文件: search.php 项目: babae/etano
        setcookie('sco_app[rv_mode]', $_GET['v'], mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y') + 1), '/', $cookie_domain);
        if ($_GET['v'] == 'g') {
            $rv_mode = 'gallery_view';
    $cell_css_classes = array();
    for ($i = 0; isset($user_ids[$i]); ++$i) {
        if (isset($_list_of_online_members[$user_ids[$i]])) {
            $cell_css_classes[$i] = 'is_online';
    require _BASEPATH_ . '/includes/classes/user_cache.class.php';
    $user_cache = new user_cache();
    $temp = $user_cache->get_cache_array($user_ids, 'result_user', $inject_by_uid);
    if (!empty($temp)) {
        $output['results'] = smart_table($temp, 5, $rv_mode, $cell_css_classes);
        $output['pager2'] = pager($output['totalrows'], $o, $r);
    } else {
    unset($user_cache, $temp);
    if (!$skip_cache) {
        // set $_GET for the pager.
        $_GET = array('search' => $output['search_md5'], 'v' => !empty($_GET['v']) ? $_GET['v'] : 'l');
} else {
$output['lang_253'] = sanitize_and_format($GLOBALS['_lang'][253], TYPE_STRING, $__field2format[TEXT_DB2DISPLAY]);
$output['lang_254'] = sanitize_and_format($GLOBALS['_lang'][254], TYPE_STRING, $__field2format[TEXT_DB2DISPLAY]);
$tpl->set_file('content', 'search.html');
 * @deprecated 3.4
function awpcp_display_ads($where, $byl, $hidepager, $grouporderby, $adorcat, $before_content = '')
    _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '3.4', 'awpcp_display_listings');
    global $wpdb;
    global $awpcp_plugin_path;
    global $hasregionsmodule;
    $output = '';
    $awpcp_browsecats_pageid = awpcp_get_page_id_by_ref('browse-categories-page-name');
    $browseadspageid = awpcp_get_page_id_by_ref('browse-ads-page-name');
    $searchadspageid = awpcp_get_page_id_by_ref('search-ads-page-name');
    // filters to provide alternative method of storing custom layouts (e.g. can be outside of this plugin's directory)
    if (has_action('awpcp_browse_ads_template_action') || has_filter('awpcp_browse_ads_template_filter')) {
        $output = apply_filters('awpcp_browse_ads_template_filter');
    } else {
        if (file_exists("{$awpcp_plugin_path}/awpcp_display_ads_my_layout.php") && get_awpcp_option('activatemylayoutdisplayads')) {
            include "{$awpcp_plugin_path}/awpcp_display_ads_my_layout.php";
        } else {
            $output .= "<div id=\"classiwrapper\">";
            $uiwelcome = stripslashes_deep(get_awpcp_option('uiwelcome'));
            $output .= apply_filters('awpcp-content-before-listings-page', '');
            $output .= "<div class=\"uiwelcome\">{$uiwelcome}</div>";
            $output .= awpcp_menu_items();
            if ($hasregionsmodule == 1) {
                // Do not show Region Control form when showing Search Ads page
                // search result. Changing the current location will redirect the user
                // to the form instead of a filterd version of the form and that's confusing
                if (is_page(awpcp_get_page_id_by_ref('search-ads-page-name')) && isset($_POST['a']) && $_POST['a'] == 'dosearch') {
                    // do nothing
                } else {
                    $output .= awpcp_region_control_selector();
            $output .= $before_content;
            $tbl_ads = $wpdb->prefix . "awpcp_ads";
            $from = "{$tbl_ads}";
            $ads_exist = ads_exist();
            if (!$ads_exist) {
                $showcategories = "<p style=\"padding:10px\">";
                $showcategories .= __("There are currently no ads in the system", "AWPCP");
                $showcategories .= "</p>";
                $pager1 = '';
                $pager2 = '';
            } else {
                $awpcp_image_display_list = array();
                if ($adorcat == 'cat') {
                    $tpname = get_permalink($awpcp_browsecats_pageid);
                } elseif ($adorcat == 'search') {
                    $tpname = get_permalink($searchadspageid);
                } elseif (preg_match('/^custom:/', $adorcat)) {
                    $tpname = str_replace('custom:', '', $adorcat);
                } else {
                    $tpname = get_permalink($browseadspageid);
                $results = get_awpcp_option('adresultsperpage', 10);
                $results = absint(awpcp_request_param('results', $results));
                $offset = absint(awpcp_request_param('offset', 0));
                if ($results === 0) {
                    $results = 10;
                $args = array('order' => AWPCP_Ad::get_order_conditions($grouporderby), 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $results);
                $ads = AWPCP_Ad::get_enabled_ads($args, array($where));
                // get_where_conditions() is called from get_enabled_ads(), we need the
                // WHERE conditions here to pass them to create_pager()
                $where = AWPCP_Ad::get_where_conditions(array($where));
                if (!isset($hidepager) || empty($hidepager)) {
                    //Unset the page and action here...these do the wrong thing on display ad
                    $pager1 = create_pager($from, join(' AND ', $where), $offset, $results, $tpname);
                    $pager2 = create_pager($from, join(' AND ', $where), $offset, $results, $tpname);
                } else {
                    $pager1 = '';
                    $pager2 = '';
                $items = awpcp_render_listings_items($ads, 'listings');
                $opentable = "";
                $closetable = "";
                if (empty($ads)) {
                    $showcategories = "<p style=\"padding:20px;\">";
                    $showcategories .= __("There were no ads found", "AWPCP");
                    $showcategories .= "</p>";
                    $pager1 = '';
                    $pager2 = '';
                } else {
                    $showcategories = smart_table($items, intval($results / $results), $opentable, $closetable);
            $show_category_id = absint(awpcp_request_param('category_id'));
            if (!isset($url_browsecatselect) || empty($url_browsecatselect)) {
                $url_browsecatselect = get_permalink($awpcp_browsecats_pageid);
            if ($ads_exist) {
                $category_id = (int) awpcp_request_param('category_id', -1);
                $category_id = $category_id === -1 ? (int) get_query_var('cid') : $category_id;
                $output .= "<div class=\"changecategoryselect\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"{$url_browsecatselect}\">";
                $output .= '<div class="awpcp-category-dropdown-container">';
                $dropdown = new AWPCP_CategoriesDropdown();
                $output .= $dropdown->render(array('context' => 'search', 'name' => 'category_id', 'selected' => $category_id));
                $output .= '</div>';
                $output .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"a\" value=\"browsecat\" />&nbsp;<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" value=\"";
                $output .= __("Change Category", "AWPCP");
                $output .= "\" /></form></div>";
                $output .= "<div class=\"pager\">{$pager1}</div><div class=\"fixfloat\"></div>";
                $output .= "<div id='awpcpcatname' class=\"fixfloat\">";
                if ($category_id > 0) {
                    $output .= "<h3>" . __("Category: ", "AWPCP") . get_adcatname($category_id) . "</h3>";
                $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= apply_filters('awpcp-display-ads-before-list', '');
            $output .= "{$showcategories}";
            if ($ads_exist) {
                $output .= "&nbsp;<div class=\"pager\">{$pager2}</div>";
            $output .= apply_filters('awpcp-content-after-listings-page', '');
            $output .= "</div>";
    return $output;
function search_alerts()
    global $dbtable_prefix, $tplvars;
    $skin = get_default_skin_dir();
    require_once _BASEPATH_ . '/includes/search_functions.inc.php';
    require_once _BASEPATH_ . '/includes/access_levels.inc.php';
    //	require_once _BASEPATH_.'/includes/user_functions.inc.php';
    $tplvars['tplrelpath'] = _BASEPATH_ . '/skins_site/' . $skin;
    $config['limit_results'] = 5;
    $query_strlen = 20000;
    $query = "SELECT a.`search_id`,a.`fk_user_id`,a.`title`,a.`search`,a.`search_qs`,a.`alert_last_id`,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.`alert_last_sent`) as `alert_last_sent`,b.`membership`,c.`_user` as `user`,b.`email` FROM `{$dbtable_prefix}user_searches` a,`" . USER_ACCOUNTS_TABLE . "` b,`{$dbtable_prefix}user_profiles` c WHERE a.`fk_user_id`=b.`" . USER_ACCOUNT_ID . "` AND a.`fk_user_id`=c.`fk_user_id` AND a.`alert`=1";
    if (!($res = @mysql_query($query))) {
        trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    if (mysql_num_rows($res)) {
        $tpl = new phemplate(_BASEPATH_ . '/skins_site/' . $skin . '/emails/', 'remove_nonjs');
        $tpl->set_file('temp', 'search_alert.html');
        $tpl->set_var('tplvars', $tplvars);
        $subject = sprintf($GLOBALS['_lang'][217], _SITENAME_);
        $subject = sanitize_and_format($subject, TYPE_STRING, $GLOBALS['__field2format'][FIELD_TEXTFIELD]);
        require_once _BASEPATH_ . '/includes/classes/user_cache.class.php';
        $user_cache = new user_cache($skin);
        $insert = "INSERT INTO `{$dbtable_prefix}queue_email` (`to`,`subject`,`message_body`) VALUES ";
        $iquery = $insert;
        $alert_intervals = array();
        $now = time();
        while ($rsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            if (!isset($alert_intervals[$rsrow['fk_user_id']])) {
                $alert_intervals[$rsrow['fk_user_id']] = get_user_settings($rsrow['fk_user_id'], 'def_user_prefs', 'send_alert_interval') * 86400;
            if ((int) $now - (int) $rsrow['alert_last_sent'] >= (int) $alert_intervals[$rsrow['fk_user_id']]) {
                $output = array();
                $rsrow['search'] = unserialize($rsrow['search']);
                $rsrow['search']['min_user_id'] = $rsrow['alert_last_id'];
                $user_ids = search_results($rsrow['search'], $rsrow['membership']);
                if (!empty($user_ids)) {
                    $GLOBALS['_list_of_online_members'] = get_online_ids();
                    $last_user_id = 0;
                    for ($i = 0; isset($user_ids[$i]); ++$i) {
                        if ($user_ids[$i] > $last_user_id) {
                            $last_user_id = $user_ids[$i];
                    $user_ids = array_slice($user_ids, 0, $config['limit_results']);
                    // last activity only for not online members
                    $temp = array();
                    $inject_by_uid = array();
                    for ($i = 0; isset($user_ids[$i]); ++$i) {
                        if (!isset($GLOBALS['_list_of_online_members'][$user_ids[$i]])) {
                            $temp[] = $user_ids[$i];
                        } else {
                            $inject_by_uid[$user_ids[$i]] = array('last_online' => $GLOBALS['_lang'][153]);
                    if (!empty($temp)) {
                        $time = mktime(gmdate('H'), gmdate('i'), gmdate('s'), gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y'));
                        $query = "SELECT `" . USER_ACCOUNT_ID . "` as `uid`,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_activity`) as `last_activity` FROM `" . USER_ACCOUNTS_TABLE . "` WHERE `" . USER_ACCOUNT_ID . "` IN ('" . join("','", $temp) . "')";
                        if (!($res2 = @mysql_query($query))) {
                            trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
                        while ($rsrow2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)) {
                            $rsrow2['last_activity'] = $time - $rsrow2['last_activity'];
                            if ($rsrow2['last_activity'] < 86400) {
                                $inject_by_uid[$rsrow2['uid']] = array('last_online' => $GLOBALS['_lang'][154]);
                            } elseif ($rsrow2['last_activity'] < 172800) {
                                $inject_by_uid[$rsrow2['uid']] = array('last_online' => $GLOBALS['_lang'][155]);
                            } elseif ($rsrow2['last_activity'] < 604800) {
                                $inject_by_uid[$rsrow2['uid']] = array('last_online' => $GLOBALS['_lang'][156]);
                            } elseif ($rsrow2['last_activity'] < 2419200) {
                                $inject_by_uid[$rsrow2['uid']] = array('last_online' => $GLOBALS['_lang'][157]);
                            } else {
                                $inject_by_uid[$rsrow2['uid']] = array('last_online' => $GLOBALS['_lang'][158]);
                    $cell_css_classes = array();
                    for ($i = 0; isset($user_ids[$i]); ++$i) {
                        if (isset($GLOBALS['_list_of_online_members'][$user_ids[$i]])) {
                            $cell_css_classes[$i] = 'is_online';
                    $output['results'] = smart_table($user_cache->get_cache_array($user_ids, 'result_user', $inject_by_uid), 5, 'list_view', $cell_css_classes);
                    $output['title'] = sanitize_and_format($rsrow['title'], TYPE_STRING, $GLOBALS['__field2format'][TEXT_DB2DISPLAY]);
                    $output['search_qs'] = $rsrow['search_qs'];
                    $output['user'] = $rsrow['user'];
                    $tpl->set_var('output', $output);
                    $message_body = $tpl->process('', 'temp', TPL_LOOP | TPL_OPTLOOP | TPL_OPTIONAL | TPL_FINISH);
                    $message_body = sanitize_and_format($message_body, TYPE_STRING, $GLOBALS['__field2format'][FIELD_TEXTAREA]);
                    if (strlen($iquery) > $query_strlen) {
                        $iquery = substr($iquery, 0, -1);
                        if (!($res2 = @mysql_query($iquery))) {
                            trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
                        $iquery = $insert;
                    $iquery .= "('" . $rsrow['email'] . "','{$subject}','{$message_body}'),";
                    $query = "UPDATE `{$dbtable_prefix}user_searches` SET `alert_last_id`={$last_user_id},`alert_last_sent`=now() WHERE `search_id`=" . $rsrow['search_id'];
        if ($iquery != $insert) {
            $iquery = substr($iquery, 0, -1);
            if (!($res2 = @mysql_query($iquery))) {
                trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    return true;