public static function error($message, $object = NULL) { if (Hybrid_Auth::$config["debug_mode"]) { $datetime = new DateTime(); $datetime = $datetime->format(DATE_ATOM); safe_put_contents(Hybrid_Auth::$config["debug_file"], "ERROR -- " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " -- " . $datetime . " -- " . $message . " -- " . print_r($object, true) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } }
/** * Try to save the file data from request * @return JS for AJAX */ function saveFile() { if ($this->request('hash') == $this->hash()) { $content = $this->request('w_code'); $fn = $this->request('f'); $search = array('@micros@', '@maintemplates@', '@mail@'); $replace = array(MICROSPATH, MAINTEMPLATESPATH, MAILTEMPLATESPATH); $fn = str_replace($search, $replace, $fn); if ($fn[0] == '@') { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } else { //simple security $fn = str_replace('..@', '', $fn); $fn = str_replace('@', '/', $fn); if (is_file($fn) and is_writable($fn)) { safe_put_contents($fn, stripslashes($content)); echo 'RADFoldersTree.message("' . $this->lang('-saved') . '");'; echo 'RADFolders.cancelWindowClick();'; } else { echo 'alert("' . $this->lang('filenotwritable.system.error') . '");'; } } } else { $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName()); } }
/** * Makes the file in File System and write the $filestring into it * Method is binary-safe * @param string $filename * @param binary-safe string $filestring * @param integer $mode * @access public */ public function mkFile($filename, $filestring, $mode = 0777) { safe_put_contents($filename, $filestring); @chmod($filename, $mode); }
public function get3DBinFile($params) { if (empty($params['cat_id']) or !(int) $params['cat_id']) { throw new rad_exception('Cat id can\'t be empty when getting file!!! Some error!'); } set_time_limit($this->config('partners.3dbin.time')); $params['action'] = 'getfile'; $params['lang'] = $this->getCurrentLangID(); $params['email'] = $this->config('taberna.user'); $params['pass'] = $this->config('taberna.pass'); $params['url'] = SITE_URL; $file = $this->_getURL($this->_threeDBinService, $params); $destination = DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR . '3dbin' . DS . $params['cat_id'] . '_' . md5(time() . '3dbin') . '.swf'; if (!is_dir(dirname($destination))) { recursive_mkdir(dirname($destination), 0777); } safe_put_contents($destination, $file); return $destination; }
/** * Makes the file in File System and write the $filestring into it * Method is binary-safe * @param string $filename * @param binary-safe string $filestring * @param integer $mode * @access public */ public function mkFile($filename, $filestring, $mode = '0770') { if (!is_dir(dirname($filename))) { $this->mkDir(dirname($filename)); } safe_put_contents($filename, $filestring); /*@chmod($filename, $mode);*/ }
protected function getValValuesCache() { $file = self::getCacheFileName($this->_catIds, $this->_cat->tre_id); $result = NULL; if (is_file($file)) { $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); if ($data['date'] >= time() - rad_config::getParam('cache.power.time')) { $result = $data['rows']; } } if (!$result) { $result = $this->getValValues(); $data = array('date' => time(), 'rows' => $result); safe_put_contents($file, serialize($data)); } return $result; }
/** * Create the xml file from array * Сдесь xml файл генерируется без помощи библиотек для лучшей совместимости. * * @param array $params - array of fieldnames and fieldvalues * @param string $module - module name * @return boolean */ function createParamsForTemplate($params, $module, $fn) { $file = $this->_getFN($module, $fn, false, false); if (!is_dir(dirname($file))) { if (!recursive_mkdir(dirname($file))) { return false; } } if (!is_writable(dirname($file))) { return false; } if (file_exists($file) and !is_writable($file)) { return false; } //CREATE THE DEFAULT STRUCTURE $s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . '<metadata>' . '<names>' . '<title>' . $this->_getLangValue($params['names.title']) . '</title>' . '<description>' . $this->_getLangValue($params['names.description']) . '</description>' . '<author>' . $this->_getLangValue($params['']) . '</author>' . '<date>' . time() . '</date>' . '<url>' . $this->_getLangValue($params['names.url']) . '</url>' . '</names>' . '<system>' . '<ver>' . stripslashes($params['system.ver']) . '</ver>' . '<prelogic>' . $this->_getItems($params['system.prelogic']) . '</prelogic>' . '<themes>' . $this->_getItems($params['system.themes']) . '</themes>' . '<module>' . '<name>' . $this->_getLangValue($params['']) . '</name>' . '<folder>' . stripslashes($params['system.module.folder']) . '</folder>' . '<ver>' . stripslashes($params['system.module.ver']) . '</ver>' . '<ident>' . $this->genereModuleIdent() . '</ident>' . '</module>' . '<name>' . stripslashes($params['']) . '</name>' . '<ident>' . $this->genereTmplIdent($params[''], $params['system.module.folder'], rad_config::getParam('loader_class')) . '</ident>' . '<template>' . '<lower>' . (!empty($params['system.ver']) ? $params['system.ver'] : '0.1') . '</lower>' . '<name>' . rad_config::getParam('loader_class') . '</name>' . '</template>' . '<access>' . stripslashes($params['system.access']) . '</access>' . '</system>' . '<params>' . $this->_getLangValue($params['params']) . '</params>' . '</metadata>'; return safe_put_contents($file, $s); }