function smarty_function_reportToShowCheckBox($params, &$smarty)
        create and return html code for checkboxes used in report forms, to tell which attribute should be shown in
        param name(string,required): name of checkbox that will be set
        param output(string,required): string that will be shown aside of checkbox
        param default_checked(string,optional): default to false, see function.checkBoxValue
        param always_in_request(string,optional): see function.checkBoxValue
        param value(string,optional): optionally set value of check box
        param container_name(string,optional): optionally add this check box to javascript container
        param form_name(string,optional): used with container_name to add this checkbox in javascript container
    require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'checkBoxValue');
    require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('block', 'multiTableTD');
    $checked = smarty_function_checkBoxValue($params, $smarty);
    if (isset($params["container_name"]) and isset($params["form_name"])) {
        $javascript = <<<END
\t    <script>
\t    </script>
    } else {
        $javascript = "";
    $value = isset($params["value"]) ? $params["value"] : "";
    $ret = smarty_block_multiTableTD(array("type" => "left"), "<input type=checkbox name={$params["name"]} {$checked} value='{$value}'>", $smarty);
    $ret .= smarty_block_multiTableTD(array("type" => "right"), "{$params["output"]}", $smarty);
    return $ret .= $javascript;
function smarty_function_multiTablePad($params, &$smarty)
        enter arbitary amount of multiTableTDs, until index%go_until==0
        parameter last_index(integer,required): last index of multiTableTDs
        parameter go_until(integer,required): go until last_index is dividable by this
        parameter width(string,optional): optionally set width of right td
    require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('block', 'multiTableTD');
    $ret = "";
    while ($params["last_index"] % $params["go_until"] != $params["go_until"] - 1) {
        $td_params = array("type" => "left");
        $ret .= smarty_block_multiTableTD($td_params, "&nbsp;", $smarty);
        $td_params["type"] = "right";
        if (isset($params["width"])) {
            $td_params["width"] = $params["width"];
        $ret .= smarty_block_multiTableTD($td_params, "&nbsp;", $smarty);
    return $ret;
function createRasTable(&$smarty, $prefix)
    $req = new GetActiveRasIPs();
    $resp = $req->sendAndRecv();
    if ($resp->isSuccessful()) {
        $content = "";
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($resp->getResult() as $ras_ip) {
            if ($i % 4 == 0) {
                $content .= smarty_function_multiTableTR(array(), $smarty);
            $checked = checkBoxValue("{$prefix}_{$i}");
            $content .= smarty_block_multiTableTD(array("type" => "left", "width" => "25%"), "<input type=checkbox name='{$prefix}_{$i}' value='{$ras_ip}' {$checked}>", $smarty);
            $content .= smarty_block_multiTableTD(array("type" => "right", "width" => "25%"), "{$ras_ip}", $smarty);
        $content .= smarty_function_multiTablePad(array("last_index" => $i - 1, "go_until" => 4, "width" => "25%"), $smarty);
        $content = smarty_block_multiTable(array(), $content, $smarty);
    } else {
        $err = $resp->getError();
        $content = $err->getErrorMsg();
    return $content;