 * Add toolbar to the beginning of each post or/and page.
 * @since 0.2
function smbtoolbar_addContent($content)
    $options = get_option('smbtoolbar_settings');
    if (is_single()) {
        if (!empty($options['show_posts']) && $options['show_posts'] == "on") {
            $content = $content . smbtoolbar_shortcode();
    if (is_page()) {
        if (!empty($options['show_pages']) && $options['show_pages'] == "on") {
            $content = $content . smbtoolbar_shortcode();
    // Returns the content.
    return $content;
 * Render Settings Page
 * @since 3.6
function smbtoolbar_render_submenu_page()
    // Declare variables
    $options = get_option('smbtoolbar_settings');
    // Page
	<div class="wrap">
    _e('Social Media Buttons Toolbar', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
    _e('by <a href="http://www.arthurgareginyan.com" target="_blank">Arthur Gareginyan</a>', SMEDIABT_TEXT);

        <div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder has-right-sidebar">

            <!-- SIDEBAR -->
            <div class="inner-sidebar">
                <div id="side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortabless ui-sortable">

                    <div id="about" class="postbox">
                        <h3 class="title"><?php 
    _e('About', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                        <div class="inside">
    _e('This plugin allows you to easily add the social media buttons toolbar to any place of your website.', SMEDIABT_TEXT);

                    <div id="help" class="postbox">
                        <h3 class="title"><?php 
    _e('Help', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                        <div class="inside">
    _e('Got something to say? Need help?', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                            <p><a href="mailto:arthurgareginyan@gmail.com?subject=Social Media Buttons Toolbar">arthurgareginyan@gmail.com</a></p>

                    <div id="donate" class="postbox">
                        <h3 class="title"><?php 
    _e('Donate', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                        <div class="inside">
    _e('I\'m an independent developer, without a regular income, so every little contribution helps cover my costs and lets me spend more time building things for people like you to enjoy.', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                            <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8A88KC7TFF6CS" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
                                <img src="<?php 
    echo plugins_url('../img/btn_donateCC_LG.gif', __FILE__);
" alt="Make a donation">
    _e('Thanks for your support!', SMEDIABT_TEXT);

                    <div id="advertisement" class="postbox">
                        <h3 class="title"><?php 
    _e('Advertisement', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                        <div class="inside">
                            <a href="http://www.elegantthemes.com/affiliates/idevaffiliate.php?id=36439_5_1_21" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img style="border:0px" src="http://www.elegantthemes.com/affiliates/media/banners/divi_250x250.jpg" width="250" height="250" alt="Divi WordPress Theme"></a>

            <!-- END-SIDEBAR -->

            <!-- FORM -->
            <div class="has-sidebar sm-padded">
                <div id="post-body-content" class="has-sidebar-content">
                    <div class="meta-box-sortabless">

                        <form name="smbtoolbar-form" action="options.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

                            <div class="postbox" id="Buttons">
                                <h3 class="title"><?php 
    _e('Buttons', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                                <div class="inside">
                                    <p class="description"><?php 
    _e('Just fill in the required fields to make a buttons. The social networking buttons will lead directly to your profile pages. If you don\'t want to use any of the following buttons, you can not fill them and then they do not appear.', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                                    <table class="form-table">
    smbtoolbar_media('facebook', 'Facebook', 'https://www.facebook.com/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Facebook profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'hhttps://www.facebook.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('twitter', 'Twitter', 'https://twitter.com/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Twitter profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://twitter.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('instagram', 'Instagram', 'http://instagram.com/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Instagram profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'http://instagram.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('google-plus', 'Google+', 'https://plus.google.com/u/0/+YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Google+ profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://plus.google.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('youtube', 'YouTube', 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/YourChannelIdentifierHere', __('Enter the link to your YouTube profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://www.youtube.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('blogger', 'Blogger', 'http://YourBlogNameHere.blogspot.com', __('Enter the link to your Blogger profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://www.blogger.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('livejournal', 'LiveJournal', 'http://YourUsernameHere.livejournal.com', __('Enter the link to your LiveJournal profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'http://www.livejournal.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('reddit', 'Reddit', 'https://www.reddit.com/user/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Reddit profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://www.reddit.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('linkedin', 'LinkedIn', 'https://linkedin.com/in/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your LinkedIn profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://linkedin.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('pinterest', 'Pinterest', 'https://www.pinterest.com/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Pinterest profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://www.pinterest.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('tumblr', 'Tumblr', 'https://www.tumblr.com/blog/YourBlogNameHere', __('Enter the link to your Tumblr profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://www.tumblr.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('snapchat', 'Snapchat', 'https://www.snapchat.com/add/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Snapchat profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://www.snapchat.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('soundcloud', 'SoundCloud', 'https://soundcloud.com/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your SoundCloud profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://soundcloud.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('spotify', 'Spotify', 'http://open.spotify.com/user/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Spotify profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://www.spotify.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('meetvibe', 'MeetVibe', 'https://meetvibe.com/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your MeetVibe profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://meetvibe.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('vkontakte', 'VKontakte', 'https://vk.com/id_YourIdentifierHere', __('Enter the link to your VKontakte profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://vk.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('odnoklassniki', 'Odnoklassniki', 'https://ok.ru/profile/YourIdentifierHere', __('Enter the link to your Odnoklassniki profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://ok.ru');
    smbtoolbar_media('telegram', 'Telegram', 'https://telegram.me/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your Telegram profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://telegram.org');
    smbtoolbar_media('github', 'GitHub', 'https://github.com/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your GitHub profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://github.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('wordpress', 'WordPress', 'https://profiles.wordpress.org/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your WordPress profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://wordpress.org');
    smbtoolbar_media('codepen', 'CodePen', 'http://codepen.io/YourUsernameHere', __('Enter the link to your CodePen profile page', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'http://codepen.io');
    smbtoolbar_media('skype', 'Skype', 'skype:YourUsernameHere?call', __('Enter your Skype name with prefix <b>skype:</b> and suffix <b>?call</b>, or <b>?add</b>, or <b>?chat</b>, or <b>?userinfo</b> for view profile', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'https://www.skype.com');
    smbtoolbar_media('website', 'Personal website', 'http://www.arthurgareginyan.com', __('Enter the link to your personal website', SMEDIABT_TEXT), '');
    smbtoolbar_media('email', 'Email', 'mailto:YourUsernameHere@gmail.com', __('Enter your email address with prefix <b>mailto:</b>', SMEDIABT_TEXT), '');
    smbtoolbar_media('rss-feed', 'RSS Feed', 'http://YourDomainNameHere.com/feed', __('Enter the link to your RSS Feed', SMEDIABT_TEXT), '');
    submit_button(__('Save Changes', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'primary', 'submit', true);

                            <div class="postbox" id="DisplayOptions">
                                <h3 class="title"><?php 
    _e('Display options', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                                <div class="inside">
                                    <p class="description"></p>
                                    <table class="form-table">
    smbtoolbar_setting('show_posts', __('Show on Posts', SMEDIABT_TEXT), __('Display toolbar below content on Posts', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'check');
    smbtoolbar_setting('show_pages', __('Show on Pages', SMEDIABT_TEXT), __('Display toolbar below content on Pages', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'check');
    smbtoolbar_setting('new_tab', __('Open link in new tab/window', SMEDIABT_TEXT), '', 'check');
    smbtoolbar_setting('icon-size', __('Icon size', SMEDIABT_TEXT), __('Enter the size of icons (in px) in your social media buttons toolbar.', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'field', '64', '2');
    smbtoolbar_setting('margin-right', __('Margin right', SMEDIABT_TEXT), __('Enter the size of space (in px) between icons in your social media buttons toolbar.', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'field', '10', '2');

    $options = get_option('smbtoolbar_settings');
    if (!empty($options['alignment'])) {
        $alignment = $options['alignment'];
    } else {
        $alignment = '';
                                        <tr valign='top'>
                                            <th scope='row'>
    _e('Alignment', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                                                        <input type="radio" name="smbtoolbar_settings[alignment]" value="left" <?php 
    checked('left', $alignment);
    _e('Left', SSTOPB_TEXT);
                                                        <input type="radio" name="smbtoolbar_settings[alignment]" value="center" <?php 
    checked('', $alignment);
    checked('center', $alignment);
    _e('Center', SSTOPB_TEXT);
                                                        <input type="radio" name="smbtoolbar_settings[alignment]" value="right" <?php 
    checked('right', $alignment);
    _e('Right', SSTOPB_TEXT);

    smbtoolbar_setting('caption', __('Caption', SMEDIABT_TEXT), __('Enter the caption to your social media buttons toolbar. It will be displays before the toolbar.', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'field', 'Follow me in social media:', '50');
    submit_button(__('Save Changes', SMEDIABT_TEXT), 'primary', 'submit', true);

                            <div class="postbox" id="Preview">
                                <h3 class="title"><?php 
    _e('Preview', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                                <div class="inside">
                                    <p class="description"><?php 
    _e('Click "Save Changes" to update this preview.', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
    echo smbtoolbar_shortcode();

                            <div class="postbox" id="Using">
                                <h3 class="title"><?php 
    _e('Using', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
                                <div class="inside">
    _e('You have several methods for display the social media buttons toolbar (further just "toolbar") on your website. But first, fill in the required fields, then click "Save Changes".', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
    _e('<b>A)</b> For display the toolbar below content on every Posts or/and Pages, just check the checkbox "Show on Posts" or/and "Show on Pages" in the section "Display options", then click "Save Changes". It\'s that simple!', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
    _e('<b>B)</b> For add the toolbar inside a post from WP Post/Page Editor use the following shortcode:', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
    _e('<b>C)</b> For add the toolbar to the widget area (in sidebar, footer etc.) use the "Text" widget and add inside it the following shortcode:', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
    _e('<b>D)</b> For add the toolbar directly to a theme files, just add one of the following code (both variants do the same) to needed place (where you want to display the toolbar) in your theme files:', SMEDIABT_TEXT);
    highlight_string('<?php echo do_shortcode("[smbtoolbar]"); ?>');
    highlight_string('<?php echo smbtoolbar_shortcode(); ?>');


            <!-- END-FORM -->

