$form_injury_type = $_POST['form_injury_type']; } else { $form_injury_part = $_POST['form_medical_system']; $form_injury_type = $_POST['form_medical_type']; } if ($issue) { $query = "UPDATE lists SET " . "type = '" . $text_type . "', " . "title = '" . $_POST['form_title'] . "', " . "comments = '" . $_POST['form_comments'] . "', " . "begdate = " . QuotedOrNull($form_begin) . ", " . "enddate = " . QuotedOrNull($form_end) . ", " . "returndate = " . QuotedOrNull($form_return) . ", " . "diagnosis = '" . $_POST['form_diagnosis'] . "', " . "occurrence = '" . $_POST['form_occur'] . "', " . "classification = '" . $_POST['form_classification'] . "', " . "reinjury_id = '" . $_POST['form_reinjury_id'] . "', " . "referredby = '" . $_POST['form_referredby'] . "', " . "injury_grade = '" . $_POST['form_injury_grade'] . "', " . "injury_part = '" . $form_injury_part . "', " . "injury_type = '" . $form_injury_type . "', " . "outcome = '" . $_POST['form_outcome'] . "', " . "destination = '" . $_POST['form_destination'] . "', " . "reaction ='" . $_POST['form_reaction'] . "' " . "WHERE id = '{$issue}'"; sqlStatement($query); if ($text_type == "medication" && enddate != '') { sqlStatement('UPDATE prescriptions SET ' . 'medication = 0 where patient_id = ' . $thispid . " and upper(trim(drug)) = '" . strtoupper($_POST['form_title']) . "' " . ' and medication = 1'); } } else { $issue = sqlInsert("INSERT INTO lists ( " . "date, pid, type, title, activity, comments, begdate, enddate, returndate, " . "diagnosis, occurrence, classification, referredby, user, groupname, " . "outcome, destination, reinjury_id, injury_grade, injury_part, injury_type, " . "reaction " . ") VALUES ( " . "NOW(), " . "'{$thispid}', " . "'" . $text_type . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_title'] . "', " . "1, " . "'" . $_POST['form_comments'] . "', " . QuotedOrNull($form_begin) . ", " . QuotedOrNull($form_end) . ", " . QuotedOrNull($form_return) . ", " . "'" . $_POST['form_diagnosis'] . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_occur'] . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_classification'] . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_referredby'] . "', " . "'" . ${$_SESSION}['authUser'] . "', " . "'" . ${$_SESSION}['authProvider'] . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_outcome'] . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_destination'] . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_reinjury_id'] . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_injury_grade'] . "', " . "'" . $form_injury_part . "', " . "'" . $form_injury_type . "', " . "'" . $_POST['form_reaction'] . "' " . ")"); } // For record/reporting purposes, place entry in lists_touch table. setListTouch($thispid, $text_type); if ($text_type == 'football_injury') { issue_football_injury_save($issue); } if ($text_type == 'ippf_gcac') { issue_ippf_gcac_save($issue); } if ($text_type == 'contraceptive') { issue_ippf_con_save($issue); } // If requested, link the issue to a specified encounter. if ($thisenc) { $query = "INSERT INTO issue_encounter ( " . "pid, list_id, encounter " . ") VALUES ( " . "'{$thispid}', '{$issue}', '{$thisenc}'" . ")"; sqlStatement($query); } $tmp_title = addslashes($ISSUE_TYPES[$text_type][2] . ": {$form_begin} " . substr($_POST['form_title'], 0, 40));
/** * Insert new allergy as external sourced * @param string $name Allergy name to insert * @param integer $allergyId External allergy Id * @param integer $patientId Patient Id * @param integer $authUserId User Id * @param integer $outcome Allergy option Id */ public function insertAllergy($name, $allergyId, $patientId, $authUserId, $outcome) { sqlQuery('INSERT INTO lists ( date, type, erx_source, begdate, title, external_allergyid, pid, user, outcome ) VALUES ( NOW(), \'allergy\', \'1\', NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', array($name, $allergyId, $patientId, $authUserId, $outcome)); setListTouch($patientId, 'allergy'); }
} $allergyArray = $array['NewDataSet']['Table']; $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allergyArray); $i++) { $qoutcome = sqlStatement("SELECT option_id FROM list_options WHERE list_id='outcome' AND title = ?", array($allergyArray[$i]['AllergySeverityName'])); $routcome = sqlFetchArray($qoutcome); if (!$routcome['option_id']) { $routcome = sqlQuery("SELECT option_id AS option_id FROM list_options WHERE list_id='outcome' ORDER BY ABS(option_id) DESC LIMIT 1"); sqlQuery("INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title,seq) VALUES ('outcome',?,?,?)", array($routcome['option_id'] + 1, $allergyArray[$i]['AllergySeverityName'], $routcome['option_id'] + 1)); $routcome['option_id'] = $routcome['option_id'] + 1; } $res = sqlStatement("select * from lists where pid=? and type='allergy' and title=? and (enddate is null or enddate = '' or enddate = '0000-00-00')", array($patientid, $allergyArray[$i]['AllergyName'])); $row = sqlFetchArray($res); if (sqlNumRows($res) == 0) { sqlQuery("insert into lists (date,type,title,pid,user,outcome,external_allergyid,erx_source,begdate) values (NOW(),'allergy',?,?,?,?,?,'1',now())", array($allergyArray[$i]['AllergyName'], $patientid, $_SESSION['authUserID'], $routcome['option_id'], $allergyArray[$i]['AllergyId'])); setListTouch($patientid, 'allergy'); $j++; } elseif ($row['erx_source'] == 0) { sqlQuery("update lists set outcome=?, erx_source='1', external_allergyid=? where pid=? and title=?", array($routcome['option_id'], $allergyArray[$i]['AllergyId'], $patientid, $allergyArray[$i]['AllergyName'])); } else { sqlQuery("update lists set outcome=? where pid=? and erx_source='1' and external_allergyid=? and title=?", array($routcome['option_id'], $patientid, $allergyArray[$i]['AllergyId'], $allergyArray[$i]['AllergyName'])); } //sqlQuery("update lists set enddate = null where type='allergy' and pid=? and title=?",array($patientid,$allergyArray[$i]['AllergyName'])); } $res = sqlStatement("select id,title from lists where pid=? and type='allergy' and erx_source='1' and (enddate is null or enddate = '' or enddate = '0000-00-00')", array($patientid)); while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) { $flag = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allergyArray); $i++) { if ($allergyArray[$i]['AllergyName'] == $row['title']) { $flag = 1; break;
} if ($_REQUEST['form_outcome'] == '') { $_REQUEST['form_outcome'] = '0'; } if ($issue != '0') { //if this issue already exists we are updating it... $query = "UPDATE lists SET " . "type = '" . add_escape_custom($form_type) . "', " . "title = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_title']) . "', " . "comments = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_comments']) . "', " . "begdate = " . QuotedOrNull($form_begin) . ", " . "enddate = " . QuotedOrNull($form_end) . ", " . "returndate = " . QuotedOrNull($form_return) . ", " . "diagnosis = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_diagnosis']) . "', " . "occurrence = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_occur']) . "', " . "classification = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_classification']) . "', " . "reinjury_id = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_reinjury_id']) . "', " . "referredby = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_referredby']) . "', " . "injury_grade = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_injury_grade']) . "', " . "injury_part = '" . add_escape_custom($form_injury_part) . "', " . "injury_type = '" . add_escape_custom($form_injury_type) . "', " . "outcome = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_outcome']) . "', " . "destination = '" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_destination']) . "', " . "reaction ='" . add_escape_custom($_REQUEST['form_reaction']) . "', " . "erx_uploaded = '0', " . "modifydate = NOW(), " . "subtype = '" . $subtype . "' " . "WHERE id = '" . add_escape_custom($issue) . "'"; sqlStatement($query); if ($text_type == "medication" && enddate != '') { sqlStatement('UPDATE prescriptions SET ' . 'medication = 0 where patient_id = ? ' . " and upper(trim(drug)) = ? " . ' and medication = 1', array($pid, strtoupper($_REQUEST['form_title']))); } } else { $query = "INSERT INTO lists ( " . "date, pid, type, title, activity, comments, " . "begdate, enddate, returndate, " . "diagnosis, occurrence, classification, referredby, user, " . "groupname, outcome, destination,reaction,subtype " . ") VALUES ( " . "NOW(), ?,?,?,1,?," . QuotedOrNull($form_begin) . ", " . QuotedOrNull($form_end) . ", " . QuotedOrNull($form_return) . ", " . "?,?,?,?,?," . "?,?,?,?,?)"; $issue = sqlInsert($query, array($pid, $form_type, $_REQUEST['form_title'], $_REQUEST['form_comments'], $_REQUEST['form_diagnosis'], $_REQUEST['form_occur'], $_REQUEST['form_clasification'], $_REQUEST['form_referredby'], $_SESSION['authUser'], $_SESSION['authProvider'], QuotedOrNull($_REQUEST['form_outcome']), $_REQUEST['form_destination'], $_REQUEST['form_reaction'], $subtype)); // For record/reporting purposes, place entry in lists_touch table. setListTouch($pid, $form_type); // If requested, link the issue to a specified encounter. // we always link them, automatically. if ($encounter) { $query = "INSERT INTO issue_encounter ( " . "pid, list_id, encounter " . ") VALUES ( ?,?,? )"; sqlStatement($query, array($pid, $issue, $encounter)); } } $irow = ''; //if it is a medication do we need to do something with dosage fields? //leave all in title field form now. } $PMSFH = build_PMSFH($pid); send_json_values($PMSFH); exit; }
<?php // Copyright (C) 2011 Brady Miller <*****@*****.**> // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // // This file contains a function to keep track of which issues // types get modified. // //SANITIZE ALL ESCAPES $sanitize_all_escapes = true; // //STOP FAKE REGISTER GLOBALS $fake_register_globals = false; // require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../interface/globals.php"; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../lists.inc"; // IF there is a pid and type then will set the entry in lists_touch table if (!empty($_POST['patient_id']) && !empty($_POST['type'])) { setListTouch($_POST['patient_id'], $_POST['type']); }
/** * Insert or update medications for current patient * @return integer Count of newly cached records */ public function insertUpdateMedications() { $store = $this->getStore(); $insertedRows = 0; $medArray = self::htmlFixXmlToArray($this->getPatientFullMedicationHistory6()->GetPatientFullMedicationHistory6Result->XmlResponse); $store->updatePrescriptionsActiveByPatientId($this->getPatientId()); if (is_array($medArray)) { foreach ($medArray as $med) { if ($med['DosageForm']) { $optionIdDosageForm = $this->insertMissingListOptions('drug_form', $med['DosageForm']); } else { $optionIdDosageForm = null; } if ($med['Route']) { $optionIdRoute = $this->insertMissingListOptions('drug_route', $med['Route']); } else { $optionIdRoute = null; } if ($med['StrengthUOM']) { $optionIdStrengthUOM = $this->insertMissingListOptions('drug_units', $med['StrengthUOM']); } else { $optionIdStrengthUOM = null; } if ($med['DosageFrequencyDescription']) { $optionIdFrequencyDescription = $this->insertMissingListOptions('drug_interval', $med['DosageFrequencyDescription']); } else { $optionIdFrequencyDescription = null; } $providerId = $store->selectUserIdByUserName($med['ExternalPhysicianID']); $check = $store->selectPrescriptionIdByGuidPatientId($med['PrescriptionGuid'], $med['ExternalPatientID']); $prescriptionId = ''; if (0 == sqlNumRows($check)) { $prescriptionId = $store->insertPrescriptions($med, $encounter, $providerId, $this->getAuthUserId(), $optionIdDosageForm, $optionIdRoute, $optionIdStrengthUOM, $optionIdFrequencyDescription); ++$insertedRows; setListTouch($this->getPatientId(), 'prescription_erx'); } else { $store->updatePrescriptions($med, $providerId, $this->getAuthUserId(), $optionIdDosageForm, $optionIdRoute, $optionIdStrengthUOM, $optionIdFrequencyDescription); } $result = sqlFetchArray($check); if ($result['id']) { $prescriptionId = $result['id']; } // Making sure only transmitted prescriptions entry added into amc_misc_data for eRx Numerator if (!empty($med['PharmacyNCPDP'])) { processAmcCall('e_prescribe_amc', true, 'add', $med['ExternalPatientID'], 'prescriptions', $prescriptionId); } if ($med['FormularyChecked'] === 'true') { processAmcCall('e_prescribe_chk_formulary_amc', true, 'add', $med['ExternalPatientID'], 'prescriptions', $prescriptionId); } } } return $insertedRows; }
/** * update issues from list of diagnosis * * This function checks to see if a given list of diagnoses is already * associated with the given encounter. Each diagnoses which has a * corresponding entry in the problem list, but isn't already associated gets * flagged. (update to issue_encounter table) * * If the $create parameter is true, any diagnosis which doesn't have a * corresponding problem list entry has one created. * * @param int $pid the ID of the patient * @param int $encounter the encounter ID * @param array $diags a list of diagnoses * @param bool $create if set issue not already in the patient problem list will be created */ function update_issues($pid, $encounter, $diags) { $list_touched = false; // flag to determine if we have actually affected the medical_problem list. $sqlEncounterDate = 'select date FROM form_encounter where encounter=?'; $res = sqlQuery($sqlEncounterDate, array($encounter)); $target_date = $res['date']; $lists_params = array(); $encounter_params = array(); $sqlUpdateIssueDescription = "UPDATE lists SET title=?, modifydate=NOW() WHERE id=? AND TITLE!=?"; $sqlFindProblem = "SELECT id, title FROM lists WHERE "; $sqlFindProblem .= " ( (`begdate` IS NULL) OR (`begdate` IS NOT NULL AND `begdate`<=?) ) AND "; array_push($lists_params, $target_date); $sqlFindProblem .= " ( (`enddate` IS NULL) OR (`enddate` IS NOT NULL AND `enddate`>=?) ) "; array_push($lists_params, $target_date); $sqlFindProblem .= " AND pid=? AND diagnosis like ? "; array_push($lists_params, $pid); array_push($lists_params, ""); $idx_diagnosis = count($lists_params) - 1; $sqlFindIssueEncounter = "SELECT encounter FROM issue_encounter WHERE pid=? AND encounter=? AND list_id=?"; array_push($encounter_params, $pid, $encounter); array_push($encounter_params, ""); $sqlCreateIssueEncounter = " INSERT into issue_encounter(pid,list_id,encounter)values (?,?,?) "; $sqlCreateProblem = " INSERT into lists(date,begdate,type,occurrence,classification,pid,diagnosis,title,modifydate) values(?,?,'medical_problem',0,0,?,?,?,NOW())"; $idx_list_id = count($encounter_params) - 1; foreach ($diags as $diags) { // ensure that a problem is allowed to be created from the diagnostic element if ($diags->allowed_to_create_problem_from_diagnosis != "TRUE") { continue; } $diagnosis_key = $diags->code_type . ":" . $diags->code; $list_id = null; if ($diags->db_id != null) { // If we got a the id for the problem passed in, then use it. $list_id = $diags->db_id; } else { // If not, then search the database for it. $lists_params[$idx_diagnosis] = '%' . $diagnosis_key . '%'; $res = sqlStatement($sqlFindProblem, $lists_params); if (sqlNumRows($res) > 0) { $list_id = $res->fields['id']; } } if (!($list_id == null)) { // We found a problem corresponding to this diagnosis $encounter_params[$idx_list_id] = $list_id; $issue_encounter = sqlStatement($sqlFindIssueEncounter, $encounter_params); if (sqlNumRows($issue_encounter) == 0) { // An issue encounter entry didn't exist, so create it sqlInsert($sqlCreateIssueEncounter, array($pid, $list_id, $encounter)); } // Check the description in the problem sqlStatement($sqlUpdateIssueDescription, array($diags->description, $list_id, $diags->description)); $list_touched = true; // Since there is already medical_problem listed, then the list has been touched in the past, so make sure it's flagged correctly } else { // No Problem found for this diagnosis if ($diags->create_problem) { // If the create flag is set, then create an entry for this diagnosis. sqlInsert($sqlCreateProblem, array($target_date, $target_date, $pid, $diagnosis_key, $diags->description)); $newProblem = sqlStatement($sqlFindProblem, $lists_params); // requerying the database for the newly created ID, instead of using the sqlInsert return value for backwards compatbility with 4.1.0 and earlier insert ID bug. if (sqlNumRows($newProblem) > 0) { $list_id = $newProblem->fields['id']; if ($list_id > 0) { sqlInsert($sqlCreateIssueEncounter, array($pid, $list_id, $encounter)); } } $list_touched = true; // Since we are creating a new problem, the list has been touched } } } if ($list_touched) { // If the list was touched at any point by this code, then flag it in the DB. setListTouch($pid, 'medical_problem'); } }
} if ($medArray[$i]['DosageFrequencyDescription']) { $qint = sqlStatement("SELECT option_id FROM list_options WHERE list_id='drug_interval' AND title = ?", array($medArray[$i]['DosageFrequencyDescription'])); $rint = sqlFetchArray($qint); if (sqlNumRows($qint) <= 0) { $rint = sqlQuery("SELECT option_id AS option_id FROM list_options WHERE list_id='drug_interval' ORDER BY ABS(option_id) DESC LIMIT 1"); sqlQuery("INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title,seq) VALUES ('drug_interval',?,?,?)", array($rint['option_id'] + 1, $medArray[$i]['DosageFrequencyDescription'], $rint['option_id'] + 1)); $rint['option_id'] = $rint['option_id'] + 1; } } $check = sqlStatement("select * from prescriptions where prescriptionguid=? and patient_id=? and prescriptionguid is not null", array($medArray[$i]['PrescriptionGuid'], $medArray[$i]['ExternalPatientID'])); $prescription_id = ''; if (sqlNumRows($check) == 0) { $prescription_id = sqlInsert("insert into prescriptions \n (\n patient_id,provider_id,encounter,date_added,drug,drug_id,drug_info_erx,form,dosage,size,unit,route,`INTERVAL`,refills,note,`DATETIME`,\n `USER`,site,prescriptionguid,erx_source,rxnorm_drugcode\n )\n values\n (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NOW(),?,?,?,'1',?)", array($medArray[$i]['ExternalPatientID'], $provider['id'], $encounter, substr($medArray[$i]['PrescriptionDate'], 0, 10), $medArray[$i]['DrugName'], $medArray[$i]['DrugID'], $medArray[$i]['DrugInfo'], $rin['option_id'], $medArray[$i]['DosageNumberDescription'], number($medArray[$i]['Strength']), $runit['option_id'], $rroute['option_id'], $rint['option_id'], $medArray[$i]['Refills'], $medArray[$i]['PrescriptionNotes'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $medArray[$i]['SiteID'], $medArray[$i]['PrescriptionGuid'], $medArray[$i]['rxcui'])); $j++; setListTouch($patientid, 'prescription_erx'); } else { sqlQuery("update prescriptions set \n provider_id=?, drug=?, drug_id=?, drug_info_erx=?, form=?, dosage=?, size=? ,unit=?, route=?, `INTERVAL`=?, refills=?, note=?, \n `DATETIME`=NOW(),`USER`=?, site=? ,erx_source='1', rxnorm_drugcode=?, active='1'\n WHERE prescriptionguid=? AND patient_id=?\n ", array($provider['id'], $medArray[$i]['DrugName'], $medArray[$i]['DrugID'], $medArray[$i]['DrugInfo'], $rin['option_id'], $medArray[$i]['DosageNumberDescription'], number($medArray[$i]['Strength']), $runit['option_id'], $rroute['option_id'], $rint['option_id'], $medArray[$i]['Refills'], $medArray[$i]['PrescriptionNotes'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $medArray[$i]['SiteID'], $medArray[$i]['rxcui'], $medArray[$i]['PrescriptionGuid'], $medArray[$i]['ExternalPatientID'])); } $result = sqlFetchArray($check); if ($result['id']) { $prescription_id = $result['id']; } processAmcCall('e_prescribe_amc', true, 'add', $medArray[$i]['ExternalPatientID'], 'prescriptions', $prescription_id); } if ($j != 0) { sqlQuery("update patient_data set soap_import_status=? where pid=?", array('2', $pid)); } if ($xml_response_count == 0) { echo htmlspecialchars(xl("Nothing to import for Prescription"), ENT_NOQUOTES); } elseif ($xml_response_count > 0) {
$injury_type = isset($_POST['injury_type']) ? $_POST['injury_type'] : ''; $injury_grade = isset($_POST['injury_grade']) ? $_POST['injury_grade'] : ''; $reaction = isset($_POST['reaction']) ? $_POST['reaction'] : ''; $external_allergyid = isset($_POST['external_allergyid']) ? $_POST['external_allergyid'] : ''; $erx_source = isset($_POST['erx_source']) ? $_POST['erx_source'] : 0; $erx_uploaded = isset($_POST['erx_uploaded']) ? $_POST['erx_uploaded'] : 0; $xml_string = ""; $xml_string = "<list>"; if ($userId = validateToken($token)) { $user = getUsername($userId); $acl_allow = acl_check('patients', 'med', $user); $_SESSION['authUser'] = $user; $_SESSION['authGroup'] = $site; $_SESSION['pid'] = $pid; if ($acl_allow) { setListTouch($pid, $type); $strQuery = "INSERT INTO `lists`(`date`, `type`, `title`, `begdate`, `enddate`, `returndate`, `occurrence`, `classification`, `referredby`, `extrainfo`, `diagnosis`, `activity`, `comments`, `pid`, `user`, `groupname`, `outcome`, `destination`, `reinjury_id`, `injury_part`, `injury_type`, `injury_grade`, `reaction`, `external_allergyid`, `erx_source`, `erx_uploaded`) \n VALUES (\n '" . add_escape_custom($date) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($type) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($title) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($begdate) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($enddate) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($returndate) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($occurrence) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($classification) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($referredby) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($extrainfo) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($diagnosis) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($activity) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($comments) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($pid) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($user) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($groupname) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($outcome) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($destination) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($reinjury_id) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($injury_part) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($injury_type) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($injury_grade) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($reaction) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($external_allergyid) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($erx_source) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($erx_uploaded) . "')"; $result = sqlInsert($strQuery); $last_inseted_id = $result; $result1 = 1; if ($visit_id) { $sql_list_query = "INSERT INTO `issue_encounter`(`pid`, `list_id`, `encounter`, `resolved`) \n VALUES (\n '" . add_escape_custom($pid) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($last_inseted_id) . "',\n '" . add_escape_custom($visit_id) . "',\n 0)"; $result1 = sqlInsert($sql_list_query); } if ($result && $result1) { $xml_string .= "<status>0</status>"; $xml_string .= "<reason>The {$type} has been added</reason>"; $xml_string .= "<id>{$last_inseted_id}</id>"; } else { $xml_string .= "<status>-1</status>"; $xml_string .= "<reason>ERROR: Sorry, there was an error processing your data. Please re-submit the information again.</reason>";