$request = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
$action = $request["action"];
$settings = ft_get_settings();
switch ($action) {
    // Stage 1 of the Table Verification test: returns a list of tables to test for a particular component
    case "get_component_tables":
        $component = $request["component"];
        // N.B. from 2.1.5 onwards, the Core stores its own DB structure
        if ($component == "core") {
            require_once "{$g_root_dir}/global/misc/config_core.php";
            $tables = array_merge(array("FORM TOOLS CORE", "core"), sc_get_component_tables($STRUCTURE));
        } else {
            $module_info = ft_get_module($request["component"]);
            // $request["component"] is just the module ID
            $module_config = sc_get_module_config_file_contents($module_info["module_folder"]);
            $tables = array_merge(array($module_info["module_name"], $request["component"]), sc_get_component_tables($module_config["tables"]));
        echo "{ \"tables\": " . ft_convert_to_json($tables) . " }";
        // Stage 2 of the Table Verification test: verifies the table structure
    // Stage 2 of the Table Verification test: verifies the table structure
    case "verify_table":
        $component = $request["component"];
        if ($component == "core") {
            require_once "{$g_root_dir}/global/misc/config_core.php";
            $info = sc_check_component_table($STRUCTURE, $request["table_name"]);
            $info["table_name"] = $request["table_name"];
            echo ft_convert_to_json($info);
        } else {
            $module_info = ft_get_module($request["component"]);
            // $request["component"] is just the module ID
function sc_clean_orphans()
    global $g_root_dir;
    require_once "{$g_root_dir}/global/misc/config_core.php";
    $tables = sc_get_component_tables($STRUCTURE);
    $problems = array();
    foreach ($tables as $table_name) {
        $response = sc_find_table_orphans($table_name, true);
        if (!empty($response["clean_up_problems"])) {
            $problems[] = $response["clean_up_problems"];
    $message = "The orphaned records / references have been cleaned up.";
    if (!empty($problems)) {
        $problem_list = array();
        foreach ($problems as $p) {
            foreach ($p as $p2) {
                $problem_list[] = "• " . $p2;
        $message = "The orphaned results were cleaned up, however the following problems were encountered:<br />" . implode("<br />", $problem_list);
    return array(true, $message);