mkdir($dir, 0777); } // Write out all of the attachments and generated files to the local filesystem foreach ((array) $files as $k => $f) { $fullpath = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f["name"]; if ($f["blob"]) { file_put_contents($fullpath, $f["blob"]); } else { if ($f["tmp_name"]) { rename($f["tmp_name"], $fullpath); } } $files[$k]["fullpath"] = $fullpath; } if ($files) { comment::update_mime_parts($commentID, $files); } // Re-email the comment out, including any attachments if (!comment::send_comment($commentID, $emailRecipients, false, $files)) { alloc_error("Email failed to send."); } foreach ((array) $files as $k => $f) { if (file_exists($f["fullpath"])) { unlink($f["fullpath"]); } } rmdir_if_empty($dir); // Re-direct browser back home $TPL["message_good"][] = $message_good; $extra .= "&sbs_link=comments"; alloc_redirect($TPL["url_alloc_" . $_REQUEST["commentMaster"]] . $_REQUEST["commentMaster"] . "ID=" . $_REQUEST["commentMasterID"] . $extra);
function rename_email_attachment_dir($dir) { if ($dir && is_dir($dir)) { $b = basename($dir); $newdir = dirname($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->get_id(); rename($dir, $newdir); rmdir_if_empty($newdir); } }
function convert_email_to_new_task($email_receive, $change_user = false) { global $TPL; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); $orig_current_user =& $current_user; if ($change_user) { inbox::change_current_user($email_receive->mail_headers["from"]); $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); if (is_object($current_user) && method_exists($current_user, "get_id") && $current_user->get_id()) { $personID = $current_user->get_id(); } } $email_receive->save_email(); // Subject line is name, email body is body $task = new task(); $task->set_value("taskName", $email_receive->mail_headers["subject"]); $task->set_value("taskDescription", $email_receive->mail_text); $task->set_value("priority", "3"); $task->set_value("taskTypeID", "Task"); $task->save(); if (!$TPL["message"] && $task->get_id()) { $dir = ATTACHMENTS_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "task" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $task->get_id(); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir); foreach ((array) $email_receive->mimebits as $file) { $fh = fopen($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file["name"], "wb"); fputs($fh, $file["blob"]); fclose($fh); } } rmdir_if_empty(ATTACHMENTS_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "task" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $task->get_id()); $msg = "Created task " . $task->get_task_link(array("prefixTaskID" => true)) . " and moved the email to the task's mail folder."; $mailbox = "INBOX/task" . $task->get_id(); $email_receive->create_mailbox($mailbox) and $msg .= "\nCreated mailbox: " . $mailbox; $email_receive->archive($mailbox) and $msg .= "\nMoved email to " . $mailbox; $msg and $TPL["message_good_no_esc"][] = $msg; list($from_address, $from_name) = parse_email_address($email_receive->mail_headers["from"]); $ip["emailAddress"] = $from_address; $ip["name"] = $from_name; $ip["personID"] = $personID; $ip["entity"] = "task"; $ip["entityID"] = $task->get_id(); interestedParty::add_interested_party($ip); } // Put current_user back to normal $current_user =& $orig_current_user; singleton("current_user", $current_user); }