function seq_search_test($type, $string, $limit = 20, $modes = NULL, $count = false)
    echo "<ol>";
    $res = sequential_code_set_search($type, $string, $limit, $modes, $count);
    if ($count) {
        echo "<li>" . $res . "</li>";
    } else {
        while ($code = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
            echo "<li>" . $code['code_type_name'] . ":" . $code['code'] . ":" . $code['code_text'] . ":" . $code['code_text_short'] . "</li>";
    echo "</ol>";
* Code set searching "internal" function for when searching multiple code sets.
* It will also work for one code set search, although not meant for this.
* (This function is not meant to be called directly)
* @param array $form_code_types code set keys (will default to checking all active code types if blank)
* @param string $search_term search term
* @param integer $limit Number of results to return (NULL means return all)
* @param array $modes Holds the search modes to process along with the order of processing (default behavior is described in above function comment)
* @param boolean $count if true, then will only return the number of entries
* @param boolean $active if true, then will only return active entries
* @param integer $start Query start limit (for pagination)
* @param integer $number Query number returned (for pagination)
* @param array $filter_elements Array that contains elements to filter
* @return recordset/integer
function multiple_code_set_search($form_code_types = array(), $search_term, $limit = NULL, $modes = NULL, $count = false, $active = true, $start = NULL, $number = NULL, $filter_elements = array())
    if (empty($form_code_types)) {
        // Collect the active code types
        $form_code_types = collect_codetypes("active", "array");
    if ($count) {
        //start the counter
        $counter = 0;
    } else {
        // Figure out the appropriate limit clause
        $limit_query = limit_query_string($limit, $start, $number);
        // Prepare the sql bind array
        $sql_bind_array = array();
        // Start the query string
        $query = "SELECT * FROM ((";
    // Loop through each code type
    $flag_first = true;
    $flag_hit = false;
    //ensure there is a hit to avoid trying an empty query
    foreach ($form_code_types as $form_code_type) {
        // see if there is a hit
        $mode_hit = NULL;
        // only use the count method here, since it's much more efficient than doing the actual query
        $mode_hit = sequential_code_set_search($form_code_type, $search_term, NULL, $modes, true, $active, NULL, NULL, $filter_elements, true);
        if ($mode_hit) {
            if ($count) {
                // count the hits
                $count_hits = code_set_search($form_code_type, $search_term, $count, $active, false, NULL, NULL, $filter_elements, NULL, $mode_hit);
                // increment the counter
                $counter += $count_hits;
            } else {
                $flag_hit = true;
                // build the query
                $return_query = code_set_search($form_code_type, $search_term, $count, $active, false, NULL, NULL, $filter_elements, NULL, $mode_hit, true);
                if (!empty($sql_bind_array)) {
                    $sql_bind_array = array_merge($sql_bind_array, $return_query['binds']);
                } else {
                    $sql_bind_array = $return_query['binds'];
                if (!$flag_first) {
                    $query .= ") UNION ALL (";
                $query .= $return_query['query'];
            $flag_first = false;
    if ($count) {
        //return the count
        return $counter;
    } else {
        // Finish the query string
        $query .= ")) as atari {$limit_query}";
        // Process and return the query (if there was a hit)
        if ($flag_hit) {
            return sqlStatement($query, $sql_bind_array);