unset($parse); // Only keep legit comments or this script will take days to run... $comments_to_keep = array(); for ($c = 0; $c < count($data['comment']); $c++) { if (intval($data['comment'][$c]['visible']) == 1) { $comments_to_keep[] = $data['comment'][$c]; } } $data['comment'] = $comments_to_keep; show_progress('Adding data to WP...'); // Associate data to entries, add to WP $fp = fopen('text_more.sql', 'w'); foreach ($data['entry'] as $old_id => &$entry) { /* $post = array( 'ID' => $entry['id'], 'post_content' => $entry['text'] ); $id = wp_update_post($post); */ $id = $entry['id']; fwrite($fp, vsprintf("UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = '%s' WHERE ID = %d;\r", array($entry['text'], $id))); if (!empty($entry['text_more'])) { show_progress($id, ' '); } } unset($data); fclose($fp); show_progress('<br />Done!');
return_error($error['message']); } } register_shutdown_function('shutdown'); if (!$is_already_sync) { if (!$recover) { $requete = "insert into source_sync (source_id,nrecu,ntotal,date_sync) values({$source_id},0,0,now())"; $r = mysql_query($requete); } else { $requete = "update source_sync set cancel=0 where source_id={$source_id}"; $r = mysql_query($requete); } if ($r) { $n_maj = $conn->maj_entrepot($source_id, "show_progress", $recover, $recover_env); if (!$conn->error) { show_progress(1, $n_maj, $n_maj); print "document.getElementById('cancel_sync').style.visibility='hidden';"; print "document.getElementById('get_back').style.visibility='visible';"; print "document.getElementById('sync_message').innerHTML='" . htmlentities($msg["connecteurs_sync_syncover"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'"; $requete = "delete from source_sync where source_id=" . $source_id; mysql_query($requete); $requete = "update connectors_sources set last_sync_date=now() where source_id=" . $source_id; mysql_query($requete); } else { if ($conn->break_maj($source_id)) { $requete = "delete from source_sync where source_id=" . $source_id; } else { $requete = "update source_sync set cancel=2 where source_id=" . $source_id; } mysql_query($requete); return_error($conn->error_message);
check_installed_file_exists() ? header('Location: ../magmi.php') : ""; show_progress(2); step_2(); break; case '3': check_installed_file_exists() ? header('Location: ../magmi.php') : ""; show_progress(3); step_3(); break; case '4': show_progress(4); step_4(); break; default: check_installed_file_exists() ? header('Location: ../magmi.php') : ""; show_progress(1); step_1(); } ?> </div> </div><!-- /actions --> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div><!-- /container --> <div class="grid_12 footer"> <!--<a href="#">--> <div class="footer-left"> </div> <div class="footer-right"> <div class="designed-by"> <a class="desined_by" target="_blank" href="http://dzine-hub.com">Designed by <img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="images/dz_logo.jpg"/></a> </div>
} if (!isset($argument[2])) { $argument[2] = ''; } $validCommand = array('quit', 'exit', 'show_progress', 'delete_result', 'help', 'show_file', 'cls', 'optab', '', 'check'); if (!in_array($argument[0], $validCommand)) { echo "Invalid command\n"; help_menu(); } else { if ($argument[0] == '' || $argument[0] == "quit" || $argument[0] == "exit") { echo ""; echo "\n"; $exitProgram = true; } else { if ($argument[0] == 'show_progress') { show_progress(); } else { if ($argument[0] == 'delete_result') { delete_result(); } else { if ($argument[0] == 'help') { help_menu(); } else { if ($argument[0] == 'show_file') { show_file(); } else { if ($argument[0] == "cls") { system("cls"); } else { if ($argument[0] == "optab") { display_optab();