show_end(); } else { $row = $result->fetch_array(); $info = new A2User($row['UserID'], $row['password'], $row['psid'], $row['email'], $row['last_name'], $row['first_name'], $row['access_level']); if ($info->getAccess() == 0) { $_SESSION['option'] = "logged_on"; $result = $db->query("select * from Courses where Courses.psid = " . $info->getPsid()); $rows = $result->num_rows; $studentCourseList = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $course = $result->fetch_array(); $studentCourse = new Course($course['Term'], $course['Department'], $course['Class_Number'], $course['Grade'], $course['GPA']); $studentCourseList[$i] = $studentCourse; } $info->addCourses($studentCourseList); $coursesTaken = show_classes($info); show_requirements($coursesTaken); log_out(); //if we matched, and we are an advisor. show the info and search option } elseif ($info->getAccess() == 1) { echo "Search For a Student: <br/><br/>"; $_SESSION['option'] = "searchstudent"; student_search(); } elseif ($info->getAccess() == 2) { echo "Search For a Student: <br/><br/>"; $_SESSION['option'] = "searchstudent"; student_search(); add_remove(); } else { echo "You have been removed from the system. Contact the admin</br>"; session_destroy();
</form> <?php $info = unserialize($_SESSION['info']); $infoString = serialize($info); $_SESSION['info'] = $infoString; } } } else { echo "Error occured try again<br/>"; advisor_action(); } } elseif (strcmp($option, 'studentinfo') == 0) { $info = unserialize($_SESSION['info']); $student = $info->getStudent(); $access = $student->getAccess(); $coursesTaken = show_classes($student); show_requirements($coursesTaken); advisor_action(); } elseif (strcmp($option, 'reviewnotes') == 0) { if (isset($_POST['rdochoice'])) { $fileName = $_POST['rdochoice'] . ".txt"; if (file_exists("notes/{$fileName}")) { $notes = file("notes/{$fileName}"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($notes); $i++) { echo "{$notes[$i]}<br/>"; } } else { echo "No notes have been logged about this session<br/>"; } } else { echo "No selection made<br/>";
<?php } elseif ($actionvalue == 3) { $_SESSION['option'] = "addnotes"; //go to add notes } else { $_SESSION['option'] = "reviewnotes"; //go to review notes } } } else { echo "Error occured try again<br/>"; advisor_action(); } } elseif (strcmp($option, 'studentinfo') == 0) { $info = unserialize($_SESSION['student']); $coursesTaken = show_classes($info->getPsid()); show_requirements($coursesTaken); advisor_action(); } elseif (strcmp($option, 'reviewnotes') == 0) { if (isset($_POST['rdochoice'])) { $radiovalue = $_POST['rdochoice']; $studentSessions = unserialize($_SESSION['sessions']); $fileName = $studentSessions[$radiovalue]; if (file_exists("notes/{$fileName}.txt")) { $notes = file("notes/{$fileName}.txt"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($notes); $i++) { echo "{$notes[$i]}<br/>"; } } else { echo "No notes have been logged about this session<br/>"; }