function testManuallyAddedFields()
     $post_id = 11;
     // test single/first values
     $this->assertEquals("Text entered in the text field", simple_fields_value("field_text", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("Text entered in the textarea", simple_fields_value("field_textarea", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("<p>Text entered in the TinyMCE-editor.</p>\n", simple_fields_value("field_textarea_html", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("1", simple_fields_value("field_checkbox", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("radiobutton_num_4", simple_fields_value("field_radiobuttons", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("dropdown_num_3", simple_fields_value("field_dropdown", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals(14, simple_fields_value("field_file", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals(11, simple_fields_value("field_post", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("post_tag", simple_fields_value("field_taxonomy", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals(array(0 => 1), simple_fields_value("field_taxonomy_term", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("FF3C26", simple_fields_value("field_color", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("12/10/2012", simple_fields_value("field_date", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals(1, simple_fields_value("field_user", $post_id));
     // test repeatable/all values
     $val = array(0 => "Text entered in the text field", 1 => "text in textfield 2<span>yes it is</span>");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_text", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "Text entered in the textarea", 1 => "Textera with more funky text in it.\r\n\r\n<h2>Headline</h2>\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Item 1</li>\r\n\t<li>Item 2</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n");
     $get_vals = simple_fields_values("field_textarea", $post_id);
     $this->assertEquals($val, $get_vals);
     $val = array(0 => "<p>Text entered in the TinyMCE-editor.</p>\n", 1 => "<p>Tiny editors are great!</p>\n<p>You can style the content and insert images and stuff. Groovy! Funky!</p>\n<h2>A list</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>List item 1</li>\n<li>List item 2</li>\n</ul>\n<h2>And images can be inserted</h2>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img class=\"alignnone  wp-image-14\" title=\"product-cat-2\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"368\" height=\"277\" /></a></p>\n");
     $get_vals = simple_fields_values("field_textarea_html", $post_id);
     $this->assertEquals($val[1], $get_vals[1]);
     $val = array(0 => 1, 1 => "");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_checkbox", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "radiobutton_num_4", 1 => "radiobutton_num_2");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_radiobuttons", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "dropdown_num_3", 1 => "dropdown_num_2");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_dropdown", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => 14, 1 => 17);
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_file", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => 11, 1 => 5);
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_post", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "post_tag", 1 => "category");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_taxonomy", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => array(0 => 1), 1 => "");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_taxonomy_term", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "FF3C26", 1 => "8B33FF");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_color", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "12/10/2012", 1 => "15/10/2012");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_date", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "1", 1 => "1");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_user", $post_id));
function get_posts_by_simple_fields_value($args, $postType = 'any')
    $rows = get_posts(array('post_type' => $postType, 'numberposts' => -1));
    $return = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $valueGroups = simple_fields_values($args['key'], $row->ID);
        if ($valueGroups) {
            foreach ($valueGroups as $values) {
                if ($values) {
                    foreach ($values as $value) {
                        if ($value == $args['value']) {
                            $return[] = $row;
    return count($return) ? $return : false;
    if (function_exists('synved_social_share_markup')) {
        echo synved_social_share_markup();
    // Author bio.
					<!-- Check there are product link to this article-->
    $repeatable_field_values = simple_fields_values("product_name,product_price,product_image,product_link");
    if ($repeatable_field_values != NULL) {
					<div class="section-small pt0">
						<h2 class="look-title">Get the look</h2>
						<div class="section-tiny">
							<ul class="row products">							
        // get each product from array
        foreach ($repeatable_field_values as $values) {
							<!-- Display product(s) -->
								<a href="<?php 
            echo $values["product_link"];
     * Outputs the names of the post connectors attached to the post you view + outputs the values
    function simple_fields_content_debug_output($the_content)
        // we only want to appen the debug code when being used from get_the_content or the_content
        // but for example get_the_excerpt is also using filter the_content which leads to problems
        // so check that we are somewhere inside the right functions
        $is_inside_righ_function = FALSE;
        $arr_trace = debug_backtrace();
        $arr_trace_count = count($arr_trace);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $arr_trace_count; $i++) {
            if (isset($arr_trace[$i]["function"]) && in_array($arr_trace[$i]["function"], array("the_content", "get_the_content"))) {
                $is_inside_righ_function = TRUE;
        if (!$is_inside_righ_function) {
            // Don't do the debug, since we're not in the_content
            return $the_content;
        $output = "";
        $output_all = "";
        $field_count = 0;
        $post_connector_with_values = simple_fields_get_all_fields_and_values_for_post(get_the_ID(), "include_deleted=0");
        if ($post_connector_with_values) {
            foreach ($post_connector_with_values["field_groups"] as $one_field_group) {
                if ($one_field_group["deleted"]) {
                $output_all .= "<div style='font-weight:bold;margin:1em 0 0 0;'>";
                $str_is_repeatable = $one_field_group["repeatable"] ? __(" (Repeatable)", "simple-fields") : "";
                $output_all .= sprintf(__('Fieldgroup %1$s %2$s', "simple-fields"), $one_field_group["name"], $str_is_repeatable);
                $output_all .= "</div>";
                $str_all_group_fields = "";
                foreach ($one_field_group["fields"] as $one_field) {
                    if ($one_field["deleted"]) {
                    $content = "";
                    $content .= "<ul style='background:#eee;padding:.5em;margin:0;display:block;'>";
                    $content .= "<li>Field <b>" . $one_field["name"] . "</b>";
                    $content .= ", type <b>" . $one_field["type"] . "</b>";
                    if (isset($one_field["slug"])) {
                        $content .= ", slug <b>" . $one_field["slug"] . "</b>";
                        $str_all_group_fields .= $one_field["slug"] . ",";
                        if ($one_field_group["repeatable"]) {
                            $content .= "<br>Use <code><b>simple_fields_values('" . $one_field["slug"] . "')</b></code> to get:";
                            $content .= ob_get_clean();
                        } else {
                            $content .= "<br>Use <code><b>simple_fields_value('" . $one_field["slug"] . "')</b></code> to get:";
                            $content .= ob_get_clean();
                    } else {
                        $content .= "<br>No slug for this field found (probably old field that has not been edited and saved).";
                    $content .= "</ul>";
                    $output_all .= $content;
                // Show example how to get all fields in one shot
                // But only show if field has more than one field, otherwise it's kinda not useful
                if (sizeof($one_field_group["fields"]) > 1) {
                    $str_all_group_fields = preg_replace('!,$!', '', $str_all_group_fields);
                    $output_all .= "<ul style='background:#eee;padding:.5em;margin:0;display:block;'>";
                    if ($one_field_group["repeatable"]) {
                        $content = "<li>Get all fields at once: use <code><b>simple_fields_values('" . $str_all_group_fields . "')</b></code> to get:";
                        $content .= ob_get_clean();
                    } else {
                        $content = "<li>Get all fields at once: use <code><b>simple_fields_value('" . $str_all_group_fields . "')</b></code> to get:";
                        $content .= ob_get_clean();
                    $output_all .= $content;
                    $output_all .= "</ul>";
            // for each field group
        if ($output_all) {
            $str_show_fields = __("Show fields.", "simple-fields");
            $str_hide_fields = __("Hide fields.", "simple-fields");
			window.simple_fields_post_debug_show_hide = window.simple_fields_post_debug_show_hide || function(t) {
				var $t = jQuery(t);
				var $div_wrap = $t.closest("div.simple-fields-post-debug-wrap");
				var debug_content = $div_wrap.find("div.simple-fields-post-debug-content");
				if (":visible")) {
            echo $str_hide_fields;
				} else {
            echo $str_show_fields;
				return false;
            $output_all = '
				<div class="simple-fields-post-debug-wrap" style="display:block;margin:0;padding:0;">
					<p style="margin:0;padding:0;display:block;">This post has ' . $field_count . ' Simple Fields-fields attached. <a href="#" onclick="return simple_fields_post_debug_show_hide(this);">' . $str_show_fields . '</a></p>
					<div class="simple-fields-post-debug-content" style="display:none;">' . $output_all . '</div>
        // if a field has the slug caption the output will be [caption] and then it will crash with some shortcodes, so we try to fix that here
        $output_all = str_replace("[", "&#91;", $output_all);
        $output_all = str_replace("]", "&#93;", $output_all);
        return $the_content . $output_all;
echo get_site_url();
/articulos" class="btn btn-primary">VER TODOS LOS ARTÍCULOS</a>

  		<div class="col-md-3">
        <div class="galeria">
query_posts(array('category_name' => 'galeria', 'posts_per_page' => 1));
while (have_posts()) {
    $postid = get_the_ID();
    $galeria = simple_fields_values("galeria");
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($galeria as $key => $value) {
        echo '<div class="img-gal"><a href="' . get_site_url() . '/galerias"><img src="' . $galeria[$i]['image_src']['thumbnail']['0'] . '"></a></div>';
        if ($i == 12) {

// End of the loop.
 function testManuallyAddedFields()
     $post_id = self::$post_id_for_manual_tests;
     // test single/first values
     $this->assertEquals("Text entered in the text field", simple_fields_value("field_text", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("Text entered in the textarea", simple_fields_value("field_textarea", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("<p>Text entered in the TinyMCE-editor.</p>\n", simple_fields_value("field_textarea_html", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("1", simple_fields_value("field_checkbox", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("radiobutton_num_4", simple_fields_value("field_radiobuttons", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("dropdown_num_3", simple_fields_value("field_dropdown", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals(14, simple_fields_value("field_file", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals($post_id, simple_fields_value("field_post", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("post_tag", simple_fields_value("field_taxonomy", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals(array(0 => 1), simple_fields_value("field_taxonomy_term", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("FF3C26", simple_fields_value("field_color", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals("12/10/2012", simple_fields_value("field_date", $post_id));
     $this->assertEquals(1, simple_fields_value("field_user", $post_id));
     // test that wp_post object can be passed
     $post_dapost = get_post($post_id);
     $this->assertEquals("Text entered in the text field", simple_fields_value("field_text", $post_dapost));
     // test repeatable/all values
     #var_dump( simple_fields_values("field_text") );
     $val = array(0 => "Text entered in the text field", 1 => "text in textfield 2<span>yes it is</span>");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_text", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "Text entered in the textarea", 1 => "Textera with more funky text in it.\r\n\r\n<h2>Headline</h2>\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Item 1</li>\r\n\t<li>Item 2</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n");
     $get_vals = simple_fields_values("field_textarea", $post_id);
     $this->assertEquals($val, $get_vals);
     $val = array(0 => "<p>Text entered in the TinyMCE-editor.</p>\n", 1 => "<p>Tiny editors are great!</p>\n<p>You can style the content and insert images and stuff. Groovy! Funky!</p>\n<h2>A list</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>List item 1</li>\n<li>List item 2</li>\n</ul>\n<h2>And images can be inserted</h2>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img class=\"alignnone  wp-image-14\" title=\"product-cat-2\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"368\" height=\"277\" /></a></p>\n");
     $get_vals = simple_fields_values("field_textarea_html", $post_id);
     $this->assertEquals($val[1], $get_vals[1]);
     $val = array(0 => 1, 1 => "");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_checkbox", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "radiobutton_num_4", 1 => "radiobutton_num_2");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_radiobuttons", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "dropdown_num_3", 1 => "dropdown_num_2");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_dropdown", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => 14, 1 => 17);
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_file", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => $post_id, 1 => 5);
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_post", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "post_tag", 1 => "category");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_taxonomy", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => array(0 => 1), 1 => "");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_taxonomy_term", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "FF3C26", 1 => "8B33FF");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_color", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "12/10/2012", 1 => "15/10/2012");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_date", $post_id));
     $val = array(0 => "1", 1 => "1");
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_user", $post_id));
     // date & time picker 2
     $val = array(0 => array("type" => "datetime", "date_unixtime" => "1359624600", "ISO_8601" => "2013-01-31 09:30", "RFC_2822" => "Thu, 31 Jan 2013 09:30:00 +0000", "Y-m-d" => "2013-01-31", "Y-m-d H:i" => "2013-01-31 09:30", "date_format" => "January 31, 2013", "date_time_format" => "January 31, 2013 9:30 am"), 1 => array("type" => "datetime", "date_unixtime" => "1355162400", "ISO_8601" => "2012-12-10 18:00", "RFC_2822" => "Mon, 10 Dec 2012 18:00:00 +0000", "Y-m-d" => "2012-12-10", "Y-m-d H:i" => "2012-12-10 18:00", "date_format" => "December 10, 2012", "date_time_format" => "December 10, 2012 6:00 pm"));
     $this->assertEquals($val, simple_fields_values("field_date_picker_2", $post_id));
 * Returns all the values in a field group
 * It's a shortcut to running simple_fields_value(slugs) with all slugs already entered
 * Depending if the field group is repeatable or not, simple_field_value or simple_fields_values will be used
 * @param mixed $field_group_id_or_slug
 * @return mixed, but probably array, depending on how many field the group has (just one field, and not repeatable = no array for you!)
function simple_fields_fieldgroup($field_group_id_or_slug, $post_id = NULL, $options = array())
    if (!is_numeric($post_id)) {
        global $post;
        $post_id = $post->ID;
    global $sf;
    $cache_key = "simple_fields_" . $sf->ns_key . "_fieldgroup_" . $field_group_id_or_slug . "_" . $post_id . "_" . md5(json_encode($options));
    $values = wp_cache_get($cache_key, 'simple_fields');
    if (FALSE === $values) {
        $field_group = $sf->get_field_group_by_slug($field_group_id_or_slug);
        $arr_fields = array();
        foreach ($field_group["fields"] as $one_field) {
            if ($one_field["deleted"]) {
            // add field group to each field slug
            $arr_fields[] = trim($one_field["field_group"]["slug"]) . "/" . trim($one_field["slug"]);
        $str_field_slugs = join(",", $arr_fields);
        if ($field_group["repeatable"]) {
            $values = simple_fields_values($str_field_slugs, $post_id);
        } else {
            $values = simple_fields_value($str_field_slugs, $post_id);
        wp_cache_set($cache_key, $values, 'simple_fields');
    $values = apply_filters("simple_fields_fieldgroup", $values, $field_group_id_or_slug, $post_id, $options);
    return $values;