function helppageurl($ocpage) { global $opt; $help_locale = $opt['template']['locale']; $helppage = sql_value("SELECT `helppage` FROM `helppages`\n\t WHERE `ocpage`='&1' AND `language`='&2'", "", $ocpage, $help_locale); if ($helppage == "") { $helppage = sql_value("SELECT `helppage` FROM `helppages`\n\t\t WHERE `ocpage`='&1' AND `language`='*'", "", $ocpage); } if ($helppage == "") { $helppage = sql_value("SELECT `helppage` FROM `helppages`\n\t\t WHERE `ocpage`='&1' AND `language`='&2'", "", $ocpage, $opt['template']['default']['fallback_locale']); if ($helppage != "") { $help_locale = $opt['template']['default']['fallback_locale']; } } if ($helppage == "" && isset($opt['locale'][$opt['template']['locale']]['help'][$ocpage])) { $helppage = $opt['locale'][$opt['template']['locale']]['help'][$ocpage]; } if (substr($helppage, 0, 1) == "!") { substr($helppage, 1); } else { if ($helppage != "" && isset($opt['locale'][$help_locale]['helpwiki'])) { return $opt['locale'][$help_locale]['helpwiki'] . str_replace(' ', '_', $helppage); } else { return ""; } } }
function CheckThrottle() { global $opt, $tpl; $ip_string = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ip_blocks = mb_split('\\.', $ip_string); $ip_numeric = $ip_blocks[3] + $ip_blocks[2] * 256 + $ip_blocks[1] * 65536 + $ip_blocks[0] * 16777216; sql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS &tmpdb.`sys_accesslog` (`id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `ip` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `access_time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, INDEX (`access_time`), INDEX (`ip`)) ENGINE = MEMORY'); $rsStaus = sql("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads_connected'"); $rStatus = sql_fetch_array($rsStaus); sql_free_result($rsStaus); if ($rStatus) { if ($rStatus[1] > $opt['db']['throttle_connection_count']) { $access_count = sql_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM &tmpdb.`sys_accesslog` WHERE ip ='&1'", 0, $ip_numeric); if ($access_count > $opt['db']['throttle_access_count']) { $tpl->error(ERROR_THROOTLE); } } } // remove old entries every 100st call if (mt_rand(0, 100) == 50) { sql("DELETE FROM &tmpdb.`sys_accesslog` WHERE `access_time`<CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()-'&2'", $ip_numeric, $opt['db']['throttle_access_time']); } sql("INSERT INTO &tmpdb.`sys_accesslog` (`ip`, `access_time`) VALUES ('&1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())", $ip_numeric); }
function showApproval($result) { $approval = sql_value("SELECT approval_status AS value FROM resource WHERE ref = {$result['ref']}", FALSE); $approval_form_id = sql_value("SELECT ref AS value FROM resource_type_field WHERE name = 'approval_form'", FALSE); if (!$approval_form_id) { return; } $approval_form = TidyList(get_data_by_field($result['ref'], $approval_form_id)); if (empty($approval) and strpos($approval_form, 'Yes') !== FALSE) { $approval = 'waiting'; } if ($approval) { switch ($approval) { case 'waiting': $title = 'Awaiting Approval'; break; case 'minor': $title = 'Minor Changes Needed'; break; case 'major': $title = 'Major Changes Needed'; break; case 'approved': $title = 'Approved'; break; } echo '<span class="rps-approval rps-approval-' . $approval . '" title="' . $title . '"></span>'; } }
public function run() { // cleanup XML session data sql_temp_table('tmpsessiondata'); sql('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE &tmpsessiondata ENGINE=MEMORY SELECT DISTINCT `xmlsession_data`.`session_id` FROM `xmlsession_data` LEFT JOIN `xmlsession` ON `xmlsession`.`id`=`xmlsession_data`.`session_id` WHERE `xmlsession`.`id` IS NULL'); $count = sql_value('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `xmlsession_data` WHERE `session_id` IN (SELECT `session_id` FROM &tmpsessiondata)', 0); if ($count) { sql("DELETE FROM `xmlsession_data`\n WHERE `session_id` IN (SELECT `session_id` FROM &tmpsessiondata)"); echo 'orphan_cleanup: dropped ' . $count . " record(s) from xmlsession_data\n"; } sql_drop_temp_table('tmpsessiondata'); // cleanup map data sql_temp_table('tmpsessiondata'); sql('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE &tmpsessiondata ENGINE=MEMORY SELECT DISTINCT `map2_data`.`result_id` FROM `map2_data` LEFT JOIN `map2_result` ON `map2_result`.`result_id`=`map2_data`.`result_id` WHERE `map2_result`.`result_id` IS NULL'); $count = sql_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `map2_data`\n WHERE `result_id` IN (SELECT `result_id` FROM &tmpsessiondata)", 0); if ($count) { sql("DELETE FROM `map2_data`\n WHERE `result_id` IN (SELECT `result_id` FROM &tmpsessiondata)"); echo 'orphan_cleanup: dropped ' . $count . " record(s) from map2_data\n"; } sql_drop_temp_table('tmpsessiondata'); }
function cleanup_mapresult2($slaveId) { global $opt; // cleanup old entries $rs = sql("SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT `result_id` FROM `map2_result` WHERE DATE_ADD(`date_created`, INTERVAL '&1' SECOND)<NOW()", $opt['map']['maxcacheage']); while ($r = sql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { sql("DELETE FROM `map2_result` WHERE `result_id`='&1'", $r['result_id']); } sql_free_result($rs); // now reduce table size? (29 bytes is the average row size) if (sql_value_slave("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `map2_data`", 0) > $opt['map']['maxcachesize'] / 29) { while (sql_value_slave("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `map2_data`", 0) > $opt['map']['maxcachereducedsize'] / 29) { $resultId = sql_value("SELECT `result_id` FROM `map2_result` WHERE `slave_id`='&1' ORDER BY `date_lastqueried` DESC LIMIT 1", 0, $slaveId); if ($resultId == 0) { return; } sql("DELETE FROM `map2_result` WHERE `result_id`='&1'", $resultId); } } $nMinId = sql_value("SELECT MIN(`result_id`) FROM `map2_result`", 0); if ($nMinId == 0) { sql("DELETE FROM `map2_data`"); } else { sql("DELETE FROM `map2_data` WHERE `result_id`<'&1'", $nMinId); } }
public function userMayModify($cacheid) { global $login; $login->verify(); $cacheOwner = sql_value("SELECT `user_id` FROM `caches` WHERE `cache_id`=&1", -1, $cacheid); return $cacheOwner == $login->userid; }
function HookAction_datesPagestoolscron_copy_hitcountAddplugincronjob() { global $lang, $action_dates_restrictfield, $action_dates_deletefield, $resource_deletion_state, $action_dates_reallydelete, $action_dates_email_admin_days, $email_notify, $email_from, $applicationname; $allowable_fields = sql_array("select ref as value from resource_type_field where type in (4,6,10)"); # Check that this is a valid date field to use if (in_array($action_dates_restrictfield, $allowable_fields)) { $restrict_resources = sql_query("select resource, value from resource_data where resource_type_field = '{$action_dates_restrictfield}'"); $emailrefs = array(); foreach ($restrict_resources as $resource) { $ref = $resource["resource"]; if ($action_dates_email_admin_days != "") { $action_dates_email_admin_seconds = intval($action_dates_email_admin_days) * 60 * 60 * 24; if (time() >= strtotime($resource["value"]) - $action_dates_email_admin_seconds && time() <= strtotime($resource["value"]) - $action_dates_email_admin_seconds + 86400) { $emailrefs[] = $ref; } } if (time() >= strtotime($resource["value"])) { # Restrict access to the resource as date has been reached $existing_access = sql_value("select access as value from resource where ref='{$ref}'", ""); if ($existing_access == 0) { echo "restricting resource " . $ref . "\r\n"; sql_query("update resource set access=1 where ref='{$ref}'"); resource_log($ref, 'a', '', $lang['action_dates_restrict_logtext'], $existing_access, 1); } } } if (count($emailrefs) > 0) { global $baseurl; # Send email as the date is within the specified number of days $subject = $lang['action_dates_email_subject']; $message = str_replace("%%DAYS", $action_dates_email_admin_days, $lang['action_dates_email_text']) . "\r\n"; $message .= $baseurl . "?r=" . implode("\r\n" . $baseurl . "?r=", $emailrefs) . "\r\n"; $templatevars['message'] = $message; echo "Sending email to " . $email_notify . "\r\n"; send_mail($email_notify, $subject, $message, $applicationname, $email_from, "emailexpiredresources", $templatevars, $applicationname); } } if (in_array($action_dates_deletefield, $allowable_fields)) { $delete_resources = sql_query("select resource, value from resource_data where resource_type_field = '{$action_dates_deletefield}'"); foreach ($delete_resources as $resource) { $ref = $resource["resource"]; if (time() >= strtotime($resource["value"])) { # Delete the resource as date has been reached echo "deleting resource " . $ref . "\r\n"; if ($action_dates_reallydelete) { delete_resource($ref); } else { if (!isset($resource_deletion_state)) { $resource_deletion_state = 3; } sql_query("update resource set archive='" . $resource_deletion_state . "' where ref='" . $ref . "'"); } # Remove the resource from any collections sql_query("delete from collection_resource where resource='{$ref}'"); resource_log($ref, 'x', '', $lang['action_dates_delete_logtext']); } } } }
/** * Deactivate a named plugin. * * Blanks the inst_version field in the plugins database, which has the effect * of deactivating the plugin while maintaining any configuration that is stored * in the database. * * @param string $name Name of plugin to be deativated. * @return bool Returns true if plugin is deactivated. * @see activate_plugin */ function deactivate_plugin($name) { $inst_version = sql_value("SELECT inst_version as value FROM plugins WHERE name='{$name}'", ''); if ($inst_version >= 0) { # Remove the version field. Leaving the rest of the plugin information. This allows for a config column to remain (future). sql_query("UPDATE plugins set inst_version=NULL WHERE name='{$name}'"); } }
function run() { global $opt; $rsCache = sql("SELECT `caches`.`cache_id`, `caches`.`latitude`, `caches`.`longitude` FROM `caches` LEFT JOIN `cache_location` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_location`.`cache_id` WHERE ISNULL(`cache_location`.`cache_id`) UNION SELECT `caches`.`cache_id`, `caches`.`latitude`, `caches`.`longitude` FROM `caches` INNER JOIN `cache_location` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_location`.`cache_id` WHERE `caches`.`last_modified`>`cache_location`.`last_modified`"); while ($rCache = sql_fetch_assoc($rsCache)) { $sCode = ''; $rsLayers = sql("SELECT `level`, `code`, AsText(`shape`) AS `geometry` FROM `nuts_layer` WHERE WITHIN(GeomFromText('&1'), `shape`) ORDER BY `level` DESC", 'POINT(' . $rCache['longitude'] . ' ' . $rCache['latitude'] . ')'); while ($rLayers = sql_fetch_assoc($rsLayers)) { if (gis::ptInLineRing($rLayers['geometry'], 'POINT(' . $rCache['longitude'] . ' ' . $rCache['latitude'] . ')')) { $sCode = $rLayers['code']; break; } } sql_free_result($rsLayers); if ($sCode != '') { $adm1 = null; $code1 = null; $adm2 = null; $code2 = null; $adm3 = null; $code3 = null; $adm4 = null; $code4 = null; if (mb_strlen($sCode) > 5) { $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 5); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 5) { $code4 = $sCode; $adm4 = sql_value("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='&1'", null, $sCode); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 4); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 4) { $code3 = $sCode; $adm3 = sql_value("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='&1'", null, $sCode); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 3); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 3) { $code2 = $sCode; $adm2 = sql_value("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='&1'", null, $sCode); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 2); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 2) { $code1 = $sCode; // try to get localised name first $adm1 = sql_value("SELECT IFNULL(`sys_trans_text`.`text`, `countries`.`name`)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM `countries`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `sys_trans` ON `countries`.`trans_id`=`sys_trans`.`id` AND `countries`.`name`=`sys_trans`.`text`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `sys_trans_text` ON `sys_trans`.`id`=`sys_trans_text`.`trans_id` AND `sys_trans_text`.`lang`='&2'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `countries`.`short`='&1'", null, $sCode, $opt['template']['default']['locale']); if ($adm1 == null) { $adm1 = sql_value("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='&1'", null, $sCode); } } sql("INSERT INTO `cache_location` (`cache_id`, `adm1`, `adm2`, `adm3`, `adm4`, `code1`, `code2`, `code3`, `code4`) VALUES ('&1', '&2', '&3', '&4', '&5', '&6', '&7', '&8', '&9') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `adm1`='&2', `adm2`='&3', `adm3`='&4', `adm4`='&5', `code1`='&6', `code2`='&7', `code3`='&8', `code4`='&9'", $rCache['cache_id'], $adm1, $adm2, $adm3, $adm4, $code1, $code2, $code3, $code4); } else { $sCountry = sql_value("SELECT IFNULL(`sys_trans_text`.`text`, `countries`.`name`)\r\n\t\t\t\t FROM `caches` \r\n\t\t\t\t INNER JOIN `countries` ON `caches`.`country`=`countries`.`short`\r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN `sys_trans` ON `countries`.`trans_id`=`sys_trans`.`id` AND `countries`.`name`=`sys_trans`.`text`\r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN `sys_trans_text` ON `sys_trans`.`id`=`sys_trans_text`.`trans_id` AND `sys_trans_text`.`lang`='&2'\r\n\t\t\t\t WHERE `caches`.`cache_id`='&1'", null, $rCache['cache_id'], $opt['template']['default']['locale']); $sCode1 = sql_value("SELECT `caches`.`country` FROM `caches` WHERE `caches`.`cache_id`='&1'", null, $rCache['cache_id']); sql("INSERT INTO `cache_location` (`cache_id`, `adm1`, `code1`) VALUES ('&1', '&2', '&3') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `adm1`='&2', `adm2`=NULL, `adm3`=NULL, `adm4`=NULL, `code1`='&3', `code2`=NULL, `code3`=NULL, `code4`=NULL", $rCache['cache_id'], $sCountry, $sCode1); } } sql_free_result($rsCache); }
function HookGrant_editAllCustomediteaccess() { global $ref, $userref; $access = sql_value("select resource value from grant_edit where resource='{$ref}' and user='******' and (expiry is null or expiry>=NOW())", ""); if ($access != "") { return true; } return false; }
function HookGrant_editViewBeforepermissionscheck() { global $ref, $userref, $access; $grant_edit = sql_value("select resource value from grant_edit where resource='{$ref}' and user='******' and (expiry is null or expiry>=NOW())", ""); if ($grant_edit != "") { $access = 0; } return true; }
function get_youtube_access_token($refresh = false) { global $baseurl, $userref, $youtube_publish_client_id, $youtube_publish_client_secret, $youtube_publish_callback_url, $code; $url = ''; if ($refresh) { $refresh_token = sql_value("select youtube_refresh_token as value from user where ref='{$userref}'", ""); if ($refresh_token == "") { get_youtube_authorization_code(); exit; } $params = array("client_id" => $youtube_publish_client_id, "client_secret" => $youtube_publish_client_secret, "refresh_token" => $refresh_token, "grant_type" => "refresh_token"); } else { $params = array("code" => $code, "client_id" => $youtube_publish_client_id, "client_secret" => $youtube_publish_client_secret, "redirect_uri" => $baseurl . $youtube_publish_callback_url, "grant_type" => "authorization_code"); } $curl = curl_init(""); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl); //exit (print_r($response)); if (isset($response["error"])) { sql_query("update user set youtube_access_token='' where ref='{$userref}'"); //exit("ERROR: bad response" . print_r($response)); get_youtube_authorization_code(); exit; } if (isset($response["access_token"])) { $access_token = escape_check($response["access_token"]); sql_query("update user set youtube_access_token='{$access_token}' where ref='{$userref}'"); if (isset($response["refresh_token"])) { $refresh_token = escape_check($response["refresh_token"]); sql_query("update user set youtube_refresh_token='{$refresh_token}' where ref='{$userref}'"); } debug("YouTube plugin: Access token: " . $access_token); debug("YouTube plugin: Refresh token: " . $refresh_token); } # Get user account details and store these so we can tell which account they will be uploading to $headers = array("Authorization: Bearer " . $access_token, "GData-Version: 2"); $curl = curl_init(""); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); #$response = json_decode( curl_exec( $curl ), true ); $response = curl_exec($curl); $userdataxml = new SimpleXmlElement($response, LIBXML_NOCDATA); //exit(print_r($userdataxml)); $youtube_username = escape_check($userdataxml->title); sql_query("update user set youtube_username='******' where ref='{$userref}'"); return $access_token; }
function get_mapped_user_by_field($id, $value) { $query = sprintf(' SELECT user_id AS value FROM assign_request_map WHERE field_id = \'%s\' AND field_value = \'%s\'; ', $id, $value); return sql_value($query, 0); }
function HookDiscount_codePurchase_callbackPayment_complete() { # Find out the discount code applied to this collection. $code = sql_value("select discount_code value from collection_resource where collection='" . getvalescaped("custom", "") . "' limit 1", ""); # Find out the purchasing user # As this is a callback script being called by PayPal, there is no login/authentication and we can't therefore simply use $userref. $user = sql_value("select ref value from user where current_collection='" . getvalescaped("custom", "") . "'", 0); # Insert used discount code row sql_query("insert into discount_code_used (code,user) values ('" . escape_check($code) . "','{$user}')"); }
public function getOptValue($pId) { if ($pId == USR_OPT_SHOWSTATS && sql_value("SELECT `is_active_flag` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`='&1'", 0, $this->nUserId) == 0) { // User profile options are deleted when an account is disabled. This will // enable USR_OPT_SHOWSTATS which is 1 by default. We encounter this by // forcing USR_OPT_SHOWSTATS = 0 for disabled users. return 0; } elseif (array_key_exists($pId, $this->nOptions)) { return $this->nOptions[$pId]['option_value']; } return false; }
function HookAction_datesPagestoolscron_copy_hitcountAddplugincronjob() { global $lang, $action_dates_restrictfield,$action_dates_deletefield, $resource_deletion_state, $action_dates_reallydelete; $allowable_fields=sql_array("select ref as value from resource_type_field where type in (4,6,10)"); # Check that this is a valid date field to use if(in_array($action_dates_restrictfield, $allowable_fields)) { $restrict_resources=sql_query("select resource, value from resource_data where resource_type_field = '$action_dates_restrictfield'"); foreach ($restrict_resources as $resource) { $ref=$resource["resource"]; if (time()>=strtotime($resource["value"])) { # Restrict access to the resource as date has been reached $existing_access=sql_value("select access as value from resource where ref='$ref'",""); if($existing_access==0) # Only apply to resources that are currently open { echo "restricting resource " . $ref ."\r\n"; sql_query("update resource set access=1 where ref='$ref'"); resource_log($ref,'a','',$lang['action_dates_restrict_logtext'],$existing_access,1); } } } } if(in_array($action_dates_deletefield, $allowable_fields)) { $delete_resources=sql_query("select resource, value from resource_data where resource_type_field = '$action_dates_deletefield'"); foreach ($delete_resources as $resource) { $ref=$resource["resource"]; if (time()>=strtotime($resource["value"])) { # Delete the resource as date has been reached echo "deleting resource " . $ref ."\r\n"; if ($action_dates_reallydelete) { delete_resource($ref); } else { if (!isset($resource_deletion_state)){$resource_deletion_state=3;} sql_query("update resource set archive='" . $resource_deletion_state . "' where ref='" . $ref . "'"); } # Remove the resource from any collections sql_query("delete from collection_resource where resource='$ref'"); resource_log($ref,'x','',$lang['action_dates_delete_logtext']); } } } }
function HookResourceofthedayHomeReplaceslideshow() { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../inc/rotd_functions.php"; global $baseurl, $view_title_field; $rotd = get_resource_of_the_day(); if ($rotd === false) { return false; } # No ROTD, return false to disable hook and display standard slide show. # Get preview width $sizes = get_image_sizes($rotd, true); foreach ($sizes as $size) { if ($size["id"] == "pre") { $width = $size["width"]; break; } } # Fetch title $title = sql_value("select value from resource_data where resource='{$rotd}' and resource_type_field={$view_title_field}", ""); # Fetch caption $caption = sql_value("select value from resource_data where resource='{$rotd}' and resource_type_field=18", ""); # Show resource! $pre = get_resource_path($rotd, false, "pre", false, "jpg"); ?> <div class="HomePicturePanel RecordPanel" style="width: <?php echo $width; ?> px; padding-left: 3px;"> <a onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this,true);" href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /pages/view.php?ref=<?php echo $rotd; ?> "><img class="ImageBorder" style="margin-bottom: 10px;" src="<?php echo $pre; ?> " /></a> <br /> <h2 ><?php echo i18n_get_translated(htmlspecialchars($title)); ?> </h2> <?php echo $caption; ?> </div> <?php return true; }
public function fill_turn($start_wp, $max_inserts_count) { global $opt; // query the end of this waypoint range $end_wp = sql_value("SELECT DECTOWP(MIN(dec_wp), '&3')\n FROM (\n SELECT MIN(WPTODEC(`wp_oc`, '&3')) AS dec_wp\n FROM `caches`\n WHERE WPTODEC(`wp_oc`, '&3')>WPTODEC('&1', '&3')\n AND `wp_oc` REGEXP '&2'\n UNION\n SELECT MIN(WPTODEC(`wp_oc`, '&3')) AS dec_wp\n FROM `cache_waypoint_pool`\n WHERE WPTODEC(`wp_oc`, '&3')>WPTODEC('&1', '&3')\n ) AS tbl", $opt['logic']['waypoint_pool']['prefix'] . '100000', $start_wp, '^' . $opt['logic']['waypoint_pool']['prefix'] . '[' . $opt['logic']['waypoint_pool']['valid_chars'] . ']{1,}$', $opt['logic']['waypoint_pool']['prefix']); // now, we have start and end waypoints ... $nWaypointsGenerated = 0; while ($nWaypointsGenerated < $max_inserts_count && $start_wp != $end_wp) { sql("INSERT INTO `cache_waypoint_pool` (`wp_oc`) VALUES ('&1')", $start_wp); $nWaypointsGenerated++; $start_wp = $this->increment_waypoint($start_wp, $opt['logic']['waypoint_pool']['prefix']); } return $nWaypointsGenerated; }
function process_syslog() { global $opt; $dbc = @mysql_connect($opt['system']['maillog']['syslog_db_host'], $opt['system']['maillog']['syslog_db_user'], $opt['system']['maillog']['syslog_db_password'], TRUE); // use separate connection even if on same DB host if ($dbc === FALSE) { echo $this->name . ": could not connect to syslog database\n"; return; } if (@mysql_query("USE " . $opt['system']['maillog']['syslog_db_name'], $dbc) === FALSE) { echo $this->name . ": could not open syslog database: " . mysql_error() . "\n"; return; } $last_id = sql_value("SELECT `value` FROM `sysconfig` WHERE `name`='syslog_maillog_lastid'", 0); $last_date = sql_value("SELECT `value` FROM `sysconfig` WHERE `name`='syslog_maillog_lastdate'", ""); // We check for both, new IDs and new creation dates, so that it still works // if the syslog DB is re-setup and IDs restarted from 1 (dates are not unique). $rs = @mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `message`, `created`\n\t\t\t FROM `event`\n\t\t\t WHERE (`id`>'" . mysql_real_escape_string($last_id) . "' OR `created`>'" . mysql_real_escape_string($last_date) . "') \n\t\t\t AND `host_name`='" . mysql_real_escape_string($opt['system']['maillog']['syslog_oc_host']) . "'\n\t\t\t AND `program`='" . mysql_real_escape_string($opt['system']['maillog']['syslog_mta']) . "'\n\t\t\t ORDER BY `id`", $dbc); if ($rs === FALSE) { echo $this->name . ": syslog query error (" . mysql_errno() . "): " . mysql_error() . "\n"; return; } while ($logentry = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $message = $logentry['message']; // latin-1 charset $delivered = strpos($message, 'status=sent') > 0; $bounced = strpos($message, 'status=bounced') > 0; if ($delivered || $bounced) { if (preg_match('/ to=<(.+)>,/U', $message, $matches)) { $emailadr = $matches[1]; if ($delivered) { sql("UPDATE `user` SET `email_problems`=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `email`='&1'", $emailadr); } else { if ($bounced) { // maximum one bounce per day is counted, to filter out temporary problems sql("UPDATE `user` SET `email_problems`=`email_problems`+1, `last_email_problem`='&2'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE `email`='&1' AND IFNULL(`last_email_problem`,'') < '&2'", $emailadr, $logentry['created']); } } } else { echo $this->name . ": no email address found for record ID " . $logentry['id'] . "\n"; } } $last_id = $logentry['id']; $last_date = $logentry['created']; } mysql_free_result($rs); sql("INSERT INTO `sysconfig` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('syslog_maillog_lastid','&1')\n\t\t ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value`='&1'", $last_id); sql("INSERT INTO `sysconfig` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('syslog_maillog_lastdate','&1')\n\t\t ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value`='&1'", $last_date); }
public function check_slave($id) { global $opt; $nActive = 0; $nOnline = 0; $sLogName = ''; $sLogPos = ''; $nTimeDiff = -1; $slave = $opt['db']['slaves'][$id]; if ($slave['active'] == true) { $nActive = 1; // connect $dblink = @mysql_connect($slave['server'], $slave['username'], $slave['password']); if ($dblink !== false) { if (mysql_select_db($opt['db']['placeholder']['db'], $dblink)) { // read slave time $rs = mysql_query("SELECT `data` FROM `sys_repl_timestamp`", $dblink); if ($rs !== false) { $rTime = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); mysql_free_result($rs); // read current master db time $nMasterTime = sql_value("SELECT NOW()", null); $nTimeDiff = strtotime($nMasterTime) - strtotime($rTime['data']); if ($nTimeDiff < $opt['db']['slave']['max_behind']) { $nOnline = 1; } } // update logpos $rs = mysql_query("SHOW SLAVE STATUS"); $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); mysql_free_result($rs); $sLogName = $r['Master_Log_File']; $sLogPos = $r['Read_Master_Log_Pos']; } mysql_close($dblink); } } // only-flag changed? if ($nOnline != sql_value("SELECT `online` FROM `sys_repl_slaves` WHERE `id`='&1'", 0, $id)) { mail($opt['db']['error']['mail'], "MySQL Slave Server Id " . $id . " (" . $slave['server'] . ") is now " . ($nOnline != 0 ? 'Online' : 'Offline'), ''); } sql("INSERT INTO `sys_repl_slaves` (`id`, `server`, `active`, `weight`, `online`, `last_check`, `current_log_name`, `current_log_pos`)\n\t\t VALUES ('&1', '&2', '&3', '&4', '&5', NOW(), '&6', '&7')\n\t\t ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `server`='&2', `active`='&3', `weight`='&4', `online`='&5', `last_check`=NOW(), `current_log_name`='&6', `current_log_pos`='&7'", $id, $slave['server'], $nActive, $slave['weight'], $nOnline, $sLogName, $sLogPos); // update time_diff? if ($nTimeDiff != -1) { sql("UPDATE `sys_repl_slaves` SET `time_diff`='&1' WHERE `id`='&2'", $nTimeDiff, $id); } }
function generate_transform_preview($ref){ global $storagedir; global $imagemagick_path; global $imversion; if (!isset($imversion)){ $imversion = get_imagemagick_version(); } $tmpdir = get_temp_dir(); // get imagemagick path $command = get_utility_path("im-convert"); if ($command==false) {exit("Could not find ImageMagick 'convert' utility.");} $orig_ext = sql_value("select file_extension value from resource where ref = '$ref'",''); $originalpath= get_resource_path($ref,true,'',false,$orig_ext); # Since this check is in get_temp_dir() omit: if(!is_dir($storagedir."/tmp")){mkdir($storagedir."/tmp",0777);} if(!is_dir(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin")){mkdir(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin",0777);} if ($imversion[0]<6 || ($imversion[0] == 6 && $imversion[1]<7) || ($imversion[0] == 6 && $imversion[1] == 7 && $imversion[2]<5)){ $colorspace1 = " -colorspace sRGB "; $colorspace2 = " -colorspace RGB "; } else { $colorspace1 = " -colorspace RGB "; $colorspace2 = " -colorspace sRGB "; } $command .= " \"$originalpath\" +matte -delete 1--1 -flatten $colorspace1 -geometry 450 $colorspace2 \"$tmpdir/transform_plugin/pre_$ref.jpg\""; run_command($command); // while we're here, clean up any old files still hanging around $dp = opendir(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin"); while ($file = readdir($dp)) { if ($file <> '.' && $file <> '..'){ if ((filemtime(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin/$file")) < (strtotime('-2 days'))) { unlink(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin/$file"); } } } closedir($dp); return true; }
function HookApprovalViewRenderbeforeresourcedetails() { global $lang, $ref, $resource, $fields; $approval_form_id = sql_value("SELECT ref AS value FROM resource_type_field WHERE name = 'approval_form'", FALSE); if (!$approval_form_id) { return; } $approval_form = TidyList(get_data_by_field($ref, $approval_form_id)); if ($approval_form !== 'Yes') { return; } $history = sql_query('SELECT id, ref, posted, comment, name, signature, status FROM approval WHERE ref = ' . (int) $ref . ' ORDER BY posted DESC'); ob_start(); $path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); include $path . '/inc/approval.php'; echo ob_get_clean(); }
function generate_transform_preview($ref) { global $storagedir; global $imagemagick_path; global $imversion; if (!isset($imversion)) { $imversion = get_imagemagick_version(); } $tmpdir = get_temp_dir(); // get imagemagick path $command = get_utility_path("im-convert"); if ($command == false) { exit("Could not find ImageMagick 'convert' utility."); } $orig_ext = sql_value("select file_extension value from resource where ref = '{$ref}'", ''); $transformsourcepath = get_resource_path($ref, true, 'scr', false, 'jpg'); //use screen size if available to save time if (!file_exists($transformsourcepath)) { $transformsourcepath = get_resource_path($ref, true, '', false, $orig_ext); } # Since this check is in get_temp_dir() omit: if(!is_dir($storagedir."/tmp")){mkdir($storagedir."/tmp",0777);} if (!is_dir(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin")) { mkdir(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin", 0777); } if ($imversion[0] < 6 || $imversion[0] == 6 && $imversion[1] < 7 || $imversion[0] == 6 && $imversion[1] == 7 && $imversion[2] < 5) { $colorspace1 = " -colorspace sRGB "; $colorspace2 = " -colorspace RGB "; } else { $colorspace1 = " -colorspace RGB "; $colorspace2 = " -colorspace sRGB "; } $command .= " \"{$transformsourcepath}\"[0] +matte -flatten {$colorspace1} -geometry 450 {$colorspace2} \"{$tmpdir}/transform_plugin/pre_{$ref}.jpg\""; run_command($command); // while we're here, clean up any old files still hanging around $dp = opendir(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin"); while ($file = readdir($dp)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (filemtime(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin/{$file}") < strtotime('-2 days')) { unlink(get_temp_dir() . "/transform_plugin/{$file}"); } } } closedir($dp); return true; }
function get_resource_of_the_day() { global $rotd_field; # Search for today's resource of the day. $rotd = sql_value("select resource value from resource_data where resource>0 and resource_type_field={$rotd_field} and value like '" . date("Y-m-d") . "%' limit 1;", 0); if ($rotd != 0) { return $rotd; } # A resource was found? # No resource of the day today. Pick one at random, using today as a seed so the same image will be used all of the day. $rotd = sql_value("select resource value from resource_data where resource>0 and resource_type_field={$rotd_field} and length(value)>0 order by rand(" . date("d") . ") limit 1;", 0); if ($rotd != 0) { return $rotd; } # A resource was found now? # No resource of the day fields are set. Return to default slideshow functionality. return false; }
function HookApprovalResource_emailFooterbottom() { global $ref; $approval_form_id = sql_value("SELECT ref AS value FROM resource_type_field WHERE name = 'approval_form'", FALSE); if (!$approval_form_id) { return; } $approval_form = TidyList(get_data_by_field($ref, $approval_form_id)); if ($approval_form !== 'Yes') { return; } $settings = get_plugin_config('approval'); echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("message").value = "' . htmlspecialchars($settings['email_message']) . '"; </script> '; }
function savequery($queryid, $queryname, $saveas, $submit, $saveas_queryid) { global $login, $tpl; if ($submit == true) { // check if query exists if (sql_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `queries` WHERE `id`='&1'", 0, $queryid) == 0) { $tpl->error(ERROR_UNKNOWN); } if ($saveas == false) { $bError = false; if ($queryname == '') { $tpl->assign('errorEmptyName', true); $bError = true; } if (sql_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `queries` WHERE `name`='&1' AND `user_id`='&2'", 0, $queryname, $login->userid) > 0) { $tpl->assign('errorNameExists', true); $bError = true; } if ($bError == false) { // save sql("UPDATE `queries` SET `user_id`='&1', `name`='&2' WHERE `id`='&3'", $login->userid, $queryname, $queryid); $tpl->redirect('query.php?action=view'); } } else { if (sql_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `queries` WHERE `id`='&1' AND `user_id`='&2'", 0, $saveas_queryid, $login->userid) == 0) { $tpl->assign('errorMustSelectQuery', true); } else { // save as $oOptions = sql_value("SELECT `options` FROM `queries` WHERE `id`='&1'", array(), $queryid); sql("UPDATE `queries` SET `options`='&1' WHERE `id`='&2'", $oOptions, $saveas_queryid); $tpl->redirect('query.php?action=view'); } } } $rs = sql("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `queries` WHERE `user_id`='&1' ORDER BY `name` ASC", $login->userid); $tpl->assign_rs('queries', $rs); sql_free_result($rs); $tpl->assign('queryid', $queryid); $tpl->assign('queryname', $queryname); $tpl->assign('action', 'save'); $tpl->display(); }
function check_debug_log_override() { global $debug_log_override, $userref; if (isset($debug_log_override) || !isset($userref)) { return; } $debug_log_override = false; $debug_user = sql_value("SELECT value FROM sysvars WHERE name='debug_override_user'", ""); $debug_expires = sql_value("SELECT value FROM sysvars WHERE name='debug_override_expires'", ""); if ($debug_user == "" || $debug_expires == "") { return; } if ($debug_expires < time()) { sql_query("DELETE FROM sysvars WHERE name='debug_override_user' OR name='debug_override_expires'"); return; } if ($debug_user == -1 || $debug_user == $userref) { $debug_log_override = true; } }
function track_field_history_get_field_log($resource_id, $field_id) { $query = sprintf(' SELECT AS date, IFNULL(user.fullname, user.username) AS user, resource_log.previous_value AS value FROM resource_log LEFT JOIN user ON user.ref = resource_log.user WHERE type = "e" AND resource = %d AND resource_type_field = %d ORDER BY DESC; ', $resource_id, $field_id); $log_results = sql_query($query); if (empty($log_results)) { return $log_results; } // Create an array with all the previous values and remove the last element as it will always be empty: $log_values = array(); foreach ($log_results as $result) { $log_values[] = $result['value']; } array_pop($log_values); $query = sprintf(' SELECT value FROM resource_data WHERE resource = %d AND resource_type_field = %d; ', $resource_id, $field_id); $last_log_value = sql_value($query, ''); for ($i = 0; $i < count($log_results); $i++) { // Current value is recorded in a different place: if ($i == 0) { $log_results[$i]['value'] = $last_log_value; continue; } // Make sure each edit record has the next previous value: $log_results[$i]['value'] = $log_values[$i - 1]; } return $log_results; }
function HookFlickr_theme_publishThemesRender_actions_add_collection_option($top_actions, $options) { global $getthemes, $m, $lang, $baseurl_short; $theme = $getthemes[$m]; // these aren't really set on themes.php $result = get_collection_resources($theme['ref']); $count_result = count($result); $c = count($options); if ($count_result > 0) { $lang_string = $lang["publish_to_flickr"]; $unpublished = sql_value("select count(*) value from resource join collection_resource on resource.ref=collection_resource.resource where collection_resource.collection='" . $theme["ref"] . "' and flickr_photo_id is null", 0); if ($unpublished > 0) { $lang_string .= " <strong>(" . ($unpublished == 1 ? $lang["unpublished-1"] : str_replace("%number", $unpublished, $lang["unpublished-2"])) . ")</strong>"; } $data_attribute['url'] = sprintf('%splugins/flickr_theme_publish/pages/sync.php?theme=%s', $baseurl_short, urlencode($theme["ref"])); $options[$c]['value'] = 'flickr_publish'; $options[$c]['label'] = $lang_string; $options[$c]['data_attr'] = $data_attribute; return $options; } }
public function archive_disabled_caches() { // Logging of status changes in cache_status_modified has started on June 1, 2013. // For archiving caches that were disabled earlier, we also check the listing // modification date. // This statement may be optimized. It typically runs for ~15 seconds at $rs = sql(' SELECT `caches`.`cache_id`, `caches`.`user_id`, DATEDIFF(NOW(), `listing_last_modified`) AS `listing_age`, (SELECT `date_modified` FROM `cache_status_modified` `csm` WHERE `csm`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id` AND `csm`.`new_state`=2 ORDER BY `date_modified` DESC LIMIT 1) `disable_date`, (SELECT `user_id` FROM `cache_status_modified` `csm` WHERE `csm`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id` AND `csm`.`new_state`=2 ORDER BY `date_modified` DESC LIMIT 1) `disabled_by`, IFNULL(DATEDIFF(NOW(), `user`.`last_login`), 150) `login_lag`, `ca`.`attrib_id` IS NOT NULL `seasonal_cache` FROM `caches` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `user`.`user_id`=`caches`.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `caches_attributes` `ca` ON `ca`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id` AND `ca`.`attrib_id`=60 WHERE `status`=2 AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), `listing_last_modified`) > 184 ORDER BY `listing_last_modified`'); $archived = 0; while ($rCache = sql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { if ($rCache['listing_age'] > 366 || $rCache['listing_age'] > 184 && (sql_value("SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(),'&1')", 0, $rCache['disable_date']) > 366 || !$rCache['seasonal_cache'] && ($rCache['disabled_by'] != 0 && $rCache['disabled_by'] != $rCache['user_id'] && $rCache['login_lag'] > 45 || $rCache['disabled_by'] == $rCache['user_id'] && $rCache['login_lag'] >= $rCache['listing_age']) && sql_value("SELECT MAX(`date`) FROM `cache_logs`\n WHERE `cache_logs`.`cache_id`='&1'", '', $rCache['cache_id']) <= $rCache['disable_date'] && sql_value("SELECT `type` FROM `cache_logs`\n WHERE `cache_id`='&1'\n ORDER BY `order_date` DESC, `date_created` DESC, `id` DESC\n LIMIT 1", '', $rCache['cache_id']) == cachelog::LOGTYPE_DISABLED)) { $months = $rCache['listing_age'] > 366 ? 12 : 6; $this->archive_cache($rCache['cache_id'], 'This cache has been "temporarily unavailable" for more than %1 months now; ' . 'therefore it is being archived automatically. The owner may decide to ' . 'maintain the cache and re-enable the listing.', $months); ++$archived; // This limit throttles archiving. If something goes wrong, it won't // produce too much trouble. if ($archived >= 10) { break; } } } sql_free_result($rs); }