function cpfooter() { global $_G, $admincp; if (defined('FOOTERDISABLED')) { exit; } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/discuz_version.php'; $version = DISCUZ_VERSION; $charset = CHARSET; echo "\n</div>"; if (!empty($_GET['highlight'])) { $kws = explode(' ', $_GET['highlight']); echo '<script type="text/JavaScript">'; foreach ($kws as $kw) { echo 'parsetag(\'' . dhtmlspecialchars($kw) . '\');'; } echo '</script>'; } if (defined('DISCUZ_DEBUG') && DISCUZ_DEBUG && @(include libfile('function/debug'))) { function_exists('debugmessage') && debugmessage(); } if ($_G['adminid'] == 1 && $_GET['action'] == 'index') { $release = DISCUZ_RELEASE; $newsurl = 'ht' . 'tp:/' . '/cus' . 'tome' . 'r.disc' . 'uz.n' . 'et/n' . 'ews' . '.p' . 'hp?' . siteinformation(); echo <<<EOT <script type="text/javascript"> \tvar newhtml = ''; \tnewhtml += '<table class="tb tb2"><tr><th class="partition edited">您当前使用的 Discuz! 程序版本有重要更新,请参照以下提示进行及时升级</th></tr>'; \tnewhtml += '<tr><td class="tipsblock"><a href="{$version}&release={$release}&charset={$charset}" target="_blank"><img src="{$newsurl}" onload="shownews()" /></a></td></tr></table>'; \t\$('boardnews').style.display = 'none'; \t\$('boardnews').innerHTML = newhtml; \tfunction shownews() { \t\t\$('boardnews').style.display = ''; \t} </script> EOT; } echo "\n</body>\n</html>"; }
function cpfooter() { global $_G, $admincp; if(defined('FOOTERDISABLED')) { exit; } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./source/discuz_version.php'; $version = DISCUZ_VERSION; $charset = CHARSET; echo "\n</div>"; if(!empty($_GET['highlight'])) { $kws = explode(' ', $_GET['highlight']); echo '<script type="text/JavaScript">'; foreach($kws as $kw) { $kw = addslashes($kw); echo 'parsetag(\''.dhtmlspecialchars($kw, ENT_QUOTES).'\');'; } echo '</script>'; } if(defined('DISCUZ_DEBUG') && DISCUZ_DEBUG && @include(libfile('function/debug'))) { function_exists('debugmessage') && debugmessage(); } if($_G['adminid'] == 1 && $_GET['action'] == 'index') { $release = DISCUZ_RELEASE; $newsurl = 'ht'.'tp:/'.'/cus'.'tome'.'r.disc'.'uz.n'.'et/n'.'ews'.'.p'.'hp?'.siteinformation(); echo <<<EOT <script type="text/javascript"> var newhtml = ''; newhtml += '<table class="tb tb2"><tr><th class="partition edited">Kiểm tra phiên bản discuz.</th></tr>'; newhtml += '<tr><td class="tipsblock"><a href="{$version}&release={$release}&charset={$charset}" target="_blank"><img src="{$newsurl}" onload="shownews()" /></a></td></tr></table>'; \$('boardnews').style.display = 'none'; \$('boardnews').innerHTML = newhtml; function shownews() { \$('boardnews').style.display = ''; } </script> EOT; } echo "\n</body>\n</html>"; }
function cpfooter() { global $_G, $admincp; if (defined('FOOTERDISABLED')) { exit; } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/discuz_version.php'; $version = DISCUZ_VERSION; $charset = CHARSET; echo "\n</div>"; if (!empty($_GET['highlight'])) { $kws = explode(' ', $_GET['highlight']); echo '<script type="text/JavaScript">'; foreach ($kws as $kw) { echo 'parsetag(\'' . htmlspecialchars($kw) . '\');'; } echo '</script>'; } if (defined('DISCUZ_DEBUG') && DISCUZ_DEBUG && @(include libfile('function/debug'))) { function_exists('debugmessage') && debugmessage(); } if ($_G['adminid'] == 1 && $_GET['action'] == 'index') { $release = DISCUZ_RELEASE; /*vot*/ $newsurl = '' . siteinformation(); /*vot*/ $subscribe = cplang('subscribe'); /*vot*/ $lang = DISCUZ_LANG; echo <<<EOT <script type="text/javascript"> \tvar newhtml = ''; /*vot*/\tvar lang = '{$lang}'; /*vot*/\tvar code; /*vot*/\tnewhtml += '<table class="tb tb2"><tr><th class="partition edited">You are currently using up-to-date Discuz! program. To update, please refer to the prompts of following line</th></tr>'; \tnewhtml += '<tr><td class="tipsblock"><a href="{$version}&release={$release}&charset={$charset}" target="_blank"><img src="{$newsurl}" onload="shownews()" /></a></td></tr></table>'; /*vot*/\tvar elem = document.getElementsByClassName('rssbutton')[0]; /*vot*/\tcode = elem.innerHTML; /*vot*/\tcode = elem.innerHTML.replace(/订阅/, '{$subscribe}'); /*vot*/\telem.innerHTML = code; \t\$('boardnews').style.display = 'none'; //vot\t\$('boardnews').innerHTML = newhtml; \tfunction shownews() { \t\t\$('boardnews').style.display = ''; \t} </script> EOT; } echo "\n</body>\n</html>"; }
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