 * Gets all object types and versions available in this installation.
 * Creates a 2-dimensional associative array.
 * The top level is the object name, and the second is the object version (both as strings).
 * The associated value is the path to the configuration form script, or boolean false
 *  if the object has no configuration options.
 * @return array|false Returns a 2d associative array if successful, or false if an error occurs
function sloodle_get_installed_object_types()
    // Fetch all sub-directories of the "mod" directory
    $dirs = sloodle_get_subdirectories($MODPATH, true);
    if (!$dirs) {
        return false;
    // Go through each object to parse names and version numbers.
    // Object names should have format "name-version" (e.g. "chat-1.0").
    // We will skip anything that does not match this format.
    // We will also skip anything with a "noshow" file in the folder.
    $mods = array();
    foreach ($dirs as $d) {
        if (empty($d)) {
        // Parse the object identifier
        list($name, $version) = sloodle_parse_object_identifier($d);
        if (empty($name) || empty($version)) {
        // Check if there's a noshow file
        if (file_exists("{$MODPATH}/{$d}/noshow")) {
        // Check if this object has a configuration script
        $cfgscript = "{$MODPATH}/{$d}/object_config.php";
        if (file_exists($cfgscript)) {
            $mods[$name][$version] = $cfgscript;
        } else {
            $mods[$name][$version] = false;
    // Sort the array by name of the object
    return $mods;
// Display the page header
//$navigation = "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/sloodle/index.php?id=$course->id\">$strsloodles</a> ->";
$navigation = "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/sloodle/view.php?id={$sloodlecontrollerid}\">" . format_string($sloodle->name) . "</a> ->";
print_header_simple($pagename, "", "{$navigation} " . $pagename, "", "", true, '', navmenu($course, $cm));
// We can display the Sloodle module info... log the view
add_to_log($course->id, 'sloodle', 'view sloodle config', "classroom/notecard_configuration.php?sloodlecontrollerid={$sloodlecontrollerid}&sloodleobjtype={$sloodleobjtype}", $sloodleobjtype, $cm->id);
// Make sure the object type is recognised
$objectpath = SLOODLE_DIRROOT . "/mod/{$sloodleobjtype}";
if (!file_exists($objectpath)) {
    error("ERROR: object \"{$sloodleobjtype}\" is not installed.");
// Determine if we have a custom configuration page
$customconfig = $objectpath . '/object_config.php';
$hascustomconfig = file_exists($customconfig);
// Split up the object identifier into name and version number, then get the translated name
list($objectname, $objectversion) = sloodle_parse_object_identifier($sloodleobjtype);
$strobjectname = get_string("object:{$objectname}", 'sloodle');
// Display intro information
print_box_start('generalbox boxwidthwide boxaligncenter');
echo '<div style="text-align:center;">';
echo "<h1>{$pagename}</h1>";
echo "<h2>{$strobjectname} {$objectversion}</h2>";
// Display our configuration form
echo '<form action="' . SLOODLE_WWWROOT . '/classroom/notecard_configuration_view.php" method="POST">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="formsubmitted" value="true">';
// Are there any custom configuration options?
if ($hascustomconfig) {
    // We need to create some dummy data for the form
    // (basically pretend we have an authorised object, and hope nobody tries to use the missing data anywhere!)
    // (not the best idea, I know, but the notecard stuff was added late... :-\)