     * Image Gallery - Single Image Shortcode
     * @param  array $atts
     * @param  string $content
     * @return html
    function rt_gal_item($atts, $content = null)
        global $rt_image_gallery_globals, $rt_global_variables;
        extract(shortcode_atts(array("id" => '', "class" => '', "image_id" => '', "image_url" => '', "custom_link" => '', "title" => '', "action" => 'lightbox', "link_target" => '_self'), $atts));
        $output = $caption_output = $lightbox_link = $image_effect = "";
        // Thumbnail width & height
        $w = rt_get_min_resize_size($rt_image_gallery_globals["list_layout"]);
        $h = $rt_image_gallery_globals["crop"] == "true" ? $w : 10000;
        // Get image data
        $image_args = array("image_url" => $image_url, "image_id" => $image_id, "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => $rt_image_gallery_globals["crop"]);
        $image_output = rt_get_image_data($image_args);
        $tooltip = $rt_image_gallery_globals["tooltips"] == "true" ? ' data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="' . $title . '"' : "";
        //create lightbox link
        if ($action == "lightbox") {
            $image = rt_create_lightbox_link(array('class' => 'zoom lightbox_ imgeffect', 'href' => $image_output["image_url"], 'title' => $title, 'data_group' => $rt_image_gallery_globals["gallery_id"], 'data_title' => $title, 'data_description' => "", 'tooltip' => $rt_image_gallery_globals["tooltips"], 'data_thumbnail' => $image_output["lightbox_thumbnail"], 'inner_content' => '<img src="' . $image_output["thumbnail_url"] . '" alt="' . $title . '" class="img-responsive">', 'echo' => false));
        } elseif ($action == "custom_link") {
            $image = sprintf('
			<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" target="%3$s" class="link icon imgeffect">
				<img src="%4$s" class="img-responsive" alt="%2$s"%5$s>
			</a>', $custom_link, $title, $link_target, $image_output["thumbnail_url"], $tooltip);
        } else {
            $image = sprintf('<img src="%s" class="img-responsive" alt="%s"%s> ', $image_output["thumbnail_url"], $title, $tooltip);
        //create caption
        $caption_output = !empty($content) ? '<div class="caption">' . rt_visual_composer_content_fix($content, "true") . '</div>' : "";
        //open holder
        if ($rt_image_gallery_globals["counter"] % $rt_image_gallery_globals["column_count"] == 1 || $rt_image_gallery_globals["column_count"] == 1) {
            $output .= '<div class="row fixed_heights">';
        //id attr
        $id_attr = !empty($id) ? 'id="' . $id . '"' : "";
        //list items output
        $output .= sprintf('
		<div %1$s class="col %3$s col-xs-12 %2$s"> 		
	', $id_attr, $class, rt_column_class($rt_image_gallery_globals["list_layout"]), $image, $caption_output);
        //close holder
        if ($rt_image_gallery_globals["counter"] % $rt_image_gallery_globals["column_count"] == 0 || $rt_image_gallery_globals["item_count"] == $rt_image_gallery_globals["counter"]) {
            $output .= '</div>';
        //increase counter
        return $output;
//turn into an array
$rt_gallery_images = rt_merge_featured_images($rt_gallery_images);
//add the wp featured image to the array
// Values
$image = is_array($rt_gallery_images) && isset($rt_gallery_images[0]) ? rt_find_image_org_path($rt_gallery_images[0]) : "";
$title = get_the_title();
$permalink = get_permalink();
$short_desc = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'short_description', true);
$regular_price = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'price_regular', true);
$sale_price = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'sale_price', true);
//is crop active
$crop = get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_product_image_crop') ? "true" : "";
//image max height
$h = $crop ? get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_product_image_height') : 10000;
//Thumbnail dimensions
$w = rt_get_min_resize_size($rt_item_width);
// Resize Image
$image_output = get_resized_image_output(array("image_url" => trim($image), "image_id" => "", "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => $crop));
if (!empty($image_output)) {
	<!-- product image -->
	<div class="featured_image"> 
			<a href="<?php 
    echo $permalink;
" title="<?php 
    echo $title;
" rel="bookmark" ><?php 
    echo $image_output;
 function rt_get_global_post_values($post = false, $item_width = 1)
     //is crop active - featured image
     $crop = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'blog_image_crop', true);
     //max width
     $w = rt_get_min_resize_size($item_width);
     //featured image displaying options
     $featured_image_usage = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_featured_image_usage', true);
     $featured_image_position = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'featured_image_position', true) ? get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'featured_image_position', true) : "center";
     $featured_image_width = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'blog_image_width', true);
     $featured_image_width = !empty($featured_image_width) && $featured_image_width > 0 ? $featured_image_width : $w;
     $featured_image_height = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'blog_image_height', true);
     $featured_image_height = !empty($featured_image_height) && $featured_image_height > 0 ? $featured_image_height : ($crop ? $w / 2 : 10000);
     $slider_image_height = $crop ? get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'blog_image_height', true) : 10000;
     $featured_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
     $featured_image_url = !empty($featured_image_id) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src($featured_image_id, "full") : "";
     $featured_image_url = is_array($featured_image_url) ? $featured_image_url[0] : "";
     //gallery usage
     $gallery_usage = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_gallery_usage', true);
     $gallery_usage_listing = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_gallery_usage_listing', true);
     //slider image dimensions
     $slider_image_crop = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'gallery_images_crop', true);
     $slider_image_width = $w;
     $slider_image_height = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'gallery_images_height', true) < 0 ? $slider_image_crop ? $w / 1.8 : 100000 : get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'gallery_images_height', true);
     // gallery images
     $rt_gallery_images = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . "rt_gallery_images", true);
     $rt_gallery_images = !empty($rt_gallery_images) ? !is_array($rt_gallery_images) ? explode(",", $rt_gallery_images) : $rt_gallery_images : array();
     //turn into an array
     //create global values array
     $rt_global_post_values = array("title" => get_the_title(), "permalink" => get_permalink(), "featured_image_id" => $featured_image_id, "featured_image_url" => $featured_image_url, "max_image_width" => $w, "crop" => $crop, "show_author" => get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_show_small_dates'), "show_categories" => get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_show_categories'), "show_commnent_numbers" => get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_show_commnent_numbers'), "show_small_dates" => get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_show_small_dates'), "video_mp4" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_post_video_m4v', true), "video_webm" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_post_video_webm', true), "video_usage_listing" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_video_usage_listing', true), "audio_mp3" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_post_audio_mp3', true), "audio_ogg" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_post_audio_oga', true), "audio_usage_listing" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_audio_usage_listing', true), "external_video" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'video_url', true), "gallery_images" => $rt_gallery_images, "featured_image_resize" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'blog_image_resize', true), "post_format_link" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'post_format_link', true), "featured_image_usage" => $featured_image_usage, "featured_image_same_single_page" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'featured_image_same_single_page', true), "featured_image_single_page" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'featured_image_single_page', true), "featured_image_position" => $featured_image_position, "featured_image_width" => $featured_image_width, "featured_image_height" => $featured_image_height, "slider_image_crop" => $slider_image_crop, "slider_image_width" => $slider_image_width, "slider_image_height" => $slider_image_height, "gallery_usage" => $gallery_usage, "gallery_usage_listing" => $gallery_usage_listing);
     return $rt_global_post_values;
  * Create a carousel from the provided images
  * @since 1.0
  * @param  array $rt_gallery_images  
  * @param  string $id  
  * @return output html
 function rt_create_image_carousel($atts = array())
     extract(shortcode_atts(array("id" => 'carousel-' . rand(100000, 1000000), "crop" => false, "h" => 10000, "w" => 10000, "rt_gallery_images" => array(), "column_width" => "1/1", "carousel_atts" => array(), "echo" => true, "lightbox" => "true"), $atts));
     //slider id
     $slider_id = "slider-" . $id;
     $crop = $crop === "false" ? false : $crop;
     //image dimensions for product image slider
     $w = empty($w) ? rt_get_min_resize_size($column_width) : $w;
     if (empty($h)) {
         $h = $crop ? $w / 1.5 : 10000;
     //create slides and thumbnails outputs
     $output = array();
     foreach ($rt_gallery_images as $image) {
         // Resize Image
         $image_output = is_numeric($image) ? rt_get_image_data(array("image_id" => trim($image), "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => $crop)) : rt_get_image_data(array("image_url" => trim($image), "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => $crop));
         if ($lightbox != "false") {
             //create lightbox link
             $output[] = rt_create_lightbox_link(array('class' => 'imgeffect zoom lightbox_', 'href' => $image_output["image_url"], 'title' => __('Enlarge Image', 'rt_theme'), 'data_group' => $slider_id, 'data_title' => $image_output["image_title"], 'data_description' => $image_output["image_caption"], 'data_thumbnail' => $image_output["lightbox_thumbnail"], 'echo' => false, 'inner_content' => sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="%s" itemprop="image">', $image_output["thumbnail_url"], $image_output["image_alternative_text"])));
         } else {
             $output[] = sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="%s" itemprop="image">', $image_output["thumbnail_url"], $image_output["image_alternative_text"]);
     //create slider
     if ($echo) {
         echo rt_create_carousel($output, $carousel_atts);
     } else {
         return rt_create_carousel($output, $carousel_atts);

# rt-theme
# post content for standart post types in carousels
global $rt_item_width, $rt_crop, $rt_display_excerpts, $rt_column_layout, $rt_limit_chars;
//max width
$rt_item_width_for_resize = isset($rt_column_layout) && is_numeric($rt_column_layout) && $rt_column_layout > $rt_item_width ? $rt_column_layout : $rt_item_width;
$w = rt_get_min_resize_size($rt_item_width_for_resize);
//max height
$h = $rt_crop ? $w / 2 : 10000;
$featured_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
// Create thumbnail image
$thumbnail_image_output = !empty($featured_image_id) ? get_resized_image_output(array("image_url" => "", "image_id" => $featured_image_id, "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => $rt_crop)) : "";
//the holder class for featured iamge and date
$holder_class = !empty($thumbnail_image_output) ? "featured-image" : "meta";

<div class="<?php 
echo $holder_class;
	<span class="date"><?php 
the_time(get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . "_date_format"));

if (is_singular('portfolio')) {
    //is crop active
    $rt_crop = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'image_crop', true);
    //image max height
    $h = $rt_crop ? get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'portfolio_max_image_height', true) : 10000;
    //Thumbnail dimensions
    $w = rt_get_min_resize_size(1);

     * Single Image
    if (is_array($rt_gallery_images) && count($rt_gallery_images) == 1) {
        // Get image data
        $image_output = rt_get_image_data(array("image_url" => $image, "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => $rt_crop));
    if (!empty($image_output["thumbnail_url"])) {
    function rt_photo_gallery_lines($atts, $content = null)
        global $rt_counter, $rt_item_width, $rt_randomID;
        extract(shortcode_atts(array("lightbox" => 'true', "custom_link" => '', "title" => '', "caption" => '', "open_in_new_tab" => 'false', "crop" => 'true'), $atts));
        //if w & h suplied li's are fluid
        $rt_item_width = empty($rt_item_width) ? 6 : $rt_item_width;
        //layout name values
        $layout_values = array('', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'fluid');
        $items_output = $caption_output = $lightbox_link = $image_effect = "";
        $photo = trim($content);
        // crop
        $crop = $crop == "false" ? false : true;
        // Thumbnail width & height
        $w = rt_get_min_resize_size($rt_item_width);
        $h = $crop ? $w / 1.5 : 10000;
        // Get image data
        $image_args = array("image_url" => $photo, "image_id" => "", "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => true);
        $image_output = rt_get_image_data($image_args);
        $target = $open_in_new_tab == "false" ? "_self" : "_new";
        //create lightbox link
        if ($lightbox != "false") {
            $lightbox_link = rt_create_lightbox_link(array('class' => 'icon-zoom-in lightbox_ single', 'href' => $image_output["image_url"], 'title' => __('Enlarge Image', 'rt_theme'), 'data_group' => $rt_randomID, 'data_title' => $title, 'data_description' => $caption, 'data_thumbnail' => $image_output["lightbox_thumbnail"], 'echo' => false));
            $image_effect = "imgeffect";
        } elseif ($custom_link == "" && $lightbox == "false") {
            $lightbox_link = "";
            $image_effect = "";
        } else {
            $lightbox_link = sprintf('
			<a href="%s" class="icon-link single" title="%s" target="%s"></a>', $custom_link, $title, $target);
            $image_effect = "imgeffect";
        //create caption
        $caption_output = !empty($caption) ? sprintf('
		<p class="gallery-caption-text">%s</p>
	', $caption) : "";
        // get the column class name
        $add_class = $layout_values[$rt_item_width];
        //add first last classes
        if ($rt_counter % $rt_item_width == 1 || $rt_item_width == 1) {
            $add_class .= " first";
        if ($rt_counter % $rt_item_width == 0) {
            $add_class .= " last";
        //list items output
        $items_output .= sprintf('
		<li class="box %s" data-rt-animate="animate" data-rt-animation-type="fadeIn">
			<div class="%s">	
				<img src="%s" alt="%s"> 									
	', $add_class, $image_effect, $lightbox_link, $image_output["thumbnail_url"], $title, $caption_output);
        return $items_output;
  * Get post values for loops
  * gets all data of a portfolio item including metas
  * @param  array $post
  * @param  array $atts [atts of rt_product_post_loop function]
  * @return array
 function rt_get_product_loop_post_values($post = array(), $atts = array())
     //featured image
     $featured_image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
     $featured_image_url = !empty($featured_image_id) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src($featured_image_id, "full") : "";
     $featured_image_url = is_array($featured_image_url) ? $featured_image_url[0] : "";
     	//custom thumbnail max height & crop settings for this post				
     	$this_featured_image_settings = get_post_meta( $post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG.'_featured_image_settings', true);
     	$featured_image_max_height = $this_featured_image_settings == "new" ? get_post_meta( $post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG.'_portfolio_image_height', true) : $featured_image_max_height;
     	$featured_image_crop = $this_featured_image_settings == "new" ? get_post_meta( $post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG.'_portfolio_image_crop', true) : $featured_image_crop;
     if ($featured_image_resize !== "false") {
         // thumbnail min width
         $w = !empty($featured_image_max_width) ? $featured_image_max_width : rt_get_min_resize_size($list_layout);
         // thumbnail max height
         $h = !empty($featured_image_max_height) ? $featured_image_max_height : 10000;
         //thumbnail output
         $thumbnail_image_output = !empty($featured_image_id) ? get_resized_image_output(array("image_url" => "", "image_id" => $featured_image_id, "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => $featured_image_crop)) : "";
     } else {
         //thumbnail output
         $thumbnail_image_output = !empty($featured_image_id) ? rt_get_image_output(array("image_url" => "", "image_id" => $featured_image_id)) : "";
     $permalink = get_permalink();
     //create global values array
     $rt_product_post_values = array("title" => get_the_title(), "permalink" => $permalink, "featured_image_id" => $featured_image_id, "featured_image_url" => $featured_image_url, "regular_price" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'price_regular', true), "sale_price" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'sale_price', true), "short_desc" => get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . 'short_description', true), "thumbnail_image_output" => $thumbnail_image_output);
     return $rt_product_post_values;
# image post format
global $rt_item_width, $rt_sidebar_location;
$short_data = get_post_meta($post->ID, RT_COMMON_THEMESLUG . '_short_data', true);
$long_data = get_the_content();
$permalink = !empty($long_data) ? get_permalink() : "";

<div class="half-background">
if (has_post_thumbnail() && !post_password_required()) {
<div class="person_image">
    // Create thumbnail image
    $thumbnail_image_output = get_resized_image_output(array("image_url" => "", "image_id" => get_post_thumbnail_id(), "w" => rt_get_min_resize_size($rt_item_width), "h" => 100000, "crop" => ""));
    echo $thumbnail_image_output;

<div class="person_name">
if ($permalink) {
		<h4><a href="<?php 
    echo $permalink;
function rt_woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail()
    global $post, $woocommerce, $woo_product_layout, $rt_title, $product;
    $image = has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) ? get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) : "";
    //is crop active
    $crop = get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_woo_product_image_crop') ? "true" : "";
    //image max height
    $h = $crop ? get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . '_woo_product_image_height') : 10000;
    //Thumbnail dimensions
    $w = rt_get_min_resize_size($woo_product_layout);
    // Resize Image
    $image_output = get_resized_image_output(array("image_url" => "", "image_id" => $image, "w" => $w, "h" => $h, "crop" => $crop));
    if (!empty($image_output)) {
        if (!get_option(RT_THEMESLUG . "_hide_embedded_cart_button")) {
            echo '<!-- product image --><div class="featured_image"><div class="imgeffect">	';
            echo do_action("rt_woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart");
            echo $image_output;
            echo '</div></div>';
        } else {
            echo '<!-- product image --><div class="featured_image">';
            echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . $image_output . '</a>';
            echo '</div>';