/** * A unique identifier is defined to store the options in the database and reference them from the theme. * By default it uses the theme name, in lowercase and without spaces, but this can be changed if needed. * If the identifier changes, it'll appear as if the options have been reset. */ function optionsframework_option_name() { global $shortname; global $themename; // This gets the theme name from the stylesheet $themename = get_option('stylesheet'); $themename = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", strtolower($themename)); $optionsframework_settings = get_option('optionsframework'); $optionsframework_settings['id'] = $themename; update_option('optionsframework', $optionsframework_settings); //setting contact us page if (sketch_get_option($shortname . '_contact_page')) { select_template(sketch_get_option($shortname . '_contact_page')); } }
$moduledb[] = $rs; } $mid = intval($mid); $moduledb_color[$mid] = 'red'; $group_allowdown = group_box("postdb[allowdown]", explode(",", $rsdb[allowdown])); $group_allowview = group_box("postdb[allowview]", explode(",", $rsdb[allowview])); $tpl_list = @unserialize($fidDB[template]); $tpl_show = @unserialize($rsdb[template]); $value_tpl_head = $tpl_show[head] ? $tpl_show[head] : $tpl_list[head]; $value_tpl_foot = $tpl_show[foot] ? $tpl_show[foot] : $tpl_list[foot]; $value_tpl_show = $tpl_show[bencandy] ? $tpl_show[bencandy] : $tpl_list[bencandy]; $tpl_head = select_template("", 7, $value_tpl_head); $tpl_head = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"head_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_head); $tpl_foot = select_template("", 8, $value_tpl_foot); $tpl_foot = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"foot_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_foot); $tpl_show = select_template("", 3, $value_tpl_show); $tpl_show = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"main_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_show); $rsdb[posttime] && ($rsdb[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rsdb[posttime])); $rsdb[begintime] && ($rsdb[begintime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rsdb[begintime])); $rsdb[endtime] && ($rsdb[endtime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rsdb[endtime])); //地址还原 $rsdb[content] = En_TruePath($rsdb[content], 0); $rsdb[content] = editor_replace($rsdb[content]); //修改文章时,需要读取自定义模块的数据 if ($mid && $job != 'postnew' && $job != 'post_more') { $_rsdb = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM `{$pre}article_content_{$mid}` WHERE rid='{$rsdb['rid']}'"); if ($_rsdb) { $rsdb += $_rsdb; } $i_id = $_rsdb[id]; set_module_table_value($mid, 1);
public static function templates($m, $value = '', $str = '', $fix = '') { $tems = select_template($m); $string = ''; $string .= '<select ' . $str . '>'; $string .= '<option value="">默认</option>'; foreach ($tems as $project => $tpls) { if (!is_array($tpls)) { continue; } foreach ($tpls as $tpl) { $selected = ''; $v = $project . ':' . substr($tpl, 0, -5); if ($value == $v) { $selected = 'selected'; } $string .= '<option ' . $selected . ' value="' . $v . '">' . $project . ':' . $tpl . "</option>"; } } $string .= '</select>'; return $string; }
/** * 模块设置 * * @author tuzwu */ public function set() { if (isset($GLOBALS['dosubmit'])) { $cache_in_db = cache_in_db($GLOBALS['setting'], V, M); set_cache(M, $GLOBALS['setting']); MSG(L('operation_success'), HTTP_REFERER, 3000); } else { $show_dialog = 1; load_class('form'); load_function('template'); $templates = select_template(M); $setting =& $this->_cache; if (empty($setting)) { $setting = cache_in_db('', V, M); } $linkage = $this->db->get_list('linkage', '', 'name,linkageid', 0, 100, '', "linkageid ASC", '', 'linkageid'); foreach ($linkage as $k => $v) { $linkage[$k] = $v['name']; } include $this->template('set', M); } }
$group_viewcontent = group_box("postdb[allowviewcontent]", explode(",", $rsdb[allowviewcontent])); $group_download = group_box("postdb[allowdownload]", explode(",", $rsdb[allowdownload])); $typedb[$rsdb[type]] = " checked "; $forbidshow[intval($rsdb[forbidshow])] = " checked "; $tpl = unserialize($rsdb[template]); //$tpl_head=select_template("postdb[tpl][head]",7,$tpl[head]); //$tpl_foot=select_template("postdb[tpl][foot]",8,$tpl[foot]); //$tpl_list=select_template("postdb[tpl][list]",2,$tpl['list']); //$tpl_bencandy=select_template("postdb[tpl][bencandy]",3,$tpl[bencandy]); $tpl_head = select_template("", 7, $tpl[head]); $tpl_head = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"tpl_head\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_head); $tpl_foot = select_template("", 8, $tpl[foot]); $tpl_foot = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"tpl_foot\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_foot); $tpl_list = select_template("", 2, $tpl['list']); $tpl_list = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"tpl_list\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_list); $tpl_bencandy = select_template("", 3, $tpl[bencandy]); $tpl_bencandy = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"tpl_bencandy\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_bencandy); $listorder[$rsdb[listorder]] = " selected "; $module_id = "<select name='postdb[fmid]'><option value='0'>文章模型</option>"; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}article_module WHERE ifclose=0 ORDER BY list DESC"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $ckk = $rsdb[fmid] == $rs[id] ? ' selected ' : ''; $module_id .= "<option value='{$rs['id']}' {$ckk}>{$rs['name']}</option>"; } $module_id .= " </select>"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "head.php"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/fu_sort/menu.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/fu_sort/batch_edit.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "foot.php"; } elseif ($action == 'batch_edit' && $Apower[fu_sort_power]) { if (!$ifchang && !$db_index_showtitle && !$db_sonTitleRow && !$db_sonTitleLeng && !$db_cachetime) {
$fid_str = "'" . implode("','", $fiddb) . "'"; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}sort WHERE fid IN ({$fid_str})"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $fid_name_db[$rs[fid]] = "【<A HREF='{$webdb['www_url']}{$webdb['path']}/list.php?fid={$rs['fid']}' target=_blank>{$rs['name']}</A>】,"; } foreach ($fiddb as $key => $value) { $fid_name .= $fid_name_db[$value]; } //$tpl_head=select_template("postdb[head_tpl]",7,$rsdb[head_tpl]); //$tpl_main=select_template("postdb[main_tpl]",1,$rsdb[main_tpl]); //$tpl_foot=select_template("postdb[foot_tpl]",8,$rsdb[foot_tpl]); $tpl_head = select_template("", 7, $rsdb[head_tpl]); $tpl_head = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"head_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_head); $tpl_foot = select_template("", 8, $rsdb[foot_tpl]); $tpl_foot = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"foot_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_foot); $tpl_main = select_template("", 1, $rsdb[main_tpl]); $tpl_main = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"main_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_main); require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "head.php"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/channel/menu.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/channel/edit.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "foot.php"; } elseif ($action == "add" && $Apower[channel_list]) { foreach ($fids as $key => $fid) { if (!$fid) { unset($fids[$key]); } } $postdb[fids] = implode(",", $fids); unset($con); $con[line] = $atc_line; $con[rows] = $atc_rows;
/** * 添加栏目 */ public function add() { $type = isset($GLOBALS['type']) ? intval($GLOBALS['type']) : 0; $siteid = get_cookie('siteid'); if (isset($GLOBALS['submit'])) { if (!is_array($GLOBALS['catname'])) { MSG(L('catname error')); } $pinyin = load_class('pinyin'); foreach ($GLOBALS['catname'] as $key => $value) { if (trim($value) == '') { continue; } $formdata = array(); $formdata = $GLOBALS['form']; $formdata['siteid'] = $siteid; $formdata['keyid'] = 'content'; $formdata['pid'] = intval($GLOBALS['form']['pid']); $formdata['name'] = trim($value); $formdata['type'] = $type; if ($GLOBALS['catdir'][$key]) { $formdata['catdir'] = sql_replace($GLOBALS['catdir'][$key]); } else { $py = $pinyin->return_py($formdata['name']); $formdata['catdir'] = $py['pinyin']; } $formdata['parentdir'] = $this->get_parentdir($formdata['pid']); $cid = $this->db->insert('category', $formdata); if ($type == 2) { $urls['url'] = $GLOBALS['url']; } else { //生成url $urlclass = load_class('url', 'content', $formdata); $this->categorys[$cid] = $formdata; $urlclass->set_categorys($this->categorys); $urls = $urlclass->listurl(array('cid' => $cid, 'page' => 1)); } if ($formdata['pid']) { $this->db->update('category', array('child' => 1), array('cid' => $formdata['pid'])); } $this->db->update('category', array('url' => $urls['url']), array('cid' => $cid)); } //更新缓存 $category_cache = load_class('category_cache', 'content'); $category_cache->cache_all(); MSG(L('operation success'), HTTP_REFERER); } else { $pid = isset($GLOBALS['pid']) ? intval($GLOBALS['pid']) : 0; $modelid = 0; if ($pid) { $r = $this->db->get_one('category', array('cid' => $pid)); $modelid = $r['modelid']; if ($r['siteid'] != $siteid) { MSG('请重新选择上级栏目', '?m=content&f=category&v=add' . $this->su()); } } $form = load_class('form'); $models = $this->db->get_list('model', array('m' => 'content'), '*', 0, 200, 0, '', '', 'modelid'); $workflow = $this->db->get_list('workflow', array('keyid' => 'content'), '*', 0, 10); $where = array('keyid' => M, 'siteid' => $siteid); $categorys = $this->db->get_list('category', $where, '*', 0, 2000, 0, '', '', 'cid'); if (empty($categorys)) { $categorys = array(); } load_function('template'); $templates = select_template('content'); if ($type == 2) { include $this->template('category_add_2'); } else { include $this->template('category_add'); } } }
//$tpl_main=select_template("postdb[tpl_main]",9,"$rsdb[tpl_main]"); $tpl_head = select_template("", 7, $rsdb[tpl_head]); $tpl_head = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"head_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_head); $tpl_foot = select_template("", 8, $rsdb[tpl_foot]); $tpl_foot = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"foot_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_foot); $tpl_main = select_template("", 9, $rsdb[tpl_main]); $tpl_main = str_replace("<select", "<select onChange='get_obj(\"main_tpl\").value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'", $tpl_main); require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "head.php"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/alonepage/menu.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/alonepage/edit.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "foot.php"; } elseif ($job == "add" && $Apower[alonepage_list]) { $style_select = select_style('postdb[style]', $rsdb[style]); $tpl_head = select_template('', 7, "{$rsdb['tpl_head']}"); $tpl_foot = select_template('', 8, "{$rsdb['tpl_foot']}"); $tpl_main = select_template('', 9, "{$rsdb['tpl_main']}"); $rsdb[filename] = $timestamp . '.htm'; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "head.php"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/alonepage/menu.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "template/alonepage/edit.htm"; require dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "foot.php"; } elseif ($action == "add" && $Apower[alonepage_list]) { if ($postdb[filename] && !eregi("(\\.html|\\.htm)\$", $postdb[filename])) { showmsg("静态网页名只能是.html或者是.htm文件"); } //对地址做处理 $postdb[content] = En_TruePath($postdb[content]); $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$pre}alonepage` ( `fid` , `name` ,`title` , `posttime` , `uid` , `username` , `style` , `tpl_head` , `tpl_foot` , `tpl_main` , `filename` , `filepath` , `keywords` , `content` ,`descrip`) VALUES ('{$postdb['fid']}','{$postdb['name']}','{$postdb['title']}','{$timestamp}','{$postdb['uid']}','{$postdb['username']}','{$postdb['style']}','{$postdb['tpl_head']}','{$postdb['tpl_foot']}','{$postdb['tpl_main']}','{$postdb['filename']}','{$postdb['filepath']}','{$postdb['keywords']}','{$postdb['content']}','{$postdb['descrip']}')"); jump("添加成功", "index.php?lfj=alonepage&job=list", 1); } elseif ($action == "list" && $Apower[alonepage_list]) { if (!$iddb[0]) {