     * Constructor. We define the config table to work with here.
    function roster_config($tablename, $where = '1', $prefix = 'config_')
        global $roster;
        $this->tablename = $tablename;
        $this->where = $where;
        $this->prefix = $prefix;
        $this->form_start = "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" id=\"" . $this->prefix . "config\" onsubmit=\"return confirm('" . $roster->locale->act['confirm_config_submit'] . "');\">\n";
        $this->submit_button = "<div class=\"config-submit\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $roster->locale->act['config_submit_button'] . "\" />\n<input type=\"reset\" name=\"Reset\" value=\"" . $roster->locale->act['config_reset_button'] . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . $roster->locale->act['confirm_config_reset'] . "')\"/>\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"process\" value=\"process\" /></div>\n";
        $this->form_end = "</form>\n";
        // Color Picker JS
        $jscript = '$(function() {
				var ' . $this->prefix . 'tabs=new tabcontent(\'' . $this->prefix . 'tabs\');
				' . $this->prefix . 'tabs.init();

					onSubmit: function(hsb, hex, rgb, el) {
						$(el).val("#" + hex.toUpperCase());
						$(el).next().css("background-color", "#" + hex.toUpperCase());
					onShow: function (colpkr) {
						return false;
					onBeforeShow: function () {
					onHide: function (colpkr) {
						return false;
				.bind("keyup", function(){
					$(this).next().css("background-color", this.value);
        roster_add_js($jscript, 'inline', 'footer');
        roster_add_css('templates/' . $roster->tpl->tpl . '/style/colorpicker.css', 'theme');
    // Include addon's inc/conf.php file
    if (file_exists($addon['conf_file'])) {
        include_once $addon['conf_file'];
    // The addon will now assign its output to $content
    $content = '';
    require $path;
    $content .= ob_get_clean();
    // Pass all the css to roster_add_css() which is a placeholder in roster_header for more css style defines
    if ($addon['css_url'] != '') {
        roster_add_css($addon['css_url'], 'theme');
    if ($addon['tpl_css_url'] != '') {
        roster_add_css($addon['tpl_css_url'], 'theme');
    if ($roster->output['show_header']) {
        include_once ROSTER_BASE . 'header.php';
    if ($roster->output['show_menu']) {
        $roster_menu = new RosterMenu();
    echo $content;
    if ($roster->output['show_footer']) {
        include_once ROSTER_BASE . 'footer.php';
} else {
    roster_die(sprintf($roster->locale->act['addon_disabled'], $addon['basename']), $roster->locale->act['addon_error']);
文件: index.php 项目: Sajaki/addons
				onHide: function (colpkr) {
					return false;
			.bind("keyup", function(){
				$(this).next().css("background-color", this.value);
    roster_add_js($jscript_head, 'inline', 'header');
    roster_add_js($jscript_foot, 'inline', 'footer');
    roster_add_css('templates/' . $roster->tpl->tpl . '/style/colorpicker.css', 'theme');
// ----[ Clear file status cache ]--------------------------
// ----[ Check for required files ]-------------------------
if (!defined('SIGCONFIG_CONF')) {
    print errorMode($roster->locale->act['config_notfound'], $roster->locale->act['fatal_error']);
$siggen_functions_file = SIGGEN_DIR . 'inc' . DIR_SEP . 'functions.inc';
if (file_exists($siggen_functions_file)) {
    require_once $siggen_functions_file;
    $functions = new SigConfigClass();
} else {
    print errorMode(sprintf($roster->locale->act['functions_notfound'], str_replace(DIR_SEP, '/', $siggen_functions_file)), $roster->locale->act['fatal_error']);
 * @copyright  2002-2011 WoWRoster.net
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html   Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
 * @version    SVN: $Id$
 * @link       http://www.wowroster.net
 * @package    WoWRoster
 * @subpackage Theme
if (!defined('IN_ROSTER')) {
    exit('Detected invalid access to this file!');
define('R_TPL_VERSION', '');
roster_add_js('templates/' . $roster->tpl->tpl . '/theme.js');
roster_add_css('templates/' . $roster->tpl->tpl . '/style/jquery-ui.css', 'theme');
roster_add_css('templates/' . $roster->tpl->tpl . '/style/ui.selectmenu.css', 'theme');
roster_add_css('templates/' . $roster->tpl->tpl . '/style/jquery.multiselect.css', 'theme');
roster_add_css('templates/' . $roster->tpl->tpl . '/style/base.css', 'theme');
 * Starts or ends fancy bodering containers
 * @param string $style What bordering style to use
 * @param string $mode ( start | end )
 * @param string $header_text Place text in a styled header
 * @param string $hwidth Set a fixed width for the box
 * @return string
function border($style, $mode, $header_text = '', $width = '')
    $backg_css = $style . 'border';
    if (substr($style, 0, 1) == 's') {
        $style = 'simple';
 * @package    IntanceKeys
if (!defined('IN_ROSTER')) {
    exit('Detected invalid access to this file!');
if (!active_addon('memberslist')) {
    // Memberslist not installed. Just die for now.
    roster_die("You will need to install memberslist to use the keys addon display component");
$memberslist_addon = getaddon('memberslist');
// Include addon's locale files if they exist
foreach ($roster->multilanguages as $lang) {
    $roster->locale->add_locale_file($memberslist_addon['locale_dir'] . $lang . '.php', $lang);
// Apply memberslist style
roster_add_css($memberslist_addon['tpl_css_url'], 'theme');
include_once $memberslist_addon['inc_dir'] . 'memberslist.php';
include_once ROSTER_LIB . 'item.php';
$memberlist = new memberslist(array(), $memberslist_addon);
// First define static data
$mainSelect = 'SELECT ' . '`members`.`member_id`, ' . '`members`.`name`, ' . '`members`.`class`, ' . '`members`.`level`, ' . '`members`.`zone`, ' . '`members`.`online`, ' . '`members`.`last_online`, ' . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`members`.`last_online`) AS 'last_online_stamp', " . "DATE_FORMAT(  DATE_ADD(`members`.`last_online`, INTERVAL " . $roster->config['localtimeoffset'] . " HOUR ), '" . $roster->locale->act['timeformat'] . "' ) AS 'last_online_format', " . '`members`.`note`, ' . '`members`.`guild_title`, ' . '`alts`.`main_id`, ' . '`guild`.`update_time`, ' . "IF( `members`.`note` IS NULL OR `members`.`note` = '', 1, 0 ) AS 'nisnull', " . '`members`.`officer_note`, ' . "IF( `members`.`officer_note` IS NULL OR `members`.`officer_note` = '', 1, 0 ) AS 'onisnull', " . '`members`.`guild_rank`, ' . '`players`.`server`, ' . '`players`.`race`, ' . '`players`.`sex`, ' . '`players`.`exp`, ' . '`players`.`clientLocale`, ' . '`players`.`lifetimeRankName`, ' . '`players`.`lifetimeHighestRank`, ' . "IF( `players`.`lifetimeHighestRank` IS NULL OR `players`.`lifetimeHighestRank` = '0', 1, 0 ) AS 'risnull', " . '`players`.`hearth`, ' . "IF( `players`.`hearth` IS NULL OR `players`.`hearth` = '', 1, 0 ) AS 'hisnull', " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `players`.`dateupdatedutc`) AS 'last_update_stamp', " . "DATE_FORMAT(  DATE_ADD(`players`.`dateupdatedutc`, INTERVAL " . $roster->config['localtimeoffset'] . " HOUR ), '" . $roster->locale->act['timeformat'] . "' ) AS 'last_update_format', " . "IF( `players`.`dateupdatedutc` IS NULL OR `players`.`dateupdatedutc` = '', 1, 0 ) AS 'luisnull', ";
$mainTables = 'FROM `' . $roster->db->table('members') . '` AS members ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . $roster->db->table('alts', $memberslist_addon['basename']) . '` AS alts ON `members`.`member_id` = `alts`.`member_id` ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . $roster->db->table('players') . '` AS players ON `members`.`member_id` = `players`.`member_id` ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . $roster->db->table('guild') . '` AS guild ON `members`.`guild_id` = `guild`.`guild_id` ' . 'INNER JOIN `' . $roster->db->table('keycache', $addon['basename']) . '` AS keycache ON `members`.`member_id` = `keycache`.`member_id` ';
$where[] = '`members`.`guild_id` = "' . $roster->data['guild_id'] . '"';
$group[] = '`members`.`member_id`';
$order_last[] = '`members`.`level` DESC';
$order_last[] = '`members`.`name` ASC';
$FIELD['name'] = array('lang_field' => 'name', 'filt_field' => '`members`.`name`', 'order' => array('`members`.`name` ASC'), 'order_d' => array('`members`.`name` DESC'), 'value' => array($memberlist, 'name_value'), 'js_type' => 'ts_string', 'display' => 3);
$FIELD['class'] = array('lang_field' => 'class', 'filt_field' => '`members`.`class`', 'order' => array('`members`.`class` ASC'), 'order_d' => array('`members`.`class` DESC'), 'value' => array($memberlist, 'class_value'), 'js_type' => 'ts_string', 'display' => 2);
$FIELD['level'] = array('lang_field' => 'level', 'filt_field' => '`members`.`level`', 'order' => array('`members`.`level` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`members`.`level` ASC'), 'value' => array($memberlist, 'level_value'), 'js_type' => 'ts_number', 'display' => 2);
// For each key, we get two extra database columns and an extra FIELD
$keyQuery = "SELECT * " . "FROM `" . $roster->db->table('keys', $addon['basename']) . "` ";

roster_add_js($addon['url'] . 'js/jquery.easing.1.3.js');
roster_add_js($addon['url'] . 'js/camera.min.js');
roster_add_css($addon['tpl_url'] . 'camera.css');
include_once $addon['inc_dir'] . 'functions.lib.php';
$func = new mainFunctions();
// Add news if any was POSTed
if (isset($_POST['process']) && $_POST['process'] == 'process') {
    if (isset($_POST['author']) && !empty($_POST['author']) && isset($_POST['title']) && !empty($_POST['title']) && isset($_POST['news']) && !empty($_POST['news'])) {
        if (isset($_POST['html']) && $_POST['html'] == 1 && $addon['config']['news_html'] >= 0) {
            $html = 1;
        } else {
            $html = 0;
        if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
            $func->newsUPDATE($_POST, $html);
        } else {
            $func->newsADD($_POST, $html);
    } else {
        $roster->set_message($roster->locale->act['news_error_process'], '', 'error');
$roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('FACTION' => isset($roster->data['factionEn']) ? strtolower($roster->data['factionEn']) : false, 'JSDIE' => $addon['dir'] . 'js'));
$r = $func->makeUSERmenu($roster->output['show_menu']);
$usrmenu = '<ul style="line-height: 24px;">';
foreach ($r['user'] as $i => $usr) {
    $usrmenu .= '<li><div class="icon">
	<img src="' . $usr['ICON'] . '" alt="" />
	<div class="mask"></div>
    //echo 'has killed '.$data['name'].' ('.$data['quantity'].')<br>';
    $ts = $data['timestamp'] / 1000;
    echo '<li class="ach ">
			<span  class="icon-frame frame-36" >
				<img src="http://www.wowroster.net/Interface/Icons/' . $data['achievement']['icon'] . '.png" />
			' . $data['quantity'] . ' <span style="color:#FFB100">' . $data['achievement']['title'] . '</span> Kills.
		<dt>' . convert_date($ts) . '</dt>
roster_add_css($addon['dir'] . 'style.css', 'module');
$member_name = $roster->data['name'];
$member_realm = $roster->data['server'];
$member_str = $member_name . '@' . $roster->data['region'] . '-' . $member_realm;
$a = $roster->api->Char->getCharInfo($member_realm, $member_name, '16');
//echo 'Current feed info for '.$member_str.'<br><hr><br>';
echo '<div class="container">
	<div class="tier-1-a">
		<div class="tier-1-b">
			<div class="tier-1-c">
				<div class="tier-1-title">Activity Feed for ' . $member_str . '</div>
				<div class="tier-2-a">
					<div class="tier-2-b">';
$type = array();
echo '
<ul class="activity-feed">';