function request_access_level() { global $dest; $command = shell_exec("command-group-function {$dest} 5 65287 1=0087 3=04"); echo "Sending request to device {$dest} to report PGN 65287: {$command}\n"; $analyzed = shell_exec("echo '{$command}' | analyzer 2>/dev/null"); echo "Sending request to device {$dest} to report PGN 65287: {$analyzed}\n"; $response = n2k_request_response($command, 'Request Access Level'); echo "Response: " . print_r($response); show_command_response($response); if (array_key_exists(65287, $response) && is_array($response[65287])) { echo "Airmar data received\n"; $response = $response['65287']; print_r($response); } }
function request_speed_calibration() { global $dest; $command = shell_exec("request-group-function {$dest} 5 126208 1=0087 3=04 4=29"); echo "Sending request to device {$dest} to report PGN 126208 PID 41: {$command}\n"; $analyzed = shell_exec("echo '{$command}' | analyzer 2>/dev/null"); echo "Sending request to device {$dest} to report PGN 126208 PID 41: {$analyzed}\n"; $response = n2k_request_response($command, 'Request Speed Calibration'); show_command_response($response); Sleep(2); $response = n2k_request_response(null, 'request-access-level'); show_airmar_data($response); }