foreach ($queryArray as $query) {
    $result = queryMySQLDatabase($query);
// function 'queryMySQLDatabase()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
$affectedRows = $result ? mysql_affected_rows($connection) : 0;
// get the number of rows that were modified (or return 0 if an error occurred)
if ($affectedRows == 0) {
    // we'll file this additional error element here so that the 'errors' session variable isn't empty causing 'duplicate_manager.php' to re-load the form data that were submitted by the user
    $errors["ignoredRecords"] = "all";
    // return an appropriate error message:
    $HeaderString = returnMsg("Nothing was changed by your query!", "warning", "strong", "HeaderString");
    // function 'returnMsg()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // Write back session variables:
    saveSessionVariable("errors", $errors);
    // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    saveSessionVariable("formVars", $formVars);
    // Relocate back to the 'Flag Duplicates' form (script 'duplicate_manager.php'):
    header("Location: " . $referer);
    // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !EXIT! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// Build correct header message:
$HeaderString = returnMsg("The records below have been successfully flagged as original/duplicate records:", "", "", "HeaderString");
// function 'returnMsg()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
// Merge all given record serial numbers:
$allRecordSerialsString = $origRecordSerial . "," . implode(",", $dupRecordSerialsArray);
// (4) Call 'show.php' which will display all affected records along with the header message
//     (routing feedback output to a different script page will avoid any reload problems effectively!)
header("Location: show.php?records=" . $allRecordSerialsString);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// register globals is ON, or explicitly if register globals is OFF [by uncommenting the code above]).
// We need to clear these session variables here, since they would otherwise be still there on a subsequent call of 'query_manager.php'!
// Note: though we clear the session variables, the current error message (or form variables) is still available to this script via '$errors' (or '$formVars', respectively).
// function 'deleteSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// A user must be logged in to save, modify or delete any queries:
if (!isset($_SESSION['loginEmail'])) {
    // return an appropriate error message:
    $HeaderString = returnMsg($loc["Warning_LoginToUseSavedQueries"] . "!", "warning", "strong", "HeaderString");
    // function 'returnMsg()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // save the URL of the currently displayed page:
    $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    // Write back session variables:
    saveSessionVariable("referer", $referer);
    // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    header("Location: user_login.php");
    // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !EXIT! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extract the view type requested by the user (either 'Mobile', 'Print', 'Web' or ''):
// ('' will produce the default 'Web' output style)
if (isset($_REQUEST['viewType'])) {
    $viewType = $_REQUEST['viewType'];
} else {
    $viewType = "";
// Check if the script was called with parameters (like: 'query_manager.php?customQuery=1&sqlQuery=...&showQuery=...&showLinks=...')
// If so, the parameter 'customQuery=1' will be set:
} elseif (preg_match("/^suggest\$/i", $operation) and preg_match("/^(html|json)\$/i", $recordSchema)) {
    // Set the appropriate mimetype & set the character encoding to the one given
    // in '$contentTypeCharset' (which is defined in 'ini.inc.php'):
    setHeaderContentType($exportContentType, $contentTypeCharset);
    echo searchSuggestions($cqlQuery, $query);
} elseif (!isset($_REQUEST['query']) and !isset($_REQUEST['recordSchema']) and !isset($_REQUEST['maximumRecords']) and !isset($_REQUEST['startRecord']) and !isset($_REQUEST['stylesheet'])) {
    showQueryPage($operation, $viewType, $showRows, $rowOffset);
} elseif (empty($cqlQuery)) {
    returnDiagnostic(7, "query");
} elseif (!preg_match("/^((atom|rss)([ _]?xml)?|srw([ _]?(mods|dc))?([ _]?xml)?|html|json)\$/i", $recordSchema)) {
    returnDiagnostic(66, $recordSchema);
} else {
    // Write the current OpenSearch/CQL query into a session variable:
    // (this session variable is used by functions 'atomCollection()' and 'citeRecords()' (in 'cite_html.php') to re-establish the original OpenSearch/CQL query;
    //  function 'atomCollection()' uses the OpenSearch/CQL query to output 'opensearch.php' URLs instead of 'show.php' URLs)
    saveSessionVariable("cqlQuery", $cqlQuery);
    // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // Build the correct query URL:
    // (we skip unnecessary parameters here since function 'generateURL()' and 'show.php' will use their default values for them)
    $queryParametersArray = array("where" => $query, "submit" => $displayType, "viewType" => $viewType, "exportStylesheet" => $exportStylesheet);
    // NOTE: The 'show.php' script allows anonymous users to query the 'cite_key' field (if a valid 'userID' is included in the query URL).
    //       However, this requires that the cite key is passed in the 'cite_key' URL parameter. Since 'opensearch.php' uses the 'where'
    //       parameter to pass its query, anonymous querying of the 'cite_key' field currently does not work for 'opensearch.php'. But
    //       querying of user-specific fields will work if a user is logged in.
    if (isset($_SESSION['loginEmail'])) {
        // we only include the 'userID' parameter if the user is logged in
        $queryParametersArray["userID"] = $loginUserID;
    // for user-specific fields (such as the 'cite_key' field), 'show.php' requires the 'userID' parameter
    // call 'show.php' (or 'rss.php' in case of RSS XML) with the correct query URL in order to output record details in the requested format:
    $queryURL = generateURL("show.php", $exportFormat, $queryParametersArray, false, $showRows, $rowOffset, "", $citeOrder);
include 'initialize/db.inc.php';
// 'db.inc.php' is included to hide username and password
include 'includes/header.inc.php';
// include header
include 'includes/footer.inc.php';
// include footer
include 'includes/include.inc.php';
// include common functions
include 'initialize/ini.inc.php';
// include common variables
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// call the 'start_session()' function (from 'include.inc.php') which will also read out available session variables:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize preferred display language:
// (note that 'locales.inc.php' has to be included *after* the call to the 'start_session()' function)
include 'includes/locales.inc.php';
// include the locales
// function 'connectToMySQLDatabase()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
$sql = "SELECT language_name FROM languages WHERE language_id = %d";
$query = mysql_query(sprintf($sql, intval($_POST['language_id'])));
$data = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (isset($data['language_name'])) {
    saveSessionVariable("userLanguage", $data['language_name']);
} else {
header('Location: index.php');
function findDuplicates($sqlQuery, $originalDisplayType)
    global $tableRefs, $tableUserData;
    // defined in 'db.inc.php'
    global $alnum, $alpha, $cntrl, $dash, $digit, $graph, $lower, $print, $punct, $space, $upper, $word, $patternModifiers;
    // defined in 'transtab_unicode_charset.inc.php' and 'transtab_latin1_charset.inc.php'
    // re-assign the correct display type (i.e. the view that was active when the user clicked the 'dups' link in the header):
    if (!empty($originalDisplayType)) {
        $displayType = $originalDisplayType;
    // Extract form variables provided by the 'duplicateSearch' form in 'duplicate_search.php':
    if (isset($_REQUEST['matchFieldsSelector'])) {
        if (is_string($_REQUEST['matchFieldsSelector'])) {
            // we accept a string containing a (e.g. comma delimited) list of field names
            $selectedFieldsArray = preg_split("/[^a-z_]+/", $_REQUEST['matchFieldsSelector'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        } else {
            // the field list is already provided as array:
            $selectedFieldsArray = $_REQUEST['matchFieldsSelector'];
    } else {
        $selectedFieldsArray = array();
    if (isset($_REQUEST['ignoreWhitespace']) and $_REQUEST['ignoreWhitespace'] == "1") {
        $ignoreWhitespace = "1";
    } else {
        $ignoreWhitespace = "0";
    if (isset($_REQUEST['ignorePunctuation']) and $_REQUEST['ignorePunctuation'] == "1") {
        $ignorePunctuation = "1";
    } else {
        $ignorePunctuation = "0";
    if (isset($_REQUEST['ignoreCharacterCase']) and $_REQUEST['ignoreCharacterCase'] == "1") {
        $ignoreCharacterCase = "1";
    } else {
        $ignoreCharacterCase = "0";
    if (isset($_REQUEST['ignoreAuthorInitials']) and $_REQUEST['ignoreAuthorInitials'] == "1") {
        $ignoreAuthorInitials = "1";
    } else {
        $ignoreAuthorInitials = "0";
    if (isset($_REQUEST['nonASCIIChars'])) {
        $nonASCIIChars = $_REQUEST['nonASCIIChars'];
    } else {
        $nonASCIIChars = "keep";
    $errors = array();
    // Validate the field selector:
    if (empty($selectedFieldsArray)) {
        $errors["matchFieldsSelector"] = "You must select at least one field:";
    // Validate the 'SQL Query' field:
    if (empty($sqlQuery)) {
        $errors["sqlQuery"] = "You must specify a query string:";
    } elseif (!preg_match("/^SELECT/i", $sqlQuery)) {
        $errors["sqlQuery"] = "You can only execute SELECT queries:";
    // Check if there were any errors:
    if (count($errors) > 0) {
        // In case of an error, we write all form variables back to the '$formVars' array
        // (which 'duplicate_search.php' requires to reload form values):
        foreach ($_REQUEST as $varname => $value) {
            $formVars[$varname] = $value;
        // Since checkbox form fields do only get included in the '$_REQUEST' array if they were marked,
        // we have to add appropriate array elements for all checkboxes that weren't set:
        if (!isset($formVars["ignoreWhitespace"])) {
            $formVars["ignoreWhitespace"] = "0";
        if (!isset($formVars["ignorePunctuation"])) {
            $formVars["ignorePunctuation"] = "0";
        if (!isset($formVars["ignoreCharacterCase"])) {
            $formVars["ignoreCharacterCase"] = "0";
        if (!isset($formVars["ignoreAuthorInitials"])) {
            $formVars["ignoreAuthorInitials"] = "0";
        if (!isset($formVars["showLinks"])) {
            $formVars["showLinks"] = "0";
        // Write back session variables:
        saveSessionVariable("errors", $errors);
        // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        saveSessionVariable("formVars", $formVars);
        // There are errors. Relocate back to 'duplicate_search.php':
        header("Location: duplicate_search.php");
        // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !EXIT! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    // To identify any duplicates within the results of the original query, we build a new query based on the original SQL query:
    $query = $sqlQuery;
    // Replace SELECT list of columns with those from '$selectedFieldsArray' (plus the 'serial' column):
    $selectedFieldsString = implode(", ", $selectedFieldsArray);
    $query = newSELECTclause("SELECT " . $selectedFieldsString . ", serial", $query, false);
    // function 'newSELECTclause()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // Replace any existing ORDER BY clause with the list of columns given in '$selectedFieldsArray':
    $query = newORDERclause("ORDER BY " . $selectedFieldsString, $query, false);
    // function 'newORDERclause()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // Fix escape sequences within the SQL query:
    $query = stripSlashesIfMagicQuotes($query);
    // RUN the query on the database through the connection:
    $result = queryMySQLDatabase($query);
    // function 'queryMySQLDatabase()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    $recordSerialsArray = array();
    $duplicateRecordSerialsArray = array();
    $rowsFound = @mysql_num_rows($result);
    // Identify any records with matching field data:
    if ($rowsFound > 0) {
        // Count the number of fields:
        $fieldsFound = mysql_num_fields($result);
        // Loop over each row in the result set:
        for ($rowCounter = 0; $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result); $rowCounter++) {
            $recordIdentifier = "";
            // make sure our buffer variable is empty
            // For each row, loop over each field (except for the last one which is the 'serial' field):
            for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldsFound - 1; $i++) {
                // fetch the current attribute name:
                $fieldName = getMySQLFieldInfo($result, $i, "name");
                // function 'getMySQLFieldInfo()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
                // normalize author names:
                if ($fieldName == "author" and $ignoreAuthorInitials == "1") {
                    // this is a stupid hack that maps the names of the '$row' array keys to those used
                    // by the '$formVars' array (which is required by function 'parsePlaceholderString()')
                    // (eventually, the '$formVars' array should use the MySQL field names as names for its array keys)
                    $formVars = buildFormVarsArray($row);
                    // function 'buildFormVarsArray()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
                    // ignore initials in author names:
                    $row[$i] = parsePlaceholderString($formVars, "<:authors[0||]:>", "");
                    // function 'parsePlaceholderString()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
                $recordIdentifier .= $row[$i];
                // merge all field values to form a unique record identifier string
            // Normalize record identifier string:
            if ($ignoreWhitespace == "1") {
                // ignore whitespace
                $recordIdentifier = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", $recordIdentifier);
            if ($ignorePunctuation == "1") {
                // ignore punctuation
                $recordIdentifier = preg_replace("/[{$punct}]+/{$patternModifiers}", "", $recordIdentifier);
            if ($ignoreCharacterCase == "1") {
                // ignore character case
                $recordIdentifier = strtolower($recordIdentifier);
            if ($nonASCIIChars == "strip") {
                // strip non-ASCII characters
                $recordIdentifier = handleNonASCIIAndUnwantedCharacters($recordIdentifier, "\\S\\s", "strip");
            } elseif ($nonASCIIChars == "transliterate") {
                // transliterate non-ASCII characters
                $recordIdentifier = handleNonASCIIAndUnwantedCharacters($recordIdentifier, "\\S\\s", "transliterate");
            // Check whether the record identifier string has occurred already:
            if (isset($recordSerialsArray[$recordIdentifier])) {
                // this record identifier string has already been seen
                $recordSerialsArray[$recordIdentifier][] = $row["serial"];
            } else {
                // new record identifier string
                $recordSerialsArray[$recordIdentifier] = array($row["serial"]);
            // add a new array element for this record's identifier string (and store its serial number as value within a sub-array)
        // Collect all array elements from '$recordSerialsArray' where their sub-array contains more than one serial number:
        foreach ($recordSerialsArray as $recordSerials) {
            if (count($recordSerials) > 1) {
                foreach ($recordSerials as $recordSerial) {
                    $duplicateRecordSerialsArray[] = $recordSerial;
            // add this record's serial number to the array of duplicate record serials
    } else {
        // TODO!
    if (empty($duplicateRecordSerialsArray)) {
        $duplicateRecordSerialsArray[] = "0";
    // if no duplicate records were found, the non-existing serial number '0' will result in a "nothing found" feedback
    // To display any duplicates that were found within the results of the original query, we build again a new query based on the original SQL query:
    $query = $sqlQuery;
    // Replace WHERE clause:
    // TODO: maybe make this into a generic function? (compare with function 'extractWHEREclause()' in 'include.inc.php')
    $duplicateRecordSerialsString = implode("|", $duplicateRecordSerialsArray);
    $query = preg_replace("/(?<=WHERE )(.+?)(?= ORDER BY| LIMIT| GROUP BY| HAVING| PROCEDURE| FOR UPDATE| LOCK IN|[ ;]+(SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|CREATE|ALTER|DROP|FILE)\\b|\$)/i", "serial RLIKE \"^(" . $duplicateRecordSerialsString . ")\$\"", $query);
    // Replace any existing ORDER BY clause with the list of columns given in '$selectedFieldsArray':
    $query = newORDERclause("ORDER BY " . $selectedFieldsString, $query, false);
    return array($query, $displayType);
 // (we skip unnecessary parameters here since 'search.php' will use it's default values for them)
 $queryParametersArray = array("sqlQuery" => $query, "client" => $client, "formType" => "sqlSearch", "submit" => $displayType, "viewType" => $viewType, "showQuery" => $showQuery, "showLinks" => $showLinks, "showRows" => $showRows, "rowOffset" => $rowOffset, "wrapResults" => $wrapResults, "citeOrder" => $citeOrder, "citeStyle" => $citeStyle, "exportFormat" => $exportFormat, "exportType" => $exportType, "exportStylesheet" => $exportStylesheet, "citeType" => $citeType, "headerMsg" => $headerMsg);
 // Save the URL of the current 'show.php' request to the 'referer' session variable:
 // NOTE: since function 'start_session()' prefers '$_SESSION['referer']' over '$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']', this means that '$referer'
 //       contains a 'show.php' URL and not e.g. a '*_search.php' URL; this, in turn, can prevent the "NoPermission_ForSQL" warning
 //       if a user clicked the "Show All" link in the header of any of the '*_search.php' pages
 //       (see notes above the "NoPermission_ForSQL" error message in 'search.php')
 //		if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
 //			saveSessionVariable("referer", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
 // Call 'search.php' in order to display record details:
     // save POST data to session variable:
     // NOTE: If the original request was a POST (as is the case for the refbase command line client) saving POST data to a session
     //       variable allows to retain large param/value strings (that would exceed the maximum string limit for GET requests).
     //       'search.php' will then write the saved POST data back to '$_POST' and '$_REQUEST'. (see also note and commented code below)
     saveSessionVariable("postData", $queryParametersArray);
     header("Location: search.php?client=" . $client);
     // we also pass the 'client' parameter in the GET request so that it's available to 'search.php' before sessions are initiated
 } else {
     $queryURL = generateURL("search.php", "html", $queryParametersArray, false);
     // function 'generateURL()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
     header("Location: {$queryURL}");
 // NOTE: If the original request was a POST (as is the case for the refbase command line client), we must also pass the data via POST to 'search.php'
 //       in order to retain large param/value strings (that would exceed the maximum string limit for GET requests). We could POST the data via function
 //       'sendPostRequest()' as shown in the commented code below. However, the problem with this is that this does NOT *redirect* to 'search.php' but
 //       directly prints results from within this script ('show.php'). Also, the printed results include the full HTTP response, including the HTTP header.
 //		$queryURL = "";
 //		foreach ($queryParametersArray as $varname => $value)
 //			$queryURL .= "&" . $varname . "=" . rawurlencode($value);
 //		$queryURL = trimTextPattern($queryURL, "&", true, false); // remove again param delimiter from beginning of query URL (function 'trimTextPattern()' is defined in 'include.inc.php')
    $HeaderString = "<b><span class=\"warning\">Missing parameters for script 'user_options.php'!</span></b>";
    // Write back session variables:
    saveSessionVariable("HeaderString", $HeaderString);
    // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // Redirect the browser back to the calling page
    header("Location: " . $referer);
    // variable '$referer' is globally defined in function 'start_session()' in 'include.inc.php'
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if the logged-in user is allowed to modify his account options:
if (isset($_SESSION['loginEmail']) and preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $userID) and isset($_SESSION['user_permissions']) and !preg_match("/allow_modify_options/", $_SESSION['user_permissions'])) {
    // save an error message:
    $HeaderString = "<b><span class=\"warning\">You have no permission to modify your user account options!</span></b>";
    // Write back session variables:
    saveSessionVariable("HeaderString", $HeaderString);
    // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // Redirect the browser back to the calling page
    header("Location: " . $referer);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set header message:
if (!isset($_SESSION['HeaderString'])) {
    if (empty($errors)) {
        // provide the default messages:
        $HeaderString = "Modify your account options:";
    } else {
        // -> there were errors validating the user's options
        $HeaderString = "<b><span class=\"warning\">There were validation errors regarding the options you selected. Please check the comments above the respective fields:</span></b>";
// Write back session variables:
saveSessionVariable("loginEmail", $loginEmail);
// function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
saveSessionVariable("loginUserID", $loginUserID);
saveSessionVariable("loginFirstName", $loginFirstName);
saveSessionVariable("loginLastName", $loginLastName);
saveSessionVariable("abbrevInstitution", $abbrevInstitution);
saveSessionVariable("lastLogin", $lastLogin);
// If an authorized user uses 'user_details.php' to add a new user (-> 'userID' is empty!):
if ((!isset($_SESSION['loginEmail']) && $addNewUsers == "everyone" && $_REQUEST['userID'] == "") | (isset($_SESSION['loginEmail']) && $loginEmail == $adminLoginEmail && $_REQUEST['userID'] == "")) {
    saveSessionVariable("userLanguage", $defaultLanguage);
    // '$defaultLanguage' is defined in 'ini.inc.php'
    saveSessionVariable("userRecordsPerPage", $defaultUserOptions['records_per_page']);
    // '$defaultUserOptions' is defined in 'ini.inc.php'
    saveSessionVariable("userAutoCompletions", $defaultUserOptions['show_auto_completions']);
    saveSessionVariable("userMainFields", $defaultUserOptions['main_fields']);
// Get all user groups specified by the current user
// and (if some groups were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'userGroups':
getUserGroups($tableUserData, $loginUserID);
// function 'getUserGroups()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
if ($loginEmail == $adminLoginEmail) {
    // ('$adminLoginEmail' is specified in 'ini.inc.php')
    // Get all user groups specified by the admin
    // and (if some groups were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'adminUserGroups':
    getUserGroups($tableUsers, $loginUserID);
// function 'getUserGroups()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
// Similarly, get all queries that were saved previously by the current user
// and (if some queries were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'userQueries':
function getPrefAutoCompletions($userID)
    global $loginEmail;
    global $adminLoginEmail;
    // these variables are defined in 'ini.inc.php'
    global $autoCompleteUserInput;
    $userOptionsArray = array();
    // initialize array variable
    // Get all user options for the current user:
    // note that if the user isn't logged in (userID=0), we don't load the pref setting from option
    // 'show_auto_completions' in table 'user_options' (where 'user_id = 0'). Instead, we'll take
    // the setting from variable '$autoCompleteUserInput' in 'ini.inc.php'.
    if ($userID != 0) {
        $userOptionsArray = getUserOptions($userID);
    // Extract the setting which defines whether auto-completions shall be displayed for text entered by the user:
    if (!empty($userOptionsArray) and !empty($userOptionsArray['show_auto_completions'])) {
        $showAutoCompletions = $userOptionsArray['show_auto_completions'];
    } else {
        $showAutoCompletions = $autoCompleteUserInput;
    // by default, we take the pref setting from the global variable '$autoCompleteUserInput'
    // We'll only update the appropriate session variable if either a normal user is logged in -OR- the admin is logged in and views his own user options page
    if ($loginEmail != $adminLoginEmail or $loginEmail == $adminLoginEmail && $userID == getUserID($loginEmail)) {
        // Write results into a session variable:
        saveSessionVariable("userAutoCompletions", $showAutoCompletions);
    return $showAutoCompletions;
function check_login($referer, $loginEmail, $loginPassword)
    global $username;
    global $password;
    global $hostName;
    global $databaseName;
    global $connection;
    global $HeaderString;
    global $loginUserID;
    global $loginFirstName;
    global $loginLastName;
    global $adminLoginEmail;
    global $abbrevInstitution;
    global $tableAuth, $tableUserData, $tableUsers;
    // defined in 'db.inc.php'
    global $loc;
    // Get the two character salt from the email address collected from the challenge
    $salt = substr($loginEmail, 0, 2);
    // Encrypt the loginPassword collected from the challenge (so that we can compare it to the encrypted passwords that are stored in the 'auth' table)
    $crypted_password = crypt($loginPassword, $salt);
    $query = "SELECT user_id FROM {$tableAuth} WHERE email = " . quote_smart($loginEmail) . " AND password = "******"errors");
        // function 'deleteSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        if (isset($_SESSION['formVars'])) {
            // delete the 'formVars' session variable:
        // function 'deleteSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        $userID = $row["user_id"];
        // extract the user's userID from the last query
        // Now we need to get the user's first name and last name (e.g., in order to display them within the login welcome message)
        $query = "SELECT user_id, first_name, last_name, abbrev_institution, language, last_login FROM {$tableUsers} WHERE user_id = " . quote_smart($userID);
        $result = queryMySQLDatabase($query);
        // RUN the query on the database through the connection (function 'queryMySQLDatabase()' is defined in 'include.inc.php')
        $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        // EXTRACT results: fetch the one row into the array '$row2'
        // Save the fetched user details to the session file:
        // Write back session variables:
        saveSessionVariable("loginEmail", $loginEmail);
        // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        saveSessionVariable("loginUserID", $row2["user_id"]);
        saveSessionVariable("loginFirstName", $row2["first_name"]);
        saveSessionVariable("loginLastName", $row2["last_name"]);
        saveSessionVariable("abbrevInstitution", $row2["abbrev_institution"]);
        saveSessionVariable("userLanguage", $row2["language"]);
        saveSessionVariable("lastLogin", $row2["last_login"]);
        // Get all user groups specified by the current user
        // and (if some groups were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'userGroups':
        getUserGroups($tableUserData, $row2["user_id"]);
        // function 'getUserGroups()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        if ($loginEmail == $adminLoginEmail) {
            // ('$adminLoginEmail' is specified in 'ini.inc.php')
            // Get all user groups specified by the admin
            // and (if some groups were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'adminUserGroups':
            getUserGroups($tableUsers, $row2["user_id"]);
        // function 'getUserGroups()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get all user queries that were saved previously by the current user
        // and (if some queries were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'userQueries':
        // function 'getUserQueries()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get all export formats that were selected previously by the current user
        // and (if some formats were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_export_formats':
        getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes($row2["user_id"], "format", "export");
        // function 'getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get all citation formats that were selected previously by the current user
        // and (if some formats were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_cite_formats':
        getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes($row2["user_id"], "format", "cite");
        // function 'getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get all citation styles that were selected previously by the current user
        // and (if some styles were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_styles':
        getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes($row2["user_id"], "style", "");
        // function 'getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get all document types that were selected previously by the current user
        // and (if some types were found) save them as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_types':
        getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes($row2["user_id"], "type", "");
        // function 'getVisibleUserFormatsStylesTypes()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get the user permissions for the current user
        // and save all allowed user actions as semicolon-delimited string to the session variable 'user_permissions':
        getPermissions($row2["user_id"], "user", true);
        // function 'getPermissions()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get the default view for the current user
        // and save it to the session variable 'userDefaultView':
        // function 'getDefaultView()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get the default number of records per page preferred by the current user
        // and save it to the session variable 'userRecordsPerPage':
        // function 'getDefaultNumberOfRecords()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get the user's preference for displaying auto-completions
        // and save it to the session variable 'userAutoCompletions':
        // function 'getPrefAutoCompletions()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Get the list of "main fields" for the current user
        // and save the list of fields as comma-delimited string to the session variable 'userMainFields':
        // function 'getMainFields()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // We also update the user's entry within the 'users' table:
        $query = "UPDATE {$tableUsers} SET " . "last_login = NOW(), " . "logins = logins+1 " . "WHERE user_id = {$userID}";
        // RUN the query on the database through the connection:
        $result = queryMySQLDatabase($query);
        // function 'queryMySQLDatabase()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        if (!preg_match("#/(error|user_login|install)\\.php#i", $referer)) {
            header("Location: " . $referer);
        } else {
            header("Location: index.php");
        // back to main page
    } else {
        // Ensure 'loginEmail' is not registered, so the user is not logged in
        if (isset($_SESSION['loginEmail'])) {
            // delete the 'loginEmail' session variable:
        // function 'deleteSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
        // Save an error message:
        $HeaderString = "<b><span class=\"warning\">" . $loc["LoginFailedYouProvidedAnIncorrectEmailAddressOrPassword"] . "</span></b>";
        // Write back session variables:
        saveSessionVariable("HeaderString", $HeaderString);
        // function 'saveSessionVariable()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'
    // -------------------
    // (5) CLOSE the database connection:
    // function 'disconnectFromMySQLDatabase()' is defined in 'include.inc.php'