function Draw_tags($pro_id, $contest_id = 0)
    if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    echo '<table border=0><tr>';
    $query = "select result from user_submit where user_id=" . intval($user_id) . " and pro_id=" . intval($pro_id);
    $ret = oj_query($query);
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($ret);
    if (isset($row[0])) {
        if ($contest_id != 0) {
            $query = "select max(result=1) from submit_status where user_id=" . intval($user_id) . " and pro_id=" . intval($pro_id) . " and contest_id=" . intval($contest_id);
            $ret = oj_query($query);
            $row = mysql_fetch_row($ret);
            if (isset($row[0])) {
                $state = $row[0];
        } else {
            $state = $row[0];
    if (isset($state)) {
        echo '<td>';
        if ($state == 0) {
            Draw_single_tag('Submitted', '#ccccff', '#333377');
        } else {
            Draw_single_tag('Solved', 'red', 'white');
        echo '</td>';
    $query = 'select config_mark.* from user_mark ' . 'inner join config_mark on user_mark.mark_id=config_mark.mark_id ' . " where user_id=" . intval($user_id) . " and pro_id=" . intval($pro_id);
    $ret = oj_query($query);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ret)) {
        echo '<td>';
        $tag_fore_color = rgb_to_html($row['fore_color']);
        $tag_entity = "<a href='search.php?field=tag&text={$row['mark_id']}' style='color:{$tag_fore_color}'>{$row['mark_des']}</a>";
        Draw_single_tag($tag_entity, rgb_to_html($row['back_color']), '');
        echo '</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    Draw_single_tag("<a title='Edit tag' href='addtag.php?pro_id={$pro_id}'>+</a>", '#ccffcc', '');
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr></table>';
        echo '<tr>';
    $now_mark_id = $row['mark_id'];
    $now_tag_count = 0;
    if (isset($tag_count[$now_mark_id])) {
        $now_tag_count = $tag_count[$now_mark_id];
    echo '<td align=center width=20% title="';
    echo $now_tag_count . ' people marked this problem as ' . $row['mark_des'];
    echo '">';
    echo "<input type=checkbox name='new_tag[]' value='{$now_mark_id}' ";
    if (isset($tag_marked[$now_mark_id])) {
        echo 'checked';
    echo '>';
    Draw_single_tag($row['mark_des'] . "({$now_tag_count})", rgb_to_html($row['back_color']), rgb_to_html($row['fore_color']));
    echo '</td>';
    if ($i == 5) {
        echo '</tr>';
        $i = 0;
if ($i != 0) {
    echo '</tr>';
<center><input type=submit value='Update' name='action'></center>