 echo "<td>\n";
 $type = $showtable[$i]['audio_type'];
 //is it MP3? Then show us the flash player!!
 if ($type == 1) {
     echo showflash("backend/emff_list.swf?src=" . $link, 90, 19);
     //ist it Quicktime-compatible? Show us the Quicktime plugin!!
 } else {
     if ($type == "2" or $type == "5" or $type == "6" or $type == "9" or $type == "12" or $type == "14" or $type == "10" or $type == "13" or $type == "7") {
         $src = $settings['url'] . "/loudblog/backend/clicktoplayback.mov";
         $target = "myself";
         //ist it a video or enhanced podcast? Link to external player!
         if ($type == "14" or $type == "10" or $type == "13" or $type == "7") {
             $target = "quicktimeplayer";
         //build html-code for quicktime plugin (audio)
         echo showquicktime($src, $link, 90, 20, $target, "false");
     } else {
         //if its not an mp3 or quicktime, show a simple link!
         if ($showtable[$i]['audio_file'] != "") {
             echo "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">\n                 " . getmediatypename($showtable[$i]['audio_type']) . "</a>";
             echo "</td>\n";
 //showing audio length in minutes
 echo "<td>" . getminutes($showtable[$i]['audio_length']) . "</td>\n";
 //the status radio buttons
 $temp = $showtable[$i]['status'];
 echo "<td>\n";
 if ($temp == 1) {
     echo "<span style=\"color:#dd0067;\">" . bla("draft") . "</span>";
            $link = $fields['audio_file'];
            $type = $fields['audio_type'];
            if ($type == "1") {
                echo showflash("backend/emff_rec2.swf?src=" . $link, 295, 9);
            if ($type == "2" or $type == "5" or $type == "6" or $type == "9" or $type == "12" or $type == "14" or $type == "10" or $type == "13" or $type == "7") {
                $src = $settings['url'] . "/loudblog/backend/clicktoplayback2.mov";
                $target = "myself";
                //ist it a video or enhanced podcast? Link to external player!
                if ($type == "14" or $type == "10" or $type == "13" or $type == "7") {
                    $target = "quicktimeplayer";
                //build html-code for quicktime plugin (audio)
                echo showquicktime($src, $link, 295, 16, $target, "false");
            //showing plain link
            echo "<table id=\"audiodata\">\n";
            echo "<tr><td><a href=\"" . $link . "\">";
            echo wordwrap($fields['audio_file'], 50, "<br />", 1) . "</a></td></tr>\n";
            echo "</table>\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"audio_type\" value=\"" . type_suffix($fields['audio_file']) . "\" />";

<hr />

<!--                                      size  -->
<div class="rec2size">
文件: player.php 项目: kldeepak/swara
function player()
    //puts the 1 Pixel Out flash player OR quicktime player on screen (works within postings-loop)
    global $postings;
    global $currentid;
    global $settings;
    $audioexamine = "";
    $return = "";
    //decide: flash or quicktime
    $thetype = $postings[$currentid]['audio_type'];
    //redirect or direct link? Only Flash can be redirected for counting
    if ($thetype == "1" and $settings['countfla'] == "1") {
        $before = "get.php?fla=";
    } else {
        if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") {
            $before = "audio/";
            $audioexamine = $GLOBALS['audiopath'] . $postings[$currentid]['audio_file'];
        } else {
            $before = "";
    if (!veryempty($postings[$currentid]['audio_file'])) {
        //possible attributes and default-values
        if (isset($att['width'])) {
            $width = $att['width'];
        } else {
            $width = 200;
        if (isset($att['height'])) {
            $height = $att['height'];
        } else {
            $height = 62;
        if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == 1) {
            $audio = $before . $postings[$currentid]['audio_file'];
        } else {
            $audio = $postings[$currentid]['audio_file'];
            if ($settings['countfla'] == "1") {
                $audio = $before . $audio;
        //if mp3
        if ($thetype == "1") {
            $pre = "0x";
            //....................this is the bit where you can change the colours.............
            //..............alter the hexadecimal colour values only (eg FFFFFF)...............
            //..............note that the hexadecimal values do not have a # at the front .....
            //...take care not to alter anything else (eg the inverted commas or the semicolons)
            $bg = $pre . "FFFFFF";
            $leftbg = $pre . "e4e5d4";
            //left background
            $lefticon = $pre . "809ab1";
            //left icon
            $rightbg = $pre . "49647d";
            //right background
            $rightbghover = $pre . "191970";
            //right background (hover)
            $righticon = $pre . "e4e5d4";
            //right icon
            $righticonhover = $pre . "809ab1";
            //right icon (hover)
            $text = $pre . "666666";
            $slider = $pre . "191970";
            $track = $pre . "6495ED";
            //progress track
            $border = $pre . "666666";
            //progress track border
            $loader = $pre . "e4e5d4";
            //loader bar
            $bgcolor = "#" . "FFFFFF";
            //page background
            //....................don't change anything below this line............
            //where can we find the audio file and the player
            $soundFile = $settings['url'] . "/" . $audio;
            $playerlocation = $settings['url'] . "/loudblog/custom/templates/" . $settings['template'] . "/player.swf";
            //build the string containing the parameters to be passed to the audio player
            $paramstring = "playerID=1&bg=" . $bg . "&leftbg=" . $leftbg . "&lefticon=" . $lefticon . "&rightbg=" . $rightbg . "&rightbghover=" . $rightbghover . "&righticon=" . $righticon . "&righticonhover=" . $righticonhover . "&text=" . $text . "&slider=" . $slider . "&track=" . $track . "&border=" . $border . "&loader=" . $loader . "&soundFile=" . $soundFile;
            //and convert special characters to html entities
            $flashvalue = htmlspecialchars($paramstring);
            //build up the code for displaying the player line by line
            $firstline = "<object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"" . $playerlocation . "\" width=\"290\" height=\"24\" id=\"audioplayer1\">";
            $secondline = "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"" . $playerlocation . "\" />";
            $thirdline = "<param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"" . $flashvalue . "\" />";
            $fourthline = "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" />";
            $fifthline = "<param name=\"menu\" value=\"false\" />";
            $sixthline = "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" /></object>";
            //and stick them together
            $return = $firstline . $secondline . $thirdline . $fourthline . $fifthline . $sixthline;
        //if quicktime audio
        if ($thetype == "2" or $thetype == "5" or $thetype == "6" or $thetype == "9" or $thetype == "12" or $thetype == "14") {
            //making an absolute link
            if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") {
                $audio = $settings['url'] . "/" . $audio;
            //Make width and height for showing Enhanced Podcast!
            if ($thetype == "14") {
                $fileinfo = getid3data($audioexamine, "front");
                if ($fileinfo['width'] != "") {
                    $width = $fileinfo['width'];
                    $height = $fileinfo['height'] + 16;
                    $href = "loudblog/backend/clicktoplayvideo.mov";
                } else {
                    $height = "16";
                    $href = "loudblog/backend/clicktoplayaudio.mov";
            } else {
                $height = "16";
                $href = "loudblog/backend/clicktoplayaudio.mov";
            //build html-code for quicktime plugin (audio)
            $return .= showquicktime($href, $audio, $width, $height, "myself", "false");
        //if quicktime video
        if ($thetype == "7" or $thetype == "10" or $thetype == "13") {
            //making an absolute link
            if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") {
                $audio = $settings['url'] . "/" . $audio;
                $target = "myself";
            } else {
                $target = "quicktimeplayer";
            //getting width and height from getid3()
            $fileinfo = getid3data($audioexamine, "front");
            //build html-code for quicktime plugin (video)
            $return .= showquicktime("loudblog/backend/clicktoplayvideo.mov", $audio, $fileinfo['width'], $fileinfo['height'] + 16, $target, "false");
        return $return;
    } else {
        return "";
function flashplayer($content)
    //puts emff-flash-app OR quicktime player on screen (works within postings-loop)
    global $postings;
    global $currentid;
    global $settings;
    $att = getattributes($content);
    $audioexamine = "";
    $return = "";
    //decide: flash or quicktime
    $thetype = $postings[$currentid]['audio_type'];
    //redirect or direct link? Only Flash can be redirected for counting
    if ($thetype == "1" and $settings['countfla'] == "1") {
        $before = "get.php?fla=";
    } else {
        if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") {
            $before = "audio/";
            $audioexamine = $GLOBALS['audiopath'] . $postings[$currentid]['audio_file'];
        } else {
            $before = "";
    if (!veryempty($postings[$currentid]['audio_file'])) {
        //possible attributes and default-values
        if (isset($att['width'])) {
            $width = $att['width'];
        } else {
            $width = 200;
        if (isset($att['height'])) {
            $height = $att['height'];
        } else {
            $height = 62;
        if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == 1) {
            $audio = $before . $postings[$currentid]['audio_file'];
        } else {
            $audio = $postings[$currentid]['audio_file'];
            if ($settings['countfla'] == "1") {
                $audio = $before . $audio;
        //if mp3, show flash!
        if ($thetype == "1") {
            $return .= showflash("loudblog/custom/templates/" . $settings['template'] . "/emff.swf?src=" . $audio, $width, $height);
        //if quicktime audio
        if ($thetype == "2" or $thetype == "5" or $thetype == "6" or $thetype == "9" or $thetype == "12" or $thetype == "14") {
            //making an absolute link
            if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") {
                $audio = $settings['url'] . "/" . $audio;
            //Make width and height for showing Enhanced Podcast!
            if ($thetype == "14") {
                $fileinfo = getid3data($audioexamine, "front");
                if ($fileinfo['width'] != "") {
                    $width = $fileinfo['width'];
                    $height = $fileinfo['height'] + 16;
                    $href = "loudblog/backend/clicktoplayvideo.mov";
                } else {
                    $height = "16";
                    $href = "loudblog/backend/clicktoplayaudio.mov";
            } else {
                $height = "16";
                $href = "loudblog/backend/clicktoplayaudio.mov";
            //build html-code for quicktime plugin (audio)
            $return .= showquicktime($href, $audio, $width, $height, "myself", "false");
        //if quicktime video
        if ($thetype == "7" or $thetype == "10" or $thetype == "13") {
            //making an absolute link
            if ($postings[$currentid]['filelocal'] == "1") {
                $audio = $settings['url'] . "/" . $audio;
                $target = "myself";
            } else {
                $target = "quicktimeplayer";
            //getting width and height from getid3()
            $fileinfo = getid3data($audioexamine, "front");
            //build html-code for quicktime plugin (video)
            $return .= showquicktime("loudblog/backend/clicktoplayvideo.mov", $audio, $fileinfo['width'], $fileinfo['height'] + 16, $target, "false");
        return $return;
    } else {
        return "";