function RetrieveEmployeesByPosition($employeePosition1 = null, $employeePosition2 = null, $employeePosition3 = null) { $dtoArray = array(); $subQuery = "SELECT posId FROM OHPS"; if (!empty($employeePosition1)) { $subQuery = $subQuery . " WHERE name LIKE '%" . $employeePosition1 . "%'"; } if (!empty($employeePosition2)) { $subQuery = $subQuery . " OR name LIKE '%" . $employeePosition2 . "%'"; } if (!empty($employeePosition3)) { $subQuery = $subQuery . " OR name LIKE '%" . $employeePosition3 . "%'"; } $query = "SELECT empID, firstName, middleName, lastName FROM OHEM WHERE position IN (" . $subQuery . ") ORDER BY firstName DESC"; $recordSet = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlserverConnection, $query); $index = 0; while ($record = sqlsrv_fetch_array($recordSet, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $dto = new EmployeeDTO(); $dto->empID = $record["empID"]; $dto->firstName = $record["firstName"]; $dto->middleName = $record["middleName"]; $dto->lastName = $record["lastName"]; $dtoArray[$index] = $dto; $index++; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($recordSet); return $dtoArray; }
function RetrieveRecordArray($filter = null) { $dtoArray = array(); // Procura na tabela OCRD (Partner Card) $query = "SELECT CardCode, CardName, CardFName, frozenFor, CntctPrsn, Phone1, IndustryC FROM OCRD WHERE " . $filter; if (empty($filter)) { $query = "SELECT CardCode, CardName, CardFName, frozenFor, CntctPrsn, Phone1, IndustryC FROM OCRD WHERE CardName IS NOT NULL ORDER BY cardName"; } $recordSet = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlserverConnection, $query); $index = 0; while ($record = sqlsrv_fetch_array($recordSet, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $dto = new BusinessPartnerDTO(); $dto->cardCode = $record['CardCode']; $dto->cardName = $record['CardName']; $dto->cardFName = $record['CardFName']; $dto->inactive = $record['frozenFor']; $dto->contactPerson = $record['CntctPrsn']; $dto->telephoneNumber = $record['Phone1']; $dto->industry = $record['IndustryC']; $dtoArray[$index] = $dto; $index++; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($recordSet); return $dtoArray; }
public function Query($Procedimiento, $RetornaDatos, $arrayValores = "") { $parametros = array(); $NombreServidor = constant("sqlHost"); $InfoConexion = array("UID" => constant("sqlUsuario"), "PWD" => constant("sqlContrasena"), "Database" => $this->NombreBaseDatos); $conn = sqlsrv_connect($NombreServidor, $InfoConexion); if (is_array($arrayValores)) { $stringInterrogacion = "(?"; for ($i = 1; $i < count($arrayValores); $i++) { $stringInterrogacion .= ",?"; } $stringInterrogacion .= ")"; $Procedimiento = "{call " . $Procedimiento . " " . $stringInterrogacion . "}"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrayValores); $i++) { array_push($parametros, array($arrayValores[$i], SQLSRV_PARAM_IN)); } } else { $Procedimiento = "{call " . $Procedimiento . "}"; } $stmt3 = sqlsrv_query($conn, $Procedimiento, $parametros); if ($RetornaDatos) { $array = array(); while ($obj = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt3, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $array[] = $obj; } return $array; sqlsrv_free_stmt($stmt3); } sqlsrv_close($conn); }
function sql_query($sqltype, $query, $con) { if ($sqltype == 'mysql') { if (class_exists('mysqli')) { return $con->query($query); } elseif (function_exists('mysql_query')) { return mysql_query($query); } } elseif ($sqltype == 'mssql') { if (function_exists('sqlsrv_query')) { return sqlsrv_query($con, $query); } elseif (function_exists('mssql_query')) { return mssql_query($query); } } elseif ($sqltype == 'pgsql') { return pg_query($query); } elseif ($sqltype == 'oracle') { return oci_execute(oci_parse($con, $query)); } elseif ($sqltype == 'sqlite3') { return $con->query($query); } elseif ($sqltype == 'sqlite') { return sqlite_query($con, $query); } elseif ($sqltype == 'odbc') { return odbc_exec($con, $query); } elseif ($sqltype == 'pdo') { return $con->query($query); } }
public function query($sql) { LogMaster::log($sql); if ($this->start_from) { $res = sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $sql, array(), array("Scrollable" => SQLSRV_CURSOR_STATIC)); } else { $res = sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $sql); } if ($res === false) { $errors = sqlsrv_errors(); $message = array(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $message[] = $error["SQLSTATE"] . $error["code"] . $error["message"]; } throw new Exception("SQLSrv operation failed\n" . implode("\n\n", $message)); } if ($this->insert_operation) { sqlsrv_next_result($res); $last = sqlsrv_fetch_array($res); $this->last_id = $last["dhx_id"]; sqlsrv_free_stmt($res); } if ($this->start_from) { $data = sqlsrv_fetch($res, SQLSRV_SCROLL_ABSOLUTE, $this->start_from - 1); } return $res; }
function get_count($MID) { $query = "SELECT * FROM riot4.users WHERE logged_MID = ?"; $params = array($MID); $statement = sqlsrv_query($conn, $query, $params); return sqlsrv_num_rows($statement); }
function RetrieveOther($filter = null) { $dtoArray = array(); $query = "SELECT OINV.Serial, INV1.Usage, OINV.CardCode, OINV.CardName, OINV.DocTotal, ORCT.CashSum, ORCT.CheckSum, ORCT.TrsfrSum, ORCT.DocDueDate, OSLP.SlpCode, OSLP.SlpName, OINV.U_demFaturamento FROM ORCT "; $query .= "JOIN RCT2 ON RCT2.DocNum = ORCT.DocEntry "; $query .= "JOIN OINV ON OINV.DocEntry = RCT2.DocEntry "; $query .= "JOIN INV1 ON INV1.DocEntry = OINV.DocEntry "; $query .= "JOIN OSLP ON OSLP.SlpCode = OINV.SlpCode "; if (!empty($filter)) { $query .= " WHERE " . $filter; } $recordSet = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlserverConnection, $query); $index = 0; while ($record = sqlsrv_fetch_array($recordSet, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $dto = new InvoicePaymentDTO(); $dto->serial = $record['Serial']; $dto->tipo = $record['Usage']; $dto->cardCode = $record['CardCode']; $dto->cardName = $record['CardName']; $dto->valorNotaFiscal = $record['DocTotal']; $dto->valorDinheiro = $record['CashSum']; $dto->valorCheque = $record['CheckSum']; $dto->valorDeposito = $record['TrsfrSum']; $dto->date = $record['DocDueDate']; $dto->slpCode = $record['SlpCode']; $dto->slpName = $record['SlpName']; $dto->demFaturamento = $record['U_demFaturamento']; $dtoArray[$index] = $dto; $index++; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($recordSet); return $dtoArray; }
function RetrieveRecordArray($filter = null) { $dtoArray = array(); $query = "SELECT Address, AddrType, Street, StreetNo, Building, ZipCode, Block, City, State, Country, U_Secretaria FROM CRD1 WHERE " . $filter; if (empty($filter)) { $query = "SELECT Address, AddrType, Street, StreetNo, Building, ZipCode, Block, City, State, Country, U_Secretaria FROM CRD1 WHERE Address IS NOT NULL"; } $recordSet = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlserverConnection, $query); $index = 0; while ($record = sqlsrv_fetch_array($recordSet, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $dto = new PartnerAddressDTO(); $dto->addressLabel = $record["Address"]; $dto->addrType = $record["AddrType"]; $dto->street = $record["Street"]; $dto->streetNo = $record["StreetNo"]; $dto->building = $record["Building"]; $dto->zipCode = $record["ZipCode"]; $dto->block = $record["Block"]; $dto->city = $record["City"]; $dto->state = $record["State"]; $dto->country = $record["Country"]; $dto->locationRef = $record["U_Secretaria"]; $dtoArray[$index] = $dto; $index++; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($recordSet); return $dtoArray; }
/** * * @param resource $conn * Recurso que contiene la conexión SQL. * @param string $tabla * @param boolean $comprobar * Si está a true (valor por defecto) siempre hace la comprobación. * Si se pone el valor a false sólo hace la comprobación cuando es * día 1. * @return mixed array si hay un error SQL. Si la tabla no existe false. Si la * tabla existe true. */ function existeTabla($conn, $tabla, $comprobarTabla = 1) { $hoy = getdate(); if ($hoy["mday"] == 1 or $comprobarTabla) { global $respError; $sql = "select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'{$tabla}')"; // Ejecutar una consulta SQL para saber si existe la tabla de auditoría ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sql); if ($stmt === false) { if (($errors = sqlsrv_errors()) != null) { $SQLSTATE = $errors[0]["SQLSTATE"]; $Cerror = $errors[0]["code"]; $Merror = utf8_encode($errors[0]["message"]); if ($farmacia == FARMACIA_DEBUG or strlen(FARMACIA_DEBUG) == 0) { if (DEBUG & DEBUG_ERROR_SQL) { $mensaje = "--[" . date("c") . "] código: {$Cerror} mensaje: {$Merror} \n"; $mensaje .= "--Error en el fichero: " . __FILE__ . ", en la línea: " . __LINE__; error_log($mensaje . $sql . "\r\n", 3, DIRECTORIO_LOG . __FUNCTION__ . "_" . date("YmdH") . ".log"); } } // Error al hacer la consulta return $respError->errorSQL($SQLSTATE, $Cerror, $Merror); } } if (sqlsrv_has_rows($stmt) === false) { // La tabla no existe. return false; } } // La tabla existe o no hay que comprobarlo return true; }
function dbcall() { session_start(); $seubid = (string) session_id(); $server = "bamsql2"; $options = array("UID" => "genes", "PWD" => "Genes12", "Database" => "genes"); $conn = sqlsrv_connect($server, $options); if ($conn === false) { die("<pre>" . print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } $rno = $_POST['Rnumber']; $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; $sql = "insert INTO dbo.contactinfo values('{$rno}','{$name}','{$email}','{$gender}')"; $query = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sql); if ($query === false) { exit("<pre>" . print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } #while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($query)) # { echo "<p>Hello, $row[ascore]!</p>"; #} sqlsrv_free_stmt($query); sqlsrv_close($conn); }
public function execute_query($sql, $cursortype = SQLSRV_CURSOR_FORWARD) { $sqldirective = strtoupper(substr($sql, 0, strpos($sql, ' '))); switch ($sqldirective) { case 'SELECT': $type = SQL_QUERY_SELECT; break; case 'INSERT': $type = SQL_QUERY_INSERT; break; case 'UPDATE': $type = SQL_QUERY_UPDATE; break; case 'DELETE': $type = SQL_QUERY_UPDATE; break; default: print_error('unknownsqldirective', 'block_vmoodle'); return false; } $this->query_start($sql, null, $type); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql, null, array('Scrollable' => $cursortype)); $this->query_end($result); return $result; }
function RetrieveRecordArray($filter = null) { $dtoArray = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM ( "; $query .= "SELECT EQP.customer AS codigoCliente, CLI.cardName + ' (' + CLI.cardCode + ')' AS nomeCliente, EQP.insID AS codigoEquipamento, EQP.manufSN AS serieEquipamento, AS codigoModelo, MDL.modelo AS tagModelo, "; $query .= "FAB.FirmName AS fabricante, AS numeroChamado, CHAM.tempoAtendimento, MONTH(CHAM.dataAtendimento) AS mesReferencia, YEAR(CHAM.dataAtendimento) AS anoReferencia "; $query .= "FROM MYSQL...chamadoServico CHAM "; $query .= "JOIN OINS EQP ON CHAM.cartaoEquipamento = EQP.insID "; $query .= "JOIN OCRD CLI ON EQP.customer = CLI.cardCode "; $query .= "JOIN MYSQL...modeloEquipamento MDL ON EQP.U_Model = "; $query .= "JOIN OMRC FAB ON MDL.fabricante = FAB.FirmCode "; $query .= " ) LABOREXPENSES "; if (isset($filter) && !empty($filter)) { $query = $query . " WHERE " . $filter; } $recordSet = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlserverConnection, $query . " ORDER BY nomeCliente, serieEquipamento"); $index = 0; while ($record = sqlsrv_fetch_array($recordSet, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $dto = new LaborExpenseDTO(); $dto->codigoCliente = $record["codigoCliente"]; $dto->nomeCliente = $record["nomeCliente"]; $dto->codigoEquipamento = $record["codigoEquipamento"]; $dto->serieEquipamento = $record["serieEquipamento"]; $dto->codigoModelo = $record["codigoModelo"]; $dto->tagModelo = $record["tagModelo"]; $dto->fabricante = $record["fabricante"]; $dto->numeroChamado = $record["numeroChamado"]; $dto->tempoAtendimento = $record["tempoAtendimento"]; $dtoArray[$index] = $dto; $index++; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($recordSet); return $dtoArray; }
public function checkUserSession() { if (!isset($this->SessionID)) { return array(false, "Session key empty"); } $SessionID = $this->SessionID; $sql = "SELECT Email FROM Sessions WHERE SessionID = ?"; $params = array($SessionID); global $conn; if ($conn) { $stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sql, $params); if ($stmt === false) { return array(false, "Connection to server failed."); } else { if (sqlsrv_has_rows($stmt) > 0) { $email = ''; while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $email = $row['Email']; } return array(true, $email); } else { return array(false, "Failed to authenticate"); } } } }
function GetFacultyQuestions($groupid) { include_once 'db_Connection.php'; $conn = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectionInfo); $questionvalues = array(); $questions = array(); $faculty = array(); $facultyquestions = array(); if ($conn) { //----get acadyear------------------- $acid = 0; $sqlstr = " SELECT [AcadYearID] FROM [dbo].[Groups] where [groupid]=? "; $params = array($groupid); $sqlquery = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sqlstr, $params); if ($sqlquery) { while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($sqlquery, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $acid = $row['AcadYearID']; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($sqlquery); } $sqlstr = " SELECT [questionTypeId],[value],[text] " . " FROM [dbo].[QuestionValues] " . " order by questionTypeId "; // $params = array ($acid); $sqlquery = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sqlstr); if ($sqlquery) { while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_object($sqlquery)) { $questionvalues[] = $row; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($sqlquery); } //----get question array------------------- $sqlstr = " SELECT [QuestionID],[QueastionText],[questionType],[maxmark],-1 as mark,'' as description " . " FROM [dbo].[Questions] " . " where [QuestionLecturer]=0 " . " and [Acadyear]=? "; $params = array($acid); $sqlquery = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sqlstr, $params); if ($sqlquery) { while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_object($sqlquery)) { $row->questionValues = array(); foreach ($questionvalues as &$questValue) { if ($questValue->questionTypeId === $row->questionType) { array_push($row->questionValues, $questValue); } } $questions[] = $row; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($sqlquery); } //----get faculty------------------- $sqlstr = " SELECT [FacultyID],[FacultyName] FROM [dbo].[Groups] " . " where [groupid]=? "; $params = array($groupid); $sqlquery = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sqlstr, $params); if ($sqlquery) { while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_object($sqlquery)) { $row->quests = $questions; $faculty[] = $row; } $facultyquestions = array("result" => 0, "data" => $faculty); } sqlsrv_close($conn); } return $facultyquestions; }
function TemplateLevel($templateid, $Location, $NationalLevel, $TemplateOwner) { include "dbitcon.php"; //Insert into Template Availability $tempaval = "INSERT INTO Template_Availability (TemplateID,Location,NationalLevel,TemplateOwner) VALUES ('{$templateid}',{$Location},'{$NationalLevel}',{$TemplateOwner})"; $InsertTemplateAvailability = sqlsrv_query($conn, $tempaval); }
public function exec($query, $security = NULL) { if (empty($query)) { return false; } return sqlsrv_query($this->connect, $query); }
public function query($sql) { $this->connect(); $this->stmt = sqlsrv_query($this->conn, $sql); if ($this->stmt === false) { die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } }
/** * Enviar query para servidor SQL * * @param string $query sql query * * @return void */ public function query($query) { $query = filter_var($query, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $this->_query = sqlsrv_query($this->conn, $query); if (!$this->_query) { die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } }
public function insert_id() { if ($this->lnk) { $result = sqlsrv_fetch_array(sqlsrv_query($this->lnk, "select @@IDENTITY as id"), SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC); return $result['id']; } return false; }
/** * @param $idLocation * @return bool|resource */ public function getImages(int $idLocation) { $query = 'SELECT id_image from image where fk_location = ?'; $stmt = sqlsrv_query(Database::getConnection(), $query, array($idLocation)); if (sqlsrv_errors()) { http_response_code(500); } return $stmt; }
function getAll($sql) { $result = sqlsrv_query($this->con, $sql); $arr = array(); while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result)) { $arr[] = $row; } return $arr; }
/** * Executes the passed sql and returns the result set. * * @param $sql * @return bool|resource: a statement resource on success and FALSE if an error occurred. */ function dbQuery($sql) { if (empty($sql)) { return false; } $result = sqlsrv_query(Database::getConnection(), $sql); // Prepares and executes a Transact-SQL query. return $result; }
/** * Prepares and executes a single SQL Server query * @param string $sql * @param array $params Values to bind to placeholders in the query string * @return Statement * @throws SqlException if an error occurs */ public function query($sql, array $params = []) { if (!($stmt = sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $sql, $params))) { throw new SqlException('Query failed', sqlsrv_errors(), $sql, $params); } $statement = new Statement($stmt, false, $sql, $params); $statement->execute(); return $statement; }
function db_exec($qstring, $conn) { global $strLastSQL, $dDebug; if ($dDebug === true) { echo $qstring . "<br>"; } $strLastSQL = $qstring; return sqlsrv_query($conn, $qstring); }
/** * Executes the passed Stored Procedure and returns the result set. * * @param $sql * @param $params - IN & OUT parameters * @return bool|resource: a statement resource on success and FALSE if an error occurred. */ function dbCallSP($storedProcedure, $params) { if (empty($storedProcedure)) { return false; } $result = sqlsrv_query(Database::getInstance()->getConnection(), $storedProcedure, $params); // Prepares and executes a Stored Procedure. return $result; }
/** * Lädt die Orte, welche den mitgegebenen String im Namen enthalten. * Offset: Beim wievielten Datensatz das Laden beginnt * Rows: Wie viele Datensätze geladen werden * @param int $offset * @param int $rows * @param string $location * @return bool|resource */ public function loadLocationsByIdAndName(int $offset, int $rows, string $location) { $query = "SELECT \n id_location AS id_location,\n name AS name, \n description AS description\n FROM location\n WHERE LIKE ?\n ORDER BY id_location\n OFFSET {$offset} ROWS \n FETCH NEXT {$rows} ROWS ONLY"; $stmt = sqlsrv_query(Database::getConnection(), $query, ['%' . $location . '%']); if (sqlsrv_errors()) { http_response_code(500); } return $stmt; }
public function testStatementExecuteWithParams() { $products = $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('zfproducts'); // Make IDENTITY column accept explicit value. // This can be done in only one table in a given session. sqlsrv_query($this->_db->getConnection(), "SET IDENTITY_INSERT {$products} ON"); parent::testStatementExecuteWithParams(); sqlsrv_query($this->_db->getConnection(), "SET IDENTITY_INSERT {$products} OFF"); }
public function loadEventsByLocation(int $location) { $query = 'SELECT AS name, event.description AS description FROM event INNER JOIN location ON event.fk_location = location.id_location WHERE location.id_location = ?'; $stmt = sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $query, [$location]); if (sqlsrv_errors()) { http_response_code(500); } return $stmt; }
private function executeQuery() { $return = false; if ($this->queryType == 'other') { if (sqlsrv_query($this->link, $this->query) !== false) { $return = true; $this->error = sqlsrv_errors(); } } else { if ($stmt = sqlsrv_query($this->link, $this->query)) { // Conteo de registros if ($this->queryType == 'insert' || $this->queryType == 'update' || $this->queryType == 'delete') { $this->numRows = sqlsrv_rows_affected($stmt); $return = true; } else { $this->numRows = sqlsrv_num_rows($stmt); $fetchType = SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC; if ($this->queryReturn == 'assoc') { $fetchType = SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC; } elseif ($this->queryReturn == 'both') { $fetchType = SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH; } $return = array(); while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt, $fetchType)) { array_push($return, $row); } } $this->error = sqlsrv_errors(); sqlsrv_free_stmt($stmt); } else { $this->error = sqlsrv_errors(); } } return $return; }
/** * Connect to the database. * * @throws <b>AgaviDatabaseException</b> If a connection could not be * created. * * @author David Zülke <*****@*****.**> * @since 1.0.4 */ protected function connect() { $serverName = $this->getParameter('server_name'); if ($serverName == null) { // missing required server_name parameter $error = 'Database configuration is missing "server_name" parameter'; throw new AgaviDatabaseException($error); } if ($this->hasParameter('settings')) { foreach ((array) $this->getParameter('settings') as $key => $value) { if (!sqlsrv_configure($key, is_string($value) && strpos($value, 'SQLSRV_') === 0 && defined($value) ? constant($value) : (is_numeric($value) ? (int) $value : $value))) { throw new AgaviDatabaseException(sprintf('Unsupported key or value for setting "%s".', $key)); } } } $connectionInfo = $this->getParameter('connection_info'); foreach ($connectionInfo as &$value) { $value = is_string($value) && strpos($value, 'SQLSRV_') === 0 && defined($value) ? constant($value) : (is_numeric($value) ? (int) $value : $value); } $this->connection = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectionInfo); if (!$this->connection) { $this->connection = null; throw new AgaviDatabaseException(sprintf("%s\n\n%s", sprintf('Could not open database connection "%s".', $this->getName()), implode("\n", $this->getErrors()))); } $this->resource =& $this->connection; foreach ((array) $this->getParameter('init_queries') as $query) { sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $query); } }