 * A mysql table called asalmas, with he Take5 Acounting structure.
 * tested with php 5.3.18 and Sage 50 accounts 2013.
require_once 'config.inc';
require_once 'funcs.inc';
// common functions
// configuration
$srcTable = 'SALES_LEDGER';
$srcKeyname = 'ACCOUNT_REF';
$destTable = 'asalmas';
$destKeyName = 'ACCOUNT';
// Connect to Sage and grab the source table data
$fields = array();
$results = array();
$debug = 0;
sage_getTable($srcTable, $debug, $fields, $results);
//print_r($fields);   // to show the field structure
//print_r($results);    // to print out the data per record
//print_r($results[0]);   // print first row
// 1. Connect to he destination
$myconn = mysql_connect($mysql['host'], $mysql['user'], $mysql['pass']);
if (!$myconn) {
    die("Error connecting to the MySQL database: " . $mysql_error());
if (!mysql_select_db($mysql['dbname'], $myconn)) {
    die("Error selecting the database: " . $mysql_error());
// 2. Loop through the data and update the target
for ($i = 0; $i <= sizeof($results) - 1; $i++) {
    if ($results[$i]['RECORD_DELETED'] > 0) {
        // ignore these
$tables = array('sales_ledger' => 'ACCOUNT_REF', 'purchase_ledger' => 'ACCOUNT_REF', 'nominal_ledger' => 'ACCOUNT_REF', 'tax_code' => 'TAX_CODE_ID', 'CURRENCY' => 'NUMBER', 'COUNTRY_CODE' => 'CODE');
// Step 2: loop though each table
if (!empty($tables)) {
    foreach ($tables as $currentTable => $srcKeyname) {
        echo date("H:i:s") . " Table {$currentTable} ";
        fwrite($logf, date("H:i:s") . " Table {$currentTable} ");
        if ($debug > 0) {
            echo " with key {$srcKeyname} ";
        $destKeyName = $srcKeyname;
        $destTable = $currentTable;
        $fields = array();
        $results = array();
        // Step 2a: Connect to Sage and grab the source table data
        sage_getTable($currentTable, $debug, $fields, $results);
        //print_r($fields);   // to show the field structure
        //print_r($results);    // to print out the data per record
        //print_r($results[0]);   // print first row
        // Step 2b: SQL to create the table, if it does not exist
        $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . $currentTable . " (\n";
        //$sql.= "  " . $mysql['idfield'] . " BIGINT(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,  ";
        foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
            $sql .= "  " . mysql_real_escape_string($key) . " ";
            if ($value == "VARCHAR") {
                $sql .= "VARCHAR(255)";
            } elseif ($value == "INTEGER") {
                $sql .= "BIGINT(20)";
            } elseif ($value == "DATE") {
                $sql .= "date";
            } else {