$data['img_width'] = $s[0]; $data['img_height'] = $s[1]; $data['print_RESIZE_BLAHBLAH'] = sprintf(RESIZE_BLAHBLAH, serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['fname'])); $data['print_ORIGINAL_SIZE'] = sprintf(ORIGINAL_SIZE, $s[0], $s[1]); $data['formtoken'] = serendipity_setFormToken(); $data['file'] = $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $file['path'] . $file['name'] . ($file['extension'] ? '.' . $file['extension'] : ""); break; case 'choose': $file = serendipity_fetchImageFromDatabase($serendipity['GET']['fid']); $media['file'] =& $file; if (!is_array($file)) { $media['perm_denied'] = true; break; } serendipity_prepareMedia($file); $media['file']['props'] =& serendipity_fetchMediaProperties((int) $serendipity['GET']['fid']); serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('media_getproperties_cached', $media['file']['props']['base_metadata'], $media['file']['realfile']); if ($file['is_image']) { $file['finishJSFunction'] = $file['origfinishJSFunction'] = 'serendipity.serendipity_imageSelector_done(\'' . serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['textarea']) . '\')'; if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['filename_only']) && $serendipity['GET']['filename_only'] !== 'true') { $file['fast_select'] = true; } } $media = array_merge($serendipity['GET'], $media); $serendipity['smarty']->assignByRef('media', $media); echo serendipity_smarty_show('admin/media_choose.tpl', $data); break; default: serendipity_restoreVar($serendipity['COOKIE']['serendipity_only_path'], $serendipity['GET']['only_path']); $data['case_default'] = true; $data['showML'] = showMediaLibrary();
/** * Shows the HTML form to add/edit properties of uploaded media items * * @param array Associative array holding an array('image_id', 'target', 'created_thumbnail') that points to the uploaded media * @param int How many keyword checkboxes to display next to each other? * @param boolean Can existing data be modified? * @return boolean * */ function serendipity_showPropertyForm(&$new_media, $keywordsPerBlock = 3, $is_edit = true) { global $serendipity; if (!is_array($new_media) || count($new_media) < 1) { return true; } $mirror = array(); serendipity_checkPropertyAccess($new_media, $mirror, 'read'); $editform_hidden = ''; if (isset($GLOBALS['image_selector_addvars']) && is_array($GLOBALS['image_selector_addvars'])) { // These variables may come from serendipity_admin_image_selector.php to show embedded upload form foreach ($GLOBALS['image_selector_addvars'] as $imgsel_key => $imgsel_val) { $editform_hidden .= ' <input type="hidden" name="serendipity[' . htmlspecialchars($imgsel_key) . ']" value="' . htmlspecialchars($imgsel_val) . '" />' . "\n"; } } $dprops = explode(';', $serendipity['mediaProperties']); $keywords = explode(';', $serendipity['mediaKeywords']); $now = serendipity_serverOffsetHour(); $show = array(); foreach ($new_media as $idx => $media) { $props =& serendipity_fetchMediaProperties($media['image_id']); $show[$idx] =& $media['internal']; $show[$idx]['image_id'] = $media['image_id']; serendipity_prepareMedia($show[$idx]); if (!is_array($props['base_metadata'])) { $show[$idx]['metadata'] =& serendipity_getMetaData($show[$idx]['realfile'], $show[$idx]['header']); } else { $show[$idx]['metadata'] = $props['base_metadata']; serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('media_getproperties_cached', $show[$idx]['metadata'], $show[$idx]['realfile']); } serendipity_parseMediaProperties($dprops, $keywords, $show[$idx], $props, $keywordsPerBlock, $is_edit); } $smarty_vars = array('is_edit' => $is_edit, 'editform_hidden' => $editform_hidden, 'keywordsPerBlock' => $keywordsPerBlock, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'dprops' => $dprops); return serendipity_showMedia($show, $mirror, $url, false, 1, false, $smarty_vars); }
function displayImage($id, $orderby, $order) { global $serendipity; $extended_data = array(); $base_directory = $this->get_config('base_directory'); $file = serendipity_fetchImageFromDatabase($id); $file['link'] = $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $file['path'] . $file['name'] . '.' . $file['extension']; $test_string = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $base_directory; $path_len = strlen($test_string); $pic_string = substr($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $file['path'], 0, $path_len); if (isset($file['id'])) { $file['size_txt'] = round($file['size'] / 1024); $file['is_image'] = serendipity_isImage($file); $max_width = $this->get_config('image_width', 480); if ($file['dimensions_width'] > $max_width && $max_width != 0) { $file['alt_width'] = $max_width; $file['alt_height'] = round($max_width / $file['dimensions_width'] * $file['dimensions_height']); } else { $file['alt_width'] = $file['dimensions_width']; $file['alt_height'] = $file['dimensions_height']; } if ($this->get_config('image_strict') == 'yes') { $images = serendipity_fetchImagesFromDatabase($lower_limit, $images_per_page, $total, $orderby, $order, $file['path'], '', '', array(), true); } else { $images = serendipity_fetchImagesFromDatabase($lower_limit, $images_per_page, $total, $orderby, $order, $file['path']); } $extended_data = serendipity_fetchMediaProperties($id); $base_directory = str_replace('gallery', '', $base_directory); $previous_attempt = -1; $previous_id = -1; $next_id = -1; if (is_array($images)) { $stop = false; $onecount = false; while ((list($f, $image) = each($images)) && !$stop) { if ($image['id'] == $file['id']) { $path = $image['path']; $previous_id = $previous_attempt; $onecount = true; } else { if ($onecount == true) { $next_id = $image['id']; $stop = true; } else { $previous_attempt = $image['id']; } } } } $gallery_array = explode('/', $path); foreach ($gallery_array as $f => $gallery) { $gallery_path = $gallery_path . $gallery . "/"; if ($gallery_path != $base_directory) { $path_array[$gallery]['path'] = $gallery_path; $path_array[$gallery]['name'] = $gallery; } } // EXIF DATA if ($this->get_config('exif_show_data') == 'yes') { // If any exif tags that are available. $filepath = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['uploadHTTPPath'] . $file['path']; $exif_data = $this->getExifTags($filepath, $file['name'], $file['extension']); $exifsettings_one = $this->get_config('exif_data', $this->makeExifSelector()); // Create array of exif display settings for main information table. $exif_arr = explode(',', $exifsettings_one); foreach ($exif_arr as $key => $value) { $display = explode('-', $exif_arr[$key]); $exif_display_one[$display[0]] = $display[1]; } $data_written = false; $exif_output .= '<div class="all_img_info">'; $exif_output .= '<div class="exif_info_row"><div class="exif_info_head"><strong>' . PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_EXIFDATA_ADDITIONALDATA . '</strong></div></div>'; foreach ($exif_data as $tag => $value) { if ($value != 'Unknown' && $exif_display_one[$tag] == 'yes') { $data_written = true; $exif_output .= '<div class="exif_info_row"><span class="exif_info_tag">' . $tag . '</span><span class="exif_info">' . $value . '</span></div>'; } } if (!$data_written) { $exif_output .= '<div class="exif_info_row"><strong>' . PLUGIN_EVENT_USERGALLERY_EXIFDATA_NOADDITIONALDATA . '</strong></div>'; } $exif_output .= '</div>'; } // END EXIF DATA //Show Media Library Properties if ($this->get_config('show_media_properties', 'no') == 'yes') { if (is_array($extended_data) && isset($extended_data['base_property'])) { $extended_data = array_merge($extended_data['base_property'], (array) $extended_data['base_metadata']); } else { $extended_data = array(); } $extended_data_out = array(); $extended_output = explode(';', $this->get_config('media_properties', 'COPYRIGHT:Copyright;TITLE:Title;COMMENT2:Comment')); foreach ($extended_output as $option) { $option = explode(':', $option); foreach ($extended_data as $ex_name => $ex_data) { if ($ex_name == $option[0] && isset($option[1]) && $ex_data != '') { $extended_data_out[] = array('name' => $option[1], 'value' => $ex_data); if ($ex_name == 'TITLE' && $ex_data != '') { $file['title'] = $ex_data; } } } } } if (!isset($file['title'])) { $file['title'] = $file['name']; } if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('linked_entries'))) { $_filename = $file['name'] . '.' . $file['extension']; $_thumbname = $file['name'] . '.' . $file['thumbnail_name'] . '.' . $file['extension']; $e = $this->fetchLinkedEntries($file['id'], $file['path'] . $_filename, $file['path'] . $_thumbname); if (is_array($e)) { $file['entries'] = array(); foreach ($e as $_item) { $file['entries'][] = array('href' => serendipity_archiveURL($_item['id'], $_item['title'], 'serendipityHTTPPath', true, array('timestamp' => $_item['timestamp'])), 'title' => $_item['title']); } } if (class_exists('serendipity_event_staticpage')) { $s = $this->fetchStaticPages($file['id'], $file['path'] . $_filename, $file['path'] . $_thumbname); if (is_array($s)) { $file['staticpage_results'] = array(); foreach ($s as $_item) { $staticpage_title = $_item['headline']; if ($staticpage_title == '') { $staticpage_title = $_item['pagetitle']; } if ($serendipity['rewrite'] == 'none') { $staticpage_link = $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?serendipity[subpage]=' . $_item['subpage']; } else { $staticpage_link = $_item['permalink']; } $file['staticpage_results'][] = array('href' => $staticpage_link, 'title' => $staticpage_title); } } } } unset($path_array['']); $serendipity['smarty']->assign(array('plugin_usergallery_title' => $this->get_config('title'), 'plugin_usergallery_nextid' => $next_id, 'plugin_usergallery_gallery_breadcrumb' => $path_array, 'plugin_usergallery_previousid' => $previous_id, 'plugin_usergallery_xtra_info' => $exif_output, 'plugin_usergallery_extended_info' => $extended_data_out, 'plugin_usergallery_file' => $file)); $content = $this->parseTemplate('plugin_usergallery_imagedisplay.tpl'); echo $content; return true; } else { echo "Invalid file."; return false; } }