public function getmanage() { $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $departmentId = $_REQUEST['departmentId'] + 0; if (!in_array($type, array('车辆', '人员', '集装箱', '班列', '设备'))) { return_json(true, null, 'targets', array()); } $condition = '1'; $condition .= empty($departmentId) ? '' : " AND `department_id`='{$departmentId}'"; $DB = M(); check_error($DB); if ($type == '车辆') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '车辆' AS `target_type`, `number` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('车辆^', `id`, '^', `number`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `vehicle` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `sequence` ASC"); } else { if ($type == '人员') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '人员' AS `target_type`, `name` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('人员^', `id`, '^', `name`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `employee` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `sequence` ASC"); } else { if ($type == '集装箱') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '集装箱' AS `target_type`, `number` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('集装箱^', `id`, '^', `number`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `container` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `id` ASC"); } else { if ($type == '班列') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '班列' AS `target_type`, `number` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('班列^', `id`, '^', `number`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `train` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `id` ASC"); } else { if ($type == '设备') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '设备' AS `target_type`, `label` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('设备^', `id`, '^', `label`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `device` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `id` ASC"); } } } } } check_error($DB); // Log::write("\n".M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); return_json(true, null, 'targets', $targets); }
/** * allprivilege操作返回所有的权限(即根据系统menu表反查所有权限) */ public function allprivilege() { $Menu = M('Menu'); check_error($Menu); $privileges = $Menu->field(array('id', 'label' => 'privilege', 'id' => 'menu_id', 'level'))->order('`level` ASC')->select(); return_json(true, null, 'privileges', $privileges); }
/** * all操作返回所有被分组信息 */ public function all() { $Department = M('Department'); // $total = $Department->count(); //0号角色是特殊角色,不在显示之列 $Department->order('`sequence` ASC'); // $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; // $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; // if($page && $limit) $Department->limit($limit)->page($page); $departments = $Department->select(); check_error($Department); return_json(true, null, 'departments', $departments); }
public function indepartment() { $departmentId = $_REQUEST['departmentId'] + 0; $condition = empty($departmentId) ? '`department_id`=0 OR `department_id` IS NULL' : "`department_id`='{$departmentId}'"; $User = M('User'); check_error($User); $users = $User->field(array('id', 'username', 'name'))->where($condition)->order('`id` ASC')->select(); check_error($User); // Log::write("\n".M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); foreach ($users as $i => $user) { $users[$i]['name'] = empty($user['name']) ? $user['username'] : $user['name']; } return_json(true, null, 'users', $users); }
function edit_administrator() { $email_in_db = $this->administrator_model->get_email_administrator($this->input->post('id')); if ($email_in_db == $this->input->post('email')) { $this->administrator_model->edit_administrator($this->input->post()); return_json(array('error' => false, 'msg' => $this->lang->line('information_updated'))); } else { if ($this->is_valid_email()) { $this->administrator_model->edit_administrator($this->input->post()); return_json(array('error' => false, 'msg' => $this->lang->line('information_updated'))); } else { return_json(array('error' => true, 'msg' => $this->lang->line('email_registered'))); } } }
/** * cell操作返回指定边界之内的基站 */ public function cell() { $nlat = $_GET['nelat'] + 0; $elng = $_GET['nelng'] + 0; $slat = $_GET['swlat'] + 0; $wlng = $_GET['swlng'] + 0; if (empty($nlat) || empty($elng) || empty($slat) || empty($wlng)) { return_value_json(false, msg, '边界坐标经度或(和)纬度为空'); } $Cell = M('Cell'); check_error($Cell); $cells = $Cell->field(array('id', 'mcc', 'mnc', 'lac', 'cellid', 'gps_lng', 'gps_lat', 'range', 'offset_lng', 'offset_lat', 'address', 'update_time'))->where("`gps_lng`<{$elng} AND `gps_lng`>{$wlng} AND `gps_lat`<{$nlat} AND `gps_lat`>{$slat}")->limit('250')->select(); check_error($Cell); // Log::write("\n".M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); return_json(true, null, 'cells', $cells); }
public function device() { $condition = $this->_parseCondition('device'); $DeviceLog = M('DeviceLog'); check_error($DeviceLog); $total = $DeviceLog->join('`device` on `device`.`id`=`device_log`.`device_id`')->where($condition)->count(); check_error($DeviceLog); $DeviceLog->join('`device` on `device`.`id`=`device_log`.`device_id`')->where($condition)->field('`device_log`.*')->order('`device_log`.`time` ASC, `device_log`.`id` ASC'); $page = $this->_request('page') + 0; $limit = $this->_request('limit') + 0; if ($page && $limit) { $DeviceLog->limit($limit)->page($page); } $logs = $DeviceLog->select(); check_error($DeviceLog); return_json(true, $total, 'logs', $logs); }
/** * indepartment操作分页返回指定分组($_POST['department_id']下的司机 */ public function indepartment() { $dpm_id = $this->_request('department_id') + 0; $Driver = M('Driver'); check_error($Driver); $total = $Driver->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`driver`.`department_id`')->where("`department_id`='{$dpm_id}'")->count(); $Driver->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`driver`.`department_id`')->field(array('`driver`.`id`', '`driver`.`name`', "CONCAT(LPAD(`department`.`sequence`, 4, '0'), `department`.`name`)" => 'seq_department', '`department`.`id`' => 'department_id', '`department`.`name`' => 'department', '`driver`.`sequence`', 'birthdate', 'sex', 'licence_date', '`driver`.`memo`', '`driver`.`id_card`', '`driver`.`license`', 'CEIL((TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(`driver`.`licence_date`))/365)' => 'driving_age'))->where("`department_id`='{$dpm_id}'")->order('`sequence` ASC'); $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; if ($page && $limit) { $Driver->limit($limit)->page($page); } $drivers = $Driver->select(); // Log::write(M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); check_error($Driver); return_json(true, $total, 'drivers', $drivers); }
function index() { if (!file_exists('./uploads/tinymce/')) { mkdir('./uploads/tinymce/', 0777, true); } $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/tinymce/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; $config['max_size'] = 10000; // Maximun size 10mb $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload('file')) { $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); return_json(array('error' => $error)); } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); return_json(array('error' => false, 'path' => base_url() . 'uploads/tinymce/' . $data['upload_data']['file_name'])); } }
/** * all操作分页返回所有的监控设备 */ public function all() { $Device = M('Device'); check_error($Device); $total = $Device->count(); check_error($Device); $Device->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`device`.`department_id`')->join('`location` on `location`.`id`=`device`.`last_location`')->field(array('`device`.`id`', '`device`.`type`', '`device`.`label`', 'interval', 'delay', "CONCAT(LPAD(`department`.`sequence`, 4, '0'), `department`.`name`)" => 'seq_department', '`device`.`department_id`', '`department`.`name`' => 'department', 'weekday0', 'weekday1', 'weekday2', 'weekday3', 'weekday4', 'weekday5', 'weekday6', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'mobile_num', 'bar_id', '`device`.`target_id`', '`device`.`target_type`', '`device`.`target_name`', '`device`.`brand`', '`device`.`model`', '`device`.`system`', '`device`.`buy_date`', '`device`.`memo`', '`location`.`state`', '`location`.`online`'))->order('`department`.`sequence` ASC, `device`.`id`'); // $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; // $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; // if($page && $limit) $Device->limit($limit)->page($page); $devices = $Device->select(); check_error($Device); // Log::write(M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); foreach ($devices as $i => $device) { $devices[$i]['seq_department'] = empty($device['seq_department']) ? '0000未分组的' : $device['seq_department']; } return_json(true, $total, 'devices', $devices); }
function ajax($class, $method) { $parameters = CL_Router::get_instance()->fetch_parameters(); if (!controller_exists($class)) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); exit; } require_once APPPATH . 'controllers/' . $class . '.php'; $controller = new $class(); try { $res = call_user_func_array(array($controller, $method), array_slice($parameters, 2)); } catch (CL_Exception $e) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('type' => 'error', 'data' => array('errstr' => strip_tags($e->get_message()), 'errtype' => ''))); exit; } return_json($res); }
/** * indepartment操作分页返回指定分组($_POST['department_id']下的车辆 */ public function indepartment() { $dpm_id = $this->_request('department_id') + 0; $Vehicle = M('Vehicle'); check_error($Vehicle); $total = $Vehicle->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`vehicle`.`department_id`')->where("`vehicle`.`department_id`='{$dpm_id}'")->count(); check_error($Vehicle); $Vehicle->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`vehicle`.`department_id`')->join('`driver` on `driver`.`id`=`vehicle`.`driver_id`')->field(array('`vehicle`.`id`', '`vehicle`.`number`', "CONCAT(LPAD(`department`.`sequence`, 4, '0'), `department`.`name`)" => 'seq_department', '`vehicle`.`department_id`', '`department`.`name`' => 'department', '`driver`.`id`' => 'driver_id', '`driver`.`name`' => 'driver', '`vehicle`.`sequence`', 'brand', 'model', 'engine', 'displacement', 'vin', 'ein', 'color', 'load', 'buy_date', '`vehicle`.`memo`'))->where("`vehicle`.`department_id`='{$dpm_id}'")->order('`sequence` ASC'); $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; if ($page && $limit) { $Vehicle->limit($limit)->page($page); } $vehicles = $Vehicle->select(); check_error($Vehicle); // Log::write(M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); foreach ($vehicles as $i => $vehicle) { $vehicles[$i]['seq_department'] = empty($vehicle['seq_department']) ? '0000未分组的' : $vehicle['seq_department']; } return_json(true, $total, 'vehicles', $vehicles); }
function save($params, $data) { global $message, $api, $base_path; $title = $params['title']; $bbcode = $params['bbcode']; if (strlen($title) < 3 && strlen($bbcode) < 7) { if ($api) { return_json(array('error' => 'Would not save empty data, sorry')); } else { $message = 'Would not save empty data, sorry'; } return; } if (strlen($title) > 250) { $spacepos = strrpos($title, ' '); $title = substr($title, 0, $spacepos !== false ? $spacepos : 250); } $db = getdb(); if ($data && isset($params['key']) && $data['editid'] == $params['key']) { // update $codeid = $params['id']; $editid = $params['key']; $sql = !$db ? '' : "update " . DB_TABLE . " set updated=now(), title='" . $db->escape_string($title) . "', bbcode='" . $db->escape_string($bbcode) . "' where codeid = '{$codeid}'"; cache_remove($codeid, 'code'); cache_remove(false, 'user'); // yup, now a lot of users can have their libraries updated } else { $editid = generate_id(EDIT_HASH_LENGTH); $tries = 10; do { $codeid = generate_id(HASH_LENGTH); $exists = get_data($codeid) !== false; } while ($exists); $sql = !$db ? '' : "insert into " . DB_TABLE . " (created, updated, codeid, editid, title, bbcode) values(now(), now(), '{$codeid}', '{$editid}', '" . $db->escape_string($title) . "', '" . $db->escape_string($bbcode) . "')"; } if ($db) { $res = $db->query($sql); } else { // put code to cache $assoc = array('editid' => $editid, 'title' => $title, 'bbcode' => $bbcode); cache_put($codeid, 'code', $assoc); $res = true; } if (!$api) { if (!$res) { $message = 'Failed to insert entry in the database: ' . $db->error; } else { header("Location: " . $base_path . "/{$codeid}/{$editid}"); exit; } } else { if (!$res) { return_json(array('error' => 'Failed to insert entry in the database: ' . $db->error)); } else { return_json(array('codeid' => $codeid, 'editid' => $editid, 'viewurl' => $base_path . "/{$codeid}", 'editurl' => $base_path . "/{$codeid}/{$editid}")); } exit; } }
break; } } // If we found a venue let's include it in the EyeEm Photo object params! if (!empty($venueId)) { $eye_params['venueId'] = $venueId; $eye_params['venueServiceName'] = 'foursquare'; } } // Create the EyeEm Photo object $photo = $eyeem->postPhoto($eye_params); // Set topics to this very image // Convert Igers #hashtag to EyeEm topic if (!empty($_REQUEST['topic'])) { $topic = explode(',', $_REQUEST['topic']); foreach ($topic as $t) { $eyeem->request('/photos/' . $photo->id . '/topics', 'POST', array('name' => $t)); } } // Create the igers2eye array to pass back to the ajax caller $mediaList[] = array('id' => $photo->id, 'title' => $photo->title, 'caption' => $photo->caption, 'width' => $photo->width, 'height' => $photo->height, 'thumbUrl' => $photo->thumbUrl, 'photoUrl' => $photo->photoUrl, 'webUrl' => $photo->webUrl, 'venueid' => !empty($venueId) ? $venueId : '', 'latitude' => $photo->latitude, 'longitude' => $photo->longitude, 'topic' => !empty($_REQUEST['topic']) ? $_REQUEST['topic'] : '', 'updated' => $photo->updated, 'instagram_id' => !empty($_REQUEST['igers_id']) ? $_REQUEST['igers_id'] : '', 'timestamp' => $eye_params['timestamp'], 'duplicate' => false); } catch (Exception $e) { exit(return_json(array(), null, 'Troubles uploading photo to EyeEm! ' . $e->getMessage())); } // Remove the now useless uploaded file from my temp folder if (file_exists($targetname)) { unlink($targetname); } } exit(return_json($mediaList, null, null));
/** * 区域班列查询 */ public function inarea() { //先获取到参数 $starttime = $this->_get('starttime'); $endtime = $this->_get('endtime'); $points = json_decode($_GET['area']); if (empty($starttime)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间为空'); } if (strlen($starttime) != 19 || strtotime($starttime) === false) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间格式不正确'); } if (!empty($endtime) && (strlen($endtime) != 19 || strtotime($endtime) === false)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:结束时间格式不正确'); } if (empty($points) || !is_array($points) || count($points) < 2) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:多边形端点数量不够'); } foreach ($points as $index => $point) { $points[$index] = (array) $point; //把对象转成数组 } //首先查询数据库里指定时间内所有的定位信息 $Location = M('Location'); check_error($Location); $condition = array('_string' => " `location`.`time`>='{$starttime}' AND `train`.`number` IS NOT NULL "); if (!empty($endtime)) { $condition['_string'] .= " AND `location`.`time`<='{$endtime}' "; } $Location->join('`device` on `device`.`id`=`location`.`device_id`')->join("`train` on (`train`.`id`=`device`.`target_id` AND `device`.`target_type`='班列')")->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`train`.`department_id`')->field(array('`location`.`id`', '`department`.`id`' => 'department_id', '`department`.`name`' => 'department', '`train`.`id`' => 'train_id', '`train`.`number`', '`train`.`due_date`', '`train`.`due_time`', '`location`.`device_id`', '`device`.`type`', '`device`.`label`', '`location`.`time`', 'state', 'online', '`location`.`address`', 'baidu_lat', 'baidu_lng', 'speed', 'direction', 'mcc', 'mnc', 'lac', 'cellid', '`location`.`range`'))->where($condition)->order('`department`.`sequence`, `train`.`id`, `time` ASC'); //先按班列id,然后按时间顺序 // $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; // $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; // if($page && $limit) $Location->limit($limit)->page($page); //这里不用数据库的分页,而是用我们自己的分页(目前没法分页了) $locations = $Location->select(); check_error($Location); $total = 0; $results = array(); $curTrain = null; //当前在区域内的班列 $alreadyIn = false; //目前是否已经在区域内 $lastLocation = null; foreach ($locations as $location) { $in = Geometry::geoPointInPolygon(array('lat' => $location['baidu_lat'], 'lng' => $location['baidu_lng']), $points); //TODO 考虑当前点与上一个定位点的轨迹线段是否切割多边形? if ($in) { if ($alreadyIn && $curTrain != $location['train_id']) { //已经在区域内,但是现在来了个不同的车(原来的车不知道跑哪里去了,这个车不知道是从哪里来的) //那么我们认为前车的离开点就是他轨迹的最后一个点,并且它现在离开区域了 $lastTrainLocationsCount = count($results[$total - 1]['locations']); if ($lastTrainLocationsCount > 0) { $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $results[$total - 1]['locations'][$lastTrainLocationsCount - 1]['time']; $results[$total - 1]['duration'] = $this->_getFriendlyDurationText($results[$total - 1]['time_in'], $results[$total - 1]['time_out']); $alreadyIn = false; $curTrain = null; } } if (!$alreadyIn && $curTrain === null) { //首次进入 $alreadyIn = true; $curTrain = $location['train_id']; $results[] = array('id' => $location['id'], 'department_id' => $location['department_id'], 'department' => $location['department'], 'train_id' => $location['train_id'], 'number' => $location['number'], 'device_id' => $location['device_id'], 'label' => $location['label'], 'time_in' => $location['time'], 'time_out' => '', 'duration' => '', 'locations' => array(), 'first_isout' => false, 'last_isout' => false); $total++; if ($lastLocation !== null && $lastLocation['train_id'] == $location['train_id']) { $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $lastLocation; $results[$total - 1]['first_isout'] = true; } } $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $location; } else { //出了区域 if ($alreadyIn) { if ($curTrain != $location['train_id']) { //原来的车不知道跑哪里去了 $lastTrainLocationsCount = count($results[$total - 1]['locations']); if ($lastTrainLocationsCount > 0) { $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $results[$total - 1]['locations'][$lastTrainLocationsCount - 1]['time']; } else { //这是不可能的。 $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $location['time']; } } else { //记录班列离开的点 $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $location['time']; $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $location; $results[$total - 1]['last_isout'] = true; } $results[$total - 1]['duration'] = $this->_getFriendlyDurationText($results[$total - 1]['time_in'], $results[$total - 1]['time_out']); $alreadyIn = false; $curTrain = null; } } $lastLocation = $location; } return_json(true, $total, 'results', $results); }
/** * 声音报警 和 窗口报警 * 根据用户的session里的用户id,返回该用户当前应该接收到的报警 * 返回: * array( * 'total': * 'alarms': [{ * 'id': //报警id * 'start_time': * 'msg': * 'sound': * 'window': * 'window_countdown': //窗口剩余次数(包括此次) * }] * ) */ public function alarm() { if (!session('logined')) { return_json(true, 0, 'alarms', array()); } $user = session('user'); // Log::write("\nUSER:"******"SET sql_mode = 'NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION'"); $alarms = $Alarm->join('`rule` ON `rule`.`id`=`alarm`.`rule_id`')->join('INNER JOIN `alarm_receiver` ON `alarm_receiver`.`rule_id`=`alarm`.`rule_id`')->field(array('`alarm`.`id`', '`alarm`.`start_time`', '`alarm`.`msg`', '`rule`.`sound` AND `alarm_receiver`.`sound`' => 'sound', '`rule`.`window` AND `alarm_receiver`.`window` AND (`rule`.`window_repeat`-`alarm`.`window_count`>0)' => 'window', '`rule`.`window_repeat`-`alarm`.`window_count`' => 'window_countdown'))->where("`alarm_receiver`.`receiver_id`='" . $user['userId'] . "' " . "AND `alarm`.`checked`='0' " . "AND ((`alarm_receiver`.`window`='1' AND `rule`.`window`='1' AND (`rule`.`window_repeat`-`alarm`.`window_count`)>0) " . ")")->select(); check_error($Alarm); // Log::write("\n".M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); $ids = array(); foreach ($alarms as $key => $alarm) { $ids[] = $alarm['id']; } if (!empty($ids)) { $Alarm->execute("UPDATE `alarm` SET `last_window`='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', `window_count`=`window_count`+1 " . "WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")"); } return_json(true, null, 'alarms', $alarms); }
function edit_configuration() { $this->configuration_model->edit_configuration($this->input->post()); return_json(array('msg' => $this->lang->line('configuration_updated'))); }
public function location() { $DataImportLocation = M('DataImportLocation1'); check_error($DataImportLocation); $total = $DataImportLocation->count(); $DataImportLocation->order('`id` ASC'); $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; if ($page && $limit) { $DataImportLocation->limit($limit)->page($page); } $locations = $DataImportLocation->select(); return_json(true, $total, 'locations', $locations); }
public function getbyid() { $id = $_REQUEST['id'] + 0; if (empty($id)) { return_value_json(false, "msg", "系统错误:区域id为空或者为0"); } $PathArea = M('PathArea'); check_error($PathArea); $PathArea->join('`point` on `point`.`path_area_id`=`path_area`.`id`')->field(array('`path_area_id`', 'type', 'label', 'memo', 'distance', '`point`.`id`' => 'point_id', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'sequence'))->where("`type`='路径' AND `path_area_id`={$id}")->order('`path_area`.`id` ASC, `sequence` ASC'); $pathsAndPoints = $PathArea->select(); check_error($PathArea); $paths = array(); $curPathId = null; $curPoints = array(); $counter = -1; foreach ($pathsAndPoints as $pathAndPoint) { if ($pathAndPoint['path_area_id'] != $curPathId) { $curPathId = $pathAndPoint['path_area_id']; ++$counter; $paths[$counter] = array('id' => $pathAndPoint['path_area_id'], 'type' => $pathAndPoint['type'], 'label' => $pathAndPoint['label'], 'memo' => $pathAndPoint['memo'], 'distance' => $pathAndPoint['distance']); $paths[$counter]['points'] = array(); } $paths[$counter]['points'][] = array('id' => $pathAndPoint['point_id'], 'path_area_id' => $pathAndPoint['path_area_id'], 'latitude' => $pathAndPoint['latitude'], 'longitude' => $pathAndPoint['longitude'], 'sequence' => $pathAndPoint['sequence']); } $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; if ($page && $limit) { $paths_pages = array_chunk($paths, $limit); $paths = $paths_pages[$page - 1]; } return_json(true, null, 'paths', $paths); }
private function _getTrackings() { $deviceIds = $_GET['deviceIds']; $startTime = $_GET['startTime']; $endTime = $_GET['endTime']; $condition = array(); if (empty($deviceIds)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:设备编号为空'); } $condition['_string'] = "`device`.`id` IN ({$deviceIds}) "; if (empty($startTime)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间为空'); } if (strlen($startTime) != 19) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间格式不正确'); } $startTime = str_ireplace("T", " ", $startTime); if (strtotime($startTime) === false) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间字符串无法解释成时间'); } $condition['_string'] .= " AND `location`.`time`>'{$startTime}' "; if (!empty($endTime)) { if (strlen($endTime) != 19) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:结束时间格式不正确,可以不填写结束时间,如果填写,请填写正确的时间'); } $endTime = str_ireplace("T", " ", $endTime); if (strtotime($endTime) === false) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:结束时间字符串无法解释成时间,可以不填写结束时间,如果填写,请填写正确的时间'); } $condition['_string'] .= " AND `location`.`time`<'{$endTime}'"; } $Device = M('Device'); check_error($Device); $devicetrackings = $Device->join("`vehicle` on (`vehicle`.`id`=`device`.`target_id` AND `device`.`target_type`='车辆')")->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`vehicle`.`department_id`')->join('`driver` on `driver`.`id`=`vehicle`.`driver_id`')->join('`location` on `location`.`device_id`=`device`.`id`')->field(array('`device`.`id`', '`device`.`type`', '`device`.`label`', 'interval', 'delay', '`device`.`mobile_num`', '`device`.`target_type`', '`device`.`target_id`', '`device`.`target_name`', '`vehicle`.`department_id`', '`department`.`name`' => 'department', '`driver`.`id`' => 'driver_id', '`driver`.`name`' => 'driver', '`vehicle`.`id`' => 'vehicle_id', '`vehicle`.`number`', 'last_location', '`location`.`id`' => 'location_id', '`location`.`time`', 'state', 'online', 'baidu_lat', 'baidu_lng', 'speed', 'direction', '`location`.`address`', 'mcc', 'mnc', 'lac', 'cellid', '`location`.`range`'))->where($condition)->order('`device`.`id` ASC, `location`.`time` ASC')->select(); check_error($Device); // Log::write("\n".M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); $this->_fixNullOnline($devicetrackings); $trackings = $this->_parseTrackingsData($devicetrackings); return_json(true, null, 'trackings', $trackings); }
function response($request) { global $smtp_config; parse_str($request, $request); $response = new stdClass(); $action = getSafe($request, 'action', 'page'); $news_file = 'server_data/news.json'; $news = file_get_contents($news_file); $news = json_decode($news); $images = file_get_contents('server_data/images.json'); $images = json_decode($images); $tariffs = file_get_contents('server_data/tariffs.json'); $tariffs = json_decode($tariffs); if (!$news || !$images) { $response->type = 'error'; $response->message = 'Server files errors!'; return_json($response); } $NPP = 6; // news per page $NN = count($news->news); // news number switch ($action) { case 'tariffs': $ttype = getSafe($request, 'ttype', false); $response->type = 'success'; $response->data = new stdClass(); if (!$ttype) { $response->data->tariffs = $tariffs->tariffs; } else { $response->data->tariffs = $tariffs->tariffs->{$ttype}; } break; case 'captcha': $request = $_POST; $reset = getSafe($request, 'reset', false); $captcha = getSafe($request, 'captcha'); session_start(); if ($reset) { session_destroy(); $response->type = 'success'; } else { if ($_SESSION['code'] == $captcha) { $response->type = 'success'; } else { $response->type = 'error'; } $response->code = $_SESSION['code']; } break; case 'mail': $request = $_POST; $subject = 'Сообщение с сайта УНИКО'; $message = getSafe($request, 'message'); $headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" . "Content-Type: text; charset=utf-8"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = $smtp_config['host']; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Port = $smtp_config['port']; $mail->Username = $smtp_config['username']; $mail->Password = $smtp_config['password']; $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->SetFrom(FROM_MAIL, 'Унико'); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->isHtml(false); $mail->Body = $message; $addresses = explode(' ', UNICO_MAIL); foreach ($addresses as $address) { $mail->AddAddress($address); } if ($mail->Send()) { $response->type = 'success'; } else { $response->type = 'error'; } break; case 'igroups': $response->type = 'success'; $response->data = new stdClass(); $response->data->groups = $images->groups; break; case 'images': $group = getSafe($request, 'g'); if ($group) { foreach ($images->groups as $i) { if ($i->id == $group) { $group = $i; break; } } } $response->type = 'success'; $response->data = new stdClass(); $images_output = array(); foreach ($images->images as $i) { if (is_object($group)) { if (!in_array($i->id, $group->images)) { continue; } } $i->image = GALLERY_PATH . '/' . $i->image; $images_output[] = $i; } $response->data->images = $images_output; break; case 'groups': $response->type = 'success'; $response->data = new stdClass(); $response->data->groups = $news->groups; break; case 'hot': $response->type = 'success'; $response->data = new stdClass(); $response->data->hots = $news->hots; break; case 'item': $current_item = $request['n']; $response->type = 'success'; $response->data = new stdClass(); foreach ($news->news as $item) { if ($item->id == $current_item) { $current_item = $item; break; } } if (empty($current_item)) { $current_item = $news->news[0]; } $current_item->text = implode(' ', $current_item->text); $current_item->url = 'action=page'; $response->data->news = array($current_item); break; case 'index': $news_output = array(); foreach ($news->index as $id) { foreach ($news->news as $n) { if ($n->id == $id) { $n->text = implode(' ', $n->text); if (strlen($n->text) > 300) { $n->text = mb_substr($n->text, 0, 300, 'utf8') . "..."; } $n->url = "news.php?action=item&n={$id}"; $news_output[] = $n; break; } } } $response->type = 'success'; $response->data = new stdClass(); $response->data->news = $news_output; break; case 'news_all': $response->data = $news; $response->file = $news_file; break; case 'page': $current_page = getSafe($request, 'n', 1); $search = getSafe($request, 's'); $group = getSafe($request, 'g'); if ($group) { foreach ($news->groups as $n) { if ($n->id == $group) { $group = $n; break; } } } $response->type = 'success'; $response->data = new stdClass(); $news_output = array(); foreach ($news->news as $n) { $n->text = implode(' ', $n->text); if ($search) { if (strpos($n->title, $search) === false && strpos($n->text, $search) === false) { continue; } } else { if (is_object($group)) { if (!in_array($n->id, $group->news)) { continue; } } } if (strlen($n->text) > 300) { $n->text = mb_substr($n->text, 0, 300, 'utf8') . "..."; } $n->url = 'action=item&n=' . $n->id; $news_output[] = $n; } $response->data->current_page = $current_page; $response->data->pages = ceil(count($news_output) / $NPP); usort($news_output, "cmp"); $news_output = array_slice($news_output, ($current_page - 1) * $NPP, $NPP); $response->data->news = $news_output; break; default: $response->type = 'error'; $response->message = 'There is no such action'; break; } return_json($response); return $response; }
/** * Index method * * @access public * @param void * @return void */ public function index() { $result['error'] = __("No results found!"); return_json($result); exit; }
function recover_password() { $data['email'] = $this->input->post('email'); $data['hash'] = urlencode(substr(base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes('30')), 0, 22)); $data['hash'] = strtr($data['hash'], array('+' => '.', '/' => '.', '%' => '.')); $user = $this->auth_model->get_user_by_email($data['email']); if ($user) { $data['id'] = $user->id; $data['name'] = $user->name; $this->auth_model->recover_password($data['email'], $data['hash']); $this->load->library('email', config_mail()); $this->email->set_mailtype("html"); $this->email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Auto Forms'); $this->email->to($data['email']); $this->email->subject('Reset password - Auto_Foms'); $this->email->message($this->load->view('mail/recover_password', $data, true)); $this->email->send(); return_json(array('error' => false, 'msg' => $this->lang->line('send_recover_email'))); } else { return_json(array('error' => true, 'msg' => $this->lang->line('email_not_registered'))); } }
public function alltest() { $sealtests = session('sealtests'); if (empty($sealtests)) { $sealtests = array('sealtests' => array()); } return_json(true, null, 'sealtests', $sealtests['sealtests']); }
function authentication_forgot() { global $mysqli; $out = array(); $email = @$_POST['email']; $new_password = @$_POST['password']; // see if there is an entry with that email $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, email, display_name FROM users WHERE email = ?"); $stmt->bind_param("s", $email); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->store_result(); if ($stmt->num_rows == 1) { $stmt->bind_result($user_id, $email, $display_name); $stmt->fetch(); // if there is set the MD5 of the new password $password_hash = md5($new_password); $validation_token = authentication_generate_access_token(); $stmt2 = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE users SET validation_token = ?, password_new = ? WHERE `id` = ?"); $stmt2->bind_param('ssi', $validation_token, $password_hash, $user_id); $stmt2->execute(); // send an email to ask for email validation again. $activate_password_link = get_server_uri() . 'activate_password.php?t=' . $validation_token; ob_start(); include '../email_templates/new_password.php'; $body = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); enqueue_email('new_password', $email, $display_name, 'Ten Breaths Map: New Password', $body); $out['success'] = true; } else { $out['success'] = false; } return_json($out); }
function search_tweets($query, $itr = 0, $find_cards = FALSE, $realtime = TRUE) { $search = 'search'; $return = scrape_spit($query, $search, $find_cards, $itr, $realtime); return return_json($return); }
function delete_task() { $this->task_model->delete_task($this->input->post('id')); return_json(array('msg' => $this->lang->line('task_deleted'))); }
function delete_file() { $this->administrable_table_model->delete_files_gallery($this->input->post('id')); return_json(array('msg' => $this->lang->line('file_deleted'))); }
} // Latitude & Longitude $location['lat'] = $photo->getLocation()->getLat(); $location['lon'] = $photo->getLocation()->getLng(); // Location Name if ($photo->getLocation()->getName()) { $location['name'] = $photo->getLocation()->getName(); } } $caption = $photo->getCaption(); $currentMedia = array('id' => $photo->getId(), 'caption' => !empty($caption) ? $photo->getCaption()->getText() : '', 'tags' => $photo->getTags()->toArray(), 'location' => $location, 'link' => $photo->getLink(), 'image' => array('ico' => $photo->getThumbnail(), 'low' => $photo->getLowRes(), 'std' => $photo->getStandardRes()), 'created' => $photo->getCreatedTime()); if (DEBUG) { // In DEBUG mode save the user ID in the media attributes $currentMedia['userid'] = !empty($userId) ? $userId : '00000000'; } $mediaList[] = $currentMedia; } // Get Next pagination Id $max_id = $media->getNextMaxId(); } catch (\Instagram\Core\ApiException $e) { $error = $_POST['error_message']; } } catch (\Instagram\Core\ApiException $e) { if ($e->getType() == $e::TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED) { exit(return_json(array(), null, 'This user is PRIVATE and media cannot be accessed!')); } else { throw $e; } } exit(return_json($mediaList, $max_id, $error));
public function get_shops() { $this->load->model('admin/shop_model', 'm', TRUE); $shops = $this->m->get_shops(); return_json($shops); }