<?php require_once "adHocConst.php"; require_once "adHocInclude.php"; //adHocAdminEditMenu.php //=================================================================================== //This section retrieves the menu record $connAdHoc = pdoConnect(cAdHocServer, cAdHocDatabase, cAdHocUsername, cAdHocPassword); traceHide("Passed keys / value"); foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) { traceHide("key:" . $key . " / val:" . $val); } $curMenu = $_REQUEST["menu_num"]; $curLine = $_REQUEST["line_num"]; if (isset($_REQUEST['upd'])) { $sql = "call sp_updatemenu(" . $_REQUEST["parent_menu"] . ',' . $curMenu . ',' . $curLine . ',' . sqlLiteral($_REQUEST['title']) . ")"; traceHide($sql); pdoQuery($sql, $connAdHoc); header("Location: adHocAdmin.php?nextmenu=" . $curMenu); exit; } $sql = " SELECT title" . " FROM menus" . " WHERE menu_num = " . $curMenu . " AND line_num = " . $curLine; traceHide("main query=" . $sql); //=================================================================================== //Get the menu record pertaining to this query $adhocStmt = pdoQuery($sql, $connAdHoc); $row = pdoFirstRow($adhocStmt); $title = pdoData($row, 'title'); traceHide('Title: ' . $title); //=================================================================================== //Get today's date
require_once "adHocConst.php"; require_once "adHocInclude.php"; //adHocAdminEditQuery.php //=================================================================================== //This section retrieves the menu record $connAdHoc = pdoConnect(cAdHocServer, cAdHocDatabase, cAdHocUsername, cAdHocPassword); traceHide("Passed keys / value"); foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) { traceHide("key:" . $key . " / val:" . $val); } $curMenu = $_REQUEST["menu_num"]; $curLine = $_REQUEST["line_num"]; if (isset($_REQUEST['upd'])) { $query = unformatSql($_REQUEST['query']); $sql = "call sp_updatequery(" . $curMenu . ',' . $curLine . ',' . $_REQUEST['sub_menu_num'] . ',' . sqlLiteral($_REQUEST['title']) . ',' . $_REQUEST['query_num'] . ',' . sqlLiteral($query) . ',' . sqlLiteral($_REQUEST['heading']) . ',' . sqlLiteral($_REQUEST['pre_select']) . ',' . sqlLiteral($_REQUEST['total_fields']) . ',' . sqlLiteral($_REQUEST['link_field']) . ',' . $_REQUEST['udb_num'] . ")"; traceHide($sql); pdoQuery($sql, $connAdHoc); header("Location: adHocAdmin.php?nextmenu=" . $_REQUEST['sub_menu_num']); exit; } $sql = " SELECT q.query_num, title, q.heading_text AS heading, q.total_fields," . " q.link_field, q.select_stmt AS detail_select, q.pre_select, q.udb_num" . " FROM menus m" . " JOIN queries q ON m.main_query_num = q.query_num" . " WHERE m.menu_num = " . $curMenu . " AND m.line_num = " . $curLine; traceHide("main query=" . $sql); //=================================================================================== //Get the menu record pertaining to this query $stmt = pdoQuery($sql, $connAdHoc); $row = pdoFirstRow($stmt); $title = pdoData($row, 'title'); $heading = pdoData($row, 'heading'); $preselect = pdoData($row, 'pre_select'); $linkfield = pdoData($row, 'link_field');