/** * 保存用户头像 * @param $uid int 用户UID * @param $picData object 头像数据流 * @return string 生成后的头像地址 */ function setAvatar($uid, $picData, $sync = false) { $fpath = avatarFile($uid, 132); if ($uid && $picData) { saveFile($fpath, $picData, true, $sync); } return getImgUrl($fpath); }
function openFile($url, $size) { if (file_exists($url)) { $file = $url; $dataToReturn = file_get_contents($file); } else { saveFile($url, ""); $dataToReturn = ""; } return $dataToReturn; }
public function index() { // get all images $images = $this->vk->getImages(); // update last date in db $this->parser->update_last_date('jokes', array('last_update' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); // save all images in folder $path = 'assets/images/'; foreach ($images as $key => $value) { $expansion = new SplFileInfo($value->url); $fileName = uniqid('post_', true) . '.' . $expansion->getExtension(); $result = saveFile($value->url, $path . $fileName); if ($result == 200) { $this->image->setImages(array('title' => $value->text, 'image' => $fileName)); } } $this->output->set_status_header(200)->set_output('Success'); }
public function index() { //logutils::log_obj($_FILES['upload_img']); if (isset($_FILES['upload_img'])) { $filename = ROOT_PATH . strim($GLOBALS['request']['filename']); //logutils::log_str($filename); $dir = dirname($filename); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkpathA($dir); } if (saveFile($_FILES['upload_img']['tmp_name'], $filename)) { $root['status'] = 1; } else { $root['status'] = 0; } } else { $root['status'] = 0; } //logutils::log_obj($root); output($root); }
function read($n) { loadNames(); global $sData; $start = false; $fd = fopen($n, "r"); while (!feof($fd)) { $buffer = fgets($fd); $line = trim($buffer); if ($start) { parseLine($line); } if (substr($line, 0, 34) == "do_system_check_initialisation() {") { $start = true; } if (trim(substr($line, 0, 14)) == "# Evil strings") { $start = false; } } fclose($fd); saveFile('out.txt', $sData); }
function saveSqlLog($sqlTimeStart, $sql) { if (SAVE_LOG) { $t = microtime(true) - $sqlTimeStart; $str = date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ' ' . sprintf('%01.17f', $t) . ' -> ' . $sql . PHP_EOL; saveFile($str); } }
function saveDoc($testId) { if (!$this->safety->allowByControllerName('testing/edit')) { return errorForbidden(); } $this->deleteDoc($testId); $result = saveFile(config_item('testDoc')); if ($result['code'] != true) { return loadViewAjax(false, $result['result']); } $this->Testing_Model->saveDoc($testId, $result['fileId']); $data = $this->Testing_Model->get($testId, true); return loadViewAjax(true, $data['testDoc']); }
</Constraint> </csw:Query> </GetRecords>'; /** * Send a post $request at $url * * If headers is set to false, do not force headers * during POST request */ if (isset($_REQUEST["headers"]) && $_REQUEST["headers"] == "false") { $theData = postRemoteData($url, $request, false); } else { $theData = postRemoteData($url, $request, true); } /** * Store request and response */ if (MSP_DEBUG) { $tmp = createPassword(10); saveFile($request, MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . "csw_" . $tmp . "_request.xml"); $resultFileURI = saveFile($theData, MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . "csw_" . $tmp . "_response.xml"); } /** * Check if a SOAP Fault occured */ $error = OWSExceptionToJSON($theData); if ($error) { echo $error; } else { echo outputToGeoJSON($theData); }
$input = $_REQUEST["vmlCode"]; $language = $_REQUEST["language"]; $filename = saveFile($input); $outputFilename = "{$filename}.output"; $command = "java -jar vml.jar {$outputFilename} {$filename}"; exec($command); $genericCode = readTemporaryFile($outputFilename); if ($language == "Generic") { $sourceCode = $genericCode; } else { $secondOutFilename = "{$filename}.{$language}.output"; if (in_array($language, array("Php", "Java", "Ruby", "Alloy", "NuSMV"))) { saveFile("generate {$language};\n" . $genericCode, $outputFilename); $command = "java -jar umplesync.jar -source {$outputFilename} > {$secondOutFilename}"; } else { saveFile($genericCode, $outputFilename); $command = "java -jar umplesync.jar -generate {$language} {$outputFilename} > {$secondOutFilename}"; } exec($command); $sourceCode = readTemporaryFile($secondOutFilename); $sourceCode = str_replace("<?php", "", $sourceCode); $sourceCode = str_replace("?>", "", $sourceCode); if ($sourceCode == "") { $sourceCode = "//Generated code did not compile in Umple, please review the Umple code below and then fix your VML code\n\n"; $sourceCode .= $genericCode; } } if ($language != "Json") { $sourceCode = htmlspecialchars($sourceCode); } if ($sourceCode == "") {
function makeWeather($saveFilePath = 'api', $openFile = '/weather.txt') { //读取文件并过滤重复 $handle = fopen($saveFilePath . $openFile, "r"); if (!$handle) { exit('文件不存在。'); } $temp_arr = array(); do { $file = fgets($handle, 1024); $temp_arr[] = $file; } while (!feof($handle)); fclose($handle); //遍历数组,取相同组,创建新数组,最后得到没有重复的数组,筛选完成 $newArr = array(); foreach ($temp_arr as $key => $value) { if (in_array($value, $arr)) { unset($newArr[$key]); } else { $newArr[] = $value; } } //去掉文件中空值,同时去掉最后一个空值被取到数组 $cot = count($newArr); unset($newArr[$cot - 1]); //获取要采集的文件 foreach ($newArr as $key => $value) { flush(); $urlFile = str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $value); //PHP自带过滤换行 $urlFile = parse_url($urlFile, PHP_URL_PATH); $urlFile = $saveFilePath . $urlFile; $value = str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $value); //PHP自带过滤换行 //未成功写入则跳过 if (saveFile($urlFile, curl_file($value))) { echo '<font color="#66CC00">写入成功</font> ' . $urlFile . '<br>'; ob_flush(); } else { continue; } } exit($openFile . '中文件采集执行完毕。'); }
/** ** takes a page test, and runs it and tests it for problems in the output. ** Returns: False on finding a problem, or True on no problems being found. */ function runWikiTest(pageTest $test, &$testname, $can_overwrite = false) { // by default don't overwrite a previous test of the same name. while (!$can_overwrite && file_exists(DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . DATA_FILE)) { $testname .= "-" . mt_rand(0, 9); } $filename = DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . DATA_FILE; // Store the time before and after, to find slow pages. $before = microtime(true); // Get MediaWiki to give us the output of this test. $wiki_preview = wikiTestOutput($test); $after = microtime(true); // if we received no response, then that's interesting. if ($wiki_preview == "") { print "\nNo response received for: {$filename}"; return false; } // save output HTML to file. $html_file = DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . HTML_FILE; saveFile($wiki_preview, $html_file); // if there were PHP errors in the output, then that's interesting too. if (strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Warning</b>: ") !== false || strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Fatal error</b>: ") !== false || strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Notice</b>: ") !== false || strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Error</b>: ") !== false || strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Strict Standards:</b>") !== false) { $error = substr($wiki_preview, strpos($wiki_preview, "</b>:") + 7, 50); // Avoid probable PHP bug with bad session ids; http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38224 if ($error != "Unknown: The session id contains illegal character") { print "\nPHP error/warning/notice in HTML output: {$html_file} ; {$error}"; return false; } } // if there was a MediaWiki Backtrace message in the output, then that's also interesting. if (strpos($wiki_preview, "Backtrace:") !== false) { print "\nInternal MediaWiki error in HTML output: {$html_file}"; return false; } // if there was a Parser error comment in the output, then that's potentially interesting. if (strpos($wiki_preview, "!-- ERR") !== false) { print "\nParser Error comment in HTML output: {$html_file}"; return false; } // if a database error was logged, then that's definitely interesting. if (dbErrorLogged()) { print "\nDatabase Error logged for: {$filename}"; return false; } // validate result $valid = true; if (VALIDATE_ON_WEB) { list($valid, $validator_output) = validateHTML($wiki_preview); if (!$valid) { print "\nW3C web validation failed - view details with: html2text " . DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".validator_output.html"; } } // Get tidy to check the page, unless we already know it produces non-XHTML output. if ($test->tidyValidate()) { $valid = tidyCheckFile($testname . HTML_FILE) && $valid; } // if it took more than 2 seconds to render, then it may be interesting too. (Possible DoS attack?) if ($after - $before >= 2) { print "\nParticularly slow to render (" . round($after - $before, 2) . " seconds): {$filename}"; return false; } if ($valid) { // Remove temp HTML file if test was valid: unlink($html_file); } elseif (VALIDATE_ON_WEB) { saveFile($validator_output, DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".validator_output.html"); } return $valid; }
<?php $n = 0; $thisScript = $argv[$n++]; $sourceRuleFile = $argv[$n++]; $targetRuleFile = $argv[$n++]; require_once '../../configs/main.config.local.php'; echo "Using megalib from " . ABSPATH_MEGALIB . "\n"; require_once ABSPATH_MEGALIB . 'CSV.php'; require_once ABSPATH_MEGALIB . 'Files.php'; echo "loading source rule file from {$sourceRuleFile}\n"; $csv = new CSVFile(); if (!$csv->load($sourceRuleFile)) { die("File {$sourceRuleFile} not found\n"); } echo "saving the rule file to {$targetRuleFile}\n"; if (!saveFile($targetRuleFile, $csv->getJSON())) { die('Cannot save file ' . $targetRuleFile . "\n"); } echo "done";
} if ($toRemove) { exec($rmcommand); } // The following is a hack. The arguments to umplesync need fixing if (!$stateDiagram && !$classDiagram && !$entityRelationshipDiagram && !$yumlDiagram) { $command = "java -jar umplesync.jar -source {$filename} 1> {$outputFilename} 2> {$errorFilename}"; } else { // The following is used for outputting diagrams only $thedir = dirname($outputFilename); exec("rm -rf " . $thedir . "/modelcd.gv " . $thedir . "/model.gv " . $thedir . "modelcdt.gv " . $thedir . "/modelerd.gv"); $command = "java -jar umplesync.jar -generate " . $language . " {$filename} " . $suboptions . " 1> {$outputFilename} 2> {$errorFilename}"; } exec("( ulimit -t 10; " . $command . ")"); // Restore file so it doesn't have the 'generate' command in front saveFile($input); $sourceCode = readTemporaryFile($outputFilename); $sourceCode = str_replace("<?php", "", $sourceCode); $sourceCode = str_replace("?>", "", $sourceCode); $sourceCode = htmlspecialchars($sourceCode); $errhtml = getErrorHtml($errorFilename); if ($sourceCode == "") { if ($input == "//\$?[End_of_model]\$?") { $html = "\n Please create an Umple model textually (on the left side of the screen)\n or visually (on the right side of the screen),\n and then choose Generate Code again."; } else { $html = "\n An error occurred interpreting your Umple code, please review it and try again.\n If the problem persists, please email the Umple code to\n the umple-help google group: umple-help@googlegroups.com"; } echo $errhtml . "<p>URL_SPLIT" . $html; } else { if ($javadoc) { $thedir = dirname($outputFilename);
<?php require_once 'lib.php'; require_once 'data.php'; error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_NOTICE | E_PARSE | E_WARNING); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $data = file_exists('ads.txt') ? readFromFile('ads.txt') : ''; if (!empty($_POST)) { $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : ''; if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'update' && isset($data[$id])) { $data[$id] = $_POST; } else { $data[] = $_POST; } } elseif (isset($_GET['del'])) { unset($data[$_GET['del']]); } elseif (isset($_GET['edit']) && !isset($_GET['action'])) { $id = $_GET['edit']; $formParam = prepareAd($data[$id]); } if (!isset($formParam)) { $formParam = prepareAd(); } require_once 'form.php'; saveFile('ads.txt', $data);
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$str]['tmp_name'])) { $return = saveFile($table[0], $str, "StudentDocuments/"); if ($return == 1) { $table[$count] = $table[0] . ".zip"; } else { $table[$count] = ""; } } else { $table[$count] = ""; } } else { if ($tableName == "Tschedule") { $str = $str . $count; $pKey = $table[0] . "-" . $table[1] . "-" . $table[2] . "-" . $table[3]; if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$str]['tmp_name'])) { $return = saveFile($pKey, $str, "ScheduleDocuments/"); if ($return == 1) { $table[$count] = $pKey . ".zip"; } else { $table[$count] = ""; } } else { $table[$count] = ""; } } } } //echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(".$fileName.");</script>"; function saveFile($pKey, $str, $dir) { $target_dir = $dir;
function saveJSON($file, $data) { $data = "<?php/*|" . json_encode($data) . "|*/?>"; saveFile($file, $data); }
* top: * left: * right: * } * } */ foreach ($json->tiles as $row) { foreach ($row as $tile) { $arr = explode('/', $tile->url); $arr = explode('\\.', $arr[count($arr) - 1]); $name = $arr[0]; /* * If file exists, no need to upload it again ! */ if (!file_exists(MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . $name . ".tif")) { saveFile(getRemoteData($tile->url, null, false), MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . $name . ".jpeg"); exec(MSP_GDAL_TRANSLATE_PATH . ' -of GTiff -a_srs ' . $tile->srs . ' -a_ullr ' . $tile->bounds->left . ' ' . $tile->bounds->top . ' ' . $tile->bounds->right . ' ' . $tile->bounds->bottom . ' ' . MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . $name . '.jpeg ' . MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . $name . '.tif'); } $unique .= $name; $inputs .= " " . MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . $name . ".tif"; } } /* * Generate the mosaic if it not already exists */ $unique = md5($unique) . ".tif"; if (!file_exists(MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . $unique)) { exec(MSP_GDAL_MERGE_PATH . ' -o ' . MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . $unique . $inputs); } $json = array('success' => true, 'url' => MSP_GETFILE_URL . $unique . "&stream=true"); echo json_encode($json);
function saveAllUsers($users, $fileUsersPath) { saveFile($fileUsersPath, json_encode($users)); }
$local_img_url = './images/' . $save_img_dir . '/' . basename($pic_main); //保存产品主图 createDirIfNotExists($local_img_url); saveFile($remote_img_url, $local_img_url); $insert_product['products_image'] = '/images/' . $save_img_dir . '/' . basename($pic_main); //产品主图----end //产品详情图----begin $preg = '~<img src="([^"]+)" width="769" height="307" />~'; preg_match($preg, $content, $arr); //print_r($arr); $pic_desp = $arr[1]; $remote_img_url = $remote_host . '/' . $pic_desp; $local_img_url = './images/' . $save_img_dir . '/' . basename($pic_desp); //保存产品详情图 createDirIfNotExists($local_img_url); saveFile($remote_img_url, $local_img_url); //产品详情图----end //产品详情1 $preg = '~<td class="news3"> Product Specifications</td>(?:\\s|.)+?<td height="165" valign="top" style="color:#333333;">((?:\\s|.)+?)</td>~'; preg_match($preg, $content, $arr); $pro_desp = $arr[1]; //print_r($arr); //产品详情2 $preg = '~<td class="news3"> User Guide</td>(?:\\s|.)+?<td height="165" valign="top" style="color:#333333;">((?:\\s|.)+?)</td>~'; preg_match($preg, $content, $arr); $pro_desp2 = $arr[1]; //print_r($arr); $insert_product_desp['products_description'] = $pro_desp . $pro_desp2 . '<img src="/images/' . $save_img_dir . '/' . basename($pic_desp); //添加记录 addProductBackEver(array('products' => $insert_product, 'products_description' => $insert_product_desp, 'categories_id' => $products_cat)); $msg = '添加产品成功。';
* Geonames rssToGeoRSS service */ $rssToGeoRSS = 'http://ws.geonames.net/rssToGeoRSS?username=jrom&feedUrl='; /* * Process only valid requests */ if (abcCheck($_REQUEST)) { $fileName = MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . createPassword(8) . '.rss'; /* * First get RSS stream */ if (saveFile(getRemoteData($_REQUEST["url"], null, false), $fileName)) { /* * If input RSS is true GeoRSS, then it should contain * a xmlns:georss attribute with value = "http://www.georss.org/georss" * */ $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load($fileName); if ($doc->documentElement->getAttribute("xmlns:georss") != "http://www.georss.org/georss") { unlink($fileName); saveFile(getRemoteData($rssToGeoRSS . rawurlencode($_REQUEST["url"]), null, false), $fileName); } header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo file_get_contents($fileName); } }
} } else { echo json_encode(array('id' => 'error_create_pro', "ID_USER" => $id_user, "SQL" => $conn->error)); } } else { echo json_encode(array('id' => 'error_invalid_user')); } } else { if (strcmp('update-user-with-image', $_POST['method']) == 0) { // SEND list($idUser, $email, $ext, $name) = explode(";", $_POST['data']); $fileString = $_POST['data2']; $now = date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); $filename = md5($email . $now); $filename = $filename . "." . $ext; $returnFileSave = saveFile($fileString, $filename); $sql = "UPDATE USER SET PICTURE_PROFILE = '{$filename}', NAME = '{$name}' WHERE ID={$idUser}"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo json_encode(array('id' => 'update-user-sucess', 'filename' => $filename)); } else { echo json_encode(array('id' => 'update-user-error', 'filename' => $filename)); //erro de cadastro } } else { if (strcmp('update-user-without-image', $_POST['method']) == 0) { // SEND list($idUser, $name) = explode(";", $_POST['data']); $sql = "UPDATE USER SET NAME = '{$name}' WHERE ID={$idUser}"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo json_encode(array('id' => 'update-user-without-image-sucess', 'filename' => "")); } else {
// 参数为要打印标签的包裹处理号列表 $packageSns = array('CET141010TST000087', 'CET141010TST000088', 'CET141010TST000087', 'CET141010TST000088'); $dispatcher = array('category' => 'direct-express', 'handler' => 'package', 'action' => 'print-label'); $request_data = array('token' => getToken(), 'user_key' => getUserKey(), 'format' => 'classic_a4'); $api_address = $api_base . join("/", $dispatcher); $api_address .= "?" . http_build_query($request_data); $api_address .= get_repeat_string_params_string($packageSns, 'package_sn'); echo $api_address; try { $response = rest_helper($api_address, null, 'GET', 'binary'); $r = json_decode($response); if ($r === null) { //throw new Exception("failed to decode $res as json"); //if not json return, save file $file = "label/label-mutiply-packageSns.pdf"; saveFile($file, $response); echo "<br />"; echo "save ok " . $file; } else { echo "<pre>"; print_r($r); echo "</pre>"; } } catch (exception $e) { echo $e; } function saveFile($filename, $response) { $fd = fopen($filename, 'wb'); fwrite($fd, $response); fclose($fd);
//define('IC_APIPASSWORD', ''); //Your password /* txt file setting */ define('FL_MAIL', 'emails.txt'); /* File error log */ define('ERROR_LOG', 'error-log.txt'); /* Install headers */ header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); /* AJAX check */ if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { extract($_POST); try { if (isset($subscribe) && validateMail($subscribe)) { saveFile($subscribe); sendMailChimp($subscribe); sendGetResponse($subscribe); sendAWeber($subscribe); sendCompaingMonitor($subscribe); sendiContact($subscribe); } else { throw new Exception("Email not valid", 1); } } catch (Exception $e) { $code = $e->getCode(); } echo $code ? $code : 0; } else { echo 'Only Ajax request'; }
echo json_encode(array("realpath" => "")); } } elseif ($_POST["api"] == "getFiles") { if (isset($_POST["dir"]) && isPathValid($_POST["dir"])) { getFiles($_POST["dir"]); } else { getFiles(""); } } else { if (isset($_POST["dir"]) && isPathValid($_POST["dir"])) { switch ($_POST["api"]) { case "createDir": createDir($_POST["dir"], $_POST["dirname"]); break; case "saveFile": saveFile($_POST); break; case "getContent": getContent($_POST); break; case "deleteFile": deleteFile($_POST); break; case "renameFile": renameFile($_POST); break; case "downloadFile": downloadFile($_POST); break; case "extractFile": extractFile($_POST);
/** * XML post recieve page * @package TestUtils * @author Elfar Torarinsson <*****@*****.**> */ $config = (require 'config.php'); //Connect to the database require_once "db.class.php"; $db = new db_mysql($config); $msg = ""; $msgcode = ""; //Receive the posted XML data if (isset($_FILES["xml"])) { $tmp_file = $_FILES['xml']['tmp_name']; if (saveFile($tmp_file)) { //Save xml file $msgcode = "XML_RECEIVED_OK"; $msg = "Save OK\n"; } else { $msgcode = "XML_RECEIVED_FAIL"; $msg = "Save file failed\n"; } } else { $msgcode = "XML_RECEIVED_FAIL"; $msg = "No xml file\n"; } $logattrs = array(); $logattrs["msgcode"] = $msgcode; writeLog($logattrs, $msg); echo $msgcode;
//read a file and send readfile($tempZipFile); } exit; } if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if (!isUserLogged()) { exit; } $_POST['action'] = sanitizeString($_POST['action']); switch ($_POST['action']) { case "getFile": getFile(); break; case "saveFile": saveFile(); break; case "createNewFile": createNewFile(); break; case "createDir": createDir(); break; case "renameFile": renameFile(); break; case "removeFile": removeFile(); break; case "duplicateFile": duplicateFile();
function createDemoContent() { if (!file_exists("style1.css")) { $style1 = "body {margin:0;padding:0;}div.outer_div {-moz-background-clip:border;-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous;-moz-background-origin:padding;background:#EEEEEE none repeat scroll 0 0;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;margin:4px;padding:2px;}div.inner_div {-moz-background-clip:border;-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous;-moz-background-origin:padding;background:#F2F2F2 none repeat scroll 0 0;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;margin:2px;padding:4px;}"; saveFile("style1.css", $style1, true); } if (!file_exists("style2.css")) { $style2 = "div.header_div {border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;color:#444444;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;padding:2px 4px 0;}div.content_div {-moz-background-clip:border;-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous;-moz-background-origin:padding;background:#F6F6F6 none repeat scroll 0 0;font-size:11px;padding:4px;text-align:center;}div.footer_div {border-top:1px dotted #CCCCCC;color:#CCCCCC;font-size:12px;padding:4px 4px 0;text-align:right;}"; saveFile("style2.css", $style2, true); } }
/** * 远程抓取图片,保存到本地服务器 * @param $content 需要转换的内容 * @return 返回图片替换后的数据 */ function getContent($Content) { $Content = stripslashes($Content); // echo $Content; //获取图片路径 // preg_match_all( " <img[^>]*src=[\"|']?(^>+)[\"|']?[^>]*>", $Content, $temp ); // preg_match_all( "/src=(\"|')(.*?)(\"|')/i", DeCodeStr($Content), $temp ); preg_match_all("/src=(\"|')(.*?)(\"|')/i", $Content, $temp); $imageList = $temp[2]; // echo '<hr>'. print_r($imageList) . '<hr>'; //*/ $ImagePath = date("ym", time()) . '/' . date("d", time()); createFolder(IMAGEPATH, $ImagePath); //网页上面的路径 $ImageUrl = IMAGEURL . $ImagePath; for ($i = 0; $i < count($imageList); $i++) { $fName = saveFile($imageList[$i], $ImagePath, $ImageUrl); if (!empty($fName)) { $filename[$i] = $fName; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($imageList); $i++) { $Content = str_replace($imageList[$i], $ImageUrl . $filename[$i], $Content); } /* echo '<hr>'; echo $Content; echo '<hr>'; exit(); //*/ /* //去掉无用的页面脚本 //去掉js $cp = preg_replace( "@\<script(.*?)\</script\>@is", "", $cp ); //去掉HTML //去Table $cp = preg_replace( "@\<table(.*?)\</table\>@is", "", $cp ); //去Tr $cp = preg_replace( "@\<tr(.*?)\</tr\>@is", "", $cp ); //去Td $cp = preg_replace( "@\<td(.*?)\</td\>@is", "", $cp ); //去div $cp = preg_replace( "@\<div(.*?)\</div\>@is", "", $cp ); //去iframe $cp = preg_replace( "@\<iframe(.*?)\</iframe\>@is", "", $cp ); //去掉css //$cp = preg_replace( "@\<style(.*?)\</style\>@is", "", $cp ); */ //去掉超连接 $Content = preg_replace(EnCodeStr("@\\<a(.*?)\\>@is"), "", $Content); //去<!-- --> $Content = preg_replace(EnCodeStr("@\\<!--(.*?)\\--\\>@is"), "", $Content); return $Content; }
function handleUmpleTextChange() { $action = $_REQUEST["action"]; $input = $_REQUEST["umpleCode"]; //Windows versus Linux PHP issues $actionCode = $GLOBALS["OS"] == "Windows" ? json_encode($_REQUEST["actionCode"]) : "\"" . $_REQUEST["actionCode"] . "\""; $actionCode = str_replace("<", "\\<", $actionCode); $actionCode = str_replace(">", "\\>", $actionCode); if (!is_null($actionCode)) { //Escape all the double quotes $actionCode = str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $actionCode); //Trim for any un-standard characters $actionCode = trim($actionCode); //Trim for escaped doubles quotes in the beginning and end of the actionCode string $actionCode = trim($actionCode, "\\\""); } $filename = saveFile($input); $umpleOutput = executeCommand("java -jar umplesync.jar -{$action} \"{$actionCode}\" {$filename}"); saveFile($umpleOutput, $filename); echo $umpleOutput; return; }
/** * This script returns GeoJSON */ header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8"); /** * TODO : allow only ws.geonames.net to idenfied user ? * $url = 'http://ws.geonames.org/wikipediaSearch?'; */ $url = 'http://ws.geonames.net/wikipediaSearch?username=jrom&'; /* * Search terms */ $q = isset($_REQUEST["q"]) ? $_REQUEST["q"] : ""; /* * Lang */ $lang = isset($_REQUEST["lang"]) ? $_REQUEST["lang"] : "en"; /* * Number of results */ $maxRows = isset($_REQUEST["maxRows"]) ? $_REQUEST["maxRows"] : MSP_RESULTS_PER_PAGE; /** * NB: tags are comma separated */ $url = $url . "q=" . $q . "&maxRows=" . $maxRows . "&lang=" . $lang; echo toGeoJSON(saveFile(getRemoteData($url, null, false), MSP_UPLOAD_DIR . "wikipedia_" . createPassword(10) . ".xml"));