     * Social Media Share Shortcode
     * @global class $post 
     * @param  array $atts
     * @param  string $content
     * @return string $output
    function rt_social_media_share($atts = array(), $content = null)
        global $post;
        //Available Social Media Icons
        $rt_social_share_list = apply_filters("rt_social_media_list", array("Email" => array("icon_name" => "mail", "url" => "mailto:?body=[URL]", "popup" => false), "Twitter" => array("icon_name" => "twitter", "url" => "http://twitter.com/home?status=[TITLE]+[URL]", "popup" => true), "Facebook" => array("icon_name" => "facebook", "url" => "http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=[URL]&title=[TITLE]", "popup" => true), "Google +" => array("icon_name" => "gplus", "url" => "https://plus.google.com/share?url=[URL]", "popup" => true), "Pinterest" => array("icon_name" => "pinterest", "url" => "http://pinterest.com/pin/create/bookmarklet/?media=[MEDIA]&url=[URL]&is_video=false&description=[TITLE]", "popup" => true), "Tumblr" => array("icon_name" => "tumblr", "url" => "http://tumblr.com/share?url=[URL]&title=[TITLE]", "popup" => true), "Linkedin" => array("icon_name" => "linkedin", "url" => "http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=[URL]&title=[TITLE]&source=", "popup" => true), "Vkontakte" => array("icon_name" => "vkontakte", "url" => "http://vkontakte.ru/share.php?url=[URL]", "popup" => true)));
        $title = urlencode(get_the_title($post->ID));
        $permalink = urlencode(get_the_permalink($post->ID));
        $image = urlencode(rt_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID)));
        $output = "";
        foreach ($rt_social_share_list as $key => $value) {
            $value["url"] = str_replace("[URL]", $permalink, $value["url"]);
            $value["url"] = str_replace("[TITLE]", $title, $value["url"]);
            $value["url"] = str_replace("[MEDIA]", $image, $value["url"]);
            $output .= '<li class="' . $value["icon_name"] . '">';
            $output .= $value["popup"] ? '<a class="icon-' . $value["icon_name"] . ' " href="#" data-url="' . $value["url"] . '" title="' . $key . '">' : '<a class="icon-' . $value["icon_name"] . ' " href="' . $value["url"] . '" title="' . $key . '">';
            $output .= '<span>' . $key . '</span>';
            $output .= '</a>';
            $output .= '</li>';
        return '
		<div class="social_share_holder">
		<div class="share_text"><span class="icon-share">' . __("Share", "rt_theme") . '</span></div>
		<ul class="social_media">' . $output . '</ul>
     * RT Slide
     * returns html ouput of a slide 
     * @param  [array] $atts  
     * @param  [string] $content
     * @return [string] $output
    function rt_slide($atts, $content = null)
        global $rt_slider_min_height;
        extract(shortcode_atts(array("class" => '', "content_width" => 600, "content_wrapper_width" => "default", "content_bg_color" => "", "content_color_schema" => "", "content_align" => "right", 'bg_color' => '', 'bg_image' => '', 'bg_image_repeat' => '', 'bg_position' => '', 'bg_size' => '', 'top_margin' => '', 'link' => '', 'link_target' => '_self', 'link_title' => ''), $atts));
        $style_output = $content_style_output = $content_class = "";
        //get slide content
        echo do_shortcode(rt_visual_composer_content_fix($content));
        $get_slide_content = ob_get_contents();
        //css class
        $class = !empty($class) ? sanitize_html_class($class) : "";
        //color schema
        $class .= !empty($content_color_schema) ? " " . sanitize_html_class($content_color_schema) : "";
        //bg values
        if (!empty($bg_image)) {
            $bg_image = rt_get_attachment_image_src($bg_image);
            //background image
            $style_output .= 'background-image: url(' . $bg_image . ');';
            //background repeat
            $style_output .= !empty($bg_image_repeat) ? 'background-repeat: ' . $bg_image_repeat . ';' : "";
            //background size
            $style_output .= !empty($bg_size) ? 'background-size: ' . $bg_size . ';' : "";
            //background attachment
            //$style_output  .= ! empty( $bg_attachment ) ? 'background-attachment: '.$bg_attachment.';': "";
            //background position
            $style_output .= !empty($bg_position) ? 'background-position: ' . $bg_position . ';' : "";
        //background color
        $style_output .= !empty($bg_color) ? 'background-color: ' . $bg_color . ';' : "";
        $style_output .= !empty($rt_slider_min_height) ? 'min-height: ' . $rt_slider_min_height . 'px;' : "";
        //content width
        $content_style_output .= !empty($content_width) ? 'width: ' . $content_width . '%;' : "";
        //content bg color
        $content_style_output .= !empty($content_bg_color) ? 'background-color: ' . $content_bg_color . ';' : "";
        //content class
        $content_class .= !empty($content_align) ? " " . $content_align : "";
        //content top margin
        $content_style_output .= !empty($top_margin) ? 'margin-top: ' . $top_margin . 'px;' : "";
        //style outputs
        $style_output = !empty($style_output) ? 'style="' . $style_output . '"' : "";
        $content_style_output = !empty($content_style_output) ? 'style="' . $content_style_output . '"' : "";
        $link_output = !empty($link) ? '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '" target="' . $link_target . '" title="' . sanitize_text_field($link_title) . '"></a>' : "";
        return sprintf('
		<div class="item %s" %s>
			<div class="slide-content-wrapper %s clearfix">
				<div class="slide-content animation %s" %s>					
		</div>', $class, $style_output, $link_output, $content_wrapper_width, $content_class, $content_style_output, $get_slide_content);
  * Get html output of an image
  * @param  array $atts
  * @return html 
 function rt_get_image_output($atts = array())
     extract(shortcode_atts(array("image_url" => "", "image_id" => "", "class" => "", "id" => ""), $atts));
     if (empty($image_id) && empty($image_url)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         //find img id from src
         if (empty($image_id) && !empty($image_url)) {
             $image_id = rt_get_attachment_id_from_src($image_url);
         //image alt texx
         $image_alternative_text = !empty($image_id) ? get_post_meta($image_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true) : "";
         //image src
         $image_src = !empty($image_id) ? rt_get_attachment_image_src($image_id) : $image_url;
         //if img src couldn't found return false
         if (!$image_src) {
         //image id attr
         $id = !empty($id) ? 'id="' . $id . '"' : "";
         //the output
         $image_output = '<img ' . $id . ' itemprop="image" src="' . $image_src . '" alt="' . $image_alternative_text . '" class="' . $class . '" />';
         return $image_output;
  * rt_row shortcode
  * creates a holder for contents with several background effects and layouts
  * @param  [array] $atts    
  * @param  [string] $content  
 function rt_row($atts, $content = null, $tag = "")
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('rt_row_background_width' => '', 'rt_row_content_width' => '', 'rt_row_height' => '', 'rt_row_style' => '', 'rt_bg_color' => '', 'rt_bg_image' => '', 'rt_bg_effect' => '', 'rt_bg_parallax_effect' => '', 'rt_bg_image_repeat' => '', 'rt_bg_position' => '', 'rt_bg_size' => '', 'rt_bg_attachment' => '', 'rt_row_paddings' => '', 'rt_padding_top' => '', 'rt_padding_bottom' => '', 'rt_padding_left' => '', 'rt_padding_right' => '', 'rt_border_radius_tl' => '', 'rt_border_radius_tr' => '', 'rt_border_radius_bl' => '', 'rt_border_radius_br' => '', 'rt_grid' => "", 'rt_overlap' => "", 'rt_row_borders' => "", 'el_class' => '', 'vc_base' => '', 'class' => '', 'id' => '', 'full_height' => '', 'content_placement' => '', 'rt_bg_overlay_color' => '', 'rt_bg_video_mp4' => '', 'rt_bg_video_webm' => '', 'rt_bg_video_youtube' => ''), $atts));
     $style = $bg_style = $output = $wrapper_style = $wrapper_class = $attr = "";
     //image id attr
     $id = !empty($id) ? 'id="' . sanitize_html_class($id) . '"' : "";
     $class .= !empty($el_class) ? " " . $el_class : "";
     //row style
     $class .= !empty($rt_row_style) ? " " . $rt_row_style : "";
     //row background width
     $class .= !empty($rt_row_background_width) ? " " . $rt_row_background_width : "";
     //border grid
     $class .= !empty($rt_grid) && $rt_grid == "true" ? " border_grid fixed_heights" : "";
     $class .= !empty($rt_overlap) && $rt_overlap == "true" ? " overlap" : "";
      * VC Related Features
     if (!empty($full_height)) {
         $class .= ' vc_row-o-full-height';
         if (!empty($content_placement)) {
             $class .= ' vc_row-o-content-' . $content_placement;
      *	Background options  
     //background image
     $bg_image_url = "";
     if ($rt_bg_image) {
         $bg_image_url = rt_get_attachment_image_src($rt_bg_image);
      * Paddings
     if ($rt_row_paddings !== "false") {
         //row paddings for left & right 10 is the default value
         $rt_padding_left = $rt_padding_left == "10" ? "" : $rt_padding_left;
         $rt_padding_right = $rt_padding_right == "10" ? "" : $rt_padding_right;
         //row paddings for top & bottom 20 is the default value
         $rt_padding_top = $rt_padding_top == "20" ? "" : $rt_padding_top;
         $rt_padding_bottom = $rt_padding_bottom == "20" ? "" : $rt_padding_bottom;
         //css for row paddings
         $wrapper_style .= $rt_padding_top != "" ? 'padding-top:' . str_replace("px", "", $rt_padding_top) . 'px;' : "";
         $wrapper_style .= $rt_padding_bottom != "" ? 'padding-bottom:' . str_replace("px", "", $rt_padding_bottom) . 'px;' : "";
         $wrapper_style .= $rt_padding_left != "" ? 'padding-left:' . str_replace("px", "", $rt_padding_left) . 'px;' : "";
         $wrapper_style .= $rt_padding_right != "" ? 'padding-right:' . str_replace("px", "", $rt_padding_right) . 'px;' : "";
     } else {
         $wrapper_class = "nopadding";
      * Borders
     $rt_row_borders = !empty($rt_row_borders) ? explode(",", $rt_row_borders) : array();
     foreach ($rt_row_borders as $v) {
         $class .= " border-" . $v;
     $style .= $rt_border_radius_tl != "" ? 'border-top-left-radius:' . str_replace("%", "", $rt_border_radius_tl) . '%;' : "";
     $style .= $rt_border_radius_tr != "" ? 'border-top-right-radius:' . str_replace("%", "", $rt_border_radius_tr) . '%;' : "";
     $style .= $rt_border_radius_bl != "" ? 'border-bottom-left-radius:' . str_replace("%", "", $rt_border_radius_bl) . '%;' : "";
     $style .= $rt_border_radius_br != "" ? 'border-bottom-right-radius:' . str_replace("%", "", $rt_border_radius_br) . '%;' : "";
     //row height
     $wrapper_style .= !empty($rt_row_height) ? 'height:' . str_replace("px", "", $rt_row_height) . 'px;' : "";
     //parallax settings
     $parallax = "";
      * classic bg values
     if (!empty($bg_image_url)) {
         //background image
         $bg_style .= 'background-image: url(' . $bg_image_url . ');';
         //background repeat
         $bg_style .= !empty($rt_bg_image_repeat) ? 'background-repeat: ' . $rt_bg_image_repeat . ';' : "";
         //background size
         $bg_style .= !empty($rt_bg_size) ? 'background-size: ' . $rt_bg_size . ';' : "";
         //background attachment
         $rt_bg_attachment = $rt_bg_effect != "parallax" ? $rt_bg_attachment : "";
         $bg_style .= !empty($rt_bg_attachment) ? 'background-attachment: ' . $rt_bg_attachment . ';' : "";
         //background position
         //$rt_bg_position = $rt_bg_effect == "parallax" ? "center" : $rt_bg_position;
         $bg_style .= !empty($rt_bg_position) ? 'background-position: ' . $rt_bg_position . ';' : "";
     //background color
     $bg_style .= !empty($rt_bg_color) ? 'background-color: ' . $rt_bg_color . ';' : "";
     if ($rt_bg_effect == "parallax" && !empty($bg_image_url)) {
         //parallax settings
         $parallax_settings = array("1" => array("effect" => "horizontal", "direction" => -1), "2" => array("effect" => "horizontal", "direction" => 1), "3" => array("effect" => "vertical", "direction" => -1), "4" => array("effect" => "vertical", "direction" => 1));
         $bg_style .= "width:100%;height:100%;top:0;";
         $parallax = !empty($bg_image_url) && $rt_bg_effect == "parallax" ? '<div class="rt-parallax-background" data-rt-parallax-direction="' . $parallax_settings[$rt_bg_parallax_effect]["direction"] . '" data-rt-parallax-effect="' . $parallax_settings[$rt_bg_parallax_effect]["effect"] . '" style="' . $bg_style . '"></div>' : "";
         $bg_style = "";
         $style .= "position:relative;overflow:hidden;";
      * HTML5 Video BG
     $video_bg = "";
     if (!empty($rt_bg_video_mp4)) {
         //the video output
         $mp4_url = is_numeric($rt_bg_video_mp4) ? wp_get_attachment_url($rt_bg_video_mp4) : $rt_bg_video_mp4;
         $webm_url = is_numeric($rt_bg_video_webm) ? wp_get_attachment_url($rt_bg_video_webm) : $rt_bg_video_webm;
         $video_bg .= '<video class="content-row-video"  autoplay="true" preload="1" loop="1">' . "\n";
         $video_bg .= '<source src=" ' . $mp4_url . '" type="video/mp4"></source>' . "\n";
         $video_bg .= !empty($webm_url) ? '<source src=" ' . $webm_url . '" type="video/webm"></source>' . "\n" : "";
         $video_bg .= '</video>' . "\n";
         $class .= " has-video-bg";
      * Youtube Video BG
     if (!empty($rt_bg_video_youtube)) {
         $video_bg = "";
         //the video output
         $attr .= ' data-vc-video-bg="' . $rt_bg_video_youtube . '"';
         $class .= " has-video-bg vc_video-bg-container";
      * BG Overlay
     $overlay = "";
     if (!empty($rt_bg_overlay_color)) {
         //color overlay layer
         $overlay = '<div class="content-row-video-overlay" style="background-color:' . $rt_bg_overlay_color . '"></div>' . "\n";
         $class .= " has-bg-overlay";
     //create styles
     $style .= $bg_style;
     $style_output = !empty($style) ? 'style="' . $style . '"' : "";
     $wrapper_style = !empty($wrapper_style) ? 'style="' . $wrapper_style . '"' : "";
     //content output
     $content_output = $vc_base === 'vc_row' || empty($vc_base) && $tag != "vc_row_inner" ? '<div class="content_row_wrapper ' . $wrapper_class . ' ' . $rt_row_content_width . '" ' . $wrapper_style . '>' . do_shortcode($content) . '</div>' : do_shortcode($content);
     $output .= "\n" . '<div ' . $id . ' class="content_row row ' . trim($class) . '" ' . $style_output . '' . $attr . '>';
     $output .= "\n\t" . $video_bg . $parallax . $overlay;
     $output .= "\n\t" . $content_output;
     $output .= "\n" . '</div>' . "\n";
     return $output;