public function upload_sell_order() { $display = true; if (isset($_POST['sell_order_file_submit']) && trim($_POST['sell_order_file_submit']) !== '') { try { $this->form_validation->set_rules('upload_type', 'Sell Order File Type', 'trim|required|numeric'); if ($this->form_validation->run() === false) { throw new Exception(validation_errors()); } $validFile = $this->_validateSellOrderFile(); if ($_POST['upload_type'] == FILE_UPLOAD_TYPE_EBAY) { $output = $this->uploader->uploadEbaySellOrderFile($_FILES['sell_order_file']); $this->load->view('smart_view', array('header' => true, 'footer' => true, 'source' => 'admin/upload_file_result', 'data' => array('output' => $output))); $display = false; } } catch (Exception $ex) { setSessionData('view_error_message', $ex->getMessage()); } } if ($display) { $param = array('source' => 'admin/upload_file', 'header' => true, 'footer' => true); $fileUploadTypeArray = array(FILE_UPLOAD_TYPE_EBAY => 'eBay File Upload', FILE_UPLOAD_TYPE_WEBSITE => 'Website File Upload', FILE_UPLOAD_TYPE_OTHER => 'Other File Upload'); $param['data'] = array(); $param['data']['fileUploadTypeArray'] = $fileUploadTypeArray; $this->load->view('smart_view', $param); } }
public function create() { //$this->product->releaseUnusedBookedProducts(); //die(); if (isset($_POST['sell_order_create_submit']) && trim($_POST['sell_order_create_submit']) !== '') { try { /// first check the form inputs /// $validData = $this->_validateInputForCreate(); /// now gather the customer infos and try to find/create customer /// $customerOption['first_name'] = $_POST['txt_first_name']; $customerOption['last_name'] = $_POST['txt_last_name']; $customerOption['ebay_id'] = $_POST['txt_ebay_id']; $customerOption['email'] = $_POST['txt_email']; $customerOption['phone'] = $_POST['txt_contact_no']; $customerOption['address_line_1'] = $_POST['txt_address_line_1']; $customerOption['address_line_2'] = $_POST['txt_address_line_2']; $customerOption['address_suburb'] = $_POST['txt_suburb']; $customerOption['address_postcode'] = $_POST['txt_postcode']; $customerOption['address_state_id'] = $_POST['select_state']; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// now gather infos for sell order /// $sellOrderOption['consignment_no'] = $_POST['txt_consignment_no']; $sellOrderOption['delivery_method_id'] = $_POST['select_delivery_method']; $sellOrderOption['sell_order_status_id'] = $_POST['select_sell_order_status']; $sellOrderOption['additional_comments'] = $_POST['txt_additional_comments']; $sellOrderOption['order_total_inc'] = $_POST['txt_price_inc']; $sellOrderOption['sell_source_id'] = $_POST['select_sell_source']; $sellOrderOption['payment_method_id'] = $_POST['select_payment_method']; $sellOrderOption['payment_reference_no'] = $_POST['txt_payment_reference']; $sellOrderOption['product_instances'] = $piArray = json_decode(trim($_POST['hdn_pi_ids'])); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $sellOrderId = $this->sell_order->createSellOrder($customerOption, $sellOrderOption); setSessionData('view_success_message', "A new Sell order created successfully"); redirect('sell/create'); } catch (Exception $ex) { setSessionData('view_error_message', $ex->getMessage()); } } $stateArray = $this->customer->getStates(); $productArray = $this->product->getProductsWithSOHCount(false, array(PRODUCT_AVAILABLE)); $statusArray = $this->sell_order->getSellOrderStatuses(); $sourceArray = $this->sell_order->getSellSources(); $deliveryArray = $this->sell_order->getDeliveryMethods(); $paymentMethodArray = $this->sell_order->getPaymentMethods(); $data = array('productArray' => $productArray, 'stateArray' => $stateArray, 'statusArray' => $statusArray, 'sourceArray' => $sourceArray, 'deliveryArray' => $deliveryArray, 'paymentMethodArray' => $paymentMethodArray); $param = array('header' => true, 'footer' => true, 'source' => 'order/create_order', 'data' => $data); $this->load->view('smart_view', $param); }
function checkPassword($login, $password) { $passwordFile = file('passwords.txt'); foreach ($passwordFile as $string) { $usersData[explode('=', $string)[0]] = trim(explode('=', $string)[1]); } if (array_key_exists($login, $usersData)) { if ($usersData[$login] == $password) { setSessionData(); } else { header('Location:/auth.php?action=errorWrongUserData'); } } else { header('Location:/auth.php?action=errorWrongUserData'); } }
/** * Login processor for admin panel */ function login() { $this->set("title", "Sevasetu | Login Processor"); initiateSession(); $username = sqlSafe($_POST['username']); $password = sqlSafe($_POST['password']); $adminData = $this->Admin->getAdminByUsername($username); if ($adminData == false) { $this->set("message", "Database error"); return; } if (generateHash($password . $adminData['admins_salt']) == $adminData['admins_password']) { setSessionData("admin_hash", md5($adminData['admins_salt'])); $this->set("message", "Login Successful. You will be redirected in a moment... If not then click here"); } else { $this->set("message", "Username/Password Incorrect"); } }
function checkLoginPassword($login, $password) { // Проверяем наличие логина в БД if (checkLoginExistence($login)) { // Логины хранятся в БД в нижнем регистре $login = mb_strtolower($login); // Получаем пароль для указаного пользователя $query = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE login = '******'"; $result = mysqli_fetch_array(executeQuery($query, "get"))[0]; // Сверяем пароль и устанавливаем данные сессии, в случае успешной проверки. В случае неудачи возвращаем ошибку if (password_verify($password, $result)) { setSessionData($login, $result); } else { header('Location:/?action=authentication&message=errorWrongUserData'); } } else { header('Location:/?action=authentication&message=errorWrongUserData'); } }
public function view_stock_count() { $param = $dataArray = array(); if (isset($_POST['view_stock_count_submit']) && trim($_POST['view_stock_count_submit']) !== '') { try { $this->form_validation->set_rules('product_id', 'Product', 'trim'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('warehouse_id', 'Warehouse', 'trim'); $this->_validateStockCountReportInput($_POST); //if($this->form_validation->run() === false) // throw new Exception(validation_errors()); $whProductArray = $this->product->getStockCountReportForProduct($_POST); if (($productId = trim($_POST['product_id'])) !== '') { if (($product = $this->product->getProduct($productId)) !== false) { $dataArray['searchProduct'] = $product; } } $dataArray['result'] = $whProductArray; } catch (Exception $ex) { setSessionData('view_error_message', $ex->getMessage()); } } $param['header'] = true; $param['footer'] = true; $param['source'] = 'product/view_stock_count'; $param['data'] = $dataArray; $this->load->view('smart_view', $param); }
header("Location:?"); } if ($_SESSION["installType"] == "BASIC") { header("Location:?page=3"); } /********************************************************* This script is used to autogenerate the ADVANCE pages *********************************************************/ include "lib/"; $group = isset($_POST["group"]) && $_POST["group"] > 0 && $_POST["group"] < sizeof($parameters) ? $_POST["group"] : 0; $msg = ""; getSessionData($parameters[$group]["parameters"]); if (isset($_POST['option']) && $_POST['option'] != "") { if ($_POST['option'] != 'Back') { getPostVariables($parameters[$group - 1]["parameters"]); setSessionData($parameters[$group - 1]["parameters"]); if ($_POST['option'] == "Finish") { header("Location:?page=3"); } } } $withAdvanced = 0; while (!$withAdvanced) { $estruct = $parameters[$group]["parameters"]; $title = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($parameters[$group]['name']); $HTMLElements = getHTMLElements($estruct, "ADVANCED"); $JSElements = getJSValidations($estruct, "ADVANCED"); if (is_bool($HTMLElements) && !$HTMLElements) { $withAdvanced = 0; } else { $withAdvanced = 1;
/** * Pure FileMaker login function to authenticate user with login form and FileMaker * @param $dbHandle -- FileMaker DB connection handle * @param $post -- $_POST[] array * @param $site_prefix -- Site prefix to include port type SSL or 80 */ function authenticateFMOnly($dbHandle, $post, $site_prefix) { global $log, $bypassPassword; $loginLayout = '[WEB] Login'; $log->debug("Now entering FileMaker Authentication processing"); $ePassword = encryptPassowrdKey($post['password']); $searchHandle = $dbHandle->newFindCommand($loginLayout); $searchHandle->addFindCriterion('User_Name_ct', "==" . $post['username']); $loginResult = $searchHandle->execute(); if (FileMaker::isError($loginResult)) { $error = "Authentication Failure"; $log->error("authenticateFMOnly - Login Error: " . $loginResult->getMessage() . " username " . $post['username']); header("location: " . $site_prefix . "login.php?error=" . $error); exit; } //More than one user record with the same username value is a serious error //TODO: redirect this error to the access error page as this is not something the user can correct on their own if ($loginResult->getFoundSetCount() > 1) { $error = "Contact System Adminstrator"; $log->error("authenticateFMOnly - More than 1 username Error: " . $error . " username: "******"location: " . $site_prefix . "login.php?error=" . $error); exit; } $userRecord = $loginResult->getFirstRecord(); $log->debug("Now have user record check if Pin or password matches"); //TODO revisit this once the LDAP issuer is resolved at FOX this is temporary to bypass the validation //TODO the bypass flag should be removed once the LDAP is resolved if ($bypassPassword || isPasswordPinMatch($userRecord->getField('User_Password_Hash_t'), $ePassword) || isPasswordPinMatch($userRecord->getField('User_Pin_Hash_t'), $ePassword)) { $log->debug("Now call session creation for FM full authentication"); setSessionData($userRecord, $site_prefix); } else { $error = "Authentication Failure"; $log->info("loginProcessing.php - processLogin() - Last Check Authentication Error: " . $error . " username: "******"location: " . $site_prefix . "login.php?error=" . $error); exit; } }
/** * Log in processor * * Starts the session if the user is validated */ function loginauth() { $this->set("title", "IEEE NIEC | User Login"); $username = sqlSafe($_POST['username']); $password = sqlSafe($_POST['password']); $salt = $this->User->getUserSalt($username); if ($salt == false) { $this->set("message", "Username/Password Invalid"); } else { $inPass = $this->User->getUserPassword($username); if ($inPass == generateHash($password . $salt) && $this->User->getUserStatus($username) == 1) { $userID = $this->User->getUserID($username); initiateSession(); setSessionData("user_id", md5($userID)); setSessionData("user_username", $username); setSessionData("user_identifier", md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $this->set("message", "Login successful"); header("LOCATION: /indexs/home"); } else { $this->set("message", "Username/Password Invalid or Account not activate."); } } }
function checkLoginPassword($login, $password) { // Проверяем наличие логина в БД if (checkLoginExistence($login)) { // Логины хранятся в БД в нижнем регистре $login = mb_strtolower($login); // Создаем подключени е БД и проверяем его. Если подключения нет прекращаем всю работу и выводим ошибку $galleryDbConnect = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'gallery_db'); if (!$galleryDbConnect) { die(mysqli_connect_error()); } // Получаем пароль для указаного пользователя $query = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE login = '******'"; $result = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($galleryDbConnect, $query))[0]; // Сверяем пароль и устанавливаем данные сессии, в случае успешной проверки. В случае неудачи возвращаем ошибку if (password_verify($password, $result)) { setSessionData($login); } else { header('Location:/auth.php?action=errorWrongUserData'); } } else { header('Location:/auth.php?action=errorWrongUserData'); } }
if ($submited) { /* The code above take the mission to check some mail data enter by the user in the Step 1. */ echo "<!-- " . __FILE__ . " -->\n"; getPostVariables($bounce_def); $mail_test = processPopTest($message_envelope, $bounce_mailbox_host, $bounce_mailbox_user, $bounce_mailbox_password); echo "<!-- mail test: " . __FILE__ . " -->\n"; if (!$mail_test) { echo "<!-- getting HTML elements: " . __FILE__ . " -->\n"; $HTMLElements = getHTMLElements($bounce_def); $inTheSame = 1; echo "<!-- AFTER getting HTML elements: " . __FILE__ . " -->\n"; $msg = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get("Connection refused, check your host, user or password"); } else { setSessionData($bounce_def); //$_SESSION["bounce_envelope"] = $bm_mail; //$_SESSION["bounce_host"] = $bm_host; //$_SESSION["bounce_user"] = $bm_user; //$_SESSION["bounce_pass"] = $bm_pass; $inTheSame = 0; header("Location:?page=" . ($page + 1)); } } else { $msg = ""; $inTheSame = 1; getSessionData($bounce_def); $HTMLElements = getHTMLElements($bounce_def); $JSElements = getJSValidations($bounce_def, $_SESSION["installType"]); } include "installer/lib/";
include "lib/"; genPHPVariables($database_def, "BASIC"); if ($submited) { /* The code above take the mission to validate the database data enter by the user in the Step 0. */ getPostVariables($database_def); $errno = check_connection($database_host, $database_user, $database_password, $database_name); $errno_arr = explode("|", $errno); $msg = $errno_arr[1]; $_SESSION['dbCreatedSuccesfully'] = $errno_arr[2]; if ($errno_arr[0] > 0) { $HTMLElements = getHTMLElements($database_def); $inTheSame = 1; } else { setSessionData($database_def); $inTheSame = 0; header("Location:?page=" . ($page + 1)); } } else { $msg = ""; $inTheSame = 1; getSessionData($database_def); $HTMLElements = getHTMLElements($database_def, "BASIC"); } include "installer/lib/"; $dbname = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS['strJsDbName']); $dbhost = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS['strJsDbHost']); $dbuser = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS['strJsDbUser']); $dbpass = $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($GLOBALS['strJsDbPass']); ?>
<?php require_once '../include/share.php'; if ($_GET["func"] == "login") { $db = connectDB(); $userid = $_POST["user_id"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $userinfo = login($db, $userid, $password); if ($userinfo != null) { setSessionData("userinfo", $userinfo); header("Location: index.php"); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>SYSTEM MANAGEMENT LOGIN PAGE</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styles.css" /> <script language="JavaScript"> function onCompletedLoad() { document.getElementById('user_id').focus(); document.getElementById('user_id').select(); } </script>
} else { $item["type" . $no] = "channel-stop"; } // check if abi is constant $session_abi_key = "abi_" . $row["channelid"] . "_" . $row["serverid"]; if ($session_abi != null && $session_abi[$session_abi_key . 'time'] != null && time() - $session_abi[$session_abi_key . 'time'] > ABI_CHECK_TIMEOUT && $session_abi[$session_abi_key] != null && $session_abi[$session_abi_key] == $row["abi"] && $row["abi"] != '' && $item["type" . $no] == "channel-play" && $item["grouptype"] != 2) { $item["type" . $no] = "channel-alert"; } if ($session_abi == null || $session_abi[$session_abi_key] != $row["abi"] || $session_abi[$session_abi_key . 'time'] == null) { $session_new_abi[$session_abi_key . 'time'] = time(); } else { $session_new_abi[$session_abi_key . 'time'] = $session_abi[$session_abi_key . 'time']; } $session_new_abi[$session_abi_key] = $row["abi"]; } setSessionData('abi_list', $session_new_abi); if ($item != null) { $data[] = $item; } responseData(true, null, $data); break; case 'get_server_setting': $id = getQueryData('serverid'); $sql = "select name, ip, memo from tbl_server where delete_flag=0 and id=" . $id; $result = querySQL($db, $sql); $data = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($row) { /* $req = array('func' => 'get_server_setting'); $ret = SendSocketRequest($row["ip"], STREAMSERVERPORT, $req);
function checkPassword($login, $password) { // Считываем строки из файла с паролями, разбиваем на имя пользователя и пароль $passwordFile = file('passwords.txt'); foreach ($passwordFile as $string) { $usersData[explode('=', $string)[0]] = trim(explode('=', $string)[1]); } // Проверяем наличие логина в файле паролей, если такого логина нет, возвращаем на страницу авторизациис оповещением об ошибке if (array_key_exists($login, $usersData)) { // Проверяем совпадение сочетания логина и пароля, если не совпадает, возвращаем на страницу авторизациис оповещением об ошибке if ($usersData[$login] == $password) { // Вызываем функцию установки параметров сессии setSessionData(); } else { header('Location:/auth.php?action=errorWrongUserData'); } } else { header('Location:/auth.php?action=errorWrongUserData'); } }