function hunterslodge_requisition_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("description", " bag containing twenty-five thousand Requistion tokens. Use this item to obtain the Requisition for yourself, or give the item to a friend.", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_req_large.png", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Bags of Requisition tokens in your Inventory can't be lost to Thieving Midget Bastards until the Requisition is taken out of the bag. Bags like this also make it easier to give Requisition to your friends. You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("playergold", "25000", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You tip the bag over and pour its contents into your pockets.", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Large bag of Requisition Tokens", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_requisition.php", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_requisition_large_use", "hunterslodge_req_large"); set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("description", " bag containing twelve thousand Requistion tokens. Use this item to obtain the Requisition for yourself, or give the item to a friend.", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_req_medium.png", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "500", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Bags of Requisition tokens in your Inventory can't be lost to Thieving Midget Bastards until the Requisition is taken out of the bag. Bags like this also make it easier to give Requisition to your friends. You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("playergold", "12000", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You tip the bag over and pour its contents into your pockets.", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Medium bag of Requisition Tokens", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_requisition.php", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_requisition_medium_use", "hunterslodge_req_medium"); set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("description", " bag containing two thousand Requistion tokens. Use this item to obtain the Requisition for yourself, or give the item to a friend.", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_req_small.png", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "100", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Bags of Requisition tokens in your Inventory can't be lost to Thieving Midget Bastards until the Requisition is taken out of the bag. Bags like this also make it easier to give Requisition to your friends. You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("playergold", "2000", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You tip the bag over and pour its contents into your pockets.", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Small bag of Requisition Tokens", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_requisition.php", "hunterslodge_req_small"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_requisition_small_use", "hunterslodge_req_small"); }
function hunterslodge_cigarettes_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("description", "A box of seventy-five cigarettes. Use this item to obtain the cigarettes for yourself, or give the item to a friend.", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_cigs_large.png", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Cigarettes can be used for many things that Requisition cannot, as I'm sure you're aware by now. These cigarettes, in prepackaged quantities, are easy to give as presents. You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You open up the box and stuff its delicious contents into your pockets.", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Large box of Cigarettes", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_large"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_cigarettes.php", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_large"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_large_use", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_large"); set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("description", "A box of thirty cigarettes. Use this item to obtain the cigarettes for yourself, or give the item to a friend.", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium.png", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "500", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Cigarettes can be used for many things that Requisition cannot, as I'm sure you're aware by now. These cigarettes, in prepackaged quantities, are easy to give as presents. You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You open up the box and stuff its delicious contents into your pockets.", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Medium box of Cigarettes", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_medium"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_cigarettes.php", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_medium"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_medium_use", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_medium"); set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("description", "A box of five cigarettes. Use this item to obtain the cigarettes for yourself, or give the item to a friend.", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_cigs_small.png", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "100", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Cigarettes can be used for many things that Requisition cannot, as I'm sure you're aware by now. These cigarettes, in prepackaged quantities, are easy to give as presents. You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You open up the box and stuff its delicious contents into your pockets.", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Small box of Cigarettes", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_cigs_small"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_cigarettes.php", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_small"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_small_use", "hunterslodge_cigarettes_small"); }
function hunterslodge_specialcomments_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("description", "A bundle of sixty Quills representing Special Comments, which lets you post things in commentary areas without your name attached. Use this item to redeem the Specials.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large.png", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Special Comments allow you to post messages in commentary areas without your name attached. Normally if you post \"Hello\", the game will show your comment as (for example) `4Admin CavemanJoe`7 says \"`#Hello`7\"`0. If you type \": mumbles \"Hello\" and scurries off\", then the game will render that as `4Admin CavemanJoe`7 mumbles \"Hello\" and scurries off`0. However, if you have Special Comments and you type \"/special A strange rumbling can be heard in the distance\", then the game will render that simply as `7A strange rumbling can be heard in the distance`0, without your name attached. So, Special Comments are just the job for special effects, mischief and general tomfoolery. Quills are Hunter's Lodge items that represent bundles of Special Comments - in order to get the Special Comments, go into your Inventory and use the Quills item. Packaging them as Quills also makes them easier to give to your friends! You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You unwrap the bundle of Quills, which promptly disappears. You now have extra Special Comments.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Large bundle of Quills", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_specialcomments.php", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large_use", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_large"); set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("description", "A bundle of twenty-five Quills representing Special Comments, which lets you post things in commentary areas without your name attached. Use this item to redeem the Specials.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium.png", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "500", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Special Comments allow you to post messages in commentary areas without your name attached. Normally if you post \"Hello\", the game will show your comment as (for example) `4Admin CavemanJoe`7 says \"`#Hello`7\"`0. If you type \": mumbles \"Hello\" and scurries off\", then the game will render that as `4Admin CavemanJoe`7 mumbles \"Hello\" and scurries off`0. However, if you have Special Comments and you type \"/special A strange rumbling can be heard in the distance\", then the game will render that simply as `7A strange rumbling can be heard in the distance`0, without your name attached. So, Special Comments are just the job for special effects, mischief and general tomfoolery. Quills are Hunter's Lodge items that represent bundles of Special Comments - in order to get the Special Comments, go into your Inventory and use the Quills item. Packaging them as Quills also makes them easier to give to your friends! You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You unwrap the bundle of Quills, which promptly disappears. You now have extra Special Comments.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Medium bundle of Quills", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_specialcomments.php", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium_use", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_medium"); set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("description", "A bundle of four Quills representing Special Comments, which lets you post things in commentary areas without your name attached. Use this item to redeem the Specials.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small.png", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "100", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "Special Comments allow you to post messages in commentary areas without your name attached. Normally if you post \"Hello\", the game will show your comment as (for example) `4Admin CavemanJoe`7 says \"`#Hello`7\"`0. If you type \": mumbles \"Hello\" and scurries off\", then the game will render that as `4Admin CavemanJoe`7 mumbles \"Hello\" and scurries off`0. However, if you have Special Comments and you type \"/special A strange rumbling can be heard in the distance\", then the game will render that simply as `7A strange rumbling can be heard in the distance`0, without your name attached. So, Special Comments are just the job for special effects, mischief and general tomfoolery. Quills are Hunter's Lodge items that represent bundles of Special Comments - in order to get the Special Comments, go into your Inventory and use the Quills item. Packaging them as Quills also makes them easier to give to your friends! You can use this item on the World Map, in Outposts, or in the Jungle.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You unwrap the bundle of Quills, which promptly disappears. You now have extra Special Comments.", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Small bundle of Quills", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_specialcomments.php", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small_use", "hunterslodge_specialcomments_small"); }
function cratesniffer_define_item() { set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "1", "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "20", "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("description", "This crudely-built device has enough power to send out a radio pulse to any supply crates within 3 klicks of your current location. It then displays the number of pings it receives back from supply crates, effectively telling you how many crates are nearby. Typically these cheaply-made devices only survive a single use.", "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", true, "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("image", "cratesniffer.png", "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Crate Sniffer", "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("weight", "1.8", "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("require_file", "cratesniffer.php", "cratesniffer"); set_item_setting("call_function", "cratesniffer_use", "cratesniffer"); }
function supplycrate_define_item() { set_item_setting("description", "A large crate filled with... well, who knows what?", "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", true, "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("dropworldmap", true, "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("giftable", true, "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("image", "supplycrate.png", "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("plural", "Supply Crates", "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Supply Crate", "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("weight", "20", "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("require_file", "supplycrate.php", "supplycrate"); set_item_setting("call_function", "supplycrate_use", "supplycrate"); }
function banggrenade_define_item() { set_item_setting("allowtransfer", "fight", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("context_fight", "1", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "100", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("description", "A BANG Grenade is your average run-of-the-mill handheld explosive device. Pull the pin, chuck it at an enemy, hope you're on target. 'nuff said.", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("image", "banggrenade.png", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "BANG Grenade", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("weight", "0.8", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("require_file", "banggrenade.php", "banggrenade"); set_item_setting("call_function", "banggrenade_use", "banggrenade"); }
function hunterslodge_customrace_permanent_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("description", "This version of the Cunning Disguise will let you change your Custom Race as often as you want. It's Groucho glasses all the way down!", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent.png", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("context_lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "In addition to being an extremely silly object all around, this Cunning Disguise Cunningly Disguised with a Cunning Disguise allows you to dress up like a member of another race. Perhaps even an entirely fictional race. Your race icon in commentary areas will be replaced with a silver question mark; mousing over this symbol reveals the race name that you choose when you use this item (up to a maximum of 25 characters). If you want to roleplay as a JokerMorph or other race that isn't playable or might not be strictly canonical, this is the item you need.`n`nThis item lets you change your custom race as many times you as you like, as often as you like. `4Only items that have never been used can be given to other players,`0 so if you're buying this as a gift, it's a good idea to give it to the recipient straight away.`n`nYou can use this item from any Hunter's Lodge.", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Cunning Disguise Cunningly Disguised with a Cunning Disguise", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_customrace.php", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent_use", "hunterslodge_customrace_permanent"); }
function improbabilitybomb_define_item() { set_item_setting("allowtransfer", "fight", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("context_fight", "1", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "2", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("description", "Improbability Bombs are used in combat. Their effects are somewhat unpredictable. Be careful with these.", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("image", "improbabilitybomb.png", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Improbability Bomb", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("weight", "1.5", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("require_file", "improbabilitybomb.php", "improbabilitybomb"); set_item_setting("call_function", "improbabilitybomb_use", "improbabilitybomb"); }
function whoomphgrenade_define_item() { set_item_setting("allowtransfer", "fight", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("context_fight", "1", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "100", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("description", "An incendiary device that sets your foes on fire!", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("image", "whoomphgrenade.png", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "WHOOMPH Grenade", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("weight", "0.8", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("require_file", "whoomphgrenade.php", "whoomphgrenade"); set_item_setting("call_function", "whoomphgrenade_use", "whoomphgrenade"); }
function zapgrenade_define_item() { set_item_setting("allowtransfer", "fight", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("context_fight", "1", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "100", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("description", "A ZAP Grenade will blind and deafen your enemy, allowing you to quickly put the boot in while they're disoriented. It's very useful for when you just need to hold on a little longer.", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("image", "zapgrenade.png", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "ZAP Grenade", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("weight", "0.8", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("require_file", "zapgrenade.php", "zapgrenade"); set_item_setting("call_function", "zapgrenade_use", "zapgrenade"); }
function hunterslodge_avatar_permanent_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("description", "This fancy picture frame allows you to change your Avatar picture as often as you like!", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent.png", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("context_lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "This picture frame allows you to upload a picture of your choosing, to be used in your Bio and in commentary mouseover areas. The image can be up to 100 pixels wide, by 100 pixels tall, and no larger than 100 kilobytes, in .jpg or .png format.`n`nThis item allows you to change your avatar picture any time you like without further cost. `4Only picture frames that have never been used can be given to other players,`0 so if you're buying this as a gift, it's a good idea to give it to the recipient straight away.`n`nYou can use this item from any Hunter's Lodge.", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Fancy Picture Frame", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_avatar.php", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent_use", "hunterslodge_avatar_permanent"); }
function hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("description", "This fancy collar lets you change your Mount's name as often as you like!", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent.png", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("context_lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "This collar allows you to change the name of your Mount. In your Bio pages, viewable by anyone, your mount will be called \"(name you choose) the (type of your mount),\" for example \"Fido the Budget Horse.\" You can use colour codes in there too, up to a maximum of 25 characters. Once you've changed the name of your Mount, any other Mount you buy thereafter will have the same given name.`n`nThis item lets you change the name of your Mount as many times as you like, but remember that `4only unused Collars can be gifted.`0 Secondhand collars covered in spit and fur do not a nice gift make.`n`nYou can use this item from any Hunter's Lodge.", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Deluxe Collar", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_namedmount.php", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent_use", "hunterslodge_namedmount_permanent"); }
function hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("description", "This mysteriously-official-looking document allows you to change your in-game title to something of your own choosing. The extra seal makes this document Officially Even More Official, and allows you to change your title as often as you like!", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent.png", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("context_lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "This official-looking document lets you change your title - that is, the first part of your character's name, which could be \"Rookie,\" \"Contestant,\" \"Returning Contestant\" all the way up to silly things like \"Grand High Supreme Badass\" - to something of your own devising. You can use colour codes in there too, up to a maximum of 25 characters. Once you've changed your title, it stays that way until you change it again.`n`nThis item lets you change your title as many times as you like. If you're buying this as a present, remember that `4only unused Title Change documents can be gifted!`0 Nobody gives second-hand bits of paper as presents.`n`nYou can use this item from any Hunter's Lodge.", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Super-Official Title Change Document", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_customtitle.php", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent_use", "hunterslodge_customtitle_permanent"); }
function hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("description", "These pens allow you to change the colours in your name as often as you like!", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent.png", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("context_lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "This Name Colourisation Kit (IE a big pack of felt-tip pens) will allow you to add colour codes to your name. If you want a fancy, colourful name, then this is the item for you; you might want to check out the Title Change item, too.`n`nThis item lets you colourise your name as many times as you want, and as often as you want - but remember, `4only `bunused`b Name Colourisation Kits can be gifted to other players.`0`n`nYou can use this item from any Hunter's Lodge.", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Deluxe Name Colourisation Kit", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_customcolours.php", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent_use", "hunterslodge_customcolours_permanent"); }
function hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("description", "The deluxe version of the Weapon Disguise gives you unlimited weapon name changes. Change your weapon as often as you like!", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent.png", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("context_lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "This Extra-Cunning Weapon Disguise allows you to set the name of your weapon to anything you'd like. You get 25 characters to play with, and other players will be able to see your weapon name in commentary mouseover areas. If you want to roleplay a character with an unusual weapon that Sheila's Shack doesn't sell, this is the item you'll want to buy. Please note that setting a custom weapon is a permanent deal; although you can still buy new weapons and have their effects take hold normally, the name will always be what you set when you attached your Extra-Cunning Weapon Disguise, unless you change or reset it by using this item again.`n`nThis item lets you change your weapon name as many times as you like, but remember: `4you can only gift or trade Extra-Cunning Weapon Disguises that have never been used.`0 If you're buying this as a present for somebody, it's a good idea to give it to them straight away.`n`nYou can use this item from any Hunter's Lodge.", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Extra-Cunning Weapon Disguise", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_customweapon.php", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent_use", "hunterslodge_customweapon_permanent"); }
function hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("description", "The deluxe version of the Armour Customization Kit is specially tuned with certain Improbable Powers of Time and Space (and Groucho glasses). It gives you unlimited armour name changes. Change your armour as often as you like!", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent.png", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("context_lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1000", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "This Deluxe Armour Customisation Kit (consisting of a can of paint, some tinfoil and a large hammer, all cunningly disguised so nobody will ever know) will allow you to set the name of your armour to anything you like. You get 25 characters to play about with, and other players will be able to see your custom armour in commentary mouseover areas. If you're roleplaying a character with an unusual taste in clothing which to which Sheila's Shack doesn't cater, then this is the item for you. Once you set your custom armour, buying new armour will only change your stats and buffs; the name will always reflect what you chose when you customised your armour.`n`nThis item lets you customise your armour as many times as you like without having to buy it again, but remember - `4if you're buying this as a present, remember not to use it! Only new, unused items can be gifted to other players!`0`n`nYou can use this item from any Hunter's Lodge.", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Deluxe Custom Armour Kit", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_customarmour.php", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent_use", "hunterslodge_customarmour_permanent"); }
function monsterrepellentspray_define_item() { set_item_setting("allowtransfer", "fight", "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("context_fight", true, "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("context_forest", true, "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("context_village", true, "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", true, "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("cratefind", 70, "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("description", "Monster Repellent Spray can be applied to the skin and clothes to keep monsters away, or applied directly to monsters during a fight to provoke a pepper-spray-like reaction.", "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", true, "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("eboy", true, "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("image", "monsterrepellentspray.png", "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Monster Repellent Spray", "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("weight", "0.5", "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("require_file", "monsterrepellentspray.php", "monsterrepellentspray"); set_item_setting("call_function", "monsterrepellentspray_use", "monsterrepellentspray"); }
function energydrink_define_item() { set_item_setting("context_forest", "1", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("context_village", "1", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "1", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "60", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("description", "It's everything you ever wanted, and it comes in a `iROCKET CAN`i. Grants extra Stamina when used.", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("image", "energydrink.png", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("usetext", "`0You wolf down the Energy Drink for an immediate Stamina boost. You feel `4powerful!`0", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Energy Drink", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("weight", "0.6", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("require_file", "energydrink.php", "energydrink"); set_item_setting("call_function", "energydrink_use", "energydrink"); }
function nicotinegum_define_item() { set_item_setting("context_forest", "1", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("context_village", "1", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "1", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "50", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("description", "Nicotine Gum helps to keep the shakes under control if you've been smoking too much.", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("image", "nicotinegum.png", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("usetext", "`0You chomp down on your Nicotine Gum, and feel the addiction shakes fade a little.`0", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Nicotine Gum", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("weight", "0.01", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("require_file", "nicotinegum.php", "nicotinegum"); set_item_setting("call_function", "nicotinegum_use", "nicotinegum"); }
function hunterslodge_healthinsurance_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("description", "A certificate allowing free healing, valid for one real-world week after its first use.", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", false, "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance.png", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "500", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("lodge_limited", true, "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("lodge_stock", 250, "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "This certificate allows the bearer to receive free healing at any Hospital Tent on Improbable Island. It's valid for one real-world week, and the clock starts ticking the first time you visit the Hospital Tent.", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Health Insurance Certificate", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance.php", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance_use", "hunterslodge_healthinsurance"); }
function oneshotteleporter_define_item() { set_item_setting("allowtransfer", "fight", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("context_fight", "1", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "1", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("context_village", "1", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "1", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "50", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("description", "One-Shot Teleporters allow the user to instantaneously transport to any Outpost on the Island.", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("image", "oneshotteleporter.png", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "One-Shot Teleporter", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("weight", "2.5", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("require_file", "oneshotteleporter.php", "oneshotteleporter"); set_item_setting("call_function", "oneshotteleporter_use", "oneshotteleporter"); }
function smallmedkit_define_item() { set_item_setting("blockrobot", "true", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "1", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("context_village", "1", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "1", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "120", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("description", "A Small Medkit restores up to twenty hitpoints when used.", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "1", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("image", "smallmedkit.png", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You sit down and patch yourself up. After a few minutes, you're feeling a little better.", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Small Medkit", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("weight", "1", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("require_file", "smallmedkit.php", "smallmedkit"); set_item_setting("call_function", "smallmedkit_use", "smallmedkit"); }
function rationpack_define_item() { set_item_setting("blockrobot", "true", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "1", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("context_village", "1", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "1", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("cratefind", "110", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("description", "Ration Packs contain everything a contestant needs to carry on fighting monsters! A contestant can reliably eat nothing but Ration Packs and survive for several weeks before dying of malnutrition. They are filling and contain very little fat. Use them to restore your Stamina, but keep in mind their low nutritional quality - it's probably not a good idea to try to live on these alone.", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("eboy", "true", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("image", "rationpack.png", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You tear open the foil packaging and look inside.`n`nAfter a few moments' contemplation, you let out the heartbroken sigh of every soldier with an empty belly and a full Rat Pack.`n`nThe material inside has been designed to withstand being thrown out of a plane, bounced down a mountain, encased in snow and ice, left out in the sun and/or buried in a swamp for up to three years. It contains all the essential nutrients required for a soldier to live on for several weeks without dying of malnutrition. It even comes with dessert in the form of a chocolate bar - one that, according to rumour, has saved the lives of several contestants. Not for its nutritional value, of which there is none, but for its remarkable bullet-stopping tensile strength.`n`nYou suck thoughtfully on the corner of the material. Before long it begins to react with your saliva, breaking up and yielding to your teeth, and rewarding you some Stamina as you begin the arduous process of digestion.`n`nIt beats starving. Just.", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Ration Pack", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("weight", "1.5", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("require_file", "rationpack.php", "rationpack"); set_item_setting("call_function", "rationpack_use", "rationpack"); }
function buildersbrew_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "1", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "1", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("context_village", "1", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "1", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("context_lodge", "1", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("description", "A stasis flask containing the mythical Perfect Builder's Brew - a cup of tea so strong and sugary that it grants the strength of ten ordinary mortals to anybody who drinks it before performing building-related activities.", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("image", "buildersbrew.png", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "250", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "The Perfect Builder's Brew began as a theory concoted by the world's leading tea-related scientist and researcher Mrs Henrietta Wainwright of Avebury, Wiltshire. In collaboration with the renowned builder and tea expert Dave Murphy of Birmingham and the enigmatic and eccentric Brew Monks of the Somerset Levels, she devised an atom-precise tea brewing technique and formula whose results are truly astonishing.`n`nUpon imbibing this tea, kept at perfect temperature in this electronic stasis-field flask, the Stamina cost of building- and decorating-related activities will drop to one tenth of its original level, and your experience gain for these actions will be increased by 20%. The effects last until you trigger a new Game Day, and affect the following actions:`n`nLogging`nStonecutting`nCarpentry`nMasonry`nDecorating`nOutpost Wall Reinforcement`n`nThe Builder's Brew does `inot`i affect Travel costs or maximum backpack weights, so it's still be a good idea to have a friend help you to carry things around. `b`4Please check the current Game Time before you drink your Brew!`0`b Nothing sucks worse than drinking this expensive (but awesome!) tea and then realising you've only got ten minutes to use it!", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("usetext", "`0You unscrew the lid of the Stasis Flask. You feel a tiny movement from within the flask - as though the tea were frozen in time mid-slosh. You peer inside - yes, the tea is swirling clockwise. The stasis field must have been engaged just seconds after the prescribed stirring technique (six spins clockwise at 92rpm, break flow by pulling spoon across centre of cup, three spins anti-clockwise at 93rpm, hold spoon head at precise centre for .72333 of a second, four spins clockwise at 70.5rpm, ENJOY!). You raise the cup reverently to your lips.`n`nIt is the perfect cup of tea. Nothing more needs to be said.`n`nStanding up, your pants slowly slide down to reveal two inches of arse crack. `iYou've got some building to do.`i", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Builder's Brew", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("require_file", "buildersbrew.php", "buildersbrew"); set_item_setting("call_function", "buildersbrew_use", "buildersbrew"); }
function hunterslodge_selectionbox_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("description", "A large, heavy rosewood box containing a selection of items from the Hunter's Lodge and eBoy's Trading Station, lacquered to a high finish.", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_selectionbox.png", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "699", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("lodge_stock", 200, "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("lodge_limited", true, "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "The Hunter's Lodge Selection Box is a heavy rosewood box with a burl inlay, lacquered to a high shine. It contains two BANG Grenades, two WHOOMPH Grenades, two ZAP Grenades, two Crate Sniffers, two Energy Drinks, two Improbability Bombs, two Large Medkits, two cans of Monster Repellent Spray, two pieces of Nicotine Gum, two One-Shot Teleporters, two Ration Packs and two Small Medkits, as well as a Builder's Brew, a Picture Frame, a small box of Cigarettes, a Custom Armour Kit, a Name Colourization Kit, a Cunning Disguise, a Title Change Document, a small bag of Requisition, a small bundle of Quills, a Collar and a Weapon Disguise. The total value of the box's contents adds up to 1,200 Supporter Points, not counting the worth of the eBoy's items, so it's a pretty good deal - and out of 700 points you'll still have a point left over for gift-wrapping.`n`nThe Hunter's Lodge Selection Box can be given as a present - in fact, that's what it's designed for. Upon using the box from your Inventory, the box disappears (after some suitably fancy flavour text) and is replaced with the items it carries. You can either give the box itself as a single gift, or you can open the box and send each item individually.`n`n(descriptions of impressive weight and size are for flavour only. Like all other Hunter's Lodge items, the game will treat this box as if it's weightless, so your backpack remains unencumbered - at least until you open it)", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You press the brass lever on the front of the box, and the lid opens slowly on silent hinges. The inside of the box is upholstered in soft, black velvet. Packed tightly inside are two BANG Grenades, two WHOOMPH Grenades, two Crate Sniffers, two Energy Drinks, two Improbability Bombs, two Large Medkits, two cans of Monster Repellent Spray, two pieces of Nicotine Gum, two One-Shot Teleporters, two Ration Packs and two Small Medkits from eBoy's Trading Station.`n`nBut hang on just a moment - like in a fine box of chocolates, there's another layer underneath! You lift up a velveted wooden panel to find a Builder's Brew, a Picture Frame, a small box of Cigarettes, a Custom Armour Kit, a Name Colourization Kit, a Cunning Disguise, a Title Change Document, a small bag of Requisition, a small bundle of Quills, a Collar and a Weapon Disguise from the Hunter's Lodge!`n`nStuffing the contents of the box into your now-bulging Backpack and Lodge Bag, the now-empty rosewood box closes itself and scuttles off into the Jungle to seek its fortune.", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Hunter's Lodge Selection Box", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_selectionbox.php", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_use", "hunterslodge_selectionbox"); }
function hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("description", "A large and heavy wooden chest, elaborately decorated with brass edging and burl panels, containing a selection of items sure to please dedicated house-builders.", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder.png", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1499", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("lodge_stock", 100, "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("lodge_limited", true, "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "The Builder's Selection Box is a large, heavy wooden chest accented with brass fittings. It contains no fewer than `bten`b Builder's Brews, `bten`b Energy Drinks, `bten`b Ration Packs, `bten`b cans of Monster Repellent Spray, `bten`b One-Shot Teleporters and `btwo large`b boxes of Cigarettes. In short, it's everything you'd need for a fun few days of building and decorating, along with enough cigarettes to buy some furniture too. The total value of the box's contents adds up to 4,000 Supporter Points, not counting the worth of the eBoy's items, so it's a pretty good deal - and out of 1,500 points you'll still have a point left over for gift-wrapping.`n`nThe Builder's Selection Box can be given as a present - in fact, that's what it's designed for. Upon using the box from your Inventory, the box disappears (after some suitably fancy flavour text) and is replaced with the items it carries. You can either give the box itself as a single gift, or you can open the box and send each item individually.`n`n(descriptions of impressive weight and size are for flavour only. Like all other Hunter's Lodge items, the game will treat this box as if it's weightless, so your backpack remains unencumbered - at least until you open it)", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You uncouple the fancy brass catches, and the lid opens slowly on silent hinges. The inside of the box is upholstered in soft black velvet. Packed tightly inside are ten Builder's Brews, ten Ration Packs, ten Energy Drinks, ten cans of Monster Repellent Spray, ten One-Shot Teleporters, and two large boxes of cigarettes!`n`nStuffing the contents of the box into your now-bulging Backpack and Lodge Bag, the now-empty wooden box closes itself and scuttles off into the Jungle to seek its fortune.", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Builder's Selection Box", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder.php", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder_use", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_builder"); }
function hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("description", "A black and red wooden box, lacquered to a deep, mirror shine, containing a selection of items from the Hunter's Lodge and eBoy's Trading Station.", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe.png", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "1499", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("lodge_stock", 100, "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("lodge_limited", true, "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "The Deluxe Hunter's Lodge Selection Box is a long, heavy wooden case lacquered and buffed to a mirror shine. It contains four BANG Grenades, four WHOOMPH Grenades, four ZAP Grenades, four Crate Sniffers, four Energy Drinks, four Improbability Bombs, four Large Medkits, four cans of Monster Repellent Spray, four pieces of Nicotine Gum, four One-Shot Teleporters, four Ration Packs and four Small Medkits from eBoy's Trading Station, along with a Builder's Brew, a Picture Frame, a `blarge`b box of Cigarettes, a Custom Armour Kit, a Name Colourization Kit, a Cunning Disguise, a Title Change Document, a `blarge`b bag of Requisition, a `b50-bundle`b of Quills, a Collar and a Weapon Disguise. It's a pretty good deal!`n`nThe Deluxe Selection Box can be given as a present - in fact, that's what it's designed for. Upon using the box from your Inventory, the box disappears (after some suitably fancy flavour text) and is replaced with the items it carries. You can either give the box itself as a single gift, or you can open the box and send each item individually.`n`n(descriptions of impressive weight and size are for flavour only. Like all other Hunter's Lodge items, the game will treat this box as if it's weightless, so your backpack remains unencumbered - at least until you open it)", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You press the inlaid brass button on the front of the box, and the lid opens slowly on silent hinges. The inside of the box is upholstered in soft black velvet. Packed tightly inside are four BANG Grenades, four WHOOMPH Grenades, four Crate Sniffers, four Energy Drinks, four Improbability Bombs, four Large Medkits, four cans of Monster Repellent Spray, four pieces of Nicotine Gum, four One-Shot Teleporters, four Ration Packs and four Small Medkits from eBoy's Trading Station.`n`nBut hang on just a moment - like in a fine box of chocolates, there's another layer underneath! You lift up a velveted wooden panel to find a Builder's Brew, a Picture Frame, a large box of Cigarettes, a Custom Armour Kit, a Name Colourization Kit, a Cunning Disguise, a Title Change Document, a large bag of Requisition, a 50-bundle of Quills, a Collar and a Weapon Disguise from the Hunter's Lodge!`n`nStuffing the contents of the box into your now-bulging Backpack and Lodge Bag, the now-empty wooden box closes itself and scuttles off into the Jungle to seek its fortune.", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Deluxe Selection Box", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe.php", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe_use", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_deluxe"); }
function hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy_define_item() { set_item_setting("cannotdiscard", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("description", "A smart wooden box containing two of every item from eBoy's Trading Station.", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("giftable", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("image", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy.png", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("inventorylocation", "lodgebag", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("lodge", "true", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("lodge_cost", "99", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("lodge_stock", 400, "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("lodge_limited", true, "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("lodge_longdesc", "The eBoy's Trading Station Selection Box is a dark wooden box of satisfying weight. It contains two BANG Grenades, two WHOOMPH Grenades, two ZAP Grenades, two Crate Sniffers, two Energy Drinks, two Improbability Bombs, two Large Medkits, two cans of Monster Repellent Spray, two pieces of Nicotine Gum, two One-Shot Teleporters, two Ration Packs and two Small Medkits.`n`nThe eBoy's Trading Station Selection Box can be given as a present - in fact, that's what it's designed for. Upon using the box from your Inventory, the box disappears (after some suitably fancy flavour text) and is replaced with the items it carries. You can either give the box itself as a single gift, or you can open the box and send each item individually.`n`n(descriptions of impressive weight and size are for flavour only. Like all other Hunter's Lodge items, the game will treat this box as if it's weightless, so your backpack remains unencumbered - at least until you open it)", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("usetext", "You press the brushed stainless-steel lever on the front of the box, and the lid opens slowly on silent hinges. The inside of the box is upholstered in soft maroon velvet. Packed tightly inside are two BANG Grenades, two WHOOMPH Grenades, two Crate Sniffers, two Energy Drinks, two Improbability Bombs, two Large Medkits, two cans of Monster Repellent Spray, two pieces of Nicotine Gum, two One-Shot Teleporters, two Ration Packs and two Small Medkits from eBoy's Trading Station.`n`nStuffing the contents of the box into your now-bulging Backpack, the now-empty wooden box closes itself and scuttles off into the Jungle to seek its fortune.", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "eBoy's Trading Station Selection Box", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("require_file", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy.php", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); set_item_setting("call_function", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy_use", "hunterslodge_selectionbox_eboy"); }
function eboy_updateprices() { global $session; $eboy_info = get_items_with_settings("eboy"); require_once "modules/cityprefs/lib.php"; $cid = get_cityprefs_cityid("location", $session['user']['location']); $sql = "SELECT count(acctid) AS c FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE locked=0"; $result = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); $totalplayers = $row['c']; foreach ($eboy_info as $item => $settings) { if ($settings['eboy_stock_' . $cid]) { if (!$settings['eboy_multiplier_' . $cid] || !isset($settings['eboy_multiplier_' . $cid])) { $settings['eboy_multiplier_' . $cid] = 1; } $newprice = round($totalplayers / $settings['eboy_stock_' . $cid] * $settings['eboy_multiplier_' . $cid]); set_item_setting("eboy_price_" . $cid, $newprice, $item); $eboy_info['eboy_price_' . $cid] = $newprice; } else { if (!$settings['eboy_multiplier_' . $cid] || !isset($settings['eboy_multiplier_' . $cid])) { $settings['eboy_multiplier_' . $cid] = 1; } $newprice = round($totalplayers * $settings['eboy_multiplier_' . $cid]); set_item_setting("eboy_price_" . $cid, $newprice, $item); $eboy_info['eboy_price_' . $cid] = $newprice; } if ($settings['eboy_price_' . $cid] < 10) { set_item_setting("eboy_price_" . $cid, 10, $item); } } }
function giftbox_define_item() { set_item_setting("description", "A shiny red gift box. Who knows what's inside?", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("giftwrap", "true", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("image", "giftbox1.png", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("lodgehooknav", "true", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Red Gift Box", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("require_file", "giftbox.php", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("call_function", "giftbox_use", "giftbox1"); set_item_setting("description", "A shiny dark green gift box. Who knows what's inside?", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("giftwrap", "true", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("image", "giftbox2.png", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("lodgehooknav", "true", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Dark Green Gift Box", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("require_file", "giftbox.php", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("call_function", "giftbox_use", "giftbox2"); set_item_setting("description", "A shiny purple gift box. Who knows what's inside?", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("giftwrap", "true", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("image", "giftbox3.png", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("lodgehooknav", "true", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Purple Gift Box", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("require_file", "giftbox.php", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("call_function", "giftbox_use", "giftbox3"); set_item_setting("description", "A shiny blue gift box. Who knows what's inside?", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("giftwrap", "true", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("image", "giftbox4.png", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("lodgehooknav", "true", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Blue Gift Box", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("require_file", "giftbox.php", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("call_function", "giftbox_use", "giftbox4"); set_item_setting("description", "A shiny turquoise gift box. Who knows what's inside?", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("giftwrap", "true", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("image", "giftbox5.png", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("lodgehooknav", "true", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Turquoise Gift Box", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("require_file", "giftbox.php", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("call_function", "giftbox_use", "giftbox5"); set_item_setting("description", "A shiny light green gift box. Who knows what's inside?", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("destroyafteruse", "true", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("dkpersist", "true", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("context_forest", "true", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("giftwrap", "true", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("image", "giftbox6.png", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("lodgehooknav", "true", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("verbosename", "Light Green Gift Box", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("context_village", "true", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("context_worldmap", "true", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("require_file", "giftbox.php", "giftbox6"); set_item_setting("call_function", "giftbox_use", "giftbox6"); }