function commenttable_new($rows) { global $CURUSER, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; begin_main_frame(); begin_frame(); $count = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { $subres = mysql_query("SELECT name from torrents where id=" . unsafeChar($row["torrent"])) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres); print "<br /><a href=\"details.php?id=" . safeChar($row["torrent"]) . "\">" . safeChar($subrow["name"]) . "</a><br />\n"; print "<p class=sub>#" . $row["id"] . " by "; if (isset($row["username"])) { print "<a name=comm" . $row["id"] . " href=userdetails.php?id=" . safeChar($row["user"]) . "><b>" . safechar($row["username"]) . "</b></a>" . ($row["warned"] == "yes" ? "<img src=" . "pic/warned.gif alt=\"Warned\">" : ""); } else { print "<a name=\"comm" . safeChar($row["id"]) . "\"><i>(orphaned)</i></a>\n"; } print " at " . safeChar($row["added"]) . " GMT" . "- [<a href=comment.php?action=edit&cid={$row['id']}>Edit</a>]" . "- [<a href=deletecomment.php?id={$row['id']}>Delete</a>]</p>\n"; $avatar = $CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes" ? safechar($row["avatar"]) : ""; if (!$avatar) { $avatar = "pic/default_avatar.gif"; } begin_table(true); print "<tr valign=top>\n"; print "<td align=center width=150 style='padding: 0px'><img width=150 src={$avatar}></td>\n"; print "<td class=text>" . format_comment($row["text"]) . "</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; end_table(); } end_frame(); end_main_frame(); }
function Do_Edit($cats = array()) { if (empty($_POST['option'])) { Do_Error("Error", "No option selected <a href='links_admin.php'>Go Back</a>"); } if (!isset($_POST['cat']) || empty($_POST['cat']) || !is_valid_id($_POST['cat'])) { Do_Error("Error", "No Section selected"); } $cat_id = (int) $_POST['cat']; $option = $_POST['option'] == 'heading' ? 'links_categories' : 'links'; $sql = sql_query("SELECT * FROM {$option} WHERE cid = {$cat_id}") or stderr("SQL Error", "OOps!"); if (!mysql_num_rows($sql)) { stderr("SQL Error", "Nothing doing here!"); } stdhead("Edit " . safechar($option)); if ('links_categories' == $option) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { echo "<div class='faqhead'>heading No.{$row['cid']}</div><div class='faqbody'><form name='inputform' method='post' action='links_admin.php'>" . "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='cat_update' /><input type='hidden' name='cat' value='{$row['cid']}' />" . "<input type='text' value='" . safechar($row['rcat_name'], ENT_QUOTES) . "' name='rcat_name' style='width:380px;' /> " . "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Edit' class='button'></form></div>"; } } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { begin_frame(); echo "<div class='faqhead'>Link No.{$row['id']}</div><div class='faqbody'>"; print $row['mtime']; echo "<form name='compose' method='post' action='links_admin.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='links_update' />"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='links_id' value='{$row['id']}' />"; echo "<input type='text' value='{$row['heading']}' name='heading' style='width:380px;' /> "; echo "<select name='cat'><option value=''>--Select One--</option>"; foreach ($cats as $v) { print "<option value='" . $v['cid'] . "'>" . $v['rcat_name'] . '</option>'; } echo "</select><br />"; //echo "<textarea name='text' rows='5' style='width:380px;'>".htmlentities($row['text'])."</textarea>"; $body = htmlentities($row['body']); textbbcode("compose", "body", $body); echo "<br /><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Edit This Entry' class='button'>"; echo "</form></div>"; //===added delete echo "<form name='deleteform' method='post' action='links_admin.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='links_delete' />"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$row['id']}' />"; echo "<br><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Delete This Entry' class='button'>"; echo "</form></div>"; end_frame(); } } Stdfoot(); exit; }
function Do_Edit($cats = array()) { if (empty($_POST['option'])) { Do_Error("Error", "No option selected <a href='faqadmin.php'>Go Back</a>"); } if (!isset($_POST['cat']) || empty($_POST['cat']) || !is_valid_id($_POST['cat'])) { Do_Error("Error", "No Category selected"); } $cat_id = (int) $_POST['cat']; $option = $_POST['option'] == 'category' ? 'faq_categories' : 'faq'; $sql = sql_query("SELECT * FROM {$option} WHERE cid = {$cat_id}") or stderr("SQL Error", "OOps!"); if (!mysql_num_rows($sql)) { stderr("SQL Error", "Nothing doing here!"); } stdhead("Edit " . safechar($option)); if ('faq_categories' == $option) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { echo "<div class='faqhead'>Category No.{$row['cid']}</div><div class='faqbody'>"; echo "<form name='inputform' method='post' action='faqadmin.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='cat_update' />"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='cat' value='{$row['cid']}' />"; echo "<input type='text' value='" . htmlentities($row['fcat_name'], ENT_QUOTES) . "' name='fcat_name' style='width:380px;' /> "; echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Edit' class='btns'>"; echo "</form></div>"; } } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { echo "<div class='faqhead'>Faq No.{$row['id']}</div><div class='faqbody'>"; print $row['mtime']; echo "<form name='inputform' method='post' action='faqadmin.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='faq_update' />"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='faq_id' value='{$row['id']}' />"; echo "<input type='text' value='{$row['question']}' name='question' style='width:380px;' /> "; echo "<select name='cat'><option value=''>--Select One--</option>"; foreach ($cats as $v) { print "<option value='" . $v['cid'] . "'>" . $v['fcat_name'] . '</option>'; } echo "</select><br /><textarea name='Answer' rows='5' style='width:380px;'>" . htmlentities($row['answer']) . "</textarea><br />"; echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Edit' class='btns'>"; echo "</form></div>"; } } Stdfoot(); exit; }
function sharetable($res, $variant = "index") { global $pic_base_url, $CURUSER; $wait = 0; if ($CURUSER["class"] < UC_VIP) { $gigs = $CURUSER["uploaded"] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); $ratio = $CURUSER["downloaded"] > 0 ? $CURUSER["uploaded"] / $CURUSER["downloaded"] : 0; if ($ratio < 0.5 || $gigs < 5) { $wait = 48; } elseif ($ratio < 0.65 || $gigs < 6.5) { $wait = 24; } elseif ($ratio < 0.8 || $gigs < 8) { $wait = 12; } elseif ($ratio < 0.95 || $gigs < 9.5) { $wait = 6; } else { $wait = 0; } } ?> <p align="center">Icon Legend : <img alt="Delete Bookmark" src="pic/plus.gif" border="none"> = Delete Bookmark | <img alt="Download Bookmark" by="" src="pic/download.gif"> = Download Torrent | <img alt="Bookmark Torrent" src="pic/bookmark.gif" border="none"> = Bookmark Torrent</p> <table border="1" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> <tr> <td class="colhead" align="center">Type</td> <td class="colhead" align=left>Name</td> <?php echo ($variant == 'index' ? '<td class=colhead align=center>Download</td><td class=colhead align="right">' : '') . 'Bookmark</td>'; if ($wait) { print "<td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">Wait</td>\n"; } if ($variant == "mytorrents") { print "<td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">Edit</td>\n"; print "<td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">Visible</td>\n"; } ?> <td class="colhead" align=right>Files</td> <td class="colhead" align=right>Comm.</td> <!--<td class="colhead" align="center">Rating</td>--> <td class="colhead" align="center">Added</td> <td class="colhead" align="center">TTL</td> <td class="colhead" align="center">Size</td> <!-- <td class="colhead" align=right>Views</td> <td class="colhead" align=right>Hits</td> --> <td class="colhead" align="center">Snatched</td> <td class="colhead" align=right>Seeders</td> <td class="colhead" align=right>Leechers</td> <?php if ($variant == "index") { print "<td class=\"colhead\" align=center>Upped by</td>\n"; } print "</tr>\n"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $id = $row["id"]; print "<tr>\n"; print "<td align=center style='padding: 0px'>"; if (isset($row["cat_name"])) { print "<a href=\"browse.php?cat=" . $row["category"] . "\">"; if (isset($row["cat_pic"]) && $row["cat_pic"] != "") { print "<img border=\"0\" src=\"{$pic_base_url}caticons/{$row['cat_pic']}\" alt=\"{$row['cat_name']}\" />"; } else { print $row["cat_name"]; } print "</a>"; } else { print "-"; } print "</td>\n"; $dispname = safechar($row["name"]); print "<td align=left><a href=\"details.php?"; if ($variant == "mytorrents") { print "returnto=" . urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&"; } print "id={$id}"; if ($variant == "index") { print "&hit=1"; } print "\"><b>{$dispname}</b></a>\n"; echo $variant == 'index' ? '<td align=center><a href=download.php/' . $id . '/' . rawurlencode($row['filename']) . '><img src="' . $pic_base_url . 'download.gif" border="0" alt="Download Bookmark!" title="Download Bookmark!"></a></td>' : ''; $bm = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE torrentid={$id} && userid={$CURUSER['id']}"); $bms = mysql_fetch_assoc($bm); $bookmarked = empty($bms) ? '<a href=\'bookmark.php?torrent=' . $id . '&action=add\'><img src=\'' . $pic_base_url . 'bookmark.gif\' border=\'0\' alt=\'Bookmark it!\' title=\'Bookmark it!\'></a>' : '<a href="bookmark.php?torrent=' . $id . '&action=delete"><img src=\'' . $pic_base_url . 'plus.gif\' border=\'0\' alt=\'Delete Bookmark!\' title=\'Delete Bookmark!\'></a>'; echo $variant == 'index' ? '<td align=center>' . $bookmarked . '</td>' : ''; if ($wait) { $elapsed = floor((gmtime() - strtotime($row["added"])) / 3600); if ($elapsed < $wait) { $color = dechex(floor(127 * ($wait - $elapsed) / 48 + 128) * 65536); print "<td align=center><nobr><a href=\"faq.php#dl8\"><font color=\"{$color}\">" . number_format($wait - $elapsed) . " h</font></a></nobr></td>\n"; } else { print "<td align=center><nobr>None</nobr></td>\n"; } } /* if ($row["nfoav"] && get_user_class() >= UC_POWER_USER) print("<a href=viewnfo.php?id=$row[id]><img src=\"{$pic_base_url}viewnfo.gif" border=0 alt='View NFO'></a>\n"); else */ if ($variant == "mytorrents") { print "<td align=\"center\"><a href=\"edit.php?returnto=" . urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&id=" . $row["id"] . "\">edit</a>\n"; } print "</td>\n"; if ($variant == "mytorrents") { print "<td align=\"right\">"; if ($row["visible"] == "no") { print "<b>no</b>"; } else { print "yes"; } print "</td>\n"; } if ($row["type"] == "single") { print "<td align=\"right\">" . $row["numfiles"] . "</td>\n"; } else { if ($variant == "index") { print "<td align=\"right\"><b><a href=\"filelist.php?id={$id}\">" . $row["numfiles"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } else { print "<td align=\"right\"><b><a href=\"filelist.php?id={$id}\">" . $row["numfiles"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } } if (!$row["comments"]) { print "<td align=\"right\">" . $row["comments"] . "</td>\n"; } else { if ($variant == "index") { print "<td align=\"right\"><b><a href=\"details.php?id={$id}&hit=1&tocomm=1\">" . $row["comments"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } else { print "<td align=\"right\"><b><a href=\"details.php?id={$id}&page=0#startcomments\">" . $row["comments"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } } /* print("<td align=\"center\">"); if (!isset($row["rating"])) print("---"); else { $rating = round($row["rating"] * 2) / 2; $rating = ratingpic($row["rating"]); if (!isset($rating)) print("---"); else print($rating); } print("</td>\n"); */ print "<td align=center><nobr>" . str_replace(" ", "<br />", $row["added"]) . "</nobr></td>\n"; $ttl = 28 * 24 - floor((gmtime() - sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($row["added"])) / 3600); if ($ttl == 1) { $ttl .= "<br />hour"; } else { $ttl .= "<br />hours"; } print "<td align=center>{$ttl}</td>\n"; print "<td align=center>" . str_replace(" ", "<br />", mksize($row["size"])) . "</td>\n"; // print("<td align=\"right\">" . $row["views"] . "</td>\n"); // print("<td align=\"right\">" . $row["hits"] . "</td>\n"); $_s = ""; if ($row["times_completed"] != 1) { $_s = "s"; } print "<td align=center>" . number_format($row["times_completed"]) . "<br />time{$_s}</td>\n"; if ($row["seeders"]) { if ($variant == "index") { if ($row["leechers"]) { $ratio = $row["seeders"] / $row["leechers"]; } else { $ratio = 1; } print "<td align=right><b><a href=peerlist.php?id={$id}#seeders><font color=" . get_slr_color($ratio) . ">" . $row["seeders"] . "</font></a></b></td>\n"; } else { print "<td align=\"right\"><b><a class=\"" . linkcolor($row["seeders"]) . "\" href=\"peerlist.php?id={$id}#seeders\">" . $row["seeders"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } } else { print "<td align=\"right\"><span class=\"" . linkcolor($row["seeders"]) . "\">" . $row["seeders"] . "</span></td>\n"; } if ($row["leechers"]) { if ($variant == "index") { print "<td align=right><b><a href=peerlist.php?id={$id}#leechers>" . number_format($row["leechers"]) . "</a></b></td>\n"; } else { print "<td align=\"right\"><b><a class=\"" . linkcolor($row["leechers"]) . "\" href=\"peerlist.php?id={$id}#leechers\">" . $row["leechers"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } } else { print "<td align=\"right\">0</td>\n"; } if ($variant == "index") { print "<td align=center>" . (isset($row["username"]) ? "<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safechar($row["username"]) . "</b></a>" : "<i>(unknown)</i>") . "</td>\n"; } print "</tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; // return $rows; }
print "<tr valign=top><td>Result:</td><td>{$result}\n"; if ($remarks != "") { print "<tr><td>Remarks:</td><td>{$remarks}\n"; } print "</table>\n"; } stdhead("Tags"); begin_main_frame(); begin_frame("Tags"); $test = $_POST["test"]; ?> <p>The Yoursite forums supports a number of <i>BB tags</i> which you can embed to modify how your posts are displayed.</p> <form method=post action=?> <textarea name=test cols=60 rows=3><?php print $test ? safechar($test) : ""; ?> </textarea> <input type=submit value="Test this code!" style='height: 23px; margin-left: 5px'> </form> <?php if ($test != "") { print "<p><hr>" . format_comment($test) . "<hr></p>\n"; } insert_tag("Bold", "Makes the enclosed text bold.", "[b]<i>Text</i>[/b]", "[b]This is bold text.[/b]", ""); insert_tag("Italic", "Makes the enclosed text italic.", "[i]<i>Text</i>[/i]", "[i]This is italic text.[/i]", ""); insert_tag("Underline", "Makes the enclosed text underlined.", "[u]<i>Text</i>[/u]", "[u]This is underlined text.[/u]", ""); insert_tag("Color (alt. 1)", "Changes the color of the enclosed text.", "[color=<i>Color</i>]<i>Text</i>[/color]", "[color=blue]This is blue text.[/color]", "What colors are valid depends on the browser. If you use the basic colors (red, green, blue, yellow, pink etc) you should be safe."); insert_tag("Color (alt. 2)", "Changes the color of the enclosed text.", "[color=#<i>RGB</i>]<i>Text</i>[/color]", "[color=#0000ff]This is blue text.[/color]", "<i>RGB</i> must be a six digit hexadecimal number."); insert_tag("Size", "Sets the size of the enclosed text.", "[size=<i>n</i>]<i>text</i>[/size]", "[size=4]This is size 4.[/size]", "<i>n</i> must be an integer in the range 1 (smallest) to 7 (biggest). The default size is 2."); insert_tag("Font", "Sets the type-face (font) for the enclosed text.", "[font=<i>Font</i>]<i>Text</i>[/font]", "[font=Impact]Hello world![/font]", "You specify alternative fonts by separating them with a comma.");
?> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="border2" style="height:109px; background:url(themes/NB-Revolt/pic/logo-bkg.jpg);" align="center" valign="middle"><img src="themes/NB-Revolt/pic/cyberfun_tracker.png" width="649" height="109" /></td> <td width="109" style="height:109px; background:url(themes/NB-Revolt/pic/avatar-bkg.jpg);" align="center" valign="middle" class="border3"><span class="avat_m"> <?php $avatar = safechar($CURUSER["avatar"]); if (!$avatar) { $avatar = "themes/NB-Revolt/pic/noavatar.png"; } if (!$CURUSER) { $avatar = "themes/NB-Revolt/pic/Guest.png"; $salt = ""; } else { $salt = "'s avatar"; } echo '<img src="' . $avatar . '" alt="' . $CURUSER[username] . $salt . ' " title="' . $CURUSER[username] . $salt . '" border="0" width="80" height="80" style="opacity:0.8" />'; ?> </span></td> </tr> </table><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr>
stderr("Error", "Invalid ID"); } if (get_user_class() < UC_USER || $CURUSER["id"] != $userid && get_user_class() < UC_MODERATOR) { stderr("Error", "Permission denied"); } // === subscribe to thread if ($_GET["subscribe"]) { $subscribe = 0 + $_GET["subscribe"]; if ($subscribe != '1') { stderr("Error", "I smell a rat!"); } if (!isset($_GET[topicid])) { stderr("Error", "No forum selected!"); } if ($_GET["topicid"]) { $topicid = 0 + safechar($_GET["topicid"]); if (ereg("^[0-9]+\$", !$topicid)) { stderr("Error", "Bad Topic Id!"); } } if (get_row_count("subscriptions", "WHERE userid={$CURUSER['id']} AND topicid = {$topicid}") > 0) { stderr("Error", "Already subscribed to thread number <b> {$topicid}</b><br><br>Click <a href=forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid={$topicid}><b>HERE</b></a> to go back to the thread. Or click <a href=subscriptions.php><b>HERE</b></a> to view your subscriptions."); } sql_query("INSERT INTO subscriptions (userid, topicid) VALUES ({$CURUSER['id']}, {$topicid})") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $res = sql_query("SELECT subject FROM `topics` WHERE id={$topicid}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) or stderr("Error", "Bad forum id!"); $forumname = $arr["subject"]; stderr("Sucksex", "Successfully subscribed to thread <b>{$forumname}</b><br><br>Click <a href=forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid={$topicid}><b>HERE</b></a> to go back to the thread. Or click <a href=subscriptions.php><b>HERE</b></a> to view your subscriptions."); } // === end subscribe to thread // === Action: Delete subscription
$res = mysql_query("SELECT b.*, u.username FROM bans b LEFT JOIN users u on b.addedby = ORDER BY added DESC") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $configfile = "<" . "?php\n\n\$bans = array(\n"; stdhead("Bans"); echo "<h1>Current Bans</h1>\n"; if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { echo "<p align=center><b>Nothing found</b></p>\n"; } else { echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>\n"; echo "<tr><td class=colhead>Added</td><td class=colhead align=left>First IP</td><td class=colhead align=left>Last IP</td>" . "<td class=colhead align=left>By</td><td class=colhead align=left>Comment</td><td class=colhead>Remove</td></tr>\n"; while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if ($doUpdate) { $configfile .= "array('id'=> '{$arr['id']}', 'first'=> {$arr['first']}, 'last'=> {$arr['last']}),\n"; } $arr["first"] = long2ip($arr["first"]); $arr["last"] = long2ip($arr["last"]); echo "<tr><td>{$arr['added']}</td><td align=left>{$arr['first']}</td><td align=left>{$arr['last']}</td><td align=left><a href=userdetails.php?id={$arr['addedby']}>{$arr['username']}" . "</a></td><td align=left>" . safechar($arr['comment'], ENT_QUOTES) . "</td><td><a href=bans.php?remove={$arr['id']}>Remove</a></td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; } if ($doUpdate) { $configfile .= "\n);\n\n?" . ">"; $filenum = fopen("cache/bans_cache.php", "w"); ftruncate($filenum, 0); fwrite($filenum, $configfile); fclose($filenum); } if (get_user_class() >= UC_ADMINISTRATOR) { echo "<h2>Add ban</h2>\n"; echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>\n"; echo "<form method=post action=bans.php>\n"; echo "<tr><td class=rowhead>First IP</td><td><input type=text name=first size=40></td>\n";
?> </td></tr> <?php } //===end free upload / staff stuff if (get_user_class() >= UC_UPLOADER) { tr("" . $language['vip'] . "", "<input type='checkbox' name='vip'" . ($row["vip"] == "yes" ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " value='1' /> If this one is checked, only VIPs can download this torrent", 1); } if (get_user_class() > UC_MODERATOR) { tr("" . $language['sticky'] . "", "<input type='checkbox' name='sticky'" . ($row["sticky"] == "yes" ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " value='yes' />Set sticky this torrent!", 1); } if (get_user_class() >= UC_ADMINISTRATOR) { tr("" . $language['multi'] . "", "<input type=radio name=multiplicator" . ($row["multiplicator"] == "0" ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " value=0>No Multiplicator\n <input type=radio name=multiplicator " . ($row["multiplicator"] == "2" ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " value=2>Upload x 2\n <input type=radio name=multiplicator " . ($row["multiplicator"] == "3" ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " value=3>Upload x 3\n <input type=radio name=multiplicator " . ($row["multiplicator"] == "4" ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " value=4>Upload x 4\n <input type=radio name=multiplicator " . ($row["multiplicator"] == "5" ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " value=5>Upload x 5", 1); } tr("" . $language['nuked'] . "", "<input type=radio name=nuked" . ($row["nuked"] == "yes" ? " checked" : "") . " value=yes>Yes <input type=radio name=nuked" . ($row["nuked"] == "no" ? " checked" : "") . " value=no>No <input type=radio name=nuked" . ($row["nuked"] == "unnuked" ? " checked" : "") . " value=unnuked>Unnuked", 1); tr("" . $language['nuker'] . "", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"nukereason\" value=\"" . safechar($row["nukereason"]) . "\" size=\"80\" />", 1); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { setupDependencies('edit'); //name of form(s). Seperate each with a comma (ie: 'weboptions', 'myotherform' ) }; </script> <tr><td align=right><b><?php echo $language['genre']; ?> </b><br><?php echo $language['opt']; ?> </td><td align=left> <table><tr><input type=radio name=genre value="keep" checked>Dont touch it (Current: <?php echo $row["newgenre"];
$a = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT userid,date FROM shoutbox ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1 ")) or print "bad thing in query"; if (empty($text) || strlen($text) == 1) { print "<font class=\"small\" color=\"red\">Shout can't be empty</font>"; } elseif ($a[0] == $userid && time() - $a[1] < $limit && get_user_class() < UC_MODERATOR) { print "<font class=\"small\" color=\"red\">{$limit} seconds between shouts <font class=\"small\">Seconds Remaining : (" . ($limit - (time() - $a[1])) . ")</font></font>"; } else { sql_query("INSERT INTO shoutbox (id, userid, date, text, text_parsed) VALUES ('id'," . sqlesc($userid) . ", {$date}, " . sqlesc($text) . "," . sqlesc($text_parsed) . ")") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.document.forms[0].shbox_text.value='';</script>"; } } } // ////////////////////// $res = sql_query("SELECT, s.userid, , s.text,u.username,u.class,u.donor,u.warned,u.downloadpos,u.chatpost,u.forumpost,u.uploadpos,u.parked FROM shoutbox as s LEFT JOIN users as u ON ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 30") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { print "No shouts here "; } else { print "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width='100%' align='left' class='small'>\n"; while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $edit = get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "<a href=/shoutbox.php?edit=" . $arr['id'] . "><img src=" . $pic_base_url . "button_edit2.gif border=0 title=\"Edit Shout\" /></a> " : ""; $del = get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "<a href=/shoutbox.php?del=" . $arr['id'] . "><img src=" . $pic_base_url . "button_delete2.gif border=0 title=\"Delete Single Shout\" /></a> " : ""; $delall = get_user_class() >= UC_SYSOP ? "<a href=/shoutbox.php?delall onclick=\"confirm_delete(); return false;\" ><img src=" . $pic_base_url . "del.png border=0 title=\"Empty Shout\" /></a> " : ""; $pm = "<font class='date' style=\"color:{$dtcolor}\"><a target=_blank href=sendmessage.php?receiver={$arr['userid']}><img src=" . $pic_base_url . "button_pm2.gif border=0 title=\"Pm User\"/></a></font>\n"; $datum = gmdate("d M H:i", $arr["date"] + ($CURUSER['dst'] + $CURUSER["timezone"]) * 60); print "<tr {$bg}><td><font class='date' color={$fontcolor}>['{$datum}']</font>\n{$del} {$delall} {$edit} {$pm} <a href='userdetails.php?id=" . $arr["userid"] . "' target='_blank'><font color='#" . get_user_class_color($arr['class']) . "'>" . safechar($arr['username']) . "</font></a>\n" . ($arr["donor"] == "yes" ? "<img src=pic/star.gif alt='DONOR' />\n" : "") . ($arr["warned"] == "yes" ? "<img src=" . "pic/warned.gif alt='Warned' />\n" : "") . ($arr["chatpost"] == "no" ? "<img src=pic/chatpos.gif alt='No Chat' />\n" : "") . ($arr["downloadpos"] == "no" ? "<img src=pic/downloadpos.gif alt='No Downloads' />\n" : "") . ($arr["forumpost"] == "no" ? "<img src=pic/forumpost.gif alt='No Posting' />\n" : "") . ($arr["uploadpos"] == "no" ? "<img src=pic/uploadpos.gif alt='No upload' />\n" : "") . ($arr["parked"] == "yes" ? "<img src=pic/parked.gif alt='Account Parked' />\n" : "") . "<font color={$fontcolor}> " . format_comment($arr["text"]) . "\n</font></td></tr>\n"; } print "</table>"; } ?> </body> </html>
die; } elseif ($action == "vieworiginal") { if (get_user_class() < UC_MODERATOR) { stderr("Error", "Permission denied."); } $commentid = 0 + $_GET["cid"]; if (!is_valid_id($commentid)) { stderr("Error", "Invalid ID."); } $res = sql_query("SELECT c.*, FROM comments AS c LEFT JOIN torrents AS t ON c.torrent = WHERE{$commentid}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $arr = mysql_fetch_array($res); if (!$arr) { stderr("Error", "Invalid ID {$commentid}."); } stdhead("Original comment"); print "<h1>Original contents of comment #{$commentid}</h1><p>\n"; print "<table width=500 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>"; print "<tr><td class=comment>\n"; echo safechar($arr["ori_text"]); print "</td></tr></table>\n"; $returnto = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; // $returnto = "details.php?id=$torrentid&viewcomm=$commentid#$commentid"; if ($returnto) { print "<p><font size=small>(<a href={$returnto}>back</a>)</font></p>\n"; } stdfoot(); die; } else { stderr("Error", "Unknown action"); } die;
$dict = bdec(benc($dict)); // double up on the becoding solves the occassional misgenerated infohash $dict['value']['comment'] = bdec(benc_str("In using this torrent you are bound by the '{$SITENAME}' Confidentiality Agreement By Law")); // change torrent comment list($ann, $info) = dict_check($dict, "announce(string):info"); unset($dict['value']['created by']); $infohash = pack("H*", sha1($info["string"])); // Replace punctuation characters with spaces $torrent = str_replace("_", " ", $torrent); $nfo = sqlesc(str_replace("\r\r\n", "\r\n", @file_get_contents($nfofilename))); $ret = mysql_query("INSERT INTO torrents (search_text, filename, owner, visible, anonymous, info_hash, name, size, numfiles, type, descr, ori_descr, category, save_as, added, last_action, nfo) VALUES (" . implode(",", array_map("sqlesc", array(searchfield("{$shortfname} {$dname} {$torrent}"), $fname, $CURUSER["id"], "no", $anonymous, $infohash, $torrent, $totallen, count($filelist), $type, $descr, $descr, 0 + $_POST["type"], $dname))) . ", '" . get_date_time() . "', '" . get_date_time() . "', {$nfo})"); // //////new torrent upload detail sent to shoutbox////////// if ($CURUSER["anonymous"] == 'yes') { $message = "New Torrent : ({$torrent}) Uploaded - Anonymous User"; } else { $message = "New Torrent : ({$torrent}) Uploaded by " . safechar($CURUSER["username"]) . ""; } // ///////////////////////////END/////////////////////////////////// if (!$ret) { if (mysql_errno() == 1062) { stderr("Error", "torrent already uploaded!"); } stderr("Error", "mysql puked!"); } $id = mysql_insert_id(); @mysql_query("DELETE FROM files WHERE torrent = {$id}"); function file_list($arr, $id) { foreach ($arr as $v) { $new[] = "({$id}," . sqlesc($v[0]) . "," . $v[1] . ")"; }
</tbody> </table> <?php } else { echo '<p><b>Query OK:</b> ' . safeChar(mysql_affected_rows()) . ' rows affected.</p>'; } } else { echo '<p><b>Query Failed:</b> ' . safeChar(mysql_error()) . '</p>'; } echo '<hr />'; } ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method="POST"> <p>SQL Query:<br /> <textarea onFocus="" cols="60" rows="5" name="query"> <?php echo safechar($_POST['query']); ?> </textarea> </p> <p><input type="submit" name="submitquery" value="Submit Query (Alt-S)" accesskey="S" /></p> </form> <?php // cpfooter(); end_frame(); stdfoot();
function torrenttable($records, $variant = "index") { global $pic_base_url, $DEFAULTBASEURL, $config, $php_file, $page_find, $lang_off, $language, $CURUSER, $ss_uri, $waiton, $wait1, $wait2, $wait3, $wait4, $oldtorrents, $progress, $cat_ico_uri; $q = sql_query("select count(id) as num, YEAR(added) as year, MONTH(added) as month , DAY(added) as day FROM torrents group by year,month,day ORDER BY day,month,year DESC") or print "error"; while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { $split[$a["year"] . $a["month"] . $a["day"]] = $a["num"]; } if ((bool) $waiton) { if ($CURUSER["class"] < UC_VIP) { $gigs = $CURUSER["uploaded"] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); $ratio = $CURUSER["downloaded"] > 0 ? $CURUSER["uploaded"] / $CURUSER["downloaded"] : 0; if ($ratio < 0.5 || $gigs < 5) { $wait = $wait1; } elseif ($ratio < 0.65 || $gigs < 6.5) { $wait = $wait2; } elseif ($ratio < 0.8 || $gigs < 8) { $wait = $wait3; } elseif ($ratio < 0.95 || $gigs < 9.5) { $wait = $wait4; } else { $wait = 0; } } } if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) { echo "<form method=post action=deltorrent.php?mode=delete>"; } ?> <table border="1" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 onMouseover="changeto(event, '#1E1E2A')" onMouseout="changeback(event, 'black')"> <tr> <?php // sorting by MarkoStamcar // modified by xuzo :)) $oldlink = ''; $count_get = 0; $char = ''; if (!isset($wait)) { $wait = 0; } $description = ''; $preres = ''; $type = ''; $sort = ''; $row = ''; foreach ($_GET as $get_name => $get_value) { $get_name = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags(str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("", ""), $get_name))); $get_value = mysql_escape_string(strip_tags(str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("", ""), $get_value))); if ($get_name != "sort" && $get_name != "type") { if ($count_get > 0) { $oldlink = $oldlink . "&" . $get_name . "=" . $get_value; } else { $oldlink = $oldlink . $get_name . "=" . $get_value; } $count_get++; } } if ($count_get > 0) { $oldlink = $oldlink . "&"; } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "1") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link1 = "asc"; } else { $link1 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "2") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link2 = "asc"; } else { $link2 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "3") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link3 = "asc"; } else { $link3 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "4") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link4 = "asc"; } else { $link4 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "5") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link5 = "asc"; } else { $link5 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "6") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link6 = "asc"; } else { $link6 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "7") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link7 = "asc"; } else { $link7 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "8") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link8 = "asc"; } else { $link8 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "9") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link9 = "asc"; } else { $link9 = "desc"; } } if (isset($_GET["sort"]) && $_GET["sort"] == "10") { if (isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "desc") { $link10 = "asc"; } else { $link10 = "desc"; } } if (empty($link1)) { $link1 = "asc"; } // for torrent name if (empty($link2)) { $link2 = "desc"; } if (empty($link3)) { $link3 = "desc"; } if (empty($link4)) { $link4 = "desc"; } if (empty($link5)) { $link5 = "desc"; } if (empty($link6)) { $link6 = "desc"; } if (empty($link7)) { $link7 = "desc"; } if (empty($link8)) { $link8 = "desc"; } if (empty($link9)) { $link9 = "desc"; } if (empty($link10)) { $link10 = "desc"; } ?> <td class="colhead" align="center"><?php echo $language['type']; ?> </td> <td class="colhead" align="left"><a href="browse.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=1&type=<?php echo $link1; ?> "><?php echo $language['name']; ?> </a></td> <td class="colhead" align="left"><?php echo $language['subs']; ?> </td> <?php echo $variant == 'index' ? '<td class=colhead align=center><a href="bookmarks.php"><img src="' . $pic_base_url . 'bookmark.gif" border="0" alt="Bookmark" title="Bookmark" /></a></td>' : ''; if ((bool) $waiton) { print "<td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">" . $language['wait'] . "</td>\n"; } if ($oldtorrents) { ?> <td class="colhead" align="center"><a href="browse.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=4&type=<?php echo $link4; ?> "> <img src=pic/added.gif border=0 alt=TTL /></a></td> <?php } ?> <td class="colhead" align="left"><a href="browse.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=2&type=<?php echo $link2; ?> "> <img src=pic/files.gif border=0 alt=Files /></a></td> <td class="colhead" align="left"><a href="browse.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=3&type=<?php echo $link3; ?> "><img src=pic/comments.gif border=0 alt=Comments /></a></td> <td class="colhead" align="center"><img src="pic/download.gif" border=0 alt=download /></td> <td class="colhead" align="center"><?php echo $language['prog']; ?> </td> <td class="colhead" align="center"><a href="browse.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=6&type=<?php echo $link6; ?> "><?php echo $language['size']; ?> </a></td> <td class="colhead" align="center"><a href="browse.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=7&type=<?php echo $link7; ?> "> <img src=pic/top2.gif border=0 alt=Snatched /></a></td> <td class="colhead" align="center"><a href="browse.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=8&type=<?php echo $link8; ?> "> <img src=pic/arrowup2.gif border="0" alt=Seeders /> </a></td> <td class="colhead" align="center"><a href="browse.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=9&type=<?php echo $link9; ?> "> <img src=pic/arrowdown2.gif border="0" alt=Leechers /> </a></td> <?php if ($variant == "index") { echo "<td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"browse.php?{$oldlink}sort=9&type={$link9}\"><img border=0 src=\"/pic/upper.gif\" alt=\"Upped By\" /></a></td>\n"; } if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) { echo "<td class=\"colhead\" align=center>" . $language['delete'] . "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; foreach ($records as $row) { // while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if ($CURUSER['split'] == "yes" && $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == "/browse.php" && !isset($_GET["page"])) { /** * * @author StarionTurbo * @copyright 2007 * @modname Show torrents by day * @version v1.0 */ /** * * Make some date varibles * */ $day_added = $row['added']; $day_show = strtotime($day_added); $thisdate = date('Y-m-d', $day_show); $thisdate2 = date("Ynj", $day_show); /** * * If date already exist, disable $cleandate varible * */ // if($thisdate==$prevdate){ if (isset($prevdate) && $thisdate == $prevdate) { $cleandate = ''; /** * * If date does not exist, make some varibles * */ } else { $num = isset($split[$thisdate2]) ? $split[$thisdate2] : 0; $day_added = 'Upped on ' . date('l, j. M', strtotime($row['added'])); // You can change this to something else $cleandate = "<tr><td colspan=\"15\"><b>{$day_added} (" . $num . " torrent" . ($num > 1 ? "s" : "") . ")</b></td></tr>\n"; // This also... } /** * * Prevent that "torrents added..." wont appear again with the same date * */ $prevdate = $thisdate; $man = array('Jan' => 'January', 'Feb' => 'February', 'Mar' => 'March', 'Apr' => 'April', 'May' => 'May', 'Jun' => 'June', 'Jul' => 'July', 'Aug' => 'August', 'Sep' => 'September', 'Oct' => 'October', 'Nov' => 'November', 'Dec' => 'December'); foreach ($man as $eng => $ger) { $cleandate = str_replace($eng, $ger, $cleandate); } $dag = array('Mon' => 'Monday', 'Tues' => 'Tuesday', 'Wednes' => 'Wednesday', 'Thurs' => 'Thursday', 'Fri' => 'Friday', 'Satur' => 'Saturday', 'Sun' => 'Sunday'); foreach ($dag as $eng => $ger) { $cleandate = str_replace($eng . 'day', $ger . '', $cleandate); } /** * * If torrents not listed by added date * */ if ($row["sticky"] == "no") { // delete this line if you dont have sticky torrents or you want to display the addate for them also if (!isset($_GET['sort']) && !isset($_GET['d'])) { echo $cleandate . "\n"; } } } //ends the condition // ///standard sticky torrent hlight//////// /* $id = $row["id"]; if ($row["sticky"] == "yes"){ echo("<tr class=highlight>\n"); } else { echo("<tr>\n"); }*/ // ////End Sticky only highlight///////////////// // /////highlight torrenttable//////////////// $id = $row['id']; if ($CURUSER["ttablehl"] != "yes") { echo '<tr>'; } else { $countstatsclr = ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "1" ? "teal" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "2" ? "teal" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "3" ? "teal" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "4" ? "teal" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "5" ? "teal" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "6" ? "teal" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "7" ? "teal" : ""); $nukedclr = ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "1" ? "red" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "2" ? "red" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "3" ? "red" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "4" ? "red" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "5" ? "red" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "6" ? "red" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "7" ? "red" : ""); $sceneclr = ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "1" ? "orange" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "2" ? "orange" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "3" ? "orange" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "4" ? "orange" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "5" ? "orange" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "6" ? "orange" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "7" ? "orange" : ""); $requestclr = ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "1" ? "#777777" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "2" ? "#777777" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "3" ? "#777777" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "4" ? "#777777" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "5" ? "#777777" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "6" ? "#777777" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "7" ? "#777777" : ""); $stickyclr = ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "1" ? "gold" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "2" ? "gold" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "3" ? "gold" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "4" ? "gold" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "5" ? "gold" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "6" ? "gold" : "") . ($CURUSER['stylesheet'] == "7" ? "gold" : ""); $hl = ($row['countstats'] == "no" && $row['nuked'] == "no" ? $countstatsclr : "") . ($row['scene'] == "yes" && $row['request'] == "no" && $row['nuked'] == "no" ? $sceneclr : "") . ($row['request'] == "yes" && $row['scene'] == "no" && $row['nuked'] == "no" ? $requestclr : "") . ($row['sticky'] == "yes" ? $stickyclr : "") . ($row['nuked'] == "yes" ? $nukedclr : ""); // //comment out to use gif indicate for seeding/leeching lower////// $req = sql_query("SELECT torrent, seeder FROM peers WHERE userid={$CURUSER['id']} AND torrent={$id}") or sqlerr(); if (mysql_num_rows($req) > 0) { $peerid = mysql_fetch_assoc($req); } if ($peerid['seeder'] == 'yes' && $peerid['torrent'] == $id) { $hl = '#00AB3F'; } if ($peerid['seeder'] == 'no' && $peerid['torrent'] == $id) { $hl = '#b22222 '; } $bgc = "bgcolor=" . $hl . ""; echo '<tr ' . $bgc . '>'; } // //////////////////end highlight torrenttable - comment out to use standard or gif indicator code lower///////// echo "<td align=center style='padding: 0px'>"; // cached category icons include 'include/cache/categories.php'; foreach ($categories as $cat) { if ($cat["id"] == $row["category"]) { echo "<a href=\"browse.php?cat=" . $cat["id"] . "\"><img src=\"pic/caticons/{$cat_ico_uri}/" . $cat["image"] . "\" border=\"0\" title=\"category " . $cat["name"] . "\" /></a>"; } } echo "</td>\n"; // end cat icon cache // ///////added under torrent name - uncomment out to use//// //$added = "$row[added] (" . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($row["added"])) . " ago)"; // ////////////////////////////////////end added/////////// $genre = safeChar($row["newgenre"]); $nukereason = safeChar($row["nukereason"]); $scene = $row["scene"] == "yes" ? " <img src='pic/scene.gif' border=0 title='Scene' alt='Scene'/>" : ""; $request = $row["request"] == "yes" ? " <img src='pic/request.gif' border=0 title='Request' alt='Request'/>" : ""; $nuked = $row["nuked"] == "yes" ? " <img src='pic/nuked.gif' border=0 title='nuked' alt='Nuked'/>" : ""; $newtag = sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($row['added']) >= $_SESSION['browsetime'] ? ' <img src=' . $pic_base_url . 'new.gif alt=NEW!>' : ''; $viponly = $row["vip"] == "yes" ? "<img src='pic/star.gif' border=0 title='Vip Torrent' />" : ""; // ///////freeslot in use on browse////////// $freeimg = '<img src="/pic/freedownload.gif" border=0"/>'; $doubleimg = '<img src="/pic/doubleseed.gif" border=0"/>'; $isdlfree = $row['doubleslot'] == 'yes' ? ' ' . $doubleimg . ' slot in use' : ''; $isdouble = $row['freeslot'] == 'yes' ? ' ' . $freeimg . ' slot in use' : ''; $uclass = ''; // torrent name $dispname = $CURUSER["view_uclass"] == 'no' ? safeChar($row["name"]) : "<font color=\"#" . get_user_class_color($row["uclass"]) . "\">" . safeChar($row["name"]) . "</font>"; // checked mod by pdq $checked = !empty($row['checked_by']) && $CURUSER['class'] >= UC_MODERATOR ? " <img src='" . $pic_base_url . "mod.gif' width='15' border='0' title='Checked - by " . safeChar($row['checked_by']) . "' />" : ""; $sticky = $row["sticky"] == "yes" ? "<img src='pic/sticky.gif' border='0' alt='sticky' title='Sticky'>" : ""; $countstats = $row["countstats"] == "no" ? "<img src='pic/freedownload.gif' border='0' alt='Free' title='Free Torrent'>" : ""; $half = $row["half"] == "yes" ? "<img src='pic/halfdownload.png' border='0' alt='Half Leech' title='Half Leech'>" : ""; // /// ///////////small description if (!empty($row['description'])) { $description = "(" . safeChar($row["description"]) . ")"; } else { $description = ""; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($row["poster"]) { $poster = "<img src=" . $row["poster"] . " width=150 border=0 />"; } if ($row["descr"]) { $descr = ereg_replace("\"", """, readMore($row["descr"], 350, "details.php?id=" . $row["id"] . "&hit=1")); } // userclass color mod ==end $dispname = ereg_replace('\\.', ' ', $dispname); echo "<td align=left><a href=details.php?id={$id} onmouseover=\"Tip('{$poster}');\" onmouseout=\"UnTip();\"><b>" . CutName($dispname, $char) . "</b></a> <a href=\"javascript:klappe_descr('descr" . $row["id"] . "');\" ><img src=\"/pic/plus.gif\" border=\"0\" title=\"Show torrent info in this page\"/></a> {$sticky} {$request} {$scene} {$nuked}<br />{$nukereason} {$newtag} {$viponly} {$countstats} {$half} {$description}\n"; // //////////multiplicator/// if ($row["multiplicator"] == "2") { $multiplicator = " <img src=\"pic/multi2.gif\" title=\"X2 Upload\"> "; } elseif ($row["multiplicator"] == "3") { $multiplicator = " <img src=\"pic/multi3.gif\" title=\"X3 Upload\"> "; } elseif ($row["multiplicator"] == "4") { $multiplicator = " <img src=\"pic/multi4.gif\" title=\"X4 Upload\"> "; } elseif ($row["multiplicator"] == "5") { $multiplicator = " <img src=\"pic/multi5.gif\" title=\"X5 Upload\"> "; } if ($row["multiplicator"] != "0") { echo "" . $multiplicator . ""; } if ($row["pweb"] > 0) { echo "<img border=0 src=pic/seeder.gif onmouseover=\"Tip('web seeded by " . $row["pweb"] . " users');\" onmouseout=\"UnTip();\"/>"; } // ////torrent added/genre/checked//// //echo ($added); echo $genre; echo $checked; echo $isdlfree . '' . $isdouble; /////////////////subtitles $movie_cat = array("3", "5", "10", "11"); //add here your movie category print "<td align=\"center\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" >\n"; if (in_array($row["category"], $movie_cat) && !empty($row["subs"])) { $subs_array = explode(",", $row["subs"]); include 'cache/subs.php'; foreach ($subs_array as $k => $sid) { foreach ($subs as $sub) { if ($sub["id"] == $sid) { print "<img border=\"0\" width=\"16px\" style=\"padding:3px;\"src=\"" . $sub["pic"] . "\" alt=\"" . $sub["name"] . "\" title=\"" . $sub["name"] . "\" />"; } } } } else { echo "---"; } echo "</td>"; ///////////////////end subs///////// //////////////////bookmarks///////// $bookmarked = !isset($row["bookmark"]) ? '<a href=\'bookmark.php?torrent=' . $id . '&action=add\'><img src=\'' . $pic_base_url . 'bookmark.gif\' border=\'0\' alt=\'Bookmark it!\' title=\'Bookmark it!\' /></a>' : '<a href="bookmark.php?torrent=' . $id . '&action=delete"><img src=\'' . $pic_base_url . 'plus2.gif\' border=\'0\' alt=\'Delete Bookmark!\' title=\'Delete Bookmark!\' /></a>'; echo $variant == 'index' ? '<td align=right>' . $bookmarked . '</td>' : ''; // == wait times on/off from admincp if ((bool) $waiton) { if ((int) $wait > 0) { $elapsed = floor((gmtime() - strtotime($row["added"])) / 3600); if ($elapsed < $wait) { $color = dechex(floor(127 * ($wait - $elapsed) / 48 + 128) * 65536); print "<td align=center nowrap=\"nowrap\"><a href=\"faq.php#dl8\"><font color=\"{$color}\">" . number_format($wait - $elapsed) . " h</font></a></td>\n"; } else { print "<td align=center>None</td>\n"; } } else { print "<td align=center>None</td>\n"; } } /////////////////ttl on/off from admincp if ($oldtorrents) { $ttl = 28 * 24 - floor((gmtime() - sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($row["added"])) / 3600); if ($ttl == 1) { $ttl .= "<br />hour"; } else { $ttl .= "<br />hours"; } echo '<td align=center>' . $ttl . '</td>'; } ///////////////////////////////// if (isset($row['type']) && $row['type'] == "single") { // if ($row["type"] == "single") echo "<td align=\"right\">" . $row["numfiles"] . "</td>\n"; } else { if ($variant == "index") { echo "<td align=\"right\"><b><a href=\"details.php?id={$id}&hit=1\">" . $row["numfiles"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } } ////////////////////////////////////////// if (!$row["comments"]) { echo "<td align=\"right\">" . $row["comments"] . "</td>\n"; } else { if ($variant == "index") { echo "<td align=\"right\"><b><a href=\"details.php?id={$id}&hit=1&tocomm=1\">" . $row["comments"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } else { echo "<td align=\"right\"><b><a href=\"details.php?id={$id}&page=0#startcomments\">" . $row["comments"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } } // ////Hide the quick download if download disabled///// if ($CURUSER["downloadpos"] == 'no') { echo "<td class=embedded><img src=" . $pic_base_url . "downloadpos.gif alt='no download' style='margin-left: 4pt' /></td>\n"; } else { if ($CURUSER["downloadpos"] == 'yes') { echo "<td align=\"center\"><a href=\"/download.php/{$id}/" . rawurlencode($row["filename"]) . "\"><img src=pic/download.gif border=0 alt=Download /></a></td>\n"; } } // Progressbar Mod // /comment out to remove indicator on browse////// $seedersProgressbar = array(); $leechersProgressbar = array(); $progressPerTorrent = 0; $iProgressbar = 0; if (isset($progress[$row["id"]])) { foreach ($progress[$row["id"]] as $rowProgressbar) { $progressPerTorrent += sprintf("%.2f", 100 * (1 - $rowProgressbar["to_go"] / $rowProgressbar["size"])); $iProgressbar++; } } if ($iProgressbar == 0) { $iProgressbar = 1; } $progressTotal = sprintf("%.2f", $progressPerTorrent / $iProgressbar); $picProgress = get_percent_completed_image(floor($progressTotal)) . "<br/>(" . round($progressTotal) . "%)"; echo "<td align=center>{$picProgress}</td>\n"; // End Progress Bar mod////////////////////////// echo "<td align=center>" . str_replace(" ", "<br/>", prefixed($row["size"])) . "</td>\n"; $_s = ""; if ($row["times_completed"] != 1) { $_s = "s"; } if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) { echo "<td align=center>" . ($row["times_completed"] > 0 ? "<a href=snatches.php?id={$id}>" . safeChar(number_format($row["times_completed"])) . "<br/>time{$_s}</a>" : "0 times") . "</td>\n"; } else { echo "<td align=center>" . ($row["times_completed"] > 0 ? "" . safeChar(number_format($row["times_completed"])) . "<br/>time{$_s}</a>" : "0 times") . "</td>\n"; } if ($row["seeders"]) { if ($variant == "index") { if ($row["leechers"]) { $ratio = $row["seeders"] / $row["leechers"]; } else { $ratio = 1; } echo "<td align=right><b><a href=details.php?id={$id}&hit=1#seeders><font color=" . get_slr_color($ratio) . ">" . $row["seeders"] . "</font></a></b></td>\n"; } else { echo "<td align=\"right\"><b><a class=\"" . linkcolor($row["seeders"]) . "\" href=\"details.php?id={$id}#seeders\">" . $row["seeders"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } } else { echo "<td align=\"right\"><span class=\"" . linkcolor($row["seeders"]) . "\">" . $row["seeders"] . "</span></td>\n"; } $peerlink = ''; if ($row["leechers"]) { if ($variant == "index") { echo "<td align=right><b><a href=details.php?id={$id}&hit=1&#leechers>" . number_format($row["leechers"]) . ($peerlink ? "</a>" : "") . "</b></td>\n"; } else { echo "<td align=\"right\"><b><a class=\"" . linkcolor($row["leechers"]) . "\" href=\"details.php?id={$id}#leechers\">" . $row["leechers"] . "</a></b></td>\n"; } } else { echo "<td align=\"right\">0</td>\n"; } // //Anonymous and delete torrent begin if ($variant == "index") { if ($row["anonymous"] == "yes") { echo "<td align=center><i>Anonymous</i></td>\n"; if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) { echo "<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[]\" value=\"" . safeChar($id) . "\" /></td>\n"; } } else { if ($variant == "index") { if ($CURUSER["view_uclass"] == 'yes') { echo "<td align=center>" . (isset($row["username"]) ? "<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><font color=\"#" . get_user_class_color($row["uclass"]) . "\">" . safeChar($row["username"]) . "</font></a>" : "<i>(unknown)</i>") . "</td>\n"; } else { echo "<td align=center>" . (isset($row["username"]) ? "<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safechar($row["username"]) . "</b></a>" : "<i>(unknown)</i>") . "</td>\n"; } } // ///////modified Delete torrent with anonymous uploader if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) { echo "<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete[]\" value=\"" . safeChar($id) . "\" /></td>\n"; } } } echo "</tr>\n"; echo "<tr id=\"kdescr" . $row["id"] . "\"style=\"display:none;\"><td width=\"90%\" colspan=\"" . (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "15" : "13") . "\">" . $descr . "</td></tr>\n"; } if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) { echo "<tr ><td align=\"center\" colspan=16><input type=submit value=Delete /></td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table></form>\n"; }
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); // moddifed logginorreturn by retro//Remember to change the following line to match your server print "<html><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL /{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']} was not found on this server.</p><hr /><address>Apache/1.1.11 (xxxxx) Server at " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . " Port 80</address></body></html>\n"; die; } //optimized, secured, added options, fixed some typos by Alex2005 for TBDEV.NET\\ if (get_user_class() < UC_SYSOP) { hacker_dork("Db Admin - Nosey C**t !"); } $postperpage = 0 + $_GET["postperpage"]; $returnto = $_POST["returnto"]; if (isset($_POST["delmp"])) { $do = "DELETE FROM messages WHERE id IN (" . implode(", ", $_POST['delmp']) . ")"; $res = sql_query($do); if ($returnto) { header("Location: " . safechar($returnto)); die; } else { header("Refresh: 0; url=/msgspy.php"); stderr("Success", "The messages where successfully deleted!"); } } //===start page===// stdhead("Administrative message overview"); ?> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- Begin var checkflag = "false"; var marked_row = new Array; function check(field) { if (checkflag == "false") {
<td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">Marked</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">Announced</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">Upload</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">Download</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">Seedtime</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">leechtime</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">Start Date</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">End Date</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">Seeding</td> <td class=tabletorrent align=center width="1%">Delete</td> </tr> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<tr>' . '<td><a href="/userdetails.php?id=' . $row['userid'] . '"><b>' . $row['username'] . '</b></a></td>'; $smallname = substr(safechar($row["name"]), 0, 25); if ($smallname != safechar($row["name"])) { $smallname .= '...'; } echo '<td align=center><a href="/details.php?id=' . $row['torrentid'] . '"><b>' . $smallname . '</b></a></td>', '<td align=center><b>' . $row['hit_and_run'] . '</b></td>' . '<td align=center><b>' . $row['mark_of_cain'] . '</b></td>' . '<td align=center><b>' . $row['timesann'] . '</b></td>' . '<td align=center><b>' . prefixed($row['uploaded']) . '</b></td>' . '<td align=center><b>' . prefixed($row['downloaded']) . '</b></td>' . '<td align=center><b>' . get_snatched_color($row["seedtime"]) . '</b></td>' . '<td align=center>' . mkprettytime($row["leechtime"]) . '</td>' . '<td align=center><nobr><b>' . $row['start_date'] . '</b></td>'; if ($row['complete_date'] > 0) { echo '<td align=center><nobr><b>' . "" . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($row[complete_date])) . " ago" . '</b></td>'; } else { echo '<td align=center><nobr><b><font color=red>Not Completed</font></b></td>'; } echo '<td align=center><b>' . ($row['seeder'] == 'yes' ? "<img src=/pic/online.gif>" : "<img src=/pic/offline.gif>") . '</b></td>' . '</td>'; //} if (get_user_class() >= UC_SYSOP) { print "<td align=center><font size=\"-2\">[<a class=altlink href=delsnatch.php?action=delete&id=" . $row['id'] . "&returnto=" . urlencode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "><b>Delete</b></a>]</font></td></tr>"; } else { print "<td align=center><b><font size=\"-2\">[Not Allowed]</font></b></td></tr>"; }
function offcommenttable($rows) { global $CURUSER, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; begin_main_frame(); begin_frame(); $count = 0; $count2 = ''; $id = ''; foreach ($rows as $row) { // =======change colors if ($count2 == 0) { $count2 = $count2 + 1; $class = "clearalt6"; } else { $count2 = 0; $class = "clearalt7"; } print "<br>"; begin_table(true); print "<tr><td class=colhead colspan=2><p class=sub><a name=comment_" . $row["id"] . ">#" . $row["id"] . "</a> by: "; if (isset($row["username"])) { $username = $row["username"]; $ratres = sql_query("SELECT uploaded, downloaded from users where username='******'"); $rat = mysql_fetch_array($ratres); if ($rat["downloaded"] > 0) { $ratio = $rat['uploaded'] / $rat['downloaded']; $ratio = number_format($ratio, 3); $color = get_ratio_color($ratio); if ($color) { $ratio = "<font color={$color}>{$ratio}</font>"; } } else { if ($rat["uploaded"] > 0) { $ratio = "Inf."; } else { $ratio = "---"; } } $title = $row["title"]; if ($title == "") { $title = get_user_class_name($row["class"]); } else { $title = safechar($title); } print "<a name=comm" . $row["id"] . " href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["user"] . "><b>" . safechar($row["username"]) . "</b></a>" . ($row["donor"] == "yes" ? "<img src=pic/star.gif alt='Donor'>" : "") . ($row["warned"] == "yes" ? "<img src=" . "pic/warned.gif alt=\"Warned\">" : "") . " ({$title}) (ratio: {$ratio})\n"; } else { print "<a name=\"comm" . $row["id"] . "\"><i>(orphaned)</i></a>\n"; } print " at " . $row["added"] . " GMT " . ($row["user"] == $CURUSER["id"] || get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "[ <a href=offcomment.php?action=edit&cid={$row['id']}>Edit</a> ] " : "") . (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "[ <a href=offcomment.php?action=delete&cid={$row['id']}>Delete</a> ]" : "") . ($row["editedby"] && get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR ? "" : "") . " [ <a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["user"] . ">Profile</a> ] [ <a href=sendmessage.php?receiver=" . $row["user"] . ">PM</a> ] [ <a href=report.php?type=Offer_Comment&id={$row['id']}>Report</a> ]</p>\n"; $avatar = $CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes" ? safechar($row["avatar"]) : ""; if (!$avatar) { $avatar = "pic/default_avatar.gif"; } $text = format_comment($row["text"]); if ($row["editedby"]) { $text .= "<p><font size=1 class=small>Edited by <a href=userdetails.php?id={$row['editedby']}><b>{$row['username']}</b></a> {$row['editedat']} GMT</font></p>\n"; } print "</td></tr><tr valign=top><td align=center width=150 class={$class}><img width=150 src={$avatar}></td><td class={$class}>{$text}</td></tr>\n"; end_table(); } end_frame(); end_main_frame(); // stdfoot(); }
} $message = '<h1>Success! <b>' . $arr_name['username'] . '</b> deleted from your shit list!</h1>'; } // === default page stdhead("Shit list for " . $CURUSER['username']); echo $message . '<br><table width=750 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=colhead align=center valigh=top><h1>Shit List for ' . $CURUSER['username'] . '</h1>' . '<img src=pic/smilies/shit.gif alt=shit> shittiest at the top <img src=pic/smilies/shit.gif alt=shit></td></tr>' . '<tr><td class=embedded><table width=750 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td>'; $i = 0; $res = mysql_query("SELECT s.suspect as id, s.text, s.shittyness, s.added AS shit_list_added, u.username AS name, u.added, u.class, u.avatar, u.donor, u.warned, u.enabled, u.last_access FROM shit_list AS s LEFT JOIN users as u ON s.suspect = WHERE userid={$CURUSER['id']} ORDER BY shittyness DESC") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { $shit_list = '<p align=center>Your shit list is empty.</p>'; } else { while ($shit_list = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $class_name = get_user_class_name($shit_list['class']); $poop = 1; while ($poop <= $shit_list['shittyness']) { $shit .= ' <img src=pic/smilies/shit.gif title="' . $shit_list['shittyness'] . ' out of 10 on the sittyness scale">'; $poop++; } $main = '<a class=altlink href=userdetails.php?id=' . $shit_list['id'] . '><b>' . $shit_list['name'] . '</b></a>' . get_user_icons($shit_list) . '<b> [ ' . $class_name . ' ]</b> ' . $shit . '<br><b>joined:</b> ' . $shit_list['added'] . ' [ ' . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($shit_list['added'])) . ' ago ]' . '<br><b>added to shit list:</b> ' . $shit_list['shit_list_added'] . ' [ ' . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($shit_list['shit_list_added'])) . ' ago ]<br>' . '<b>last seen:</b> ' . display_date_time($shit_list['last_access']) . ' [ ' . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($shit_list['last_access'])) . ' ago ]<hr>' . format_comment($shit_list['text']); $buttons = '<br><a class=altlink href=?action=delete&shit_list_id=' . $shit_list['id'] . '>remove</a>' . '<br><br><a class=altlink href=sendmessage.php?receiver=' . $shit_list['id'] . '>PM</a>'; $avatar = !$shit_list['avatar'] ? 'pic/default_avatar.gif' : safechar($shit_list['avatar']); $avatar = $CURUSER['avatars'] == 'yes' ? $avatar : ''; echo $i % 2 == 0 ? '<table width=100% hight=100%><tr><td width=50% align=center>' : '<td width=50% align=center hight=100%>'; echo '<table width=100% hight=100%><tr valign=top><td width=80 align=center valign=top>' . ($avatar ? '<img width=80px src=' . $avatar . '>' : '') . '</td><td><table width=420 hight=100%><tr><td class=embedded>' . $main . '</td>' . '<td class=embedded valign=top align=center>' . $buttons . '</td></tr></table></td></tr></td></tr></table>'; echo $i % 2 == 1 ? '</td></tr></table>' : '</td>'; $shit = ''; $i++; } } echo ($i % 2 == 1 ? '<td width=50%> </td></tr></table>' : '') . $shit_list . '</td></tr></table>' . '</td></tr></table><p align=center><a class=altlink href=users.php><b>Find User/Browse User List</b></a></p>'; stdfoot();
echo $link12; ?> " title="Order by">Shout</a></td> <td class=colhead width='1%'><a href="userspos.php?<?php echo $oldlink; ?> sort=13&type=<?php echo $link13; ?> " title="Order by">SeedBonus</a></td> </tr> <?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $num; $i++) { $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $last_access = substr($arr['last_access'], 0, 10); $class = get_user_class_name($arr["class"]); $download = $arr['downloadpos'] == 'yes' ? "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>"; $upload = $arr['uploadpos'] == 'yes' ? "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>"; $post = $arr['forumpost'] == 'yes' ? "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>"; $ttablehl = $arr['ttablehl'] == 'yes' ? "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>"; $invite_on = $arr['invite_on'] == 'yes' ? "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>"; $tohp = $arr['tohp'] == 'yes' ? "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>"; $imagecats = $arr['imagecats'] == 'yes' ? "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>"; $tenpercent = $arr['tenpercent'] == 'yes' ? "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>" : "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>"; $chatpost = $arr['chatpost'] == 'no' ? "<font color=red><b>No</b></font>" : "<font color=green><b>Yes</b></font>"; $seedbonus = $arr["seedbonus"]; echo "<tr>\r\n<td align=center><a href=/userdetails.php?id=" . $arr['id'] . "><b>" . $arr['username'] . "</b></a>" . ($arr['donor'] == "yes" ? "<img src={$pic_base_url}/star.gif alt=Donor title=Donor>" : "") . ($arr['leechwarn'] == "yes" ? "<img src={$pic_base_url}/leechwarn.gif alt=\"Leech Warned\" title=\"Leech Warned\">" : "") . ($arr['warned'] == "yes" ? "<img src={$pic_base_url}/warned.gif alt=Warned title=Warned>" : "") . "</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$last_access}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$class}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$download}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$upload}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$post}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$ttablehl}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$invite_on}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$tohp}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$imagecats}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$tenpercent}</td>\r\n<td align=center>{$chatpost}</td>\r\n<td align=center>" . safechar($seedbonus) . " </td>\r\n</tr>\n"; } echo "</table><p>{$pagemenu}<br>{$browsemenu}</p>"; end_main_frame(); stdfoot();
<input type="text" maxlength="6" name="captcha" id="captcha" onBlur="check(); return false;"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Log in!" class=btn> </td> <p>Signup: <a href="signup.php">here</a> | Recover: <a href="resetpw.php">here</a></p> </tr> </table> </form> <?php if (isset($returnto)) { print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"" . safechar($returnto) . "\" />\n"; } stdfoot(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <table style="background:transparent" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align=center> </table> </td> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </body>
$usercolor = " <font color='#" . get_user_class_color($rowowner['class']) . "'>" . safechar($rowowner['username']) . "</font>"; } if ($rowowner["class"] == "4") { $usercolor = " <font color='#" . get_user_class_color($rowowner['class']) . "'>" . safechar($rowowner['username']) . "</font>"; } if ($rowowner["class"] == "3") { $usercolor = " <font color='#" . get_user_class_color($rowowner['class']) . "'>" . safechar($rowowner['username']) . "</font>"; } if ($rowowner["class"] == "2") { $usercolor = " <font color='#" . get_user_class_color($rowowner['class']) . "'>" . safechar($rowowner['username']) . "</font>"; } if ($rowowner["class"] == "1") { $usercolor = " <font color='#" . get_user_class_color($rowowner['class']) . "'>" . safechar($rowowner['username']) . "</font>"; } if ($rowowner["class"] == "0") { $usercolor = " <font color='#" . get_user_class_color($rowowner['class']) . "'>" . safechar($rowowner['username']) . "</font>"; } $pm = "<span class='date'>[<a target=_blank href=sendmessage.php?receiver={$arr['userid']}>pm</a>]</span>\n"; if ($i % 2 == 0) { $bg = 'bgcolor=#555555'; } else { $bg = 'bgcolor=#777777'; } print "<tr {$bg}><td><font color=white>[<span class='date'>" . strftime("%d.%m %H:%M", $arr["date"]) . "]</font></span>\n{$del} {$edit} {$pm} <a href='userdetails.php?id=" . $arr["userid"] . "' target='_blank'>{$usercolor}</a>\n" . ($arr2["donor"] == "yes" ? "<img src=pic/star.gif alt='DONOR'>\n" : "") . ($arr2["warned"] == "yes" ? "<img src=" . "pic/warned.gif alt='Warned'>\n" : "") . ($arr2["chatpost"] == "no" ? "<img src=pic/chatpos.gif alt='No Chat'>\n" : "") . ($arr2["downloadpos"] == "no" ? "<img src=pic/downloadpos.gif alt='No Downloads'>\n" : "") . ($arr2["forumpost"] == "no" ? "<img src=pic/forumpost.gif alt='No Posting'>\n" : "") . ($arr2["uploadpos"] == "no" ? "<img src=pic/uploadpos.gif alt='No upload'>\n" : "") . ($arr2["parked"] == "yes" ? "<img src=pic/parked.gif alt='Account Parked'>\n" : "") . " " . format_comment($arr["text"]) . "\n</td></tr>\n"; $i++; } print "</table><br />"; } print "{$pagerbottom}"; end_main_frame(); stdfoot();
@fwrite($fp, benc($dict), strlen(benc($dict))); fclose($fp); } // ===add karma mysql_query("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = seedbonus+15.0 WHERE id = {$CURUSER['id']}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); // ///writelog///////// if ($CURUSER["anonymous"] == 'yes') { write_log("torrentupload", "Torrent {$id} ({$torrent}) was uploaded by Anonymous"); } else { write_log("torrentupload", "Torrent {$id} ({$torrent}) was uploaded by {$CURUSER['username']}"); } // //////new torrent upload detail sent to shoutbox////////// if ($CURUSER["anonymous"] == 'yes') { $message = "New Torrent : [url={$DEFAULTBASEURL}/details.php?id={$id}] " . safeChar($torrent) . "[/url] Uploaded - Anonymous User"; } else { $message = "New Torrent : [url={$DEFAULTBASEURL}/details.php?id={$id}] " . safeChar($torrent) . "[/url] Uploaded by " . safechar($CURUSER["username"]) . ""; } // ///////////////////////////END/////////////////////////////////// // //////new torrent upload detail sent to shoutbox////////// autoshout($message); // ///////////////////////////end/////////////////////////////////// // ===notify people who voted on offer total credit to S4NE if (isset($_POST['offer'])) { if ($_POST['offer'] > 0) { $res = mysql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `offervotes` WHERE `offerid` = " . ($_POST['offer'] + 0)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $pn_msg = "The Offer you voted for: \"{$torrent}\" was uploaded by " . $CURUSER["username"] . ".\nYou can Download the Torrent here"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { // ===use this line if you DO HAVE subject in your PM system mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, subject, receiver, added, msg) VALUES(0, 0, 'Offer {$torrent} was just uploaded', {$row['userid']}, '" . get_date_time() . "', " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); // ===use this line if you DO NOT HAVE subject in your PM system // mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, receiver, added, msg) VALUES(0, 0, $row[userid], '" . get_date_time() . "', " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
<?php } ?> <tr align="center"> <td align="left"> <a href="/<?php echo rawurlencode($arr['file_name']); ?> .php" title="<?php echo safechar($arr['page_name']); ?> "><?php echo safechar($arr['page_name']); ?> </a><br /><font class="small"><?php echo safechar($arr['description']); ?> </font> </td> <td> <a href="/userdetails.php?id=<?php echo (int) $arr['added_by']; ?> "><?php echo $arr['username']; ?> </a> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <?php echo function_exists('display_date_time') ? display_date_time(get_date_time($arr['added'])) : get_date_time($arr['added']);
} if ($hiddentor == 'yes') { sql_query("DELETE FROM comments WHERE hidden={$id}"); } if ($stafftor == 'yes') { sql_query("DELETE FROM comments WHERE staff={$id}"); } //===end // ===remove karma sql_query("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = seedbonus-15.0 WHERE id = {$CURUSER['id']}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); // ===end if ($CURUSER['deletepm'] == 'yes') { $datum = get_date_time(); $idup = $row["owner"]; $msg = "Your torrent [b]{$row['name']}[/b] has been deleted.\n\nReason: {$reasonstr}"; sql_query("INSERT INTO messages (sender, receiver, added, msg, subject) VALUES ('0', '{$idup}', '{$datum}', '{$msg}', " . sqlesc("Your torrent has been deleted") . ")"); } stdhead("Torrent deleted!"); if (isset($_POST["returnto"])) { $ret = "<a href=\"" . safechar($_POST["returnto"]) . "\">Go back to whence you came</a>"; } else { $ret = "<a href=\"./\">Back to index</a>"; } ?> <h2>Torrent deleted!</h2> <p><?php echo $ret; ?> </p> <?php stdfoot();
?> % sql</b></p></div> <?php if (get_user_class() >= UC_SYSOP) { ?> <h2><a href="javascript:klappe('query')"><?php echo $SITENAME; ?> Query's</a></h2> <div id="kquery" class="generated" style="display:none; text-align:left;"> <?php if (get_user_class() >= UC_SYSOP) { if (DEBUG_MODE && $query_stat) { foreach ($query_stat as $key => $value) { print "[" . safechar($key + 1) . "] => <b>" . ($value["seconds"] > 0.01 ? "<font color=\"red\" title=\"You should optimize this query.\">" . safechar($value["seconds"]) . "</font>" : "<font color=\"green\" title=\"This query doesn't need optimized.\">" . safechar($value["seconds"]) . "</font>") . "</b> [" . str_replace("&", "&", $value["query"]) . "]<br />\n"; } } } } ?> <br /> </div> </table> <!-- build the footer --> <td style="width:6px; background:url(themes/NB-Revolt/pic/05.png);"><img src="themes/NB-Revolt/pic/blank.gif" width="6" height="1" /></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr>
$res_who2 = sql_query("SELECT name FROM torrents WHERE id = {$arr_info['reporting_what']}"); $arr_who2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_who2); $link_to_thing = "<a class=altlink href=details.php?id={$arr_info['reporting_what']}><b>" . safechar($arr_who2['name']) . "</b></a>"; break; case "Hit_And_Run": $res_who2 = sql_query("SELECT users.username,, r.2nd_value FROM users, torrents LEFT JOIN reports AS r ON r.2nd_value = WHERE{$arr_info['reporting_what']}"); $arr_who2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_who2); $link_to_thing = "<b>user:</b> <a class=altlink href=userdetails.php?id=" . $arr_info['reporting_what'] . "&completed=1><b>" . $arr_who2['username'] . "</b></a><br>hit and run on:<br> <a class=altlink href=details.php?id=" . $arr_info['2nd_value'] . "&page2=0#snatched><b>" . safechar($arr_who2['name']) . "</b></a>"; break; case "Post": $res_who2 = sql_query("SELECT subject FROM topics WHERE id = " . $arr_info['2nd_value']); $arr_who2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_who2); $link_to_thing = "<b>post:</b> <a class=altlink href=forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=" . $arr_info['2nd_value'] . "&page=last#" . $arr_info['reporting_what'] . "><b>" . safechar($arr_who2['subject']) . "</b></a>"; break; } } echo "<tr><td align=left valign=top class={$class}>" . $arr_info['added'] . "</td><td align=left valign=top class={$class}><a class=altlink href=userdetails.php?id=" . $arr_info['reported_by'] . ">" . "<b>" . $arr_info['username'] . "</b></a></td><td align=left valign=top class={$class}>{$link_to_thing}</td><td align=left valign=top class={$class}><b>" . str_replace("_", " ", $arr_info["reporting_type"]) . "</b>" . "</td><td align=left valign=top class={$class}>" . safechar($arr_info['reason']) . "</td><td align=center valign=top class={$class}>{$dealtwith} {$delt_link}</td><td align=center valign=middle class={$class}>{$checkbox}</td>" . (get_user_class() == UC_SYSOP ? "<td align=center valign=middle class={$class}><a class=altlink href=reports.php?id=" . $arr_info['id'] . "&delete=1><font color=red>Delete</font></a></td>" : "") . "</tr>\n"; // ===how was it delt with? if ($arr_info['how_delt_with']) { echo "<tr><td colspan=" . (get_user_class() == UC_SYSOP ? "8" : "7") . " class={$class} align=left><b>Delt with by " . $arr_who['username'] . ":</b> on: " . $arr_info['when_delt_with'] . " (" . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($arr_info['when_delt_with'])) . " ago)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=" . (get_user_class() == UC_SYSOP ? "8" : "7") . " class={$class} align=left>" . safechar($arr_info['how_delt_with']) . "<br><br></td></tr>"; } } } echo "</table>"; if ($count > '0') { // === deal with it echo "<br><br><p align=center><b>How {$CURUSER['username']} Delt with this report:</b> [ required ] </p><textarea name=how_delt_with cols=70 rows=5 ></textarea><br><br>" . "<input type=submit class=button value=Confirm><br><br></form></td></tr></table>"; } //=== end if count stdfoot(); die;
$infohash[$i] = pack("H*", sha1($info[$i]["string"])); /* ...... end of Private Tracker mod */ $torrent[$i] = str_replace("_", " ", $torrent[$i]); $torrent[$i] = str_replace("'", " ", $torrent[$i]); $torrent[$i] = str_replace("\"", " ", $torrent[$i]); $torrent[$i] = str_replace(",", " ", $torrent[$i]); $nfo[$i] = sqlesc(str_replace("\r\r\n", "\r\n", @file_get_contents($nfofilename[$i]))); $first = $shortfname[$i][1]; $second = $dname[$i]; $third = $torrent[$i][1]; $ret = mysql_query("INSERT INTO torrents (search_text, filename, owner, visible, info_hash, name, size, numfiles, type, descr, ori_descr, category, save_as, added, last_action, nfo) VALUES (" . implode(",", array_map("sqlesc", array(searchfield("{$first} {$second} {$third}"), $fname[$i], $CURUSER["id"], "no", $infohash[$i], $torrent[$i][1], $totallen, count($filelist[$i]), $type, $descr, $descr, $cat[$i], $dname[$i]))) . ", '" . get_date_time() . "', '" . get_date_time() . "', {$nfo[$i]})"); // //////new torrent upload detail sent to shoutbox////////// if ($CURUSER["anonymous"] == 'yes') { $message = "[url={$BASEURL}/multidetails.php?id1={$ids['0']}&id2={$ids['1']}&id3={$ids['2']}&id4={$ids['3']}&id5={$ids['4']}]Multiple Torrents were just uploaded! Click here to see them[/url] - Anonymous User"; } else { $message = "[url={$BASEURL}/multidetails.php?id1={$ids['0']}&id2={$ids['1']}&id3={$ids['2']}&id4={$ids['3']}&id5={$ids['4']}]Multiple Torrents were just uploaded! Click here to see them[/url] Uploaded by " . safechar($CURUSER["username"]) . ""; } // ///////////////////////////END/////////////////////////////////// if (!$ret) { if (mysql_errno() == 1062) { bark("#{$i} torrent was already uploaded!"); } bark("mysql puked: " . mysql_error()); } $id = mysql_insert_id(); $ids[] = $id; @mysql_query("DELETE FROM files WHERE torrent = {$id}"); foreach ($filelist as $file) { @mysql_query("INSERT INTO files (torrent, filename, size) VALUES ({$id}, " . sqlesc($file[0]) . "," . $file[1] . ")"); } $fp = fopen("{$torrent_dir}/{$id}.torrent", "w");
$cats = ""; $res = sql_query("SELECT id, name FROM categories"); while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $cats[$arr["id"]] = $arr["name"]; } $s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>\n<rss version=\"0.91\">\n<channel>\n" . "<title>TorrentBits</title>\n<description>0-week torrents</description>\n<link>{$DEFAULTBASEURL}/</link>\n"; @fwrite($fd1, $s); @fwrite($fd2, $s); $r = sql_query("SELECT id,name,descr,filename,category FROM torrents ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 15") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { $cat = $cats[$a["category"]]; $s = "<item>\n<title>" . safechar($a["name"] . " ({$cat})") . "</title>\n" . "<description>" . safechar($a["descr"]) . "</description>\n"; @fwrite($fd1, $s); @fwrite($fd2, $s); @fwrite($fd1, "<link>{$DEFAULTBASEURL}/details.php?id={$a['id']}&hit=1</link>\n</item>\n"); $filename = safechar($a["filename"]); @fwrite($fd2, "<link>{$DEFAULTBASEURL}/download.php/{$a['id']}/{$filename}</link>\n</item>\n"); } $s = "</channel>\n</rss>\n"; @fwrite($fd1, $s); @fwrite($fd2, $s); @fclose($fd1); @fclose($fd2); } /* Email notifs */ /** * $res = sql_query("SELECT name FROM categories WHERE id=$catid") or sqlerr(); * $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); * $cat = $arr["name"]; * $res = sql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE enabled='yes' AND notifs LIKE '%[cat$catid]%'") or sqlerr(); * $uploader = $CURUSER['username'];
loggedinorreturn(); // /////////latest user - comment out if not required///// if ($CURUSER) { $cache_newuser = "******"; $cache_newuser_life = 2 * 60; //2 min if (file_exists($cache_newuser) && is_array(unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_newuser))) && time() - filemtime($cache_newuser) < $cache_newuser_life) { $arr = unserialize(@file_get_contents($cache_newuser)); } else { $r_new = sql_query("select id , username FROM users order by id desc limit 1 ") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_new); $handle = fopen($cache_newuser, "w+"); fwrite($handle, serialize($arr)); fclose($handle); } $new_user = "******"userdetails.php?id=" . $arr["id"] . "\">" . safechar($arr["username"]) . "</a></b> !</font>\n"; } // end latest user/////////// // cache for stats $cache_stats = "{$CACHE}/stats.txt"; $cache_stats_life = 5 * 60; // 5min if (file_exists($cache_stats) && is_array(unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_stats))) && time() - filemtime($cache_stats) < $cache_stats_life) { $row = unserialize(@file_get_contents($cache_stats)); } else { $stats = sql_query("SELECT *, seeders + leechers AS peers, seeders / leechers AS ratio, unconnectables / (seeders + leechers) AS ratiounconn FROM stats WHERE id = '1' LIMIT 1") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($stats); $handle = fopen($cache_stats, "w+"); fwrite($handle, serialize($row)); fclose($handle); }
$trows = mysql_fetch_array($tsql); $t_ab = $trows[0]; if ($t_ab == "0") { $freepollby = $freepollby . " <form action=\"freepoll.php\" method=\"post\">\r\n <br />\r\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Vote\">\r\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"torrentid\" value=\"{$torrentid}\">\r\n </form>"; } else { $t_userid == $row["owner"]; $freepollby = $freepollby . " <form action=\"freepoll.php\" method=\"post\">\r\n <br />\r\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Already voted\" disabled>\r\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"torrentid\" value=\"{$torrentid}\">\r\n </form>"; } } else { $freepollcount = "0"; $freepollby = "\r\n <form action=\"freepoll.php\" method=\"post\">\r\n <br />\r\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Vote\">\r\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"torrentid\" value=\"{$torrentid}\">\r\n </form>\r\n "; } $votesrequired = "15"; $count = $votesrequired - $freepollcount; if ($row["countstats"] == 'yes') { tr("<b>" . $language['dtfp7'] . "</b>", "" . safechar($freepollcount) . " " . $language['dtfp8'] . " " . safeChar($count) . " " . $language['dtfp9'] . "", 1); } if ($elapsed < $wait and $row["countstats"] == 'yes') { if ($t_ab == "0" and $row["countstats"] == 'yes') { if ($freepollcount < $votesrequired) { echo "<tr><td class=rowhead><div align='right'>" . $language['dtfp7'] . "</div></td><td align=left>{$freepollby}"; } } else { echo "<tr><td class=rowhead><div align='right'>" . $language['dtfp4'] . "</div></td><td align=left>" . $language['dtfp5'] . " <b><a href=rules.php><font color=red>" . number_format($wait1 - $elapsed1) . " " . $language['dtfp6'] . "</font></b></a>!"; } } elseif ($row["countstats"] == 'yes') { echo "<tr><td class=rowhead><div align='right'>" . $language['dtfp3'] . "</div></td><td align=left>{$freepollby}"; } $tid = $row["id"]; if ($freepollcount == $votesrequired || $row["countstats"] == 'no') { echo "<tr><td class=rowhead><div align='right'>" . $language['dtfp'] . "</div></td><td align=left>" . $language['dtfp2'] . "";