen',$aMailbox['PERMANENTFLAGS'],true)
if (isset($aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$passed_id]['FLAGS'])) {
    $aMailbox['MSG_HEADERS'][$passed_id]['FLAGS']['\\seen'] = true;
 * Process Delete from delete-move-next
 * but only if delete_id was set
if (sqgetGlobalVar('delete_id', $delete_id, SQ_GET)) {
    handleMessageListForm($imapConnection, $aMailbox, $sButton = 'setDeleted', array($delete_id));
    //    sqimap_messages_delete($imapConnection, $delete_id, $delete_id, $mailbox);
    //    sqimap_mailbox_expunge_dmn($imapConnection,$aMailbox,$delete_id);