function rockthemes_pb_make_modals($arr)
    $return = '';
    foreach ($arr as $modal) {
        if ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'textfield') {
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= '<div id="' . $id . '" modalType="' . $modal['modal']['descType'] . '" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="' . $id . '" aria-hidden="true">
					<div class="modal-header">
						<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
						<h3>Text Field</h3>
					<div class="modal-body">
						<textarea rows="10" cols="50" style="width:100%">' . $modal['modal']['desc'] . '</textarea>
					<div class="modal-footer">
						<button class="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button>
						<div class="button-primary">Save changes</div>
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'ajaxfiltered') {
             **	Ajax Filtered Elem
            $totalItemsToShow = '<div class="total_show_holder"><h4>Select Total Item To Show</h4><select class="total_show" autocomplete="off">';
            for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++) {
                if ($modal['modal']['data']['data']['total'] == $i) {
                    $totalItemsToShow .= '<option value="' . $i . '" selected>' . $i . '</option>';
                } else {
                    $totalItemsToShow .= '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>';
            $totalItemsToShow .= '</select></div>';
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $chosenCategory = isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['category']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['category'] : '';
            $activate_hover_box = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['activate_hover_box']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['activate_hover_box'] : false, false);
            $activate_hover = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['activate_hover']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['activate_hover'] : false, false);
            $small_thumb_hover = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['small_thumb_hover']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['small_thumb_hover'] : false, false);
            $boxed_layout = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['boxed_layout']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['boxed_layout'] : false, false);
            $use_shadow = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['use_shadow']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['use_shadow'] : false, false);
            $disable_hover_link = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['disable_hover_link']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['disable_hover_link'] : false, false);
            $activate_category_link = isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['activate_category_link']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['activate_category_link'] : "";
            $header_title = isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['header_title']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['header_title'] : "";
            $excerpt_length = isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['excerpt_length']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['excerpt_length'] : 18;
            $use_border_on_categories = isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['use_border_on_categories']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['use_border_on_categories'] : "";
            $excerpt_length_html = '<select class="excerpt_length" autocomplete="off">';
            for ($e = 0; $e < 150; $e++) {
                if ($e == $excerpt_length) {
                    $excerpt_length_html .= '<option value="' . $e . '" selected="selected">' . $e . '</option>';
                } else {
                    $excerpt_length_html .= '<option value="' . $e . '">' . $e . '</option>';
            $excerpt_length_html .= '</select>';
            $return .= '
			<div id="' . $id . '" modalType="' . $modal['modal']['descType'] . '" class="modal container hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="Grid" aria-hidden="true">
					<div class="modal-header">
						<div class="close builder-close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div>
						<h3>Filtered Ajax Gallery</h3>
					<div class="modal-body">
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6 image_sizes_column"  bind="' . $id . '" calc="true">
								' . rock_builder_get_image_sizes(isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['imageSize']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['imageSize'] : '', $id, '') . '
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Choose image size</strong><br/>
								<p>You can choose any image sizes for Ajax Filtered Portfolio. But we recommend using cropped image sizes.</p>
						<div class="row-fluid post_type_tax_holder">
							<div class="span6">
								' . rock_builder_get_customposttypes($modal['modal']['data']['data']['postType'], $id, '') . '
								' . rock_builder_get_taxonomies($chosenCategory, $modal['modal']['data']['data']['postType'], '') . '
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Choose A Post Type</strong></br>
								<p>Choose the post type</p><br/>
								<strong>Choose Taxonomies/Categories to Display</strong></br>
								<p>Choose categories/taxonomies. You can choose multiple categories/taxonomies or just single taxonomy/category. You can also choose all categories/taxonomies by choosing the "All".</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" type="text" class="header_title" value="' . $header_title . '" />
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Header Title</strong>
								<p>You can choose to use a header title for filtered ajax portfolio. If you leave this area empty, header title will not be displayed.</p>
						' . rock_builder_get_block_grid_list(isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['block_grid_large']) ? intval($modal['modal']['data']['data']['block_grid_large']) : '', isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['block_grid_medium']) ? intval($modal['modal']['data']['data']['block_grid_medium']) : '', isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['block_grid_small']) ? intval($modal['modal']['data']['data']['block_grid_small']) : '') . '
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								' . $totalItemsToShow . '
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Total Products to Show</strong></br>
								<p>This will set up the total products for each category. If you choose 18, you will be showing 18 products for each category.</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<select class="activate_category_link"  autocomplete="off">
									<option value="active" ' . ($activate_category_link == "active" ? "selected" : "") . '>Activate</option>
									<option value="deactive" ' . ($activate_category_link == "deactive" ? "selected" : "") . '>Deactivate</option>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Activate Category Link</strong></br>
								<p>If you activate this option, there will be a link under the products for the chosen category.</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								' . $excerpt_length_html . '
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Excerpt Length</strong>
								<p>You can adjust the excerpt length in words. Which means if you choose 10, your excerpt will show up to 10 words from your originial excerpt.</p>

						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<select class="use_border_on_categories"  autocomplete="off">
									<option value="active" ' . ($use_border_on_categories == "active" ? "selected" : "") . '>Use Border On Category Names</option>
									<option value="deactive" ' . ($use_border_on_categories == "deactive" ? "selected" : "") . '>Do Not Use Border On Category Names</option>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Use Border On Category Names</strong></br>
								<p>If you want to add a border around category names choose this option.</p>

						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<div class="activate_hover_box_holder">
									<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" class="activate_hover_box" type="checkbox" value="true" name="activate_hover_box" ' . $activate_hover_box . ' /><label for="activate_hover_box"> Activate Hover Box</label>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Activate Hover Box Effect</strong></br>
								<p>If you activate hover box effect, your thumbnails will show a bigger image with excerpt when hovered</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<div class="activate_hover_holder">
									<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" class="activate_hover" type="checkbox" value="true" name="activate_hover" ' . $activate_hover . ' /><label for="activate_hover"> Activate Hover Effect</label>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Activate Regular Hover Effect</strong></br>
								<p>This option will show the regular hover effect with PrettyPhoto (lightbox). If you activate this option, you can not activate the hover box option. Two option can not be activated.</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<div class="disable_hover_link_holder">
									<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" class="disable_hover_link" type="checkbox" value="true" name="disable_hover_link" ' . $disable_hover_link . ' /><label for="activate_hover"> Disable Hover Link</label>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Disable Hover Link</strong></br>
								<p>If you want to disable the link in the hover effect check this option.</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<div class="use_shadow_holder">
									<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" class="use_shadow" type="checkbox" value="true" name="use_shadow" ' . $use_shadow . ' /><label for="use_shadow"> Use Shadow</label>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Activate Shadow Under Thumbnails</strong></br>
								<p>If you want a shadow under thumbnail images check this option. This shadow will be under the thumbnail images not hover box images.</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<div class="small_thumb_hover_holder">
									<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" class="small_thumb_hover" type="checkbox" value="true" name="small_thumb_hover" ' . $small_thumb_hover . ' /><label for="small_thumb_hover"> Small Thumbnail Hover Effect</label>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Activate Small Thumbnail Hover Effect</strong></br>
								<p>If you are using "Regular Hover Effect" and your thumbnails are smaller than 100px, you should activate this option.</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<div class="boxed_layout_holder">
									<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" class="boxed_layout" type="checkbox" value="true" name="boxed_layout" ' . $boxed_layout . ' /><label for="boxed_layout"> Use Boxed Layout</label>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Activate Boxed Layout</strong></br>
								<p>You can easily activate/deactivate boxed layout.</p>
					<div class="modal-footer">
						<button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button><div class="btn btn-primary builder-close ajaxfiltered-save">Save changes</div>
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'featuredimage') {
             **	Featured Image Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= '			
				<div id="' . $id . '" class="modal container hide fade" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
					<div class="modal-header">
						<div class="close builder-close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div>
						<h3>Featured Image</h3>
					<div class="modal-body">
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6 featured_element_holder">
								' . rock_builder_get_image_sizes(isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['imageSize']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['imageSize'] : '', $id, '') . '
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Choose a Size</strong></br>
								<p>You need to upload your featured image to use this element. You can choose different image sizes for your featured image. You can also adjust image sizes in Theme Options</p>
					<div class="modal-footer">
						<div class="btn builder-close">Close</div>
						<div class="btn btn-primary featuredimage-save builder-close" ref="' . $id . '">Save changes</div>
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'swiperslider') {
             **	Swiper Slider Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $linkString = '';
            $max_width = $modal['modal']['data']['data']['maxWidth'];
            $avoid_sidebar = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['avoidSidebar']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['avoidSidebar'] : false, false);
            $images = '';
            if ($modal['modal']['data']['data']['images']) {
                $current_img_num = 0;
                foreach ($modal['modal']['data']['data']['images'] as $image) {
                    $images .= '
						<div class="swiperslider-modal-image" ref="' . $id . '">
							<h4>Choose an Image</h4>
							<div class="hide image-data"></div>
							<label for="upload_image"> <input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" modalID="' . $id . '" id="' . $id . '_' . $current_img_num . '" class="upload_image_button" size="36" name="upload_image" type="text" value="' . $image . '" /> <input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" class="button image_uploader_class" value="Upload Image" type="button" /> </label>
							' . $linkString . '
							<div class="button delete-image-button" ref="' . $id . '">Delete Image</div>
							<br />
            $return .= '
				<div id="' . $id . '" modalType="' . $modal['modal']['descType'] . '" class="modal container hide fade" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
					<div class="modal-header">
						<div class="close builder-close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div>
						<h3>Swiper Slider</h3>
					<div class="modal-body" data-saved="false">
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6 image_sizes_holder">
								' . rock_builder_get_image_sizes(isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['imageSize']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['imageSize'] : '', $id, 'Choose an Image Size') . '
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Choose a Size</strong></br>
								<p>You can choose different image sizes for your featured image. You can also adjust image sizes in Theme Options</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6 images_holder">
								' . $images . '
							<div class="span6">
								<h4>Add New Image</h4>
								<p>You can add images to Swiper Slider by clicking to "Add New Image" button</p>
								<div class="button add-new-image">Add New Image</div>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" name="max_width_holder" class="max_width_holder" type="text" value="' . $max_width . '" />
							<div class="span6">
								<h4>Maximum Width</h4>
								<p>This is an advanced responsivity option. You can choose the max width breakpoint for this element. </p>
					<div class="modal-footer">
						<div class="btn builder-close">Close</div>
						<div class="btn btn-primary swiperslider-save builder-close" ref="' . $id . '">Save changes</div>
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'pricingtable') {
             **	Pricing Table Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $linkString = '';
            $max_width = '';
            $featured_text = $modal['modal']['data']['data']['featuredText'];
            $show_details_in_tables = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['show_details_in_tables']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['show_details_in_tables'] : false, false);
            $i = 0;
            $optionNames = '';
            if ($modal['modal']['data']['data']['optionNames']) {
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($modal['modal']['data']['data']['optionNames'] as $optionName) {
                    $optionNames .= '
						<div class="new-option new-option-' . $i . '">
							<div class="row-fluid escape_hover">
							<div class="btn btn-mini btn-danger span3 remove_option_button" ref="new-option-' . $i . '"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div><input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" type="text" class="span9" value="' . $optionName . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Enter your option name (i.e. Bandwidth, Traffic, OS)" />
							<h4 style="margin:' . ($i === 0 ? '0.41em 0;' : '0.41em 0;') . '">Option Icon : </h4>
            $tables = '';
            $total_tables = 0;
            if ($modal['modal']['data']['data']['tables']) {
                foreach ($modal['modal']['data']['data']['tables'] as $table) {
                    $is_featured = checked("true", isset($table['packageFeatured']) ? $table['packageFeatured'] : false, false);
                    $button_json_data = isset($table['button_json_data']) ? $table['button_json_data'] : '';
                    $button_shortcode = isset($table['button_shortcode']) ? $table['button_shortcode'] : '';
                    $columns = '';
                    $t = 0;
                    foreach ($table['packageOptions'] as $detail) {
                        $icon_class = isset($detail['icon_class']) ? $detail['icon_class'] : '';
                        $icon_url = isset($detail['icon_url']) ? $detail['icon_url'] : '';
                        $icon_used = $icon_class != "" || $icon_url != "" ? true : false;
                        $columns .= '
						<div class="new-option new-option-' . $t . '">
							<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" type="text" value="' . $detail['value'] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Enter your option name (i.e. Bandwidth, Traffic, OS)" />
							<div class="elem-icon">
								<div class="icon-holder add-elem-icon-btn" style="font-size:4px !important;" icon-ref="' . $icon_class . '">' . ($icon_class != "" ? '<i class="' . $icon_class . ' fa-4x"></i>' : '') . '</div>
								<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" type="text" size="36" class="add-elem-icon-text" ' . ($icon_url != "" ? "" : 'style="display:none;"') . ' value="' . ($icon_url != "" ? $icon_url : "") . '"/>
								' . (!$icon_used ? '<div class="add-elem-icon-btn btn btn-small">Add Icon</div>' : '<div class="add-elem-icon-btn btn hide">Add Icon</div>') . '
								' . ($icon_used ? '<div class="remove-elem-icon-btn btn btn-small">Remove Icon</div>' : '<div class="remove-elem-icon-btn btn btn-small hide">Remove Icon</div>') . '
                    $tables .= '
						<div class="span2 table-elem">
							<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" type="text" name="package_name" class="pt-package-name" value="' . $table['packageName'] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Enter your package name (i.e. Basic, Platinum, Gold)" />
							<input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" type="text" name="package_detail" class="pt-package-detail" value="' . (isset($table['packageDetail']) ? $table['packageDetail'] : '') . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Enter your package small detail (i.e. Classic Plan)" />
							<div class="set_featured_holder" style="padding:6px 0px 2px;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Set featured package (You can only set one featured package)">
								<label for="set_featured"><input autocomplete="off" autocomplete="off" type="checkbox" value="1" class="set_featured" name="set_featured" ref="' . $id . '" ' . $is_featured . ' /> Set Featured</label>
							<input autocomplete="off" type="text" name="package_time" class="pt-package-time" value="' . $table['packageTime'] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Package\'s time amount (i.e. Monthly, Yearly)" />
							<hr / >
							<input autocomplete="off" type="text" class="price" value="' . $table['packagePrice'] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Enter the price (i.e. $29.9, £18.40)" />
							<hr />
							' . $columns . '
							<hr class="pt-footer" />
							<div class="pricing-table-button" id-ref="' . $total_tables . '">
								<input autocomplete="off" id="button_data_' . $total_tables . '" class="button_json_data" type="hidden" value="' . esc_attr($button_json_data) . '" />
								<input autocomplete="off" id="button_shortcode_' . $total_tables . '" class="button_shortcode" type="hidden" value="' . esc_attr($button_shortcode) . '" />
								<div class="btn btn-small btn-block advanced_details_make_button_modal" id_ref="button_shortcode_' . $total_tables . '" id_data_ref="button_data_' . $total_tables . '"><i class="fa fa-gear"></i> Edit Button</div>
							<hr />
							<div class="button pt-remove-package-button" style="width:100%;" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Delete current package" ref="' . $id . '"><i class="icon-trash"></i> Delete Package</div>
            $return .= '<div id="' . $id . '" class="modal container hide fade" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
							<div class="modal-header">
								<div class="close builder-close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div>
								<h3>Pricing Table</h3>
								<div class="modal-body" data-saved="false">
									<br />
									<div class="pricing-table-modal">
										<div class="pt-demo row-fluid">
											<div class="span2 main-details header-details" style="background-color:#006dcc; color:#fff; border:1px solid #0044cc; border-radius:4px;">
												<h4 style="margin:0.60em 0;">Package Name : </h4>
												<h4 style="margin:0.60em 0;">Package Detail : </h4>
												<h4 style="margin:0.60em 0;">Featured : </h4>
												<h4 style="margin:0.70em 0;">Package Time : </h4>
												<hr />
												<h4 style="margin:0.9em 0;">Price :</h4>
												<hr style="margin-top:0.68em;" />
												<div class="option-name-holder">
												' . $optionNames . '
												<hr />
												<h4 style="margin:0.8em 0;">Button :</h4>
												<h4 style="margin:0.8em 0;">Button Name :</h4>
												<h4 style="margin:0.8em 0;">Button Link :</h4>
												<hr />
												<h4>Add New Option</h4>
												<div class="button pt-add-new-option" ref="' . $id . '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Add a new option field"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> New Option</div>
											' . $tables;
            if ($total_tables < 5) {
                $return .= '<div class="span2 main-details new-package-button-holder" style="background-color:#006dcc; color:#fff; border:1px solid #0044cc; border-radius:4px; text-align:center;">
												<h4>Add New Package</h4>
												<div class="button pt-add-new-package" ref="' . $id . '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Add a new package"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> New Package</div>
												<br />
												<br />
            $return .= '</div>
										<br />
										<hr />
										<h2 style="margin-bottom:0px;">General Settings</h2>
										<div class="pt-general-settings row-fluid">
											<div class="span2">
												<h4>Featured Text</h4>
												<input autocomplete="off" name="featured_text" class="featured_text" type="text" value="' . $featured_text . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Featured text (i.e. Hot!, Featured, Recommended)" />
											<div class="span2">
												<h4>Show Details in Tables</h4>
												<label for="show_details_in_tables"><input autocomplete="off" type="checkbox" value="1" class="show_details_in_tables" name="show_details_in_tables" ref="' . $id . '" ' . $show_details_in_tables . ' /> Activate</label>
										<br />
								<div class="modal-footer row-fluid" style="padding:0px; text-align:left;">
									<div class="span9" style="padding:14px 15px 15px; text-align:left;">
										<div class="btn turnonoff-tooltips">
											<i class="fa fa-gear"></i>
											<span class="tooltipstext">Turn Off Tooltips</span>
									<div class="span3" style="padding:14px 15px 15px; text-align:right;">
										<div class="btn builder-close">Close</div>
										<div class="btn btn-primary pricingtable-save" ref="' . $id . '">Save changes</div>
            //Activate tooltips
            $script = '
			<script type="text/javascript">
            $return .= $script;
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'curvyslider') {
             **	Curvy Slider Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $auto_play = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['autoPlay']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['autoPlay'] : false, false);
            $slider_bottom_divider = isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['slider_bottom_divider']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['slider_bottom_divider'] : '';
            $return .= '
				<div id="' . $id . '" class="modal container hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
					<div class="modal-header">
						<div class="close builder-close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div>
						<h3>Curvy Slider</h3>
					<div class="modal-body" data-saved="false">
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6 curvyslider_list_holder">
								' . curvy_get_slider_list(isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['slider_basic_shortcode']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['slider_basic_shortcode'] : '', $id, false) . '
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Choose Curvy Slider</strong><br/>
								<p>You can choose any of your saved Curvy Sliders.</p>
						<hr />
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<div class="slider_width_holder">
									<select class="slider_bottom_divider" autocomplete="off">
										<option value="" ' . ($slider_bottom_divider === '' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Empty</option>
										<option value="use_border" ' . ($slider_bottom_divider === 'use_border' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Add Border Under Slider</option>
										<option value="use_shadow" ' . ($slider_bottom_divider === 'use_shadow' ? 'selected' : '') . '>Add Shadow Under Slider</option>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Border, Shadow Details</strong><br/>
								<p>You can choose to add border or shadow at the bottom of the slider. If you don\'t want both of them, you can choose "Empty"</p>
						<div class="row-fluid">
							<div class="span6">
								<div class="activate_autoplay_holder">
									<input autocomplete="off" type="checkbox" value="1" class="activate_autoplay" name="activate_autoplay" ' . $auto_play . ' /><label for="activate_autoplay"> Activate Autoplay</label>
							<div class="span6">
								<strong>Auto Play</strong><br/>
								<p>If you check this option, slider will start to play automatically.</p>
					<div class="modal-footer">
						<div class="btn builder-close">Close</div>
						<div class="btn btn-primary curvyslider-save builder-close" ref="' . $id . '">Save changes</div>
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'sidebar') {
             **	Sidebar Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= '
			<div id="' . $id . '" class="modal container hide fade" tabindex="-1"  aria-hidden="true">
				<div class="modal-header">
					<div class="close builder-close"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div>
				<div class="modal-body" data-saved="false">
					<div class="row-fluid">
						<div class="span6 sidebar_list_holder">
							' . rock_builder_get_sidebar_list($modal['modal']['data']['data']['id']) . '
						<div class="span6">
							<strong>Choose a Sidebar</strong><br/>
							<p>You can insert widgets into your sidebars and use these sidebars in your page layout</p>
				<div class="modal-footer">
					<div class="btn builder-close">Close</div>
					<div class="btn btn-primary sidebar-save builder-close" ref="' . $id . '">Save changes</div>
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'toggles') {
             **	Toggles Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $avoid_sidebar = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['avoidSidebar']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['avoidSidebar'] : false, false);
            $toggleType = $modal['modal']['data']['data']['toggleType'];
            $boxed_layout = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['boxed_layout']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['boxed_layout'] : false, false);
            $use_shadow = checked("true", isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['use_shadow']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['use_shadow'] : false, false);
            $open_toggle_index = intval(isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['openToggleIndex']) ? $modal['modal']['data']['data']['openToggleIndex'] : 0);
            $togglesString = '';
            if (isset($modal['modal']['data']['data']['toggles']) && is_array($modal['modal']['data']['data']['toggles'])) {
                foreach ($modal['modal']['data']['data']['toggles'] as $toggle) {
                    $togglesString .= '
						<li class="toggles-block">
							<div class="hide secret-desc" toggle-title="' . $toggle['title'] . '" icon_class="' . $toggle['icon_class'] . '" icon_url="' . $toggle['icon_url'] . '">' . $toggle['text'] . '</div>
							<i class="drag fa fa-move"></i>
							<span class="toggle-name" ref="' . $id . '">' . $toggle['title'] . '</span>
							<i class="close fa fa-times"></i>
            $return .= '<div id="' . $id . '" modalType="toggles" class="modal container hide fade" >
								<div class="modal-header">
									<div class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div>
					  				<h3>Add Toggle</h3>
								<div class="modal-body" data-saved="false">
									<div class="row-fluid">
										<div class="toggles-elements-holder span6">
											<ul class="toggles-list">
												' . $togglesString . '
											<div class="btn btn-small add-new-toggle-btn" ref="' . $id . '"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add</div>
										<div class="span6">
											<strong>Add/Remove Toggles</strong><br/>
											<p>You can easily add remove toggles by clicking to add new button</p>
									<div class="row-fluid">
										<div class="span6">
											<select class="toggle-type" autocomplete="off">
												<option value="single-mode" ' . ($toggleType == "single-mode" ? 'selected' : '') . '>Toggle Single</option>
												<option value="multiple-mode" ' . ($toggleType == "multiple-mode" ? 'selected' : '') . '>Toggle Multiple (Accordion)</option>
										<div class="span6">
											<strong>Choose Toggle Type</strong><br/>
											<p>You can choose multiple mode or single mode. If you choose multiple mode, when a toggle opens, it will close other toggles.</p>
									<div class="row-fluid">
										<div class="span6">
											<div class="open_toggle_index_holder">
												<input autocomplete="off" type="text" value="' . $open_toggle_index . '" class="open_toggle_index" name="open_toggle_index" />
										<div class="span6">
											<strong>Open Toggle Index</strong><br/>
											<p>Index of the toggle will be open. If you want your first toggle to be open enter 0. If you want all toggles to be closed enter -1</p>
									<div class="row-fluid">
										<div class="span6">
											<div class="boxed_layout_holder">
												<input autocomplete="off" class="boxed_layout" type="checkbox" value="true" name="boxed_layout" ' . $boxed_layout . ' /><label for="activate_hover"> Use Boxed Layout</label>
										<div class="span6">
											<strong>Boxed Layout</strong><br/>
											<p>If you want to wrap a boxed layout around this element, check this option.</p>
									<div class="row-fluid">
										<div class="span6">
											<div class="use_shadow_holder">
												<input autocomplete="off" class="use_shadow" type="checkbox" value="true" name="use_shadow" ' . $use_shadow . ' /><label for="activate_hover"> Use Shadow</label>
										<div class="span6">
											<strong>Use Header Shadow</strong><br/>
											<p>This option will activate/deactivate the shadows under the header text.</p>
								<div class="modal-footer">
									<button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button>
									<div class="btn btn-primary toggles-save builder-close">Save changes</div>
            $return .= '
				<script type="text/javascript">
						jQuery("#' . $id . ' .toggles-list" ).sortable({
							handle : "i.drag",
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'tabs') {
             **	Tabs Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_tabs_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'iconictext') {
             **	Iconic Text Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_iconictext_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'button') {
             **	Button Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_button_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'skill') {
             **	Skill Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_skill_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'horizontalrule') {
             **	Horizontal Rule Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_hr_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'portfolio') {
             **	Portfolio Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_portfolio_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'googlemap') {
             **	Google Map Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_googlemap_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'promotionbox') {
             **	Promotion Box Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_promotionbox_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'alertbox') {
             **	Alert Box Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_alertbox_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'referencesbuilder') {
             **	References Builder Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_referencesbuilder_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'testimonialsbuilder') {
             **	Testimonials Builder Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_testimonialsbuilder_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'socialicons') {
             **	Social Icons
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_socialicons_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'teammembers') {
             **	Team Members
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_teammembers_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'beforeafterslider') {
             **	Before After Slider
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_beforeafterslider_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'externalshortcode') {
             **	External Shortcode
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_externalshortcode_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'regularblog') {
             **	Regular Blog
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_regularblog_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'gallery') {
             **	Gallery
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_gallery_modal($modal, $id);
        } elseif ($modal['modal']['descType'] == 'rockformbuilder') {
             **	Rock Form Builder Elem
            $id = explode('-', $modal['id']);
            $id = 'modal-' . $id[1];
            $return .= xr_make_rockformbuilder_modal($modal, $id);
    return $return;
function rock_builder_get_sidebar_list_ajax()