place with <?php 
echo $totalPoints;
<h4>Current Roster</h4>

$totalPointsEarned = getTotalPointsForUserByPlayer($userID, $leagueID, 0);
$pointsEarned30d = getTotalPointsForUserByPlayer($userID, $leagueID, 30);
$lastGameHash = getLastGameHash();
$playerDisplayNames = getPlayerDisplayNames();
$gamesPlayed = getGamesPlayedByPlayer();
$positions = getPositionHash();
$currentRoster = getCurrentRoster($userID, $leagueID);
$nextGame = getNextGame();
$totalPoints = selectSumWithGroupBy("fch_consolidated_results", "totalPoints", " WHERE season = \"{$season}\"", "playerID");
if ($currentRoster == -1) {
    echo "<h3>You do not have any players on your roster yet.</h3>";
	only screen and (max-width: 760px),
	(min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px)  {
	.summaryTableF td:nth-of-type(1):before { content: "Player"; }
	.summaryTableF td:nth-of-type(2):before { content: "A/R*"; }
	.summaryTableF td:nth-of-type(3):before { content: "Pos"; }
	.summaryTableF td:nth-of-type(4):before { content: "Last Game"; }
	.summaryTableF td:nth-of-type(5):before { content: "Next Game"; }
	.summaryTableF td:nth-of-type(6):before { content: "Earned For You"; }
function getTotalPointsOverall($userID, $leagueID, $timeWindow)
    // Returns total sum of points earned this season by a player
    global $g_totalPointsOverall;
    global $g_totalPointsOverallTimeWindow;
    global $g_totalPointsOverallUserID;
    if ($timeWindow = $g_totalPointsOverallTimeWindow && ($g_totalPointsOverall != null && $g_totalPointsOverallUserID == $userID)) {
        return $g_totalPointsOverall;
    $season = getSeason();
    if (intVal($timeWindow) == 0) {
        $timeWindow = 99999;
    $sum = selectSumWithGroupBy("fch_consolidated_results r", "r.totalPoints", " WHERE  r.dateStamp > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -{$timeWindow} DAY) AND  r.season = \"{$season}\" ", "r.playerID");
    //debug("SUM: " . $sum);
    $g_totalPointsOverall = $sum;
    $g_totalPointsOverallTimeWindow = $timeWindow;
    $g_totalPointsOverallUserID = $userID;
    return $sum;